Mystery School: Hopi Blue Star Prophecy

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Hopi Blue Star Prophecy
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Hi everyone.
Welcome to another edition of Mystery School.
I'm your host, Jacob Cox.
And tonight we have a really great topic that I,
I feel is very near and dear to my heart.
Um, the Native American culture is something
that I'm just really in love with.
Uh, just everything about it.
People, people tend to think maybe we're more civilized
because they have higher buildings and cars
and technologies, but,
and honest on all honesty, I really feel like they
were much farther beyond us spiritually
and maybe even more mentally and emotionally
and, um, in ways that we really aren't today.
So I feel like it is really important for us
to take their information, their, their oral traditions
and their teachings to heart
and really put it into play for us.
Um, it's just something I feel like we can get
so much more from learning from other people, uh,
where they have come from, where they've
been and their stories.
And, um, so I'm really, really excited about tonight.
So let's go ahead and get, get going.
Uh, first off, I wanna thank Neil David Sr.
Uh, a guy who lived with the hop.
He is there for a while, and he painted
this incredible painting.
Um, it is called The Fest Parade begins
as the Katsina emerges from the Kiva.
Really cool. The Katsina is their, their spirits
and their guides,
and they're all dressed like them and dancing.
Um, that's very similar to what the Hopi are doing.
Ceremonies and stuff. They're dancing at night
around the fire, uh,
and other ceremonies that they're doing to preserve,
you know, their way of life, their understandings.
And, um, and, you know, it's really about community.
I think. Um, it's really, you know, something I'm,
like I said, again, I'm very intrigued by, um, to me,
you know, I don't feel like this is the first life I've ever
lived, and I feel like I've been
a Native American many times.
So I feel that Native American presence really kind of
bleeding into who I am today
and all the really, all the lives I feel like I've lived
kind of bleeding into right now to help me understand
where we really are in the world
and what's really going on on this planet.
And is it just something that's,
you know, randomly happening?
No, because so many cultures around the world have told us
that these things have happened in the past
and they will happen again.
So let's talk about this Blue Star prophecy from the Hopi.
Um, and the first thing I really wanna say is, you know,
obviously I am not a Hopi elder.
Um, so this message tonight comes with a lot of humility.
I'm very humble to, you know, just tell you guys
what I've read, what I've experienced, the things
that I feel, uh, my guides that speak through me,
and where they're kind of pointing me.
And I feel like in my whole journey of life, you know,
information was for me only, I was just learning things
for myself, but at some point I felt like I was given
so much understanding, uh, that I felt really responsible
to give it back to others.
And I feel like now is a time more than ever, that we need
to, you know, give these messages back to the people.
And so, again, I'm not a Hopi elder, but obviously,
but, um, I feel very drawn to them and,
and other Native American cultures and,
and many of them have similar stories.
So we wanna share their prophecy tonight on the Blue Star
and, um, you know, try to understand as much as we can.
And with oral tradition,
it can be very difficult to interpret.
Um, but that's the same
with written tradition like the Bible or anything else.
I mean, the stories in the language,
that's the Bible's written, Aramaic
and Greek, we don't speak those languages today.
So it's hard for us to decipher
what those people are saying when it comes to figures
of speech and certain things that they're talking about just
as Japanese is a language that's spoken today,
and even really, um, trying to speak it in English
with the things that they're writing.
We don't have the same figures of speech
and the same cultural things that are, that are going on.
So there's a little bit of misunderstanding and,
and we have to take every little story we have with a grain
of salt, but try to take all the stories
that we have and put 'em all together.
And I think that's what we're gonna try to do tonight.
Um, so, because, because of that, let's go ahead
and get started, but now we can read all the prophecies
and things and thanks to the internet
and this living language that we have now.
So back in the day we had the Tower Babel.
And before that, you know, the Bible says
that we had this one living language that all people spoke
with, they could all speak the same language.
And I feel like that's very important to know
that people on this planet had
that living language that everybody could speak.
And then at some point, this tower, Babel was built.
God came down to confuse man because he had become one.
Now, I don't think that is the god of love, the God of, uh,
all that is, but I think those are different people coming
down and, and taking, um, taking the shape and the form
and the ideology of being a God.
And people are, are taking him that way.
So that's important to realize today we're coming to
that same kind of conclusion
where we don't all speak the same language,
but through the internet someone has the cipher, you know,
the text of the Bible for you speaking, for you
to read in English or the Book of the Dead,
or you know, whatever sort,
whatever book it is from a different culture
and different con continent,
but you don't speak that language.
So I feel like that's really important to realize we have
at our disposal all that information
and technology so that we can read these things in our own
language and interpret the best we can.
So that puts us at a very significant time
period in history.
Um, and I think
that's something really to be important about.
We have that luxury of having access
to all these prophecies around the world.
And I feel like for the better part of my adult life, that's
what I've been doing, is trying to read these stories
and, you know, how do they, you know, correlate?
How do they say the same things?
Um, are they talking about the same events in the past?
And to lead us to the same
understanding of what will happen in the future.
And I believe they do. Um,
and the hope, we believe
that they have suffered three previous world Cataclysms.
The first was destroyed by fire.
You know, people say a common
and asteroid, things like that.
Um, the second one was destroyed by ice, A great ice age,
um, or many, many cultures around the globe.
Talk about that. And then, uh, deluge a flood.
And obviously a lot of stories
around the world talk about that as well.
Um, these were not random earth changes
or astrophysical phenomena,
but humankind's disregard for both mother nature
and for the spiritual dictates of that of the creator.
So they were saying that these
aren't just random things that happened.
These were because the people who were living
at the time weren't respecting their mother.
They weren't living with Mother Earth.
They were taking advantage of her.
And, and that's really what we see today.
We really see a lot, you know,
obviously people taking up resources for a certain group
of people who have money or power
or whatever else while other people are, uh, starving
and, um, you know, hurting
'cause they don't have access to energies
and clean water and things like that.
So in other words, these ca these cataclysm events in nature
world and the nature world are casually connected
to collective transgressions are negative human action.
So we really do have an effect on our planet.
We have an effect on what's going on.
And I think we're seeing that now.
I think some of the things that we see on the planet,
obviously today are manmade
and to look like natural disasters
that I think is pretty plain and plain and simple
and pretty obvious at this point.
But at the same time, I do think seven
to 8 billion people on this planet having a certain kind
of mindset, um,
and emotional frequency that we're all connected to.
Um, you know, when you walk into a room
and you feel someone sad or hurt
or angry, you can feel that.
And if you're not aware of it, you can jump into that
with them and be sad and angry and,
and upset and all the other things too.
Just like when you go into a room where you feel peace
and harmony, it's easier to get into that groove
and that vibe vibration with them as well.
So we know that people affect other people
and people affect the frequencies
and that many people on this planet.
And especially if you can sway people to live in fear
and to be angry and upset
and frustrated all the time, then we're gonna have a world
where that that seems to be happening a lot more.
Um, but according to the Hopi,
the fourth world shall end soon
and the fifth world will begin.
This is the elders everywhere know the signs over many
years have been fulfilled.
And so few are left signs are described
by these Hopi elders.
And again, these are not stories that you can go, I mean,
you can read 'em now, but these were not
stories that are written long ago.
So a lot of things that we have are pretty
modern of what we have.
Um, for instance, one of the best,
well-known stories about the Blue Star prophecy is from
Frank Waters in 63 when he wrote his book about
that is the Blue Kachina
and the the kachina means spirit,
which brings in the fifth world.
So that's what we're talking about when
we're talking about this blue star.
And we're gonna get in more depth
into that in here in just a minute.
But I wanted to take you guys through some of the signs
that were given from some of the elders not so long ago.
And you know, what's come true and what hasn't already,
but most of these have all pretty much came true already.
One of the first signs that they talk about is we are told
of the coming of the white-skinned man like poah,
but not living like poah.
We'll talk about bahana in a little bit.
Men who took the land that was not theirs
and who, who struck their enemies with thunder.
So that's the first sign of guns,
and they're talking about
striking their enemies with thunder.
That loud bang that obviously has already came to pass.
That's something that many Americans have talked about.
Native Americans have talked about, um,
seeing white people come and take over their lands.
That's so that sign I feel like is 100% already done.
The second sign is our lands will see the coming
of spinning wheels filled with voices and his youth.
My father saw his prophecy come true with his eyes,
the white man bringing the families
and wagons across the prairies.
That definitely is those spinning wheels that they saw
and their carriages, uh, and horse
and buggies that they were, you know,
coming from the east to the west.
And they obviously saw them riding in
and people are speaking and talking
and probably singing and that kind of stuff.
So that one, that is another one I feel like pretty
obviously is definitely already done.
And then the third sign,
they talk about a strange beast like a buffalo,
but with great longhorns will overrun the
land in large numbers.
These white, these white feather saw
with his eyes the coming of the white man's cattle.
And that is obviously our modern day cow that we have, um,
and bull and you know, we, they have their buffaloes,
they hunted, they were wild animals.
And now we have these domesticated animals
that most most Americans, you know,
obviously live on today and they eat.
So, um, you know, obviously
that's another one that's come true.
And the forest sign, the land will be crossed
by snakes of iron.
And it just takes you a minute to think about what's a,
you know, a snake of iron would probably be
something like a railroad track.
Lots of railroad tracks around, uh, America, probably not
as much as Europe and other places,
but obviously something
that the Native Americans wouldn't have,
wouldn't have had back in their day.
And snakes of iron seems very relevant to railroad tracks.
The fifth sign is the land shall be crisscrossed
by a giant spiderweb.
I could say that could be a couple things.
I definitely think the electric power
and the telephone lines would look
mostly more than anything like, uh, a spider's web.
You could even probably even go as far as
to say the internet.
But that's something that's more
so invisible or underground.
So I tend to think that it is electrical power
and it's telephone lines that are above ground.
It's something you can see.
And if you were looking at it from above, you know, um,
it might look something like a spider web going
from people's houses all along the country.
So again, that's another one I definitely believe as well.
It's already taken place. And then there's the sixth sign.
The land shall be crisscrossed with rivers of stone
that make pictures in the sun
and that the river,
the pictures might take people off a little bit,
but ultimately rivers of stone would be roads.
And if you've ever been out in like the desert
or somewhere when it's really hot, you can see, um,
you know, when it, the, the concrete heats up
and the asphalt heats up there, it's kind of like a mirage
that happens and you know, you can kind of see like pictures
and things going on in there.
Um, I think that's just them trying
to describe it in their own words, something
that they might be seeing into the future.
Because we've always, people have always had access.
We, Nostradamus is not the only one, you know,
people have always had access to
and privy to things that are gonna happen in the future
because you're so in, in the now and you
and you understand your past understanding,
the past understanding and the now gives you great
insight into the future.
So these people saw these things, they're trying
to explain 'em in the best way they can,
but I 100% think six sign points to roads, um,
and the mirage effects that they produce.
The seventh sign you will hear of the sea turning black
and many living things dying because of it.
And I think that's obviously like oil spills, um, you know,
tankers bringing those oils back and forth into water
and then they spilling 'em
and they killing a lot of animals.
We've definitely probably not heard about it as much lately,
but I know, you know, not so long ago,
we've definitely had some big oil spills worldwide, um,
throughout the past couple of decades.
So that's something that, you know,
in their time would've never, never happened.
They would not have been using oil and needed that.
So that's definitely number seven has
obviously I think definitely happened.
And in the a sign you will see many youth
who wear their hair along, like my people come
and join the tribal nations to learn their ways and wisdom.
You could say for sure,
probably in the sixties, the hippie movement.
That was something that was definitely
happening, uh, at that moment.
But ever since then, um, maybe it stopped for a little bit.
But definitely even now we definitely see, you know,
many people growing their hair out, trying to go back
to these really natural
and native type, native American type of ways
and living, um, you know, people just wanted
to live in tiny homes
and, um, you know, wanted to live on the land and, and,
and to be free from the grid and everything else.
So that's exactly how those people were living
on the earth without these technologies.
And we see so many people around today,
there's huge movements around this kind of stuff.
So number seven has definitely hap number
eight has definitely happened as well.
And then according to, uh, white feather here, he says,
the ninth and last sign, you will hear
of a dwelling place in the heavens above the earth
that shall fall with a great crash.
It will be, it will appear as a blue star.
And very soon after this, the ceremonies
of my people will cease.
That is the one where
some people have said in Australia they did see some kind
of satellite fall that was blue.
Whatever. I, you know, this is something I,
I I don't agree with that one.
Um, I think this is something much bigger.
This is something that, you know,
a dwelling place in the heavens.
I mean, of course, I guess you could say some kind of, um,
you know, satellite or something like that.
People do work on those things, but
we're not there of a dwelling place.
I'm talking about where people live.
Um, you know, like a planet
or, you know, I guess you could, you know, ar argue high,
high dimensional bangs do live in stars as well
and take a, you know, go in
and out of them, uh, as portals like the sun.
But, um, it's very interesting
because along with seeing this huge blue star
and they say it appears as a blue star.
So again, I take it with a grain of salt.
We see a blue object, yes, is a star.
Could be, could be something else.
