Corey talks with Jeffrey Ashur about QHHT
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Next Episode: Forgiveness, Karma & Cutting Energetic Cords - Surviving Ascension
Hello Welcome to accelerating ascension I'm Corey
Goode And today Stacey Good is with me Hi And today
we're interviewing Jeffrey Asher I'm very excited
about this interview He's a Q H H T Practitioner So
we're going to be learning about that today Welcome
Jeffrey Hello Thank you for having me It's a real
pleasure and an honor to be here Thank you Yes For
us to um well first of all let's play a little
foundation here Q H H T Was new to me to be honest
And uh I'd like to hear an explanation of what uhh
T Is and how you know how your journey brought you
to it if you don't mind Sure Well uhh T Stands for
quantum healing hypnosis technique And it was a
mode of past life regression therapy Created by a
woman named Dolores Cannon Back in the late 60s she
was practicing with her husband John and he got
into a serious car accident which pretty much left
her to the to do the practice Uh She went into a
therapy with one woman who clicked into it looked
like a past life They went with it and it turned
into a whole mode Um Actually that resulted in her
first book called five lives remembered Um so she
created this therapy over the course of 40 years
and has started teaching in her QHD Academy And
essentially yeah really brings a person into a deep
state of trance so that they can access access past
life viewing And once we view one or more past
lives we will then have the ability to connect with
their subconscious now Really it's the higher self
Dolores Cannon called it the subconscious and the
subconscious really it's not the same term that the
psychologists use very close to that but we
understand it really to be the higher self Some
people might call it the soul aspect of you But
it's that all knowing loving part of you that knows
everything you've been through in this life in all
past lives And it is a vast source of healing as
well because you can ask it for the information you
need uh to learn the lessons you need that will get
you past these disorders to sail ailments or
discomforts you have And it can also just
spontaneously heal So it's a very powerful part of
you that we can connect to And that's effectively
the crooks of the Q H H T Uh process It was
fascinating What's your background How did you make
your way into Q H H T I really feel like I've been
groomed for it all my life And right from the
beginning you know I was from a catholic family
lasted four and uh I had an aunt who was a
hairdresser and a casual student of E S P He says
come here Jeffrey honey let's do uh let's let's go
down to the alpha level which means you know a
light state of trans And she took me through a past
life regression And I think at that point it was
just just accepted to me that you could do that
right around the same time my uncle had read the
book chariots of the gods which just came out So I
was really acclimated the idea of E T Life So that
sort of set the tone for me through my life Um and
as a kid I always like to tinker with radios and
TVs So I was very interested in sciences and how
the universe worked also was a musician like my
brothers and sisters I was taught music we always
went to the conservatory every saturday so that
that art side of me Um so that kind of prepared me
for college studying physics went into electrical
engineering So you know with all the discipline
with that my father was a schoolteacher he wanted
us really well educated so from there you know went
into corporate life the chip design industry where
you get you know some fulfillment I wasn't as
fulfilled as I could have been Um but essentially
you would get the personal development training
through that corporate life and the corporate
developed the personal development that I got you
know dale Carnegie that sort of thing was great It
took me so far and really where I started to
approach this whole life and then now is I think
that Tony Robbins programs the mastery programs
really brought me even closer being trained as a
life coach with strategic intervention really A lot
of those techniques are very much like hypnosis in
a way But then you know with the energy healing the
Ricky access bars and this sort of thing that was
really sort of engulfed and all of this uh personal
development and raising your consciousness
practices Well one day I heard Alison co on an
interview and they talked about you know the New
Earth and reading transcripts about her clients And
I said wait a minute That's really cool And there
was a training I said you mean you can get trained
at this So I said I'm in well I had you know
through due diligence Of course I said let me get
my own session first before I decided to do this I
was so lucky I think it would synchronicity because
I was able to find an intern who obviously they
need volunteers and volunteers are volunteers You
don't get charged for the session On top of it She
lived 25 minutes away from me Well it gets even
better She came to my house right I mean usually
you go there She was able to drive here I guess her
place wasn't as conducive for a session and it was
gratis there was no cost and she actually was
phenomenal She took me food Such a great session
and I had such a tremendous healing It answered so
many of my questions I said okay the very next day
I signed up Got a rifle through the program Got all
my volunteers They showed up synchronous tickly one
after another They were from the very beginning I
had a great session and it's an old friend of mine
Um And this is a beautiful session This is where I
knew this was really going to be a good thing for
me to to practice And master We had a session where
we started in with the induction and you know she
was all relaxed in the bed and halfway through the
induction she sits up and says this isn't working
I'm not hypnotized So I said please relax please
let's just go with it Um Hang in there So I got a
little creative and I wasn't quite sure because it
was the very first session I did some things which
I heard of being done before So I I tried putting
her in a boat and we floated down and finally she
got right in the state We saw a past life It was
just exactly relative to one of the questions he
asked You saw another past light and the third past
light was really amazing because it was an E T Life
She described her body as blue with three fingers
And she got onto this big you horseshoe shaped
craft Um I mean it was brilliant And then she said
well you know they deceived us into going to this
planet And I said well what's happening now in this
important well we're getting attacked by another
ship they said really what happens next Well they
just they just blew us up What happened Well we all
melted Has really you melted Yes we melted So that
was a very substantial experience But it just told
me that this was such as easy and successful thing
for me to do that I had to continue So the friend
that you're able to hypnotize the first time did
they believe in previous lives She was very open to
it Yeah Yeah she she was very much on board with it
You do you need to be I mean if a person maybe
doesn't disbelieve but isn't really aware or think
about past lives is that something that is going to
pop up in Q H H T And if they don't do limit Q H H
T Two traumas within this lifetime You know it just
doesn't matter whether they believe in past lives
or not Um For those who may declare they don't
believe well say you know it's okay it's just
whatever your subconscious mind is showing you
because there's a story in there that's going to
help you understand what it is You're going through
how to heal our subconscious speaks to us a lot of
the times and symbols right And these images that
we see are very much um meant to to give us insight
and understanding in a way that it's able to show
us Mhm Yeah So when people are recalling when
you're in the process and the recalling a past life
are they seeing it like a movie play out How do
they express to you what they are experiencing
Exactly yeah So we'll lead them into a scene and
we'll ask some questions one after another Uh they
may have varying levels of detail that they'll see
or offer Um and I'll ask him you know what are you
wearing What do you have on your feet What's around
you And they'll describe it And usually it's pretty
clear and then once we're finished understanding
the scene there in and maybe the kind of person or
being that they are we'll take them to another
moment in that existence Now if it's a regular
human life will say go to the next important day
you could be a like being or an angel that's
outside of time So we'll say well let's go to
another important event in your existence is this
being right So we have to be very mindful of how we
ask these questions so that it's appropriate to the
kind of being that they're viewing right And
another thing is that they can see things a lot of
people are very visual some people are not so
visual they may feel things they may know things So
I'll say do you get a sense of who that person is
and they will usually just know it right So if you
have a knowingness it's equally as good In fact
it's better than if you're just seeing trying to
piece together the details and oftentimes that is
what happens awesome You know I've wondered about
that I've wondered if you know in remote viewing
sometimes you don't always get imagery Sometimes
you get smells tastes that sounds even So does that
type of thing Kind of Absolutely absolutely Um They
will say I smell roses or I smell a perfume or I
smell cooking in the kitchen All senses are brought
and in fact we encourage that because when we're
bringing those senses uh to the surface to to
experience for them to experience when we have them
experience all of those sensations we're activating
the right side of the brain Okay And as the
Lawrence Cannon says we want to keep them out of
the left side of the brain So everything she's done
for instance in her induction is to activate the
right side of the brain preventing them from
analyzing or calculating And that's what actually
gets them to go deeper and deeper until finally
there in the fatal level which is where you connect
with the higher self interesting What are some have
you had examples of people healing from different
traumas Oh yeah Oh yeah And I'd say I've seen
mostly like depression So somebody comes in very
depressed very angry Um They will have uh some you
know experiences in their past life that may show
them a person in their past who may be abused them
or was a slave driver or some kind of master
overlord Um you know that's one small example Uh
but there's all kinds of situations that could
cause it you know they could be in sense that
they're getting charged too much taxes Okay So I
had somebody who had a farm in in Ireland and the
evil empire of England was just taxing the heck out
of them They hardly had enough food to eat And in
the end of their life they were poor lonely taking
care of their sick dying mother And it causes a lot
of anger So there's a lot of things that can cause
that once you see that you know if you don't
already put it in the past you know connect the
dots within you There's things I might say is like
we're going to leave it in the past it stays in the
past and it will not bother you any longer This is
usually what helps to smooth all that out And I've
had people call me back you know um they'll see
certain things in their life Maybe it wasn't a
matter of being angry at anything Maybe it was just
self doubt Maybe they weren't convinced that they
were worthy I had an interesting session This is
one of the most beautiful ones She came in It was
very not textbook session and she viewed a past
life as an et being right She was a green reptilian
and we're quite fingers They were like three claws
And she was one of like a massive people and she
entered a view of them all amassing in a cave and
they were there to receive instructions from this
big job of the hut type overlord and he was giving
them instructions to go and you know spy on humans
So she would go she would observe and watch And
then one day the big being came and said you're
going to do this to the human and which is
basically hurting the human Somehow she stood up to
him and said no I'm not going to do it Well I said
what happened next Well he blew up her head with
his psychic energy And uh you know unfortunately in
that session she didn't express any pain or any
