Mystery School: Synchronicity

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Synchronicity
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Next Episode: Mystery School: Consciousness
Hi everyone, and welcome to
another mystery school edition.
I'm Jacob Cox, your host,
and tonight's episode is about synchronicity.
So I hope you guys are excited about that
as I am something I'm definitely, um,
experiencing more often now
and been experiencing for a while.
And I want to share that magical gift with all of you
because I feel like the world is gonna be a whole lot better
place if more people are
experiencing synchronicities in their lives.
It has to be because it's such a cool thing,
and it's such a fun thing to feel a part of,
that you're not alone in this universe.
That, that the universe, that God, angels, spirit guides
your ancestors, grandparents, and they're all with you,
and they're all and cheering you on to wake up,
and they want to connect.
They want to help you out as much as possible.
Um, we have to let 'em in.
We have to allow them to help us out.
And we have to realize we're not doing
this thing all by ourselves.
We're not alone. And by speaking to them, praying with them,
asking the universe to show us those signs
and breadcrumbs, we definitely will have more synchronicity.
So let's go ahead and get started with our topic tonight.
The word synchronicity comes from the word sink in Kronos.
So sync means union or time,
or sorry, sync means union or like together,
and Kronos means time.
So synchronicity is union
of two things happening together at the same time.
Funnily, funny, funny, funny enough,
the word coincidence literally means co coincidence,
various incidences happening together.
Although when people say that word, it just means
that things happen together.
Random things just happen together for no reason.
That's, that's just how things happen.
Um, I think that's obviously a ni
naive way to think about it
and that things are just randomly happening,
but people do, they think the the universe is just randomly
exploding and things are just falling in line together.
But it just, it just doesn't really happen that way.
There is an award to everything. There is, um, a blueprint.
There is Fibonacci sequences and golden ratios,
and so there's literally blue blueprints
to how creation works.
The toal field that goes around our body, around the earth,
how stars move through the galaxy.
There are obvious patterns and stuff that happens.
So we know things aren't random.
We know that there is design in the universe,
there's design in our bodies
that everything has this golden ratio
and the spiral of life in it.
So it's, you know, it, it does seem a little naive
to thinking coincidences,
but honestly, if we start to look at it
and pay attention and,
and listen to those little nudges, we're gonna know 100%
that the universe is speaking to us.
Albert Einstein said, the coincidence is God's way
of remaining anonymous.
And I, I love that
because I think most people want God
to come talk to you in like your own language
and your own voice, sit down in front of you and,
and feel like you're gonna have a conversation with.
Then I know God exists because I saw that, that being,
and I talked to them, and there's no doubt in my mind,
but like, to me, that's almost boring.
You know what I mean? Like, I like the mystery.
I love the fact that it's hidden in these events and people
and situations and circumstances,
and it's just the way,
it's almost like the universe just winking at you, you know,
winking at us and just nudging at us to wake up.
And if you don't listen to those nudges,
eventually they turn into sledgehammer blows from the
universe, which can be hard,
but at the end of the day, they are for your growth as well.
In fact, oftentimes when you get those sledgehammer blows,
you know, from relationship ending
or a job ending, getting fired or something,
and you think it's the end of the world, you know
how many people look back
and say, man, that was like the best thing
that ever happened to me to get out of that environment,
to move on to the next thing.
I wouldn't have done it had I not got fired.
Um, had I not, um, you know, I would've suffered with
that same, same person
for a long time had they not ended it on me.
And although I was super sad
and at the time, man, that was the best thing
that ever happened to me, and I've had a few of those, um,
situations happen over myself as too, so I can verify that.
But, um, I love that it is that he said that
that coincidence is God's way of being anonymous.
Uh, I think the mystery is really, honestly one
of the greatest things that we can experience in this life.
Um, it's just so, it's so fun, it's so sneaky,
and, um, you feel like you're part
of some club, you know, really honestly.
And I think that's why, why secret societies
are try to remain so secret.
It's kind of fun to have this thing
that other people don't know about,
but we want other people to know about this.
We want other people to understand synchronicity
and, um, how to follow 'em.
So, you know, to me, I, I wanna share this thing
and not be like a secret club.
I want everybody to know about it.
So the difference then is discovering
that it does have meaning, you know, synchronicity and,
and these coincidences have meaning
and they mean something to us,
and they can mean a lot to us and help us with our growth.
So they're obviously happening all the time,
and we are aware and if, if we're aware enough to see them
and put them together and understand the
universe is communicating with us.
So I think a lot of times the synchronicities are happening,
but we're so unaware, we're so stressed out, we're so, um,
into our egos about what we look like
and who's gonna be at this place,
and are they gonna notice I'm wearing the same shirt
as yesterday and whatever it is, um,
we're missing out on these the really this
magical underlying of the reality
that other people are experiencing, but we're not,
because we're not aware of it, we're not seeing it.
And so, you know, that's why people
do think it's just coincidence.
Like, what else could it be other than just two things
happening or something that happened like almost the same
way, or the same word or whatever.
People are so unaware that they are connected
to the universe, that God and the universe or one,
and that they don't even get it.
They don't even see there
or think that somebody could be talking to me
or, uh, universe could be communicating with me.
So, um, just do a little history
before we talk about the good stuff.
But obviously the godfather
of synchronicity in modern times is Carl Jung.
Love it. cj.
Um, I, there's so many things about this guy in particular
that I love.
Uh, I think honestly is probably the reason why I have a
psychology major to begin with.
Just as far as like going to school in general, um,
just going to school in general.
I, there's a lot of things that I tried in college
and everything else that didn't, um, didn't pan out for me
that I wasn't really excited about.
And, you know, hearing about Carl Yung,
I actually got into psychology and took intro to psychology,
and, and that's when I heard one of the first things
that was said was, um, that the teacher said was, you know,
jealousy is something that you put into somebody else's
brain based on what you would do and what you think.
And I was like, oh my God, it's probably one
of the smartest things I've heard since I've been going
to any schools or any classes.
So I stuck with that, and I was like,
I really have always had a big, um, love for knowledge,
why people think the way they think,
why we think the way we think, uh,
why they're thinking and what they think.
And, uh, I've just really been, um,
really in love with calling him for a long time.
And like I said, so he's probably the reason why I really
even did, um,
psychology major in high in, uh, in college.
So, but anyways, about a hundred years ago,
he brought this understanding back to us.
So I don't think it's something that he discovered.
I don't think he has the rights to it
or can put a patent on it.
He's just rediscovering something
that we already know about, something
that other people have talked about and written books about.
And this guy, um, you know, gave us, gave us that,
that rediscovery back
and say, Hey guys, I wanna bring this,
this subject back to us.
And I love him for that.
And, um, he said about synchronicity
that it is an ever present reality for those
who have eyes to see.
And that even when I, when I read
that quote over again here recently,
in the past couple weeks, I was like, the first thing
that made me think of is, you know,
I feel like Jesus talking to me
and Jesus is telling all his parables,
and he says, he who has ears, let 'em hear who he has eyes.
Let 'em see, you know, and it's like even if we have eyes,
we don't really see what's going on, even if we have ears,
we don't really hear what people are saying sometimes,
and the depth of what people are saying.
And it makes so much sense that
synchronicity is everywhere it is ever present.
It's everywhere that we look, it's all happening
to us all the time, but we're not seeing it.
And we're not realizing why these seemingly positive
or negative things are happening to us.
And if we could only see it and realize it
and start to understand why are these things coming to me?
Why is it that the same person keeps coming to me,
or the same idea keeps coming to me?
And instead of saying, maybe someone is trying
to show me something, uh, if we can ever just get a,
get ourselves out of the way
and say, you know, I'm gonna go check this out.
I'm gonna go down that road, I'm gonna check out that book
or those symbols, or whatever,
something really incredible beyond that door
that could change your life
and open up, uh, a reality
that you didn't even know existed.
So I dare you guys to, to go, to go deeper and to look.
And one of the, uh, my favorite things
that he said in an interview in his life later in life,
Carl Jung was asked, when you were a kid,
did you believe in God?
And immediately he said, oh, yes.
And then the interviewer asked him,
does he believe in God now?
And he stopped and he hesitated,
and he thought for a second, and he said,
and that's a difficult question.
And I thought, you know,
when I was first watching that, I was like, whatcha talking about?
You just said yes as a kid?
And then he says, I know, I know.
You know, he is like Swiss, I know, I know God exists now.
And that's so in incredible.
Like, I don't believe God exists.
I know God exists because it talks to me,
because it, it, it gives me the breadcrumbs, it gives me
signs, it gives me understanding
and a path that I can now follow
because I'm aware enough to say, oh my God,
the universe does love me.
God does love me, cares about me.
It didn't just throw me out here to the wolves
and to the world without any
knowledge or wisdom or understanding.
It's got my back the whole time.
It's had my back the whole time,
the whole time I've been here.
And I just didn't even see it.
I didn't even know it reminds you of that quote one
that said, you know, the footprints
quote with Jesus or whatever.
And it says, you know,
I saw your feet pinch walking next to mine.
And, and it says, well, what happened when there was only
one pair of footprints in Christ?
Said, that's when I carried you.
You know, that's when I was with you.
And you weren't even there. Like, man,
God's always with us, man.
Christ, Buddha, Krishna, whatever you wanna call it,
the universe, it's always with you.
It never is gonna leave us all, ever. We're never alone.
And so I feel like that makes me feel so much hope.
That's why synchronicity is such a beautiful thing to share.
It changes your life
and lets you know how important you really are.
And maybe you don't even really ever realize
how important you really are.
But I, I know that I'm loved beyond
probably my wildest dreams more than I can imagine.
But I think that's cool. He said,
I don't believe that God exists.
Now I know that it God exists. So that was our history.
So now to the science of this thing, of the,
of synchronicity, is there science behind?
I think absolutely 100%, yes.
Quantum physics, non-locality, non-locality, basically
that particles can influence each other
without apparently being connected.
Meaning what, what happens over here
affects this particle over here.
And we don't even know why, but we know that it works.
And we know that it's true. We know that it's something
that can be studied over and over again.
And quantum entanglement,
that two particles being entangled, the state
of one instantaneously influences the state of the other,
no matter the distance faster than the speed of light.
Cosmic harmony transcends space and time.
So when two particles become entangled together,
and I feel like this is like you
and me, it's relationships that you had, it's friends
that you made, it's enemies that you had too.
And once you guys are bound by some kind of cosmic law,
some kind of ethereal cords, I feel like they're people
that I dated decades ago, that if they become sad enough,
if something happens to them bad enough, that I almost,
that I can feel it.
I don't know if you guys ever had that feeling, but like, so
and so sad, I need to call 'em, I need to talk to 'em.
There's something going on and something has happened,
and it really, and you were right.
Um, I do believe that once we become entangled with us,
you know, people, that that's when we can have
telepathy with them easier.
We can feel their feelings sometimes we can feel,
you know, feel their thoughts.
And so, and that's, that's literally simultaneously,
you know, it's not something that takes time to get there,
this thing, it's saying that quantum entanglement is
literally faster than the speed of light.
That somehow really, everything is all connected.
So it's, it's crazy
to think that these are western science today
that is basically saying the same thing
as these eastern religions, these eastern philosophies,
and that if we just learned how to marry
these things together, you know,
almost like we marry our left and our right brains together,
and then we have a deeper understanding
of why these things happen
and how can I understand them better for our, for my growth
and your growth and our growth, if we can see these things,
why they're playing out, we can understand
some order to our life.
And I feel like that that in itself has
to give you some peace, has to give you, not necessarily
that fate is, is what's going on.
Like, everything's pre-planned out.
Maybe if you don't wake up, the everything is fate.
But to me, if you wake up in your life,
then you become the creator of all of it.
So to me, it's not like everything is then at
that point gonna be planned out and ready to go and done.
Um, I think that is possible almost for,
you know, people who don't wake up.
But when we wake up game over, man, we,
we take control of this reality.
We take control of our experience, the,
and everything that's going on in it.
So synchronicity can be fun, little nudges,
or it can be those sledgehammer blows
that I was telling you about, but both our free of growth.
Um, you know, it can be little nice little fun little
things that happen to you.
Um, understandings, feelings, thoughts, uh,
or it could be really big things, you know,
relationship breakups or, um, getting fired from that job.
Like I was saying earlier, those things seem to be hard.
And most people when they talk about synchronicity,
they don't wanna say, you know, the, the,
these negative things were synchronicity.
But to me, realizing
that I could be in heaven on earth came from the fact
that I was living hell on earth.
And that if I was powerful enough to create my own hell,
and I had to be responsible for that, like,
I'm living in Atlanta, I'm dating the same person over
and over and over again.
Um, I'm not happy. I feel miserable.
I don't feel like I'm doing enough, um, if I can, and I'm,
and I'm depressed, you know, I'm super depressed.
If I am powerful
and I'm praying in my apartment at one day, one night,
I'm like, and this is the message I got.
If I'm powerful enough to create this hell that I'm in,
this misery that I'm in, that I must be responsible for,
then, then therefore, I must be powerful
enough to create heaven on earth too.
That that must be something that's here And now.
Because I realize, realized at that moment, even if I went
to heaven and I was that depressed, and I was that angry,
and I was that, um, incomplete,
how could I even ever experience it?
How could I walk streets of gold and,
and be happy in this beautiful place?
Because this, I'm in the world now
and the world's beautiful, and there's beautiful people
and there's beautiful things to go do.
I'm miserable already. So just
because you turn up the channel a little bit
doesn't mean I'm gonna be any happier.
I'm still miserable in here.
Um, but once I realized that, okay, I am powerful enough
to create this, then it's like, oh man, game over.
Well, why not stop doing the things you're doing
and start changing yourself and be a better person.
And then, you know, hopefully then
you take responsibility for all this.
Nobody else is responsible for misery. Just me.
Once I do that, man, bam, game over.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna win, win, win.
I'm gonna have fun, fun, fun, and love it, you know?
And that's exactly what happened for me at least.
Um, not right away, but it took practice
and it took, you know, real dedication to changing my life.
And, and I, I mean, we'll talk more about it later,
but I can't believe, um,
how much more harmonious my life seems now than it did,
you know, 10 or 15 or 20 years ago.
So it's a un So synchronicity
to me is like a universal language that we can,
that can apply to everyone.
So it's like God doesn't need to sit down
to every language and talk to every single person.
No, it's this universal language of events, circumstances,
ideas, symbols, archetypes that come into your life
that would happen everywhere.
And it's also like, not just the universe,
but when I say the universe,
I mean everything that's in it too.
So like, your guides, your angels,
and I think they want to engage with us.
They want to help us, but we are sowing our minds
and sowing our own thoughts.
So we, we forget, hey, you know, grandma
and grandpa, the spirit guides, angels, ancestors,
help me out on this.
Gimme some guidance, gimme some breadcrumbs.
Um, help me see the things I'm not seeing.
You know, we need to invite them in
and ask, ask them to show us the way, um, so we can have,
they can have more involvement.
Because I, I do feel like sometimes I forget myself,
but I, when I go back and say, you know what, grandma
and grandpa, ancestors like, help me out on this one.
Show me a sign, gimme something, you know, gimme that piece
and understanding that I need, so that I'm not
so stressed out about this thing.
Uh, I'm not worried about this situation.
I know you guys got my back.
I know that the universe has some plan better
than I can possibly imagine.
And it always is. So
I think the problem with most of us, maybe not in most, many
of us, we'll say many of us, is that we think there's no way
God's speaking to me, that
the universe isn't speaking to me.
We've been programmed from the get go to think that
'cause we don't have a million dollars and we don't play
basketball or baseball or football or something,
and we're not on tv,
we're not as important as somebody else.
So why the heck would the universe talk to me?
Why would God wanna talk to me?
But I'm gonna ask you guys right now, why not you?
Why, why did you take Moses with a speech impediment
and help him, you know, free the people you know, why
does God pick certain people?
You know, it's 'cause some people are ready.
Some people are listening, some people are
dare to know who they really are and are ready for that.
And some people just don't believe in themselves.
And that's all. I think that's the only difference.
We're all made of the same stuff.
We got the same brains and the same hearts.
Some people just learn to use 'em more
and learn to listen to those little nudges, listen to
that inner voice and that guidance.
And when you start listening to that little voice,
it becomes a big voice and it becomes much more clear.
And it's just like practicing anything, practicing yoga,
working out, whatever.
You get better at it as you do it.
And it, it gets to be easier
and easier so you don't have to second guess it.
So this is the underlying order of the universe that
subscribes to no religion, but it's universal law.
So no matter what planet we live on the same circumstances,
events, situations
and archetypes are gonna come into your life.
You can't, you can't move to another state
or move to another country
or try to go try to date somebody else.
The same things are gonna persist no matter where you go,
no matter who you date, no matter what job you get into.
Um, you know, had people listen to people talk
and say, man, this happened at this job again,
it's happened at this job.
I got this job. And the same thing, same kind
of people are looking down on me.
And it's like, dude, you could, it doesn't matter
what job you, you're gonna have the same situation happen,
it's you, it's not them.
Um, and if you can realize that the universe is the mirror
for you to realize that if you steal,
you're gonna be stolen from, if you
hurt people, you're gonna be hurt.
If you lie, you're gonna be lied to.
'cause you have to be,
what you put out is what you give back.
If you smile, the mirror has no option but to smile back.
If you're angry in it and you look mad, you
that mirror's gonna look mad at you.
You know, you take from it, it's gonna take from you.
It has to, that's how it works.
And that's how you wake up and realize what I've done
to the mirror, to the universe is what's happened to me.
And that's that toal field. What I put out is
what I get back, plain and simple.
So, you know, if we really start to realize that, that
what we are putting back is what we're getting back,
what we're putting out is what we're getting back, man,
it really can change your life in game over.
Like what we're gonna experience, what's gonna come to us,
how life is gonna be, how people are gonna listen
to me, you know?
