Ep12: Male/Female Archetypes & Energy Transfer
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Original Date: Aug 20, 2023
Original Date: Aug 20, 2023
Law of One Deep Dives

Law of One Deep Dives
Ep12: Male/Female Archetypes & Energy Transfer
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Next Episode: Ep13: The Spirit Complex
So my starting this email, I said as we started digging into archetypes,
I thought maybe we could do an overall study on male slash female,
since it is a form of archetypal nature,
which is possibly most easily understood as awkward as it seems to bring up.
I think also covering sexual energy related topics would be interesting to put
next to the archetypes discussion like this.
I love this. Um, yeah. Um, Nick, I don't know if you heard, I didn't get the,
uh, the, the email, but I really like this, this topic.
I consider this, uh, frequently, um, breaking apart, uh,
the, the archetypal male and female from how we experience it.
So I know this is a, a great topic to come out of, uh,
the raw material, so I'm looking forward to it. Yeah.
Yeah. It was funny that there was,
there was one time when I had a fundamentals Christian friend who looked at the
law of what info website, and that was the thing that stuck out to them,
was that there was a category called Sexual energy exchange.
And I was like, whoa, this is weird. Yeah. But at the same time,
it's such a profound and powerful thing. Everyone understands it to some degree,
but it's so hard to even talk about and to talk about the fact that there's a,
there's a psychic phenomenon, and it's like having e even just,
you know, with one romantic partner, it's very,
very quickly obvious that there are psychic things happening,
that when she's exchange receiving energy or
exchanging energy, I can feel that there, there, there's not a,
it's not ever a one-sided thing. There's always a,
something happening that's beyond the physical that seems to be hard to put your
finger on,
Right. In exchange. Um, well, I have to say that I,
I find this to be one of the most, um,
fascinating and intriguing topics in the law of one, uh,
just because it has a lot of good, um, metaphysics in it,
and they describe each of the energy centers that are involved and, um,
even give some examples and things like that.
So that's why I find that so, uh,
interesting because they do provide a lot of, uh, practical knowledge.
I was, uh, I was reading through it. I,
I agree with everything you guys are saying, and at its heart it is, uh,
it is polarity, you know, if you wanna just break it down to the,
the essence of what it is, it's polarity. And as we,
I was reading through these things, it's, it r's just flat out saying it,
you know, like the, the polarity was, uh,
induced in the way it was to promote,
like further intrigue by the, by the adept.
Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely seems like it was the plan of the,
the logos to evolve with male and female.
And this was also based on the, you know, the previous, previous universe.
Apparently we, we can get into that soon, but yeah, I just wanted to clarify,
mention again that Nathan couldn't make it today. Um,
but I'm sure we'll have an amazing discussion about this stuff,
and we can keep on going into this, uh, because basically all of the,
archetypes are interesting to consider when there are female
or male energies represented by those images in a, in a major arcana.
And so there, there, there's so much to cover about each individual archetype,
even each individual major, major arcana image that we, we can't possibly,
you know, go, go into all the details of what,
what the nuances would be for the implications around the nature of male and
female. But to some degree,
we already know from our life experience what the nature of male and female is,
which is so interesting.
And that that is one of the biggest ways that we can inform ourselves about what
these archetypes are actually suggesting and saying about the nature of mind,
body, spirit, and the,
and the differences between male and female and the expression of mind, body,
and spirit patterns.
Dig it. So are we starting at the, uh, at the top, at the archetypal level here,
or, um, what's the lineup?
Yep. I will, um, get some of these images ready too to pull up, but,
so the first one I thought we could talk about, and I'll share my screen here,
we can head over to session 84,
and we'll just start out straight with the,
with the previous universe and 84, 22. Um,
and this is towards the end of the material. They finally, they,
they don was asked, Don asked, um, before the veil, so the veil,
um, is referenced to, you know, earlier in the e evolution of the,
of the galaxy before there was a separation between the conscious and the
unconscious minds. Um, did the logos, or did most logo,
most galaxies plan before the veil to create a system of random sexual
activity or specific pairing of entities for periods of time?
Or did they have an objective in this respect? Um,
and raw said the harvest from the previous creation was that,
which included the male and female mind, body, spirit.
So literally the, the beginnings of our universe,
there was an awareness of male and female, um,
as, as a kind of polarized du duality for express
expression of the one and creator. It was the intention of the original logo,
a that entities mate with one another in any fashion,
which caused a greater polarization.
It was determined after observation of the process of many logo A,
that polarization increased manyfold if the mating were not indiscriminate.
Um, so already we have,
this is a disclaimer for people who are fundamentalists watching this,
that this is our disclaimer that mm-hmm. They're encouraging monogamy, right,
right from the get go here.
Oh, I feel like there's gonna be so many disclaimers in this talk because, uh,
sexuality is such a hot topic right now that, like, I, I,
I feel like right out of the gate, we should just say like,
at least for me personally, yes,
we are talking about male female throughout this whole thing and sexual energy
transfer throughout this whole thing. Um, but it, it,
it really is breaking down to this fundamental of polarity on off,
like dark, you know, the,
the universe is discover or consciousness is discovering itself through this
play of the universe, and it's not shooting right down the middle.
You know what I mean? It's, it's,
it's ex it's experiencing both ends of this scale,
Right? Yeah. And,
and it's not to say that male and female is light and dark, but,
but we can talk about this with the, with the specific tarro images. Um,
for example, the, um, um, the potentiator of the mind,
you have the light and the dark aspects on the feminine, um,
representation of the unconscious mind, um, which is the high priestess.
And then if you skip ahead to the, the transformation of the mind,
we have a male figure who has the light and dark, um,
feminine aspects represented on either shoulder, um, with the idea,
um, that the, the male can as, as the mind is being transformed.
This is similar to, um, the way in which the male would,
would perceive the female.
And there's two different ways to perceive the female. Um, they said in session,
um, 99, regarding this archetype, they said,
many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mine were a badly
used prostituted entity.
Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough
prostituted, and without great virtue,
those who turn to the deep mind seeking in the, in it,
the guise of the maiden seeking it in the guise of the maiden,
seeking the deep mind in the guise of the maiden go, forced to court it
courting the deep mind.
The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted.
Yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great.
The right hand and left hand transformations of the mind may be seem,
may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own
resources, as well as the resources of other selves.
So the polarity is everywhere, but, but the polarity between, um,
male and female is one way of growing deeper in our appreciation for the way in
which we choose to perceive even the, the resources of the mind, uh, within our,
our own mind.
Um, and if you, if go back to the, the one you were at previously.
Oh, the transformation.
Yes. Uh, so, um,
the male figure in the middle is wearing the female
wig, which, uh, in the, the studies that I've referenced, they talked about,
um, once the, once the initiative, uh,
gets to a certain level of knowing, then they can don the female wig,
which is the, the longer, uh, you know, uh, hair style.
Whereas the other ones have like the shorter hair in the rows,
if you ever look at the hieroglyphs.
So that to me says that it's a male figure with,
like you were just talking about a deeper understanding of the mind that
therefore he can wear the female wig. So right in the middle there,
that figure is showing a balanced, um,
thoughtful male figure.
Right? Yeah. And this is, um, I guess, you know,
further along in the mind archetypes. So this is after experience,
and after the significant, after there's,
there's an understanding of the significance of this aspect of mind,
or at least some, some grasping of the, of the, of the purpose,
then the transformation occurs. Um, so that,
that makes sense that that would be, um,
taking on the feminine aspect as well as the masculine aspect.
And of, of course, this is this, this card represents all of us,
that there's the feminine and the ma the masculine and, and everyone,
and that's kind of what all the cards are saying.
All the archetypes are embodied,
everyone is embodying all the archetypes that I think is just different amounts
of the, the archetypes. Um, so
that would lead me into the other discussions about, um,
where they specifically went into the relationship between, um,
male and female with the archetypes. But this is,
I'll finish reading this quote here. Um, so the,
the polarization increased manyfold,
if the mating were not indiscriminate in these, in these initial experiments,
uh, consequent logo thusly preserved,
preserved a bias towards the mated relationship,
which is most characteristic of more disciplined personalities and of what you
may call higher densities. The free will of each entity, however,
was paramount and a bias only could be offered.
So this was just relating to the, the, the plan of the,
the galaxies for sexual activity. Um,
Importantly, um, just to, um, clarify, um, in the answer here,
when raw says that the harvest from the previous creation yielded
the male and female mind, body spirit,
you take that to mean full third density mind, body, spirit complex,
like a kind of a parallel or analog to what we understand it to be in
this creation as opposed to a,
a complex that may or may not exist in full third density. For example,
I think that if it wasn't a harvest of the previous universe that there
were the, um, the complex significance,
then there was no complex MINDBODY spirit. Ah,
Because the veil wasn't, hadn't been on. I understand. Yeah.
So it's, it's, I'm,
I'm thinking of it as like if the logo is cr creating the universe
and they're grabbing the lessons and things, you know, they're,
they're putting together the universe that they're gonna put forth,
and then the complex is put on.
So the complex isn't mentioned here because they're talking about, you know,
when the, the logo was grabbing the, the makeup,
the things that make up the universe, and then the previous,
then put it all together and then forget it all.
Yeah. Which was prior to the creation of the complex, I suppose.
Yeah. And I think we'll cover this again in one of these quotes, what they said.
Um, so the, yeah, the harvest of the previous creation was both male,
female and the, um,
MINDBODY spirit and the matrix potentiator and significant of mind, body,
spirit. So that's one of the upcoming quotes we can discuss too.
But first I want to dive into 87 point 28,
um, where
Don asked why is the male and female nature different?
And Ross said, when the veiling process was accomplished.
And so, so this is talking about the complex now. So I think that, um,
this must be implicit in Don's question that he's talking about what we know of
as male and female. What are these complex differences that we know of?
Um, when the veiling process was accomplished to the male polarity,
it was attracted the matrix of the mind and to the female,
the potentiator of the mind to the male,
the potentiator of the body to the female, the matrix of the body.
And within this statement here is, this is very simple,
but this is ex, you know, the,
each of the archetypes that they're talking about here have a,
have a lot of rich meaning to them. Um,
so I should probably pull up the chart if, uh, well,
if you go to log one point info, and then you go to the tarot images,
uh, which is a link down below, it'll say the course of curriculum,
click that link, and then you see 'em all side by side here. So,
so the male was attracted the matrix of the mind, which is consciousness,
and to the female was attracted the potentiator of the mind,
which is the unconscious, the high priestess. And to the,
the female was attracted the matrix of the body, which is, um,
balanced working or even functioning or sometimes called justice. But the,
the name,
the explanation of this that was most simple that rock gave was balanced working
or even functioning. So that's why you have the, the,
the scale that is so often associated with justice or liberty.
Um, I guess this is, is this intended to represent Lady Liberty? She's,
she's blindfolded. That's kind of interesting to think that we have a giant, um,
matrix of the body archetype in New York.
I hadn't thought of it that until just now.
Well, is she, is she blindfolded in this though?
Because I know in the justice system it's blindfolded.
Um, I'll pull up the, the CC Zane imagery. She seems to be,
so let me pull up that, um, one more here.
Okay. So she's definitely is blindfolded. Yeah. Yeah.
And it kind of makes sense in a sense that this is corresponding to the ma The
matrix of the body here is corresponding also to the matrix of, of the mind,
or at least there's, there's a connection here. This is the,
the framework of the illusion and the, the,
the ma matrix of the mind represents an empty consciousness.
The consciousness has not been filled with anything yet.
And you could say the very principle of balanced working has not yet been filled
with the kind of working, um, yeah,
it's an even functioning without a particular kind of functioning.
