Meditat8 and Illuminate

In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews the amazing Dr. Fernanda Durlene. Dr Fe graduated from the University of California in Irvine with a B.A and received her Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from South Baylo University. She has completed her Doctorate degree from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She has a post-doctoral certificate in Cannabis medicine and treatment protocol. Fernanda holds an Arizona state license for Acupuncture (L.Ac) and a National Diplomate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from NCCAOM. She operates a Holistic Retreat Center in Sedona, where she offers her expertise in acupuncture, meridian yoga, life coaching, Chinese herbs and cannabis, reiki and more.
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Next Episode: Body Type: Medicine of the Future
WOW!!!! I’m hooked, loved it