And how we love you ourselves is the direct
line that we show people.
How you, how you treat me, how I treat myself,
how I have respect for myself, how I have discipline.
You know, that's what's gonna show people, oh wow, this guy,
you know, he's got it together.
He has his discipline, he has, um, self-respect.
And if I don't respect him, he is not gonna talk to me.
Um, it's not, woe is me.
Everyone should talk to me a certain way
and they're gonna talk to you the way you talk to yourself.
If you bully yourself, people are gonna bully you.
So these is, these are universal laws I believe
that we're talking about, um,
that many people will talk about.
And you hear in the Bible and Hermeticism and different,
and Buddhists, um,
and it's throughout history,
we find these same things back and forth.
So when we start to understand there are laws
and how we interact
with the universe is how it interacts with us.
We realize a great deal about our lives
and what's manifesting for us.
So that makes us really realize in the end
that the universe isn't this linear thing.
It's not this linear progression from here to there.
And that's all that is, you know, like the past
and the future are now as well.
And I believe that the universe
is in itself is a living being, um, and that it's expanding
and contracting just as we are.
I'm breathing so my lungs are breathing, expanding out,
and as I breathe, breathe back in it, it goes in,
um, or breathe in and it expands
and I blow out and it contracts.
So I'm this living being who's expanding and, and breathing
and I believe the universe and,
and some of the science that we're seeing now is sewing
that the universe is expanding at the same time contracting.
Um, I believe that it's a living, breathing v being
that's aware of itself as much as we are.
And the universe, a galaxy,
they're all double helix by wave patterns.
And um, so is our DNA.
So we're just a microcosm of the macrocosm,
but it makes you realize that it's this
eternalness of, of forever, you know, of eternity.
And we are a part of that eternalness.
We are an idea of the universe just
as fleeting as our own ideas.
You know, this body that we're in, um,
50, 60, 70, 80 years.
It's gone. It's completely gone.
And that conscious that you are is gone.
And, you know,
to be present right here in this moment is so important.
You know, I, I've only lived a couple 42 years in my life
and it just, just like that, bam, 42 years, here it is.
And I, and I'm trying to stay present as much
as possible for the next 42.
Um, so that I can take in all, I can take in
and be present in, in this beautiful present
that I've been able to receive from the universe.
Um, and I feel like most
of you guys watching tonight are thinking that same thing.
Like, man, it goes by quick, better stay present better,
stay grounded, um,
or it's all gonna pass us
by faster than we could possibly imagine.
So synchronicity really is where we pierce the veil
in reality into that right now,
the universe is timeless and everything is connected.
So when we have those synchronicities
where something happens over here, something is said to us
and then, you know, maybe it's the same day,
maybe it's weeks later or months later,
someone says the exact same thing
that somebody else said to you.
Um, or me. I was dating a girl.
And then a couple months later, uh, dating another girl
standing in the same place in the same positions,
the second girl said to me the same thing the first one did.
And I was like, what a moment.
You know, it just blew me away
that it was like this deja vu moment on top
of the same things being said.
And it made me realize, you know,
that something was really going on here.
Um, something was really happening, that
I was gonna continue dating the same people,
whether they look the same, have the same backgrounds, have,
you know, different cultures, whatever.
It was gonna be the same kind of archetypes over
and over again until I changed myself.
'cause I was emitting a frequency
that brought people in like a magnet.
So we're really like a microcosm, synced to the macrocosm.
And what happens in the cosmos happens to us.
And that's why astrology is, you know,
so amazing to even think about.
Like it really is true.
Um, things that are happening out there is happening to us
that like an explosion
of a nebula being created or you know, a star burning out.
Those things are happening in the universe,
but it's happening to us too.
There's people, there's stars, you know,
they even call celebrity stars,
but we're little walking around stars on this planet
and you know, stars go out and they die
and there's explosions.
And that explosion in your life can be your car exploding,
had that happen before too.
Um, or it could be your consciousness expanding
and exploding or new ideas
and circumstances happening for you
and expanding and exploding.
And it's like those things are gonna happen regardless.
How are you gonna tilt that one way
or the other to work for you?
And you have to believe at some point
that all this stuff is happening for you and not to you.
I think that's the most important.
When we start to think that everything is happening to us,
that we're unlucky, that bad things are happening,
when it rains, it pours.
Those are laws and ideas that can create more of that.
You stub your toe and you're angry
and you're mad, you get stuck on it.
And then after that, you just have the worst day ever
sometimes 'cause you've gotten angry and emotional
and married those together and created a whole day of crap.
And that in itself is still synchronicity.
It's a synchronized day
where everything bad happened to you.
And that's, you know, I laugh,
but it, it can has happened to me.
But it made me realize that man, I created,
that I was powerful enough to create a really,
really crappy day that I must be,
that I must be powerful enough
to create a really awesome day
and a really awesome life eventually.
So You have to, you know,
not see negative and positive always is bad or good.
What's negative can be the most helpful thing
to you ever better to be hot
or cold, better, to have a really cold life, better
to almost sometimes be homeless, to be hungry to find out
what it's like to feel those things.
And then you don't want other people to be hungry.
You don't want other people to homeless You
makes you dig down deep to find out what am I really made of
and what I really want outta this life.
And you have to learn
to follow the breadcrumbs and the signs.
'cause if you don't, and you go meet that girl
and she says the same thing
and you're like, oh, that's a coincidence.
And then you date her and then six months later you're just
as miserable as was with the last girlfriend.
You don't even realize, man, if I would've just listened to
that one thing that somebody said,
I could have avoided this whole thing
and not wasted six months of my life.
And not that you wasted it.
'cause eventually you keep doing that, keep dating
that same person and it's not for you.
It's gonna wake you up and you're gonna change.
Be like, next time I hear somebody say something like that,
I'm gonna know to turn the other way and eventually do.
And that's growth and that's what it's all about.
And not to take it as some negative thing,
but it is panning out for you.
The universe is happening for you, not beating you down and,
and, and trying to take all your lunch money.
It literally is doing what it needs to do
because that's what you put in the, that's
what you put in and that's what you get back.
So eventually our lives could be a reality
that's always being at the right place in the right time.
And every new person we meet could be that next piece
of the puzzle that we need for expansion,
that we need for that next job.
That we need to give us an idea
or an understanding that we didn't have
before that make us, you know, learn to laugh again.
Who can help us learn to forgive again.
And you know, by being open
and listening to what people are saying to us,
is the universe talking to you?
You don't even realize it. Oh,
that's John Smith from down the street.
No, that's, that's God talking to you.
And it looks like John Smith from down the street.
But it's actually God too,
even if John Smith doesn't know it.
And I think that's what we have to realize.
Like everything is God and it's all happening for us.
It is the great I am that I am.
It's all the, that's that there is, it's all the John Smiths
and the Jane Doe that there is out there.
And when you hear those people saying the same things
to you over and over again, that's your cue to listen up.
'cause it's trying to tell you something
before it becomes just that sledgehammer blow to you.
So, and what all this means to me is I, it comes down
to the simple quote that Rumi gave long ago.
What we are seeking or what you are seeking is seeking you.
And I love that so much
because I know deep down in the fire of my belly
that the thing that I want the most, the things
that I want the most are, are wanting me to, you know,
I want talking to Mike before this
and I want to be a person who
learns how to do something like this.
Make a show who interviews people
and you get better at it and you practice it.
And I'm, you know, definitely feel like no public speaker
by any means or anybody trying
to be like famous because of it.
But I, I do feel called by God, by the universe
to share these, these, these things that I, that I kind
of understand that I get.
And like I said in the beginning, it wasn't about,
wasn't about sharing it to nobody.
It wasn't about talking to any of this, any of these things
that I made these, these mystery podcasts about.
It wasn't about sharing it at first.
It was my own personal journey that I wanted to know
that if God actually existed, would you talk to me?
Would you show me? Um, I remember in 2007,
graduating college
after eight years, um, for a four year degree
that I felt no smarter, no better, no more deserving
to go get a job with this degree.
And I was just like, I felt empty.
I was like, man, that was a fun ride. I enjoyed it.
I had a lot of fun there. But what I was here actually for
and actually stressing over these classes and passing
and trying to get a degree that I finally got at the end
of the day, I didn't feel any more, um,
likely to succeed because of it.
And that that was a real letdown. It was a real letdown.
And I remember, you know, looking up to God
and saying, man, I don't know what is anything anymore.
I don't know what's true and what's not true.
I don't know if God exists. I don't know if Buddha exists.
I don't know if atheists are right,
but I just need you
to show me something along this path so that I know
and I don't need to prove it to mom or dad or anybody.
It's just for me. And when I said that and I got real,
and I didn't even know that I was doing,
but that's, that's what it was, was getting real with God.
You know, like having a real powwow, a real, you know, talk.
Um, everything changed.
And I started seeing these breadcrumbs
and I started seeing these signs
and you know, in 2007,
the Internet's really popping at that point.
I'm just, you know, looking at things
and I was reading books
and like my mind, just,
my whole my whole world in reality blew up.
I mean, in 2007, everything changed for me.
Now that I had quit school
and I had this opportunity
to look at new things, everything changed.
So, and I feel like that's all we have to do.
We have to get out of our own way
and be open to what the universe has to give us.
And I just want to go now in some
of those messages real quick with you guys.
So the messages, what is one
of the first messages I think about when I think about
synchronicity in particular, like goosebumps,
that physical feeling
that we feel when the hair stands up on our,
on our whole body, on our back, on our arms, you know,
I know that's assessing the environment,
picking up on things sometimes when we're scared.
But there are those moments when things happen.
You're like, what is going on in this moment? Who is here?
What is happening? And you have that just feeling of
settling in right here and down deep into this.
And now what is going on? I'm paying attention.
I'm looking around, I'm feeling
with my heart, what's happening.
That is a huge synchronicity moment to me.
Pay attention when those things happen.
Another big one for me is the aha moment
or the eureka moment.
Um, when you feel like, haha, I found that I got it Eureka.
Um, that's kind of like my inner voice speaking to me,
and that I've learned now not to discount,
to always follow it.
I remember one time, probably
around 2008 or oh nine
after this big expansion happened to me in 2007,
going to Thanksgiving dinner.
My parents live in Colorado at the time, so people asked me
to come eat Thanksgiving dinner with me.
And I was like, okay. And I went
and I was just talking about all
these things with this girl.
Um, and it was a fr my, my, my good friend's girlfriend.
And she was open and she was ready
and the teacher was there to, you know, give her what this,
what this student had learned.
And I feel like I blew her mind.
And I went home and I was just feeling so good.
Someone, you know, heard me and,
and received these things that I, you know,
hadn't really shared too many times with too many people.
And when I did, it wasn't, was well received.
So this time I was like, wow.
And, um, you know, I got on the phone
with a friend and tell him about it.
And as I was on the phone talking about it,
I felt a wrinkle happening.
And Miranda was like, you know, just all
of a sudden I was like, whoa.
And then I started saying to this guy, I was like, man,
I just felt this wrinkle happen in my brain.
And I was like, I feel like people
who have more wrinkles are more intelligent.
And, uh, he's like, well, look it up.
And I looked it up and it's,
that's what's brain plasticity is, is that people
who have more wrinkles in their brain are more
intelligent than people who don't.
And when you're a kid, you learn how to walk, you learn how
to talk, um, you're constantly getting wrinkles,
and the wrinkle is creating more surface area in the brain.
So it's just adding more to this, the brain, the capacity.
So, and I was like, man, that's crazy.
I never heard anybody say this,
and I don't think I've heard anybody say it since,
but this happened to me.
And it's genuine and I share it because it's real
and I feel like it could happen to other people.
Um, but I think when you have those eureka moments
or aha moments, your brain is physically changing
and craning more of those times.
Like when you learn how to hold a cup or walk or talk,
and we get out of that
because we think everything's discovered
and everything's already known
and there's no more mysteries to solve and,
and we start to open up about those things again,
then it's like, oh wow,
the universe is way cooler than I thought it was.
And, um, there's more to it.
And it's something to get excited about.
Like a kid is excited about being in the now, I'm excited
to be here now, mom.
Um, not because we're going anywhere or doing anything just
because I'm here and I'm alive
and like, man, that is what we need, right?
We're so bored and we're so, I'm so bored
with what's going on.
And, you know, and it's like, how can you be bored
in an infinite amount of time
and space where anything is possible,
where there's infinite amount
of things you don't know about and people are bored?
Oh wow. It's mind blowing
when you think about stuff like that.
Even the inside of your own brain is infinite.
And so follow, learn to listen to that inner voice,
Uh, another, another time
that I had one of those aha moments, um,
I'll, I'll say this in the book later.
We'll do that in the book later. Um, so people,
people are huge old friends, especially like,
you start thinking about an old friend
and then all of a sudden that old frame comes back, uh,
you know, calls you up or you meet somewhere randomly.
Um, that is something to show you something big, uh, usually
to show you your growth, where you come from,
especially if it's somebody knowing you were a kid
and now it's 10 or 20, 30, 40 years later, whatever.
And you're like, man, you know how you been?
And like, what are you into now?
And just seeing how far you've come with
that person since you've known that person, gives you a lot,
gives you a lot to think about
and to, um, you know, and,
and to, um, to dwell on
and to, to, to grow from like, man, I,
I really come a long way to be proud of yourself.
You know, another one is, I don't,
and this has probably happened
to almost everybody at this point, right?
That when you're thinking about somebody really hard,
wondering what they're doing, how they're going,
and you feel them, and then all
of a sudden, bam, they call or text you.
Like that's, I mean, I think that's happened to most
of us at some point at this,
at this point in our lives, right?
That's definitely that synchronicity where it's like, wow,
you know, just thinking about this person
because what became intertangled at some point.
And now we have this knowing of each other
and these feelings of each other and,
and just thinking about somebody really in depthly,
they can literally just feel that enough to, you know,
actually pick up the phone and call you or text you
and li literally everybody that you meet.
I wanna say for the most part, honestly,
but I feel like every single person
that you meet represents archetypes.
Just like those throw cards.
Um, you know, when you meet the priestess or the fool
or, you know, that's, I feel like that's just the book
that's teaching you how to get there.
And so, just like the hero's journey,
there's all these people that come in at certain times
and situations when you need something,
when you're feeling down, when the tower burns down,
you know, and you're about to rebuild yourself,
your new life, um, they're all like archetypes to us.
And so, so important to like, see
and think about how each person has, is coming to your life
and what they represent, who they are,
what they're showing you about yourself, what you can learn
and grow from them, um, for them being in your life.
And if you can realize what archetypes that they're
representing for you, there's so much that you can gain from
that person and learn from and get from,
and not that that's the goal,
is to get people from everything.
Like you want to grow as a person, right?
You wanna be someone not just receives, but gives.
But one of the things people don't realize is it's
so important as just as important to receive as to give,
to receive compliments, to receive knowledge and wisdom
and understanding and love and kindness,
and replicate that back out too.
Because if you don't pay attention
and you don't follow these signs,
and you don't listen to when someone says, oh,
I could be your enemy, or I could be someone
that you could really hate or whatever,
and you don't pay attention, I could be your next mistake.
Um, you could be dating the same archetype
as the last person and you could be totally
miserable, like I said before.
So you gotta be really careful.
Um, and people give you those subtle little clues.
And if you don't listen, uh, again, it, it starts
as a tickle, a little feather, um, a little nudge.
And if you don't listen, it can be a sledgehammer
and blow that, you know, you just don't want.
So that's what I did.
I mean, I, I literally hearing that, that,
that girl say the same thing
as the last girlfriend in my apartment,
standing in the exact same places in the light bulb
goes off in my head.
And it's that aha eureka moment.
Like she just said the same thing to me, the last one said.
And I said, if I don't change myself, I'm gonna continue
to date the same people no matter what ethnicity they are,
where they're from, what country I go to,
doesn't matter if I go to Mars.
And there's people there, pretty sure there's people there,
um, you can date the same people may have different names,
it may look a little different, but it's the same kind
of person through and through.
And, um, you know, if you start to listen, you can start
to know where to go with somebody.
Where's the next job to go to?
Where's the next event to go to?
Uh, when someone advice you go something, know that
that's something to go to.
And the next piece of your puzzle could be there.
The next part of your growth,
the next big expansion that you have could be there.
So, you know, learn to follow it. Another one is books.
So, you know, sometimes a book will be mentioned
to you numerous times.
Definitely go find that book and check it out.
Or, you know, one
of the greatest things is when somebody gives you a book.
And I've had that happen quite a few times,
and that is always something that is very, very powerful.
Uh, one of the last books someone gave me was The Greatest
Salesman, uh, great book.
Um, and follow that, you know,
because there's so much great things in books
and like, you know, uh, reading a book gives you the,
the permission to excite your own imagination
and create your own little world of
what these people look like and what's going on.
And so much more so than a TV show or something.
So, you know, when someone gives you a book when, uh,
someone mentions a book, go check 'em out.
And because you go read 'em, um,
books usually help point you to the next thing, uh,
that everything really is connected.
Um, and oftentimes you see the same concepts crossover.
One of the big concepts that crossover for me was
definitely a big Bible guy.
I've been reading the Bible since I was a little kid, uh,
and I remember being in Sunday school
and reading those, um, you know, old Testament stories
and things, and I said, man, I put myself right there in the
middle of those stories when they were going on.
And I loved it and I felt great.
But, um, as an older person, I realized, you know,
I had some predisposed ideas about the Bible,
so I wanted to go back and read it for myself.
So I would read that and really dive into it
and try to see, you know, uh, with new eyes, um,
to read something that I've read many times, times before,
and I listened to many times before and try to,
and try to learn from it in a new way.
And that, and I did that and that was great.
And then there would be these times that my intuition,
something in there, a verse, something
that something was said or a way it was said
that triggered me to think, man, I should go learn about
that subject, you know, black magic
or whatever, you know, um, not to judge it, not to
have any predisposed ideas that it's good or bad.