Um, I do think that we live in a binary star system,
which means our sun is not the only star
that is in our solar system.
And many stars do have a binary star system.
So this thing could be a star
that most definitely could be a very hot
blue star coming in.
And if that thing came, you know, anywhere, uh,
in our neighborhood, it would definitely
cause a lot of havoc.
Um, and that's something that,
like Koran talks about destroyer and everything.
Um, but the blue cochina also comes
back to dance in the plaza.
He will remove his mask to initiate the purification process
because, you know, the microcosm mimics the macrocosm.
So they're saying, and I've heard it kind of both ways
that he comes before and he comes after,
but most, most the techs I'm seeing is
that the blue Cochina dancer comes in
before he dances at night and
after they start to see him at night
and he removes his mask soon
after then they see the blue kachina,
this blue dwelling place in the sky, which I think is,
um, you know, and I'll go ahead and say it too.
I, I believe this could be what we call nibiru,
this Sumerian tablets, you know, talk about this planet
that has a 3,600 year elliptical orbit
because it, it doesn't have the same, um, trajectory
around the sun as our other planets do.
It was a rogue planet flying through time
and space hits the, um, gravitation pull of our sun
and then, you know, it's got its own 3,600 year elliptical
orbit and that thing's coming around.
And so that was supposed to be an all water planet.
And that to me, man, that would be a dwelling place.
You know, it would be something totally blue if it's all
water and you know, like the destroyer
and other things, if it came back
and it's, it's got this, you know, a lot of weight to it
and it comes anywhere close to us, just like Jupiter
and all the other planets in astrology say,
as these planets go into retrograde, as they come close,
they, they do different things to our planet.
And you know, even though we may think of destruction
as something bad, you know, a forest has
to burn down in order for the new growth to burn,
to, to give life.
So there are cycles of light
and dark cycles of death and birth.
And, and I think, so we have to think of it like that.
But I certainly think, um,
I feel these things, you know, being, you know, introduced
to me and remembering and, um, when I sleep at night
and I have visions and dreams,
these things coming back to me.
So I read these things again with a grain
of salt trying to put it all together.
It's a huge puzzle.
And I think we're doing our best to just listen
to these Native Americans and listen to stories of the Bible
and the Mar Barta and the Egyptian Book of the Dead
and all these other stories.
And I think we're just the pope vu, we're trying
to put it all together 'cause we have
that luxury now reading
these things and trying to put 'em together.
So let's start off
and talk a little bit more exactly about
what the Hopi said about this prophecy
and what this thing brought in and what it did.
And according to them, the blue keino would start to be seen
during the dances, like I said,
and would make, make his appearance known
to the children in the plaza.
The during the night dance, this event would tell us
that the end times were very near then the blue star Keino
would physically appear in our heavens, which would mean
that we were in the end times.
And again, before I go any farther, a lot
of times people use these
and other stories of these apocalyptic times to scare the,
you know, everything outta everybody.
And I think those things do happen.
But if, if you hear anything in my message
and my message messaged other videos, there's a way to live
to sur to go to overcome that surpass all the things
that happened to not be in the wrong place at the wrong
time, to always be at the right place at the right time.
And that's the message. So before we go any farther,
before I thinks I'm gonna talk about all the destruction
and things and, and in that way and try to scare,
but that's not my, that is not my goal at all.
I am trying to simply relay what these people have said and,
and not leave everything out.
'cause I think a lot of times it's one sided where they try
to make it just seem like it's all something bad
that's gonna happen, something that, uh,
to be scared of and afraid of.
And they say, in the final days,
we will look up in our heavens
and we will witness the return of the two brothers
who helped create the world in the birthing time.
Po Gang Hoya is the guardian of the North Pole
and his brother Paolo Paolo Gaa is
the guardian of the South Pole.
And the final days, the blue star Kachina will come to be
with his nephews and they will return the earth its natural
rotation, which is counterclockwise.
That's something I think that's really important,
that they're saying that our earth is out
of its natural rotation
and it should be going counterclockwise.
And I think that's pretty profound
because when you talk about the Bible
and saying there's three days of darkness,
and the hopies do talk about a long day period,
I've often thought if the polls flipped that
we would probably stop spinning a certain way.
When you think about magnetics,
you're gonna flip the frequency
to something completely different.
Um, then it's gonna go, you know, it is gonna stop
where it's at before it spins the other way.
And that's just how magnetics work.
This vac is evidence in many petroglyphs
that speak of the zodiac.
And within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids, the rotation
of the earth has been manipulated by not
so benevolent star beings.
The twins will be seen in our northwestern skies.
They will come and visit to see
who still remembers the original teachings
flying in their flying shields.
They will bring many of their star family
with them in the final days.
And so again, these are the same stories
that we hear in the bar, ma barta about these flying bowls
and crafts and the ana
and stuff that are, that have come in the past
and that they were flying around,
they were having wars and everything like that.
And here's, you know,
something very similar talking about these people bringing
their families to come see,
are we still living in the way that we're supposed to?
You know, obviously many of us are not, probably most
of the people on the planet are not,
if we're gonna be honest with ourselves.
So the return of the blue star Kachina, who is also known
as non-gay soho, will be the alarm clock that tells us
of the new day and the new way of life.
And that's what I wanna emphasize on more than anything,
a new world that is coming.
So we know there's gonna be an end, right?
But if there's an end, there's gotta be a beginning.
And that's the thing I believe to focus on
because if you do believe that the end
of the world's coming, volcanoes are coming,
earthquakes are coming, and you don't realize these are
birthing pains that when a woman gives birth,
there's gonna be screaming and trembling
and, and those kind of things.
And if you see it as that, it looks terrible.
If you were to walk in and just see nothing
but that you'd think she was dying,
but she's giving birth to a new life.
And if you wait long around, long enough
and you know that's coming, that's what will come.
But I do believe if you think another way,
if you think the end is coming,
the end will come for you in some way.
And I think that's what more than anything
we really need to stay focused on.
There is a new world coming,
a new way coming a thousand years of peace in different,
you know, cultures and, and books
and traditions have talked about it in many different ways,
but they all pretty much say the same thing.
Um, this is where that change will begin.
They will start as fires that burn within us,
and we will burn up with desires
and conflict if we don't remember their original teachings
and return to the peaceful way of life.
And I feel like that's incredibly important.
How many people do you know right now will burn up
with all the things of the world?
And, you know, looking at certain things online
and, you know,
being involved in things they probably really shouldn't have
enough for their, you know, benefit, um, being burned up
with anger because,
and frustration with the way things are going.
It's very obvious that many of these things
that they're talking about are already happening.
We are not, you know, talking about something that's going
to happen to me pretty much this entire prophecy are already
things that are already happening.
And then here's another, here's another big thing I
that I feel like I've, I've seen in different prophecies,
this one not as much as the blue star,
but this is definitely part of many
of these oral traditions as well.
So not be not far behind.
The twins will come the purifier, the red star Kachina,
who will bring the day of purification on this day,
the earth, her cre, her creatures,
and all life as we know it will change forever.
There will be messengers
that will proceed this coming of the purifier.
They will leave messages to those on the earth
who remember the old day old ways.
Um, and that's just, you know, incredible.
There's literally gonna be,
not only are they saying this blue star kachina,
this blue dwelling place in the sky,
but also a red kachina that's gonna come
and, you know, kind of sit in our atmosphere and hang out
and people are gonna be able to see it.
And it does make sense to why sometimes you hear about
things people are doing in the sky
that may prevent people from seeing
what's going on up there.
Um, and why people talk about even blocking out the sun
to help with global warming.
Why don't they want us to see what's going on there?
Because if we saw these things, we knew these things,
some people probably would, not everybody,
but I think a few people would straighten up
and be like, whoa, what is happening?
This isn't life like a normal life.
You know, things are going on out there that are different.
And even people who do follow Charlotte are gonna
say, whoa, what is this object?
What are these things happening?
Um, especially if these things are very large objects,
which it seems to be that's exactly what they are.
So these messages we found written in living Stone
through the sacred grains and even the waters,
and I mean we, I mean we all know crop circles, um,
crop circles, they've even been found in ice
and many of like prophecy rock
and other things, literally saying
that these messages are written in stone.
So they really are. So the purifier will issue
forth a great red light.
All things will change in the manner of,
and in their manner of being.
Every living thing will be offered the opportunity
to change from the largest to the smallest.
And even that, I want to, you know, just again, we,
I don't know, I don't have all the answers.
I definitely not gonna claim to sit here
and tell you I know exactly what all these objects are and,
and when they're gonna happen and how it happens in, in,
and, you know, order.
I am just explaining this is what I read
and these are the things that I, that I feel something is
incredibly huge happening on this planet.
And we're gonna see things we never saw before.
And, um, and that's, I mean, that's, that's the truth.
And I think it's really important that we just sit in that
for a second and say, wow, some,
some big things are happening
and they're even bigger things are gonna happen.
Um, but one of the things
that even the Bible talks about is the
moon will turn blood red.
And is that from something from our atmosphere that's,
you know, being emitted?
Or is it something that kind of has to do
with this red kachina that's emitting this red light?
Is it part of the moon situation? I don't know.
But I do believe the moon is part of the, the reasoning why
we are out of the rotation that we normally are.
I do believe that the moon is something
that's been set in there, uh, our atmosphere for probably
13,000 years to maybe a couple hundred thousand.
I don't think it's something that's been
a long, been there for a long time.
Um, if you're interested in stuff like that, go back
and watch the Moon Matrix video
that I did a couple months ago that explains
that really, uh, in depth.
But I do think the moon is a, you know,
when they talk about these non benevolent star beings change
in rotation, I think the moon is the number one reasoning
and the ability that they're able to do that.
So then they say, those who return to the ways given to us
and the original teachings
and live a natural way of life will not be touched
by the coming of the purifier.
They will survive and build the new world.
Only in the ancient teachings will the ability
to understand the messages be found.
And I think that's important to know.
If you do go back to being in a natural way with the planet,
with Mother Earth, father son,
and realizing that you're its children,
you will have such an easier time
to transition into this new age
and this new world that is, that is coming.
Um, and if you don't
and you don't believe that the earth is a conscious living,
being that breeze
and is, has an imagination, has a life cycle and a lifespan,
and you just think it's some dead thing,
you're, you're not gonna get it.
And I don't think those people, um,
are gonna make it into new world.
And, but just for full disclosure,
I do believe all beings have an evolutionary period.
So, you know, you get to certain places
and you don't make it through, you're gonna go
to another planet to do the work to eventually get there.
I think everybody, every,
everyone gets the, the opportunity.
It says from the smallest to the largest.
And if you don't make it this time, I don't think
that's your only opportunity.
You'll get many other opportunities to do it.
So, you know, it's not to judge anyone
or we're better than anybody else.
Everybody's gonna get that opportunity.
And I think eventually, most, most beings
and entities are gonna get it.
And it is important for us to understand
that these messages will be found upon every living thing,
even within our bodies, even within a drop of blood.
All life forms will receive the messages from the twins,
those that fly the plants, even the little animals, rabbits
and squirrels and shoes and everything else.
The appearance of the twins begins a period of seven years,
which will be our final opportunity to change our ways.
Everything we experience is a matter of choice.
And that is, that is a pretty incredible timeframe too.
The seven year period. And the Bible talks about
that seven year trial of tribulations.
Um, you know, is that something we're in now?
I don't know, but I I don't, I don't think so.
I I think, again, I think we're gonna be able
to see these things and given that opportunity,
and now we got this even smaller timeframe, so the people
who are moving towards, you know, a promised land
where we're all living together on a, on a community
and working together and living off the land
and off the grid, um, there'll be, you know,
significant steps along the way that we'll be able
to make it easier all of a sudden for us
to manifest the things that we really want even easier.
And I think that's important to realize, like,
it doesn't all have to happen today,
but know where you want to go, have a direction.
This is where we wanna live.
This is how we want to go, this is
how we wanna live our lives.
And I believe if we have that intention,
there's really nothing that can stop you from
that if you truly believe it, that you will receive it.
And you know that for you, you are
worthy of that.
And we are all worthy of that man. All of us.
Many will appear to have lost their
souls in these final days.
So intense will nature, with the nature of the changes be
that those who are weak in spiritual
awareness will go insane.
For we are nothing without spirit.
I wanna read that one more time. Many will appear
to have lost their souls in these final days.
So intense. Will the nature of the changes be that those
who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane.
And I think we're already seeing that today.
Um, and even, you know, the Bible talks about those
who have, will be given more
and those who don't will be, will have less.
And I think we're seeing that today.
And if you are not grateful for every single thing
that you have, every piece of food, everything you have
to drink, your family,
everything is gonna be taken from you eventually.
Um, so I would start, you know, waking up every morning,
being grateful to be here at this incredible time,
this incredible change
and transformation that we're on this purification
and, um, you know, don't see as a negative thing when we,
when we wash our hands in the sink to get rid
of the germs before you eat your dinner.
You're not caring about the billions of germs
that you're killing, you know, and it, and it you are,
and you know, you have to think of it like that.
Mother Earth eventually has to take a bath.