emotion She just said he blew up my head So the
after talk we went through was that look at how
courageous you were Look at how you stood up to
that being And by having that feeling of courage I
believe that really strengthened her So that when
she came back to me a week later from being so
depressed she was in uh you know terrible
relationship with her husband She about to get
kicked out of the house and she actually came back
to me the next day said Jeffrey I'm so happy I
don't know what it is a week later she called me
back She says Jeffrey I'm living in a new place now
I'm so happy a month later She said wow Jeffrey I'm
living in a new place and I'm getting all these
jobs Um how many I mean when people come for cuba H
H T Are they looking to get healing from current
life traumas Or is this mainly a focus on past life
Most people who know of Qhd are probably aware that
there's potentially something in a past life It
could very possibly be something in this life I
have plenty of people that go back to past moments
in this life For instance that woman who I told you
about that was such an interesting session She went
back to a time when she was four years old when her
mother left her in the car for four hours alone I
mean for a kid that that can be pretty traumatic
and when you go back and look at that experience
and connect the dots says well that's the source of
where my anger is You know and you know this was my
mother being careless this is not me being unworthy
This is that moment making me angry So we can come
back to this moment and really understand it in
terms of well you know I don't need to feel the
same way I felt back then because that that that's
feeling that emotion isn't serving me today as an
adult right And the feelings that you had were from
the perspective of a four year old and not as an
adult and you can revisit that trauma or that
situation with your more evolved hopefully
perspective uh it changes changes your whole
perception of that experience as well Exactly
Because that emotion was there to protect you from
a certain thing going on at that moment Well here
it's really you know a different time and that sort
of thing You don't need to be protected from that
So you know it's sort of a it's an emotion that you
know in coaching we would take that emotion and say
well how how is it trying to serve you What's the
positive intention of that and then we send it love
and then merge it with ourselves So I think
something like that goes on inside a person uh when
we start to to view that have that awareness of
that experience in the past I'm kind of interested
normally when you see on television the media
talking about reincarnation you know they were
trying to ridicule it So they show you know three
or four different people all claiming to be
cleopatra you know when you really when you're
running across people that are just your normal
people that have unexpected uh regressions into
former lives are they usually just normal people or
do any of them proclaim to be you know someone
famous or well known in history Dolores Cannon
wrote about imprints Now an imprint is where you're
essentially pulling a book off the shelf in the
library And that book contains all the life
experiences of that well known person in the past
Could be Cleopatra could be Julius caesar You
basically take that book and you include it in your
life experience before you incarnate so that you
have those resources to draw on right And that's
why you know so many people say well I came from
Cleopatra They could really be drawing on an
imprint of her life and you really might not know
that it's an imprint if you go back unless you
really dig in and I think there are ways to
discover if it's an imprint or not Probably in the
likelihood it is Um but who's to say right um
that's beautiful Uh point that Dolores Cannon
brought and it explains a lot and I've had several
people actually explore history and discover oh
look at I'm actually this guy and they look
strikingly like that person or like they'll find a
ship captain's name They say oh look at there
really was a ship Captain buccaneer who had this
name So I've seen that um a lot of the times when
you view lives in the past where there was no
written record let's say a native american or you
know you're in the south America wherever it's
really tough to know where you really are even what
time you're in So obviously you can't really go
back and try to find that person you know Um and
Dolores Cannon talks a lot about you know a lot of
lives in the past um we're quite dull you know she
called that life digging potatoes um and digging
potatoes was where you literally were on the farm
Very mundane life I mean life was very difficult as
little as you know 100 years ago man And I'll tell
you one thing I really like to say this my couch is
like a window to galactic history when I see all of
these stories in all of these beings I am literally
looking and learning history So as a practitioner I
feel totally educated and my my level of awareness
and wisdom has increased so much by totally
understanding what these people went through Have
there been any um common themes as far as like the
solar flash has anything like that come through and
in any of your readings they do have a vein of
commonality and not everybody has the same story
and I do actually explore that at the end of their
healing I do ask will this person you know be alive
to see the new earth will they be present on the
new earth And everybody says yes so everybody I've
had and they all believe it's going to be a very
loving place We're going to live from the heart
We're all going to be in communion One woman
described it as it's going to be so much in
communion that your needs are going to be served
before you even ask because everybody just knows
what you're thinking That's fourth density Yeah
Yeah And it's going to be very lush and beautiful
you know so it's very exciting That's another
really exciting part of this That's that I find
really fascinating Well if people are watching this
and they're open to what we're discussing um and
they feel like they've had traumas from the past
and we haven't talked about this yet Even some
ailments and physical uh issues that people have
are related to traumas in the past How do they I
guess come to a point to where they're going to
speak to someone like you I mean how do they find
someone like you in their area and how do they
prepare themselves before they do come for
searching normally were found on the Q H H T
Official website And so they'll list practitioners
in your area and there are a number of them all
over the country Hundreds some with varying levels
of availability Some people are more active than
others Some people like to practice Q H H T For
themselves and their friends but usually you can
find a good practitioner there's a lot of really
phenomenal practitioners out there You know the
name of that website Q H H T Official you could
even just google dolores cannon dot com Okay And
yeah so that's a great resource Um this you know
videos and so that's the sort of thing is
introduction But in terms of preparing for the
session what we will do as practitioners will
advise them to form a list of questions personally
I like to advise the four categories physical
emotional relationships and maybe spiritual
questions Is this a good guideline It's certainly
not limited to that spirit Exactly exactly So you
form your questions you know all my knee hurts or
I've got a thyroid problem I have diabetes and then
oh my God I'm having problems with my ex husband or
the kids are driving me crazy or I'm really stuck
in this obsessive loop about my old boyfriend you
know all these things the depression Um yeah put
them in a list and then once we get there we're
going to talk about your life situation and we'll
understand everything about your life and then
finally get into discussing your questions and
perhaps there any more questions Right So you might
even meditate on these things too That's always a
great idea you know Yeah imagine phobias are
another thing that pop up quite a bit high anxiety
I know our song without going into too much detail
had seemed like apparent past life issues where he
was terrified of fire candles any any type of flay
Um So I imagine that phobias are gonna pop up quite
a bit Have you seen um people heal from heavy duty
phobias The one most interesting was a fear of
water And it turned out she had a life as a ship
captain and the ship was captured by the brits and
she was thrown in the dungeon thrown in the village
and literally there to rot okay They threw away the
key She was just there with the rats and I think
even the ship had been attacked and sank So it was
a horrible life and then she went down in the war
She had a fear of what once she saw that she called
me back says Jeffrey I'm I'm not all that afraid of
water anymore And now I kind of have an
understanding of why uh you know the squirrels and
uh you know they all kind of like me there So it
was a little too for you know Yeah but when people
are you know doing healing with herbs or with some
special energetic work uh you know there will be
some in the village who are totally clueless
unaware scared jealous and they'll have them tried
for you know witchcraft right Yeah But when people
are you know doing healing with herbs or with some
special energetic work uh you know there will be
some in the village who are totally clueless
unaware scared jealous and they'll have them tried
for you know witchcraft right Yeah That happened
for a long time to in our history it was many years
Have any of your sessions help people with their
relationships Have there been like possible past
lives uncovered with their current mate or maybe
their daughter mother or arch enemy even Yeah let's
see now uh where do I start People incarnate with
their daughters multiple times Um there you know
you would think the switch places but it seemed
that they were always mother and daughter who's
interesting and that explained why they were so
close and how they're actually supporting each
other The daughters actually supporting the mother
in a lot of ways Um Let's see I think husband and
wife I've seen husband and wife together before um
goodness I've seen friends incarnate before So you
do see people who are you know at odds with each
other and when you see that I guess there's an
understanding that takes place that makes it a
little bit easier for them going forward right So I
don't always get the feedback of how much better it
is between you know especially those cases but
sometimes they say you know what I'm having a much
easier time with my husband I'm having a much
easier time with my boss you know having a
different perspective to take in you know Yeah and
part of it is if we were to like switch roles right
Let's say for example somebody owes me money okay I
want him a lot of money and they're not paying me
back for whatever reason they can't they probably
would like to but they just can't And it's been a
long long time and it's really you know an issue So
if you were to look at a past life and say well
jeez maybe I was the guy that owed the money in
that life right How would you feel in this life
knowing that maybe you were in that position before
Right So it really helps to sort of disarm your
feelings of animosity or impatience or whatever you
have right Do you see some people that were um I
guess when you regress them for lack of a better
word right now that they like maybe in a past life
they were perpetrator and a dresser and then in
this life there kind of more victims of these types
of things or do they usually stick to being like
positive and former lights they're positive now
does that make sense Yeah I've seen people be the
aggressor sure And you know part of this practice
is to help people trust you to know that their
their story is safe with you and they'll tell you
things that they've done that or not so nice
whether it's this life or in a past life and they
learn from it And there may have even been some
gifts for the other people that they were the
aggressor towards Right wow You know that's
interesting It's hard enough to contemplate
forgiving yourself for mm hmm Things you've done in
this lifetime and dealing with that karma But
taking on past life karma's you know and and
feeling guilty for for those types of things has to
be a whole new type of feeling It's yeah it's
incredible One of my most interesting cases Just so