Just take it for that subject, for
what it's worth on its own, on its own accord, how,
how I can go look at it.
Uh, and one of those things that came up for me was alchemy.
And so I had, I went and bought just a basic alchemy book
and just wanted to read about it.
And I think I read five chapters in, and
after I got done with five chapters, I closed it up
and put my, put my book down,
and I had that inner voice say loud
and clear, now it's time to go read the Bible.
And I was like, wow, wow.
The Bible, I'm reading Alchemy book right now,
just in case you don't know, I'm trying
to learn all the things you told me to learn about and,
and I'm having this conversation with myself literally.
And it was like screaming it inside, now it's time
to go read the Bible.
And I'm like, uh, okay man,
the Bible is a really big book too.
Where do I start? You know?
And it was just like, read it, read it, read it,
read it, read it just like that.
And so I was like, all right, okay, cool.
So I'll just open it up.
And I just opened it up and started reading.
And um, I started reading
and literally within a couple sentences,
I'm reading the exact same sentences that was just,
I just read in the Awkward Book.
And I was like, holy smokes.
And not just, um, the same words,
but they were literally the cornerstone,
the purse builders rejected
and they had quotation marks on them.
And uh, then they were separated by space.
And I was like, man, this is like a,
this is like a billboard sign right here in the Bible
of the, what I was just reading in the awe book.
And it got me so much.
I was like, man, this is unbelievable.
And next thing I know, it felt like the room.
I didn't see anything, but it felt like the room filled up
with angels, ancestors
and, um, spirit guides.
And it felt like they were all cheering me on.
Like I was the coolest person in town just clapping
and cheering and way to go, Jacob, you are figuring it out.
Good for you. And it was so overwhelming.
I, I started to cry
and I, at that moment, I felt what
I would say is the Holy Spirit.
And I was overwhelmed with unconditional love
that I knew that God and the universe
and all these people that were here were
so on my side that they loved me more than I could possibly
know, and that they were proud of me
more than anybody has ever made me feel
that they were proud, man.
And I was overwhelmed for a long time.
It felt like three hours, it was probably more like 30
minutes, and I was sitting there crying in my apartment
by myself, but it changed my life.
And I realized at that moment, I was like,
I will never ever discount this eureka moment,
or this inner voice in my head.
So incredible. And it changed my life.
And I, like I said, ever
since then, I've always read the books.
I've always, you know, changed it up.
If I needed to change it up at that moment,
I go look at something and, and I always see those things.
Um, another moment I was gonna talk about earlier,
but I didn't know where to put it, but it's in a book.
So, um, 10 years ago
or so, uh, again, I, I didn't say these things to,
to tell on my parents, but eventually I felt like it was a
responsibility to try to
help them see the things that I was seeing.
And at first it was like really tough,
and I tried to probably push it on harder than others,
but you know,
they wanted me to go to church with 'em one night.
And so I was gonna go and I was just talking to them
and, you know, telling 'em about my spiritual experiences
and things that happened and these synchronicities
that happened to me and these, you know, cool,
cool little things and breadcrumbs
and signs that God was showing me.
And I was like, I want, you know,
I want you guys to see 'em too.
And, and so they were like, you know, okay, sure, whatever,
and we're in the car and we're almost there.
And I was like, you know, there's that saying in the Bible
that says, don't look to the left, don't look to the right,
but listen to that inner voice.
That's what I mean, that's what I'm talking about.
It's just like, there's that inner voice
with God that's talking to you.
I can hear that now loud and clear.
And my dad's like, okay man, okay, we're going into church,
so just relax and keep it, keep it down.
And so we went in and we sat down
and there was just a random bible on the pew,
and my mom picks it up,
and the literally the pages she opened
to had a bookmark in it,
and it said, you can look to the left,
or you can look to the right,
but you hear that inner voice speaking to you,
and that's, that's what you should listen to.
And then she looked, turned to me and said, look at this.
And I go, that's what I'm talking about right there.
That's the synchronicity stuff.
And it was just like in that moment, it, you didn't have
to convince anybody.
It really wasn't something you had to push on anybody.
Like if what you're saying is real
and true, the magic will happen.
Just let it happen.
And I was like, that little thing right there is enough
to push somebody in a way that no words can do,
no experience.
Sometimes you can't be a prophet in
your own home anyway, right?
'cause those are your parents and know your sense
of you're a kid and they don't want you to even surpass them
and most things anyway, especially knowledge and wisdom
and spirituality, and they want to be the parents.
But that, I think that changed my mom's life that day.
And there were a lot, lot of things I said
after that that she would maybe not
initially jump on, but eventually she would.
So those things can change your life.
And that's what I'm saying.
You don't have to have this conviction to go out
and just do all these things.
Sometimes you just be yourself, say the,
say the golden nuggets that you need to say, um,
be, be who you are.
Don't water yourself down completely.
But um, you know, you don't have to feel the stress
and the pressure to rapture someone up
in this moment right here.
Know that they'll happen on their due time, but be yourself
and say those things because, um, they can,
they can manifest and,
and synchronize in a way that
somebody can't unsee those things.
They can't unhear it. She can't take that experience away.
It happens. And I can always bring 'em back home.
So you remember that? Wasn't that awesome?
Wasn't that a cool feeling?
You know, that God was talking to you?
And I think that's one of those things that really
people can never deny.
You can keep call a coincidence,
but eventually you have to call it something else
besides that because it, it keeps happening.
There's no way it's a coincidence.
Uh, another big one for a lot of people is numbers, right?
That's the way the universe works. It's numbers.
It speaks its own universal language.
It has to be mathematics
because the mathematics
that apply here have to apply everywhere.
Um, and you hear that, that's saying like, angel numbers
11, 11, 4, 4, 4, oops, I kicked it again.
Um, and you people say that, oh, look at this number.
Look at the back of this license plate, or whatever it is.
Um, and those are great man.
Those are pointing to certain things that you need to see
and, and understandings that need to be had.
And if you're thinking about a certain thing
and you see those, man, that's a big resonance for you.
Like, keep thinking about those things,
keep dwelling on 'em, keep ex, you know,
keep talking about 'em.
And they really are important.
Um, and I'm not gonna go into the significance of 11, 11
or 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5 or whatever, 8, 8, 8.
They're all great to me.
They all mean different things when you see them,
experience 'em, look 'em up for yourself.
What comes up for you is what you need to see.
Um, follow it, keep continue
to following numbers when they come up are great.
When you're on it and you're not
like looking at your phone all the time.
And you know, I see 1111 all the time
and I'm, it is just when I'm on it
and doing what I'm supposed to do, I, you know, I,
I pick up the phone and I grab it and, or look at the clock
and bam, that's what it is every single time.
Um, and it just, it just comes and it's natural.
You don't have to try to, try to make it happen
after I send that text at right at 1111
and it's just gonna happen
because that's the person that you're talking to.
Those are the numbers that, that resonate with you and them.
And that's the thing that's going on
that you're thinking about, that you see those numbers.
They're really cool. A number that's a little bit different.
But one of the probably most profound numbers
for me personally, is the number 26.
In 1999 when I went to college,
I had to have an email.
And back then I didn't even know what an email was,
an email address, and I just put my name
in, obviously Jake Cox.
Very, very popular name.
So it gave me some suggestions
and I just used the first thing that came up.
26 didn't mean anything to me. Didn't matter.
Just trying to get that thing done as soon as possible.
Well, what was funny, as I went to college
and as I was learning things, and even
after I got outta college, especially, like I said, in 2007,
I started noticing things that had to do with 26.
And one of the first big things that came up
for me was the mind calendar had 260 days, 22 6 0.
And, um, that was a cycle
around women's gestation for them and stuff.
So that was interesting. And then I found out
that the procession of the Equinox was 26,000 years.
So 26 with a couple more zeros.
And then seemingly enough scientists were finding out
that every 26 million years things spontaneously evolve in
other things, you know, like shellfish into
fish and there's no in between.
And how they all
of a sudden just birthing into these new things.
It's pretty crazy. And I was like, man, what a crazy thing.
You know, 26, 26, 26, huh.
What a, what a weird thing going on here.
It's almost like this, you know, kind
of feminine birthing number of the universe where, you know,
um, it's a creation of something new by,
by giving birth to it.
And I was like, that's pretty interesting.
And then as I was doing yoga and started to learn yoga,
and somebody said, well, you know, yoga's 26 poses
that gives birth to yoga I 26 poses, that gives birth
to the practice of yoga.
That's interesting. And then I started to think about,
is there anything else out there
that could be something like that?
You know, I just making these things up in my head
and then, you know, right then think about, all of a sudden
that came to my mind, there are 26 letters to the alphabet
that give birth to the English language.
I was like, damn, that's, that's pretty interesting too.
And um, 206 bones give
birth to the human skeleton.
And I could go on and on and there's more of 'em.
Um, but I was like blown away.
I was like, man, this 26 is a feminine birthing number.
And the two and six in general, adding them together
as an eight, which is the infinity cycle
of cycles being born over and over again.
So it made sense that that, you know, kind
of like the 26,000 year procession of the Equinox is
that these are cycles of time.
And then after thinking about all this said, man, that this,
that's such a, that's such a cool thing.
I realized that my own mom's birthday was on
eight twenty six, and I was like, dang.
And you know, not that everybody's mom needs
to be on the 26th, but that's what it needed to be for me,
so that I could wake up a little bit more
and realize that numbers meant something
that they had profound meaning
to them other than just one plus one is two.
Um, that they represented things
and the universe spoke in numbers that changed my life.
And so that's why you guys see Jacob Cox 26
on YouTube channels and my emails and everything else.
Uh, it's a number that stuck with me.
It's been so profound in my life, it changed me
that numbers really do mean things.
And, um, they're really important.
So numbers, those angel numbers,
all this stuff is really important.
Uh, and then another message from the universe to go down
and deja vu, God, one of the coolest ones, surreal moments
that, you know, it seems to bleed through to now,
whatever it is, if it's, it could be the place,
it could be the people in it,
it could be the feeling of this moment.
But something about deja vu is like when
whenever you're experiencing it, something is
profoundly going on here, right?
Um, like I said, whether it's the people, the moment,
the feeling, what's happening, but you've done this before
and it makes you realize like, man, I,
this is not the first time I did this lifetime thing.
I have done it before and I'm gonna do it again.
And when these things happen, it resonates.
A feeling of this has happened
before, something like this has happened, almost identical
to this before, whether I've been to this place
or met these people or this feeling, whatever it is, um,
that what a great thing, what an incredible feeling, um,
that that's happened before.
And that, you know, it's something profound found.
Um, and you just write. You have no doubt.
You just have no doubt sometimes when those things happen
that have done this slide thing before.
Um, another big one is music.
You know, sometimes kind of forget about a song you listen,
used to listen to as a kid,
and then all of a sudden you hear it, um,
and it brings back that memory
or a feeling of something that happened
or a way you felt that at a certain,
a certain point in your life.
I feel like that gives you an incredible foundation for
how far I've grown, where I've come from, who I am now.
And if it gives you a feeling of the past that you used
to feel a lot, you know, listen to songs like you're angry
or You're mad or whatever, and you realize,
man, I'm just not that anymore.
I don't listen to music like that anymore.
That helps you realize so much about yourself
and brings up memories and feelings and things.
Oh man, that's still there for me a little bit.
That memory that that feeling is still there,
you know, something I need to work on.
So music is profound, like smells and things too.
It can bring back memories and feelings of people, places
and events that can bring forth lots of your life
to make you realize like, Hey, I need to work on that.
Look how far I'll come. A lot of those things.
So another, uh, beautiful thing about music is
I just listen to, in the very beginning of my journey, uh,
listened to a lot of solfeggio tones and, and,
and music like that and,
and crystal balls and singing balls and stuff.
And I would just imagine myself riding waves of light
and I would have like profound insights.
And I would, uh,
literally one time I was just riding the waves of light
and I was taking Einstein's advice of, of, uh,
imagining riding waves of light while I'm listening
to these, uh, Gio tones.
And hence I knew the black
hole was in the center of the universe.
And I was like, wow, what a crazy feeling
that the universe was emitting light in a spiral
galaxy coming out from it.
And, um, I walked in the, walked in the living room
and the exact same thing was saying being said on the
television the exact same time, right
after I had that profound, um, meditation download.
And I was like, wow, how could this even be possible
that the same thing is on television?
Am I, you know, now you realize this?
What a synchronicity that was.
I'm either synchronized with whatever's coming out
of the ether into this cable cord,
or I'm synchronized to the, you know,
the whole entire universe and there's
understandings all around me.
And this is just something that's I'm realizing
to help me get that confirmation that
what I just downloaded is true.
And here's the confirmation on the TV show,
on the history channel, whatever
it was, sci-fi or something.
Um, you know, validating that same thing for me.
Um, and another cool one that I had when it came
to music was on my birthday, long
after my grandparents had died, I was going skydiving.
So I was super excited to go skydiving for the first time,
uh, and face those fears
and, uh, probably a bit nervous
to, no, it was the second time.
Second time this happened on the second time.
So I had already done it. I was super stoked about it
and happy, and I was going to skydive
and I was with a buddy in my truck.
And then all of a sudden this song came on called Birthday
by Kings of Leon, and it's about having a happy birthday.
And at that exact moment I was like,
oh my God, I never heard the song.
And now I guess I was just on like Spotify shuffle
and it just came on all of a sudden.
It was really weird. I never heard it.
And I was talking to my friend, I was like, wow, dude,
this birthday song just came on outta
nowhere on my birthday.
And as soon as I said that, I felt the presence
of my grandparents, that they were with me
and they were happy that I was happy, they were happy
that I was doing things that were scary, that were, um,
you know, that things that I were afraid to do in the past,
that I was facing my fears and overcoming them.
And that somehow whatever they did to tap into the realm
of my reality, they were able to put that channel on.
And I was like, how'd you guys know? I like kings Leon.
You know? So
that was a profound time when music was really cool.
Um, and then another one, uh, nature's messages.
Um, you know, trees speak to us, plants can speak to us.
They oftentimes, um, where I would go to Garden
of the Gods Red Rock Canyon and just go take a nap
or sit in out the nature
and I would get real deep feelings
and hints to, to go a certain place or to move over here.
And I would go over there and I'd find like this crazy path
that I would never have found if I didn't feel that,
if I didn't act on that hint and find crazy places to go
and garden to Gods most people don't know about.
And, um, you know, walking in, uh, Sequoia National Park,
um, 2015 when I first moved to Colorado,
and I felt like driving through the, this redwood forest
or the Sequoia Forest, these massive trees.
And I saw four massive trees just
like right next to each other.
And I was like, man, that's almost like one giant tree.
And as soon as I turned to look at it,
it was like, over here, come over here.
And I was like, what? And
so I literally pulled my car over right away and got out.
And as I started walking to this tree and
before I got there, there was a fence and a hill
and up as up from this fence, I could hear
something talking to me in the head saying, no,
I'm up here, I'm up this way.
And I was like, what? And nobody, so obviously nobody,
but I can hear it in my head.
And I was like, I'm not supposed to jump the fence, man.
I'm trying to be a good person these
days, you know, I'm not gonna do that.
So, but anyways, he kept saying it.
So I jumped the fence and ran up there
and there was a huge sequoia tree with this huge,
almost like cathedral like walkway
where I couldn't even touch on either side.
And it was probably 10 feet high,
and it was looked like this just beautiful
gate for me to walk in.
And I walked in and I couldn't touch anywhere holding my
arms out by three feet probably.
And it was just this flat place where it looks like this is
where you sit down and meditate here.
And I was like, oh, okay, well sit down here.
And, and I did.
And that tree gave me a sound bath
that I'd never had before.
Uh, just a WWW just cleansing me
and speaking to me in a way that I didn't know could exist.
And, uh, like a sound bath.
And when I got done, I got up and I looked around
and I found this other hole
that was big enough for me to jump in.
I jumped in that hole and then there's a room in there
and I, there was another hole and I jumped into another room
and next thing you know, I walked out the back of the tree
and I was just like, wow.
And he is like, thanks the tree talked to me.
Um, it sounds wild, but it happens.
And I know a lot of you out there listening
had experiences like that.
And it's just a awesome to know
that nature provides messages for us too.
Um, it gives us those understandings and, uh, breadcrumbs
and feelings that we never even know existed.
If we're just open enough, we're open enough to listen to
what the universe has, man.
Our life can become a magical, very, very magical place.
Um, trying to go quickly here.
Animals represent characteristics.
Um, so when you thinking about something
and you see that hawk fly over, what that represents to you,
and again, I'm not gonna get into the depths of animals,
but um, and they obviously represent certain things, cats
and dogs and owls and eagles and all that kind of stuff.
And it's something to be aware of
and not just seeing the animal,
but it could be a picture of it, it could be,
you know, the word or whatever.
Like all of a sudden you thinking about something
and see the word of something, you know, uh,
that could have still have that power of the archetype
to pay attention to it.
When you see it, when you see that picture
and you see that word, um, you see those animals.
I've definitely had owls fly over my head a few times.
One time in a Mayan cave with shamans, I went down there
and they were gonna do this big ceremony in there
before we in there, before we went in.
And I walked in and I was like, oh my God.
I was just, I was called
and I started running through that mind cave looking around,
and I found like this kind of other cave in the back
and I started to go in it and I could see this huge room
and there was a little hole in the top
and that caused like this pillar of light
to be in the center of this cave.
And I was like, oh my God, I felt like Indiana Jones.
And I was like, just gotta walk in here
and see what's happening, you know?
And it felt like a magical moment.
And I walked in and right as I walked through the pillar
of light, right when it hit my body,
I could see this huge white owl fly over my head
and I thought he was gonna rip my face off.
Um, but he just flew right over my head.
And then I was like, what?
