Mystery School: Third Eye/Pineal Gland

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Third Eye/Pineal Gland
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Next Episode: Mystery School: DMT
Okay, so tonight tonight's topic is the mind's eye.
Uh, third eye, the pineal gland, pineal gland,
however you wanna say it.
It doesn't bother me whatsoever.
Like I said, I'm a boy from Georgia, so I normally like to
make, uh, cut as many syllables out as possible,
but I'll try to say pineal gland
to make the majority of people happy.
Um, but yeah, that's what we're talking about tonight.
It's, uh, in so many, there we go. Let's see.
Oh, I'm stuck already. How's that?
I clicked outta everything.
There we go.
Okay, so the mind's eye, um, you know,
and it's been around for as long as humanity's been
around these esoteric groups, uh, that have,
that have talked about it.
Renee Decart is obviously one person
who has talked about it, you know, in the great detail,
Renee, um, he called the pineal gland,
the seat of the soul.
And I tend to agree with him.
Um, there's some pretty amazing things about the pineal
gland that, uh, that I would,
that I'll share here in a little bit that really, uh,
emphasize why I believe he's correct on that.
Um, but yeah, down here at the bottom, it says, he said,
the principle seed of the soul.
Um, oh, come on. Don't get stuck.
How are we getting stuck already?
Alright, guys, that doesn't happen too often. There we go.
So it is a tiny, tiny little organ in the, in your brain,
um, and it looks like a tiny little pine cone, which is why,
uh, it is called the pineal gland or pineal gland.
Um, and reptiles, uh, many still have the bump,
or at least you can even tell
that it looks like an eye on top of their head.
So, we're not talking about something mystical here.
We are talking about a real gland.
The pineal gland is something in science
that we know today is 100% a real organ, a real gland.
Um, the purpose for that is questionable.
Many people really, honestly don't know what it regulates
and what it works for, but obviously many mystics and saints
and, um, cultures
and civilizations have talked about the mystical factor
of the pineal gland.
It sits right in the center, um, of the brain
between the two hemispheres.
Again, it's a tiny little gland there in comparison to a lot
of other things in the brain, just really small.
Um, but it's really powerful, um,
right there in the center of our brain.
And you can see here between the right hemisphere
and the left hemisphere, it's dead in the middle.
So this is a cool picture
because when you have, uh, you know, like a cancer
or tumor in the brain,
and you go to the, to the doctor, um, for them to check it,
they will actually take a scan like this of your brain,
and you see this little white dot that's the pineal gland.
And the reason that it's little that, um,
Conrad mentioned earlier that it gets calcified.
That is why, because the average person's pineal
gland is calcified.
So this white the center of your brain is easy
to see with a, with an X-ray like this.
So if you have a growth, a tumor is a growth in the brain.
If you have a growth on the right side
or the left side, it will push this gland off center.
So if it's off to the left, you have a tumor on the right.
If it's off to the right, you have a tumor on the left side.
So this is something that they use literally
because it's easy to see,
and it's supposed to be dead center in the middle.
Um, and if it's not, they know why.
So when you look at it from the side angle, you can see
how if you were to look, uh, just straight to the left,
it would come out right between the forehead right here.
And that's often where you see a bendy or the eye marks.
Um, you know, when people draw third eye artwork.
And that's because your third eye is literally looking
straight out in between, just
above the two eyes, but dead center.
Another fact is that the pineal gland does glow.
It does emit light. This is a fact.
Um, I believe this is probably more
for mystical experiences out-of-body experiences,
but for sure, this gland does emit its own
light that comes from it.
Um, it also has the highest blood flow
of any gland in the entire body.
So even though it is a small organ,
there's more blood being pumped to
that thing than anything else,
and especially in certain points.
Um, DMT the Spirit molecule was wrote, was a book written
by Rick Straussman,
and it's based on, uh, his research where he had dozens
of people who he injected DMT into their bodies.
Um, and he, you know, goes through the whole, uh, experience
of those people and his predictions and everything.
Uh, the reason I bring him up is
because one of the fascinating things from the book,
and it's even now a movie that he talks about, is
that the pineal gland, um, is said
49 days after gestation is when it appears.
Okay? And so what he said is, you know, he realized
that the Buddhist and, and other eastern religions
and stuff talked about reincarnation taking 49 days
for, you know, for the soul to reincarnate.
And I think that's fascinating that science somehow seems
to be confirming that with these eastern, you know,
spiritual, spiritual, uh, you know, practices new that the,
that it took the soul 49 days to reincarnate.
So basically, this could be the seed of the soul.
Um, so when a person dies 49 days
after that, you could, you know,
inhabit another body after that.
Now, I know for some people reincarnation may be a tough
thing, but, but just a real quick thing about it.
I mean, if, you know, it's really tough decision to think
or, or, or thing to think that the pioneer
or you know, your soul would be, uh, not continuous, right?
That you just a one and done job and it's over.
Um, surely not.
I mean, obviously there's just so much to learn,
so much to take in.
We take in lifetimes as men, women, different cultures.
We speak different languages to gain sole information,
to gain experience, and we can continuously do it.
I would say every single person in this
talk tonight has been on this planet
and many other planets millions of times.
Uh, our soul is infinite,
and we continue just to go do different, uh, lifetimes,
to learn different things.
Uh, uh, Jacob? Yep.
What, what, what was the title of that book again?
What and what is DMT?
So, uh, spoil alert DMT will be the next,
uh, class next week.
Um, because both topics are such big, I couldn't,
I couldn't do all of 'em in one.
It would take me forever. Um,
because I think they're really,
they really need their own, their own day.
DMT is dimethyl tryptamine.
It is a psychedelic compound,
the most psychedelic compound known to man,
and every single person has it in them.
Um, it's created in the lungs and in your brain.
Straussman said, that's the doctor who wrote the book.
He said that, um, the, the times in your body
where your pineal van created the most EMT was at birth
death out-of-body experiences.
Like if you were in a car accident and you died,
and you know, someone had an out-of-body experience
where they saw their body, they were hovering above it.
Or if you were in a surgical table
and your soul came outta your body
and was looking at the, the avatar, your body itself,
those were the times when DMT was emitted
the most in the body.
So it's DMT seems to be the facilitator
of the sole in and out of the body.
Okay, thanks. Yep.
And so that's what I'm saying. Once that DMT is secreted,
the soul comes in and out,
and, you know, then you can never go back
and to where we came from.
Uh, I think that's the net of being,
that's a whole nother talk as well.
But, um, that's kind of home base.
And then before you're reincarnated into other, you know,
as sentient beings.
So again, it's the facilitator
of the soul into the body, in and out of the body.
And, um, this is kind of like
what our astral body would be, you know?
And, uh, when the person really opens up their pineal van
Rilla becomes awake, they're able to do astral traveling.
You can go anywhere on the planet, even in the universe,
and do remote viewing.
See things that are really happening at, you know, that time
and bring it back and have that information.
Um, so DMT will be the next, next talk, uh,
next week's talk, and we'll be, uh,
will be very interesting as well.
So, uh, when we look at ancient civilizations, um,
we look at their gods.
This is Sumerian God.
He obviously has a pine cone in his hand.
Um, I, I believe this is the belief is to symbolize
that his pineal gland is awake, that he's a,
he's an awakened being.
Um, so we see these pine cone images.
This guy's got a pine cone in his ha in his hands.
Sumerian God, you know, bird looking man.
This is the staff of Osiris.
He's got a pineal gland or,
or pine cone rather, on top of his, of his staff.
Um, again, this is that kind of the caduceus,
the medical symbol with the snakes wrapped around,
which is probably DNA and the,
and the pine cone on top, uh, Baus from Greek.
He's got a pine cone on top of his staff, another Greek God.
He's got a pine cone on top of his staff.
And then you look at the, uh, modern day.
Uh, I don't believe these people are gods,
nor do I really believe they're super holy.
Um, I wouldn't consider these the holy people of our time,
but of course, they know the symbology,
and they have, uh, the pope himself has a pine,
a pine cone in his staff.
And this really large pine cone with the two birds
is actually in the Vatican itself.
So, and this statue, I should have got one.