She has to purify herself through fire, water, ice,
those different types of ways through the elements.
And um, you know, we are becoming like parasites on her.
And if you had a tick on you, you'd pull it off.
And the same thing with her. There's no, no bad feelings,
I don't think, I don't feel, I feel like it's a, you know,
you've been given the opportunity.
We didn't just get to this point.
All of a sudden we have spent a lifetime
after lifetime gathering up information to get to a point
where decisions that we make now are extremely important.
What you're gonna put in your body,
what you don't put in your body, the things
that you're engaged with, the, the choices of jobs
that you do and the people that you engage with are
all manifested from what you've been doing for millions
and millions of years on this planet
and getting to this point.
So it's not like, you know, people just don't know.
I think we really have had multiple opportunities to learn
and now the decision making
that's here is incredibly important on this time
and this part of the journey that we're in.
So, so nothing without spirit.
So they'll go insane for where nothing without spirit,
they will disappear for they are just hollow vessels
for anything to use.
I feel like I know people like that,
that they're literally hollow vessels for anything to use.
And and that's why a lot of times you see people,
you know do things and say things they wouldn't normally do.
And then often I've worked with people who, when you go back
and talk to 'em about those kind of things,
they don't even remember it.
It's not even something that ever happened.
And I don't believe they do remember it
because, you know, it's like blacking out when you're drunk
and you don't remember it and you're doing all these crazy
things who's in control of your avatar, not you,
and you don't remember it afterwards
and you're doing crazy things you wouldn't normally do
because it's not you doing it.
So life will be so bad in the cities that many will choose
to leave this plane summon whole groups.
And I think that's, you know, something
that they all talk about in the past.
A lot of crazy things happen in cities, diseases,
destruction, fires,
but always, you know, the right people get told by angels
and different people, Hey,
come on out, time for you guys to leave.
Don't turn around, keep going.
Um, and so I believe if you honestly believe
that you're always gonna be taken care of, no matter
what it is, where you are, what's happening,
you'll always be taken care of.
So only those who return to the values
of the old ways will be able to find peace
of mind for in the earth.
We shall find relief from the
madness that will be all around us.
It will be a very hard time for women
with children, for they will be shunned.
And many of the children in these times will be unnatural.
And, you know, you can only think if things are getting
that crazy, you know, that would
honestly ha you know, be what happens.
And now we are seeing a lot of unnatural kids as well.
So again, they're just riding on
with a lot of things going on right now.
And even these were, you know, many decades ago that this,
this actual, um,
or tradition that I'm using to speak through is, um,
you know, what they said.
So some being from the stars,
some from past worlds, some will even be created
by man in unnatural manner saying, you know, people.
And I think we're seeing that now.
And, uh, I, if you don't think there's a few people walking
around right now that we're made in the lab, you know, time
to wake up and do a little research
because I, I feel like there're more than a couple people
that we see regularly on television
and stuff that weren't naturally born
and even some, you know,
corporation stuff have more than indicated
that they're creating actors and actresses, actresses
and petri dishes for the way they look
and that they can act.
Um, you know, especially certain corporations,
you guys can look that up for yourself.
So many
of the people in this time will be empty in spirit
and they will have Sam Paco no life force in their eyes.
And I think, again, we've seen that today.
We walk around downtown and see stuff like that.
And so that leads me to, I want to go somewhere real quick.
And another part of the prophecy.
One of the things that the Hopi have
is called Prophecy Rock.
And I think a lot of you are probably aware of that,
but it's a rock with some images on it
and it shows two paths
and this, you know, basically two paths that we can take
and we can walk into the next cycle.
Both paths start similar, they're both like parallel
to each other kind of moving up.
Um, one has many people on it, many people,
and it's the top, the top path.
And, but their heads aren't even connected to 'em
and they don't know who they are.
That's, I think that's what that's symbolizing.
Um, that's what they're saying is
that their heads are connected to 'em.
They don't know who they are. They're living up in the,
in these other realms, not really here on this planet.
They're engaged in things that, um,
that are blinding them to what's happening.
They don't have a clue and don't even care
about the things that are happening.
So their heads are connected to 'em
and they don't know who they are.
As the top path keeps going, it starts to stair step
and gets harder just, you know, real quick all of a sudden.
And then all of a sudden it just stops.
The bottom path has an elder on it and food is plenty on it.
They have corn stalks and things like that on it.
And then there's one more path in the middle of the two
that is a vertical connection
between the first and the second.
This is the point of no return.
Many of the elders claim
that this was a message given in 1998 to the United Nations
by the Hopi nation saying that this is the point
of no return after this time.
It would be much harder for people
to choose which way to go.
So back to the lower path, there are three,
so the lower path to the elder on it that the one that we,
you know, obviously most of us here probably watching
that want to take, we land of plenty with food on it.
We live long, long lives become old.
Um, that's what that, that that path is saying.
That path also has three circles in it,
which is our three shakings according to them.
Um, the first and the second are the world wars.
Many people would say that the third one is also World War,
but many elders say that's not exactly what it has to be.
Could be conflict. I hope that it's not a world war
and I don't wanna like put that out there, that what it is.
But I could certainly say this, and I say this a lot,
but you know, the biggest war
that I see happening right now isn't for people fighting
with guns and knives and that kind of stuff
and tanks on a battlefield.
I think the biggest war
that we see every day is millions if not billions
of people every day who can't eat with their own families,
um, who can't sit at the same dinner table,
who can't get along with other people, um, and are angry
and mad and, and that kind of stuff.
And I feel like that frustration, that anger, um,
with billions of people, uh, is just as
detrimental to the, to the field, to our planet
as an actual war with guns and knives when people are dying.
So, you know, a lot of likes said a lot of people would like
to point to that being the third World War.
It definitely seems like that's where a few people wanna
turn our trajectory to.
And if that happens, that happens.
And the people who go into that, you know,
the consequences is death probably for things like that.
And that's why I think it's very clear
that other stories talk about the peacemakers
shall inherit the earth.
The Hopi means peaceful person.
Um, so how do you get through those things?
You don't engage with them. You don't fight wars.
I don't shoot my brothers for no reason
and people I don't know for, for profit, for all, for just
to be distracted to kill each other.
So other people can take all our taxes and monies
and do the things whatever they want to.
I don't, we're not gonna engage. We say no and we resist.
And I think that that's
how you get into a peaceful real us to say no more.
I will not fight anybody for any reason whatsoever.
So anyways, after the lower path continues past the old man
that's walking with the cane, it hits the edge of the rock.
But even after it hits the edge of the rock, it continues
to wrap around the side of the rock.
Meaning that there's some kind of edge, some kind of end
that we get to before we take a whole nother dimensional
frequency turn into something completely different.
And I think that's what many of us are looking forward to
who are watching something like this tonight.
That there is some kind of new age, some kind
of new frequency, some new dimensional,
fifth dimensional type of life on this planet
that is gonna be accessible to a few.
And that to me is one of the most incredible things
that I can think of that my family, the people I love,
people I care about my friends, that we can
have a direction in life
and start sailing towards that point.
Whether that's, you know, community and like I said
before, the living out,
living out in a community on the land, you know,
growing our own crops and, and our food
and you know, drinking, living water.
Those are the things that I feel like are, you know,
working towards and getting, getting there.
And I know that, that just like in the past,
the Promised Land called to people,
the Promised Land is calling us not just in our country,
but in all kinds of countries around the earth
because there's holy land out there for us to live on
and to, to live this lifestyle again,
just like the Hopi people.
One thing I feel like, because the people,
the Hopi people talk so much about their ethics
and their, uh, way of living
and their, you know, well-mannered behavior and stuff.
To me, Hopi is not just the people who live in Arizona
and these reservations, but they, they, it feels like,
you know, it's anybody, anybody who lives this way,
who lives with the natural way of Mother Earth
and father son who lives peacefully, you know,
we can be part of that nation
and part of that tribe with them.
Um, at least that's what it feels like to me.
And I don't, I don't wanna, you know, say anything that,
you know, offends anybody or anything like that.
And that's not my point. But it does feel like
we can live in that peaceful way with them.
And that's what they're teaching us.
And that's what's so important here is to realize like,
if we live in this peaceful way, we can get
through all these things and we don't have
to worry about any of these things happening.
And we won't be touched by the purification.
We won't be touched by the waters
or the fires or anything like that.
We can get through this thing by living in a piece of way
with our mother, our father, and our people,
and knowing that everybody on this planet is God,
even if they don't realize it themselves.
And that's, that to me is one
of the best things is like you hear all these things about
the apocalypse and people think apocalypse as something
bad in this, you know, but the apocalypse means the
disclosure, a lifting of the veil to see
through what's happening.
And I don't, I know most of you all watching this,
if you're not completely, you know, really waking up,
you're definitely on the verge.
If you're watching a video like this tonight
that you're starting to see through the politics,
through the education, through the things that they tell us
that we need to do and,
and how to be that they aren't good for us.
They don't serve us,
they don't serve the whole, they serve a few.
And if it's not good for everybody, it's good
for nobody in my, in my opinion, right?
It needs to be good for all of us.
Every single person on this planet is important.
No matter what your job is or or what you do
or how much money's in your pocket or anything.
Everybody's just important as anybody else to me.
And every single person is one of God's children, everybody.
And we need to treat everybody in that way.
At least that's my, that's my
feeling and that's what I, that's how I feel about it.
And I feel like as I treat everybody is,
is God's child, you know?
And I treat them well in the way I want it to be.
God smiles on me a little bit more.
He's, you know, that, that the universe
and the mother father is more happy with me
because I, I realize that,
and I'm, I'm being a peaceful person.
I'm being someone like these Hopi people that are saying,
you know, live in this peaceful way.
So anyway, the edge of the, the edge of the rock goes,
the path keeps going.
This prophecy is saying these people are all
into their gadgets and their gizmos and all the things,
and they get to a point where they can't go any farther.
The path stops and they're gone while this
other path continues to go.
These are the two worlds.
This is something Dolores Cannon talks about as well,
the two earths that are splitting.
And I think that's eventually what happened.
And eventually we will look around
and you know, some people just won't be here anymore.
They just won't be able to take it anymore.
They won't be able to do their spiritual work
and they won't be able to get through to this amazing time
that is promised to us that every
culture almost talks about.
So after the arrival of the twins, they will begin to vanish
before your eyes like so much smoke.
Others will have great deformities born in the mind
and upon their bodies both, I'm sorry,
both in the mind and upon their bodies.
There will, I mean kind of like in Jesus time,
when people have so many diseases that they would help heal,
there will be those who walk in the body
that are not from this reality.
Where many of the gateways that were once protected
that once protected us will be open.
There will be much confusion.
Confusion between sexes and children and their elders.
And I think more than anything now there is
so much confusion and there's so many people,
there's a few people that are really promoting
that confusion all the time.
Uh, and different things and religion,
politics and everything else.
And I think that's something to just be aware of.
But everybody is allowed to have their journey.
I'm not upset with anybody. I don't feel like I need
to change anybody's mind,
but for me personally, you know, just be aware
that there's a lot of confusion and
we can be wrong about a lot of things.
And you know, I think the thing
that helps me realize is I know this much
of an infinite amount of things that are possible.
And when I realize that I don't stay stuck on any one
teaching or anything, it allows me to change my mind.
And I think the people who are the most intelligent people
don't stay on one topic or one subject all the time and,
and think that they're totally right about it.
I'm willing to hear new information to, to learn more pieces
of the puzzle, to learn more, to grow more,
to see a different perspective
and see something even deeper than I didn't see it before.
That's what really I think makes people smart, is being able
to do that and not just stay stuck
with your grips on a certain idea.
Moving on. Life will get very perverted
and there will be little social order in these
times, as we're already seeing.
Many will ask for the mounds themself to fall upon them just
to end their misery.
Still. Others will appear
as if untouched by what is occurring.
The ones who remember their original teachings
and have reconnected their hearts and spirit.
Those who remember who their mother
and father is, the poah who have left who who have left
to live in the mountains and forest.
The poah are the white people, the great white brother.
The Hopi await Poah, the lost white brother from the stars,
as do all in the land saying
that everybody comes from the stars.
He will not be like the white man, white men that we know
who are cruel and greedy.
He will bring with him the symbols
and the missing piece of the sacred tablet.
Now kept by the elders given to him.
When he left, they shall identify him
as our true white brother.
The true white brother will begin searching for the Hopi
who are still following the teachings
of the ancient traditions.
If they're not able to find these individuals,
the earth will be destroyed.
It is believed if the true white brother is not able
to find these people, the entire planet will be destroyed.
If the symbols of the blue star
and the true way of life of the Hopi are brought
to the world, it will be a new beginning.
All the people will be saved from destruction.
They steal away Po Hana.
But I know, but I know some folks like this, right?
And I know you know some folks like that.
And so I have no doubt whatsoever that this great white,
true white brother, the Po Hana will find these people
because I feel it in my heart
and I see it in the people that I hang out with.
And I see it in the things online that I watch in the,
in the books that I read, in the events that I go to.
I already know that these people exist.
And so I don't have any problem knowing that,
that they're gonna gather up these people
and we're all gonna gather together
and we're gonna find places to congregate together
and be a community together.