fascinating This person went back to the days of
Atlantis and had apparently incarnated from a
council Maybe play etienne perhaps rocked O'Ryan
And in the days of Atlantis she acted as a DNA
engineer And we may have all heard the stories of
how they were engineering all of these beings These
half animal half human beings They started out
being very benevolent They were like pets that you
could talk to and they would go and you know
harvest the field or go gather the fish whatever
they were very loved Well it turns out that her
group of engineers had been somehow infiltrated and
the Draco got ahold of her technology She was
engineering these beings by means of light and
sound They created these gruesome beings which led
to the downfall of Atlantis She was carrying that
guilt Her life was a mess to that point And she had
various physical problems that were bothering her
She was carrying that guilt Feeling that she had
contributed to the downfall of Atlantis And we had
to really help her understand Listen this wasn't
your fault this was stolen from you was not your
intention to do that And in a subsequent session we
actually dug deeper and helped her to really
integrate that idea that these beings were created
as as positive benevolent beings And that was
really interesting piece of guilt that that she had
to dissolve You know that's really powerful to be
able to you know if you have your experiencing
certain emotions in this lifetime that you know
you're not exactly you don't understand where
they're coming from You know this can really
pinpoint it and what a fantastic way to go into the
you know subconscious high yourself and promote
some healing on that level exactly once you see
what it is you're doing in that life whether it's
the victim or the perpetrator it always brings you
to a higher awareness right So when you just see
yourself in that role sometimes you don't even have
to develop the story And honestly a lot of times
there's a lot going on inside the mind that's not
getting verbalized So I don't always press for
every last detail I'm very happy just to get into
what role were you and that in and of itself can be
very healing So Jeffrey was there were there any
other topics that you wanted to cover today about
uhh tea and uh um you know just basically educating
our general audience Sure I guess one of the most
important things is to know how your Qhd session
goes Once you arrive we greet we sit down The first
thing we're gonna do is talk about your life
situation So we go as far back as you want to start
your life story So I can understand your family and
all the players involved and perhaps what you were
interested in the things you did some of the things
that happened to you obviously we want to know all
the traumas and the difficulties that you faced So
we really dig into that and I don't time limit that
session at all Okay We may be there for two hours
we may be there for four hours I let you talk as
long as you like for as long as we need so that
when I get all of the information I can ask just
the right questions of your subconscious to get all
the answers for all your healing So once we're
satisfied that we've learned all about your life
and what's relevant how you feel your beliefs Then
we talk about your questions to make sure I
understand all of your questions Okay We may even
add to the questions we may discover through your
conversation of your life that gee you know what
about this person what significance were they in
your life So we may add to the questions and once
we're satisfied that we've gone through all we
needed to then we'll go into session we'll get
comfortable on the couch and we'll use the Dolores
Cannon method it's an induction method that's
bulletproof It's very very effective and it's very
easy to get the person into that very deep trans
relaxed state Once we're there then we go into
viewing the past lifestyle guide you into viewing
I'll give you I'll have you see your scenery feel
what you're being is like you have a body is it
heavier Like that sort of thing And once we have an
idea there then we can start to develop who you
were with the people were in your life Did you have
a home Um were there any important people there and
past that It's more about okay what now is
important that happened to that life So we'll
proceed day by day Um get that pretty much rounded
up Then we'll ask you what did you learn from that
life And if everything is on track we may go and
view another life And I like to actually view more
than one life We might even go between lives and
see your guides we might discover what it was that
you planned to come to this life for or maybe the
next life Right So that's a very very nice
component of this too Now it's time for the
conversation with the higher self Once we've
satisfied we've gone through the past life you wins
we open up a conversation we invoke the higher
selves Here's where we ask the questions Now when
we ask the questions I don't necessarily read them
verbatim It's really a guideline for a conversation
because the conversation may flow it may answer
some questions first and other questions later I go
with it whatever the person would like to talk
about it however they'd like to speak and you know
I may ask a lot of questions Why do they feel this
way Why are they having this this issue in their
life Because ultimately what we want to do is get
you to learn the lesson because that's really what
karma is all about it's about learning a lesson and
once we connect the dots the higher self is
actually helping you connect the dots there are
parts of you that didn't get the memo And let's say
you know you hit your head and you died in that
life well now you get headaches Well if you can see
that hey you know you hit your head you don't need
to have these headaches anymore Now that part of
you learns the lesson and guess what I don't have
headaches anymore It's my personal experience in
fact is wonderful So when you start to dig into all
these questions find out why what's at the basis of
having this think present to you why is it
continuing to present to you once you learn the
lesson it doesn't need to present to you anymore
And that applies to everything emotional physical
and spiritual So having said all that we round out
the session we might ask is there a message for the
collective and this is really where we start to get
into conversations that may shed light on the new
earth or perhaps something that they care deeply
about um some issue some cause that they may be
working in So we'll have the opportunity to air
that out as well At this point we're pretty much
complete We take them out of the trans in a very
safe and appropriate way Dolores Cannon gave us to
make sure that all of the difficulties were left in
the past and they'll stay in the past and then
we're back to full waking consciousness where we
discuss what it is what they just went through
That's pretty much it Now you mentioned that
sometimes people go they regress between lives and
meet their guides Can you I'm very curious to hear
a story or two about that Sure So if and it's funny
because one of my first volunteers said when I
asked him what can I do better He said do more of
the between So he had an interesting uh go between
where he went to his other side and there were
light beings there waiting for him and they ushered
him into Crystal City and that Crystal City had a
council there where he discussed his past lives
what everything meant to him there was no judgment
and that was about as far as that one went You know
sometimes we can get a certain amount and then you
know that's pretty much what we needed to get And
then we go on to the next life or into the
subconscious Let's see another one Yeah Sometimes
they float around as an angel Okay Um and they're
just floating there just enjoying their time
between lives through the stars Um that's a very
common experience Sometimes you go you meet a guide
and they say well done and then you end up in a
waiting room Okay So you're just sitting in a room
that's nondescript waiting until it's time you're
told it's time to go now Well what's happening I
see a white tunnel in front of me and the next
thing you know they may either be feeling
themselves as a fetus or they see themselves in you
know the operating room there where the delivery
room and I've seen that before Have you ever had
people described seeing their parents are choosing
their their parents or their family uh as they go
into that new life Yeah Yeah I've had people say
well I'm observing What are you observing I'm
looking at these parents and they said well are you
going to choose them Yeah I've chosen these parents
and the next thing you know they're being born So
Yeah Yeah Well that that goes to show how you know
a lot of times I talk about how before we enter
into this life we have beforehand chosen it And
foreseen what we're going to go through and decide
to choose that as a lesson as a method of training
to get us to learn the lessons we need to learn to
become the being we need to be for our mission And
you know hearing of actual people talking about
observing the parents and the life that they're
entering into lends credence to that to me Yeah
Yeah I see it occasionally Sometimes we can get
more of the story than others But yeah definitely
That corroborates a lot There's a lot of
corroboration between different sessions Sure Yeah
Well I'm getting ready to lose my voice again So is
there whether any points you it's going to ask the
more sessions that people have like do you uncover
more and more like each time they come in or does
it just kind of come to a standstill Yeah that's a
good question because I found that when people do
come for second sessions we do go deeper And just
one mention is that Dolores Cannon didn't intend
this to be a frequent visitor thing You know it's
not like going to a chiropractor you know you can
have more sessions It's just not intended to be
like a frequent sort of a thing right right back
when maybe you want to go deeper or when things
change in your life you want to explore more things
But what I do find is that people do go deeper Um
My first time with this I had a second session and
I re explored The life is the indian healer where
that was the life where I discovered I fell off a
hill hit my head died and then you know my
headaches reduced substantially from there Well I
also discovered in that life another experience
which explained a lot more of what was going on
with me And that was okay I was called in to help
deliver a baby And the baby was coming out feet 1st
Now you can imagine there's no medical school
there's no past experience or you know so I went to
you know help the baby out and the baby didn't make
it And that healer felt horrible He felt very
unworthy So those feelings of unworthiness were
discovered and then left in the past So personally
that that's really powerful experience for me And
it was just my first time when I discovered yes we
not only go deeper but we also find new and
different experiences within the lives that may
come up again right the different layers maybe to
kind of start peeling back those layers interesting
Yeah I mean it's apparent to me that Q H H T Is a
great tool for peeling back the layers and you want
to say not only in this lifetime but in others and
it's a tool to empower people because if you have
the ability to look back at previous lives and see
how those traumas or unlearned lessons and cycles
are repeating in this life Uh it gives you the
power to not just look at this life and what you
perceive as a crappy experience You can see the
other lives and have more of a perspective an arm's
length perspective at these cycles like you would
be able to observe in someone else and then be able
to apply them to yourself So I think it's a really
good uh tool It's new to me but I think it's
apparent that it's a good tool especially for
people in this community that are open to past
lives and the traumas that could be associated with
Absolutely It's very powerful tool And one thing I
would like to add is that yes we can go back and
look at past life experiences We can also discover
contracts This is something we haven't mentioned as
of yet Talk about that please Right So and it
alludes to the idea of being a mind body spirit
complex because as ross said we are a mind body
spirit complex And I contemplate what that really
means relative to Q H H T And you know for that
matter he said a lot that really validates uhh t