Um, as I walked through this pillar of light
and I turn around and looked at him and he's staring at me
and he flies into the top of the cave
and pull my phone out and trying to get a picture of him.
And then I barely got a picture of him
before he flies out the top of that hole.
And then as I'm looking for him,
I see this other crazy animal I don't think I've ever seen
before, not even in a zoo.
And I came even find out later, it was a ate,
which is like a raccoon.
Uh, we got raccoon dog looking thing.
But um, I was telling people about it. I had to look it up.
Um, but it was wild.
And it was just like those things mean things
and I looked it up and I know what it meant for me.
But when you see those things
and those things kind of happen, don't discount it.
Definitely go back, do a little research, read a book,
find on the internet, and what does this owl represent?
What can a karate represent?
And those things can, you know, help you on another path.
Those synchronicities like
that can help you another path to something else too.
So, and then events, just anything that you can think of,
um, you should always go to whatever you feel is exciting.
Yoga, sound healings, gatherings,
because the people you meet, there will be the people
that you sync up with to find the next piece of the puzzle,
to find the next place to go to,
to find the next cool thing to be a part of.
And they're the other sparks of the universe.
People, you know, they're the other, um,
synapsis, if you will, of the brain.
That's where the, that's where the
magic's happening is to meet other people.
So go do those things. Go experience those places.
Um, it's really important, uh, to, you know, kind
of go where people call you to go.
I mean, I, I had an event one time
where my friend just wanted me to go to church with him
and go up and see his house in Denver.
And we lived in Collar Springs and I did,
and we had a small conversation on the way there just about,
he was sad about the girls
that he was meeting at the bars and stuff.
And I was like, man, what I know about the university,
he's like, he's like, don't let me meet those
girls, man, tell me not to do that.
And I was like, what? I know about the university,
do not talk about what you don't want.
Talk about what you do want.
And I was like, what do you want? He's like,
I want a healthy relationship with the girls.
Like, okay, what's your favorite thing to do?
He says, mountain bike. And I was like, that's great
because I want to get a mountain bike
and I wanna go mountain bike riding
and because I live with this guy.
And he was like the COO of a company
and I knew he had a lot of money
and he'd already helped me out in a lot of ways.
I was like, you know, even if I have to, um,
get him to buy it
and then I pay him back in payments, whatever it takes,
I'll get a bike and we'll go riding
and you know, we'll meet some people doing healthy things
and you won't have to find some girl at the bar to bring her
to bike, mountain bike 'cause she don't want to go.
You'd find somebody Malcolm
biking 'cause that's what they're already doing.
And he agreed and he said, that sounds like a great idea.
I was like, good. So we went to this guy's church
and then we went to go wash his car at his house.
And then we went to the neighbor's house to get some
supplies and that guy had 20 mountain bikes in his
car, in his garage.
And I was like, man, this is what a synchronicity.
We were just talking about mountain bikes.
Tell me about these mountain bikes.
Tell me about your love for mountain bikes.
And he started talking about 'em.
And, and there was one in the corner that was green
and black, just like the jeep that I had.
And so I was like, what about that one?
And he said, oh, nobody rides that bike.
I don't know how any, I don't even,
you know, care for that one too much.
I was like, what would you take for it?
He goes like, I'd take nothing from
it if you wanted to take it.
And, uh, I was like, cool.
And we took that bike
and put it in the car and drove it home.
And I was like, man, that was just two
or three hours ago that we were talking
about getting mountain bikes and ride.
And I knew that I was gonna get one
because I knew this guy and he had money.
And I was like, you know, whatever it
takes he'll help me get it.
And I relinquished of all the ways it could happen
and I just knew that it was gonna happen.
And I realized at that moment, that's
how it manifestation happened.
This is like, don't worry about how it happens,
just know that it's gonna happen.
And know you don't need to know the CEO of a company.
You know God, you know angels, you know the universe
and you know it loves you
and one that gives you what you want
and wants to give it to you in a way,
probably better than you can imagine.
So we're linkage with how it's gonna happen
and just know that it is, um, that is really
no more than anything what's important about it.
So, okay, we're getting to the end here,
but ideas, another thing is ideas.
Going to a spiritual event.
And the message you need to hear is the topic, right?
When you go to church or you go to some gathering
or you go to, uh, some spiritual event,
you feel called to go, I need to go.
And once you get there, they're talking about
that exact thing that you need to talk about, man,
that synchronicity at one of its best, right?
And that's one of the things you need to hear.
And you know it, things seem like that keep coming up.
You need to explore 'em.
Um, even if they sound crazy, don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it all.
Just keep doing and believing that you are gonna go
to the right places because that's where you feel called.
That's what most excites. You do it.
Um, and you know, ideas that keep coming up.
And what I think about ideas is don't believe it
or don't disbelieve it, but go research it for yourself.
Give that topic. It's due diligence.
Give it everything it needs, um, that you can review it
and understand it without being someone
who believes it or doesn't believe it.
So you can really get down to the core
of like, is it true or not?
And most likely to be honest, anything
that keeps coming up, there's a reason for it.
And the reason you need to learn about it,
especially if it triggers you, if it makes you angry
or upset, that's not what I was taught in school.
That's the definitely the thing to get on
and try to learn about those topics.
Eventually, once you've learned about it
and you realize, oh my God, this probably is true,
those topics blow your mind and connect you to other topics
and to give you an even deeper understanding
of something you already knew about,
now you know about it even more.
And can literally overturn things
that you were told in school
that you never thought were even possible.
That's happened to me so many times. Now I question.
That's what makes me question everything
and literally try to learn about everything
and those deeper understandings that happen, those ideas
that come duality, oneness, inner earth, you know,
moon matrix, whatever it is,
go down those rabbit holes, learn about 'em.
Don't get caught up in the craziness of them,
but give it its day.
Give it its due diligence, research it.
Um, ask people about it, talk about it,
especially if it's something that triggers you and
or something that keeps coming up for you.
Another one is dreams.
Obviously dreams have powerful symbols and archetypes.
Dreams can be hard to decipher sometimes, but keep looking
and keep digging and keep asking your
guides, what does this mean?
What are you trying to say to me? What's going on here?
How can I understand this better? What is this about for me?
Dreams are can be really awesome and really straightforward.
One time I had a dream that, uh, I was sitting at a table
with friends of mine and I couldn't decipher who it was,
but I knew that it was people that I
knew that I felt comfortable with.
And we were all talking about superhero powers
and what would be your superhero power.
And I was the last person to go.
And I, I've always known
if I had a superhero power, what it would be.
And so everybody went around, there's the four of us there.
And it happened just like the dream.
Couple days later, sitting in a
restaurant with four other people.
One person once said, I wanna be able
to jump from anywhere I want to be able
to from anywhere in the planet that I can go jump anywhere.
I was like, that's cool. One girl said she wanted to be able
to fly and the other guy said
he wanted to be able to go to any time period
that he wanted to at any time.
And I was like, that's cool. And then they asked me
and I knew what I was gonna say
before any even the first person went
and I said, I would want to heal everybody of anything
in the world, period.
That's it. And that, you know, it was the same thing
where people are like, man, kind of makes me feel bad.
That mind is something so personal, it's
to fill my ego and yours, something so different.
I was like, it's cool, it's fine.
It's something I had a lot of time to think about.
And I was like, I could even just, if you were flying,
I could just ride on you and just heal people as we go.
So it would be something that we could do together.
And so they laughed. But that moment was so cool
because I had dreamed it before
and it actually happened just a couple days later.
And that is something that shows you
that it's all important, that it matters.
And, um, I've even had visions of my grandparents that
they were their, like the matrix called Residual Self.
They were like in their twenties, they looked
beautiful, they were happy.
And that gave me so much joy
and happiness that they weren't hurting anymore,
they weren't sick anymore, that they were happy,
that their egos were gone, their prejudice were gone.
Um, stereotypes were gone.
They were like their most pure, beautiful selves.
And I've had many dreams of them now.
And that gives me so much hope
and so much, uh, comfort into knowing that,
that they are really with me all the time.
Uh, I just got a couple more here. Got symbols.
That's one that's come up a lot for me
as a kid that I didn't even know.
Uh, why,
but now I realize that as, as an older person looking back.
But I used to love that yin
and yang symbol, the light in the dark.
Um, the light in the dark and the, and the birth.
Giving light, giving birth,
the dark, dark, giving birth light.
I didn't even know what it was. I just
knew I loved it as a kid.
And I had necklaces and I wore it and I drew it.
And um, later in life I found the galactic butterfly,
which is basically a yin yang symbol with
that opposite sides to it.
And I was blown away, uh, at its meaning, uh, later on
to learn about to learn about it and its duality
and that the duality is oneness.
And then I realized, oh my God, I'm a Gemini.
I'm all about this duality.
And then I realized why I was like, um,
a devil's advocate as a kid all the time.
As I loved, no matter what side someone picked,
I always picked that other side just to argue with them, uh,
or just to discuss with them,
to help them see the other side could be valid too.
Like, your point's great too, but this one's also good.
Could you see it that way?
And so I've always played that
with people, even as a little kid.
And so those symbols helped me realize
who I was even back then.
And then another one that came up more so as,
as an adult was like the swastika
and realizing that what I was told my whole life was this
was an evil negative symbol.
And then come to find out that it was in Chinese
and historical documents and, uh, Tibet
and Native American
and everywhere you looked, you know, mines,
they all had these, um, swastika and stuff.
And I was like, oh, wow, this is a symbol
that really means like good fortune
and, um, positive and, and things like that.
So I was like, man, uh,
my whole life can change in an instant if you just opening
up to look at the symbols, look at the things
that are going on and how you like things as a kid
that you didn't even know what they were, but
deep down you really did.
And maybe at the end of the day,
this is how healing happens in the now.
You know, diseases can,
can probably come from multiple causes.
And so by following the signs of healing
and growth, you know, how, why am I so in disease
and why am I so outta balance?
You know, why are these negative emotions that I'm feeling?
Is this hate? Is this anger? Is this jealousy?
Is it getting me off balance?
Is it these, you know, negative foods that I'm eating
with these chemicals in it?
Is it this, whatever it is for me?
I had an autoimmune disease when I was young
and it happened like all of a sudden I was so itchy.
Um, I could literally like barely touch my skin
and write my name and it would wet up
and uh, my name would, you could just write your name
and it would be like red whelps
and it would be itchy and hot.
And it was like, went to the doctor
and they were like, we don't know why this is happening.
We can just give you like antihistamine
and stuff that'll make you not itchy as much.
But that made me super tired
and they couldn't tell me why it was happening,
when it was gonna end, um,
or anything other than just gimme something
that made it like somewhat tolerable.
It made me super tired. And that opened up my whole journey
of healing, like going to reiki sessions, going to
metaphysical affairs in stores,
and, you know, keeping crystals in my pocket.
And, um, you know, using sage, I mean all that.
That was a such a huge part of my journey at like 18
that just blew, blew me outta the water.
Like that I was sick from this thing
that nobody could figure out why.
And you know, after a decade or so,
after going to all these places
and doing all those things, I healed myself
and I would hundred percent believe, like
that was something I could have done in the second,
but I wasn't aware enough to to know, and I had to go out
and find those things and get back to ease.
I was at dis ease and I had to get back to ease.
And to me that's like probably like almost the ultimate
synchronicity is that someone who could heal themselves
of all the things and problems that they had
and be a totally at ease, healthy, vibing,
beautiful blooming person, then in
that moment you can help others see that in themselves
and see that for them and create
that ultimate healing in a split second where
that healing happens right here in the now.
That's when you sink up
and you realize, man, that's when you become like a
master reiki healer to me.
When you can, uh, help people, um,
walk again, help people see again, that's
what makes you the master, is when you've done it
for yourself, then you can help other people see it.
But even someone like Jesus,
because he couldn't do it in his hometown, couldn't do it
for people who didn't believe.
So you, you are a facilitator of that healing,
but you're not literally giving them the healing.
You help them realize that it's possible themselves.
And I think that could probably be really all honestly the
most ultimate synchronicity for me.
So I really think
the biggest thing on this whole thing is if we want
to create a life of incredible synchronicity, incredible uh,
events and situations and circumstances
and archetypes that come in
that just blow your mind every day that it's a positive,
fun, beautiful way to live
and being at the right place at the right time.
One of the biggest things is get outta your way.
Get out of your own way, not being attached to
how all these things are gonna happen,
but just know that they are gonna happen for you
because you know the creator, you know God's with you.
You know God loves you and you know that you're worthy
and you know that God in the universe is speaking
to you directly through these events.
And it's not coincidence that it loves you
and us and knows already what we want.
And it wants to give it to us in a way
that's better than we could possibly imagine.
Living in Atlanta, being a bartender,
doing the meditation, going to the yogas, waking up
and my heart screaming to me, go
to Colorado and work with kids.
And my brain just kept saying,
no one's gonna hire you to work with kids.
And I eventually had to overcome the fear of
what other people may think
or what my own brain thinks about the situation.
But to follow my own heart and to get outta my own way
and give away everything I got
and say, you know what, if all this is real,
if it's all real, then I should be able
to give it all away and ride out to Colorado
with whatever fits in my car
and I'll be able to get it all back and more.
And I did. And I, I got a job working at a place, working
with kids where we saw big horn sheep every day.
I saw a couple bears up there,
I wrangled a baby rattlesnake up there.
I I worked in this incredible beautiful place
in the background of Garden of the Gods.
Like literally, like at some, you know,
Tibetan monk mountaintop is what it looked like
with the most incredible kids.
And I remember thinking, you know, I want
to be like a next Martin Luther King
or the next John Lennon,
or, you know, those are people I wanna aspire to be like,
I want to help people in any way I can
and free people of their concerns
or, you know, what brings them down.
And I remember being at that place
and a kid grabbing by the hair and was pulling me down
and I was in a lot of pain
and I was like, this is really hard.
This is a really hard job that I'm doing.
And I kind of, after I got my hair back
and I sitting in there
and it calmed down for just a second,
I looked out the window and I said, you know, God,
I was following everything that I felt like you said to do
and everything's worked out so far, but
this is really tough.
And I was like, I don't know, know what to do about it.
I don't know if I should quit and I feel
like I'm not worthy of this.
I'm not good at this. And instantly, instantly
that thought came, the, the message came back
and it said, don't you think that Jesus was spat on
and they pulled his hair
and they made fun of him and it was hard.
And Martin Luther King went through things that were hard
and you don't think that these were
adults that did these things to them.
That's a child. If you can't take it from the child,
how could you take it from adult?
And I was instantly humbled to the max.
And I said, you know, you're right. I know it.
I know what I came here to do. I know what I want to be.
I I'm following the spirit led life now.
And every time I ask, I always get the right answers back.
And in that moment I felt really free.
I was like, you know what? No matter
what comes at me, be grateful.
And if I get spit in the face
and I get my hair pulled, if I get bit,
I realize all if I can take it from, you know,
this population, I could take it from anybody
and I could be the person that I was meant
to be in this lifetime.
And I know that it was, that if I took this job
and I did this thing, it was going
to give me an understanding that I didn't know that I had.
And I am now the person
that I never know that I thought I could be.
I do a job that I never thought I could do.
I have a life that I never thought I would live.
I have a home now. I started working
for $10 an hour at this place
and I was making, you know, $50 an hour on tax at
that bartending job.
And I make, I now, I have a home,
I have a family, I have children.
I have so many things that make me so much richer.
It's not about the money in your bank account,
it's the richness of your life.
That synchronicity is the
realest thing that's ever happened.
To knowing that all these things,
if I just believe in myself
and my follow my heart, that the synchronicity
of life will come into play
and all the things that I'm giving away, all the things
that I got, the status that I feel like I'm giving up,
I'm gonna get all that back and more.
And I really do feel that I've got all that and more.
And I believe that can happen
to every single person out there.
You just have to follow your heart.
You have to get outta your own way.
Know the universe loves you.
Know that what you are seeking is seeking you.
Whatever you want, whatever you feel like you deserve the
most, that is it at your deepest part of your own soul.
I couldn't imagine that anybody was gonna hire me to work
with any kids for anything that had on my resume.
And I remember I didn't think that they were
and they weren't gonna call me back.
And I was on my knees praying 'cause I had ran outta money
and saying, I need this job.
God, this is what I came in for. Fall the whole thing.
You know, let it be so and so it is.
And I got a call the next day
saying that they were gonna hire me.
Follow your heart, follow your intuition.
Follow the breadcrumbs, follow the signs.
You are loved more than you could possibly know.
Your worth is more than you could possibly know.
Each and every single one of us are divine.
We're the children of God. We're all royalty.
So you know, you don't need to know the CEO.
You don't need to know somebody with some bunch of money.
You know God itself and it dwells within you.
And that's all that matters.
And if you know that enough,
I don't think there's anything in
slack that it won't give to you.
And I'm starting to realize that
more and more myself every day.
I want to thank every single one of you tonight
for being here, for showing up, for being in sync
with me, knowing your worth.
And I hope tonight you heard something,
you heard some of those golden nuggets.
You heard something that made you think that happened to me.
I know it's not a coincidence now.
I know I am sinking up with the universe.
I'm sinking up with God. I love you guys all.
I'm extremely grateful
and proud of myself for being here.
This is the hard thing to do, to speak in front of people,
especially speak for over an hour without anybody
seeking anything back to you or anything.
Thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for joining me.
I'm excited about this discussion afterwards.
Um, I just wanna say thank you guys
all from the bottom of my heart.
The divine in me sees honors
and recognize the divine in each
and every single one of you.
another mystery school edition.
I'm Jacob Cox, your host,
and tonight's episode is about synchronicity.
So I hope you guys are excited about that
as I am something I'm definitely, um,
experiencing more often now
and been experiencing for a while.
And I want to share that magical gift with all of you
because I feel like the world is gonna be a whole lot better
place if more people are
experiencing synchronicities in their lives.