There's no doubt in my mind.
So I'm not even worried about him not finding anybody.
'cause all you have to do is simply start looking around
and look and see who's looking
up and who's paying attention.
So when the purifier comes, we will see first
a small red star, which will come very close
and sit in our heavens, watching us watching to see
how well we have remember the sacred teachings.
And again, that's just something crazy
that there's some kind of big red kachina,
which again means spirit.
So it could be a lot of things.
But sitting down an atmosphere, kind of watching us,
this purifier will show us many miracles,
signs in our heavens.
And this way we will know creator is not a dream.
Even those who do not feel their connection
to spirit will see the face of the creator across the sky.
Things unseen will be felt very strongly.
And if you guys are anything like me, there are
so many things pulling to you.
So many questions your guides telling you,
leaving you the breadcrumbs, telling you to read that book,
watch that video, talk to that person, you know, research
that information or that topic.
And as you do it, I know if it's, again,
if you're anything like me, you found the breadcrumbs.
You find the connections. You say, I didn't realize
that the Bible would connect to this
and this would connect to that.
And and you realize, man, everything,
it really is connected.
And you know, they want you to think that it's not.
And that this subject is this one.
And it's all, you know, science is this and math is this,
but science and math are one.
And you can't really understand one without the other
because everything is truly connected.
Many things will begin to occur that will not make sense
or reality will be shifting back in
and out of the dream state.
There will be many doorways to the lower world
that will open at this time.
Things long forgotten will come back to remind us
of our past creations.
All living things will want to be present for this day
and when the time ends and we enter the forever cycle
of the fifth world, man,
and I'm just like feeling on fire right now
from just imagining this time, you know,
these things happening and the gratitude and the love
and the, you know, the payoff of all the things
that we've endured.
Many of us have endured shame
and ridicule from our own families
and people who totally think we're crazy
or don't understand us.
And we know we were right and we didn't, you know,
most of us didn't get angry.
We didn't try to fight them.
Sometimes we do, sometimes we try to help 'em, you know,
really remember, but sometimes we
just realize it's not worth it.
But the payoff is finally to
be positively rewarded for the things
that we've done over many, many lifetimes.
And it's just feels incredibly emotional.
And I feel so much gratitude to have done the work for
so many lifetimes and to study and research
and know that it's not about money.
It's not about cars and clothes and status and being the CEO
or being the coolest person at a bar or something like that.
That's nothing. It means nothing.
But to have love in your heart, to be connected
to the mother and father, to be part of a family, to be part
of a community is so important.
And it's so much more fulfilling than anything else you
could buy at a store or any drink you could put in your
body, anything like that.
We will see many warnings allowing us
to change our ways from, from
below the earth as well as above.
Then one morning, in a moment,
we will awakening to the Red Dawn.
The sky will be the color of blood.
Many things will then begin to happen
that right now we were not sure of their exact nature
for much of reality will not be as it is now.
And the twinkling of an eye.
You're right, there will be many strange beasts upon the
earth in those days, some from the past
and some that we have never seen.
And this is again, talking about like the times like Noah,
where there are things that people are, you know,
creating genetically and animals that things
that are being made people, animals that they're making.
Not that you can't do those in the spiritual world.
You obviously, you can, you become anything shape,
shapeshift, anything you want to,
but again,
people are gonna do it genetically and manipulate things.
The nature of mankind will appear strange in these times
when we walk between the worlds
and we will house many spirits even within our bodies
after a time we will again walk
with our brothers from the stars and rebuild this earth.
But not until the purifier has left his
mark upon the universe.
But I find that so inspirational.
I can't wait to look at this planet
and see what it looks like with pyramid restored
and stone hings, you know, restored
and, you know, just beauty and nuts and trash
and just an incredible planet that this mother earth is.
And you know, that's why so many things have to be purified
to get to the point of being this pristine.
I mean, how many millions of satellites are there on this
planet right now, and the trash and the roads?
And I mean, how awesome would it be to walk around
and see pristine water
and big, beautiful trees with lots
of oxygen in the atmosphere so that, you know,
just breathing is a orgasmic feeling.
You know, no living
thing will go untouched.
Here are in the heavens.
The way through this time it is said is
to be found in our hearts
and reuniting with our spiritual selves, getting simple
and returning to living with and upon the earth
and in harmony with their creatures.
Remembering that we are the caretakers, the fire keepers
of the spirit, our relatives from the stars are coming back
to see how we have fared on our journey.
After the purification will be new beginnings, a new age,
a one that I think that we can only start to begin
to imagine what it would look like, what it would feel like.
I tend, I, I made a video many months ago
called Spontaneous Evolution.
And I believe in that twinkle of an eye when the polls flip,
when this red dawn comes
and all things are given that opportunity to change,
you can change into something incredible.
I think the beings that we were were much bigger,
much more robust in the past.
And I think they're obviously hominids on this planet
that are much bigger and stronger than us
and live a much more natural, you know, way
of being the Sasquatch people and the Almas
and the ring appendic
and these na these, these na these native natural hominids
that, that are alive on this planet.
And I think we were part of them.
And I think at one point in the past, these people
that came down took the DNA of theirs
and mixed with the mixed with the Anki type blood
to create a hominid, a homo sapien, a hairless,
smaller individual, um, species
that didn't know all these things
and was kind of like a governor on our brain, on our DNA.
90% of our DNA is, you know, kinda like turned off.
But if you've ever done any research
to see like a domesticated pig, when a domesticated pig
escapes the farm
and goes out into the woods,
it will pretty much turn into a wild boar.
You guys know that. Well, it will get really hairy and it's
'cause it's, you know, out there in the cold
and it starts to inherit your
external extension of your nervous system.
So it's got its feelers out and it starts to get more wild.
And, um, that's what HogZilla was.
If you've ever heard of HogZilla,
HogZilla was investigated pig that escaped
who started to turn wild.
And it was extremely large.
And obviously pig DNA is incredibly like human, DNA, um,
almost as much as like chimpanzee or something like that.
I do believe that there are people who've probably walk out
of our civilization into the woods
and turn into these wild people.
And in different times when these things happen, when these,
you know, these huge events happened in our past, I,
I believe people were turning into wild
people, hairy type people.
And these people were, um, deemed demonic.
They were deemed, you know, uh, too wild for society
and they were being exiled and cast out and killed.
But I think we will
spontaneously evolve into hominids.
Not everybody, but some people, you know,
because love is this higher vibrational frequency, you know,
right, than than fear.
And fear has these high crescent and low TRAs or whatever,
but the, the high, the high frequency of love if we live in
that, it's not about survival of the fittest.
It's about living in a higher operational frequency.
And as the human cavity resonance rises
and the particles are all shifting and moving,
and everybody seems like time is going
by much faster than it was before,
but it's not the same amount of time
that we're realizing things,
we're understanding things in a,
in a much faster way than we were 10 years
ago or a hundred years ago.
And the conversation you can have in 10 minutes could be
what you could learn lifetimes ago
with just a couple decades or a hundred years ago.
That evolution can happen in an instant.
And the twinkling of an eye,
we can change into something completely different.
We can change it in a much larger, higher
dimensional beings in Egyptian.
They have those 15, 20 foot tall
fifth dimensional beings in there.
I believe that we can become those.
How easy would it be to become something like that
and really take our planet back?
It would help, it would help out a lot.
And maybe that's me being crazy and dreaming,
but I, I feel that deep down on my bones
of becoming these wild people again.
You know, when, when you really think about these wild
Sasquatch people and things like that,
they don't care about your beard, your politics,
your religion, they care about each other.
I think first and foremost, it's
all they care about us is each other.
That's the most important thing in whole, in life to them,
is to make sure they take care of their own.
And how would, how would our society benefit
greatly if we learned to love each other
and take care of every single one
of our brothers and sisters?
Like they really were your brothers and sisters.
We could learn so much from them.
And so we are coming to this cusp, we're coming
to this incredible time of transformation, a metamorphosis,
if you will, of human consciousness,
of physicality, of our emotions.
And our mental states can become
so much greater than I think we can ever even imagine.
And this will become
and will seem like what some people call a great reset.
It's a big change. And
what I find fascinating about the people
who are saying things like that
and globalist people who are saying things like that,
is they're not doing the spiritual work.
They want to get through to this new age
with their power and their money and their stuff,
and so that they can control getting through.
Because I think many of these people know about these
stories and many of these stories are hidden from us
and deemed to be, you know, religion or things like that.
But there's a lot of truth in these
religion stories and these books.
And so they build their underground bunkers in Hawaii
and other places so they can get under
because they know, just like the Hopi people did,
and all these cataclysms, they were brought down underground
by the ant people and they were saved by these cataclysms.
And now you see so many people, elite people with this, lots
of money who are building these underground bunkers
to save themselves from this cataclysm.
But to me, whether they do or not, I don't care.
But I know I don't want to get there with some
because I have money
and I can build myself this underground base.
I want to get there because I've done the spiritual work,
because I am being rewarded in the end for the things
that I've done and the good that I've done this planet
and the really fallen back in line with my mother
and the father, you know, mother earth and father son,
and being peaceful again in a natural way.
And so it's incredible that these people are trying
to control the narrative of what this looks like for them so
that they can get in while the rest of us suffer.
But in some instances are right.
You probably will get to a point, you should get to a point
where you own nothing and be happy
that nothing owns you anymore, that you're free.
You're totally free from your job, from your worries,
from money, from the cars, from houses,
from clothes, from everything.
We don't even need those things.
We really will get to a point someday,
and I think someday soon.
But those things don't even matter to you more.
It will be the love in your heart, the people
that are you're with, the family
that you have, the tribe that we're in.
Those are the things that will matter more than anything.
And you won't care about owning anything if you care about
be connecting with the planet, be connecting
with other people on this planet
so they can build all the things they want
and underground basis and all the stuff
and trying to get to the next world.
But I'm gonna tell you what, it's much easier than that.
You just have to do the spiritual work.
You have to listen to your guides
and your angels listen to the calling, that intuition,
that voice in the back of that, that says something.
And, and a lot of times if you're not listening,
it's screaming at you with sledgehammer
blows saying, do this.
And you just have to have the courage to do it,
to follow your heart, to leave that job
that's no longer good for you,
or that relationship that's no longer good for you
or whatever it is in your life.
Have the courage to move on
and learn what it is that they're saying to you
and what they're guiding us towards.
And I think they're guiding us towards a new age
and a new world that works
for everybody and not a few people.
And that is something I feel like all these channels and,
and history channels
and TV shows, they all talk about the destruction,
but they never really get into where all this going to,
excuse me, where it's all going to.
And again, if you were to focus on the birth,
the mother giving birth and screaming and the yelling
and crying, it would seem like that person's dying.
Unless, you know, at the end what's gonna happen.
And I think at the end, we're giving birth to a new human,
homo luminous, I don't know, whatever you wanna call it,
but we will live in a way that's much more harmonious
between the worlds and we'll be able to see through things
and through people and events and a situations
and circumstance that we haven't had in the past
anytime recently.
But as you are starting to wake up, I know all
of you're starting to see through these things now
I'm starting to realize all the things that are happening.
And you know, it don't have to take, you don't have
to take my word for it.
You can do your own research, look up your own things,
and come to the same conclusion
or at least a similar one that I'm coming to.
So tonight, I just wanna encourage every single one of you
to do that work, to do those meditations, do that yoga,
learn to love yourself, learn to forgive yourself
and forgive all the others, people who have done things
to you, not because they deserve it,
because you deserve peace.
Let it go All the work that each
and every single one of us do, it means something.
And what you do in your life affects your entire family,
affects the people that you hang out
with, the people you work with.
And when you have true harmony
and true peace, it makes it so easy for people to just come
to you and feel that peace with you instead of
that frustration or that anger
or whatever else what everybody else is feeling.
You have a higher vibration.
You can go into a room, completely change the feeling
and the flow of that energy just
by being a higher vibration.
And like leveling out all the other things
where they don't even people feel anxious anymore.
People don't even feel those things anymore.
So tonight, again, I just wanna say thank you
to every single person who's watching online who's here
with me on the central work tv
and it's probably chomping at the bit to say something
and to add something to this I hope
and have a incredible cool discussion.
Um, all those people who will watch this later, you know,
please, you know, it's not about me,
it's about we, it's about all of us.
And that's the message I want to be, I want to give tonight.
So thank you guys all for watching.
I'm always, again, incredibly humbled
and thankful to be able to have a platform
to say these things, to share this information,
and to learn how to become one again with all of you.
Because I am an aspect of God and I know
and I realize every single one of you is an aspect of God
and that divine in me sees honors
and recognize the divine in each
and every single one of you.
Welcome to another edition of Mystery School.
I'm your host, Jacob Cox.
And tonight we have a really great topic that I,
I feel is very near and dear to my heart.
Um, the Native American culture is something
that I'm just really in love with.
Uh, just everything about it.
People, people tend to think maybe we're more civilized
because they have higher buildings and cars
and technologies, but,
and honest on all honesty, I really feel like they
were much farther beyond us spiritually
and maybe even more mentally and emotionally
and, um, in ways that we really aren't today.