I I don't think I have one with a person next to it,
but a person will barely come up to the birds.
This is a massive, uh, statue.
And, um, you know, why else would the, you know, Vatican,
this place of spiritual, uh, supposed spiritual, uh,
place be a place where they have such a huge statue.
Um, and it's
because of Pineland is, you know,
a spiritual icon all around the world.
Um, this is a cross section.
The lower left hand part of this is the cross section
of the brain, that little tiny dot with the c next
to it is the pineal gland.
And when you look around the cross section of this, now,
you can see why the eye of Horace
and the eye of raw both look like the way they do.
It's a literally a cross section of the brain.
And the Egyptians knew this.
And that's why symbols are not random
symbols mean things that have very in-depth meanings.
And so the symbol of bra, the symbol
of Horace is a cross-section
of the pineal gland in the brain.
So, you know, you guys thought it was all just an eye.
Uh, it's way more than that.
It's, um, you know, it's, it is, uh,
it's the seed of our soul.
Um, it literally is, um, you know,
an incredible gland that allows us to see,
um, into things.
So our, our front eyes allows us to see the physical world
to gather up information and awaken.
Pineal gland is able to see into people, see into events,
see into the future, see into, um, you know, things,
how they could pan out for you if you were
to date this person or,
or take this job when it's really awake.
You can see, oh, how that works out,
or how that, how that would happen if
I, I went down this road.
Um, also just, you know, if you were to sit here
and close your eyes and think of a red firetruck and,
and really think of it, you can see that in your mind's eye.
Um, that's because the pineal gland also has rods
and cones in it, and pineal, they call 'em pine cytes.
So it literally functions as an eyeball does.
And, um, so that's why they call it the mind's eye.
'cause you have that even not just audio, not just, um,
audio, but you have video so you can see
and hear things in the brain.
So, you know, the infinite wifi signal
for the ancients was a pineal gland modem hooked
to the universe that when their pineal glands were
completely open and awake,
and they're able to channel an energy where to find food,
where to find water, um, you know where
to find a lost loved one, um, you know,
when danger's coming near to, you know what I mean?
Be awake and be aware of their environment
around them all the time.
You know, when dangers around, um,
that is what's really important in life.
Know when someone's telling you a lie,
know when someone's trying to get something out of you and,
and not, you know, and not in a positive way, you know
what I mean, trying to take something from you or something.
So it was incredibly vital
and important to them to be an awake
and, uh, clear-minded person, um, so
that you could channel in the information
that you needed to survive.
And to, um, not only that, but be intuitive
and be prosperous and, and those kind of things.
So it was imperative to have an awakened pineal pineland,
uh, Christ said, this is the, in Matthew 6 22, the light
of the body is the eye.
If therefore, your eye be single,
your whole body shall be full of light.
That is an incredible statement.
He's talking about the light of the body is the eye.
And again, so we know the pineal gland glows.
He's talking about a light in the body.
If your eye be single,
he's not talking about closing one eye.
He is talking about the pineal gland eye.
Your whole body shall be full of light.
It's also interesting about the lampstand parable.
Where do you put a lampstand? It's not at the bottom.
It's at the very top. Your pineal gland is at
the top of your body.
It's literally in the center of your head.
So, um, when that pineal gland is awake,
when it's fully functioning, that's what creates your halo.
And in many artworks
and things, we normally see a halo in a two-dimensional way.
This is a halo around, uh, Jesus' head.
But, um, it's, it.
So that light that we saw earlier in the brain was two
or three inches inside the brain.
But imagine someone who was fully awake, fully aware,
that light would then come out of the brain
encompassing their whole head like a fishbowl
and three dimensional that people
who were more awake could see and tell.
So this is what we call the halo.
Um, you know, you see it in every spiritual practice, in,
in artwork, in books.
People, you know, refer to the light around people's heads.
This halo around angel's, heads,
and, uh, enlightened beings heads.
It's not just conducive to one religion.
It's all around the world that we see these halos
that come around people's heads.
These are from the lightened beings.
This halo is directly emitted from the pineal gland.
That's the center. And as these people became more awake,
there, halos became larger.
Uh, here's one where it has, you can obviously two, um,
or ORIC fields, the one in the middle's obvious,
that's the pineal gland.
The bigger one stems from the heart chakra.
The heart chakra is a hundred times stronger electrical,
and up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically.
So it is the more powerful of the two.
That is another talk as well.
Uh, it's, it, it definitely needs its own, its own day.
So just to kind of, hopefully, you know,
inside people to come back for more.
But, um, the, the two fields there are from the heart
and the, and the pineal gland.
So here's one where it's, you know,
not nec it's still artwork,
but I, I kind of like this one a little bit better,
because you can just see that light glowing around his head,
obviously around his heart as well.
Um, and it's just that glowing halo image.
You know, it's, it gives you that idea.
It's not just this circle around people's head.
That's weird. That doesn't really make any sense.
That's just a two dimensional image.
But certainly this is all around these people's heads.
And people saw it, people could see it.
Not everybody, I don't think it see it when
someone was not awake.
I don't think that they could even see it or tell at all.
Um, see these lights around, people said, you need
to be at least somewhat aware, somewhat awake to be able
to even to see these things.
Uh, so here's the Lord Krishna.
Obviously he has a lot of symbology going on here,
but he obviously has that glowing halo
around his head as well.
And this is, this is a closeup picture where he is got the,
you can see the bendy.
This is where mostly in India,
but other, other places as well, where you see that red dot
and look at it, it's right there just
above the eyeballs, right?
Dead center. The eye up, the,
the sideways eye is right above it.
This is symbolizing, he's awake.
He, his pineal gland is awake,
and he's in a enlightened being.
And, uh, here it is again.
Um, and here's another talk for another day.
You see this bun on top of his head, literally, it's,
you know, you don't really see it in Jesus.
There's Buddha with it. Obviously, the, everybody, you know,
always just his hair.
That's honestly not his hair.
Um, I do believe Jesus had the same bun.
The Bible refers to a crown of life
that couldn't be taken away from someone.
That's when a king has that, that's a king's crown, a crown
of life that can't be taken away.
That's this bun on top of the head that, um,
I believe in the experience of enlightenment.
Uh, the gray matter is increased in the brain
and pops that circle, that part,
that soft part of the baby's head.
Um, that's the crown of your head.
That's where your crown is.
Confucius was said to have a,
a misshapen crown on top of his head.
That's, these are real kings.
Real, real kings don't need gold crowns.
They don't wear, you know, all this crazy jewelry
and, you know, you know, make people, you know,
worship them and love them.
People just do, you know, they understand.
They see their peace. They see
their harmony, they see their love.
But, um, this crown, I believe Christ had one as well.
They wrapped the crown of thorns around the top of it.
Um, but this, even in the, even in the Bible,
Christ is quoted saying, you can add a qubit
to your stature just by adding thought.
So that means you could literally increase your
size by thinking.
Um, and where would you think, I mean, obviously in movies
and stuff today, we see, usually it's kind of now put
to the bad guy, right?
The bad guys have those big heads.
But, um, these had,
these are from these enlightened beings whose pineal glands
awake, their gray matters increased.
Their heads have elongated.
And, um, this is the artwork that you see.
I mean, just Google, Buddha, Google, uh, you know,
lightened beings and Krishna Yeshiva, they all have this.
I, I promise you, they all didn't have long hair
with a bun like this on top of it, just
because they thought it was cool.
I believe this is a symbol for the crown of life,
that it can't be taken away.
That's what a real king looks like.
This is a, a really good picture.
It's same thing you can even see on top of that bun.
He has, uh, another item on top of it, but he has the bendy.
This is an awakened beam. Same thing.
Uh, and here Krishna has, you know, it's the same halo
around his head to, to say that, uh, his oph gland is awake.
And again, it, you know,
I think this is the symbolic, the same thing.
Although this may be on top of his head,
not really around it.
Uh, you know, people just do artwork in different ways,
and it would, the way this artwork is, it just kind
of does make sense.
It's pretty coherent that just on top of his head,
it's a big round halo on top of his head shining over him.
Um, just to show that this is an awakened beam.
So here's a really great picture of it.