It has to be because it's such a cool thing,
and it's such a fun thing to feel a part of,
that you're not alone in this universe.
That, that the universe, that God, angels, spirit guides
your ancestors, grandparents, and they're all with you,
and they're all and cheering you on to wake up,
and they want to connect.
They want to help you out as much as possible.
Um, we have to let 'em in.
We have to allow them to help us out.
And we have to realize we're not doing
this thing all by ourselves.
We're not alone. And by speaking to them, praying with them,
asking the universe to show us those signs
and breadcrumbs, we definitely will have more synchronicity.
So let's go ahead and get started with our topic tonight.
The word synchronicity comes from the word sink in Kronos.
So sync means union or time,
or sorry, sync means union or like together,
and Kronos means time.
So synchronicity is union
of two things happening together at the same time.
Funnily, funny, funny, funny enough,
the word coincidence literally means co coincidence,
various incidences happening together.
Although when people say that word, it just means
that things happen together.
Random things just happen together for no reason.
That's, that's just how things happen.
Um, I think that's obviously a ni
naive way to think about it
and that things are just randomly happening,
but people do, they think the the universe is just randomly
exploding and things are just falling in line together.
But it just, it just doesn't really happen that way.
There is an award to everything. There is, um, a blueprint.
There is Fibonacci sequences and golden ratios,
and so there's literally blue blueprints
to how creation works.
The toal field that goes around our body, around the earth,
how stars move through the galaxy.
There are obvious patterns and stuff that happens.
So we know things aren't random.
We know that there is design in the universe,
there's design in our bodies
that everything has this golden ratio
and the spiral of life in it.
So it's, you know, it, it does seem a little naive
to thinking coincidences,
but honestly, if we start to look at it
and pay attention and,
and listen to those little nudges, we're gonna know 100%
that the universe is speaking to us.
Albert Einstein said, the coincidence is God's way
of remaining anonymous.
And I, I love that
because I think most people want God
to come talk to you in like your own language
and your own voice, sit down in front of you and,
and feel like you're gonna have a conversation with.
Then I know God exists because I saw that, that being,
and I talked to them, and there's no doubt in my mind,
but like, to me, that's almost boring.
You know what I mean? Like, I like the mystery.
I love the fact that it's hidden in these events and people
and situations and circumstances,
and it's just the way,
it's almost like the universe just winking at you, you know,
winking at us and just nudging at us to wake up.
And if you don't listen to those nudges,
eventually they turn into sledgehammer blows from the
universe, which can be hard,
but at the end of the day, they are for your growth as well.
In fact, oftentimes when you get those sledgehammer blows,
you know, from relationship ending
or a job ending, getting fired or something,
and you think it's the end of the world, you know
how many people look back
and say, man, that was like the best thing
that ever happened to me to get out of that environment,
to move on to the next thing.
I wouldn't have done it had I not got fired.
Um, had I not, um, you know, I would've suffered with
that same, same person
for a long time had they not ended it on me.
And although I was super sad
and at the time, man, that was the best thing
that ever happened to me, and I've had a few of those, um,
situations happen over myself as too, so I can verify that.
But, um, I love that it is that he said that
that coincidence is God's way of being anonymous.
Uh, I think the mystery is really, honestly one
of the greatest things that we can experience in this life.
Um, it's just so, it's so fun, it's so sneaky,
and, um, you feel like you're part
of some club, you know, really honestly.
And I think that's why, why secret societies
are try to remain so secret.
It's kind of fun to have this thing
that other people don't know about,
but we want other people to know about this.
We want other people to understand synchronicity
and, um, how to follow 'em.
So, you know, to me, I, I wanna share this thing
and not be like a secret club.
I want everybody to know about it.
So the difference then is discovering
that it does have meaning, you know, synchronicity and,
and these coincidences have meaning
and they mean something to us,
and they can mean a lot to us and help us with our growth.
So they're obviously happening all the time,
and we are aware and if, if we're aware enough to see them
and put them together and understand the
universe is communicating with us.
So I think a lot of times the synchronicities are happening,
but we're so unaware, we're so stressed out, we're so, um,
into our egos about what we look like
and who's gonna be at this place,
and are they gonna notice I'm wearing the same shirt
as yesterday and whatever it is, um,
we're missing out on these the really this
magical underlying of the reality
that other people are experiencing, but we're not,
because we're not aware of it, we're not seeing it.
And so, you know, that's why people
do think it's just coincidence.
Like, what else could it be other than just two things
happening or something that happened like almost the same
way, or the same word or whatever.
People are so unaware that they are connected
to the universe, that God and the universe or one,
and that they don't even get it.
They don't even see there
or think that somebody could be talking to me
or, uh, universe could be communicating with me.
So, um, just do a little history
before we talk about the good stuff.
But obviously the godfather
of synchronicity in modern times is Carl Jung.
Love it. cj.
Um, I, there's so many things about this guy in particular
that I love.
Uh, I think honestly is probably the reason why I have a
psychology major to begin with.
Just as far as like going to school in general, um,
just going to school in general.
I, there's a lot of things that I tried in college
and everything else that didn't, um, didn't pan out for me
that I wasn't really excited about.
And, you know, hearing about Carl Yung,
I actually got into psychology and took intro to psychology,
and, and that's when I heard one of the first things
that was said was, um, that the teacher said was, you know,
jealousy is something that you put into somebody else's
brain based on what you would do and what you think.
And I was like, oh my God, it's probably one
of the smartest things I've heard since I've been going
to any schools or any classes.
So I stuck with that, and I was like,
I really have always had a big, um, love for knowledge,
why people think the way they think,
why we think the way we think, uh,
why they're thinking and what they think.
And, uh, I've just really been, um,
really in love with calling him for a long time.
And like I said, so he's probably the reason why I really
even did, um,
psychology major in high in, uh, in college.
So, but anyways, about a hundred years ago,
he brought this understanding back to us.
So I don't think it's something that he discovered.
I don't think he has the rights to it
or can put a patent on it.
He's just rediscovering something
that we already know about, something
that other people have talked about and written books about.
And this guy, um, you know, gave us, gave us that,
that rediscovery back
and say, Hey guys, I wanna bring this,
this subject back to us.
And I love him for that.
And, um, he said about synchronicity
that it is an ever present reality for those
who have eyes to see.
And that even when I, when I read
that quote over again here recently,
in the past couple weeks, I was like, the first thing
that made me think of is, you know,
I feel like Jesus talking to me
and Jesus is telling all his parables,
and he says, he who has ears, let 'em hear who he has eyes.
Let 'em see, you know, and it's like even if we have eyes,
we don't really see what's going on, even if we have ears,
we don't really hear what people are saying sometimes,
and the depth of what people are saying.
And it makes so much sense that
synchronicity is everywhere it is ever present.
It's everywhere that we look, it's all happening
to us all the time, but we're not seeing it.
And we're not realizing why these seemingly positive
or negative things are happening to us.
And if we could only see it and realize it
and start to understand why are these things coming to me?
Why is it that the same person keeps coming to me,
or the same idea keeps coming to me?
And instead of saying, maybe someone is trying
to show me something, uh, if we can ever just get a,
get ourselves out of the way
and say, you know, I'm gonna go check this out.
I'm gonna go down that road, I'm gonna check out that book
or those symbols, or whatever,
something really incredible beyond that door
that could change your life
and open up, uh, a reality
that you didn't even know existed.
So I dare you guys to, to go, to go deeper and to look.
And one of the, uh, my favorite things
that he said in an interview in his life later in life,
Carl Jung was asked, when you were a kid,
did you believe in God?
And immediately he said, oh, yes.
And then the interviewer asked him,
does he believe in God now?
And he stopped and he hesitated,
and he thought for a second, and he said,
and that's a difficult question.
And I thought, you know,
when I was first watching that, I was like, whatcha talking about?
You just said yes as a kid?
And then he says, I know, I know.
You know, he is like Swiss, I know, I know God exists now.
And that's so in incredible.
Like, I don't believe God exists.
I know God exists because it talks to me,
because it, it, it gives me the breadcrumbs, it gives me
signs, it gives me understanding
and a path that I can now follow
because I'm aware enough to say, oh my God,
the universe does love me.
God does love me, cares about me.
It didn't just throw me out here to the wolves
and to the world without any
knowledge or wisdom or understanding.
It's got my back the whole time.
It's had my back the whole time,
the whole time I've been here.
And I just didn't even see it.
I didn't even know it reminds you of that quote one
that said, you know, the footprints
quote with Jesus or whatever.
And it says, you know,
I saw your feet pinch walking next to mine.
And, and it says, well, what happened when there was only
one pair of footprints in Christ?
Said, that's when I carried you.
You know, that's when I was with you.
And you weren't even there. Like, man,
God's always with us, man.
Christ, Buddha, Krishna, whatever you wanna call it,
the universe, it's always with you.
It never is gonna leave us all, ever. We're never alone.
And so I feel like that makes me feel so much hope.
That's why synchronicity is such a beautiful thing to share.
It changes your life
and lets you know how important you really are.
And maybe you don't even really ever realize
how important you really are.
But I, I know that I'm loved beyond
probably my wildest dreams more than I can imagine.
But I think that's cool. He said,
I don't believe that God exists.
Now I know that it God exists. So that was our history.
So now to the science of this thing, of the,
of synchronicity, is there science behind?
I think absolutely 100%, yes.
Quantum physics, non-locality, non-locality, basically
that particles can influence each other
without apparently being connected.
Meaning what, what happens over here
affects this particle over here.
And we don't even know why, but we know that it works.
And we know that it's true. We know that it's something
that can be studied over and over again.
And quantum entanglement,
that two particles being entangled, the state
of one instantaneously influences the state of the other,
no matter the distance faster than the speed of light.
Cosmic harmony transcends space and time.
So when two particles become entangled together,
and I feel like this is like you
and me, it's relationships that you had, it's friends
that you made, it's enemies that you had too.
And once you guys are bound by some kind of cosmic law,
some kind of ethereal cords, I feel like they're people
that I dated decades ago, that if they become sad enough,
if something happens to them bad enough, that I almost,
that I can feel it.
I don't know if you guys ever had that feeling, but like, so
and so sad, I need to call 'em, I need to talk to 'em.
There's something going on and something has happened,
and it really, and you were right.
Um, I do believe that once we become entangled with us,
you know, people, that that's when we can have
telepathy with them easier.
We can feel their feelings sometimes we can feel,
you know, feel their thoughts.
And so, and that's, that's literally simultaneously,
you know, it's not something that takes time to get there,
this thing, it's saying that quantum entanglement is
literally faster than the speed of light.
That somehow really, everything is all connected.
So it's, it's crazy
to think that these are western science today
that is basically saying the same thing
as these eastern religions, these eastern philosophies,
and that if we just learned how to marry
these things together, you know,
almost like we marry our left and our right brains together,
and then we have a deeper understanding
of why these things happen
and how can I understand them better for our, for my growth
and your growth and our growth, if we can see these things,
why they're playing out, we can understand
some order to our life.
And I feel like that that in itself has
to give you some peace, has to give you, not necessarily
that fate is, is what's going on.
Like, everything's pre-planned out.
Maybe if you don't wake up, the everything is fate.
But to me, if you wake up in your life,
then you become the creator of all of it.
So to me, it's not like everything is then at
that point gonna be planned out and ready to go and done.
Um, I think that is possible almost for,
you know, people who don't wake up.
But when we wake up game over, man, we,
we take control of this reality.
We take control of our experience, the,
and everything that's going on in it.
So synchronicity can be fun, little nudges,
or it can be those sledgehammer blows
that I was telling you about, but both our free of growth.
Um, you know, it can be little nice little fun little
things that happen to you.
Um, understandings, feelings, thoughts, uh,
or it could be really big things, you know,
relationship breakups or, um, getting fired from that job.
Like I was saying earlier, those things seem to be hard.
And most people when they talk about synchronicity,
they don't wanna say, you know, the, the,
these negative things were synchronicity.
But to me, realizing
that I could be in heaven on earth came from the fact
that I was living hell on earth.
And that if I was powerful enough to create my own hell,
and I had to be responsible for that, like,
I'm living in Atlanta, I'm dating the same person over
and over and over again.
Um, I'm not happy. I feel miserable.
I don't feel like I'm doing enough, um, if I can, and I'm,
and I'm depressed, you know, I'm super depressed.
If I am powerful
and I'm praying in my apartment at one day, one night,
I'm like, and this is the message I got.
If I'm powerful enough to create this hell that I'm in,
this misery that I'm in, that I must be responsible for,
then, then therefore, I must be powerful
enough to create heaven on earth too.
That that must be something that's here And now.
Because I realize, realized at that moment, even if I went
to heaven and I was that depressed, and I was that angry,
and I was that, um, incomplete,
how could I even ever experience it?
How could I walk streets of gold and,
and be happy in this beautiful place?
Because this, I'm in the world now
and the world's beautiful, and there's beautiful people
and there's beautiful things to go do.
I'm miserable already. So just
because you turn up the channel a little bit
doesn't mean I'm gonna be any happier.
I'm still miserable in here.
Um, but once I realized that, okay, I am powerful enough
to create this, then it's like, oh man, game over.
Well, why not stop doing the things you're doing
and start changing yourself and be a better person.
And then, you know, hopefully then
you take responsibility for all this.
Nobody else is responsible for misery. Just me.
Once I do that, man, bam, game over.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna win, win, win.
I'm gonna have fun, fun, fun, and love it, you know?
And that's exactly what happened for me at least.
Um, not right away, but it took practice
and it took, you know, real dedication to changing my life.
And, and I, I mean, we'll talk more about it later,
but I can't believe, um,
how much more harmonious my life seems now than it did,
you know, 10 or 15 or 20 years ago.
So it's a un So synchronicity
to me is like a universal language that we can,
that can apply to everyone.
So it's like God doesn't need to sit down
to every language and talk to every single person.
No, it's this universal language of events, circumstances,
ideas, symbols, archetypes that come into your life
that would happen everywhere.
And it's also like, not just the universe,
but when I say the universe,
I mean everything that's in it too.
So like, your guides, your angels,
and I think they want to engage with us.
They want to help us, but we are sowing our minds
and sowing our own thoughts.
So we, we forget, hey, you know, grandma
and grandpa, the spirit guides, angels, ancestors,
help me out on this.
Gimme some guidance, gimme some breadcrumbs.
Um, help me see the things I'm not seeing.
You know, we need to invite them in
and ask, ask them to show us the way, um, so we can have,
they can have more involvement.
Because I, I do feel like sometimes I forget myself,
but I, when I go back and say, you know what, grandma
and grandpa, ancestors like, help me out on this one.
Show me a sign, gimme something, you know, gimme that piece
and understanding that I need, so that I'm not
so stressed out about this thing.
Uh, I'm not worried about this situation.
I know you guys got my back.
I know that the universe has some plan better
than I can possibly imagine.
And it always is. So
I think the problem with most of us, maybe not in most, many
of us, we'll say many of us, is that we think there's no way
God's speaking to me, that
the universe isn't speaking to me.
We've been programmed from the get go to think that
'cause we don't have a million dollars and we don't play
basketball or baseball or football or something,
and we're not on tv,
we're not as important as somebody else.
So why the heck would the universe talk to me?
Why would God wanna talk to me?
But I'm gonna ask you guys right now, why not you?
Why, why did you take Moses with a speech impediment
and help him, you know, free the people you know, why
does God pick certain people?
You know, it's 'cause some people are ready.
Some people are listening, some people are
dare to know who they really are and are ready for that.
And some people just don't believe in themselves.
And that's all. I think that's the only difference.
We're all made of the same stuff.
We got the same brains and the same hearts.
Some people just learn to use 'em more
and learn to listen to those little nudges, listen to
that inner voice and that guidance.
And when you start listening to that little voice,
it becomes a big voice and it becomes much more clear.
And it's just like practicing anything, practicing yoga,
working out, whatever.
You get better at it as you do it.
And it, it gets to be easier
and easier so you don't have to second guess it.
So this is the underlying order of the universe that
subscribes to no religion, but it's universal law.
So no matter what planet we live on the same circumstances,
events, situations
and archetypes are gonna come into your life.
You can't, you can't move to another state
or move to another country
or try to go try to date somebody else.
The same things are gonna persist no matter where you go,
no matter who you date, no matter what job you get into.
Um, you know, had people listen to people talk
and say, man, this happened at this job again,
it's happened at this job.
I got this job. And the same thing, same kind
of people are looking down on me.
And it's like, dude, you could, it doesn't matter
what job you, you're gonna have the same situation happen,
it's you, it's not them.
Um, and if you can realize that the universe is the mirror
for you to realize that if you steal,
you're gonna be stolen from, if you
hurt people, you're gonna be hurt.
If you lie, you're gonna be lied to.
'cause you have to be,
what you put out is what you give back.
If you smile, the mirror has no option but to smile back.
If you're angry in it and you look mad, you
that mirror's gonna look mad at you.
You know, you take from it, it's gonna take from you.
It has to, that's how it works.
And that's how you wake up and realize what I've done
to the mirror, to the universe is what's happened to me.
And that's that toal field. What I put out is
what I get back, plain and simple.
So, you know, if we really start to realize that, that
what we are putting back is what we're getting back,
what we're putting out is what we're getting back, man,
it really can change your life in game over.
Like what we're gonna experience, what's gonna come to us,
how life is gonna be, how people are gonna listen
to me, you know?
And how we love you ourselves is the direct
line that we show people.
How you, how you treat me, how I treat myself,
how I have respect for myself, how I have discipline.
You know, that's what's gonna show people, oh wow, this guy,
you know, he's got it together.
He has his discipline, he has, um, self-respect.
And if I don't respect him, he is not gonna talk to me.
Um, it's not, woe is me.
Everyone should talk to me a certain way
and they're gonna talk to you the way you talk to yourself.
If you bully yourself, people are gonna bully you.