So I feel like it is really important for us
to take their information, their, their oral traditions
and their teachings to heart
and really put it into play for us.
Um, it's just something I feel like we can get
so much more from learning from other people, uh,
where they have come from, where they've
been and their stories.
And, um, so I'm really, really excited about tonight.
So let's go ahead and get, get going.
Uh, first off, I wanna thank Neil David Sr.
Uh, a guy who lived with the hop.
He is there for a while, and he painted
this incredible painting.
Um, it is called The Fest Parade begins
as the Katsina emerges from the Kiva.
Really cool. The Katsina is their, their spirits
and their guides,
and they're all dressed like them and dancing.
Um, that's very similar to what the Hopi are doing.
Ceremonies and stuff. They're dancing at night
around the fire, uh,
and other ceremonies that they're doing to preserve,
you know, their way of life, their understandings.
And, um, and, you know, it's really about community.
I think. Um, it's really, you know, something I'm,
like I said, again, I'm very intrigued by, um, to me,
you know, I don't feel like this is the first life I've ever
lived, and I feel like I've been
a Native American many times.
So I feel that Native American presence really kind of
bleeding into who I am today
and all the really, all the lives I feel like I've lived
kind of bleeding into right now to help me understand
where we really are in the world
and what's really going on on this planet.
And is it just something that's,
you know, randomly happening?
No, because so many cultures around the world have told us
that these things have happened in the past
and they will happen again.
So let's talk about this Blue Star prophecy from the Hopi.
Um, and the first thing I really wanna say is, you know,
obviously I am not a Hopi elder.
Um, so this message tonight comes with a lot of humility.
I'm very humble to, you know, just tell you guys
what I've read, what I've experienced, the things
that I feel, uh, my guides that speak through me,
and where they're kind of pointing me.
And I feel like in my whole journey of life, you know,
information was for me only, I was just learning things
for myself, but at some point I felt like I was given
so much understanding, uh, that I felt really responsible
to give it back to others.
And I feel like now is a time more than ever, that we need
to, you know, give these messages back to the people.
And so, again, I'm not a Hopi elder, but obviously,
but, um, I feel very drawn to them and,
and other Native American cultures and,
and many of them have similar stories.
So we wanna share their prophecy tonight on the Blue Star
and, um, you know, try to understand as much as we can.
And with oral tradition,
it can be very difficult to interpret.
Um, but that's the same
with written tradition like the Bible or anything else.
I mean, the stories in the language,
that's the Bible's written, Aramaic
and Greek, we don't speak those languages today.
So it's hard for us to decipher
what those people are saying when it comes to figures
of speech and certain things that they're talking about just
as Japanese is a language that's spoken today,
and even really, um, trying to speak it in English
with the things that they're writing.
We don't have the same figures of speech
and the same cultural things that are, that are going on.
So there's a little bit of misunderstanding and,
and we have to take every little story we have with a grain
of salt, but try to take all the stories
that we have and put 'em all together.
And I think that's what we're gonna try to do tonight.
Um, so, because, because of that, let's go ahead
and get started, but now we can read all the prophecies
and things and thanks to the internet
and this living language that we have now.
So back in the day we had the Tower Babel.
And before that, you know, the Bible says
that we had this one living language that all people spoke
with, they could all speak the same language.
And I feel like that's very important to know
that people on this planet had
that living language that everybody could speak.
And then at some point, this tower, Babel was built.
God came down to confuse man because he had become one.
Now, I don't think that is the god of love, the God of, uh,
all that is, but I think those are different people coming
down and, and taking, um, taking the shape and the form
and the ideology of being a God.
And people are, are taking him that way.
So that's important to realize today we're coming to
that same kind of conclusion
where we don't all speak the same language,
but through the internet someone has the cipher, you know,
the text of the Bible for you speaking, for you
to read in English or the Book of the Dead,
or you know, whatever sort,
whatever book it is from a different culture
and different con continent,
but you don't speak that language.
So I feel like that's really important to realize we have
at our disposal all that information
and technology so that we can read these things in our own
language and interpret the best we can.
So that puts us at a very significant time
period in history.
Um, and I think
that's something really to be important about.
We have that luxury of having access
to all these prophecies around the world.
And I feel like for the better part of my adult life, that's
what I've been doing, is trying to read these stories
and, you know, how do they, you know, correlate?
How do they say the same things?
Um, are they talking about the same events in the past?
And to lead us to the same
understanding of what will happen in the future.
And I believe they do. Um,
and the hope, we believe
that they have suffered three previous world Cataclysms.
The first was destroyed by fire.
You know, people say a common
and asteroid, things like that.
Um, the second one was destroyed by ice, A great ice age,
um, or many, many cultures around the globe.
Talk about that. And then, uh, deluge a flood.
And obviously a lot of stories
around the world talk about that as well.
Um, these were not random earth changes
or astrophysical phenomena,
but humankind's disregard for both mother nature
and for the spiritual dictates of that of the creator.
So they were saying that these
aren't just random things that happened.
These were because the people who were living
at the time weren't respecting their mother.
They weren't living with Mother Earth.
They were taking advantage of her.
And, and that's really what we see today.
We really see a lot, you know,
obviously people taking up resources for a certain group
of people who have money or power
or whatever else while other people are, uh, starving
and, um, you know, hurting
'cause they don't have access to energies
and clean water and things like that.
So in other words, these ca these cataclysm events in nature
world and the nature world are casually connected
to collective transgressions are negative human action.
So we really do have an effect on our planet.
We have an effect on what's going on.
And I think we're seeing that now.
I think some of the things that we see on the planet,
obviously today are manmade
and to look like natural disasters
that I think is pretty plain and plain and simple
and pretty obvious at this point.
But at the same time, I do think seven
to 8 billion people on this planet having a certain kind
of mindset, um,
and emotional frequency that we're all connected to.
Um, you know, when you walk into a room
and you feel someone sad or hurt
or angry, you can feel that.
And if you're not aware of it, you can jump into that
with them and be sad and angry and,
and upset and all the other things too.
Just like when you go into a room where you feel peace
and harmony, it's easier to get into that groove
and that vibe vibration with them as well.
So we know that people affect other people
and people affect the frequencies
and that many people on this planet.
And especially if you can sway people to live in fear
and to be angry and upset
and frustrated all the time, then we're gonna have a world
where that that seems to be happening a lot more.
Um, but according to the Hopi,
the fourth world shall end soon
and the fifth world will begin.
This is the elders everywhere know the signs over many
years have been fulfilled.
And so few are left signs are described
by these Hopi elders.
And again, these are not stories that you can go, I mean,
you can read 'em now, but these were not
stories that are written long ago.
So a lot of things that we have are pretty
modern of what we have.
Um, for instance, one of the best,
well-known stories about the Blue Star prophecy is from
Frank Waters in 63 when he wrote his book about
that is the Blue Kachina
and the the kachina means spirit,
which brings in the fifth world.
So that's what we're talking about when
we're talking about this blue star.
And we're gonna get in more depth
into that in here in just a minute.
But I wanted to take you guys through some of the signs
that were given from some of the elders not so long ago.
And you know, what's come true and what hasn't already,
but most of these have all pretty much came true already.
One of the first signs that they talk about is we are told
of the coming of the white-skinned man like poah,
but not living like poah.
We'll talk about bahana in a little bit.
Men who took the land that was not theirs
and who, who struck their enemies with thunder.
So that's the first sign of guns,
and they're talking about
striking their enemies with thunder.
That loud bang that obviously has already came to pass.
That's something that many Americans have talked about.
Native Americans have talked about, um,
seeing white people come and take over their lands.
That's so that sign I feel like is 100% already done.
The second sign is our lands will see the coming
of spinning wheels filled with voices and his youth.
My father saw his prophecy come true with his eyes,
the white man bringing the families
and wagons across the prairies.
That definitely is those spinning wheels that they saw
and their carriages, uh, and horse
and buggies that they were, you know,
coming from the east to the west.
And they obviously saw them riding in
and people are speaking and talking
and probably singing and that kind of stuff.
So that one, that is another one I feel like pretty
obviously is definitely already done.
And then the third sign,
they talk about a strange beast like a buffalo,
but with great longhorns will overrun the
land in large numbers.
These white, these white feather saw
with his eyes the coming of the white man's cattle.
And that is obviously our modern day cow that we have, um,
and bull and you know, we, they have their buffaloes,
they hunted, they were wild animals.
And now we have these domesticated animals
that most most Americans, you know,
obviously live on today and they eat.
So, um, you know, obviously
that's another one that's come true.
And the forest sign, the land will be crossed
by snakes of iron.
And it just takes you a minute to think about what's a,
you know, a snake of iron would probably be
something like a railroad track.
Lots of railroad tracks around, uh, America, probably not
as much as Europe and other places,
but obviously something
that the Native Americans wouldn't have,
wouldn't have had back in their day.
And snakes of iron seems very relevant to railroad tracks.
The fifth sign is the land shall be crisscrossed
by a giant spiderweb.
I could say that could be a couple things.
I definitely think the electric power
and the telephone lines would look
mostly more than anything like, uh, a spider's web.
You could even probably even go as far as
to say the internet.
But that's something that's more
so invisible or underground.
So I tend to think that it is electrical power
and it's telephone lines that are above ground.
It's something you can see.
And if you were looking at it from above, you know, um,
it might look something like a spider web going
from people's houses all along the country.
So again, that's another one I definitely believe as well.
It's already taken place. And then there's the sixth sign.
The land shall be crisscrossed with rivers of stone
that make pictures in the sun
and that the river,
the pictures might take people off a little bit,
but ultimately rivers of stone would be roads.
And if you've ever been out in like the desert
or somewhere when it's really hot, you can see, um,
you know, when it, the, the concrete heats up
and the asphalt heats up there, it's kind of like a mirage
that happens and you know, you can kind of see like pictures
and things going on in there.
Um, I think that's just them trying
to describe it in their own words, something
that they might be seeing into the future.
Because we've always, people have always had access.
We, Nostradamus is not the only one, you know,
people have always had access to
and privy to things that are gonna happen in the future
because you're so in, in the now and you
and you understand your past understanding,
the past understanding and the now gives you great
insight into the future.
So these people saw these things, they're trying
to explain 'em in the best way they can,
but I 100% think six sign points to roads, um,
and the mirage effects that they produce.
The seventh sign you will hear of the sea turning black
and many living things dying because of it.
And I think that's obviously like oil spills, um, you know,
tankers bringing those oils back and forth into water
and then they spilling 'em
and they killing a lot of animals.
We've definitely probably not heard about it as much lately,
but I know, you know, not so long ago,
we've definitely had some big oil spills worldwide, um,
throughout the past couple of decades.
So that's something that, you know,
in their time would've never, never happened.
They would not have been using oil and needed that.
So that's definitely number seven has
obviously I think definitely happened.
And in the a sign you will see many youth
who wear their hair along, like my people come
and join the tribal nations to learn their ways and wisdom.
You could say for sure,
probably in the sixties, the hippie movement.
That was something that was definitely
happening, uh, at that moment.
But ever since then, um, maybe it stopped for a little bit.
But definitely even now we definitely see, you know,
many people growing their hair out, trying to go back
to these really natural
and native type, native American type of ways
and living, um, you know, people just wanted
to live in tiny homes
and, um, you know, wanted to live on the land and, and,
and to be free from the grid and everything else.
So that's exactly how those people were living
on the earth without these technologies.
And we see so many people around today,
there's huge movements around this kind of stuff.
So number seven has definitely hap number
eight has definitely happened as well.
And then according to, uh, white feather here, he says,
the ninth and last sign, you will hear
of a dwelling place in the heavens above the earth
that shall fall with a great crash.
It will be, it will appear as a blue star.
And very soon after this, the ceremonies
of my people will cease.
That is the one where
some people have said in Australia they did see some kind
of satellite fall that was blue.
Whatever. I, you know, this is something I,
I I don't agree with that one.
Um, I think this is something much bigger.
This is something that, you know,
a dwelling place in the heavens.
I mean, of course, I guess you could say some kind of, um,
you know, satellite or something like that.
People do work on those things, but
we're not there of a dwelling place.
I'm talking about where people live.
Um, you know, like a planet
or, you know, I guess you could, you know, ar argue high,
high dimensional bangs do live in stars as well
and take a, you know, go in
and out of them, uh, as portals like the sun.
But, um, it's very interesting
because along with seeing this huge blue star
and they say it appears as a blue star.
So again, I take it with a grain of salt.
We see a blue object, yes, is a star.
Could be, could be something else.
Um, I do think that we live in a binary star system,
which means our sun is not the only star
that is in our solar system.
And many stars do have a binary star system.
So this thing could be a star
that most definitely could be a very hot
blue star coming in.
And if that thing came, you know, anywhere, uh,
in our neighborhood, it would definitely
cause a lot of havoc.
Um, and that's something that,
like Koran talks about destroyer and everything.
Um, but the blue cochina also comes
back to dance in the plaza.
He will remove his mask to initiate the purification process
because, you know, the microcosm mimics the macrocosm.