It's just the principle of the evenness of the functioning is blind and it's
holding the scales and in the right hand, uh, path, there's,
there's a sword, uh, and there's a flying turtle.
I don't know what the turtle means yet.
Yeah, that's interesting.
Flying turtle, I've never, I gotta look into that now
because there's so many ancient teachings of like,
the world is carried on the back of a turtle, and there's so much with,
with winged creatures flying turtle.
But this, this, I mean,
ultimately raw is hinting that what's on this card represents balanced,
working and even functioning.
So if the tortoise could be seen as a, a steady and slow symbol, we,
we have that in our culture, you know, the steady and slow wins the race.
Mm-hmm. That's the steady, the steady is what is,
was what's winning the race with wings in this, in this case, I guess. Yeah,
I was gonna say it's a very highly functional tortoise in this. Yeah.
One of the other things that got me when I was reading this, uh, 87 28 was, um,
just for the, the numerology buffs out there. The magician is one,
the male matrix of the mind, the male potentiator of the body,
wisdom of the sage is nine, making 10.
And then the female potentiator, the high priestess is two, uh,
a potentiator of the mind and the matrix of the body justice, uh,
balance is eight, so also making 10.
So it's,
it seems like the two together in both the male and the female instance create
10, which kind of represents a hole in a lot of different, uh, numerology, um,
Right. And was it,
was it justice that was one that was the squished out in the wider writer weight
Know. Maybe I should just figure that out for people really quick. Yeah,
weight switch, justice and strength. Um, so,
but I guess we don't have to go into that, but yeah, just so people know,
if they're going from a traditional to road deck,
there might be some reversal of where justice is in the, in the deck.
Um, so we're talking about justice as being number eight,
and then the sage wisdom is number nine, um,
which I think might've been strength in the writer weight.
Um, I thought it was eight
And, um,
14 or eight and 13 that were switched.
It'd be right here, might be thinking about, oh yeah,
strength was the experience of the body, right? Yeah. So that would be, uh,
16 or no, 11. Yeah, 11.
So we've got, here's the major arcana. Um, yeah,
justice is considered eight,
strength is considered 11, uh, 11. And then, oh,
I dunno, how do you even spell that? But I guess this is just what's,
what's generally expect respected the most is the correct order of the cards.
So we don't have to talk about any different ordering. Um, but, uh,
going back into it, so, so number nine is the male archetype.
The ma the potentiator of the body is, is the,
it's the, you could say it's the mirror image, um,
of the potentiator of the mind, which is the unconscious.
So there's like a bringing forth into potential of the use of the body that the
male body has more in, in its experience than the female body.
And I mean that maybe that's why I got confused with strength,
because I feel like there's, there's an inherent, uh,
awareness that the male form has more, more strength. But here it's,
it's referred to as as wisdom as as the, as the potential for,
for bringing forth the, the delegated, the, the, the,
the regulated use of the body is, is associated with the male archetype. Um,
and I guess I could, we could touch on each of these briefly too, um,
with what Ross says. Um, yeah, this won't, won't take long to pull 'em up.
If you go into log one.info and then click on the TRO category, um,
and you go to Potentiator of the body, um, we can see the,
yeah, there, there was just three references here.
The matrix of the body may be seen to be reflection and opposites of the mind
that is unrestricted motion.
The potentiator of the body then is that which being informed regulates
activity. So
that's what we're talking about with wisdom is the regulation of activity
being informed. Hmm.
And it's crazy when you start looking at the, the key words, um,
with the matrix of the mind, the potentiator of the mind,
the matrix of the body and the potentiator of the body, and how they, uh,
I guess distribute might be the, the word,
how they're distributed amongst the male and the female,
how one is a complete ballot set, and the other is a complete ballot set.
But when you bring the two together, they really ignite this, um,
this, this ability to create is what it, if you read all this stuff, they're,
it's all talking about consciousness, uh, unmoved.
And then for the female in the mind, it is the unconscious then, and it's the,
uh, what does he say, the vast potential,
the vast sea of potential from which consciousness dips into,
so it's like intelligent energy and intelligent infinity.
So intelligent infinity would be the consciousness,
and then intelligent energy would be, um, uh,
the, um, the female's potentiator of the mind,
which is that best realm of potential that gets dipped into, I mean,
it's just that these couple passages that you put together here really to me
talk about, uh, how each person, if they're balanced,
realizes that they create the universe around them, and then can do so in a,
in a balanced functional way.
Right. Maybe I should
Do happen fundamentally too, by the way, obviously, um,
at the top of the Tree of life in the superal triad with Homan
Bina, these are the sort of fundamental blueprint
representations of the divine masculine and feminine and, um,
play out in what the Kalos described as those four phases of direct light that I
think we probably talked about before. But it's interesting to, um,
see a progression of consciousness in a little bit more of an abstract way. I,
in fact,
these are also helpful because we have all these images to try to apply, um,
these things too.
And yet I find this somehow almost a little bit easier because it's so far
out of context that we can start to try to understand maybe more the
pure energetic, uh, of what's going on here. But yeah, so there,
there you have the superal triad.
Yeah. So, so it's the wisdom is on the,
the male side.
Yeah, that's right. And,
and I recently was kind of diving into that a little bit, the,
the difference between wisdom and understanding in this, uh, context.
And from a kabbalistic standpoint,
wisdom is seen as more of a pre
generative or pro generative, or a precursive or, you know, it's, it's,
uh, something that precipitates, uh,
something else because it has this, uh,
divinely inspired intuition that this is this next thing that's needed or this
inspired thought. And so, um, Homa, and as this, um,
sort of translates to the four worlds as well,
at least initially when they first fractualize, um, this is where your,
your inspiration and ideas come from.
And then bina and understanding is really where they take shape.
So that inspired initial, you know,
the idea of an idea comes from Homa,
and then in Bina is where it goes into the womb and
takes shape in, you know, out of this infancy of potentiality.
But it's where we start to apply some of our practical knowledge to know,
you know, how should this thing really come out and, um,
be made manifest.
I guess that would be good to dig into at some point more in detail
in this archetypal discussion. When we get more into the other archetypes too,
we can go over more the details of those.
And it's just looking at this image is still overwhelming to me because there's
so much with astrology even referenced in here, and it's like,
that's a study in itself, the relationship between astrological uh,
archetypes then to,
to overlay that on top of the spheros and then on top of the
major arcana.
And you have the tarot on here too, and I mean,
it's interesting even to look at the path between Keter and Bina.
You have the magician, and you know,
that in and of itself probably worth some reflection given,
given that the magician really represents the energy of
Homa in the divine masculine, and yet the archetype that's,
or the arcana that's represented there is more the fool,
which to me is sort of either the, the kicking off point of the fool's journey,
as you see going from one to two or the last leg, uh,
on the way back. So there's, um, a lot of interplay on the,
on the tree between, you know, these various archetypes.
Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. All right.
So the next one I wanted to look at is, I think this is a kind of,
this was, this was the earlier session where
the relationship between male and female was first discussed with
relation to archetypes, which was, um, could you elaborate please,
on the nature and quality of the matrix and the potentiator
and Ross said, and the mind complex,
the matrix may be described as consciousness. It has been called the magician.
It is to be noted that of itself, consciousness is unmoved. It's, it's empty.
That's why they, they, they also said, we,
I think we talked about this in the previous, uh, discussion,
that to clothe yourself in the archetype of the matrix of the mind,
it's to return to the new mind, to the mind, which is without bias,
without polarity completely, um, full of the magic of the logos,
but completely empty of any specific movement or bias.
Um, so consciousness is unmoved,
but the potentiator of the consciousness is the unconscious.
And this unco encompasses a vast realm of potential in the mind,
in the body. The matrix may be seen as balanced, working, or even functioning.
Note that here, the matrix is always active with no means of being inactive.
And maybe that's why the turtle is all already flying.
The, the potentiator of the body complex then may be called wisdom,
where it is only through judgment that the unceasing activities and proclivities
of the body complex may be experienced in useful modes.
The basic
Of that speaks back to me when they, when they talked about how, um,
to have the, um,
monogamous relationships is the act, uh,
as a characteristic of more disciplined personalities, higher densities, um,
and it just seems to be like, um, mindfulness, you know, you're,
you're not just going through life just, um,
to put it crudely banging into other people.
You're looking at how your actions, you know,
whether sexual or not impact that person.
And it's just a more mindful person.
It's someone that recognizes that everybody is another portion of yourself.
So why would you go around just indiscriminately messing with people's lives?
Yeah. And that's, that's where the wisdom comes in,
Right? Yeah. And, and definitely learning lessons together,
it becomes more useful the more you learn how to do that. Yeah. So I think,
yeah, it's like having an extension of yourself that is, you know,
closer to you and, and mind and body.
Yeah. And through judgment, uh, the unceasing activity,
uh, you, you can experience it more useful, like, you know,
through judgment and not, not a, uh,
it's got such a negative connotation these days where it's just like,
judgment is, you're being judged, you're being looked at, but judgment is just,
you know, mindfulness, just looking at what you're doing,
looking at what's going on, and if,
if this thing is just going by at a million miles an hour,
it's unceasing activities,
then you have to put a little judgment to it so that you can, like it says,
uh, have an experience that is useful.
You know,
I think I've finally drawn one parallel here that's helped me understand the
matrix and potentiator are slightly better here,
at least in that the potentiator seems to represent a differential in both
cases, because in the matrix of the mind, like it says it's unmoved,
and then of course, in potentiation, we have everything that can come from that.
And then in the matrix of the body, it's always moving. And yet,
given that it is always moving, then in potentiation,
we then have judgment to be applied to, um,
to then decide what is different between one experience and another,
or choosing between one experience and another. So again,
we're going from a baseline of the body's always doing something to now choosing
what it is that it's going to be doing.
I, I took this as like, uh, the, if, if,
you know, if consciousness was there and then consciousness had this great, uh,
awakening where it talks about, uh,
something like the potentiator potentiator of the spirit most sudden awakening,
or an illuminating, you know, thi this sounds to me like a mental universe.
So consciousness comes from a place of pure, uh, limitless mind.
So in order to have this finite experience,
why wouldn't consciousness in a state of pure
unrestricted mind have a, uh,
an experiment of pure unrestricted physicality of, you know, of the body.
The body is never ceasing. Whereas when we meditate and we can quiet our mind,
you know, that's said to be a place of nirvana,
because now we're experiencing the never ending motion of the body
with the stillness of the mind. Whereas at the beginning,
consciousness had never ending motion of the mind, but had no body,
so it had stillness of body. So it's almost like two, you know, again, the,
the polarity, two sides of the same coin.
Yeah. You know,
with the body also representing the substantial portion of the
illusion. I like the fact that it is always in a state of transient
as well, because if,
if the matrix of the body itself had any sort of static nature that would almost
anchor, um, third density physical reality,
and that's not really plausible.
Right. I, I, I, maybe this is time to bring up also,
I really liked the quote in, um, 81 session,
81, when they were talking about the great way of the body, um,
which, you know, the great way archetypes are kind of a, a summary of the, the,
the overall picture of mind, body, and spirit.
And when they were describing the great way of the body, they said,
the great way of the body must be seen as are all the archetypes of the body
to be a mirror image of the thrust of the activity of the mind.
The body is the creature of the mind and is an instrument of manifestation for
the fruits of mind and spirit. Therefore,
you may see the body is providing the hanor through which the Alchemist
manifests gold,
and the hanor is a furnace that feeds itself so as to maintain a uniform
temperature used by alchemists. Uh, so that uniform temperature,
uh, of the, of the hanor might be also the same thing as the,
the balanced working or even functioning.
Yeah. Yeah. It's, I think the laboratory,
what'd you say? The laboratory? Yeah, yeah. Great.