for example you know the hypnotist has to be
approached by the client or the subject to to get
their healing You can't go out and get the they
have to voluntarily come and want it 2ndly So and
secondly they among others the yourself is what's
orchestrating that dream right And that's what Ross
says The higher self is fully responsible for that
Well your past life viewing is pretty much
identical to a dream right And my my perception
based on the law of one is that your higher self is
really your your sixth density self talking back to
you through time and space And it wants to show you
not only what's beneficial for you but also what
obeys free will right What respects your free will
Because he's not going to just show you something
unless you ask for it right Which further
buttresses the case where you have to come asking
for this kind of a therapy So when we get back to
the mind body spirit I understand the mind and the
body right There's some people think of it as
cellular memory Things can get stuck in your mind
But when it comes to spirit this is where I believe
the contract side of things happens So at a
spiritual level you're contracting with certain
people to undergo certain experiences And that's
where when you these contracts and you may be able
to cancel them Some of them You might not for
instance if you choose to go through life with a
certain disorder right A disability you may have
chose that just to have you know until maybe the
elevation the rise in consciousness Right Or
throughout the life So there's a contract there and
that contract may or may not be able to cancel now
if you can't cancel it if it's not in your best
interest to cancel that contract because you need
to go through this lesson you agreed to go through
this for the entirety of your incarnation here It
actually still helps you because when you know that
it's something you signed up for and that's
actually helping your soul burn karma it makes it a
lot easier to accept And it gives you a feeling of
of being settled with it I guess Does that make
sense Yeah So that you can really kind of
understand it more Yeah You know I'll use myself as
a great example You know a lot of people these days
are having CPAP therapy They have a uh obstructive
sleep apnea Right Right Um it's been something I
discovered maybe 20 years ago and since having that
therapy life is much better Right I would love to
get off this therapy but I'm not allowed to because
I signed up for this And the reason was that I
agreed to be part of the audience of all of the
people who treat this disorder Right So all the
doctors the people who design the machines you know
the office everybody part of the audience that
supports them expressing and living their mission
Does that make sense Yeah it does interesting Right
So well a lot of people also uh in this community
um they discuss you know they're they're bogged
down from all the traumas and all of that And one
of you know they're asking why why did this happen
to me and what is my mission They're trying to
discover what their mission is in this lifetime How
many people make that discovery through Q H H T A
lot of people some people most people will ask it
you know expressly and we'll find out we'll find
out they're meant to be healer a lot of the times
it's not what they expect right Because a lot of
people think well this is my mission This is my
only thing This is the one thing I have to do And
it's not always one thing that you have to do right
We may play many different roles It's said that
just being here and being in this collective
bringing our vibration here is enough So I get that
frequently But when it comes to a single mission
sometimes we do get an overarching mission Um one
of my most recent ones came here you know as a
musician he writes things and he's not really
excelling at it And he's not really even sure why
he's doing it He's just doing it So we discovered
that with his higher self Well what is his mission
in life His music significant to him Yes As a
matter of fact he was a singer songwriter from the
early 80s Which I always love when they're you know
have experience on another planet and well you know
was he successful There He goes Yes he was
successful more successful than he is here So Well
is it is he meant to perform music and write music
here Yes he is In fact his music is very healing
and it contains within it healing codes Did so as
you can see there's a lot of things we don't expect
um to come out Mhm Right Well I want to thank you
Jeffrey for joining States unite today This was a
very fascinating conversation How do people if they
want to find out more about you and your work how
do they contact you or or research Sure My website
is Qhd boston and I work right out of here in the
boston area I also have a place in Cape Card So I
have ability to um reach out to more people But
certainly if they want to go to the QhD official
site where there's they can find people in their
state and their area in their country They can
absolutely do that too Thank you Corey It's been a
real pleasure and an honor to be here I'm very
grateful Thank you so much Excellent Well I do
encourage people to research Q H H T For themselves
and if they if it resonates with them and they feel
like that uh it's going to help them heal and make
a difference in their life I advise them to seek
someone out in there I am uh in their area and I'm
sure there's also when the events started occurring
more to where people are having you know um
festivals and you theology types of events that
there are probably times where when people come to
those places they can set up uhh T sessions as well
if they do the research So if you don't find it in
your area then you know keep an open mind and maybe
try to plan on going to one of these events and
finding a Q H H T The therapist in that area in
that area Yeah Thank you again and thank thank you
the audience for joining us once again for
accelerating ascension where we're trying to find
different tools to bring our mind body and spirit
in balance Thank you
Goode And today Stacey Good is with me Hi And today
we're interviewing Jeffrey Asher I'm very excited
about this interview He's a Q H H T Practitioner So
we're going to be learning about that today Welcome
Jeffrey Hello Thank you for having me It's a real
pleasure and an honor to be here Thank you Yes For
us to um well first of all let's play a little
foundation here Q H H T Was new to me to be honest
And uh I'd like to hear an explanation of what uhh
T Is and how you know how your journey brought you
to it if you don't mind Sure Well uhh T Stands for
quantum healing hypnosis technique And it was a
mode of past life regression therapy Created by a
woman named Dolores Cannon Back in the late 60s she
was practicing with her husband John and he got
into a serious car accident which pretty much left
her to the to do the practice Uh She went into a
therapy with one woman who clicked into it looked
like a past life They went with it and it turned
into a whole mode Um Actually that resulted in her
first book called five lives remembered Um so she
created this therapy over the course of 40 years
and has started teaching in her QHD Academy And
essentially yeah really brings a person into a deep
state of trance so that they can access access past
life viewing And once we view one or more past
lives we will then have the ability to connect with
their subconscious now Really it's the higher self
Dolores Cannon called it the subconscious and the
subconscious really it's not the same term that the
psychologists use very close to that but we
understand it really to be the higher self Some
people might call it the soul aspect of you But
it's that all knowing loving part of you that knows
everything you've been through in this life in all
past lives And it is a vast source of healing as
well because you can ask it for the information you
need uh to learn the lessons you need that will get
you past these disorders to sail ailments or
discomforts you have And it can also just
spontaneously heal So it's a very powerful part of
you that we can connect to And that's effectively
the crooks of the Q H H T Uh process It was
fascinating What's your background How did you make
your way into Q H H T I really feel like I've been
groomed for it all my life And right from the
beginning you know I was from a catholic family
lasted four and uh I had an aunt who was a
hairdresser and a casual student of E S P He says
come here Jeffrey honey let's do uh let's let's go
down to the alpha level which means you know a
light state of trans And she took me through a past
life regression And I think at that point it was
just just accepted to me that you could do that
right around the same time my uncle had read the
book chariots of the gods which just came out So I
was really acclimated the idea of E T Life So that
sort of set the tone for me through my life Um and
as a kid I always like to tinker with radios and
TVs So I was very interested in sciences and how
the universe worked also was a musician like my
brothers and sisters I was taught music we always
went to the conservatory every saturday so that
that art side of me Um so that kind of prepared me
for college studying physics went into electrical
engineering So you know with all the discipline
with that my father was a schoolteacher he wanted
us really well educated so from there you know went
into corporate life the chip design industry where
you get you know some fulfillment I wasn't as
fulfilled as I could have been Um but essentially
you would get the personal development training
through that corporate life and the corporate
developed the personal development that I got you
know dale Carnegie that sort of thing was great It
took me so far and really where I started to
approach this whole life and then now is I think
that Tony Robbins programs the mastery programs
really brought me even closer being trained as a
life coach with strategic intervention really A lot
of those techniques are very much like hypnosis in
a way But then you know with the energy healing the
Ricky access bars and this sort of thing that was
really sort of engulfed and all of this uh personal
development and raising your consciousness
practices Well one day I heard Alison co on an
interview and they talked about you know the New
Earth and reading transcripts about her clients And
I said wait a minute That's really cool And there
was a training I said you mean you can get trained
at this So I said I'm in well I had you know
through due diligence Of course I said let me get
my own session first before I decided to do this I
was so lucky I think it would synchronicity because
I was able to find an intern who obviously they
need volunteers and volunteers are volunteers You
don't get charged for the session On top of it She
lived 25 minutes away from me Well it gets even
better She came to my house right I mean usually
you go there She was able to drive here I guess her
place wasn't as conducive for a session and it was
gratis there was no cost and she actually was
phenomenal She took me food Such a great session
and I had such a tremendous healing It answered so
many of my questions I said okay the very next day
I signed up Got a rifle through the program Got all
my volunteers They showed up synchronous tickly one
after another They were from the very beginning I
had a great session and it's an old friend of mine
Um And this is a beautiful session This is where I
knew this was really going to be a good thing for
me to to practice And master We had a session where
we started in with the induction and you know she
was all relaxed in the bed and halfway through the
induction she sits up and says this isn't working
I'm not hypnotized So I said please relax please
let's just go with it Um Hang in there So I got a
little creative and I wasn't quite sure because it
was the very first session I did some things which
I heard of being done before So I I tried putting
her in a boat and we floated down and finally she
got right in the state We saw a past life It was
just exactly relative to one of the questions he
asked You saw another past light and the third past
light was really amazing because it was an E T Life
She described her body as blue with three fingers
And she got onto this big you horseshoe shaped
craft Um I mean it was brilliant And then she said
well you know they deceived us into going to this
planet And I said well what's happening now in this