So they're saying, and I've heard it kind of both ways
that he comes before and he comes after,
but most, most the techs I'm seeing is
that the blue Cochina dancer comes in
before he dances at night and
after they start to see him at night
and he removes his mask soon
after then they see the blue kachina,
this blue dwelling place in the sky, which I think is,
um, you know, and I'll go ahead and say it too.
I, I believe this could be what we call nibiru,
this Sumerian tablets, you know, talk about this planet
that has a 3,600 year elliptical orbit
because it, it doesn't have the same, um, trajectory
around the sun as our other planets do.
It was a rogue planet flying through time
and space hits the, um, gravitation pull of our sun
and then, you know, it's got its own 3,600 year elliptical
orbit and that thing's coming around.
And so that was supposed to be an all water planet.
And that to me, man, that would be a dwelling place.
You know, it would be something totally blue if it's all
water and you know, like the destroyer
and other things, if it came back
and it's, it's got this, you know, a lot of weight to it
and it comes anywhere close to us, just like Jupiter
and all the other planets in astrology say,
as these planets go into retrograde, as they come close,
they, they do different things to our planet.
And you know, even though we may think of destruction
as something bad, you know, a forest has
to burn down in order for the new growth to burn,
to, to give life.
So there are cycles of light
and dark cycles of death and birth.
And, and I think, so we have to think of it like that.
But I certainly think, um,
I feel these things, you know, being, you know, introduced
to me and remembering and, um, when I sleep at night
and I have visions and dreams,
these things coming back to me.
So I read these things again with a grain
of salt trying to put it all together.
It's a huge puzzle.
And I think we're doing our best to just listen
to these Native Americans and listen to stories of the Bible
and the Mar Barta and the Egyptian Book of the Dead
and all these other stories.
And I think we're just the pope vu, we're trying
to put it all together 'cause we have
that luxury now reading
these things and trying to put 'em together.
So let's start off
and talk a little bit more exactly about
what the Hopi said about this prophecy
and what this thing brought in and what it did.
And according to them, the blue keino would start to be seen
during the dances, like I said,
and would make, make his appearance known
to the children in the plaza.
The during the night dance, this event would tell us
that the end times were very near then the blue star Keino
would physically appear in our heavens, which would mean
that we were in the end times.
And again, before I go any farther, a lot
of times people use these
and other stories of these apocalyptic times to scare the,
you know, everything outta everybody.
And I think those things do happen.
But if, if you hear anything in my message
and my message messaged other videos, there's a way to live
to sur to go to overcome that surpass all the things
that happened to not be in the wrong place at the wrong
time, to always be at the right place at the right time.
And that's the message. So before we go any farther,
before I thinks I'm gonna talk about all the destruction
and things and, and in that way and try to scare,
but that's not my, that is not my goal at all.
I am trying to simply relay what these people have said and,
and not leave everything out.
'cause I think a lot of times it's one sided where they try
to make it just seem like it's all something bad
that's gonna happen, something that, uh,
to be scared of and afraid of.
And they say, in the final days,
we will look up in our heavens
and we will witness the return of the two brothers
who helped create the world in the birthing time.
Po Gang Hoya is the guardian of the North Pole
and his brother Paolo Paolo Gaa is
the guardian of the South Pole.
And the final days, the blue star Kachina will come to be
with his nephews and they will return the earth its natural
rotation, which is counterclockwise.
That's something I think that's really important,
that they're saying that our earth is out
of its natural rotation
and it should be going counterclockwise.
And I think that's pretty profound
because when you talk about the Bible
and saying there's three days of darkness,
and the hopies do talk about a long day period,
I've often thought if the polls flipped that
we would probably stop spinning a certain way.
When you think about magnetics,
you're gonna flip the frequency
to something completely different.
Um, then it's gonna go, you know, it is gonna stop
where it's at before it spins the other way.
And that's just how magnetics work.
This vac is evidence in many petroglyphs
that speak of the zodiac.
And within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids, the rotation
of the earth has been manipulated by not
so benevolent star beings.
The twins will be seen in our northwestern skies.
They will come and visit to see
who still remembers the original teachings
flying in their flying shields.
They will bring many of their star family
with them in the final days.
And so again, these are the same stories
that we hear in the bar, ma barta about these flying bowls
and crafts and the ana
and stuff that are, that have come in the past
and that they were flying around,
they were having wars and everything like that.
And here's, you know,
something very similar talking about these people bringing
their families to come see,
are we still living in the way that we're supposed to?
You know, obviously many of us are not, probably most
of the people on the planet are not,
if we're gonna be honest with ourselves.
So the return of the blue star Kachina, who is also known
as non-gay soho, will be the alarm clock that tells us
of the new day and the new way of life.
And that's what I wanna emphasize on more than anything,
a new world that is coming.
So we know there's gonna be an end, right?
But if there's an end, there's gotta be a beginning.
And that's the thing I believe to focus on
because if you do believe that the end
of the world's coming, volcanoes are coming,
earthquakes are coming, and you don't realize these are
birthing pains that when a woman gives birth,
there's gonna be screaming and trembling
and, and those kind of things.
And if you see it as that, it looks terrible.
If you were to walk in and just see nothing
but that you'd think she was dying,
but she's giving birth to a new life.
And if you wait long around, long enough
and you know that's coming, that's what will come.
But I do believe if you think another way,
if you think the end is coming,
the end will come for you in some way.
And I think that's what more than anything
we really need to stay focused on.
There is a new world coming,
a new way coming a thousand years of peace in different,
you know, cultures and, and books
and traditions have talked about it in many different ways,
but they all pretty much say the same thing.
Um, this is where that change will begin.
They will start as fires that burn within us,
and we will burn up with desires
and conflict if we don't remember their original teachings
and return to the peaceful way of life.
And I feel like that's incredibly important.
How many people do you know right now will burn up
with all the things of the world?
And, you know, looking at certain things online
and, you know,
being involved in things they probably really shouldn't have
enough for their, you know, benefit, um, being burned up
with anger because,
and frustration with the way things are going.
It's very obvious that many of these things
that they're talking about are already happening.
We are not, you know, talking about something that's going
to happen to me pretty much this entire prophecy are already
things that are already happening.
And then here's another, here's another big thing I
that I feel like I've, I've seen in different prophecies,
this one not as much as the blue star,
but this is definitely part of many
of these oral traditions as well.
So not be not far behind.
The twins will come the purifier, the red star Kachina,
who will bring the day of purification on this day,
the earth, her cre, her creatures,
and all life as we know it will change forever.
There will be messengers
that will proceed this coming of the purifier.
They will leave messages to those on the earth
who remember the old day old ways.
Um, and that's just, you know, incredible.
There's literally gonna be,
not only are they saying this blue star kachina,
this blue dwelling place in the sky,
but also a red kachina that's gonna come
and, you know, kind of sit in our atmosphere and hang out
and people are gonna be able to see it.
And it does make sense to why sometimes you hear about
things people are doing in the sky
that may prevent people from seeing
what's going on up there.
Um, and why people talk about even blocking out the sun
to help with global warming.
Why don't they want us to see what's going on there?
Because if we saw these things, we knew these things,
some people probably would, not everybody,
but I think a few people would straighten up
and be like, whoa, what is happening?
This isn't life like a normal life.
You know, things are going on out there that are different.
And even people who do follow Charlotte are gonna
say, whoa, what is this object?
What are these things happening?
Um, especially if these things are very large objects,
which it seems to be that's exactly what they are.
So these messages we found written in living Stone
through the sacred grains and even the waters,
and I mean we, I mean we all know crop circles, um,
crop circles, they've even been found in ice
and many of like prophecy rock
and other things, literally saying
that these messages are written in stone.
So they really are. So the purifier will issue
forth a great red light.
All things will change in the manner of,
and in their manner of being.
Every living thing will be offered the opportunity
to change from the largest to the smallest.
And even that, I want to, you know, just again, we,
I don't know, I don't have all the answers.
I definitely not gonna claim to sit here
and tell you I know exactly what all these objects are and,
and when they're gonna happen and how it happens in, in,
and, you know, order.
I am just explaining this is what I read
and these are the things that I, that I feel something is
incredibly huge happening on this planet.
And we're gonna see things we never saw before.
And, um, and that's, I mean, that's, that's the truth.
And I think it's really important that we just sit in that
for a second and say, wow, some,
some big things are happening
and they're even bigger things are gonna happen.
Um, but one of the things
that even the Bible talks about is the
moon will turn blood red.
And is that from something from our atmosphere that's,
you know, being emitted?
Or is it something that kind of has to do
with this red kachina that's emitting this red light?
Is it part of the moon situation? I don't know.
But I do believe the moon is part of the, the reasoning why
we are out of the rotation that we normally are.
I do believe that the moon is something
that's been set in there, uh, our atmosphere for probably
13,000 years to maybe a couple hundred thousand.
I don't think it's something that's been
a long, been there for a long time.
Um, if you're interested in stuff like that, go back
and watch the Moon Matrix video
that I did a couple months ago that explains
that really, uh, in depth.
But I do think the moon is a, you know,
when they talk about these non benevolent star beings change
in rotation, I think the moon is the number one reasoning
and the ability that they're able to do that.
So then they say, those who return to the ways given to us
and the original teachings
and live a natural way of life will not be touched
by the coming of the purifier.
They will survive and build the new world.
Only in the ancient teachings will the ability
to understand the messages be found.
And I think that's important to know.
If you do go back to being in a natural way with the planet,
with Mother Earth, father son,
and realizing that you're its children,
you will have such an easier time
to transition into this new age
and this new world that is, that is coming.
Um, and if you don't
and you don't believe that the earth is a conscious living,
being that breeze
and is, has an imagination, has a life cycle and a lifespan,
and you just think it's some dead thing,
you're, you're not gonna get it.
And I don't think those people, um,
are gonna make it into new world.
And, but just for full disclosure,
I do believe all beings have an evolutionary period.
So, you know, you get to certain places
and you don't make it through, you're gonna go
to another planet to do the work to eventually get there.
I think everybody, every,
everyone gets the, the opportunity.
It says from the smallest to the largest.
And if you don't make it this time, I don't think
that's your only opportunity.
You'll get many other opportunities to do it.
So, you know, it's not to judge anyone
or we're better than anybody else.
Everybody's gonna get that opportunity.
And I think eventually, most, most beings
and entities are gonna get it.
And it is important for us to understand
that these messages will be found upon every living thing,
even within our bodies, even within a drop of blood.
All life forms will receive the messages from the twins,
those that fly the plants, even the little animals, rabbits
and squirrels and shoes and everything else.
The appearance of the twins begins a period of seven years,
which will be our final opportunity to change our ways.
Everything we experience is a matter of choice.
And that is, that is a pretty incredible timeframe too.
The seven year period. And the Bible talks about
that seven year trial of tribulations.
Um, you know, is that something we're in now?
I don't know, but I I don't, I don't think so.
I I think, again, I think we're gonna be able
to see these things and given that opportunity,
and now we got this even smaller timeframe, so the people
who are moving towards, you know, a promised land
where we're all living together on a, on a community
and working together and living off the land
and off the grid, um, there'll be, you know,
significant steps along the way that we'll be able
to make it easier all of a sudden for us
to manifest the things that we really want even easier.
And I think that's important to realize, like,
it doesn't all have to happen today,
but know where you want to go, have a direction.
This is where we wanna live.
This is how we want to go, this is
how we wanna live our lives.
And I believe if we have that intention,
there's really nothing that can stop you from
that if you truly believe it, that you will receive it.
And you know that for you, you are
worthy of that.
And we are all worthy of that man. All of us.
Many will appear to have lost their
souls in these final days.
So intense will nature, with the nature of the changes be
that those who are weak in spiritual
awareness will go insane.
For we are nothing without spirit.
I wanna read that one more time. Many will appear
to have lost their souls in these final days.
So intense. Will the nature of the changes be that those
who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane.
And I think we're already seeing that today.
Um, and even, you know, the Bible talks about those
who have, will be given more
and those who don't will be, will have less.
And I think we're seeing that today.
And if you are not grateful for every single thing
that you have, every piece of food, everything you have
to drink, your family,
everything is gonna be taken from you eventually.
Um, so I would start, you know, waking up every morning,
being grateful to be here at this incredible time,
this incredible change
and transformation that we're on this purification
and, um, you know, don't see as a negative thing when we,
when we wash our hands in the sink to get rid
of the germs before you eat your dinner.
You're not caring about the billions of germs
that you're killing, you know, and it, and it you are,
and you know, you have to think of it like that.
Mother Earth eventually has to take a bath.
She has to purify herself through fire, water, ice,
those different types of ways through the elements.
And um, you know, we are becoming like parasites on her.
And if you had a tick on you, you'd pull it off.
And the same thing with her. There's no, no bad feelings,
I don't think, I don't feel, I feel like it's a, you know,
you've been given the opportunity.
We didn't just get to this point.
All of a sudden we have spent a lifetime
after lifetime gathering up information to get to a point
where decisions that we make now are extremely important.
What you're gonna put in your body,
what you don't put in your body, the things
that you're engaged with, the, the choices of jobs
that you do and the people that you engage with are
all manifested from what you've been doing for millions
and millions of years on this planet
and getting to this point.