'cause this isn't, you know, Jesus or Buddha.
Krishna, this is you. This is me, this is everybody.
Um, did we lose Justin?
I think we did. And I don't see him coming in. Sorry guys.
I just wanted to make sure that he, he's trying to get in
that I'm not, uh, missing out on him.
I think he was, um, I think he said when he got home
or something, he was gonna get back on. Get back on.
Okay, cool. Yeah. So this is a, a painting by Alex Gray.
And again, you can see the two, uh,
you know, magnetic fields around.
And that's what these are, you can call them auras,
you can call them halos, you can call 'em whenever you want.
But truly scientifically, these are electromagnetic fields
that stem from the brain and stem from the heart.
Um, and these people can see.
And when your field is down, when you're depressed,
when you know, when you're feeling emotions
that aren't inducive
to this environment, it's not gonna be there.
Um, you know,
just like the earth's magneto spears coming down right now,
seven to 8 billion people on the planet, you know,
really in this kind of, uh,
altered space is really bringing the Magnetos square down
of the earth as well, too, along with, you know, garbage
and everything else that's going on.
But, um, you know, it's imperative for us
to open up our pineal glands, to use our hearts
and love, uh, you know, not just talk about it,
but really emit that love and harmony
and peace when our fields are down, it's easy for someone
to say something to you like, you're not good enough.
You're not pretty enough.
When our field is down, those thoughts
and those ideas, those words get directly into us.
But when our fields are big and strong
and powerful, you can say anything you want
to someone like this, it bounces right off of 'em.
Their fields are strong. These are enlightened beings.
There's, you can't get any kind of, you know, hogwash like
that into a field like this.
That's impossible. These are strong, incredibly
powerful fields that are there to protect us,
but we've got to do the work to keep those skills up.
Mm-Hmm. So another one by Alex Gray.
Uh, you know, and I love the fact that he's got what,
you know, words and Sanskrit texts,
and a lot of information talks about when,
when people saw enlightened beings, that words
and all the numbers
and everything of the universe was flowing from their,
from their bodies and from their, from their fields,
that they could see the numbers and colors and letters
and words, and Sanskrit and everything.
Um, that's why I think this one's so cool, uh, is, you know,
again, this isn't Buddha.
This isn't Jesus. This is you and this is me.
This is all of us. All of us have this, you know,
ability to do this.
Um, Christ did. You can do all the things
I'm doing in greater things.
The only reason I don't think we do those things is
'cause we don't use our heart and brains the
same capacity that they did.
But surely we have the same brain
as Albert Einstein in the same heart
as Jesus or Budd or anyone.
And I love, if you look down at his heart,
you can see the sun looks like a little sun down there.
And you know, I, I had to download one time
that my heart was the sun of my solar system, my body
and the organs, and the chakras and the glands
and stuff where it planets to that sun.
So literally, like the sun was the, you know,
center of your universe.
So here's a cool picture. You know, oftentimes in the Bible,
it talks about Christ told parables to, you know,
people out in the open.
But he told the meaning to those parables,
to his true disciples.
True disciples, not people who said they followed them,
or, you know, whatever, people who really were
engaged in the mystery
and wanted to know the truth, you know?
And so here's, look what's cool, you know, uh,
this Jesus talking to everybody,
but here's everybody else that has their own little halos.
Some, not so much, you know,
and I don't, you know, know if that's,
it's just artwork or whatever.
But certainly some of these average people in here,
they have halos as well.
So here is a master behind closed doors,
telling the secrets, telling the parables, you know,
explaining quantum physics.
And, um, you know, the secrets of the university's people
and their pineal glands are glowing as well.
Same thing. His, you know, again, he's teaching the masses.
His, his is a little bit different.
You may, you know, probably just a little bit more
enlightened than the rest.
They're obviously following 'em around to learn to,
to grow, to understand.
Um, but he's, he's certainly transmitting that energy
to them to help them awake as well.
And I think that's what's so important, you know, is
for me personally, my spiritual, uh,
journey was for myself.
You know, uh, I remember graduating college
and think I didn't have any, any kind of x information.
I didn't think I was any better than I was the day I walked
in, or any smarter, more intelligent
or more, uh, you know, able, able to get a job.
But, so I, you know, it's kind of made it my,
my goal in life to, you know, learn things
and figure out what God was and spirituality,
and I was open to anything.
And so it was for me at first,
but I feel like eventually, as, as you do wake up,
as you do, you know, open up your pineal gland,
there's a responsibility that you feel to help the others,
to tell other people, to transmit what you know
and understand to those who are willing
to sit down and listen and learn.
And, uh, I certainly feel that,
and, uh, you know, not say anybody's above anybody else.
I certainly don't think that, I think we're all one,
but I definitely want to share, you know, secret information
and esoteric information with anybody
and everybody who's willing to listen.
And so I think that's what you see with disciples.
You know, Buddha had 'em, Christ had 'em.
Uh, you look back at all the enlightened beings, you know,
they all had followers and people who are, you know,
desperate to learn what these people had achieved.
And, um, you know, one of the things, uh,
people asked Buddha like, Hey, what are you?
And he replied, I am awake.
And so, um, I think that's what we're going to.
I, I don't, I'm definitely not claiming to be awake,
but I'm definitely awakening.
And, uh, I don't even know how long that process takes
or what it all until looked like,
but I know it's captivated me for a long time now.
And, um, you know, I'm certainly just open to growing more
and learning as much as I possibly can.
And, um, you know, I think
that's probably why you guys are all here as well.
But certainly there are some people, uh, out there who think
that singular eye is something that they can manipulate,
something they can control, um, an order they can control.
And so I think that's imperative to know as well, uh,
to not get caught up in the, the flashiness of things
that are going on, what's happening out in the world
sometimes, because certainly some people, you know,
have ideas that sounds similar to the things
that these enlightened beings are talking about,
will have a world that's peaceful again.
And, you know, there won't be any countries and,
and governments that, you know,
control everyone or whatever.
Um, you know, and a lot of the things that some
of these people preach are, are similar,
but they're doing it in a ways that they control it instead
of it being for the good of all people.
So, I, I think one of the ways that's clear, uh,
that it's,
and obvious that certain people are trying to,
uh, calcify the pineal gland,
as Conrad said earlier, is fluoride.
Um, in case you guys didn't know, when we went to war
with the Nazis of World War ii,
and we captured their scientists
and everything like that, um,
we brought them back here to work for us.
They didn't, they didn't get tried
or, you know, anything happened to them.
Um, that's called Project Paperclip. You can look that up.
They brought them back here to work in the United States,
and I believe many of the things
that they were doing over there in Germany,
they brought over here to do the same things.
So the Nazis literally put fluoride in the water of the Jews
to make them more docile
and not fight back just to be, you know, zombie fired.
And, you know, I don't know about you guys,
but I don't see how the government could pay a lot of money
to put fluoride in our water just for our teeth.
And now I have had many conversations with people who said,
I used to work at a dentist's office, or whatever.
I know fluoride is good for your teeth.
So I will, I'm gonna go ahead
and tell you exactly what fluoride is.
Fluoride, the ingestation of fluoride,
if you fluoride is a toxic chemical waste.
Ingesting fluoride is poison.
What fluoride does that's good for the teeth
is it's a coating.
When they put fluoride on your teeth, it coats the teeth so
that things can't get into it and destroy it.
If you could put super glue on your teeth
and probably stop the same thing,
but nobody's gonna put super glue on your teeth, obviously,
I would say I wouldn't put fluoride on my teeth either,
nor would I use it for any cleaning or toothpaste product,
because you're obviously gonna get a small portion of
that fluoride that's gonna be soaked in through the gums
that fluoride leads the calcification
that we were talking about earlier.
So that we definitely don't want our Pino bands
to be calcified from that.
I think, you know, poor dys
and things definitely lead to that as well.
But, um, certainly fluoride in our water,
I don't think in any way, shape or form is good for us.
There's no evidence whatsoever that I've ever seen
that suggests that, um, fluoride does anything good.
It's the same ingredients in Wrap pro, uh,
that's in wrap poison and, uh, Prozac.
And it has many, many negative side effects, memory loss,
uh, joint problems, lower sex drive, infertility.