important well we're getting attacked by another
ship they said really what happens next Well they
just they just blew us up What happened Well we all
melted Has really you melted Yes we melted So that
was a very substantial experience But it just told
me that this was such as easy and successful thing
for me to do that I had to continue So the friend
that you're able to hypnotize the first time did
they believe in previous lives She was very open to
it Yeah Yeah she she was very much on board with it
You do you need to be I mean if a person maybe
doesn't disbelieve but isn't really aware or think
about past lives is that something that is going to
pop up in Q H H T And if they don't do limit Q H H
T Two traumas within this lifetime You know it just
doesn't matter whether they believe in past lives
or not Um For those who may declare they don't
believe well say you know it's okay it's just
whatever your subconscious mind is showing you
because there's a story in there that's going to
help you understand what it is You're going through
how to heal our subconscious speaks to us a lot of
the times and symbols right And these images that
we see are very much um meant to to give us insight
and understanding in a way that it's able to show
us Mhm Yeah So when people are recalling when
you're in the process and the recalling a past life
are they seeing it like a movie play out How do
they express to you what they are experiencing
Exactly yeah So we'll lead them into a scene and
we'll ask some questions one after another Uh they
may have varying levels of detail that they'll see
or offer Um and I'll ask him you know what are you
wearing What do you have on your feet What's around
you And they'll describe it And usually it's pretty
clear and then once we're finished understanding
the scene there in and maybe the kind of person or
being that they are we'll take them to another
moment in that existence Now if it's a regular
human life will say go to the next important day
you could be a like being or an angel that's
outside of time So we'll say well let's go to
another important event in your existence is this
being right So we have to be very mindful of how we
ask these questions so that it's appropriate to the
kind of being that they're viewing right And
another thing is that they can see things a lot of
people are very visual some people are not so
visual they may feel things they may know things So
I'll say do you get a sense of who that person is
and they will usually just know it right So if you
have a knowingness it's equally as good In fact
it's better than if you're just seeing trying to
piece together the details and oftentimes that is
what happens awesome You know I've wondered about
that I've wondered if you know in remote viewing
sometimes you don't always get imagery Sometimes
you get smells tastes that sounds even So does that
type of thing Kind of Absolutely absolutely Um They
will say I smell roses or I smell a perfume or I
smell cooking in the kitchen All senses are brought
and in fact we encourage that because when we're
bringing those senses uh to the surface to to
experience for them to experience when we have them
experience all of those sensations we're activating
the right side of the brain Okay And as the
Lawrence Cannon says we want to keep them out of
the left side of the brain So everything she's done
for instance in her induction is to activate the
right side of the brain preventing them from
analyzing or calculating And that's what actually
gets them to go deeper and deeper until finally
there in the fatal level which is where you connect
with the higher self interesting What are some have
you had examples of people healing from different
traumas Oh yeah Oh yeah And I'd say I've seen
mostly like depression So somebody comes in very
depressed very angry Um They will have uh some you
know experiences in their past life that may show
them a person in their past who may be abused them
or was a slave driver or some kind of master
overlord Um you know that's one small example Uh
but there's all kinds of situations that could
cause it you know they could be in sense that
they're getting charged too much taxes Okay So I
had somebody who had a farm in in Ireland and the
evil empire of England was just taxing the heck out
of them They hardly had enough food to eat And in
the end of their life they were poor lonely taking
care of their sick dying mother And it causes a lot
of anger So there's a lot of things that can cause
that once you see that you know if you don't
already put it in the past you know connect the
dots within you There's things I might say is like
we're going to leave it in the past it stays in the
past and it will not bother you any longer This is
usually what helps to smooth all that out And I've
had people call me back you know um they'll see
certain things in their life Maybe it wasn't a
matter of being angry at anything Maybe it was just
self doubt Maybe they weren't convinced that they
were worthy I had an interesting session This is
one of the most beautiful ones She came in It was
very not textbook session and she viewed a past
life as an et being right She was a green reptilian
and we're quite fingers They were like three claws
And she was one of like a massive people and she
entered a view of them all amassing in a cave and
they were there to receive instructions from this
big job of the hut type overlord and he was giving
them instructions to go and you know spy on humans
So she would go she would observe and watch And
then one day the big being came and said you're
going to do this to the human and which is
basically hurting the human Somehow she stood up to
him and said no I'm not going to do it Well I said
what happened next Well he blew up her head with
his psychic energy And uh you know unfortunately in
that session she didn't express any pain or any
emotion She just said he blew up my head So the
after talk we went through was that look at how
courageous you were Look at how you stood up to
that being And by having that feeling of courage I
believe that really strengthened her So that when
she came back to me a week later from being so
depressed she was in uh you know terrible
relationship with her husband She about to get
kicked out of the house and she actually came back
to me the next day said Jeffrey I'm so happy I
don't know what it is a week later she called me
back She says Jeffrey I'm living in a new place now
I'm so happy a month later She said wow Jeffrey I'm
living in a new place and I'm getting all these
jobs Um how many I mean when people come for cuba H
H T Are they looking to get healing from current
life traumas Or is this mainly a focus on past life
Most people who know of Qhd are probably aware that
there's potentially something in a past life It
could very possibly be something in this life I
have plenty of people that go back to past moments
in this life For instance that woman who I told you
about that was such an interesting session She went
back to a time when she was four years old when her
mother left her in the car for four hours alone I
mean for a kid that that can be pretty traumatic
and when you go back and look at that experience
and connect the dots says well that's the source of
where my anger is You know and you know this was my
mother being careless this is not me being unworthy
This is that moment making me angry So we can come
back to this moment and really understand it in
terms of well you know I don't need to feel the
same way I felt back then because that that that's
feeling that emotion isn't serving me today as an
adult right And the feelings that you had were from
the perspective of a four year old and not as an
adult and you can revisit that trauma or that
situation with your more evolved hopefully
perspective uh it changes changes your whole
perception of that experience as well Exactly
Because that emotion was there to protect you from
a certain thing going on at that moment Well here
it's really you know a different time and that sort
of thing You don't need to be protected from that
So you know it's sort of a it's an emotion that you
know in coaching we would take that emotion and say
well how how is it trying to serve you What's the
positive intention of that and then we send it love
and then merge it with ourselves So I think
something like that goes on inside a person uh when
we start to to view that have that awareness of
that experience in the past I'm kind of interested
normally when you see on television the media
talking about reincarnation you know they were
trying to ridicule it So they show you know three
or four different people all claiming to be
cleopatra you know when you really when you're
running across people that are just your normal
people that have unexpected uh regressions into
former lives are they usually just normal people or
do any of them proclaim to be you know someone
famous or well known in history Dolores Cannon
wrote about imprints Now an imprint is where you're
essentially pulling a book off the shelf in the
library And that book contains all the life
experiences of that well known person in the past
Could be Cleopatra could be Julius caesar You
basically take that book and you include it in your
life experience before you incarnate so that you
have those resources to draw on right And that's
why you know so many people say well I came from
Cleopatra They could really be drawing on an
imprint of her life and you really might not know
that it's an imprint if you go back unless you
really dig in and I think there are ways to
discover if it's an imprint or not Probably in the
likelihood it is Um but who's to say right um
that's beautiful Uh point that Dolores Cannon
brought and it explains a lot and I've had several
people actually explore history and discover oh
look at I'm actually this guy and they look
strikingly like that person or like they'll find a
ship captain's name They say oh look at there
really was a ship Captain buccaneer who had this
name So I've seen that um a lot of the times when
you view lives in the past where there was no
written record let's say a native american or you
know you're in the south America wherever it's
really tough to know where you really are even what
time you're in So obviously you can't really go
back and try to find that person you know Um and
Dolores Cannon talks a lot about you know a lot of
lives in the past um we're quite dull you know she
called that life digging potatoes um and digging
potatoes was where you literally were on the farm
Very mundane life I mean life was very difficult as
little as you know 100 years ago man And I'll tell
you one thing I really like to say this my couch is
like a window to galactic history when I see all of
these stories in all of these beings I am literally
looking and learning history So as a practitioner I
feel totally educated and my my level of awareness
and wisdom has increased so much by totally
understanding what these people went through Have
there been any um common themes as far as like the
solar flash has anything like that come through and
in any of your readings they do have a vein of
commonality and not everybody has the same story
and I do actually explore that at the end of their
healing I do ask will this person you know be alive
to see the new earth will they be present on the
new earth And everybody says yes so everybody I've
had and they all believe it's going to be a very
loving place We're going to live from the heart
We're all going to be in communion One woman
described it as it's going to be so much in
communion that your needs are going to be served
before you even ask because everybody just knows
what you're thinking That's fourth density Yeah
Yeah And it's going to be very lush and beautiful
you know so it's very exciting That's another
really exciting part of this That's that I find
really fascinating Well if people are watching this
and they're open to what we're discussing um and
they feel like they've had traumas from the past
and we haven't talked about this yet Even some
ailments and physical uh issues that people have
are related to traumas in the past How do they I
guess come to a point to where they're going to
speak to someone like you I mean how do they find
someone like you in their area and how do they
prepare themselves before they do come for
searching normally were found on the Q H H T
Official website And so they'll list practitioners
in your area and there are a number of them all