The great experiment. I think that the, the,
the mo the body is the creature of the mind
is, is, uh, it's a,
it's a real powerful line that you could just read right past and kind of file
it away real quick. But you know, this, this is all,
it's all being proven in in quantum physics, you know, uh,
the leading edge of quantum physics. Now, how the mind, it,
it is the great creator, you know,
you know everything from the double slit experiment to, you know,
something as simple as the secret where they talk about you,
you put it into your mind space, and it, and it makes its way into the world.
And that right there,
they're saying it flat out the body is the creature of the
mind, the mind made the body.
Yep. Right? And so, yeah, the,
the mere image of the thrust of the activity of the mind would
suggest that e even as the, the, the high priestess is the feminine, um,
dipping into the,
the unconscious or mind for deeper understanding of
that deeper understanding of mind then is mirrored immediately into the male
usage of the body.
So it's like the mind is looking for some way
to have a experiment for exploration of this
increased, enhanced connection to God,
or connection to source through, through the expressions of, of the body.
So that's, that's, that's seen as this wisdom,
this judgment that the unceasing activities,
proclivities of the body may be experienced in useful modes.
So let's see what else we wanted to talk about here.
Um, and that, that that judgment, uh, that line you have highlighted there,
that when I was reading through it, I kept getting this image of like, um,
the conscious mind and the unconscious mind, and how, uh,
the things that you do repetitively get printed into your
unconscious, and that becomes what you are, you know, if you're,
if you're constantly a positive person, then you will, you know,
without thinking about it, be, uh, optimistic about things.
And that would be like, you're,
you consciously were that way until it became unconscious. And then,
uh, it became what you were, and then I started having thoughts of like,
even down to food selections. You know, if you're eating crap food,
you're gonna wind up with a,
with a crap body that fails you whenever you need it. You know, that,
that kind of stuff. Like, it, it's, it's,
it could almost become paralyzing if you thought about it too much,
how every single decision echoes into eternity.
Right? Yeah. And, and it's really, it's, it's like the,
it's the seed thoughts.
It's the thoughts that led to every other thought were the thoughts of the
archetypal nature in these ways.
Yeah. And,
and like so many of those seed thoughts can be printed into your
unconsciousness before you even get a grasp on what life is, you know,
like yet at such a young age.
So I think that th this also references the matrix of the spirit. Um,
I guess I could read this, but I think that this is,
this is so much to dig into the, the,
the nature of the matrix of the spirit's potentially of the spirit and the in
influence of the spirit on our experience is something we could talk about
completely in a separate, um, session.
We can just focus on spirit archetypes. I think it'd be good. Um,
I'd be interested in that. Yeah. Um, so,
but I'll just read this for people who want to get a sense of the matrix and
potentiate a little bit more. Uh,
they said the matrix of the spirit is that what you may call the night of the
soul or primeval darkness, again,
we have that which is not capable of movement or work.
The potential power of this extremely receptive matrix is such that the
potentiator may be seen as lightning in your archetypical system called the
This has been refined into the concept complex of the lightning struck tower.
However, the original potentiator was light,
and it's sudden and fiery form that is the lightning itself.
So, so we're talking about, um, and also since they,
since they imply a study of the matrix in, in one row is a worthy study,
the ma the potentiator is a study in one row is a worthy study,
but understanding that the,
this process of the emptied mind, um,
but full of pure magic and the balanced working is also related
to, um, uh, appreciation of darkness.
And its totally dark state before there has been light brought into it.
And then the bringing of light into the situation is like the sudden
illumination, the lightning bolt that represents also, or,
or is connected to the, the, the feminine high priestess,
uh, mind, the, the wisdom, the,
the balanced use of the body, um,
the informed use of the body is related to the, to the lightning too. So,
so it's interesting that, that in, in these archetypes,
you could see lightning also, um, represented. I think that's,
that's part of what they're hinting at.
And the lightning, don't, they refer to it as, um, uh,
which one was it? The, the, the great, um,
in 79 20 where I was saying earlier, uh, most sudden awakening,
illuminating the generating, uh, influx.
Yes. That's where I wanted to go next actually, because
That's, you know, that, that seems to me like they're speaking about, um,
the point when the universe became aware, you know, when,
when consciousness became aware, and then, you know,
this whole journey started going down the line till you get to the point where
we're at now where these, these complex, um,
and complex in the sense of like, uh, complicated, not necessarily veiled,
but the,
the complex entities that we are moving through this,
this universe, you know, in a, in an either guided or unguided way,
just so that the universe can get a grasp of itself,
or that consciousness can get grasp on itself.
Yeah. Yeah. So I think, um,
I dunno if we started reading this already. This was, uh,
79, 20 was a question of prior to the veil,
prior to the extension of the first distortion. The, the question is, um,
could you expand more upon the matrix of the mind, the potentiator significant,
how they defer and what their relationships are. Um,
and this was before the veil,
before there was a division between conscious and unconscious.
And so this is essentially like maybe even a simplified version of these,
these images. Um, eight, nine,
and then one and two. Um,
but they said measure of the mind is that from which all comes and it's
unmoving yet is the activator and potentiation of all mind activity.
The potentiator of mind,
of the mind is that great resource which may be seen as the C and to
which consciousness dips ever deeper and more thoroughly in order to create,
ideate and become more self-conscious.
So this is already the, the male and female represented here, um,
with the male, uh, dipping into the great resource,
which is the divine feminine in order to create,
ideate and become more self-conscious.
And those three together, you know, that just,
that's exactly what I was talking about to, to create,
is to think of ideate and to become more self-conscious, is what the whole,
this whole game is about, is for consciousness to become more aware of itself.
And to, to have those three lined up right next to each other, I think is,
is pretty poetic.
Yeah. Um,
and then the significant of each mind bonding spirit, uh,
before the veil was seen as a simple and unified concept.
Um, and that's worthy of another discussion, another time, I think.
and the matrix of the body may be seen to be a reflection and opposites of the
mind that is unrestricted motion, um, constant motion.
the potentiator of the body then is that which having been informed regulates
And then the matrix of the spirit is difficult to characterize since the nature
of spirit is less motile, which means capable of movement. Um,
the, so that in and of itself is,
is interesting because they're saying it's hard to,
hard to put words on,
hard to put comprehension on the nature of the spirit even. Um,
but the energies and movements of the spirit are by far the most profound,
yet having more close association with time, space, the inner planes,
the inner dimensions, they do not have the characteristics of dynamic motion.
one may see the matrix as the deepest darkness and the potentiator of
spirit as the most sudden awakening, illuminating and generative influence.
So the fact that the, the,
the movements of the spirit are happening in and the unseen dimensions,
um, is, is is also a very fascinating study that we can get into.
But I think it, it, it also is,
is implying here that there's a lot more power for us to reshape our reality
when we can realize that there is a kind of lightning, um,
that is the sudden awakening, illuminating and generative influence,
which, which corresponds to the potentiator archetypes. And,
and so I think that's the same connection there with the, um, you know, the,
the ability to dip more thoroughly into create,
ideate and become more self-conscious and then to be informed and regulate
activity is, is connected to that,
that potential of the lightning to strike in those,
in the areas of mind and body.
It's the, the, um, you know, the, the playground and the action,
you know, like the sandbox would be the matrix,
and you could take that sandbox and you could build castles or draw two
dimensionally on the sand, you know, but that is,
that is the median in which you have to work.
And then the potentiator would be the work which you do within that median.
Right, right. So I wanted to look at the,
the next follow ups here. Um, so then Don asked, after,
after that one, he asked,
the first change made then for this extension of free will,
the veiling was to make the information or make the communication between the
matrix and the potentiator of the mind relatively unavailable one to the other
during the incarnation. Is this correct?
And then Ross said we would perhaps rather term the condition as relatively more
mystery filled than relatively unavailable.
So the information between conscious and unconscious mind
was not unavailable. It was just mystery filled.
Which is certainly is something that we can appreciate when we, you know, we,
we are thinking about having a feeling,
having an intuitive feeling about something.
It's not that the intuition wasn't there about what the truth is about a
situation. You know, you can have a gut,
a gut reaction and then completely forget that you had that reaction, um,
because you had a,
a desire which overrode that intuitive, mysterious,
intuitive feeling that you had.
So I love that. I love that.
Yeah. The, the, I'd say
Difference with the distinction.
What'd you say, Andrew?
So it's a difference with a distinction.
Sometimes we say there's a difference without a distinction, but in this case,
raw, I think is articulating the path. You know, if it was unavailable,
then there would be no, uh, movement. There'd be no, uh, there'd
Be no point.
Yeah. There'd be no point. This, the,
the mystery solving the mystery is obviously what allows for progression.
And, and the whole, the whole, uh,
like underlying current of a lot of this and a lot of other teachings is that
you have to seek, you know, it's not just gonna come to you. You have to, uh,
you know, even if you're meditating and it comes to you,
you decided to meditate and decided to
seek through meditation, you know, uh, it's again,
the difference between the matrix and the potentiator. You have to have both.
You have to have the field in which to do the action,
and then you have to have the action. Because if you don't have the action,
then essentially it is unavailable to you because you're not,
you're not seeking it.
Yeah. And this is also a funny time to bring up the nature of male and female
relationships. This is almost like a, a meme in our cult in our society that,
you know, women are a total mystery to men. And it's always gonna be that way.
It's literally in the archetypal pattern that there will be mystery trying to
understand the opposite gender. Yeah,
Yeah. Which why, when you asked that,
or you went to that passage earlier where Don just says, you know,
I could imagine that being the very first question of the day, saying, um,
why are the difference, uh, why are the natures of men and women different?
And I could see Ross saying, this will be the last query of the day. Yeah.
And going on to talk for, you know, two and a half hours and saying,
I recommend you follow up again tomorrow.
Basically saying, think about it some more on your own,
and then come back to us with a, a little bit more structured question.
Well, yeah, I just mean that that answer, there's a lot,
there's a lot of ways to answer that question. Yeah. That's a very,
that's a very complex answer.
Yeah. And, and then in the example that you gave,
if he talked about it for two hours and then said,
come back and ask you again tomorrow, he'd basically be saying like,
just take what I gave to you. Think about it. Go seek and then come back and,
and refine your question, because Yeah, that's a pretty broad topic, buddy.
Yeah. Actually, that's what Ross says is, um, there's,
there's inter intervening or intermediary material or something like that.
Like there's, there's a lot to cover here.
Yeah. Okay. So the,
the very next follow up question, Don, uh, Don asked was, so the idea then,
you know, relating to the veiling, the extension of free will,
the idea was to create some type of veil between matrix and potentiators.
This correct. And Ross says, this is correct.
This veil then occurs between what we now call the conscious and the unconscious
mind. Is this correct? This is correct. So I just wanted to cover that,
to make it clear that this,
this is what we're talking about with the differences between the, the,
the male and female,
the matrix and Potentiator is this veiling between the conscious and the
unconscious mind, which is a mysterious thing.
And I think that the, uh, for me,
with my background and the things that I've looked into, uh,
the first thing that came to mind when I read that was this veil that occurs
between the conscious and the unconscious. And immediately my mind,
I wrote in my book, it came to my mind when I reread it again today,
breathing breath,
breath is the bridge between conscious and unconscious.
Because when you're not thinking about it,
it's completely unconscious and you're constantly doing it.
But when you bring awareness to it,
it's almost like you're bridging that gap from the conscious to the unconscious.
And it, it makes, for me anyway, uh, um,
meditation and so many things become more easily available when you,
you know what I mean? Like, if you wanna cross the river,
you have to go to the bridge, unless otherwise you're gonna get wet. You know?
And that, that breathing breath work can be a huge, uh,
tool for you to get from the conscious to the unconscious mind.