So, um, you know, I mean, the list is, this is very long,
obviously, and you guys can read it.
Um, so you know, why you, you can't really convince me
that this is gonna be something good for us
to just, just for our teeth.
And there's so many other side effects.
Uh, this is a toxic chemical waste.
And, uh, to put this in our water is, is absolutely absurd,
um, that anybody's putting anything like this in your water,
there's so many negative side effects to fluoride.
Um, there's just no way that, uh, I,
I don't think at this point they,
anybody could really make an honest, you know, argument to,
uh, to convince people, um, that fluoride is actually good
for your teeth, other than what I told you before.
It just coats the teeth for a small amount of time.
But that fluoride that you cut your teeth was obviously
gonna get into the bloodstream as well.
So here's an actual picture
of a pineal gland blown up a little bit.
And this white part on top is the calcification
that you would see in it.
So the fluoride and, and things like that.
Pour diets and stuff that is attacking
that pineal gland is really limiting the access
that you have to it.
So the what seems that the pineal gland is able to do,
it has water around it,
and it's able to kind of stuck in water and,
and reverse it in a way that like it's coming out of itself.
It's hard to describe, but, um, it, so when this fluoride,
when the fluoride hits your pine gland
and calcify it, you're, it's just not able to get
that blood flow that it needs.
It's not able to reverse the water
that it needs to be able to.
Um, you're, you're, you know,
you've heard the expression you need
to go squeegee out your pineal gland.
It needs to be like this very, you know, fluid type organ
that's to be able to suck in things and then suck that,
and then, you know, basically kind of spit it back out.
Um, but that's, that's what it's doing here.
That fluoride is literally just completely calcifying.
Um, so that these things are not working at all.
And, you know, um, there are a lot
of other things that affect it too.
So one of the things just in general
that you may not even think of, that's not necessarily a,
you know, a bad thing,
but wearing even sunglasses, the,
the pineal gland is activated by light and dark.
So, you know, a lot of times eyeglasses
and contact lenses can rob you from blocking your,
your eye from receiving some of the ultraviolet light
that's coming through into the pineal gland.
Um, and so, you know, wearing,
I'm not saying you shouldn't wear 'em any or all
or any time, but certainly I would restrict my use
of wearing sunglasses all the time.
Um, you know what I mean?
Sunlight is imperative to a healthy body, vitamin D.
And, uh, we need the adequate amount of that during the day
so that when you get to the nighttime
and your pineland turns on, it's had enough light
that's absorbed into it that it can use to
probably then allow it to glow,
like we saw in those pictures earlier.
And so, you know, it, this is kinda the same thing.
If, if pharmacies
and things like that should be health food stores
and not just pharmaceutical drugs,
these things obviously affect the pineal blend as well.
And to create these just really, like I was talking about,
the Jews a really docile not fight back, not, you know,
question information that we've been given.
Question, history, education, you know, uh, it, a lot of,
not a lot, a few people benefit greatly from a civilization
that doesn't, you know, fight back
that doesn't say anything, that doesn't question anything.
Um, certainly, and a few people profit off that instead
of healthy people who have, you know, minds
that work really well, and they're really sharp
and they're really quick and they eat, you know,
healthy foods and living foods,
and they're able to make good decisions for themselves.
So when we, you know, are in that state,
when our ing land is very calcified,
when we're not accessing a lot of it, you know, we tend
to see this three-dimensional world when we know there's a
lot more to reality than that.
You know, just in general, we know that there's light,
infrared light bouncing around that we can't see.
There's sounds that are bouncing around
that we can't necessarily hear it, you know, you know,
a dog can hear a dog whistle,
and you can't, there's a whole world of,
of things available out there, um, to see that, um,
it's just, you know, unavailable to us.
So we think everything's, you know, 3D
and I gotta have the nice car and the nice clothes
and go to the game and go to this.
And, you know, I work for money no matter what it costs me,
you know, my time and, uh, my soul.
Um, but certainly there's much more to who we are, to
what we're capable of, our intuition, our psychic abilities.
But we are so limited, we don't even think
that stuff is possible, except
for most people will chalk it up to, oh,
one person could do that.
Sure, Jesus could do that, or Buddha could do that,
but certainly not me.
You know, that's because our access to Pineland is literally
so restricted, you know, our imagination, I
Magi nation, the place inside of us where we're magicians,
and we can, you know, conjure
of anything is literally limited.
So, you know, again, if you guys wanna jump in here at any
point, feel free to, you know, say anything or whatever.
I'm totally open to that. So, of course,
the purpose of our topic today is we wanna be able
to awaken our third eye.
How do we open that closed eye
and be able to use it so we can use those things?
So of course, you know, obviously number one,
kick the fluoride, even the water
that I'm drinking right now outta my Burke filter, um,
you know, I would stay away from any
of the Nestle products with water.
Um, you know, all I think of pretty much all water,
especially United States has got some
fluoride in it nowadays.
Um, but just be very careful.
I, my, I, number one thing I would,
I would dream would be living spring water.
Uh, first and foremost.
Um, number two on this list at least, is the, the raw cacao.
Um, cacao ceremonies are great, um,
'cause they do, uh, you know, get the cacao really centers
to the heart, but the heart is definitely the worrying
that pumps the blood.
So getting that blood going, getting that blood to
that pineal gland helps detoxify the blood and everything.
Um, meditation
and, you know, I just want to put it out there,
that meditation is not sitting in your room
and just, um, trying to forget everything
or, you know, trying to become something.
Um, to me, the most profound times up in meditation
that I ever had was just sitting there letting go
of being Jacob, being a boy, being a guy from a small town,
whatever it was, and just, you know, pretending,
if you will, that I was the universe in ecstatic motion.
And when I could do that,
I became the universe an ecstatic motion.
Um, and then sun gazing itself again,
talking about the sun coming into your
eye, it's very important.
Uh, most people say the beginning parts of sunrise
and the end of sunset are some
of the best times to sun gaze.
Um, you guys can look it up,
but there are lots of documentaries
and people who literally claim to have not eaten for years
because they sun gaze hours a day, so they don't even have
to eat anything anymore.
Um, I think it's possible. Uh, I'm definitely not there.
I love to eat food still.
But, um, enlightened beings, I think could go vast,
vast amounts of time without eating anything, uh,
or consuming anything.
Their body is literally,
your body is literally its own energy
factory creating its own energy.
I would say a small portion is really
coming from the food that you eat.
A lot of energy actually goes into digesting food.
So, Jacob, yep.
Um, the cacao,
that's not the coffee bean
or, um, um, oh, what's the other thing I wanted
to try to think of?
I mean, is cacao its own plant?
Yeah. So it's like a little bean.
It's what, when you, when people say chocolate, it's
what chocolate is derived from today.
But today,
chocolate is just sugar flavored chocolate cacao, right?
It's it, and, and nowadays, actually,
you can go into most natural health food stores
and look at a chocolate bar, and they'll say 50% cacao,
or 70% cacao, or 80% cacao.
The more cacao you can get,
especially the dark chocolate, the better.
Um, so that is, like I said, a little bean.
It's very bitter, um, if you don't mix it with anything.
And, uh, the natives in Central America
and even parts of South America
would sit in ceremony and drink this together.
My partner and I lead ceremonies
of this a couple times a month, uh,
in Colorado Springs parents
to just let me know, we can get you in there.
Um, but when you drink it
and then, you know, have an intention, this,
what they would say was, it would open your heart
and be able to, you know, love and feel love and compassion.
And, um, and so we, we'll do this with intention
and usually have a subject matter to talk about.
And, you know, I've done this with shamans and,
and, uh, and people like that.
And I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've cried.
Um, it just opens up the heart chakra, opens up your heart
to be able to feel love for yourself, to feel love
for others, to feel a lot of gratitude.
Um, you know what I mean? I,
I think obviously the heart is something
that does much more than pumps blood to our, to our body.
Um, this is an intuitive organ that has neurons in it
that now we know the heart math, uh, heart math, science,
you know, can literally scientifically prove
that the heart sends more information to the brain
than the brain sends to the heart.
The heart is really the more incredible almost
of the two organs, if you will, if it was a competition.