So these is, these are universal laws I believe
that we're talking about, um,
that many people will talk about.
And you hear in the Bible and Hermeticism and different,
and Buddhists, um,
and it's throughout history,
we find these same things back and forth.
So when we start to understand there are laws
and how we interact
with the universe is how it interacts with us.
We realize a great deal about our lives
and what's manifesting for us.
So that makes us really realize in the end
that the universe isn't this linear thing.
It's not this linear progression from here to there.
And that's all that is, you know, like the past
and the future are now as well.
And I believe that the universe
is in itself is a living being, um, and that it's expanding
and contracting just as we are.
I'm breathing so my lungs are breathing, expanding out,
and as I breathe, breathe back in it, it goes in,
um, or breathe in and it expands
and I blow out and it contracts.
So I'm this living being who's expanding and, and breathing
and I believe the universe and,
and some of the science that we're seeing now is sewing
that the universe is expanding at the same time contracting.
Um, I believe that it's a living, breathing v being
that's aware of itself as much as we are.
And the universe, a galaxy,
they're all double helix by wave patterns.
And um, so is our DNA.
So we're just a microcosm of the macrocosm,
but it makes you realize that it's this
eternalness of, of forever, you know, of eternity.
And we are a part of that eternalness.
We are an idea of the universe just
as fleeting as our own ideas.
You know, this body that we're in, um,
50, 60, 70, 80 years.
It's gone. It's completely gone.
And that conscious that you are is gone.
And, you know,
to be present right here in this moment is so important.
You know, I, I've only lived a couple 42 years in my life
and it just, just like that, bam, 42 years, here it is.
And I, and I'm trying to stay present as much
as possible for the next 42.
Um, so that I can take in all, I can take in
and be present in, in this beautiful present
that I've been able to receive from the universe.
Um, and I feel like most
of you guys watching tonight are thinking that same thing.
Like, man, it goes by quick, better stay present better,
stay grounded, um,
or it's all gonna pass us
by faster than we could possibly imagine.
So synchronicity really is where we pierce the veil
in reality into that right now,
the universe is timeless and everything is connected.
So when we have those synchronicities
where something happens over here, something is said to us
and then, you know, maybe it's the same day,
maybe it's weeks later or months later,
someone says the exact same thing
that somebody else said to you.
Um, or me. I was dating a girl.
And then a couple months later, uh, dating another girl
standing in the same place in the same positions,
the second girl said to me the same thing the first one did.
And I was like, what a moment.
You know, it just blew me away
that it was like this deja vu moment on top
of the same things being said.
And it made me realize, you know,
that something was really going on here.
Um, something was really happening, that
I was gonna continue dating the same people,
whether they look the same, have the same backgrounds, have,
you know, different cultures, whatever.
It was gonna be the same kind of archetypes over
and over again until I changed myself.
'cause I was emitting a frequency
that brought people in like a magnet.
So we're really like a microcosm, synced to the macrocosm.
And what happens in the cosmos happens to us.
And that's why astrology is, you know,
so amazing to even think about.
Like it really is true.
Um, things that are happening out there is happening to us
that like an explosion
of a nebula being created or you know, a star burning out.
Those things are happening in the universe,
but it's happening to us too.
There's people, there's stars, you know,
they even call celebrity stars,
but we're little walking around stars on this planet
and you know, stars go out and they die
and there's explosions.
And that explosion in your life can be your car exploding,
had that happen before too.
Um, or it could be your consciousness expanding
and exploding or new ideas
and circumstances happening for you
and expanding and exploding.
And it's like those things are gonna happen regardless.
How are you gonna tilt that one way
or the other to work for you?
And you have to believe at some point
that all this stuff is happening for you and not to you.
I think that's the most important.
When we start to think that everything is happening to us,
that we're unlucky, that bad things are happening,
when it rains, it pours.
Those are laws and ideas that can create more of that.
You stub your toe and you're angry
and you're mad, you get stuck on it.
And then after that, you just have the worst day ever
sometimes 'cause you've gotten angry and emotional
and married those together and created a whole day of crap.
And that in itself is still synchronicity.
It's a synchronized day
where everything bad happened to you.
And that's, you know, I laugh,
but it, it can has happened to me.
But it made me realize that man, I created,
that I was powerful enough to create a really,
really crappy day that I must be,
that I must be powerful enough
to create a really awesome day
and a really awesome life eventually.
So You have to, you know,
not see negative and positive always is bad or good.
What's negative can be the most helpful thing
to you ever better to be hot
or cold, better, to have a really cold life, better
to almost sometimes be homeless, to be hungry to find out
what it's like to feel those things.
And then you don't want other people to be hungry.
You don't want other people to homeless You
makes you dig down deep to find out what am I really made of
and what I really want outta this life.
And you have to learn
to follow the breadcrumbs and the signs.
'cause if you don't, and you go meet that girl
and she says the same thing
and you're like, oh, that's a coincidence.
And then you date her and then six months later you're just
as miserable as was with the last girlfriend.
You don't even realize, man, if I would've just listened to
that one thing that somebody said,
I could have avoided this whole thing
and not wasted six months of my life.
And not that you wasted it.
'cause eventually you keep doing that, keep dating
that same person and it's not for you.
It's gonna wake you up and you're gonna change.
Be like, next time I hear somebody say something like that,
I'm gonna know to turn the other way and eventually do.
And that's growth and that's what it's all about.
And not to take it as some negative thing,
but it is panning out for you.
The universe is happening for you, not beating you down and,
and, and trying to take all your lunch money.
It literally is doing what it needs to do
because that's what you put in the, that's
what you put in and that's what you get back.
So eventually our lives could be a reality
that's always being at the right place in the right time.
And every new person we meet could be that next piece
of the puzzle that we need for expansion,
that we need for that next job.
That we need to give us an idea
or an understanding that we didn't have
before that make us, you know, learn to laugh again.
Who can help us learn to forgive again.
And you know, by being open
and listening to what people are saying to us,
is the universe talking to you?
You don't even realize it. Oh,
that's John Smith from down the street.
No, that's, that's God talking to you.
And it looks like John Smith from down the street.
But it's actually God too,
even if John Smith doesn't know it.
And I think that's what we have to realize.
Like everything is God and it's all happening for us.
It is the great I am that I am.
It's all the, that's that there is, it's all the John Smiths
and the Jane Doe that there is out there.
And when you hear those people saying the same things
to you over and over again, that's your cue to listen up.
'cause it's trying to tell you something
before it becomes just that sledgehammer blow to you.
So, and what all this means to me is I, it comes down
to the simple quote that Rumi gave long ago.
What we are seeking or what you are seeking is seeking you.
And I love that so much
because I know deep down in the fire of my belly
that the thing that I want the most, the things
that I want the most are, are wanting me to, you know,
I want talking to Mike before this
and I want to be a person who
learns how to do something like this.
Make a show who interviews people
and you get better at it and you practice it.
And I'm, you know, definitely feel like no public speaker
by any means or anybody trying
to be like famous because of it.
But I, I do feel called by God, by the universe
to share these, these, these things that I, that I kind
of understand that I get.
And like I said in the beginning, it wasn't about,
wasn't about sharing it to nobody.
It wasn't about talking to any of this, any of these things
that I made these, these mystery podcasts about.
It wasn't about sharing it at first.
It was my own personal journey that I wanted to know
that if God actually existed, would you talk to me?
Would you show me? Um, I remember in 2007,
graduating college
after eight years, um, for a four year degree
that I felt no smarter, no better, no more deserving
to go get a job with this degree.
And I was just like, I felt empty.
I was like, man, that was a fun ride. I enjoyed it.
I had a lot of fun there. But what I was here actually for
and actually stressing over these classes and passing
and trying to get a degree that I finally got at the end
of the day, I didn't feel any more, um,
likely to succeed because of it.
And that that was a real letdown. It was a real letdown.
And I remember, you know, looking up to God
and saying, man, I don't know what is anything anymore.
I don't know what's true and what's not true.
I don't know if God exists. I don't know if Buddha exists.
I don't know if atheists are right,
but I just need you
to show me something along this path so that I know
and I don't need to prove it to mom or dad or anybody.
It's just for me. And when I said that and I got real,
and I didn't even know that I was doing,
but that's, that's what it was, was getting real with God.
You know, like having a real powwow, a real, you know, talk.
Um, everything changed.
And I started seeing these breadcrumbs
and I started seeing these signs
and you know, in 2007,
the Internet's really popping at that point.
I'm just, you know, looking at things
and I was reading books
and like my mind, just,
my whole my whole world in reality blew up.
I mean, in 2007, everything changed for me.
Now that I had quit school
and I had this opportunity
to look at new things, everything changed.
So, and I feel like that's all we have to do.
We have to get out of our own way
and be open to what the universe has to give us.
And I just want to go now in some
of those messages real quick with you guys.
So the messages, what is one
of the first messages I think about when I think about
synchronicity in particular, like goosebumps,
that physical feeling
that we feel when the hair stands up on our,
on our whole body, on our back, on our arms, you know,
I know that's assessing the environment,
picking up on things sometimes when we're scared.
But there are those moments when things happen.
You're like, what is going on in this moment? Who is here?
What is happening? And you have that just feeling of
settling in right here and down deep into this.
And now what is going on? I'm paying attention.
I'm looking around, I'm feeling
with my heart, what's happening.
That is a huge synchronicity moment to me.
Pay attention when those things happen.
Another big one for me is the aha moment
or the eureka moment.
Um, when you feel like, haha, I found that I got it Eureka.
Um, that's kind of like my inner voice speaking to me,
and that I've learned now not to discount,
to always follow it.
I remember one time, probably
around 2008 or oh nine
after this big expansion happened to me in 2007,
going to Thanksgiving dinner.
My parents live in Colorado at the time, so people asked me
to come eat Thanksgiving dinner with me.
And I was like, okay. And I went
and I was just talking about all
these things with this girl.
Um, and it was a fr my, my, my good friend's girlfriend.
And she was open and she was ready
and the teacher was there to, you know, give her what this,
what this student had learned.
And I feel like I blew her mind.
And I went home and I was just feeling so good.
Someone, you know, heard me and,
and received these things that I, you know,
hadn't really shared too many times with too many people.
And when I did, it wasn't, was well received.
So this time I was like, wow.
And, um, you know, I got on the phone
with a friend and tell him about it.
And as I was on the phone talking about it,
I felt a wrinkle happening.
And Miranda was like, you know, just all
of a sudden I was like, whoa.
And then I started saying to this guy, I was like, man,
I just felt this wrinkle happen in my brain.
And I was like, I feel like people
who have more wrinkles are more intelligent.
And, uh, he's like, well, look it up.
And I looked it up and it's,
that's what's brain plasticity is, is that people
who have more wrinkles in their brain are more
intelligent than people who don't.
And when you're a kid, you learn how to walk, you learn how
to talk, um, you're constantly getting wrinkles,
and the wrinkle is creating more surface area in the brain.
So it's just adding more to this, the brain, the capacity.
So, and I was like, man, that's crazy.
I never heard anybody say this,
and I don't think I've heard anybody say it since,
but this happened to me.
And it's genuine and I share it because it's real
and I feel like it could happen to other people.
Um, but I think when you have those eureka moments
or aha moments, your brain is physically changing
and craning more of those times.
Like when you learn how to hold a cup or walk or talk,
and we get out of that
because we think everything's discovered
and everything's already known
and there's no more mysteries to solve and,
and we start to open up about those things again,
then it's like, oh wow,
the universe is way cooler than I thought it was.
And, um, there's more to it.
And it's something to get excited about.
Like a kid is excited about being in the now, I'm excited
to be here now, mom.
Um, not because we're going anywhere or doing anything just
because I'm here and I'm alive
and like, man, that is what we need, right?
We're so bored and we're so, I'm so bored
with what's going on.
And, you know, and it's like, how can you be bored
in an infinite amount of time
and space where anything is possible,
where there's infinite amount
of things you don't know about and people are bored?
Oh wow. It's mind blowing
when you think about stuff like that.
Even the inside of your own brain is infinite.
And so follow, learn to listen to that inner voice,
Uh, another, another time
that I had one of those aha moments, um,
I'll, I'll say this in the book later.
We'll do that in the book later. Um, so people,
people are huge old friends, especially like,
you start thinking about an old friend
and then all of a sudden that old frame comes back, uh,
you know, calls you up or you meet somewhere randomly.
Um, that is something to show you something big, uh, usually
to show you your growth, where you come from,
especially if it's somebody knowing you were a kid
and now it's 10 or 20, 30, 40 years later, whatever.
And you're like, man, you know how you been?
And like, what are you into now?
And just seeing how far you've come with
that person since you've known that person, gives you a lot,
gives you a lot to think about
and to, um, you know, and,
and to, um, to dwell on
and to, to, to grow from like, man, I,
I really come a long way to be proud of yourself.
You know, another one is, I don't,
and this has probably happened
to almost everybody at this point, right?
That when you're thinking about somebody really hard,
wondering what they're doing, how they're going,
and you feel them, and then all
of a sudden, bam, they call or text you.
Like that's, I mean, I think that's happened to most
of us at some point at this,
at this point in our lives, right?
That's definitely that synchronicity where it's like, wow,
you know, just thinking about this person
because what became intertangled at some point.
And now we have this knowing of each other
and these feelings of each other and,
and just thinking about somebody really in depthly,
they can literally just feel that enough to, you know,
actually pick up the phone and call you or text you
and li literally everybody that you meet.
I wanna say for the most part, honestly,
but I feel like every single person
that you meet represents archetypes.
Just like those throw cards.
Um, you know, when you meet the priestess or the fool
or, you know, that's, I feel like that's just the book
that's teaching you how to get there.
And so, just like the hero's journey,
there's all these people that come in at certain times
and situations when you need something,
when you're feeling down, when the tower burns down,
you know, and you're about to rebuild yourself,
your new life, um, they're all like archetypes to us.
And so, so important to like, see
and think about how each person has, is coming to your life
and what they represent, who they are,
what they're showing you about yourself, what you can learn
and grow from them, um, for them being in your life.
And if you can realize what archetypes that they're
representing for you, there's so much that you can gain from
that person and learn from and get from,
and not that that's the goal,
is to get people from everything.
Like you want to grow as a person, right?
You wanna be someone not just receives, but gives.
But one of the things people don't realize is it's
so important as just as important to receive as to give,
to receive compliments, to receive knowledge and wisdom
and understanding and love and kindness,
and replicate that back out too.
Because if you don't pay attention
and you don't follow these signs,
and you don't listen to when someone says, oh,
I could be your enemy, or I could be someone
that you could really hate or whatever,
and you don't pay attention, I could be your next mistake.
Um, you could be dating the same archetype
as the last person and you could be totally
miserable, like I said before.
So you gotta be really careful.
Um, and people give you those subtle little clues.
And if you don't listen, uh, again, it, it starts
as a tickle, a little feather, um, a little nudge.
And if you don't listen, it can be a sledgehammer
and blow that, you know, you just don't want.
So that's what I did.
I mean, I, I literally hearing that, that,
that girl say the same thing
as the last girlfriend in my apartment,
standing in the exact same places in the light bulb
goes off in my head.
And it's that aha eureka moment.
Like she just said the same thing to me, the last one said.
And I said, if I don't change myself, I'm gonna continue
to date the same people no matter what ethnicity they are,
where they're from, what country I go to,
doesn't matter if I go to Mars.
And there's people there, pretty sure there's people there,
um, you can date the same people may have different names,
it may look a little different, but it's the same kind
of person through and through.
And, um, you know, if you start to listen, you can start
to know where to go with somebody.
Where's the next job to go to?
Where's the next event to go to?
Uh, when someone advice you go something, know that
that's something to go to.
And the next piece of your puzzle could be there.
The next part of your growth,
the next big expansion that you have could be there.
So, you know, learn to follow it. Another one is books.
So, you know, sometimes a book will be mentioned
to you numerous times.
Definitely go find that book and check it out.
Or, you know, one
of the greatest things is when somebody gives you a book.
And I've had that happen quite a few times,
and that is always something that is very, very powerful.
Uh, one of the last books someone gave me was The Greatest
Salesman, uh, great book.
Um, and follow that, you know,
because there's so much great things in books
and like, you know, uh, reading a book gives you the,
the permission to excite your own imagination
and create your own little world of
what these people look like and what's going on.
And so much more so than a TV show or something.
So, you know, when someone gives you a book when, uh,
someone mentions a book, go check 'em out.
And because you go read 'em, um,
books usually help point you to the next thing, uh,
that everything really is connected.
Um, and oftentimes you see the same concepts crossover.
One of the big concepts that crossover for me was
definitely a big Bible guy.
I've been reading the Bible since I was a little kid, uh,
and I remember being in Sunday school
and reading those, um, you know, old Testament stories
and things, and I said, man, I put myself right there in the
middle of those stories when they were going on.
And I loved it and I felt great.
But, um, as an older person, I realized, you know,
I had some predisposed ideas about the Bible,
so I wanted to go back and read it for myself.
So I would read that and really dive into it
and try to see, you know, uh, with new eyes, um,
to read something that I've read many times, times before,
and I listened to many times before and try to,
and try to learn from it in a new way.
And that, and I did that and that was great.
And then there would be these times that my intuition,
something in there, a verse, something
that something was said or a way it was said
that triggered me to think, man, I should go learn about
that subject, you know, black magic
or whatever, you know, um, not to judge it, not to
have any predisposed ideas that it's good or bad.
Just take it for that subject, for
what it's worth on its own, on its own accord, how,
how I can go look at it.
Uh, and one of those things that came up for me was alchemy.
And so I had, I went and bought just a basic alchemy book
and just wanted to read about it.
And I think I read five chapters in, and
after I got done with five chapters, I closed it up
and put my, put my book down,
and I had that inner voice say loud
and clear, now it's time to go read the Bible.
And I was like, wow, wow.