Yeah. And it's also interesting that we talked in the last, uh,
a week ago on the private discussion,
we talked about how rah essentially defines the moment of birth
when the,
the astrological alignments mean the most is the drawing of the first breath.
So it's like the drawing of the first breath is the act of coming into this
incarnation, coming into this world. I, and I remember my,
my son who had to be taken out with the c-section was, was asleep.
And they actually, that was the first thing the doctors were saying, wake up,
wake up. He had to be, he had to be gently awoken, uh, so that they could,
if he, he was breathing, he wasn't breathing until he breathing.
Why'd they have to wake him up, let the dude nap?
Well, I think they wanted him to, uh, wake, wake up in order to breathe.
He wasn't breathing yet. I think that Oh,
He wasn't breathing. Okay.
They wanted to see him breathing to say that he's good. And, uh, so, but,
but I mean,
this is just me kind explaining that I hadn't made the
connection till just now that the, the, the breath really is the,
the first act of coming out of this
non incarnated state into the incarnated state is essentially tied with this,
this awareness of, of breath and the need for it.
So it makes sense that the unconscious mind is on the deepest level tied to
And if you think of, uh, like a water birth, like a, a true water birth,
the, the, you know, the baby is born into essentially a,
a giant pool and is still receiving oxygen through the umbilical cord.
Then the baby decides when to take its first breath.
I think that there's something there too.
Yeah. Hmm. So
There's gotta be something with the lungs that, that that's, that's right there.
It's like on the tip of our tongues or right at the edge of our mind or
something, but there's gotta be something with the lungs. If the, you know,
the heart's huge and the mind is huge and all that, but for,
for the lung to have such emphasis on when you go from incarnate to incarnate,
there's something there. Yeah.
We'll have to smoke something to, to understand that better.
Yeah. And, and, and just that right there,
like the ability for your lungs to synthesize, to process these,
these chemicals that can, uh, alter your whole life. Just,
you know, with, with, you know, a couple puffs or, or you know, whatever,
whatever you're, whatever you're doing. But for,
for your body to be able to iib those chemicals through the lung,
through the pulmonary system is pretty symbolic too. I think it seems
Like a bridge, and I can see kind of a connection there,
given that the lungs are surrounding the heart,
my guess is that it's driven off the same chakra and the heart chakra is a
bridge between the upper and lower chakras,
and the breathing is a bridge between the unconscious and the conscious.
And to your point,
the very first thing that we're aware of and both have control over
and can also trust is happening whether we think about it or not,
What I was doing rebirthing, uh, a couple times I would,
you do the rebirthing, you do it laying down, you could do it anyway,
but traditionally it's done laying down.
And a couple times I would do the lay down, do the breath work,
and then when I would sit up, I, my whole spine would just like,
just spontaneously aligned.
And I always thought of how your lungs would, would essentially,
as these two bags pumping next to your spinal column, you know, if,
if you had little misalignments or subluxations that,
that the lungs pumping next to it in a symmetrical way could push your spine
into alignment. I mean, there's a, there's a lot, uh, to be said for the,
just the physiology of it all.
Not even to bring in the spirituality of it or the metaphysical side of it.
Right. Yeah. I might as well read this quote I was originally referencing.
This was from 88. Um, they were referring to, um,
tarot is a method of divination, but then, um,
they're talking about the archetypes of astrology. And they said,
as each entity enters the, the planetary energy web,
each entity experiences two major planetary influxes, that of the conception,
which has to do with the physical yellow rate manifestation of the incarnation.
And that of the moment you call birth when the breath is first drawn into the
body complex of chemical yellow ray.
So that's, that's the moment when the imprinting of the stars and the, the,
the planets is, is what has the, the,
the effect on the personality.
So if the first one has to do with the physical yellow ray manifestation of the
incarnation, then
what does the second one have to do with,
Well, maybe it's more of the complex, uh, of, of the yellow ray. Um,
but this is a mysterious thing to me still too,
the relationship between the astrological patterns of the moment of conception
and the moment of, of, uh, birth.
And I have not yet asked my parents when they had sex.
I have not yet gone that deep.
I think it kind of makes sense though, if you think about it.
So maybe conception, given that it's the,
it's happening during this third density activity of the parents.
That's sort of the genetic, uh,
predisposition phase and gonna dictate more or less what your yellow ray,
uh, incarnation looks like.
And then when you draw your first breath is when you've got the rest of the
planetary influences,
which are probably gonna drive a lot more of your higher states of
consciousness. I'm guessing
That's certainly what we assume with our astrology readings is that it's pretty
much all about the moment of, of birth.
Yeah. So this makes sense.
It's just saying conception is more gonna drive what your physical
manifestation iss gonna look like.
Although that's kind of interesting because it can't only be genetic obviously,
because, you know, the date wouldn't matter as much as obviously the people,
um, inputting do. But, um, apparently there is still some influencer there,
so that's kind of interesting. Yeah.
And they call it a major planetary influence Influence too.
I always thought of it as like, uh, if if we're, we all have free will,
therefore we're in this universe and we're playing around with free will and all
this and that, and then when two people come together and they, uh, have a baby,
they make a third, then the, uh,
moment of conception is the first three energy centers,
chakras, whatever you wanna call 'em, the first three, uh, red, orange,
and yellow, make up the physicality of the person as they are being
physically, uh, you know, brought into this world when the,
when the sperm and the egg meet and mitosis begins and you know,
one becomes two becomes four, becomes eight, you know,
this is a very physical process.
So that would be your first major planetary influx was when these
two beings with complete aut autonomy and freedom of choice decide
through all of the different things that happened in their lives to come
together, that's when the physical entity, the baby is started.
That always, I always thought of it as like, if you wanted to give a,
a place in physical space, and I know it's well beyond that,
but if you want it to say like everything comes from the center of the universe
and then makes its way to where, you know,
we are now on an outer spiral of Milky Way.
You started the process of that baby being born at this
major planetary alignment, and then everything keeps moving. And as it's moving,
you still have that umbilical cord from the,
the beginning of the process back to the center of the, the universe.
And then when you're born,
that second major planetary alignment happens where the umbilical cord is
cut, and then your, your like freedom, your,
your decisions start to go from then on,
if that makes sense. It made sense in my mind.
Well, it's the first time you start to function as an autonomous being in third
density, so
Exactly. Exactly.
And that's when you really start to build on top of you the physicality of
yourself, the, uh, metaphysical properties of yourself and,
and that which makes you, you, you know, your personality on all these things.
And that would be, I, I,
I would say that all of the lower chakras are physical
things and, and, and uh, worries of physical things and things like that.
And then all of the upper chakras and all the upper energy centers have that
more metaphysical side to 'em. So the moment you're born, you know,
the physicality is there.
Now it's up to you to make the decisions to grow yourself both physically and,
you know, spiritually.
Yeah. Hence why we have a,
a whole Mindbody spirit complex when we're born, so that, you know,
we've got this whole energetic body that's actually driving our experience,
um, period. Really
it's all mental.
So we could, uh, we could go back now to, uh, 92 point 20,
which was kind of a recap of some something that Don had asked and we,
we just talked about, but they expanded on a little bit more here. Um,
they, the question,
the matrix of the mind is depicted seemingly as male on the card and the
potentiator is female can raw state why this is and how this affects these two
archetypes? And this was session 92, so this was after the other one.
So they, um, it's clearly a, a restating. They said, firstly,
as we have said,
the matrix of the mind is attracted to the biological male and the potentiator
of the mind to the biological female thusly
in energy transfer.
The female is able to potentiate that which may be within the conscious mind of
the male, so that it may feel in spirited.
So here we're talking about sexual energy exchange and we,
we'll talk about this a bit more, um, with, with our disclaimers in place.
Um, so,
so this is using the word potentiate in a slightly different way in, in energy,
in an energy transfer,
the female is able to potentiate that which may be within the conscious mind of
the male, so that it may feel in spirited.
Yeah, I'd like to, yeah, I look forward to diving into that some more. Go on.
I'll finish reading this then. Yeah. And in a more general sense,
that which reaches may be seen as a male principle that which awaits the
reaching may be seen as a female principle.
The richness of the male and female system of polarity is interesting,
and we would not comment further, but suggest consideration by the student.
So there's a lot to consider here. And,
and this is the most simple definition of male and female that they,
they gave in the material.
I think that which reaches is the male principle that which awaits to reaching
is the female principle.
How do you, um,
envision the phrase above that in
So what's an example of something that would be within the conscious mind of a
male? A male that would be potentiated
and what does that mean if it's already within the conscious mind of the male?
Is it really what was,
What was the list of things it was to create, to ideate?
What was the third thing? But creativity is the simplest one that I can say,
you know, if I have sex, I will go to the piano, and I will,
I will start jamming something on a level I don't normally feel that comes that
naturally. And it's, and, and, and, but, but I think this is, you know,
not just in, in intuitive, but, but there's a, but an in, in,
in inspiration that's a spiritual energy that seems to be present.
It's very hard to put words on it, but, but, um, I,
but I know that it, it, it allows what is dormant in,
in the mind that's sitting there that hasn't been given the nudge from the
spirit. The in spiriting process still,
still can unfold to a greater degree when the, when the feminine, um,
energy is, is, is provided.
Right. So that's the part I'm wanting to, um, I want to get kind of granular on,
let's say the piece of music that you write after a sexual encounter is a new,
a net new piece of music is, uh,
you know, my,
my general understanding would be that the music had to have come from the
unconscious or the pool of, of potential. Um, as I read this,
you know, kind of verbatim, um,
that the female potentiates,
that meaning this music,
which may be within the conscious mind of the male,
Well, the conscious mind might have a, um,
it might, the conscious becomes filled,
Conscious mind starts out empty, but it becomes filled.
So the conscious mind initially as the, as the,
as the empty matrix has nothing filling it up. And one, once it's potentiated,
that's when the conscious mind now is containing a record of something in
addition to the emptiness. It's containing the create the creation.
So would it be,
could we say that within your conscious mind was the desire to
create music and, and that was, uh,
potentiated, or,
or that your entire unconscious mind rests within your conscious mind and it
was something within your unconscious that was potentiated and allowed to
Become active? Right.
I think the desire doesn't come about without the potentiation in some form.
But I think that all, all men have the potential of the intuitive mind still.
It's just, you know, and the desire for desire,
which is all. And, and we also have bodies, you know,
which are supposedly, um, operating based on the matrix of the body,
which is the, the principle of the balance working and even functioning.
So there's, there's already an engine for, um, creation in,
in the body itself that we are incarnated as. Um, so, but, but the,
the process of make having a desire to pull something forth,
I think is always the, the potentiation, the, the potential is,
is being brought forth.
And there was another,
Um, could te, lemme I lemme say this and you tell me if it, if it's uh, uh,
if it sounds correct, if so,
if in this analogy of you playing the piano and the music coming forth from it,
if we dropped you and, uh,
I'll say your loved one,
I don't know if she wants to be mentioned by name necessarily. So, uh,
if we dropped you and her completely out of the picture and said that the matrix
was the piano and the end goal was the music that the
potentiator or the female aspect in this would be the
inspiration of arranging the keys in a certain way to make the music.
So the piano's there, but without the potentiation, it's just a piano.
And then when you add the correct order or the inspiration of the keys in a
certain order, then you get the music
That that may work. Yeah, I mean,
a part of me is thinking about the first density consciousness of the piano,
and what is the piano actually experiencing,
which I've thought about before too.
Oh, you're, you're going too deep for this analogy, right?
We're trying to get the, the root of this one question. Yeah. But, so,
but basically I'm just like trying to take male and female,
but actually taking a male and a female person body out of it and coming
up with these more abstract ideas of just a piano and the music that could
be made from the piano,
but without the correct ordering of the notes and keys there,
the, the piano, you know, with, without thinking of its first density,
consciousness is just a lump of wood and ivory and,
and strings and things like that. You know, uh, you need the spark,
the in spirited spark to organize it in a way that makes the beauty
that can come from it.