Um, not that it is, but,
and again, that's a whole nother topic.
But cacao is a yes, a beam from, uh, central America
that the Mayans
and other natives used to use in ceremony, um, to connect
with their, with themselves
and to others, uh, in a very deep and profound way.
Thank you. Mm-Hmm.
So, uh, yeah, uh, raw chocolate, uh, I was go raw cow,
dark chocolate, apple cider vinegar.
Um, there are a lot, a lot of things out there.
I've heard skate liver oil,
and, um, all kinds of different things
to help with the pineal gland.
Obviously staying away from the processed foods, sugar,
um, those kind of things.
You know, fasting a couple times, uh, a month
or a year is good.
I would especially say for three days. If you can do it.
If you could just do water for three days,
that's a whole body reset, a whole immune system reset to,
to fast for three days.
But, um, certainly like I said, you know, just go online.
There are lots of, uh, people
who say there are different things to help do this.
Um, skate liver oil, um, I,
I definitely heard is one apple cider
vinegar is good for a lot of things.
Even a shot or two of that a day is, is life changing.
Jacob, what is the nascent iodine?
Is that something that's found in sea kelp,
or what exactly is that?
That's a good question. And that's one
I don't know about myself.
Okay. To be honest, it's on there.
I'll look it up. I haven't researched it myself.
Uh, you know, know, I, I obviously know carrot juice
and mushroom chocolate, mushroom tea and alkaline diet.
Uh, but that's not one I know in particularly for myself.
Um, but I know just alkaline diet in general.
So every person who has the disease, every person who's sick
or has a cold or the flu has an acidic pH.
And again, that's because we're eating lots of sugars
and processed food.
But if you were eating, every person
who has cancer has an acidic pH, if you were
to raise the body to an alkaline level,
you would never be sick.
So, you know, sickness is not necessarily a bad thing.
It's our indicator that we haven't been eating raw, organic,
uh, foods, um, you know, too many processed foods.
It's just kinda like, Hey, you need to stop doing this.
You're gonna feel bad if you don't.
It's, it's that first step sicknesses, I think
before you get disease.
You no body, your body's no longer at ease.
Now you're at disease
because you chose
to continuously do those things over and over again.
We gave you the subtle hints
that you were sick all the time.
Now here's the disease
because you didn't listen to the subtle hints.
Here's the big whack, um, from the universe.
Hopefully that big whack will help you get,
you know, realize what you're doing.
I know, certainly for me, I got autoimmune disease, uh,
20 years ago
and spent, uh, a vast amount of time researching
and going to reiki healings and eating right,
and, uh, meditation to cure myself.
And I can tell you today that I have cured myself
of my own autoimmune disease.
And, uh, but I do believe if I was to go back
to my old ways, I would get it again.
So, but, um, you know, I think that's important to share
with people that, uh, you know, I don't know everything,
I don't claim to, uh,
but if you see something that
you're interested, definitely look it up.
Maybe bring it back next time and let us know.
So this is a really important, uh, way to realize
that the apocalypse means, uh,
or really is a word that, you know, we have
changed up so much now.
Um, but in the Greek terms, it meant, uh, a lifting
of the veil, something that was hidden to be revealed.
Oh, no, don't tell me that. Hold on one second.
Sometimes you get stuck.
Um, yeah. So lifting of the veil
or disclosure of knowledge, that's
what the word apocalypse means in group where na,
where originally came from.
Uh, you know, we trying to think of the,
the gloom and doom today.
What's that? But
that's certainly not what it, what it originally meant,
along with a lot of our other definitions.
And things have changed over time, uh, to kind
of hide words and meanings and stuff.
But, you know, obviously the corruption of political system,
financial system, um, you know,
we're all waking up ous humans, uh, potential in the minds
of people, people coming together
to affect real positive change.
Apocalypse has definitely happened.
We are there, uh, there's no doubt about that.
Uh, a lifting of the veil is happening, you know, uh,
and not, you know, in, in different places and,
and different ways in's happening,
you know, for people differently.
Some people may wake up to politics being corrupt first,
or the education system,
or there are all kinds of ways that we start to see
through the veil, and it starts
getting disclosed to us first.
Whatever people are into mostly we'll see that.
Um, aliens, aliens, um, yeah, it could be anything.
I mean, if you're someone who sits in a school system all
day long, you would think, well, that, you know,
that person's not gonna wake up.
But I mean, even that they're seeing now that
with education systems just not for everyone, you know,
if you want to take it that way, um, that person starts
to wake up, Hey, how can we do this differently so
that everybody thrives and everybody does better?
Um, so I don't think there's a facet of, of, of living,
you know, that, that you couldn't wake up, you know,
everything is pretty much the same thing.
So, um, every way is valid.
And, you know, every, uh, every life is an opportunity
for everyone to wake up.
So, you know, don't ever count anybody out.
Uh, you know, I was a bartender in Atlanta
for, you know, a long time.
So, um, I was able to see the darkness really well that way.
Um, and then when some light came in, I was able to be like,
oh, wow, that's real light.
That's real. Um, something that I'm really into.
So, uh, I got somebody else coming in right now.
Um, so that's something that I, you know, that I realized,
hey, that's more than just, you know,
somebody telling me something that doesn't have facts.
So every, every life's valid, every, every avenue,
every, you know, every raise.
Oh, let me stop me.
I think sometimes when I let people in, it doesn't, too.
Okay? So here's a great picture.
No matter what life you're living, no matter
what job you have, um, the lifting
of the veils for everyone, right?
Everybody can do it. It can happen overnight.
It could be one spiritual experience, one cacao ceremony,
uh, you know, one yoga retreat, one yoga class, you know,
one alien encounter, you know, one UFO encounter.
It could be anything for anybody.
So never count anybody out.
Um, you know,
but this is a great, a great picture of what's on the,
what's out from everything I've been told.
What there's more to life than everything, um,
that I've read in books, or that my mom
and dad told me are more to spirituality than
what the preacher, you know, preaches about, uh, in church.
And the way that we do that is we have to open that eye.
We have to awaken that eye.
So, you know, again, uh, good health, the, the light, um,
you know, um, staying away from poor diets,
but literally an eyeball, that pineal gland, the third eye
mind's eye, it's in every single person.
All of us have it so we can all can awaken it.
Um, so again, here's a pine cone, a sleeping human.
This is the green, immature pine cone.
We wanna be this awakened avatar.
We want to be a mature pine cone.
You know, we wanna be able to wake that thing up
and allow for, uh, you know, full activation.
So, you know what, perfect way to really get people
to wake up in a mass way.
There's been great awakenings, you know, in, uh, our country
before and other countries and all around the world,
but oftentimes it is the darkness
that brings out the light in people.
You know, if it didn't get really bad,
sometimes some people would never wake up.
So I, I don't think it's anything to run around
and complain about and be sad about and be mad about.
But, you know, it's an opportunity now for many people
to realize like, Hey, things aren't going
the way I necessarily want them to.
How can I make a difference? How can we change things?
That's what's super important.
And I think that the answer to that literally is what is
behind your eyes holds more power
than what's in front of them.
So you can point the fingers all you want to, that each
and every single one of us has an incredible amount of power
inside of us to change the world.
You know, Jesus was just a barefooted man
who walked around on the earth.
So is Buddha, you know, mother Teresa, um, Jane Goodall.
I mean, these, you just a person from a small town,
all of em, you know what I mean?
Each one of us has the same heart
and the same brain as Jesus or Buddha or Albert Einstein,
or, um, you know, anybody.
We just have to learn how to use these incredible gifts
that we've been given, because at the end of the day,
you know, it is our journey and our responsibility.
And when you are ready, you know, no one can wake you up.
You have to be ready for it.
Um, and so, you know, it's up to you.
Um, but just right here, this says the pineal gland.
And a third eye is the most heavily targeted
and poison gland in the human body, mainly due
to its spiritual influence.
It has on human awareness.
A closed pineal gland means the mind can easily be deceived
as it struggles to look beyond
what is presented in front of it.
An open pineal gland acts like a truth, uh, detector
by being able to pick up on the subtle inconsistencies
of lies or subliminal messages that may be used as a veil
to conceal true intentions.