The Bible, I'm reading Alchemy book right now,
just in case you don't know, I'm trying
to learn all the things you told me to learn about and,
and I'm having this conversation with myself literally.
And it was like screaming it inside, now it's time
to go read the Bible.
And I'm like, uh, okay man,
the Bible is a really big book too.
Where do I start? You know?
And it was just like, read it, read it, read it,
read it, read it just like that.
And so I was like, all right, okay, cool.
So I'll just open it up.
And I just opened it up and started reading.
And um, I started reading
and literally within a couple sentences,
I'm reading the exact same sentences that was just,
I just read in the Awkward Book.
And I was like, holy smokes.
And not just, um, the same words,
but they were literally the cornerstone,
the purse builders rejected
and they had quotation marks on them.
And uh, then they were separated by space.
And I was like, man, this is like a,
this is like a billboard sign right here in the Bible
of the, what I was just reading in the awe book.
And it got me so much.
I was like, man, this is unbelievable.
And next thing I know, it felt like the room.
I didn't see anything, but it felt like the room filled up
with angels, ancestors
and, um, spirit guides.
And it felt like they were all cheering me on.
Like I was the coolest person in town just clapping
and cheering and way to go, Jacob, you are figuring it out.
Good for you. And it was so overwhelming.
I, I started to cry
and I, at that moment, I felt what
I would say is the Holy Spirit.
And I was overwhelmed with unconditional love
that I knew that God and the universe
and all these people that were here were
so on my side that they loved me more than I could possibly
know, and that they were proud of me
more than anybody has ever made me feel
that they were proud, man.
And I was overwhelmed for a long time.
It felt like three hours, it was probably more like 30
minutes, and I was sitting there crying in my apartment
by myself, but it changed my life.
And I realized at that moment, I was like,
I will never ever discount this eureka moment,
or this inner voice in my head.
So incredible. And it changed my life.
And I, like I said, ever
since then, I've always read the books.
I've always, you know, changed it up.
If I needed to change it up at that moment,
I go look at something and, and I always see those things.
Um, another moment I was gonna talk about earlier,
but I didn't know where to put it, but it's in a book.
So, um, 10 years ago
or so, uh, again, I, I didn't say these things to,
to tell on my parents, but eventually I felt like it was a
responsibility to try to
help them see the things that I was seeing.
And at first it was like really tough,
and I tried to probably push it on harder than others,
but you know,
they wanted me to go to church with 'em one night.
And so I was gonna go and I was just talking to them
and, you know, telling 'em about my spiritual experiences
and things that happened and these synchronicities
that happened to me and these, you know, cool,
cool little things and breadcrumbs
and signs that God was showing me.
And I was like, I want, you know,
I want you guys to see 'em too.
And, and so they were like, you know, okay, sure, whatever,
and we're in the car and we're almost there.
And I was like, you know, there's that saying in the Bible
that says, don't look to the left, don't look to the right,
but listen to that inner voice.
That's what I mean, that's what I'm talking about.
It's just like, there's that inner voice
with God that's talking to you.
I can hear that now loud and clear.
And my dad's like, okay man, okay, we're going into church,
so just relax and keep it, keep it down.
And so we went in and we sat down
and there was just a random bible on the pew,
and my mom picks it up,
and the literally the pages she opened
to had a bookmark in it,
and it said, you can look to the left,
or you can look to the right,
but you hear that inner voice speaking to you,
and that's, that's what you should listen to.
And then she looked, turned to me and said, look at this.
And I go, that's what I'm talking about right there.
That's the synchronicity stuff.
And it was just like in that moment, it, you didn't have
to convince anybody.
It really wasn't something you had to push on anybody.
Like if what you're saying is real
and true, the magic will happen.
Just let it happen.
And I was like, that little thing right there is enough
to push somebody in a way that no words can do,
no experience.
Sometimes you can't be a prophet in
your own home anyway, right?
'cause those are your parents and know your sense
of you're a kid and they don't want you to even surpass them
and most things anyway, especially knowledge and wisdom
and spirituality, and they want to be the parents.
But that, I think that changed my mom's life that day.
And there were a lot, lot of things I said
after that that she would maybe not
initially jump on, but eventually she would.
So those things can change your life.
And that's what I'm saying.
You don't have to have this conviction to go out
and just do all these things.
Sometimes you just be yourself, say the,
say the golden nuggets that you need to say, um,
be, be who you are.
Don't water yourself down completely.
But um, you know, you don't have to feel the stress
and the pressure to rapture someone up
in this moment right here.
Know that they'll happen on their due time, but be yourself
and say those things because, um, they can,
they can manifest and,
and synchronize in a way that
somebody can't unsee those things.
They can't unhear it. She can't take that experience away.
It happens. And I can always bring 'em back home.
So you remember that? Wasn't that awesome?
Wasn't that a cool feeling?
You know, that God was talking to you?
And I think that's one of those things that really
people can never deny.
You can keep call a coincidence,
but eventually you have to call it something else
besides that because it, it keeps happening.
There's no way it's a coincidence.
Uh, another big one for a lot of people is numbers, right?
That's the way the universe works. It's numbers.
It speaks its own universal language.
It has to be mathematics
because the mathematics
that apply here have to apply everywhere.
Um, and you hear that, that's saying like, angel numbers
11, 11, 4, 4, 4, oops, I kicked it again.
Um, and you people say that, oh, look at this number.
Look at the back of this license plate, or whatever it is.
Um, and those are great man.
Those are pointing to certain things that you need to see
and, and understandings that need to be had.
And if you're thinking about a certain thing
and you see those, man, that's a big resonance for you.
Like, keep thinking about those things,
keep dwelling on 'em, keep ex, you know,
keep talking about 'em.
And they really are important.
Um, and I'm not gonna go into the significance of 11, 11
or 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5 or whatever, 8, 8, 8.
They're all great to me.
They all mean different things when you see them,
experience 'em, look 'em up for yourself.
What comes up for you is what you need to see.
Um, follow it, keep continue
to following numbers when they come up are great.
When you're on it and you're not
like looking at your phone all the time.
And you know, I see 1111 all the time
and I'm, it is just when I'm on it
and doing what I'm supposed to do, I, you know, I,
I pick up the phone and I grab it and, or look at the clock
and bam, that's what it is every single time.
Um, and it just, it just comes and it's natural.
You don't have to try to, try to make it happen
after I send that text at right at 1111
and it's just gonna happen
because that's the person that you're talking to.
Those are the numbers that, that resonate with you and them.
And that's the thing that's going on
that you're thinking about, that you see those numbers.
They're really cool. A number that's a little bit different.
But one of the probably most profound numbers
for me personally, is the number 26.
In 1999 when I went to college,
I had to have an email.
And back then I didn't even know what an email was,
an email address, and I just put my name
in, obviously Jake Cox.
Very, very popular name.
So it gave me some suggestions
and I just used the first thing that came up.
26 didn't mean anything to me. Didn't matter.
Just trying to get that thing done as soon as possible.
Well, what was funny, as I went to college
and as I was learning things, and even
after I got outta college, especially, like I said, in 2007,
I started noticing things that had to do with 26.
And one of the first big things that came up
for me was the mind calendar had 260 days, 22 6 0.
And, um, that was a cycle
around women's gestation for them and stuff.
So that was interesting. And then I found out
that the procession of the Equinox was 26,000 years.
So 26 with a couple more zeros.
And then seemingly enough scientists were finding out
that every 26 million years things spontaneously evolve in
other things, you know, like shellfish into
fish and there's no in between.
And how they all
of a sudden just birthing into these new things.
It's pretty crazy. And I was like, man, what a crazy thing.
You know, 26, 26, 26, huh.
What a, what a weird thing going on here.
It's almost like this, you know, kind
of feminine birthing number of the universe where, you know,
um, it's a creation of something new by,
by giving birth to it.
And I was like, that's pretty interesting.
And then as I was doing yoga and started to learn yoga,
and somebody said, well, you know, yoga's 26 poses
that gives birth to yoga I 26 poses, that gives birth
to the practice of yoga.
That's interesting. And then I started to think about,
is there anything else out there
that could be something like that?
You know, I just making these things up in my head
and then, you know, right then think about, all of a sudden
that came to my mind, there are 26 letters to the alphabet
that give birth to the English language.
I was like, damn, that's, that's pretty interesting too.
And um, 206 bones give
birth to the human skeleton.
And I could go on and on and there's more of 'em.
Um, but I was like blown away.
I was like, man, this 26 is a feminine birthing number.
And the two and six in general, adding them together
as an eight, which is the infinity cycle
of cycles being born over and over again.
So it made sense that that, you know, kind
of like the 26,000 year procession of the Equinox is
that these are cycles of time.
And then after thinking about all this said, man, that this,
that's such a, that's such a cool thing.
I realized that my own mom's birthday was on
eight twenty six, and I was like, dang.
And you know, not that everybody's mom needs
to be on the 26th, but that's what it needed to be for me,
so that I could wake up a little bit more
and realize that numbers meant something
that they had profound meaning
to them other than just one plus one is two.
Um, that they represented things
and the universe spoke in numbers that changed my life.
And so that's why you guys see Jacob Cox 26
on YouTube channels and my emails and everything else.
Uh, it's a number that stuck with me.
It's been so profound in my life, it changed me
that numbers really do mean things.
And, um, they're really important.
So numbers, those angel numbers,
all this stuff is really important.
Uh, and then another message from the universe to go down
and deja vu, God, one of the coolest ones, surreal moments
that, you know, it seems to bleed through to now,
whatever it is, if it's, it could be the place,
it could be the people in it,
it could be the feeling of this moment.
But something about deja vu is like when
whenever you're experiencing it, something is
profoundly going on here, right?
Um, like I said, whether it's the people, the moment,
the feeling, what's happening, but you've done this before
and it makes you realize like, man, I,
this is not the first time I did this lifetime thing.
I have done it before and I'm gonna do it again.
And when these things happen, it resonates.
A feeling of this has happened
before, something like this has happened, almost identical
to this before, whether I've been to this place
or met these people or this feeling, whatever it is, um,
that what a great thing, what an incredible feeling, um,
that that's happened before.
And that, you know, it's something profound found.
Um, and you just write. You have no doubt.
You just have no doubt sometimes when those things happen
that have done this slide thing before.
Um, another big one is music.
You know, sometimes kind of forget about a song you listen,
used to listen to as a kid,
and then all of a sudden you hear it, um,
and it brings back that memory
or a feeling of something that happened
or a way you felt that at a certain,
a certain point in your life.
I feel like that gives you an incredible foundation for
how far I've grown, where I've come from, who I am now.
And if it gives you a feeling of the past that you used
to feel a lot, you know, listen to songs like you're angry
or You're mad or whatever, and you realize,
man, I'm just not that anymore.
I don't listen to music like that anymore.
That helps you realize so much about yourself
and brings up memories and feelings and things.
Oh man, that's still there for me a little bit.
That memory that that feeling is still there,
you know, something I need to work on.
So music is profound, like smells and things too.
It can bring back memories and feelings of people, places
and events that can bring forth lots of your life
to make you realize like, Hey, I need to work on that.
Look how far I'll come. A lot of those things.
So another, uh, beautiful thing about music is
I just listen to, in the very beginning of my journey, uh,
listened to a lot of solfeggio tones and, and,
and music like that and,
and crystal balls and singing balls and stuff.
And I would just imagine myself riding waves of light
and I would have like profound insights.
And I would, uh,
literally one time I was just riding the waves of light
and I was taking Einstein's advice of, of, uh,
imagining riding waves of light while I'm listening
to these, uh, Gio tones.
And hence I knew the black
hole was in the center of the universe.
And I was like, wow, what a crazy feeling
that the universe was emitting light in a spiral
galaxy coming out from it.
And, um, I walked in the, walked in the living room
and the exact same thing was saying being said on the
television the exact same time, right
after I had that profound, um, meditation download.
And I was like, wow, how could this even be possible
that the same thing is on television?
Am I, you know, now you realize this?
What a synchronicity that was.
I'm either synchronized with whatever's coming out
of the ether into this cable cord,
or I'm synchronized to the, you know,
the whole entire universe and there's
understandings all around me.
And this is just something that's I'm realizing
to help me get that confirmation that
what I just downloaded is true.
And here's the confirmation on the TV show,
on the history channel, whatever
it was, sci-fi or something.
Um, you know, validating that same thing for me.
Um, and another cool one that I had when it came
to music was on my birthday, long
after my grandparents had died, I was going skydiving.
So I was super excited to go skydiving for the first time,
uh, and face those fears
and, uh, probably a bit nervous
to, no, it was the second time.
Second time this happened on the second time.
So I had already done it. I was super stoked about it
and happy, and I was going to skydive
and I was with a buddy in my truck.
And then all of a sudden this song came on called Birthday
by Kings of Leon, and it's about having a happy birthday.
And at that exact moment I was like,
oh my God, I never heard the song.
And now I guess I was just on like Spotify shuffle
and it just came on all of a sudden.
It was really weird. I never heard it.
And I was talking to my friend, I was like, wow, dude,
this birthday song just came on outta
nowhere on my birthday.
And as soon as I said that, I felt the presence
of my grandparents, that they were with me
and they were happy that I was happy, they were happy
that I was doing things that were scary, that were, um,
you know, that things that I were afraid to do in the past,
that I was facing my fears and overcoming them.
And that somehow whatever they did to tap into the realm
of my reality, they were able to put that channel on.
And I was like, how'd you guys know? I like kings Leon.
You know? So
that was a profound time when music was really cool.
Um, and then another one, uh, nature's messages.
Um, you know, trees speak to us, plants can speak to us.
They oftentimes, um, where I would go to Garden
of the Gods Red Rock Canyon and just go take a nap
or sit in out the nature
and I would get real deep feelings
and hints to, to go a certain place or to move over here.
And I would go over there and I'd find like this crazy path
that I would never have found if I didn't feel that,
if I didn't act on that hint and find crazy places to go
and garden to Gods most people don't know about.
And, um, you know, walking in, uh, Sequoia National Park,
um, 2015 when I first moved to Colorado,
and I felt like driving through the, this redwood forest
or the Sequoia Forest, these massive trees.
And I saw four massive trees just
like right next to each other.
And I was like, man, that's almost like one giant tree.
And as soon as I turned to look at it,
it was like, over here, come over here.
And I was like, what? And
so I literally pulled my car over right away and got out.
And as I started walking to this tree and
before I got there, there was a fence and a hill
and up as up from this fence, I could hear
something talking to me in the head saying, no,
I'm up here, I'm up this way.
And I was like, what? And nobody, so obviously nobody,
but I can hear it in my head.
And I was like, I'm not supposed to jump the fence, man.
I'm trying to be a good person these
days, you know, I'm not gonna do that.
So, but anyways, he kept saying it.
So I jumped the fence and ran up there
and there was a huge sequoia tree with this huge,
almost like cathedral like walkway
where I couldn't even touch on either side.
And it was probably 10 feet high,
and it was looked like this just beautiful
gate for me to walk in.
And I walked in and I couldn't touch anywhere holding my
arms out by three feet probably.
And it was just this flat place where it looks like this is
where you sit down and meditate here.
And I was like, oh, okay, well sit down here.
And, and I did.
And that tree gave me a sound bath
that I'd never had before.
Uh, just a WWW just cleansing me
and speaking to me in a way that I didn't know could exist.
And, uh, like a sound bath.
And when I got done, I got up and I looked around
and I found this other hole
that was big enough for me to jump in.
I jumped in that hole and then there's a room in there
and I, there was another hole and I jumped into another room
and next thing you know, I walked out the back of the tree
and I was just like, wow.
And he is like, thanks the tree talked to me.
Um, it sounds wild, but it happens.
And I know a lot of you out there listening
had experiences like that.
And it's just a awesome to know
that nature provides messages for us too.
Um, it gives us those understandings and, uh, breadcrumbs
and feelings that we never even know existed.
If we're just open enough, we're open enough to listen to
what the universe has, man.
Our life can become a magical, very, very magical place.
Um, trying to go quickly here.
Animals represent characteristics.
Um, so when you thinking about something
and you see that hawk fly over, what that represents to you,
and again, I'm not gonna get into the depths of animals,
but um, and they obviously represent certain things, cats
and dogs and owls and eagles and all that kind of stuff.
And it's something to be aware of
and not just seeing the animal,
but it could be a picture of it, it could be,
you know, the word or whatever.
Like all of a sudden you thinking about something
and see the word of something, you know, uh,
that could have still have that power of the archetype
to pay attention to it.
When you see it, when you see that picture
and you see that word, um, you see those animals.
I've definitely had owls fly over my head a few times.
One time in a Mayan cave with shamans, I went down there
and they were gonna do this big ceremony in there
before we in there, before we went in.
And I walked in and I was like, oh my God.
I was just, I was called
and I started running through that mind cave looking around,
and I found like this kind of other cave in the back
and I started to go in it and I could see this huge room
and there was a little hole in the top
and that caused like this pillar of light
to be in the center of this cave.
And I was like, oh my God, I felt like Indiana Jones.
And I was like, just gotta walk in here
and see what's happening, you know?
And it felt like a magical moment.
And I walked in and right as I walked through the pillar
of light, right when it hit my body,
I could see this huge white owl fly over my head
and I thought he was gonna rip my face off.
Um, but he just flew right over my head.
And then I was like, what?
Um, as I walked through this pillar of light
and I turn around and looked at him and he's staring at me
and he flies into the top of the cave
and pull my phone out and trying to get a picture of him.
And then I barely got a picture of him
before he flies out the top of that hole.
And then as I'm looking for him,
I see this other crazy animal I don't think I've ever seen
before, not even in a zoo.
And I came even find out later, it was a ate,
which is like a raccoon.
Uh, we got raccoon dog looking thing.
But um, I was telling people about it. I had to look it up.
Um, but it was wild.
And it was just like those things mean things
and I looked it up and I know what it meant for me.