That is sort of, they do combine for, uh, creation.
And if we're looking at the output of this, um,
being the thing that's sort of being in spirited,
then that does kind of make sense here.
What they're energetically talking about is that you have positive and negative
come together. And that the initial sort of divinely inspired
idea is what will become in spirited once it is
conjoined with the understanding that comes from bena and the divine feminine
that can take that inspiration and create something
practical out of it.
And the, the paragraph below it is, uh,
it's powerful in the way it's written too, in a more general sense.
That which reaches may be considered the male,
and that which awaits reaching to be seen as the female.
And then they go on to say, uh,
the richest of the male and female system polarity is interesting. Would, uh,
would not come or further suggest consideration by the student consideration
being the reaching, you know, like, we're gonna give you so much,
but then you have to reach in order to receive, you know, it's again,
a play on this male female that we're not just gonna give it all to you.
You know? And that, that analogy that they said about the poker,
if you knew everybody's hand, you wouldn't be playing the game. You know,
you have to have the veiling so that you don't know everybody's hand.
You have to have the reaching so that you can get some of the receiving.
But we're not just gonna let you reach a little,
we're not gonna let you reach 10% and give you 150% of, you know,
all of the answers. So that it's, again, it's that whole, uh,
seeking and receiving,
You know, from a polarity standpoint, these energetically,
uh, are very, extremely different. And I mean, that's,
I don't mean to overstate the obvious, but with the,
the activating principle that's uninformed
though wise meaning it is informed only
energetically, perhaps by its will to, um,
express or to express in love or what have you.
And the opposing energy is, um,
all but the complete opposite, which at least takes the,
the base essential, um,
energetic inspiration and then implies all of the,
the practical, um, you know, um,
process that's needed of formation to actually take an inspired thought and
deliver it down into manifestation. Um,
so they really are not just functionally opposite, but, um, from a,
um, kind of a flow. And that's what this really says here. One is, um,
sort of activating, um,
which is interesting because the matrix of the mind is also un
uh, moving though. Uh, there's, they're not calling the matrix here,
in this case, reaching. They're saying that's the male principle.
There's another one where they talked about this particular energy concept
at session 26. Um,
the positive or male polarity as it is deemed in your illusion,
finds in the sexual energy transfer an inspiration which satisfies and feeds the
spirit portion of the body, mind, spirit complex,
thus both being polarized and releasing the excess of that which each has
an abundance by nature of intelligent energy that is negative, intuitive,
and positive physical energies as you may call them. Um, so,
so the female draws the energy from the roots of the beingness, um,
of the male,
thus being physically revitalized and the male finds a
spiritual revitalization. So this is also to be like an,
an inward and an outward, um, energy system,
um, coming from the parent apparently outward to,
to represent the physical and coming from the inward to represent the,
the intuitive, um, spiritual drive.
Um, but I
dunno, I dunno if I'm taking too much of a tangent now, but, uh,
I like that I was,
I'm just digesting it.
Yeah, exactly. And I was thinking if you flick back to it, um,
the, the quote that you just had up, Mike.
What was that go? Yeah, so the, the, um, lemme
Pick other one. There it is, it was right here. Yep.
Yeah, that's the guy. So, and, and you know, if,
if everything in this universe, uh,
is a part of the universe and is a part of this great experiment to experience
experiences, uh, and,
and he corrected him in saying that the, that the intuitive side is unavailable,
he said, no, it's not unavailable. It's just, you know,
kind of harder to get to. You gotta, you have to seek it more. So if,
if you think about like society, especially the way it is now,
where it seems like there's this oppressive force trying to hold everybody back.
It it,
is it really a bad thing or is it a motivator?
You know, if it,
it's a motivator because if it's trying to lop off the,
the feminine, the negative,
the intuitive side of life and try and make this positive
physical reality all that there is,
and it's our job to look beyond that. It's,
it's just an extreme catalyst for us. Uh, it's,
it's not necessarily a bad thing unless you dwell on it and let it affect your
Whereas if you realize that its purpose in life was
to show you that there's more than just the physical world,
that there is this other stuff in, in life that, that,
especially since we have such a grasp on the physical world,
that other stuff matters way more to us because we haven't
discovered it, we haven't delved into that side of life. I, I think that,
that everything from, uh, language to, uh,
socioeconomical, all, all this s**t is all there, all this stuff, my bad all,
it's, it's all there to try and drive people down this physical path,
but it's driving you down the physical path in order for you to wanna seek the
other side of it. It's just an extreme catalyst.
Let, let's get back to, um, what's here in this, um, particular thing.
'cause this is about the, the transfer itself.
And I don't know that I had picked this up as clearly the first couple times
that I had read this, um, or not,
but I really like that it says that both,
both sides are getting what the other has in excess.
And this is inherently telling us what we were talking about,
at least on the body side a little bit earlier, and that the,
the male sort of inherently has the, the additional physical strength.
Um, what we did not necessarily cover, though,
we might all agree that this also summarizes quite well,
is that the traditionally female, uh,
are just as much oriented toward the spirit.
So it was kind of interesting they broke down, um,
the matrix and potentially to the body earlier. But I wonder, um,
how that's represented, um,
in which archetypes in the spirit manifest, um, in male and physical,
but, or male and female. But anyway, this is, um,
particularly interesting here, um,
because the two genders get different forms of energy based on what the other
has in excess.
And I think it has a lot to say.
When you look at ancient civilizations and they talk about golden ages and
things like that, more often than not,
it's a matriarchy led civilization that's in the golden era. You know,
it's that when the negative, the intuitive,
the female side of life is in balance with the positive and physical,
then you have this golden era. This golden age.
Yeah. And, and the, it, it really feels like the,
the spirit is a kind of, um, culmination of, of, of male and,
and female together. And the expression of the,
of the spirit and male and female still has to be balanced through,
through the process of, of working together, um, and, and paired relationships.
Um, but there, there was one more, I,
I might as well just throw this in here one more place where this,
this kind of sexual energy exchange relationship was mentioned,
and that was session 87, and they said, due to the polarity difference,
well, I'll read this whole thing. Uh, due to the veiling process
of energy transferred from male to female is different than that,
transferred from female to male,
male to female is different from female to male due to the polarity difference
of the mind, body, spirit complexes of male and female,
the male stores physical energy,
the female mental and mental emotional energy.
So this doesn't just say spiritually here. Now we're saying mental energy too,
a mental and mental emotional energy.
When the third density sexual energy transfer is completed,
the male will have offered the discharge of physical energy.
The female is thereby refreshed,
having far less physical vitality at the same time, if you will use this term,
the female discharges,
the influx of its stored mental and mental emotional energy,
thereby offering inspiration, healing, and blessing to the male,
which by nature is less vital in this area.
Wow. There, it's,
So, um, the, the idea, I should also clarify.
When they use the term mental emotional in law of one,
they say that in one short and statement,
it's like a lot of times to distinguish between,
between words and the channeling. There's, there's a pause between the words,
and whenever they're saying mental emotional,
they're leaving no pause between mental and emotional. I know this 'cause I,
I listened to the whole thing, um, on, on the audio from Carl Rucker channeling.
So mental emotional is why we have the slashes between mental and emotional to
imply that, that these are two ways of looking at what the mind is doing. So,
um, so I'm relatively convinced, I'm saying from reading the material,
that when they're talking about emotional energy,
they're talking about mental energy at the same time too.
They're just saying that these are two ways of looking at the same thing,
Two halves of the same coin, like teach learning and Yeah.
Space time and all that.
Yeah. Um, and it's just, it may,
it might just be the difference between the left brain and the right brain too
on, on some level that we're, well,
It makes sense because our emotional, um,
subsystem exists at the same level of consciousness as our
normal intellect and cognition. So it,
it makes sense that they represent those together.
Right. And the lightning,
the lightning that would be the potentiator might have more connection with
the unconscious mind, the potential, the potential of,
of the mind to receive from the spiritual lightning might be
why the, uh,
the woman is sharing spiritual energy when she's sharing the mental emotional
energy, because that's the,
the potential is coming from spirit to mind to body in that sense.
I think that this is another, um, uh,
another bridge area like breathing is a bridge between the conscious and the
unconscious when you start talking about mental emotional, uh,
and they, they separated mental and mental emotional,
to me, mental emotional really speaks to, um,
like the endocrine system. And there's a lot in the ancient,
um, Egyptian or, or commission, if you wanna call 'em what they call themselves,
uh, the ancient ian systems where they talk a lot about the endocrine system and
you know, one that everybody can,
can probably associate with or, or, um,
think of everyone's experienced some kind of something that's given them an,
and when you have that kind of adrenal dump, it's, it's a,
it's a physical reaction to an emotional state that,
that is extremely powerful. And, uh, I,
I really think that that mental emotional is, is a, is a gap,
and it is the endocrine system.
And if you look at society now,
like everyone's endocrine system is so screwed up. It, um, a lot of it,
a lot of the,
the endocrine system is used primarily in the earlier stages of life,
and it start to like atrophy, like, um, the thalamus.
Um, I know that, that, that, that a lot of people have, uh, uh,
or not thalamus the thyroid, a lot of people have thyroid issues in society now.
And it, you know, that speaks to me of the lack of mental, emotional,
um, health.
Yeah. Um,
I'm, I'm trying to review what would be the proper direction to go in. And I, I,
I think that we, in the last one we skipped over,
we're skipping over a little bit when we,
we just focused on this area of this particular quote here, which went,
we're really a discussion of the chakras when we're talking about the,
the energy exchange. That's the most useful energy exchange,
which is the most healthy mind body, spirit,
healthy energy exchange is the one where they're talking about the, the,
this had to be a footnote here. The fourth or the green, the green ray, um,
expression is the healthy sexual expression that is revitalizing
both male and female. Um, and, uh,
so I think it's worth it to probably read the whole thing now and talk about the
nature of sexual energy when it's used in other chakras. Uh, and we can,
we can start digging in that direction if you guys are ready for that. Mm-hmm.
Um, so this question, um,
was started around this third paragraph here. So this was from Carla.
Carla initiated this in session 26,
and Don started following up on it in like session 70 and 80, the eighties.
But, uh, but she, uh, in 2026, she asked, um,
you speak of various types of energy blockages and transfers,
positive and negative that may take place due to participation in our sexual
reproductive complex of actions. She, she states,
please explain these blockages and energy transfers with emphasis upon what an
individual seeking to be in accordance with the law of one may positively do in
this area. And is it possible for you to answer this question?
And Ross said it is pos partially possible given the background we have laid.
So they've already talked about chakras a little bit by this point,
this is properly a more advanced question due to the specificity of the
question. We may give a general answer. Uh,
so the first energy transfer, um, sexual energy transfer
is red ray, the red chakra.
It is a random transfer having only to do with your reproductive system.
So this would be, um, the, the foundation of what,
what allows people to, to have the sexual experience, I think is, is the
Random's kind of an interesting word choice there.
Yeah, it is.
That's not exactly the, um, the word indiscriminate that they used earlier.
Right? Yeah. Um, and an indiscriminate, uh,
use of sexual energy would be at at least red ray.
Or could it be random transfer having only to do with your reproductive system,
meaning like the sperm and the egg, you know, I mean,
yeah, you can try people, people can try to get pregnant for years and not,
and then all of a sudden it happens. You know, uh, that, that I,
when I read it, that's what I
Was thinking. Well, it does say having only to do with the reproductive system.
So you actually Yeah, I see what you're saying.