And I can attest to this 100%.
Um, I, you know,
before I really felt like I was waking up, I would,
you know, date the same person over again.
I would go to the same job or the same events
and be miserable all the time when I started
to really wake up and realize like, Hey,
that girl's really pretty, but if I date her
and do this, I know I'm gonna be miserable at the end.
She's gonna, you know, take advantage of me.
I'm gonna be really upset, sad, you know,
if I take this job, I'm gonna do that.
I was just able to really allow my intuition to come on
and, and see it,
and be able to like, oh, you know what I mean?
I don't have to go down the road again.
Um, the universe is giving me the opportunity
to see if I've learned something and I can go down it
and continue the same patterns over again,
or I can see through it and move up
to the next step of my evolution.
'cause there's a lot more to get to.
So, but we can't go to something new
until we learn sometimes the old thing.
So it's imperative for us to have that pineal land awakening
for our souls to evolve to these experiences.
I don't feel that there's any reason, honestly, to
look down on anyone
or be upset, uh, by somebody else's journey.
At the end of the day, it's their journey.
There are things that people know that I don't know,
and there are things that they get that I don't get.
So just because there's one thing that they seem, you know,
seems really obvious to me that they're not getting,
it's not for me to judge them
and be like, oh, you know, they're not getting that.
How dumb are they? Like, they're gonna
keep doing the same experience.
No, it's, it's imperative for all of us
to have our own evolution of our soul,
to have our own lives, uh, our own journeys,
and let everybody have those.
If people want help, you know, help 'em out.
But, um, I, I've learned, for me,
there's really usually only two ways to learn things.
That's to learn from others.
Where someone tells you something
and offers you gifts, offers you knowledge and wisdom.
R two, you can learn it for yourself.
And oftentimes number two is a little bit harder,
but there usually is a more experienced gain
by the heartbreak, or, you know, you learn it by yourself.
But, uh, I try to learn things from
what others tell me these days if I can.
So that's it, man. We are, we are in the midst
of probably the, one of the greatest mass awakenings
of our planet in history.
Um, I, I, I find this an incredible time.
Um, 10 years ago, the conversation that you could have
with people about even politics or religion
or education, you know, or fluoride
or anything, you couldn't even have a
conversation about most of those things.
You know, now most people are aware
of the deception in a lot of things.
And, you know, maybe not to great depths,
but at least a little bit.
I find that off, you know, fascinating and,
and obviously awesome at the same time.
You know, like, you know, we may not be able to have,
you know, a conversation about everything,
but I, you know, if I can have a conversation about one
thing, uh, with someone, just even
for a little bit, that's amazing.
So, you know, we are really honestly having the greatest,
uh, probably awakening on this earth has ever
seen, uh, collectively.
So, um, you know, when we open up our pineal glands,
we enhance our psychic abilities, uh, our intuition,
remote viewing, uh, astral projection, um,
the list goes on and on of the abilities
that stem from an awakened pineal gland.
Uh, you know, I mean,
and I'll be honest, I think there are things that, uh,
I don't even think that we're even remotely aware of
for what we can do.
So it's time, it's now time more than ever
to awaken ourselves, to awaken that eye within, to become,
to dare to become the avatars that we know
that deep down we are,
and that most of us have, you know, been hiding from,
are too scared to be that person inside of us, um,
that's just calling to us.
And you know, so much that, Hey, I'm in here.
I'm, we're, you know what I mean, I'm ready.
Um, you know, we're all the gods
and goddesses that, uh, we look up to and we love.
Um, that's us. You know what I mean?
The, the superheroes that we see on TV
and movies that we love, that's whispering
inside each and every single one of us.
Hey, it's time for you to do that.
It's time for you to wake up.
It's time for you to, you know, be a superhero.
And it doesn't have to be, you know, flying around and, and,
and beating people up that I
don't think that's what it is at all.
Um, you can, you can help your neighbor.
You can get a job that you feel good about.
Um, you know, you can listen to people with, with open ears.
Instead of just offering advice, you immediately listen to
what they have to say and why they're saying it.
There's so many things that each of us can do, you know,
but ultimately, I think love is our greatest superpower.
Um, you know, kindness, compassion, empathy,
and, um, certainly our psychic powers, uh, you know,
things that we're talking about here,
just elementary to what we could do.
I mean, obviously there's been people who could fly around
who had lightning bolts come from their, you know, bodies
and, you know, humans that could walk on water
and, you know what I mean, heal people without scalpels
and needles or, uh, you know, drugs
or anything just in the, in the blink of an eye, you know,
someone who couldn't see, see,
or someone who couldn't walk, walk.
Um, that's real, uh, psychic abilities that,
I don't even think it's mystic or anything.
I think it's just a technology that once we learn it and,
and practice it, you know, each one of us can use.
And that to me, uh, is one
of the most incredible gifts in general, is healing.
Healing ourselves and others.
Uh, every other Tuesday I do a, um, hands-on healing energy,
a group energy healing class,
because I honestly believe
with enough practice we can do that.
We can move mountains.
Um, I do believe
that we could put a person on a massage table
and a few people stand around
and believe that we're gonna move cancer
and we can move cancer outta someone's body.
Then that person doesn't have to pay tens of thousands
of dollars in, you know, countless hours of doctor's visits
and drugs and radiation therapy.
Imagine if we can move those cancers
and those diseases outta people without having to pay,
you know, someone an awful lot of time and money.
Um, that's something I believe every culture talks about,
um, that we have the ability to do.
And, you know, Christ said, you could, again,
you can do all things I'm doing in greater things.
If we only believed it, we could achieve it.
And I think that first part is just knowing
that it is possible.
And then from there, you know, never doubting it ever.
Because ho honestly, at the end
of the day, we're all Buddhists.
Every single one of us, uh, you are all gods.
When, uh, Christ was, you know, doing miracles, um,
and, you know, the Pharisees and sadist came up to him
and they thought they were gonna catch him,
and they said, um, Hey man, you know, you know, you're, uh,
doing the, the Lord's work on the Sabbath day.
That's a sin. They wanted to stone him for that.
Um, he says, you know, and,
and this is literally in the Bible, it says,
you are all gods, all of us, not some of us,
not, you know, a couple people over here.
These people, everybody is, you know, the difference
between him and us only is that he believed it
and he not just believed it.
He knew it. He knew deep down in the soul.
And so, I honestly think at the end of the day, sometimes
the difference between knowing
and believing is probably just doing it.
Because oftentimes people can say, we know this,
or we say, we know that.
But if you're not doing it, if you're not truly being it,
how can you say you really even believe in it?
Right? How could you say that?
You know, oh, I believe we could heal people.
You do, do you practice it?
Because if you don't, do you really believe it?
And this is me daring people,
because I am here to dare some people out.
I'm here to say, follow me. Come with me.
You know, let's do these things that we are entitled to do,
because who are we to just work these mundane fricking lives
and go to work every day when we literally have been told
by Jesus and Krishna and, and Allah
and all of 'em, that we could do all things.
They're doing better things than they ever did.
So we're all Buddhas, we're all Christ. We're all gods.
This right here is an incredible artwork.
Um, you know, I'll just quickly explain it according
to the artist, uh, you know, uh,
explaining it their own artwork, but basically it's oneness.
Down at the bottom, it's the circle.
You can't really see it super well.
But that's the caduceus, you know, the DNA snake with the,
uh, the wings and little pine cone on top.
That's duality the two.
Then it has the trinity and the four elements,
and you know, obviously fish and the, uh, dinosaurs
and mammals.
And then you see Adam and Eve there
and the Buddhist under his tree.
And, um, then you see Jesus
and Jesus' on the cross.
And so we go from that, this colorful, beautiful istic scene
to after Christ is crucified to this really kind of dark,
you know, capitalism, industrial age.
It looks like there's a nuclear bomb going off,
which obviously happened not too long ago into what
you could obviously argue is
what could be like a fifth mention
or higher dimensional frequencies
before it goes back to oneness again.
I do believe that this is pretty accurate, that life seems
to be not like a circle of life that goes around,
but a spiral of life of things coming back around,
over and over and over again.
