Jumpers - Ep 10 (Season Finale)
The last and most important episode… the creation of new physical bodies (biological robots).
People: F. Liam Erelim, La’El Ofanim
Topics: AI Signal, Abduction, Activism, Akashic Records, Ancient Civilizations, Anshar, Antarctica, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Awakening & Ascension, Cleansing, Confederation of Free Colonies, Consciousness, Corey's Story & Mission, Crystals, Current Events, Dark Fleet/ICC, Dimensions and Densities, Disclosure, Distortions, ET Contact, Earth Alliance, Egragore Manifestations, End Times Madness, Exopolitics, Extradimensional Manipulation, Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN), Handling Negative Emotions, Health & Healing, History, Human Evolution, Implants, Inner Earth, Inner Work, Karma, Local Stellar "Neighborhood" Confederation, Lunar Operations Command (LOC), Meditation, Metaphysics, Mindfulness, Miracles, Mystery School, Natural Health, Nature of Reality, Negative ETs, Negative Grays, New Guardians, Orion Group, Paranormal, Philosophy, Power & Control Systems, Quantum Entanglement, Recent News, Reincarnation, Relationships, Religion, Remote Viewing, Rituals, SSP Alliance, Sasquatch, Secret Space Programs, Self Care, Shadow Beings, Solar Event, Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Warfare, Spirituality, Super Federation, Technology, UAP Whistleblowers, Unhealed Trauma, Update on New Projects
Yes, 2° season.
Yes, I definitely want a second season or another series, and especially look forward to the book you are writing. Thank you for this amazing information that we can turn into knowledge.
Yes, I would love a second season.
Yes, for a second season, and so many thanks for your efforts