You're saying that literally physicality is the physical,
there's sperm swimming up to an egg and
Yeah. And the, and the random chance that one makes it through,
or the millions that try don't make it through.
And is that a, that's a transfer, not an exchange. Actually, it says, and again,
I, you know, I want to be careful about allowing them some latitude, um,
to choose different words. But that would, um,
that would kind of make sense, right?
You make a deposit that's basically just a transfer,
and that may be the only thing that was done.
Yeah, yeah. If, if if, if if if the woman was unconscious,
even you could still have a,
a transfer that's only related to the un to the reproductive system basically.
Got it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Um, so there might be more to unpack there, but maybe another time,
With heavier disclaimers.
Yeah. Um, yeah, I'm still possibly
This too. Maybe we should find a, a a woman that would like to, uh,
jump in the conversation just to get that perspective.
Right. I, I considered that,
but I also realized I'd have a lot harder time probably in the conversation,
even if my wife was the one, and I love talking to her about this stuff too. Um,
but yeah, it, it,
it is a funny thing to have this conversation about female and having no female.
So yeah. Uh, we can, we can notate that it would be ideal to eventually, yeah,
We're all in agreement though. That would be a little bit more me if we're,
We we're, we are wholly and 100%, uh,
aware of the fact that we are speaking with complete ignorance of what the
female side of it is
And actively accepting applications for the law of one deep dive. Yeah.
Female panelists. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. All of our disclaimers are outta the way.
Let's go to the next paragraph. Yeah.
The orange and the yellow ray attempts to have sexual inter intercourse,
and immediately they, they combine these two,
the orange and the yellow ray attempts to have sexual intercourse,
which are the way we see ourselves and the way we see others in society. And,
um, our relationship to others in the,
in the current third density consciousness of earth.
This is where we end up having a lot of the complications of imbalance,
sexual energy transfers because of the lessons that we're all learning. So the,
on the orange and the yellow ray levels,
these attempts to have sexual intercourse. Firstly,
you'll have a blockage if only one entity vibrates in this area, um,
thusly causing the entity vibrating sexually in this,
this area to have a never ending appetite for this activity.
And if, yeah, that's a discussion there on its own that we can have in a second.
But then they say what these vibratory levels are seeking is green ray
the heart there is the possibility of orange or yellow rate energy transfer,
this being polarizing towards the negative one being seen as
object rather than other self.
The other seeing itself as plunder or master of the situation.
Um, and then they talk about the green ray, which we were just describing.
And then after that they said this energy transfer of the green ray,
the of the open heart is blocked only if one or both entities have
fear of possession,
fear of being possessed or desiring possession or desiring
being possessed. So I brought up this part here with these,
this list of four blockages,
because this is about the orange and the yellow ray blockages. Yeah.
And one being seen as object rather than other self.
The other seeing itself as plunder.
Our master of the situation is another way of saying this, um,
desire for possession or fear, fear of possession.
And this makes sense obviously because our,
our true connectivity to other selves really doesn't happen until the
fourth ray in the green energy center.
So it kind of makes sense that these are kind of the defining characteristics of
lower vibratory energy exchange.
And this is also the defining characteristic of potentially all
relationship troubles that, that seem, seem so difficult for people to overcome.
Like attachment to the other person seems to be connected to seeing the other
person as a possession or an object
Where you're, oh man. Oh boy. Yeah. No, I mean, that's huge.
And I interpret that the same way.
And I fully believe that that's exactly what RA is saying. And,
and likely that the energetic exchange in cases like this may
not be, um,
creating as much positive catalyst for participants as it could be.
And the other big thing to, to note here is orange and yellow ray, you know,
how you see yourself and how you see yourself in society. If,
if a person doesn't have self-confidence and then they
attach their life to another person, both physically,
sociologically and sexually,
then if you don't stand on solid ground at the beginning,
then you may build the concept of yourself around the concept of you in that
relationship. You can't love someone else until you love yourself.
Otherwise it turns into this, um, dependency.
You know, you can't be who you are without that other person,
and that's a lack of the orange and yellow ray being vibrant.
So then you would, like,
they're saying you would constantly crave that transfer of sexual energy because
you don't have it, it's not inherent within yourself.
You need to constantly receive it from that other person.
Yeah. Codependency. Mm-hmm.
The never ending appetite for this activity is definitely like the
activity that is never fully satisfying because you don't,
you're not personally transformed by it.
Yeah. And that's what's interesting is that the very next sentence does say what
they're seeking is green ray.
And so that's kind of interesting that they have a never ending appetite at
made it orange and yellow because they're not actually landing at what it is
that they're seeking.
Well, I think that what he's saying there essentially is that, uh,
they're seeking green ray, and in order to have green ray an open heart,
a love for everyone else,
you have to start from that place where you have a love for yourself and you,
you know, your place in society. So you're seeking Green Ray and,
uh, the, the, you, you,
you can like touch Green Ray because of this transfer that you have with this
other person who's already a green ray.
'cause what they're saying is the person who's blocked in orange or yellow will
have an insatiable appetite because they essentially didn't have their
orange and yellow rays, uh,
solid enough for them to achieve green ray.
But when this person who had Green Ray gave them this
opportunity to touch Green Ray, they wanted more and more,
but they don't have the confidence or the wherewithal within themselves to get
it their own orange and yellow and then step into their own green ray. They're,
they're substituting it.
Yeah. You're, you're down below there, right? You're, that
Was the next paragraph. Yep.
Yep. This one says the other green ray possibility, um,
is that of one entity offering green ray energy, the other not offering green,
not offering energy of the universal love energy.
This resulting in a blockage of energy for the one not green ray,
thus increasing frustration or appetite. So that never ending, um,
appetite was increased. Then the more green ray the other partner WA is
Yeah. That, that's how you read that too, right? So they're saying Yeah,
one entity's offering, the other one's not.
Yeah. Yeah.
And that creates a blockage for the one not offering. No,
No, no. Not the, the one who's not offering is already blocked.
It creates a frustration and insatiable appetite for the one that's already
blocked. Yeah. Because they want to be in green ray,
but they don't know how to achieve it through their own means.
So they're using the other person as a crutch.
Well, hang on a second. I wanna make sure I got,
I got this completely right here. Um,
so let's go with A and B, uh,
person A is offering, B is not,
and it says this results in a blockage of energy for the one knot
green ray. So would that be, B,
this creates a blockage of energy for B,
thus increasing frustration or appetite. And also my second question,
is that increasing frustration or appetite in B or is that increasing
it in a, because a is the one that is, well,
The, the,
the fi the final portion of this sentence is the green rate being polar, the,
the one who's in green rate is being polarized slightly towards service to
So the one who is vibrating green rate does not have an increased frustration or
appetite. They actually helped, they, they actually,
their hearts are open more towards who needing, who's needing to be
By being offered, even if not accepted.
Right. Well, I think it's always, um, experienced.
It's just, it's not seen in the same lens.
Oh, it's not offered back. I see. But yeah,
and that's what I wanted to kind of make sure of here and,
and that would certainly resonate.
But just to make sure that somebody on offer of green ray energy is not going to
pay an unnecessary price for that and
Right. Yeah. It's always beneficial to have your heart open and have sex if,
if your heart is completely open to that person, apparently.
And this is also not talking about homosexuality.
That's a disclaimer that's talking about male and female and the discussion
about homosexuality.
I didn't even include that People can search for that on their own,
the law of one.
That's a whole separate discussion that if I put any commentary on there,
that'll be controversial. So I'm not gonna do that.
Yeah. Let, let's get the, uh, let's get the, the,
the bare essentials down before we start talking about the, uh,
the minutiae of different things. 'cause it's,
it's already so complex in the way that Ross says everything that Yeah.
You could spend a lifetime just trying to figure that out.
Before we go on though, can we go back real quick to the yellow ray?
I wanted to just get one more clarification at the beginning of that. Yep, yep.
There we go. So, um,
firstly a blockage, if only one entity vibrates in this area,
so let's say you've got two vibrating at yellow and they are in the
right vibration and therefore not blocked and not having an ever ending
appetite for this activity.
It says what these vibratory levels are seeking is green ray activity.
And so I'm, I'm kind of, um,
curious as to what happens when two orange,
or better yet yellow ray co resonant beings
come together. And if they're targeting green,
are they able to achieve green or do they just harmonize it yellow?
Well, I think this, this last paragraph of this, uh, this last sentence here,
there is the possibility of orange or yellow ray energy transfer,
this being polarizing towards the negative one being seen as the object rather
than the other self. The other seeing as self,
as plunder or master of the situation. Oh.
So if you are both at yellow,
you could both be seeing it that way and be polarizing negative
Yeah. By distance going into, okay. Okay.
So this, this is where we have all the deviations, sexual deviations of, uh,
people wanting to be in, in chains and whatever. I, I did not,
never going down that road, but yeah,
I assume that there's an energy around enjoying being
A dominant or a
Enslaved and that kind of thing. Yeah.
So when they say what these vibratory levels are seeking as green ray,
I'm gonna take that as a very broad sort of, this is the upward spiral of light.
This is where, you know, the direction that they're heading,
not so much that you know that if they happen to connect just right,
that it'll happen. Um,
because I think that next sentence a little bit more clear. Um, okay. Thank you.
Yeah, this is,
this is great to have these discussions 'cause this is a lot to unpack.
And there is one more,
this is not the end of the discussion around the chakras where they went through
the list. So I'm excited to get through this and one and go to the next one too.
So, so I'm gonna finish reading this whole thing then.
I guess I'm so in third ray, fourth. Yeah,
fourth ray in this next paragraph. So there were the two, the two possibilities.
The first we talked about this, but I'll read it again.
If both vibrate in fourth ray, the, the love center,
there will be a mutually strengthening energy transfer.
The negative or female as you call it,
drawing the energy from the roots of the beingness up through the energy
thus being physically revitalized the positive or male polarity as it is deemed
in your illusion finding in this energy transfer.
An inspiration which satisfies and feeds the spirit portion of the mind of the
body, mind, spirit complex,
thus both being polarized and releasing the excess of that which each has an
abundance by nature of intelligent energy that is negative, intuitive,
positive physical energies, as you may call them,
this energy transfer being blocked.
Only if one or both entities have fear of possession,
fear of being possessed, of desiring possession,
or desiring being possessed.
I have one,
I have another clarification in here since we're getting so metaphysically
granular as we're talking about exchange here. And you know, again,
maybe this is super academic or pedantic here, but, um,
so if we look at just the line drawing the energy from the roots of being this
up through the energy centers, do you guys definitely take this to be,
definitely clear that the energy is being
exchanged as opposed to there's sort of the net effect of an exchange
because, you know, for example,
this experience allows the female to draw up the physical energy from the roots,
allows the male to draw it down through the crown chakra, but again,
through their own energy centers, through this process by, you know,
virtue of the fact that it's kind of an exchange of intention or, you know,
what those intentions are or,
or do you actually see it as she is drawing energy up from the roots of
beingness from the mail,
which are then transferred from his complex to hers?
I expect that you could see this in a physical dimension sense that
there's actually a connection between the metaphysical and the physical natures
of male and female at the root red energy center level
where we, we obviously have our genitalia. There's this,
there's this burst of energy right there. Um,
Plus they're saying the root of being this,
which to me says the physical world,
and then the male is drawing down from the crown chakra,
which is the metaphysical world. So again, like yin and yang, like the,
the woman, uh,
brings to the table an abundance of crown chakra energy and the
male brings an abundance of physical energy. And then when they come together,
you know, he's saying drawing it up from the root of being it,
but it's really that the male brings the physical and the female brings the
metaphysical. And when you bring them together, they're,
they're exchanging these two,
it's not necessarily like she's gotta have her foot on the ground so that she
can draw it up from the ground, you know,
and he's gotta have his head in the air.
