Mystery School: Hopi Blue Star Prophecy

Mystery School with Jacob Cox

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Hopi Blue Star Prophecy

Next Episode: Mystery School: Hermeticism


  1. I understand the past life “bleed thru”, Ive seen a few native American past lives as a Lakota in the Rockies was a favorite of mine.. When I return to that area of the earth where I roamed, something very special happens and the veil between lives almost disappears..


    The above is the prophesy rock, follow the 1 heart path and love our mother – following the 2 heart path is disconnected and difficult

    There is a 2nd petroglyph if you turn around when looking at prophesy rock, that has a face with a headpiece, and, it is older than prophesy rock – the key to the mystery of Hopi and ETs

    I went to Oraibi , here is my story:

      1. I wrote down the best i could for the story, theres a lot of parts that are also that i recall that attributed to the adventure that i did not write, fun times! That was a wild night under the stars haha a night to remember! – i would love to see him (Hopi man) again!

Up Next:

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Hermeticism
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Mystery School with Jacob Cox
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Mystery School with Jacob Cox
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