Experiences, situations, events.
Um, and it seems like this is just something that happens.
Uh, and we're in this, we're in this spot.
This is kind of a, I don't wanna, you know,
maybe natural progression,
but, uh, you know, it doesn't, it probably happens similar
to this on many other planets as well.
But I do think we're at this incredible crucial time now
where, you know, people on the planet have the technology
and ability to destroy the whole thing.
Um, and in my honest, humble opinion,
I believe the reason Mars has no atmosphere now is probably
because it had a nuclear war on it in the past,
and some survivors did make it out and came to earth.
But, um, I am hoping that we can learn from them
and other civilizations
and realize that, um, we can, uh, survive, we can,
uh, awaken the world.
It's not gonna take you or I becoming CEOs of a company
and funneling millions of dollars into it to, you know,
convince people of anything
that literally science has shown us that meditation
and focusing on the things that we want.
Uh, Socrates says it's, you know, if we want change,
we shouldn't focus on what we don't want.
Rather focusing on what we do want
and putting our time and energy into that.
So in the same token, I think that's called
where our attention goes, energy flows,
and I think that's important.
We can't continue to bash the things
that we hate talk about on things like find new ways
to do things, focus on what we do love about the world,
how much gratitude we have for our families,
for our life, for our friends.
Um, those things really do matter and they ripple out.
And when enough people constantly focus on those things,
the world will literally change into
what would be a higher dimensional frequency
where more reality is a, you know, is just known.
It's not a question anymore
of like a couple people throughout history knowing it.
Everyone knows it. You know, we live in this world where
everyone's, oh, you know, intuition.
Oh, that's, yeah, I know I will use my intuition.
Or I remote viewing.
Yeah, I, I remote viewed Mars the other day.
You know, it's just like normal conversation.
We look back, do you remember when we didn't know those
things and we were kind of oblivious?
Um, but certainly I think that we're able to, to,
we're gonna be able to do those things.
Uh, I know certainly I'm already experienced.
I know other people are already
experiencing those kind of things.
And, um, certainly we'll be able
to expand on those teachings
and understandings even in more
depth in the future, I believe.
Um, and with that knowledge, with those psychic abilities,
we'll be able to paint a new world, um, be able to create
a new world again that works for everybody.
One where there's sustainable energies and free energies
and, you know, you gotta think so much of the violence
and everything that happens on this planet's
because there's so much lack,
or at least people perceive it that way,
that there's not enough for everyone to go around
and, you know, so a lot of people have
to take something from someone else.
Um, certainly we can paint a new world, a new, uh,
a new way of being and create a new life
that works for all of us.
And I think that's exactly what's gonna happen
in the age of Aquarius.
Uh, we are gonna experience a wonderful new, uh,
way of being on this planet, a way of living, a way
of thinking, a way of doing politics.
It'll be completely destroyed,
but then completely renewed to a new way that works for us.
And the Bible and other books talk about, you know,
a thousand years of peace, a golden age, uh, the golden
coga, whatever you wanna call it.
But I do believe that we will, uh, experience a lifetime,
uh, or, or a world, a reality that's 10 times,
a hundred times more harmonious now than
we, than we live right now.
Um, I don't know how much,
but I do believe that it would be much more, uh,
drastically increased than what it is now
and the problems that we're having today
and the things that are going on, you know, it's just, uh,
we're just figuring out we're gonna work it out.
And, uh, maybe not everybody gets in there,
but, um, they'll get the chance to live those lives and,
and reincarnate into their bodies
and figure it out for themselves eventually one day.
But certainly I do feel like this where this earth is going.
Uh, I'll do a whole talk on the golden Age
and in the age of Aquarius, uh,
within a couple episodes of today.
But, um, that's where we want to go.
We want to go from this world on the right,
the industrial world's on fire, um, you know,
the smoke, uh, to beautiful
luscious animals and water, and people living in the trees
and living with the earth and, uh, harmonious world.
I know that we can do it, um, instead of just one.
It's just taking from nature and raping the earth.
Um, you know,
and it's just contrast, I think at the end of the day
with an experience that, hey, this is what's going on.
This is what has happened.
But, um, we can take that knowledge now
and be better humans than we were before
because we experienced that suffering.
And we don't want any, we don't want the
earth to experience that anymore.
Um, so I, although I do think ages
and cycles come back around, uh,
hopefully there won't be one that goes back down as far
as we have been, at least in a long time, uh, to come.
So, um, that's my talk for today,
and that's the last slide I had for today.
But that's another one of Alex Gray's painting
that, this, I just love it.
I think it's great. And, uh,
I think his work is just amazing, you know, check him out.
Uh, third eye, the pineal gland, pineal gland,
however you wanna say it.
It doesn't bother me whatsoever.
Like I said, I'm a boy from Georgia, so I normally like to
make, uh, cut as many syllables out as possible,
but I'll try to say pineal gland
to make the majority of people happy.
Um, but yeah, that's what we're talking about tonight.
It's, uh, in so many, there we go. Let's see.
Oh, I'm stuck already. How's that?
I clicked outta everything.
There we go.
Okay, so the mind's eye, um, you know,
and it's been around for as long as humanity's been
around these esoteric groups, uh, that have,
that have talked about it.
Renee Decart is obviously one person
who has talked about it, you know, in the great detail,
Renee, um, he called the pineal gland,
the seat of the soul.
And I tend to agree with him.
Um, there's some pretty amazing things about the pineal
gland that, uh, that I would,
that I'll share here in a little bit that really, uh,
emphasize why I believe he's correct on that.
Um, but yeah, down here at the bottom, it says, he said,
the principle seed of the soul.
Um, oh, come on. Don't get stuck.
How are we getting stuck already?
Alright, guys, that doesn't happen too often. There we go.
So it is a tiny, tiny little organ in the, in your brain,
um, and it looks like a tiny little pine cone, which is why,
uh, it is called the pineal gland or pineal gland.
Um, and reptiles, uh, many still have the bump,
or at least you can even tell
that it looks like an eye on top of their head.
So, we're not talking about something mystical here.
We are talking about a real gland.
The pineal gland is something in science
that we know today is 100% a real organ, a real gland.
Um, the purpose for that is questionable.
Many people really, honestly don't know what it regulates
and what it works for, but obviously many mystics and saints
and, um, cultures
and civilizations have talked about the mystical factor
of the pineal gland.
It sits right in the center, um, of the brain
between the two hemispheres.
Again, it's a tiny little gland there in comparison to a lot
of other things in the brain, just really small.
Um, but it's really powerful, um,
right there in the center of our brain.
And you can see here between the right hemisphere
and the left hemisphere, it's dead in the middle.
So this is a cool picture
because when you have, uh, you know, like a cancer
or tumor in the brain,
and you go to the, to the doctor, um, for them to check it,
they will actually take a scan like this of your brain,
and you see this little white dot that's the pineal gland.
And the reason that it's little that, um,
Conrad mentioned earlier that it gets calcified.
That is why, because the average person's pineal
gland is calcified.
So this white the center of your brain is easy
to see with a, with an X-ray like this.
So if you have a growth, a tumor is a growth in the brain.
If you have a growth on the right side
or the left side, it will push this gland off center.
So if it's off to the left, you have a tumor on the right.
If it's off to the right, you have a tumor on the left side.
So this is something that they use literally
because it's easy to see,
and it's supposed to be dead center in the middle.
Um, and if it's not, they know why.
So when you look at it from the side angle, you can see
how if you were to look, uh, just straight to the left,
it would come out right between the forehead right here.
And that's often where you see a bendy or the eye marks.
Um, you know, when people draw third eye artwork.
And that's because your third eye is literally looking
straight out in between, just
above the two eyes, but dead center.
Another fact is that the pineal gland does glow.
It does emit light. This is a fact.
Um, I believe this is probably more
for mystical experiences out-of-body experiences,
but for sure, this gland does emit its own
light that comes from it.
Um, it also has the highest blood flow
of any gland in the entire body.
So even though it is a small organ,
there's more blood being pumped to
that thing than anything else,
and especially in certain points.
Um, DMT the Spirit molecule was wrote, was a book written
by Rick Straussman,
and it's based on, uh, his research where he had dozens
of people who he injected DMT into their bodies.