No, it's, that kind of
Stuff's an actual exchange. So then of course, my next question is that, um,
is there any purity or pedigree or anything with the energy,
is there any unique or nuanced natures when it comes from person A versus,
you know, person B et cetera, is the or these, the, you know,
the most pure essential natures of these energies as they come
across, and in which case it's,
it's indistinguishable whether it comes from that specific person with whom
you're in energetic exchange or any other random person or the universe
Man, I think that it's a blank slate.
I think that you're sending those energies, those energies have, uh,
it's a blank slate of energy. You're sending physical energy. Sure.
That person took their whole life and brought themself to the point where their
green energy center is open and yeah, that's all individuated.
That's each person got there their own way and but when the energy
transfer happens,
the energy is the purest form of the energy and then it goes into the opposite
person and,
and imbibes them characterized by what their character is.
Yeah. Or, or
Animates that. Well,
Is it, yeah, based on the receiver is basically, yeah.
That's what's gonna get in spirit.
And it's not necessarily gonna be informed per se by the energy Yeah. Itself.
That was Yeah. Transmitted.
Yeah. Like you're,
I don't think you're sending open heart energy chakra because you know,
you had whatever you had like a, a a a good childhood.
You're not sending good childhood heart chakra center to the other person.
You're just sending heart chakra energy to the other person right
At the wave.
And there are clearly, um,
differences between physical energy and vital energy also,
which are confusing to me. Um, that, but so for example, uh,
RAW had said that, uh,
in session 44 at the beginning they were asking about Carla records vitality,
and Ross said,
sexual energy transfers have at some workings given this instrument additional
vital resources upon which to draw. However, this is not so at this working.
So, and so I think after they said this,
then they started to make sure that Carla and Jim were having sex before
the sessions, or, you know,
at some point in order to help her become more revitalized. And I don't know if,
um, there's more to it with the different kinds of energy that are, you know,
essentially feeding each other through the process. And in that sense,
maybe there's difference between different people where you're getting a
different amount of, of, uh,
healing with different amounts of vital energy versus physical energy and
that kind of thing. But that's still mysterious to me.
I think that that has a yin and yang effect as well. Like, you know, one,
one can feed the other and, and vice versa.
It's not necessarily so much that they're both,
you can't dissect one completely from the other.
Yeah. Right.
Like I know when I, I've,
I've done ayahuasca or I've done D M T and had these completely,
or, or even, uh, mushrooms for that matter,
just have these immense metaphysical
experiences and you come back,
you kind of feel like you're physically buzzing, you know?
But although you know, you're not, uh, you know that,
that that really nothing has changed, but you just have this, uh,
like energetic hum or buzz. I don't, I don't know exactly how, I mean,
you'd have to experience it and come back to me with what you think it,
the words to put to a dollar.
It seems like the vital energy almost drives the physical as they described it
in other sessions, that when Right. You would run out of physical, you can,
you can draw upon vital. So to me,
I almost see vital as sort of the etheric or, you know,
just right outside of the physical plane Yeah.
Energy that's feeding into, you know,
what we then consider to be our physical energy. And so if, if the Yeah,
that's why I think they explained pretty clearly that if you ultimately sap your
vital energy, uh, completely, then I think that's amounts to death, right?
It could be that physical energy is like a complex form of vital energy too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, it's sort of like the distilled or, or, you know,
manifested, uh, representation of it.
Yeah. But I, and I also think that you can,
you can revitalize your vital energy through physical means.
I think that, you know,
if you have low vital energy and then you go out and you have a great day with
someone that you love sex aside, uh,
you can revitalize your vital energy. You know, if you're,
if you have a s****y week at work and you're feeling just kind of down in the
dumps and your vital energy's gone,
and then you go on a hike with someone that you love and you have a great
conversation and you experience nature and, and, and the beauty of,
of this world that we live in, that that physicality can help, uh,
boost your vital energy
But what we are reading for sure is that they are saying it happens during sex.
And so I'm also kind of curious, we've talked about the energy center exchanges,
but now this is still a little bit different at the vital energy,
and I'm a little curious as to how that, you know,
if and how that plays a role with her, with, you know, what Mike,
what you have highlighted right now, and it,
and it said she was getting it for a while and then kind of stopped and
Right. Yeah.
The amount of sex she was having was directly related to how much energy she
had. Hmm. So, um, this is, we're getting lower on time here.
Um, and this is, yeah, the, the nature of,
of vital energy prana, that's worthy of another study completely,
I think. Um, and, uh,
so I, I think I just wanna finish reading this,
this passage and then get to the next one and then, um, so we can,
we can kind of conclude the,
the thought of what the chakra's relationship is with, um,
sexual energy transfer and then, um, yeah,
I think doing a study on the, the nature of spirit and the influence
may even relate to the vital energy on some level too. So I, I wanna,
I wanna unpack that another time, I think. Uh,
but uh, so, so the, yeah, we read the,
the other greenery possibility is that of one offering and the other not
which was increasing frustration and appetite and the one not offering the green
ray energy, the heart open hearted space. And then if,
if we have any overachievers in this reality,
the Blu-ray energy transfer is somewhat rare among your people at this time,
but is of great aid due to the energy transfers involved in becoming able to
express the self without reservation or fear.
Man, dig that. So
That's, yeah, I feel like how
To be completely open green ray, you know? Yeah. And,
and such a strong base in red, orange,
yellow with such an open green would create that, you know?
And do you think that this is becoming able to express itself without
reservation or fear within the context that we're talking,
meaning the green ray experience itself elevates such
that the expression, you know,
that's most naturally coming through is allowed to come through without
reservation or fear? Is that how you're gonna read? This is very contextual.
So this is specifically, now not only are you in this, this fully, you know,
green ray encounter, um,
but now you're also feeling completely open to express whatever it is that's
coming through.
That's cool.
And this is, you know, the, the Blu-ray openness is also related to honesty,
being brutally honest, brutally open completely, um, not,
not feeling vulnerable with your expression,
just completely confident in that energy.
Interesting. And then, um, but may I think the other,
the other one I wanna look at has a little bit more explanation of that too.
So I'll get through this and we'll go back to Blu-ray. I think, um,
in the last 10 minutes here, um,
the indigo ray transfer is extremely rare among your people.
This is the sacramental portion of the body complex whereby contact may be made
through the violet ray with intelligent infinity.
No blockages may occur at these latter two levels due to the fact that if both
entities are not ready for this energy,
it is not visible and neither transfer nor blockage may take place.
It is as though the distributor were removed from a powerful engine.
And then they conclude this with an example of this,
of this instrument was able,
as an example of this working to baffle the Orion group during,
I believe they meant that this was L s D,
but that the word l s d was lost mysteriously from the tape recorder 'cause they
were switching out, um, tape recorders often, but,
but it just says tape blank here. Um, so,
so, so they're saying Carl wrecker was able to baffled the Orion group
due to the fact that it effectively completely opened other self to third ray.
Um, we correct the self green ray energy, they meant, they meant fourth ray,
um, and partially opened other self to Blu-ray interaction. So,
so when Carla Ruckert began to, um,
open herself up using L s d having sex,
that was when she received that she was transferring so much energy at the
higher level that she began opening up Jim to Blu-ray
energy. Wow.
A disclaimer that we don't recommend the use of illegal substances,
but um, that's another discussion entirely.
Um, I don't infringe on free will,
so I try not to recommend one way or the other.
Yeah. Okay.
So the other one I was excited about here is 84.
So we went going from 26 all the way up to 84 to have this discussion
again that when, um, uh, Ross said in 84,
number 20, uh,
the question was with respect to green, blue and indigo transfers of energy,
how would the mechanism for these transfers differ and making them possible or
setting the groundwork for them in orange ray? Um,
and he kind of asked a jumbled question. Um,
and then Ross says we would take a moment to state and reply to a previous
comment that we shall answer each query whether or not has been previously
covered for not to do so would be to baffle the flow of quite another transfer
of energy, uh, to respond to your query.
We will firstly wish to agree with your sub supposition that the subject you
now query upon is a large one, or,
and it lies an entire system of opening the gateway to intelligent infinity.
You may see that some information is necessarily shrouded in mystery by our
desire to preserve the free will of the adept.
So they're not even recommending that we have sex.
The great key to blue indigo and finally that great capital of
the column of sexual energy transfer violet energy transfers is
the metaphysical bond or distortion which has the name among your peoples of
unconditional love.
So this is the great key is unconditional love to begin working with these
I thought they said there was no violet energy transfer in that previous
section. Didn't they only only go up to indigo
If both entities are not ready for this energy?
It is not visible and neither transfer nor blockage may take place.
It says the indigo is extremely rare. Oh.
Made through the violet ray.
This is sacrament report contact may be made through the violet ray. Oh,
with intelligent infinity. So yeah,
they still don't actually talk about a violet energy
exchange there, do they? Not in this one.
They don't, they don't say hardly anything about these, uh, indigo and violet.
Okay. Natures. Um, but here
They also say that the violet always
Say it's possible. Okay.
Alright, I'll continue. Um, so in in session 84,
they said in the Blu-ray energy transfer,
the quality of this love is refined in the fire of honest communication and
clarity that is, shall we say,
normally meaning in general takes a substantial portion of your space.
Time to accomplish this generally takes a substantial portion of your space time
to accomplish.
Although there are some instances of matings so well refined in previous
incarnations and so well remembered that the Blu-ray may be penetrated at once.
Oh man, that's gotta be nice.
Find the, find the shortcut.
Well, I mean, yeah, but you know,
you just happen to meet the person you happen to have, you know,
several centuries of experience with. I mean, that'd be cool.
Yeah, yeah.
This energy transfer is of great benefit to the seeker and that all
communication from the seeker is thereby refined and the eyes of honesty
and clarity look upon a new world,
such as the nature of Blu-ray energy and such as one mechanism of potentiating
and crystallizing it.
Yeah. Okay. Andrew, you sound mighty disappointed,
but I gotta throw this in there a little spanner in the works for you.
If we are all one,
we have all already experienced true and honest communication with
everyone else before the splintering, you know, before the fracturing.
So it's our goal to get everybody back to that love
unconditionally because we're all one, and then it will,
I think that that will instantly do everything that they were talking about in
Blu-ray that you were him and hawing about, because it happen instantly. I
Don't dunno that I'm like him and haw. I like it. I like all the,
the potentials and everything that they, they're talking about here though. I,
I think that I would say that, um, if you, uh,
if you put it at
a metaphysical level Yeah. And you say we're all one,
then sex is basically metaphysical masturbation
Again. There you go. I mean, but that's like the root, that's, those are the,
And I say that only tongue in cheek.
Like I actually feel like that's energetically, you know,
where the green and these other rays are really coming in,
is in that pure intention of loving another self.
Like you love yourself, you love God, you know, that kind of thing.
Yeah. And, and I, uh,
the same like I was tongue in cheek saying you were him and Holland.
'cause I know that you want those things and I,
I put it in that negatively connotated way just because
I'm trying to go ultra optimistic and positive with it.
Because if you realize that at one point we were, we were all one,
and that maybe sex is this metaphysical masturbation,
maybe the open heartness can come quicker. The,
the discovery between two people can come quicker and the,
the polarization towards love will happen in mass.
Yeah. Well it says above there that the, the great key is unconditional love.
And so I, I think that when you have people vibrating, you know,
in proper ranges,
that this is actually probably relatively natural and and
easily attained. Yeah.
Honest communication and clarity with unconditional love.
I think there comes a form of honest communication and clarity in that.