But when you see those things
and those things kind of happen, don't discount it.
Definitely go back, do a little research, read a book,
find on the internet, and what does this owl represent?
What can a karate represent?
And those things can, you know, help you on another path.
Those synchronicities like
that can help you another path to something else too.
So, and then events, just anything that you can think of,
um, you should always go to whatever you feel is exciting.
Yoga, sound healings, gatherings,
because the people you meet, there will be the people
that you sync up with to find the next piece of the puzzle,
to find the next place to go to,
to find the next cool thing to be a part of.
And they're the other sparks of the universe.
People, you know, they're the other, um,
synapsis, if you will, of the brain.
That's where the, that's where the
magic's happening is to meet other people.
So go do those things. Go experience those places.
Um, it's really important, uh, to, you know, kind
of go where people call you to go.
I mean, I, I had an event one time
where my friend just wanted me to go to church with him
and go up and see his house in Denver.
And we lived in Collar Springs and I did,
and we had a small conversation on the way there just about,
he was sad about the girls
that he was meeting at the bars and stuff.
And I was like, man, what I know about the university,
he's like, he's like, don't let me meet those
girls, man, tell me not to do that.
And I was like, what? I know about the university,
do not talk about what you don't want.
Talk about what you do want.
And I was like, what do you want? He's like,
I want a healthy relationship with the girls.
Like, okay, what's your favorite thing to do?
He says, mountain bike. And I was like, that's great
because I want to get a mountain bike
and I wanna go mountain bike riding
and because I live with this guy.
And he was like the COO of a company
and I knew he had a lot of money
and he'd already helped me out in a lot of ways.
I was like, you know, even if I have to, um,
get him to buy it
and then I pay him back in payments, whatever it takes,
I'll get a bike and we'll go riding
and you know, we'll meet some people doing healthy things
and you won't have to find some girl at the bar to bring her
to bike, mountain bike 'cause she don't want to go.
You'd find somebody Malcolm
biking 'cause that's what they're already doing.
And he agreed and he said, that sounds like a great idea.
I was like, good. So we went to this guy's church
and then we went to go wash his car at his house.
And then we went to the neighbor's house to get some
supplies and that guy had 20 mountain bikes in his
car, in his garage.
And I was like, man, this is what a synchronicity.
We were just talking about mountain bikes.
Tell me about these mountain bikes.
Tell me about your love for mountain bikes.
And he started talking about 'em.
And, and there was one in the corner that was green
and black, just like the jeep that I had.
And so I was like, what about that one?
And he said, oh, nobody rides that bike.
I don't know how any, I don't even,
you know, care for that one too much.
I was like, what would you take for it?
He goes like, I'd take nothing from
it if you wanted to take it.
And, uh, I was like, cool.
And we took that bike
and put it in the car and drove it home.
And I was like, man, that was just two
or three hours ago that we were talking
about getting mountain bikes and ride.
And I knew that I was gonna get one
because I knew this guy and he had money.
And I was like, you know, whatever it
takes he'll help me get it.
And I relinquished of all the ways it could happen
and I just knew that it was gonna happen.
And I realized at that moment, that's
how it manifestation happened.
This is like, don't worry about how it happens,
just know that it's gonna happen.
And know you don't need to know the CEO of a company.
You know God, you know angels, you know the universe
and you know it loves you
and one that gives you what you want
and wants to give it to you in a way,
probably better than you can imagine.
So we're linkage with how it's gonna happen
and just know that it is, um, that is really
no more than anything what's important about it.
So, okay, we're getting to the end here,
but ideas, another thing is ideas.
Going to a spiritual event.
And the message you need to hear is the topic, right?
When you go to church or you go to some gathering
or you go to, uh, some spiritual event,
you feel called to go, I need to go.
And once you get there, they're talking about
that exact thing that you need to talk about, man,
that synchronicity at one of its best, right?
And that's one of the things you need to hear.
And you know it, things seem like that keep coming up.
You need to explore 'em.
Um, even if they sound crazy, don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it all.
Just keep doing and believing that you are gonna go
to the right places because that's where you feel called.
That's what most excites. You do it.
Um, and you know, ideas that keep coming up.
And what I think about ideas is don't believe it
or don't disbelieve it, but go research it for yourself.
Give that topic. It's due diligence.
Give it everything it needs, um, that you can review it
and understand it without being someone
who believes it or doesn't believe it.
So you can really get down to the core
of like, is it true or not?
And most likely to be honest, anything
that keeps coming up, there's a reason for it.
And the reason you need to learn about it,
especially if it triggers you, if it makes you angry
or upset, that's not what I was taught in school.
That's the definitely the thing to get on
and try to learn about those topics.
Eventually, once you've learned about it
and you realize, oh my God, this probably is true,
those topics blow your mind and connect you to other topics
and to give you an even deeper understanding
of something you already knew about,
now you know about it even more.
And can literally overturn things
that you were told in school
that you never thought were even possible.
That's happened to me so many times. Now I question.
That's what makes me question everything
and literally try to learn about everything
and those deeper understandings that happen, those ideas
that come duality, oneness, inner earth, you know,
moon matrix, whatever it is,
go down those rabbit holes, learn about 'em.
Don't get caught up in the craziness of them,
but give it its day.
Give it its due diligence, research it.
Um, ask people about it, talk about it,
especially if it's something that triggers you and
or something that keeps coming up for you.
Another one is dreams.
Obviously dreams have powerful symbols and archetypes.
Dreams can be hard to decipher sometimes, but keep looking
and keep digging and keep asking your
guides, what does this mean?
What are you trying to say to me? What's going on here?
How can I understand this better? What is this about for me?
Dreams are can be really awesome and really straightforward.
One time I had a dream that, uh, I was sitting at a table
with friends of mine and I couldn't decipher who it was,
but I knew that it was people that I
knew that I felt comfortable with.
And we were all talking about superhero powers
and what would be your superhero power.
And I was the last person to go.
And I, I've always known
if I had a superhero power, what it would be.
And so everybody went around, there's the four of us there.
And it happened just like the dream.
Couple days later, sitting in a
restaurant with four other people.
One person once said, I wanna be able
to jump from anywhere I want to be able
to from anywhere in the planet that I can go jump anywhere.
I was like, that's cool. One girl said she wanted to be able
to fly and the other guy said
he wanted to be able to go to any time period
that he wanted to at any time.
And I was like, that's cool. And then they asked me
and I knew what I was gonna say
before any even the first person went
and I said, I would want to heal everybody of anything
in the world, period.
That's it. And that, you know, it was the same thing
where people are like, man, kind of makes me feel bad.
That mind is something so personal, it's
to fill my ego and yours, something so different.
I was like, it's cool, it's fine.
It's something I had a lot of time to think about.
And I was like, I could even just, if you were flying,
I could just ride on you and just heal people as we go.
So it would be something that we could do together.
And so they laughed. But that moment was so cool
because I had dreamed it before
and it actually happened just a couple days later.
And that is something that shows you
that it's all important, that it matters.
And, um, I've even had visions of my grandparents that
they were their, like the matrix called Residual Self.
They were like in their twenties, they looked
beautiful, they were happy.
And that gave me so much joy
and happiness that they weren't hurting anymore,
they weren't sick anymore, that they were happy,
that their egos were gone, their prejudice were gone.
Um, stereotypes were gone.
They were like their most pure, beautiful selves.
And I've had many dreams of them now.
And that gives me so much hope
and so much, uh, comfort into knowing that,
that they are really with me all the time.
Uh, I just got a couple more here. Got symbols.
That's one that's come up a lot for me
as a kid that I didn't even know.
Uh, why,
but now I realize that as, as an older person looking back.
But I used to love that yin
and yang symbol, the light in the dark.
Um, the light in the dark and the, and the birth.
Giving light, giving birth,
the dark, dark, giving birth light.
I didn't even know what it was. I just
knew I loved it as a kid.
And I had necklaces and I wore it and I drew it.
And um, later in life I found the galactic butterfly,
which is basically a yin yang symbol with
that opposite sides to it.
And I was blown away, uh, at its meaning, uh, later on
to learn about to learn about it and its duality
and that the duality is oneness.
And then I realized, oh my God, I'm a Gemini.
I'm all about this duality.
And then I realized why I was like, um,
a devil's advocate as a kid all the time.
As I loved, no matter what side someone picked,
I always picked that other side just to argue with them, uh,
or just to discuss with them,
to help them see the other side could be valid too.
Like, your point's great too, but this one's also good.
Could you see it that way?
And so I've always played that
with people, even as a little kid.
And so those symbols helped me realize
who I was even back then.
And then another one that came up more so as,
as an adult was like the swastika
and realizing that what I was told my whole life was this
was an evil negative symbol.
And then come to find out that it was in Chinese
and historical documents and, uh, Tibet
and Native American
and everywhere you looked, you know, mines,
they all had these, um, swastika and stuff.
And I was like, oh, wow, this is a symbol
that really means like good fortune
and, um, positive and, and things like that.
So I was like, man, uh,
my whole life can change in an instant if you just opening
up to look at the symbols, look at the things
that are going on and how you like things as a kid
that you didn't even know what they were, but
deep down you really did.
And maybe at the end of the day,
this is how healing happens in the now.
You know, diseases can,
can probably come from multiple causes.
And so by following the signs of healing
and growth, you know, how, why am I so in disease
and why am I so outta balance?
You know, why are these negative emotions that I'm feeling?
Is this hate? Is this anger? Is this jealousy?
Is it getting me off balance?
Is it these, you know, negative foods that I'm eating
with these chemicals in it?
Is it this, whatever it is for me?
I had an autoimmune disease when I was young
and it happened like all of a sudden I was so itchy.
Um, I could literally like barely touch my skin
and write my name and it would wet up
and uh, my name would, you could just write your name
and it would be like red whelps
and it would be itchy and hot.
And it was like, went to the doctor
and they were like, we don't know why this is happening.
We can just give you like antihistamine
and stuff that'll make you not itchy as much.
But that made me super tired
and they couldn't tell me why it was happening,
when it was gonna end, um,
or anything other than just gimme something
that made it like somewhat tolerable.
It made me super tired. And that opened up my whole journey
of healing, like going to reiki sessions, going to
metaphysical affairs in stores,
and, you know, keeping crystals in my pocket.
And, um, you know, using sage, I mean all that.
That was a such a huge part of my journey at like 18
that just blew, blew me outta the water.
Like that I was sick from this thing
that nobody could figure out why.
And you know, after a decade or so,
after going to all these places
and doing all those things, I healed myself
and I would hundred percent believe, like
that was something I could have done in the second,
but I wasn't aware enough to to know, and I had to go out
and find those things and get back to ease.
I was at dis ease and I had to get back to ease.
And to me that's like probably like almost the ultimate
synchronicity is that someone who could heal themselves
of all the things and problems that they had
and be a totally at ease, healthy, vibing,
beautiful blooming person, then in
that moment you can help others see that in themselves
and see that for them and create
that ultimate healing in a split second where
that healing happens right here in the now.
That's when you sink up
and you realize, man, that's when you become like a
master reiki healer to me.
When you can, uh, help people, um,
walk again, help people see again, that's
what makes you the master, is when you've done it
for yourself, then you can help other people see it.
But even someone like Jesus,
because he couldn't do it in his hometown, couldn't do it
for people who didn't believe.
So you, you are a facilitator of that healing,
but you're not literally giving them the healing.
You help them realize that it's possible themselves.
And I think that could probably be really all honestly the
most ultimate synchronicity for me.
So I really think
the biggest thing on this whole thing is if we want
to create a life of incredible synchronicity, incredible uh,
events and situations and circumstances
and archetypes that come in
that just blow your mind every day that it's a positive,
fun, beautiful way to live
and being at the right place at the right time.
One of the biggest things is get outta your way.
Get out of your own way, not being attached to
how all these things are gonna happen,
but just know that they are gonna happen for you
because you know the creator, you know God's with you.
You know God loves you and you know that you're worthy
and you know that God in the universe is speaking
to you directly through these events.
And it's not coincidence that it loves you
and us and knows already what we want.
And it wants to give it to us in a way
that's better than we could possibly imagine.
Living in Atlanta, being a bartender,
doing the meditation, going to the yogas, waking up
and my heart screaming to me, go
to Colorado and work with kids.
And my brain just kept saying,
no one's gonna hire you to work with kids.
And I eventually had to overcome the fear of
what other people may think
or what my own brain thinks about the situation.
But to follow my own heart and to get outta my own way
and give away everything I got
and say, you know what, if all this is real,
if it's all real, then I should be able
to give it all away and ride out to Colorado
with whatever fits in my car
and I'll be able to get it all back and more.
And I did. And I, I got a job working at a place, working
with kids where we saw big horn sheep every day.
I saw a couple bears up there,
I wrangled a baby rattlesnake up there.
I I worked in this incredible beautiful place
in the background of Garden of the Gods.
Like literally, like at some, you know,
Tibetan monk mountaintop is what it looked like
with the most incredible kids.
And I remember thinking, you know, I want
to be like a next Martin Luther King
or the next John Lennon,
or, you know, those are people I wanna aspire to be like,
I want to help people in any way I can
and free people of their concerns
or, you know, what brings them down.
And I remember being at that place
and a kid grabbing by the hair and was pulling me down
and I was in a lot of pain
and I was like, this is really hard.
This is a really hard job that I'm doing.
And I kind of, after I got my hair back
and I sitting in there
and it calmed down for just a second,
I looked out the window and I said, you know, God,
I was following everything that I felt like you said to do
and everything's worked out so far, but
this is really tough.
And I was like, I don't know, know what to do about it.
I don't know if I should quit and I feel
like I'm not worthy of this.
I'm not good at this. And instantly, instantly
that thought came, the, the message came back
and it said, don't you think that Jesus was spat on
and they pulled his hair
and they made fun of him and it was hard.
And Martin Luther King went through things that were hard
and you don't think that these were
adults that did these things to them.
That's a child. If you can't take it from the child,
how could you take it from adult?
And I was instantly humbled to the max.
And I said, you know, you're right. I know it.
I know what I came here to do. I know what I want to be.
I I'm following the spirit led life now.
And every time I ask, I always get the right answers back.
And in that moment I felt really free.
I was like, you know what? No matter
what comes at me, be grateful.
And if I get spit in the face
and I get my hair pulled, if I get bit,
I realize all if I can take it from, you know,
this population, I could take it from anybody
and I could be the person that I was meant
to be in this lifetime.
And I know that it was, that if I took this job
and I did this thing, it was going
to give me an understanding that I didn't know that I had.
And I am now the person
that I never know that I thought I could be.
I do a job that I never thought I could do.
I have a life that I never thought I would live.
I have a home now. I started working
for $10 an hour at this place
and I was making, you know, $50 an hour on tax at
that bartending job.
And I make, I now, I have a home,
I have a family, I have children.
I have so many things that make me so much richer.
It's not about the money in your bank account,
it's the richness of your life.
That synchronicity is the
realest thing that's ever happened.
To knowing that all these things,
if I just believe in myself
and my follow my heart, that the synchronicity
of life will come into play
and all the things that I'm giving away, all the things
that I got, the status that I feel like I'm giving up,
I'm gonna get all that back and more.
And I really do feel that I've got all that and more.
And I believe that can happen
to every single person out there.
You just have to follow your heart.
You have to get outta your own way.
Know the universe loves you.
Know that what you are seeking is seeking you.
Whatever you want, whatever you feel like you deserve the
most, that is it at your deepest part of your own soul.
I couldn't imagine that anybody was gonna hire me to work
with any kids for anything that had on my resume.
And I remember I didn't think that they were
and they weren't gonna call me back.
And I was on my knees praying 'cause I had ran outta money
and saying, I need this job.
God, this is what I came in for. Fall the whole thing.
You know, let it be so and so it is.
And I got a call the next day
saying that they were gonna hire me.
Follow your heart, follow your intuition.
Follow the breadcrumbs, follow the signs.
You are loved more than you could possibly know.
Your worth is more than you could possibly know.
Each and every single one of us are divine.
We're the children of God. We're all royalty.
So you know, you don't need to know the CEO.
You don't need to know somebody with some bunch of money.
You know God itself and it dwells within you.
And that's all that matters.
And if you know that enough,
I don't think there's anything in
slack that it won't give to you.
And I'm starting to realize that
more and more myself every day.
I want to thank every single one of you tonight
for being here, for showing up, for being in sync
with me, knowing your worth.
And I hope tonight you heard something,
you heard some of those golden nuggets.
You heard something that made you think that happened to me.
I know it's not a coincidence now.
I know I am sinking up with the universe.
I'm sinking up with God. I love you guys all.
I'm extremely grateful
and proud of myself for being here.
This is the hard thing to do, to speak in front of people,
especially speak for over an hour without anybody
seeking anything back to you or anything.
Thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for joining me.
I'm excited about this discussion afterwards.
Um, I just wanna say thank you guys
all from the bottom of my heart.
The divine in me sees honors
and recognize the divine in each
and every single one of you.
My favorite subject! 🥳
I get all the numbers on your back round picture plus some custom ones I recognize
I first noticed when my son was born 28 years ago every night i would wake up and look at clock 11:11 go back to sleep then wake again 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 and every 71 minutes until 5:55 night after night .At first i thought the digital clock was making some hi pitch sound that happened when all digits are the same .Now after 28 years of it not only on clocks but number plates , and as I’m writing this just saw 111 ads blocked on firefox. I pretty much follow the numbers on a daily bases .I know I’m being guided . Been fired a few times myself. Thanks for your video.
Love it! Thanks for sharing!! ✌️❤️
Great subject! One of my favorite subjects & what your saying is the truth its good to hear 🍀
Thank you Annie!! ❤️🙏☯️🕉️
Thank you! Just now found this ☺️
I joined the livestream when it was going and really liked it!
Thank you. Glad to have you Morgan. Please come join us again!! 🙏🙏