over the country Hundreds some with varying levels
of availability Some people are more active than
others Some people like to practice Q H H T For
themselves and their friends but usually you can
find a good practitioner there's a lot of really
phenomenal practitioners out there You know the
name of that website Q H H T Official you could
even just google dolores cannon dot com Okay And
yeah so that's a great resource Um this you know
videos and so that's the sort of thing is
introduction But in terms of preparing for the
session what we will do as practitioners will
advise them to form a list of questions personally
I like to advise the four categories physical
emotional relationships and maybe spiritual
questions Is this a good guideline It's certainly
not limited to that spirit Exactly exactly So you
form your questions you know all my knee hurts or
I've got a thyroid problem I have diabetes and then
oh my God I'm having problems with my ex husband or
the kids are driving me crazy or I'm really stuck
in this obsessive loop about my old boyfriend you
know all these things the depression Um yeah put
them in a list and then once we get there we're
going to talk about your life situation and we'll
understand everything about your life and then
finally get into discussing your questions and
perhaps there any more questions Right So you might
even meditate on these things too That's always a
great idea you know Yeah imagine phobias are
another thing that pop up quite a bit high anxiety
I know our song without going into too much detail
had seemed like apparent past life issues where he
was terrified of fire candles any any type of flay
Um So I imagine that phobias are gonna pop up quite
a bit Have you seen um people heal from heavy duty
phobias The one most interesting was a fear of
water And it turned out she had a life as a ship
captain and the ship was captured by the brits and
she was thrown in the dungeon thrown in the village
and literally there to rot okay They threw away the
key She was just there with the rats and I think
even the ship had been attacked and sank So it was
a horrible life and then she went down in the war
She had a fear of what once she saw that she called
me back says Jeffrey I'm I'm not all that afraid of
water anymore And now I kind of have an
understanding of why uh you know the squirrels and
uh you know they all kind of like me there So it
was a little too for you know Yeah but when people
are you know doing healing with herbs or with some
special energetic work uh you know there will be
some in the village who are totally clueless
unaware scared jealous and they'll have them tried
for you know witchcraft right Yeah But when people
are you know doing healing with herbs or with some
special energetic work uh you know there will be
some in the village who are totally clueless
unaware scared jealous and they'll have them tried
for you know witchcraft right Yeah That happened
for a long time to in our history it was many years
Have any of your sessions help people with their
relationships Have there been like possible past
lives uncovered with their current mate or maybe
their daughter mother or arch enemy even Yeah let's
see now uh where do I start People incarnate with
their daughters multiple times Um there you know
you would think the switch places but it seemed
that they were always mother and daughter who's
interesting and that explained why they were so
close and how they're actually supporting each
other The daughters actually supporting the mother
in a lot of ways Um Let's see I think husband and
wife I've seen husband and wife together before um
goodness I've seen friends incarnate before So you
do see people who are you know at odds with each
other and when you see that I guess there's an
understanding that takes place that makes it a
little bit easier for them going forward right So I
don't always get the feedback of how much better it
is between you know especially those cases but
sometimes they say you know what I'm having a much
easier time with my husband I'm having a much
easier time with my boss you know having a
different perspective to take in you know Yeah and
part of it is if we were to like switch roles right
Let's say for example somebody owes me money okay I
want him a lot of money and they're not paying me
back for whatever reason they can't they probably
would like to but they just can't And it's been a
long long time and it's really you know an issue So
if you were to look at a past life and say well
jeez maybe I was the guy that owed the money in
that life right How would you feel in this life
knowing that maybe you were in that position before
Right So it really helps to sort of disarm your
feelings of animosity or impatience or whatever you
have right Do you see some people that were um I
guess when you regress them for lack of a better
word right now that they like maybe in a past life
they were perpetrator and a dresser and then in
this life there kind of more victims of these types
of things or do they usually stick to being like
positive and former lights they're positive now
does that make sense Yeah I've seen people be the
aggressor sure And you know part of this practice
is to help people trust you to know that their
their story is safe with you and they'll tell you
things that they've done that or not so nice
whether it's this life or in a past life and they
learn from it And there may have even been some
gifts for the other people that they were the
aggressor towards Right wow You know that's
interesting It's hard enough to contemplate
forgiving yourself for mm hmm Things you've done in
this lifetime and dealing with that karma But
taking on past life karma's you know and and
feeling guilty for for those types of things has to
be a whole new type of feeling It's yeah it's
incredible One of my most interesting cases Just so
fascinating This person went back to the days of
Atlantis and had apparently incarnated from a
council Maybe play etienne perhaps rocked O'Ryan
And in the days of Atlantis she acted as a DNA
engineer And we may have all heard the stories of
how they were engineering all of these beings These
half animal half human beings They started out
being very benevolent They were like pets that you
could talk to and they would go and you know
harvest the field or go gather the fish whatever
they were very loved Well it turns out that her
group of engineers had been somehow infiltrated and
the Draco got ahold of her technology She was
engineering these beings by means of light and
sound They created these gruesome beings which led
to the downfall of Atlantis She was carrying that
guilt Her life was a mess to that point And she had
various physical problems that were bothering her
She was carrying that guilt Feeling that she had
contributed to the downfall of Atlantis And we had
to really help her understand Listen this wasn't
your fault this was stolen from you was not your
intention to do that And in a subsequent session we
actually dug deeper and helped her to really
integrate that idea that these beings were created
as as positive benevolent beings And that was
really interesting piece of guilt that that she had
to dissolve You know that's really powerful to be
able to you know if you have your experiencing
certain emotions in this lifetime that you know
you're not exactly you don't understand where
they're coming from You know this can really
pinpoint it and what a fantastic way to go into the
you know subconscious high yourself and promote
some healing on that level exactly once you see
what it is you're doing in that life whether it's
the victim or the perpetrator it always brings you
to a higher awareness right So when you just see
yourself in that role sometimes you don't even have
to develop the story And honestly a lot of times
there's a lot going on inside the mind that's not
getting verbalized So I don't always press for
every last detail I'm very happy just to get into
what role were you and that in and of itself can be
very healing So Jeffrey was there were there any
other topics that you wanted to cover today about
uhh tea and uh um you know just basically educating
our general audience Sure I guess one of the most
important things is to know how your Qhd session
goes Once you arrive we greet we sit down The first
thing we're gonna do is talk about your life
situation So we go as far back as you want to start
your life story So I can understand your family and
all the players involved and perhaps what you were
interested in the things you did some of the things
that happened to you obviously we want to know all
the traumas and the difficulties that you faced So
we really dig into that and I don't time limit that
session at all Okay We may be there for two hours
we may be there for four hours I let you talk as
long as you like for as long as we need so that
when I get all of the information I can ask just
the right questions of your subconscious to get all
the answers for all your healing So once we're
satisfied that we've learned all about your life
and what's relevant how you feel your beliefs Then
we talk about your questions to make sure I
understand all of your questions Okay We may even
add to the questions we may discover through your
conversation of your life that gee you know what
about this person what significance were they in
your life So we may add to the questions and once
we're satisfied that we've gone through all we
needed to then we'll go into session we'll get
comfortable on the couch and we'll use the Dolores
Cannon method it's an induction method that's
bulletproof It's very very effective and it's very
easy to get the person into that very deep trans
relaxed state Once we're there then we go into
viewing the past lifestyle guide you into viewing
I'll give you I'll have you see your scenery feel
what you're being is like you have a body is it
heavier Like that sort of thing And once we have an
idea there then we can start to develop who you
were with the people were in your life Did you have
a home Um were there any important people there and
past that It's more about okay what now is
important that happened to that life So we'll
proceed day by day Um get that pretty much rounded
up Then we'll ask you what did you learn from that
life And if everything is on track we may go and
view another life And I like to actually view more
than one life We might even go between lives and
see your guides we might discover what it was that
you planned to come to this life for or maybe the
next life Right So that's a very very nice
component of this too Now it's time for the
conversation with the higher self Once we've
satisfied we've gone through the past life you wins
we open up a conversation we invoke the higher
selves Here's where we ask the questions Now when
we ask the questions I don't necessarily read them
verbatim It's really a guideline for a conversation
because the conversation may flow it may answer
some questions first and other questions later I go
with it whatever the person would like to talk
about it however they'd like to speak and you know
I may ask a lot of questions Why do they feel this
way Why are they having this this issue in their
life Because ultimately what we want to do is get
you to learn the lesson because that's really what
karma is all about it's about learning a lesson and
once we connect the dots the higher self is
actually helping you connect the dots there are
parts of you that didn't get the memo And let's say
you know you hit your head and you died in that
life well now you get headaches Well if you can see
that hey you know you hit your head you don't need
to have these headaches anymore Now that part of
you learns the lesson and guess what I don't have
headaches anymore It's my personal experience in
fact is wonderful So when you start to dig into all
these questions find out why what's at the basis of
having this think present to you why is it
continuing to present to you once you learn the
lesson it doesn't need to present to you anymore
And that applies to everything emotional physical
and spiritual So having said all that we round out
the session we might ask is there a message for the
collective and this is really where we start to get
into conversations that may shed light on the new
earth or perhaps something that they care deeply
about um some issue some cause that they may be
working in So we'll have the opportunity to air
that out as well At this point we're pretty much