I think a big portion of unconditional love that isn't so easy,
especially in society now, is, um,
forgiveness and the,
the clarity and the honest communication. If you,
a lot of times if you could talk to somebody and clearly project to them why you
did what you did, then, then the love or the, or the,
the lost love that happened from some action would go away because the,
the understanding of why the person did it. Uh, you know, and,
and I always go back to the getting cut off in traffic thing because everybody
can, can, uh, think of a time when they were,
but if someone cut you off in traffic and it was,
and they could explain the horrible week that they had and the reason they had
to get where they were going,
one second ahead of you and cut you off in traffic,
then maybe your unconditional love would be much easier. 'cause you're like,
you know what, you know, I'm not having such a bad week.
You're obviously having a bad week. I forgive you for cutting me off. Go.
Anything I could do to help you get there one second sooner, please go. And
Negative ghost rider,
you just pinned your love a hundred percent conditioned on that guy's sob story.
And I'll say,
that guy could absolutely be cutting you off because he hates you and your car
and your bumper sticker and everything about you and your unconditional love
would still allow you to, uh, to love him. Yeah.
I'm not saying, and this is about, this is about the,
The archetypal aspect of mine being recognized where, you know, we're, we're,
we're fully stepping into the,
the pure recognition of self as as creator, you know,
regardless of the, of the content of the,
Of the action. Of
The action. Yeah.
And, and I think that, that, did you say that I,
that my example was making my love conditional on their sob story
If his, if if the story matters. That's my, that's my point. If you say, oh,
well once I heard the story, then I can go back to unconditionally loving him.
I guess I'm gently prodding back and saying if his story would be exact
opposite, I'd still like you to love him unconditionally. That's
Why this takes a substantial portion of your space time to accomplish.
Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And,
and I'm not saying that the sob story made the difference.
I'm saying that if you had clarity of what that person was going through,
you might not have started the hate in the first place if they could.
Hundred percent. Yeah. I totally agree with you there. That that's how you,
you disempower all of those, you know, reactionary feelings to begin with.
And this is the fire of honest communication and clarity. Can we,
can we yell at each other until we're completely clear?
Yeah. Yeah.
And and also this is where the veil comes in place because if you knew this
person's reasoning for cutting you off,
then you wouldn't get mad in the first place,
but the veil's there because it's given you the opportunity to forgive them.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
If you knew that s****y morning that guy had Yeah.
Then being a perfect human being would just be super easy, wouldn't it?
Yeah, exactly. Be like, oh dude, I'm, I'm gonna,
I'm gonna throw you a bone here, like here. Right.
Take that spot in front of me in traffic.
If we all knew that people would just be walking up on our bad days and giving
us a free cup of coffee and Right. Exactly. I got you a donut.
I know you're having a great day.
Oh yeah, man, the, the veil, it certainly serves its purpose.
Although while we're down here mired in the thickness of it, we're like,
what the hell?
Right. Where's, where's my donut?
Yeah. Yeah.
So this is a great thing to come back to maybe in a future session. The,
the nature Blu-ray openings. 'cause this is, you know,
not just about, uh, one, not just about sexual energy. This is,
this is one mechanism of potentiating and crystallizing the Blu-ray is
The sexual exchange. Um,
and then finally as we approach indigo ray transfer,
we find ourselves in a shadow land where we cannot give you information straight
out or plain where this is seen by us to be an infringement.
We cannot speak at all of violet violet ray transfer as we do not, again,
desire to break the law of confusion. Uh,
we may say that these jewels though dearly bought,
are beyond price for the seeker.
And might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of
analysis, synthesis and inspiration, so should each,
so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience seeking the
jewel. So every,
every argument with your spouse, you can evaluate that and find the jewel.
That is the higher interpretation.
I would like to just go ahead and commend raw on leaving
the law of confusion fully intact,
but quite successfully
Did a damn fine job. How many pages?
Yeah. Not a, not a scratch honor. Yeah.
What is it like 500 pages in the first book and, uh, how many pages?
Like 500? So a thousand pages of, uh, lots of clarity,
but so much confusion still left.
I think there may be a hint if we look up at, uh,
82 point, uh, 13 and 14 here,
where they, they referenced it.
This is actually talked about in tantric yoga,
although, um,
we preface this with a reminder that each system is quite distorted and its
teachings always half lost. Um, but, but this was follow up to, um,
84 point 12. Uh, uh,
Don asked, um, I'm guessing what happens when, when a transfer,
when a transfer takes place,
that the energy is the light energy that comes in through the feet of the entity
and starts the,
and then he trails off The voltage or potential difference starts with the red
energy center and the case of the green energy,
energy transfer terminates at the green energy center and then must leap or flow
from the green energy center of the one entity to the green of the other.
And then something happens to it. Could you clear up my thinking on that?
And then, uh, Ross says yes,
and then Ross says to clear that up,
the energy transfer occurs in one releasing of the potential difference.
This does not leap between the green and green energy centers,
but is the sharing of the energies of each from red, from each,
each chakra,
from red ray upwards and this context and may be seen to be at its
most efficient when both entities have an orgasm simultaneously,
however it functions as transfer, if either has the orgasm.
And indeed in the case of the physically expressed love between a ated pair,
which does not have the conclusion you call orgasm,
there is nonetheless a considerable amount of energy transfer due to the
potential difference which has been raised.
As long as both entities are aware of this potential and release its strength to
each other by desire of the will and a mental or mind complex dedication,
you may see this practice as being used to generate energy transfers in some of
your practices of what you may call other than Christian religious distortion
systems of the law of one.
And then the clarification of what that those religious distortion systems are
is one example being that, that of the tantric yoga. Um,
so there's, there's a, a hinting here that with the,
um, the discipline to,
to become aware of this potential and release its strength through a desire of
the will and a and a mental dedication to this exchange,
this can, this can enhance the, uh, the experience.
So this is just something that gives people a research trail that I have not yet
gone on, um, barely begun to. 'cause there's so many,
there's so many writings on this in the, in the Hindu texts that, um,
when they say the teachings are always half lost, that that,
that doesn't inspire me to always know. Yeah.
That's disconcerting when you've got a,
a tradition that's already thousands of years lost and it's telling you that
it's half gone.
Yeah. Um,
I think that when, as we go through the cycles on this planet that, uh,
we get, you know, when we go into these golden ages,
we get closer and closer to having complete, under complete understanding of it.
But as is the cyclical nature of life and, and this experience that we're,
we're going through as consciousness, trying to figure itself out, that it,
it has to, in some way, shape or form be lost, uh,
to time so that you can rediscover it again through the catalysts to go through
the process again and,
and build each person up individually so that they can build the, uh,
societal strength
that may be what we're doing right. Now's
It's got a built in iterative nature to it that we're allowed to go as deep in
vibration and density as we want,
and we always have an iterative upward progression.
And yeah, I,
I was trying to see if I could tie this together with the archetypes in some
better way, but, um, I, it, it seems as though,
we'll, we'll, we'll,
we'll keep talking about this as we talk about the archetypes more in future
sessions, but it, it seems like the, the process of of,
of understanding the balances between male and female are a part of this,
you know, this interplay that,
that is causing the blockages between male and female. And then as we,
as we become more and more purely the, the manifestation of the magician,
the manifestation of the, of the sage as, as the male archetype,
and then as the female, as, as we appreciate the nature of the high priestess,
the nature of the, of the, the, the justice, the lady liberty.
You could say that there's this,
there's this pure freedom in that awareness of the balanced,
the even functioning and the balanced working that can,
that can bring us closer and closer to that,
that that point of really understanding unconditional love to the point where it
can be, we can work through it in a very honest and open way.
And yeah, I think it's inevitable that, that as we, as we dive more into the,
the purity of, of what these male and female, you know, divine, masculine,
divine feminine natures are representing, we can, we can purely get into the,
the most useful and beneficial spiritually, uh, generative spiritually, um,
expressive and inspirational forms of expression. Um, that, that were,
that we're seeking
In, in balance specifically. And I totally agree.
Understanding the energies will help us understand how they play together and
help us, uh, keep that balance as we move forward.
And I always think, especially on the second and,
and third read through these passages, whenever they mention something like, uh,
you know, one of the lessons from the last, uh,
octave or the last universe or whatever they wanna call it,
was the male and femaleness, then my mind immediately always goes,
'cause like now we have free will. And that was one of the distortions,
so was one of the previous iterations, not having free will. You know,
you have to choose from these set paths.
You can't just choose whatever you want, you know,
was one of the previous iterations,
everybody was a eunuch and they had complete balanced male and female already
within them. And then consciousness went, well, that was a little too easy.
Let's make some of them have most of the male energy and a little bit of the
female, and some of them have most of the female and a little bit of the male.
And let's see if they can figure out how to come together and balance it in
pairs or, you know, as a society, it's just like my mind tri, I'll,
I'll read it one sentence and then an hour later I'll be like, uh, where was I?
Yeah, it makes sense in a,
in a universe where we come to learn that we can't do it alone. Yeah.
And we're in fact not alone.
We are energetically created and divided in a way that just, you know,
we're naturally drawn to work together. Yeah.
Hold us back together. And,
and to some degree they talk about magnetism with male and female,
but they even talk about this attractive magnetism is like gravity. That,
that even the gravitational forces are a reunion of,
of the separateness of, of the, of the, of the creator experiencing itself.
All right.
So I'm excited to continue these kinds of discussions in future months. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Likewise.
Absolutely. Thank you so much guys. Absolutely.
Thank you to everyone attending these. And, uh, we'll, I think, we'll,
we'll keep on posting these completely free and they're on the podcast if people
want look at the podcast.
We have it now on Spotify and iTunes and
um, Google Play and if there's any others that we didn't think of,
you can let me know. We'll get it on there too.
And, and one thing, um, I wanted to say, uh, Nathan and I went on a,
a bike ride, uh, God, it must have been a month ago now at this point.
This summer's just flying past. Um,
but we were talking about one idea for one of the podcasts to be, uh,
like a vocabulary. Just, just go through it and talk about what they,
what we think they mean by intelligent energy, intelligent affinity, you know,
and just lay down a base work for what the low guy and the sub low guy are that
if for no other reason in our own minds are four different minds coming together
collectively and agreeing that like, okay, this is what we think that this is,
this means when we say it for, for that clarity that we were just,
There are some that are, that are pretty important contextually,
like wisdom and understanding, like I was talking about earlier to the,
to the cobbles that's, you know, a really specific thing.
Raw uses those words very differently.
And it doesn't mean that there isn't some overlap,
but it's helpful to know kind of how they compare and contrast within, you know,
a traditional or framework that it might be.
I was actually just talking to somebody a couple weekends ago and we were saying
that like, you know, all this knowledge, if you meditate and you,
and you think on it, these, this knowledge will come to you.
The books and things that you read help put a verbiage to it so that you can
express it to other people.
Because I can't telepathically yet tell you what the download that I got,
so I have to put it in this linear verbiage word after word that becomes a
paragraph, you know what I mean? Like it's this cumbersome way of communicating.
So if we could get a baseline vocabulary down,
it might make pushing the ideas back and forth a little bit easier.
Yep. Definitely. And honestly,
that was how I originally started studying the law of one back in like 2007.
David Wilcock put a study guide on his website where you just start out reading
the definition of words and that was just the, the beginning for stuff. Really?
Yeah. I'll have to check that out.
And it's on Law of One or just on blank definitions
On Law of one [email protected].
Yeah. 'cause Wilcock touches on absolutely everything.
It could have been anything.
Yeah. Yeah. I think somebody else helped put it together too.
So it is like a collaborative effort.
Alright. Thank you guys.
Likewise. You guys have a rest of your weekend.
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky, Nick Carletti
Topics: Law of One, Metaphysics, Spirituality
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Did so! Yet another perspective: 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物 -TaoTeChing
Another great one I missed!! Thank you again gentlemen!