So it's not like, you know, people just don't know.
I think we really have had multiple opportunities to learn
and now the decision making
that's here is incredibly important on this time
and this part of the journey that we're in.
So, so nothing without spirit.
So they'll go insane for where nothing without spirit,
they will disappear for they are just hollow vessels
for anything to use.
I feel like I know people like that,
that they're literally hollow vessels for anything to use.
And and that's why a lot of times you see people,
you know do things and say things they wouldn't normally do.
And then often I've worked with people who, when you go back
and talk to 'em about those kind of things,
they don't even remember it.
It's not even something that ever happened.
And I don't believe they do remember it
because, you know, it's like blacking out when you're drunk
and you don't remember it and you're doing all these crazy
things who's in control of your avatar, not you,
and you don't remember it afterwards
and you're doing crazy things you wouldn't normally do
because it's not you doing it.
So life will be so bad in the cities that many will choose
to leave this plane summon whole groups.
And I think that's, you know, something
that they all talk about in the past.
A lot of crazy things happen in cities, diseases,
destruction, fires,
but always, you know, the right people get told by angels
and different people, Hey,
come on out, time for you guys to leave.
Don't turn around, keep going.
Um, and so I believe if you honestly believe
that you're always gonna be taken care of, no matter
what it is, where you are, what's happening,
you'll always be taken care of.
So only those who return to the values
of the old ways will be able to find peace
of mind for in the earth.
We shall find relief from the
madness that will be all around us.
It will be a very hard time for women
with children, for they will be shunned.
And many of the children in these times will be unnatural.
And, you know, you can only think if things are getting
that crazy, you know, that would
honestly ha you know, be what happens.
And now we are seeing a lot of unnatural kids as well.
So again, they're just riding on
with a lot of things going on right now.
And even these were, you know, many decades ago that this,
this actual, um,
or tradition that I'm using to speak through is, um,
you know, what they said.
So some being from the stars,
some from past worlds, some will even be created
by man in unnatural manner saying, you know, people.
And I think we're seeing that now.
And, uh, I, if you don't think there's a few people walking
around right now that we're made in the lab, you know, time
to wake up and do a little research
because I, I feel like there're more than a couple people
that we see regularly on television
and stuff that weren't naturally born
and even some, you know,
corporation stuff have more than indicated
that they're creating actors and actresses, actresses
and petri dishes for the way they look
and that they can act.
Um, you know, especially certain corporations,
you guys can look that up for yourself.
So many
of the people in this time will be empty in spirit
and they will have Sam Paco no life force in their eyes.
And I think, again, we've seen that today.
We walk around downtown and see stuff like that.
And so that leads me to, I want to go somewhere real quick.
And another part of the prophecy.
One of the things that the Hopi have
is called Prophecy Rock.
And I think a lot of you are probably aware of that,
but it's a rock with some images on it
and it shows two paths
and this, you know, basically two paths that we can take
and we can walk into the next cycle.
Both paths start similar, they're both like parallel
to each other kind of moving up.
Um, one has many people on it, many people,
and it's the top, the top path.
And, but their heads aren't even connected to 'em
and they don't know who they are.
That's, I think that's what that's symbolizing.
Um, that's what they're saying is
that their heads are connected to 'em.
They don't know who they are. They're living up in the,
in these other realms, not really here on this planet.
They're engaged in things that, um,
that are blinding them to what's happening.
They don't have a clue and don't even care
about the things that are happening.
So their heads are connected to 'em
and they don't know who they are.
As the top path keeps going, it starts to stair step
and gets harder just, you know, real quick all of a sudden.
And then all of a sudden it just stops.
The bottom path has an elder on it and food is plenty on it.
They have corn stalks and things like that on it.
And then there's one more path in the middle of the two
that is a vertical connection
between the first and the second.
This is the point of no return.
Many of the elders claim
that this was a message given in 1998 to the United Nations
by the Hopi nation saying that this is the point
of no return after this time.
It would be much harder for people
to choose which way to go.
So back to the lower path, there are three,
so the lower path to the elder on it that the one that we,
you know, obviously most of us here probably watching
that want to take, we land of plenty with food on it.
We live long, long lives become old.
Um, that's what that, that that path is saying.
That path also has three circles in it,
which is our three shakings according to them.
Um, the first and the second are the world wars.
Many people would say that the third one is also World War,
but many elders say that's not exactly what it has to be.
Could be conflict. I hope that it's not a world war
and I don't wanna like put that out there, that what it is.
But I could certainly say this, and I say this a lot,
but you know, the biggest war
that I see happening right now isn't for people fighting
with guns and knives and that kind of stuff
and tanks on a battlefield.
I think the biggest war
that we see every day is millions if not billions
of people every day who can't eat with their own families,
um, who can't sit at the same dinner table,
who can't get along with other people, um, and are angry
and mad and, and that kind of stuff.
And I feel like that frustration, that anger, um,
with billions of people, uh, is just as
detrimental to the, to the field, to our planet
as an actual war with guns and knives when people are dying.
So, you know, a lot of likes said a lot of people would like
to point to that being the third World War.
It definitely seems like that's where a few people wanna
turn our trajectory to.
And if that happens, that happens.
And the people who go into that, you know,
the consequences is death probably for things like that.
And that's why I think it's very clear
that other stories talk about the peacemakers
shall inherit the earth.
The Hopi means peaceful person.
Um, so how do you get through those things?
You don't engage with them. You don't fight wars.
I don't shoot my brothers for no reason
and people I don't know for, for profit, for all, for just
to be distracted to kill each other.
So other people can take all our taxes and monies
and do the things whatever they want to.
I don't, we're not gonna engage. We say no and we resist.
And I think that that's
how you get into a peaceful real us to say no more.
I will not fight anybody for any reason whatsoever.
So anyways, after the lower path continues past the old man
that's walking with the cane, it hits the edge of the rock.
But even after it hits the edge of the rock, it continues
to wrap around the side of the rock.
Meaning that there's some kind of edge, some kind of end
that we get to before we take a whole nother dimensional
frequency turn into something completely different.
And I think that's what many of us are looking forward to
who are watching something like this tonight.
That there is some kind of new age, some kind
of new frequency, some new dimensional,
fifth dimensional type of life on this planet
that is gonna be accessible to a few.
And that to me is one of the most incredible things
that I can think of that my family, the people I love,
people I care about my friends, that we can
have a direction in life
and start sailing towards that point.
Whether that's, you know, community and like I said
before, the living out,
living out in a community on the land, you know,
growing our own crops and, and our food
and you know, drinking, living water.
Those are the things that I feel like are, you know,
working towards and getting, getting there.
And I know that, that just like in the past,
the Promised Land called to people,
the Promised Land is calling us not just in our country,
but in all kinds of countries around the earth
because there's holy land out there for us to live on
and to, to live this lifestyle again,
just like the Hopi people.
One thing I feel like, because the people,
the Hopi people talk so much about their ethics
and their, uh, way of living
and their, you know, well-mannered behavior and stuff.
To me, Hopi is not just the people who live in Arizona
and these reservations, but they, they, it feels like,
you know, it's anybody, anybody who lives this way,
who lives with the natural way of Mother Earth
and father son who lives peacefully, you know,
we can be part of that nation
and part of that tribe with them.
Um, at least that's what it feels like to me.
And I don't, I don't wanna, you know, say anything that,
you know, offends anybody or anything like that.
And that's not my point. But it does feel like
we can live in that peaceful way with them.
And that's what they're teaching us.
And that's what's so important here is to realize like,
if we live in this peaceful way, we can get
through all these things and we don't have
to worry about any of these things happening.
And we won't be touched by the purification.
We won't be touched by the waters
or the fires or anything like that.
We can get through this thing by living in a piece of way
with our mother, our father, and our people,
and knowing that everybody on this planet is God,
even if they don't realize it themselves.
And that's, that to me is one
of the best things is like you hear all these things about
the apocalypse and people think apocalypse as something
bad in this, you know, but the apocalypse means the
disclosure, a lifting of the veil to see
through what's happening.
And I don't, I know most of you all watching this,
if you're not completely, you know, really waking up,
you're definitely on the verge.
If you're watching a video like this tonight
that you're starting to see through the politics,
through the education, through the things that they tell us
that we need to do and,
and how to be that they aren't good for us.
They don't serve us,
they don't serve the whole, they serve a few.
And if it's not good for everybody, it's good
for nobody in my, in my opinion, right?
It needs to be good for all of us.
Every single person on this planet is important.
No matter what your job is or or what you do
or how much money's in your pocket or anything.
Everybody's just important as anybody else to me.
And every single person is one of God's children, everybody.
And we need to treat everybody in that way.
At least that's my, that's my
feeling and that's what I, that's how I feel about it.
And I feel like as I treat everybody is,
is God's child, you know?
And I treat them well in the way I want it to be.
God smiles on me a little bit more.
He's, you know, that, that the universe
and the mother father is more happy with me
because I, I realize that,
and I'm, I'm being a peaceful person.
I'm being someone like these Hopi people that are saying,
you know, live in this peaceful way.
So anyway, the edge of the, the edge of the rock goes,
the path keeps going.
This prophecy is saying these people are all
into their gadgets and their gizmos and all the things,
and they get to a point where they can't go any farther.
The path stops and they're gone while this
other path continues to go.
These are the two worlds.
This is something Dolores Cannon talks about as well,
the two earths that are splitting.
And I think that's eventually what happened.
And eventually we will look around
and you know, some people just won't be here anymore.
They just won't be able to take it anymore.
They won't be able to do their spiritual work
and they won't be able to get through to this amazing time
that is promised to us that every
culture almost talks about.
So after the arrival of the twins, they will begin to vanish
before your eyes like so much smoke.
Others will have great deformities born in the mind
and upon their bodies both, I'm sorry,
both in the mind and upon their bodies.
There will, I mean kind of like in Jesus time,
when people have so many diseases that they would help heal,
there will be those who walk in the body
that are not from this reality.
Where many of the gateways that were once protected
that once protected us will be open.
There will be much confusion.
Confusion between sexes and children and their elders.
And I think more than anything now there is
so much confusion and there's so many people,
there's a few people that are really promoting
that confusion all the time.
Uh, and different things and religion,
politics and everything else.
And I think that's something to just be aware of.
But everybody is allowed to have their journey.
I'm not upset with anybody. I don't feel like I need
to change anybody's mind,
but for me personally, you know, just be aware
that there's a lot of confusion and
we can be wrong about a lot of things.
And you know, I think the thing
that helps me realize is I know this much
of an infinite amount of things that are possible.
And when I realize that I don't stay stuck on any one
teaching or anything, it allows me to change my mind.
And I think the people who are the most intelligent people
don't stay on one topic or one subject all the time and,
and think that they're totally right about it.
I'm willing to hear new information to, to learn more pieces
of the puzzle, to learn more, to grow more,
to see a different perspective
and see something even deeper than I didn't see it before.
That's what really I think makes people smart, is being able
to do that and not just stay stuck
with your grips on a certain idea.
Moving on. Life will get very perverted
and there will be little social order in these
times, as we're already seeing.
Many will ask for the mounds themself to fall upon them just
to end their misery.
Still. Others will appear
as if untouched by what is occurring.
The ones who remember their original teachings
and have reconnected their hearts and spirit.
Those who remember who their mother
and father is, the poah who have left who who have left
to live in the mountains and forest.
The poah are the white people, the great white brother.
The Hopi await Poah, the lost white brother from the stars,
as do all in the land saying
that everybody comes from the stars.
He will not be like the white man, white men that we know
who are cruel and greedy.
He will bring with him the symbols
and the missing piece of the sacred tablet.
Now kept by the elders given to him.
When he left, they shall identify him
as our true white brother.
The true white brother will begin searching for the Hopi
who are still following the teachings
of the ancient traditions.
If they're not able to find these individuals,
the earth will be destroyed.
It is believed if the true white brother is not able
to find these people, the entire planet will be destroyed.
If the symbols of the blue star
and the true way of life of the Hopi are brought
to the world, it will be a new beginning.
All the people will be saved from destruction.
They steal away Po Hana.
But I know, but I know some folks like this, right?
And I know you know some folks like that.
And so I have no doubt whatsoever that this great white,
true white brother, the Po Hana will find these people
because I feel it in my heart
and I see it in the people that I hang out with.
And I see it in the things online that I watch in the,
in the books that I read, in the events that I go to.
I already know that these people exist.
And so I don't have any problem knowing that,
that they're gonna gather up these people
and we're all gonna gather together
and we're gonna find places to congregate together
and be a community together.
There's no doubt in my mind.
So I'm not even worried about him not finding anybody.
'cause all you have to do is simply start looking around
and look and see who's looking
up and who's paying attention.
So when the purifier comes, we will see first
a small red star, which will come very close
and sit in our heavens, watching us watching to see
how well we have remember the sacred teachings.
And again, that's just something crazy
that there's some kind of big red kachina,
which again means spirit.
So it could be a lot of things.
But sitting down an atmosphere, kind of watching us,
this purifier will show us many miracles,
signs in our heavens.