complete We take them out of the trans in a very
safe and appropriate way Dolores Cannon gave us to
make sure that all of the difficulties were left in
the past and they'll stay in the past and then
we're back to full waking consciousness where we
discuss what it is what they just went through
That's pretty much it Now you mentioned that
sometimes people go they regress between lives and
meet their guides Can you I'm very curious to hear
a story or two about that Sure So if and it's funny
because one of my first volunteers said when I
asked him what can I do better He said do more of
the between So he had an interesting uh go between
where he went to his other side and there were
light beings there waiting for him and they ushered
him into Crystal City and that Crystal City had a
council there where he discussed his past lives
what everything meant to him there was no judgment
and that was about as far as that one went You know
sometimes we can get a certain amount and then you
know that's pretty much what we needed to get And
then we go on to the next life or into the
subconscious Let's see another one Yeah Sometimes
they float around as an angel Okay Um and they're
just floating there just enjoying their time
between lives through the stars Um that's a very
common experience Sometimes you go you meet a guide
and they say well done and then you end up in a
waiting room Okay So you're just sitting in a room
that's nondescript waiting until it's time you're
told it's time to go now Well what's happening I
see a white tunnel in front of me and the next
thing you know they may either be feeling
themselves as a fetus or they see themselves in you
know the operating room there where the delivery
room and I've seen that before Have you ever had
people described seeing their parents are choosing
their their parents or their family uh as they go
into that new life Yeah Yeah I've had people say
well I'm observing What are you observing I'm
looking at these parents and they said well are you
going to choose them Yeah I've chosen these parents
and the next thing you know they're being born So
Yeah Yeah Well that that goes to show how you know
a lot of times I talk about how before we enter
into this life we have beforehand chosen it And
foreseen what we're going to go through and decide
to choose that as a lesson as a method of training
to get us to learn the lessons we need to learn to
become the being we need to be for our mission And
you know hearing of actual people talking about
observing the parents and the life that they're
entering into lends credence to that to me Yeah
Yeah I see it occasionally Sometimes we can get
more of the story than others But yeah definitely
That corroborates a lot There's a lot of
corroboration between different sessions Sure Yeah
Well I'm getting ready to lose my voice again So is
there whether any points you it's going to ask the
more sessions that people have like do you uncover
more and more like each time they come in or does
it just kind of come to a standstill Yeah that's a
good question because I found that when people do
come for second sessions we do go deeper And just
one mention is that Dolores Cannon didn't intend
this to be a frequent visitor thing You know it's
not like going to a chiropractor you know you can
have more sessions It's just not intended to be
like a frequent sort of a thing right right back
when maybe you want to go deeper or when things
change in your life you want to explore more things
But what I do find is that people do go deeper Um
My first time with this I had a second session and
I re explored The life is the indian healer where
that was the life where I discovered I fell off a
hill hit my head died and then you know my
headaches reduced substantially from there Well I
also discovered in that life another experience
which explained a lot more of what was going on
with me And that was okay I was called in to help
deliver a baby And the baby was coming out feet 1st
Now you can imagine there's no medical school
there's no past experience or you know so I went to
you know help the baby out and the baby didn't make
it And that healer felt horrible He felt very
unworthy So those feelings of unworthiness were
discovered and then left in the past So personally
that that's really powerful experience for me And
it was just my first time when I discovered yes we
not only go deeper but we also find new and
different experiences within the lives that may
come up again right the different layers maybe to
kind of start peeling back those layers interesting
Yeah I mean it's apparent to me that Q H H T Is a
great tool for peeling back the layers and you want
to say not only in this lifetime but in others and
it's a tool to empower people because if you have
the ability to look back at previous lives and see
how those traumas or unlearned lessons and cycles
are repeating in this life Uh it gives you the
power to not just look at this life and what you
perceive as a crappy experience You can see the
other lives and have more of a perspective an arm's
length perspective at these cycles like you would
be able to observe in someone else and then be able
to apply them to yourself So I think it's a really
good uh tool It's new to me but I think it's
apparent that it's a good tool especially for
people in this community that are open to past
lives and the traumas that could be associated with
Absolutely It's very powerful tool And one thing I
would like to add is that yes we can go back and
look at past life experiences We can also discover
contracts This is something we haven't mentioned as
of yet Talk about that please Right So and it
alludes to the idea of being a mind body spirit
complex because as ross said we are a mind body
spirit complex And I contemplate what that really
means relative to Q H H T And you know for that
matter he said a lot that really validates uhh t
for example you know the hypnotist has to be
approached by the client or the subject to to get
their healing You can't go out and get the they
have to voluntarily come and want it 2ndly So and
secondly they among others the yourself is what's
orchestrating that dream right And that's what Ross
says The higher self is fully responsible for that
Well your past life viewing is pretty much
identical to a dream right And my my perception
based on the law of one is that your higher self is
really your your sixth density self talking back to
you through time and space And it wants to show you
not only what's beneficial for you but also what
obeys free will right What respects your free will
Because he's not going to just show you something
unless you ask for it right Which further
buttresses the case where you have to come asking
for this kind of a therapy So when we get back to
the mind body spirit I understand the mind and the
body right There's some people think of it as
cellular memory Things can get stuck in your mind
But when it comes to spirit this is where I believe
the contract side of things happens So at a
spiritual level you're contracting with certain
people to undergo certain experiences And that's
where when you these contracts and you may be able
to cancel them Some of them You might not for
instance if you choose to go through life with a
certain disorder right A disability you may have
chose that just to have you know until maybe the
elevation the rise in consciousness Right Or
throughout the life So there's a contract there and
that contract may or may not be able to cancel now
if you can't cancel it if it's not in your best
interest to cancel that contract because you need
to go through this lesson you agreed to go through
this for the entirety of your incarnation here It
actually still helps you because when you know that
it's something you signed up for and that's
actually helping your soul burn karma it makes it a
lot easier to accept And it gives you a feeling of
of being settled with it I guess Does that make
sense Yeah So that you can really kind of
understand it more Yeah You know I'll use myself as
a great example You know a lot of people these days
are having CPAP therapy They have a uh obstructive
sleep apnea Right Right Um it's been something I
discovered maybe 20 years ago and since having that
therapy life is much better Right I would love to
get off this therapy but I'm not allowed to because
I signed up for this And the reason was that I
agreed to be part of the audience of all of the
people who treat this disorder Right So all the
doctors the people who design the machines you know
the office everybody part of the audience that
supports them expressing and living their mission
Does that make sense Yeah it does interesting Right
So well a lot of people also uh in this community
um they discuss you know they're they're bogged
down from all the traumas and all of that And one
of you know they're asking why why did this happen
to me and what is my mission They're trying to
discover what their mission is in this lifetime How
many people make that discovery through Q H H T A
lot of people some people most people will ask it
you know expressly and we'll find out we'll find
out they're meant to be healer a lot of the times
it's not what they expect right Because a lot of
people think well this is my mission This is my
only thing This is the one thing I have to do And
it's not always one thing that you have to do right
We may play many different roles It's said that
just being here and being in this collective
bringing our vibration here is enough So I get that
frequently But when it comes to a single mission
sometimes we do get an overarching mission Um one
of my most recent ones came here you know as a
musician he writes things and he's not really
excelling at it And he's not really even sure why
he's doing it He's just doing it So we discovered
that with his higher self Well what is his mission
in life His music significant to him Yes As a
matter of fact he was a singer songwriter from the
early 80s Which I always love when they're you know
have experience on another planet and well you know
was he successful There He goes Yes he was
successful more successful than he is here So Well
is it is he meant to perform music and write music
here Yes he is In fact his music is very healing
and it contains within it healing codes Did so as
you can see there's a lot of things we don't expect
um to come out Mhm Right Well I want to thank you
Jeffrey for joining States unite today This was a
very fascinating conversation How do people if they
want to find out more about you and your work how
do they contact you or or research Sure My website
is Qhd boston and I work right out of here in the
boston area I also have a place in Cape Card So I
have ability to um reach out to more people But
certainly if they want to go to the QhD official
site where there's they can find people in their
state and their area in their country They can
absolutely do that too Thank you Corey It's been a
real pleasure and an honor to be here I'm very
grateful Thank you so much Excellent Well I do
encourage people to research Q H H T For themselves
and if they if it resonates with them and they feel
like that uh it's going to help them heal and make
a difference in their life I advise them to seek
someone out in there I am uh in their area and I'm
sure there's also when the events started occurring
more to where people are having you know um
festivals and you theology types of events that
there are probably times where when people come to
those places they can set up uhh T sessions as well
if they do the research So if you don't find it in
your area then you know keep an open mind and maybe
try to plan on going to one of these events and
finding a Q H H T The therapist in that area in
that area Yeah Thank you again and thank thank you
the audience for joining us once again for
accelerating ascension where we're trying to find
different tools to bring our mind body and spirit
in balance Thank you
People: Corey Goode, Jeffrey Ashur, Stacy Goode
Topics: Health & Healing, Inner Work, Metaphysics, Spirituality
Are obese people vulnerable to dark, wispy creatures?
Omg I love this! Had this done in the UK – absolutely brilliant. Always listening to Dolores Cannons books – fascinating
Unhapilly subtitles cannot be switched to autotranslate to another languages. My english is not so great. Autotransation is very heplfull for me. At your videos on youtube platform it is possible. Can you set your non-youtube video viewer scripts to allow autotranslate? Thanx!
Thank you Corey & Stacey for interviewing Jeffrey on this subject and thanks to Jeffrey for being so open about his own experiences. I’ve read many of Delores Cannon’s books and hope to find a QHHT person here in Australia nearby. I had a spontaneous past life experience from medieval times come forth back in 1992 whilst having a healing. A vision showed me myself and a young knight in training who I was deeply in love with together in the forest. I watched stunned as a knight who I knew to be my guardian galloping at speed come upon us with sword drawn. He wielded his sword and killed the young knight, I turned to him and said ‘you might as well kill me too because I will hate you for eternity for what you have done’. In his jealous rage he did exactly that. Prior in 1979 I had experienced deja vu and struggled with that, my brother had introduced my husband and I to his friend. In that moment our eyes were transfixed and I felt great difficulty pulling my gaze away, because I knew in that moment that I knew this man intimately and yet we had never met. You see my soul knew and from there pieces of information kept filtering through. My realisation was this that my husband was my guardian and my brother’s friend was the young knight from that life. So here I was married to the one who killed me and was experiencing a deep love for this man I had just met. The emotions are very powerful, though i might add that I found myself in a predicament of loving both as my marriage had been wonderful to this point. There is much more to this story however after a time my husband and I worked through our karma and I have forgiven him. The other man and I lost touch after a while though he did come to me after his passing to let me know he was now in spirit. I’ve learnt over time that we had tried several times to balance the situation in many different roles and had not been successful and this was something we came to finalise at this specific time of ascension.
Hope this helps to give you a bigger understanding of these past life experiences of learning to love one another. I was told by Spirit back in 2008 that past, present and future lives are happening concurrently and because of what is about to occur I was given the analogy of seeing it as a necklace and I am the lynch pin or clasp. I’ve chosen to go through all I have to release any and all karma from all fragments.
So again thank you for the work you all are doing. Warm regards, Marnee
My mother worked for Delores Canon ,,yep we knew her well…a great person!
I’m adding a little more to Corey’s question regarding if a person doesn’t believe in past lives:
My understanding is that our HS knows exactly what we need to hear during a QHHT session, and if the person is on the fence about past lives, the HS will show/explain what is necessary in a way that is comfortable for them. It’s a beautiful thing! Always in the highest good! I read my first, of many, Dolores Cannon books in 2014. I believe this was about the same time I came across Corey on Gaia TV with David Wilcock : )
Brilliant Amitty…You’ve shared most insightful thoughts here and I salute you. No matter what, our HS (or SubConscious as Dolores says) is orchestrating the whole thing… and for our highest good. As we connect with it again & again in this way, we get better & better at it, learning to trust more & more and it gets easier & easier all the time.
I would love to find a practitioner
Tremendous looking for a local practioner now. Many thanks!
I see 5 Sphere Beings in Jeffery’s room.
Very informative.
Thank you disseminating this information.
Great interview, will love to have a QHHT session.
Thank you, Corey and Jeffrey. I found QHHT very interesting and beneficial for many of us in these times.
So wonderful to see you working together! Wha a team.
Caan a person be hypnotized even if afraid of it?
I believe it is a matter of relaxation and getting into a theta state. Once there, the information wants to flow, you just have to trust in it. ❤️
This has given me an insight into an area I knew very little about. Thank you Corey, Stacey and Dr Ashur.
Great one, thank you.
Some people in QHHT get completely surprised connections with ETs who speak through them, or get to experience an abduction or alien hybrids through QHHT… I once heard a session from the 1980s where a woman started talking with a mechanical AI voice and claimed to look like the ET on Whitney Strieber’s book cover. The ET said that she was actually not a human life. She was specifically sent to Earth dimension to serve like some kind of radio to keep the ET’s informed what was happening on Earth and to try and influence it positively. When she came out of her session, she was completely stunned. She had never been interested in ET’s, never studied about them or watch movies about ET’s. But her session was very deep, and very detailed, almost like a Secret Space Program disclosure.
QHHT is incredible. And the more skilled the hypnotist is in how they structure the questioning to access the subconscious mind, the more interesting and intense the session can get. People can resolve their diseases with QHHT through the access to their own subconscious state. Dolores Cannon completely transformed the way hypnosis regression is used.
I have not heard of QHHT but have had vivid memories, many re-occurring dreams and waking experiences of a past life. It took nearly 3 decades to experience my death in this life. in that death, I finally come to terms with this experience. Lots of guilt and trauma from this life that seemed to be hundreds if not thousands of years ago. To Remember is the greatest gift to Healing I feel. Thanks for this video share!
Great interview! Will love to have a QHHT session!
I am fascinated with QHHT. I would Love to have a session sometime.
This talk is GREAT… I am fascinated since many years about Dolores Canon works. She had received so many messages about whats happening and theories & mind blowing subjects!!!
Am glad to see that here <3
Another great one is Alba Weinman!
And you can see many sessions records on youtube, So you see the process, questions-answer etc… Many talks about the new earth etc….
As a QHHT internship practitioner, I navigated clients through some interesting phenomenon during their sessions which put into question, for me, my previous understanding of time and space. I think these considerations are what put the ‘quantum’ in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).
While my clients were under deep hypnosis, the SC (Dolores’ term, I use Universal Awareness [UA], some use Higher Self, etc.) directed the clearing of entities which attached in previous/parallel lives, or clearing of entities attached in current life, the returning of a form of ‘self’ in previous life to Source after being stuck in what UA said was a temporal storm in the universal fabric even though the ‘rest’ of the client had gone on to incarnate in her ‘present’ life. UA also directed the return of clients to a scene visited in the first part of their regression to fulfill their request for healing. UA directed them to experience in somnambulistic state, a rewritten version of the experience in order to reverse the effect of the ‘original’ experience on their life.
I was not prepared in my training to expect UA to present those kinds of issues for resolution during the sessions, much less direct me in how to facilitate the healing. They were unusual circumstances for me as a Level One Intern. I think I got my clients through it all because I trusted Dolores’ technique and the process UA guided me through with each client. Even though Dolores has passed from our physical plane of existence, she has a presence in my sessions as a guide and teacher, and other practitioners report the same. During my training, she had messages for me and to convey later to my class. I had invited her to ‘come through’ with any advice during my own QHHT session.
I think we are all extraordinary beings, those of us still ‘here,’ and those of us still dedicated to ‘here,’ like Dolores. I think as a collective, we are focused on monumental transformation of ourselves and the planet with harmonious ripple effects out into our Universe. QHHT can play an important role in empowering us in this endeavor. We each have different tools and talents to share with each other, as we unlock our inner power and work cooperatively for liberation.
;)))) I am so facsinated by QHHT
Thanks for your share!
Corey his audio is good, your audio seems to have a bit of hollow effect.
Nice interview, good to see more people like him becoming mainstream.
Excellent.. thank you
Please @coreygoode put subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese in the videos. thanks
Love this talk! Thank you
Enjoyable presentation. Delores’s five volume Convoluted Universe series of books is a must read for those who are interested in this subject.
Yes! I’m a BQH practitioner and work closely with several QHHT practitioners/friends… this is great info for those who’ve never had QHHT or BQH! Thanks for sharing it!
I’ve had 3 QHHT sessions. My higher self said some pretty far-fetched ideas that I was totally clueless on at the time. Guess what… I’ve come to believe them all! However, in meditation my higher self said I needed to do my own work… to “look within”. Nonetheless, It greatly progressed my Awakening.
@Alaina Amason. I believe that the reason why you’ve had your higher self informing you to do your own work… to “look within”, is that when we do the work by moving with our own flowering of consciousness, coming to terms with, and progressing in a broadening of it, that there’ll hardly a chance that you’ll be overwhelmed, mindblown, and even…. disturbed by not getting it in that moment of experience. See what I mean? Like the unfolding of a flower bud, the sun, the day, the night, and time passing, with nutrition, and internal processes, all that is part of the unfolding.
In the same manner, I prefer to use that term “flowering of consciousness” for it’s a natural one.
Delores Cannon was such a beautiful person and her QHHT such a gift. Hope one day to have a session myself.
Thank you for doing this interview.
I have wanted to hear your opinion on QHHT for a very long time now Mr. Goode and I’m only 17 min in and enjoying the interview. I hope you’re going to ask the question I had wanted to ask Dolores herself which is, has anyone ever had a session and remembered their 20 and back experience..
I have been interested in this kind of hypnosis since being a kid because of memories throughout my life that couldn’t possibly have happened but are as solid as memories that I have picture proof happened. Now days I honestly cannot remember much of my past only little pieces and I’m only 38.
Very interesting and informative. An expanded way to find out about your possibilities and probabilities and potential from both past perspectives and present potential.
The link below shared 101 pages of 35 practitioners per page. They were listed from around the world. There are 4 levels of skill to be attained or to choose from Level 1 has done at lest 5 sessions. Level 3 has done 125 or more sessions.
It seemed like a very active website with about 3400 seekers in the last 7 days.
Hi Steve, thanks for spreading the word and giving links! Just to clear up perhaps your typo, Level 1 Practitioners have completed at least 25 sessions, not 5. I just finished my 25 and it has been an amazing journey of growth and discovery, I’m so excited to continue helping people gain insights and healing in this way. It really does open up possibilities, as you said.