And this way we will know creator is not a dream.
Even those who do not feel their connection
to spirit will see the face of the creator across the sky.
Things unseen will be felt very strongly.
And if you guys are anything like me, there are
so many things pulling to you.
So many questions your guides telling you,
leaving you the breadcrumbs, telling you to read that book,
watch that video, talk to that person, you know, research
that information or that topic.
And as you do it, I know if it's, again,
if you're anything like me, you found the breadcrumbs.
You find the connections. You say, I didn't realize
that the Bible would connect to this
and this would connect to that.
And and you realize, man, everything,
it really is connected.
And you know, they want you to think that it's not.
And that this subject is this one.
And it's all, you know, science is this and math is this,
but science and math are one.
And you can't really understand one without the other
because everything is truly connected.
Many things will begin to occur that will not make sense
or reality will be shifting back in
and out of the dream state.
There will be many doorways to the lower world
that will open at this time.
Things long forgotten will come back to remind us
of our past creations.
All living things will want to be present for this day
and when the time ends and we enter the forever cycle
of the fifth world, man,
and I'm just like feeling on fire right now
from just imagining this time, you know,
these things happening and the gratitude and the love
and the, you know, the payoff of all the things
that we've endured.
Many of us have endured shame
and ridicule from our own families
and people who totally think we're crazy
or don't understand us.
And we know we were right and we didn't, you know,
most of us didn't get angry.
We didn't try to fight them.
Sometimes we do, sometimes we try to help 'em, you know,
really remember, but sometimes we
just realize it's not worth it.
But the payoff is finally to
be positively rewarded for the things
that we've done over many, many lifetimes.
And it's just feels incredibly emotional.
And I feel so much gratitude to have done the work for
so many lifetimes and to study and research
and know that it's not about money.
It's not about cars and clothes and status and being the CEO
or being the coolest person at a bar or something like that.
That's nothing. It means nothing.
But to have love in your heart, to be connected
to the mother and father, to be part of a family, to be part
of a community is so important.
And it's so much more fulfilling than anything else you
could buy at a store or any drink you could put in your
body, anything like that.
We will see many warnings allowing us
to change our ways from, from
below the earth as well as above.
Then one morning, in a moment,
we will awakening to the Red Dawn.
The sky will be the color of blood.
Many things will then begin to happen
that right now we were not sure of their exact nature
for much of reality will not be as it is now.
And the twinkling of an eye.
You're right, there will be many strange beasts upon the
earth in those days, some from the past
and some that we have never seen.
And this is again, talking about like the times like Noah,
where there are things that people are, you know,
creating genetically and animals that things
that are being made people, animals that they're making.
Not that you can't do those in the spiritual world.
You obviously, you can, you become anything shape,
shapeshift, anything you want to,
but again,
people are gonna do it genetically and manipulate things.
The nature of mankind will appear strange in these times
when we walk between the worlds
and we will house many spirits even within our bodies
after a time we will again walk
with our brothers from the stars and rebuild this earth.
But not until the purifier has left his
mark upon the universe.
But I find that so inspirational.
I can't wait to look at this planet
and see what it looks like with pyramid restored
and stone hings, you know, restored
and, you know, just beauty and nuts and trash
and just an incredible planet that this mother earth is.
And you know, that's why so many things have to be purified
to get to the point of being this pristine.
I mean, how many millions of satellites are there on this
planet right now, and the trash and the roads?
And I mean, how awesome would it be to walk around
and see pristine water
and big, beautiful trees with lots
of oxygen in the atmosphere so that, you know,
just breathing is a orgasmic feeling.
You know, no living
thing will go untouched.
Here are in the heavens.
The way through this time it is said is
to be found in our hearts
and reuniting with our spiritual selves, getting simple
and returning to living with and upon the earth
and in harmony with their creatures.
Remembering that we are the caretakers, the fire keepers
of the spirit, our relatives from the stars are coming back
to see how we have fared on our journey.
After the purification will be new beginnings, a new age,
a one that I think that we can only start to begin
to imagine what it would look like, what it would feel like.
I tend, I, I made a video many months ago
called Spontaneous Evolution.
And I believe in that twinkle of an eye when the polls flip,
when this red dawn comes
and all things are given that opportunity to change,
you can change into something incredible.
I think the beings that we were were much bigger,
much more robust in the past.
And I think they're obviously hominids on this planet
that are much bigger and stronger than us
and live a much more natural, you know, way
of being the Sasquatch people and the Almas
and the ring appendic
and these na these, these na these native natural hominids
that, that are alive on this planet.
And I think we were part of them.
And I think at one point in the past, these people
that came down took the DNA of theirs
and mixed with the mixed with the Anki type blood
to create a hominid, a homo sapien, a hairless,
smaller individual, um, species
that didn't know all these things
and was kind of like a governor on our brain, on our DNA.
90% of our DNA is, you know, kinda like turned off.
But if you've ever done any research
to see like a domesticated pig, when a domesticated pig
escapes the farm
and goes out into the woods,
it will pretty much turn into a wild boar.
You guys know that. Well, it will get really hairy and it's
'cause it's, you know, out there in the cold
and it starts to inherit your
external extension of your nervous system.
So it's got its feelers out and it starts to get more wild.
And, um, that's what HogZilla was.
If you've ever heard of HogZilla,
HogZilla was investigated pig that escaped
who started to turn wild.
And it was extremely large.
And obviously pig DNA is incredibly like human, DNA, um,
almost as much as like chimpanzee or something like that.
I do believe that there are people who've probably walk out
of our civilization into the woods
and turn into these wild people.
And in different times when these things happen, when these,
you know, these huge events happened in our past, I,
I believe people were turning into wild
people, hairy type people.
And these people were, um, deemed demonic.
They were deemed, you know, uh, too wild for society
and they were being exiled and cast out and killed.
But I think we will
spontaneously evolve into hominids.
Not everybody, but some people, you know,
because love is this higher vibrational frequency, you know,
right, than than fear.
And fear has these high crescent and low TRAs or whatever,
but the, the high, the high frequency of love if we live in
that, it's not about survival of the fittest.
It's about living in a higher operational frequency.
And as the human cavity resonance rises
and the particles are all shifting and moving,
and everybody seems like time is going
by much faster than it was before,
but it's not the same amount of time
that we're realizing things,
we're understanding things in a,
in a much faster way than we were 10 years
ago or a hundred years ago.
And the conversation you can have in 10 minutes could be
what you could learn lifetimes ago
with just a couple decades or a hundred years ago.
That evolution can happen in an instant.
And the twinkling of an eye,
we can change into something completely different.
We can change it in a much larger, higher
dimensional beings in Egyptian.
They have those 15, 20 foot tall
fifth dimensional beings in there.
I believe that we can become those.
How easy would it be to become something like that
and really take our planet back?
It would help, it would help out a lot.
And maybe that's me being crazy and dreaming,
but I, I feel that deep down on my bones
of becoming these wild people again.
You know, when, when you really think about these wild
Sasquatch people and things like that,
they don't care about your beard, your politics,
your religion, they care about each other.
I think first and foremost, it's
all they care about us is each other.
That's the most important thing in whole, in life to them,
is to make sure they take care of their own.
And how would, how would our society benefit
greatly if we learned to love each other
and take care of every single one
of our brothers and sisters?
Like they really were your brothers and sisters.
We could learn so much from them.
And so we are coming to this cusp, we're coming
to this incredible time of transformation, a metamorphosis,
if you will, of human consciousness,
of physicality, of our emotions.
And our mental states can become
so much greater than I think we can ever even imagine.
And this will become
and will seem like what some people call a great reset.
It's a big change. And
what I find fascinating about the people
who are saying things like that
and globalist people who are saying things like that,
is they're not doing the spiritual work.
They want to get through to this new age
with their power and their money and their stuff,
and so that they can control getting through.
Because I think many of these people know about these
stories and many of these stories are hidden from us
and deemed to be, you know, religion or things like that.
But there's a lot of truth in these
religion stories and these books.
And so they build their underground bunkers in Hawaii
and other places so they can get under
because they know, just like the Hopi people did,
and all these cataclysms, they were brought down underground
by the ant people and they were saved by these cataclysms.
And now you see so many people, elite people with this, lots
of money who are building these underground bunkers
to save themselves from this cataclysm.
But to me, whether they do or not, I don't care.
But I know I don't want to get there with some
because I have money
and I can build myself this underground base.
I want to get there because I've done the spiritual work,
because I am being rewarded in the end for the things
that I've done and the good that I've done this planet
and the really fallen back in line with my mother
and the father, you know, mother earth and father son,
and being peaceful again in a natural way.
And so it's incredible that these people are trying
to control the narrative of what this looks like for them so
that they can get in while the rest of us suffer.
But in some instances are right.
You probably will get to a point, you should get to a point
where you own nothing and be happy
that nothing owns you anymore, that you're free.
You're totally free from your job, from your worries,
from money, from the cars, from houses,
from clothes, from everything.
We don't even need those things.
We really will get to a point someday,
and I think someday soon.
But those things don't even matter to you more.
It will be the love in your heart, the people
that are you're with, the family
that you have, the tribe that we're in.
Those are the things that will matter more than anything.
And you won't care about owning anything if you care about
be connecting with the planet, be connecting
with other people on this planet
so they can build all the things they want
and underground basis and all the stuff
and trying to get to the next world.
But I'm gonna tell you what, it's much easier than that.
You just have to do the spiritual work.
You have to listen to your guides
and your angels listen to the calling, that intuition,
that voice in the back of that, that says something.
And, and a lot of times if you're not listening,
it's screaming at you with sledgehammer
blows saying, do this.
And you just have to have the courage to do it,
to follow your heart, to leave that job
that's no longer good for you,
or that relationship that's no longer good for you
or whatever it is in your life.
Have the courage to move on
and learn what it is that they're saying to you
and what they're guiding us towards.
And I think they're guiding us towards a new age
and a new world that works
for everybody and not a few people.
And that is something I feel like all these channels and,
and history channels
and TV shows, they all talk about the destruction,
but they never really get into where all this going to,
excuse me, where it's all going to.
And again, if you were to focus on the birth,
the mother giving birth and screaming and the yelling
and crying, it would seem like that person's dying.
Unless, you know, at the end what's gonna happen.
And I think at the end, we're giving birth to a new human,
homo luminous, I don't know, whatever you wanna call it,
but we will live in a way that's much more harmonious
between the worlds and we'll be able to see through things
and through people and events and a situations
and circumstance that we haven't had in the past
anytime recently.
But as you are starting to wake up, I know all
of you're starting to see through these things now
I'm starting to realize all the things that are happening.
And you know, it don't have to take, you don't have
to take my word for it.
You can do your own research, look up your own things,
and come to the same conclusion
or at least a similar one that I'm coming to.
So tonight, I just wanna encourage every single one of you
to do that work, to do those meditations, do that yoga,
learn to love yourself, learn to forgive yourself
and forgive all the others, people who have done things
to you, not because they deserve it,
because you deserve peace.
Let it go All the work that each
and every single one of us do, it means something.
And what you do in your life affects your entire family,
affects the people that you hang out
with, the people you work with.
And when you have true harmony
and true peace, it makes it so easy for people to just come
to you and feel that peace with you instead of
that frustration or that anger
or whatever else what everybody else is feeling.
You have a higher vibration.
You can go into a room, completely change the feeling
and the flow of that energy just
by being a higher vibration.
And like leveling out all the other things
where they don't even people feel anxious anymore.
People don't even feel those things anymore.
So tonight, again, I just wanna say thank you
to every single person who's watching online who's here
with me on the central work tv
and it's probably chomping at the bit to say something
and to add something to this I hope
and have a incredible cool discussion.
Um, all those people who will watch this later, you know,
please, you know, it's not about me,
it's about we, it's about all of us.
And that's the message I want to be, I want to give tonight.
So thank you guys all for watching.
I'm always, again, incredibly humbled
and thankful to be able to have a platform
to say these things, to share this information,
and to learn how to become one again with all of you.
Because I am an aspect of God and I know
and I realize every single one of you is an aspect of God
and that divine in me sees honors
and recognize the divine in each
and every single one of you.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Mystery School, Spirituality
I understand the past life “bleed thru”, Ive seen a few native American past lives as a Lakota in the Rockies was a favorite of mine.. When I return to that area of the earth where I roamed, something very special happens and the veil between lives almost disappears..
The above is the prophesy rock, follow the 1 heart path and love our mother – following the 2 heart path is disconnected and difficult
There is a 2nd petroglyph if you turn around when looking at prophesy rock, that has a face with a headpiece, and, it is older than prophesy rock – the key to the mystery of Hopi and ETs
I went to Oraibi , here is my story:
Thanks for sharing. I’ve been reading your story!!
I wrote down the best i could for the story, theres a lot of parts that are also that i recall that attributed to the adventure that i did not write, fun times! That was a wild night under the stars haha a night to remember! – i would love to see him (Hopi man) again!
Very cool! Thanks for sharing. ✌️🙏❤️
We are eternal beings. We have always lived, not these bodies we got at birth and which will die, but our souls which are eternal.