Um, and he, you know, goes through the whole, uh, experience
of those people and his predictions and everything.
Uh, the reason I bring him up is
because one of the fascinating things from the book,
and it's even now a movie that he talks about, is
that the pineal gland, um, is said
49 days after gestation is when it appears.
Okay? And so what he said is, you know, he realized
that the Buddhist and, and other eastern religions
and stuff talked about reincarnation taking 49 days
for, you know, for the soul to reincarnate.
And I think that's fascinating that science somehow seems
to be confirming that with these eastern, you know,
spiritual, spiritual, uh, you know, practices new that the,
that it took the soul 49 days to reincarnate.
So basically, this could be the seed of the soul.
Um, so when a person dies 49 days
after that, you could, you know,
inhabit another body after that.
Now, I know for some people reincarnation may be a tough
thing, but, but just a real quick thing about it.
I mean, if, you know, it's really tough decision to think
or, or, or thing to think that the pioneer
or you know, your soul would be, uh, not continuous, right?
That you just a one and done job and it's over.
Um, surely not.
I mean, obviously there's just so much to learn,
so much to take in.
We take in lifetimes as men, women, different cultures.
We speak different languages to gain sole information,
to gain experience, and we can continuously do it.
I would say every single person in this
talk tonight has been on this planet
and many other planets millions of times.
Uh, our soul is infinite,
and we continue just to go do different, uh, lifetimes,
to learn different things.
Uh, uh, Jacob? Yep.
What, what, what was the title of that book again?
What and what is DMT?
So, uh, spoil alert DMT will be the next,
uh, class next week.
Um, because both topics are such big, I couldn't,
I couldn't do all of 'em in one.
It would take me forever. Um,
because I think they're really,
they really need their own, their own day.
DMT is dimethyl tryptamine.
It is a psychedelic compound,
the most psychedelic compound known to man,
and every single person has it in them.
Um, it's created in the lungs and in your brain.
Straussman said, that's the doctor who wrote the book.
He said that, um, the, the times in your body
where your pineal van created the most EMT was at birth
death out-of-body experiences.
Like if you were in a car accident and you died,
and you know, someone had an out-of-body experience
where they saw their body, they were hovering above it.
Or if you were in a surgical table
and your soul came outta your body
and was looking at the, the avatar, your body itself,
those were the times when DMT was emitted
the most in the body.
So it's DMT seems to be the facilitator
of the sole in and out of the body.
Okay, thanks. Yep.
And so that's what I'm saying. Once that DMT is secreted,
the soul comes in and out,
and, you know, then you can never go back
and to where we came from.
Uh, I think that's the net of being,
that's a whole nother talk as well.
But, um, that's kind of home base.
And then before you're reincarnated into other, you know,
as sentient beings.
So again, it's the facilitator
of the soul into the body, in and out of the body.
And, um, this is kind of like
what our astral body would be, you know?
And, uh, when the person really opens up their pineal van
Rilla becomes awake, they're able to do astral traveling.
You can go anywhere on the planet, even in the universe,
and do remote viewing.
See things that are really happening at, you know, that time
and bring it back and have that information.
Um, so DMT will be the next, next talk, uh,
next week's talk, and we'll be, uh,
will be very interesting as well.
So, uh, when we look at ancient civilizations, um,
we look at their gods.
This is Sumerian God.
He obviously has a pine cone in his hand.
Um, I, I believe this is the belief is to symbolize
that his pineal gland is awake, that he's a,
he's an awakened being.
Um, so we see these pine cone images.
This guy's got a pine cone in his ha in his hands.
Sumerian God, you know, bird looking man.
This is the staff of Osiris.
He's got a pineal gland or,
or pine cone rather, on top of his, of his staff.
Um, again, this is that kind of the caduceus,
the medical symbol with the snakes wrapped around,
which is probably DNA and the,
and the pine cone on top, uh, Baus from Greek.
He's got a pine cone on top of his staff, another Greek God.
He's got a pine cone on top of his staff.
And then you look at the, uh, modern day.
Uh, I don't believe these people are gods,
nor do I really believe they're super holy.
Um, I wouldn't consider these the holy people of our time,
but of course, they know the symbology,
and they have, uh, the pope himself has a pine,
a pine cone in his staff.
And this really large pine cone with the two birds
is actually in the Vatican itself.
So, and this statue, I should have got one.
I I don't think I have one with a person next to it,
but a person will barely come up to the birds.
This is a massive, uh, statue.
And, um, you know, why else would the, you know, Vatican,
this place of spiritual, uh, supposed spiritual, uh,
place be a place where they have such a huge statue.
Um, and it's
because of Pineland is, you know,
a spiritual icon all around the world.
Um, this is a cross section.
The lower left hand part of this is the cross section
of the brain, that little tiny dot with the c next
to it is the pineal gland.
And when you look around the cross section of this, now,
you can see why the eye of Horace
and the eye of raw both look like the way they do.
It's a literally a cross section of the brain.
And the Egyptians knew this.
And that's why symbols are not random
symbols mean things that have very in-depth meanings.
And so the symbol of bra, the symbol
of Horace is a cross-section
of the pineal gland in the brain.
So, you know, you guys thought it was all just an eye.
Uh, it's way more than that.
It's, um, you know, it's, it is, uh,
it's the seed of our soul.
Um, it literally is, um, you know,
an incredible gland that allows us to see,
um, into things.
So our, our front eyes allows us to see the physical world
to gather up information and awaken.
Pineal gland is able to see into people, see into events,
see into the future, see into, um, you know, things,
how they could pan out for you if you were
to date this person or,
or take this job when it's really awake.
You can see, oh, how that works out,
or how that, how that would happen if
I, I went down this road.
Um, also just, you know, if you were to sit here
and close your eyes and think of a red firetruck and,
and really think of it, you can see that in your mind's eye.
Um, that's because the pineal gland also has rods
and cones in it, and pineal, they call 'em pine cytes.
So it literally functions as an eyeball does.
And, um, so that's why they call it the mind's eye.
'cause you have that even not just audio, not just, um,
audio, but you have video so you can see
and hear things in the brain.
So, you know, the infinite wifi signal
for the ancients was a pineal gland modem hooked
to the universe that when their pineal glands were
completely open and awake,
and they're able to channel an energy where to find food,
where to find water, um, you know where
to find a lost loved one, um, you know,
when danger's coming near to, you know what I mean?
Be awake and be aware of their environment
around them all the time.
You know, when dangers around, um,
that is what's really important in life.
Know when someone's telling you a lie,
know when someone's trying to get something out of you and,
and not, you know, and not in a positive way, you know
what I mean, trying to take something from you or something.
So it was incredibly vital
and important to them to be an awake
and, uh, clear-minded person, um, so
that you could channel in the information
that you needed to survive.
And to, um, not only that, but be intuitive
and be prosperous and, and those kind of things.
So it was imperative to have an awakened pineal pineland,
uh, Christ said, this is the, in Matthew 6 22, the light
of the body is the eye.
If therefore, your eye be single,
your whole body shall be full of light.
That is an incredible statement.
He's talking about the light of the body is the eye.
And again, so we know the pineal gland glows.
He's talking about a light in the body.
If your eye be single,
he's not talking about closing one eye.
He is talking about the pineal gland eye.
Your whole body shall be full of light.
It's also interesting about the lampstand parable.
Where do you put a lampstand? It's not at the bottom.
It's at the very top. Your pineal gland is at
the top of your body.
It's literally in the center of your head.
So, um, when that pineal gland is awake,
when it's fully functioning, that's what creates your halo.
And in many artworks
and things, we normally see a halo in a two-dimensional way.
This is a halo around, uh, Jesus' head.
But, um, it's, it.
So that light that we saw earlier in the brain was two
or three inches inside the brain.
But imagine someone who was fully awake, fully aware,
that light would then come out of the brain
encompassing their whole head like a fishbowl
and three dimensional that people
who were more awake could see and tell.
So this is what we call the halo.
Um, you know, you see it in every spiritual practice, in,
in artwork, in books.
People, you know, refer to the light around people's heads.
This halo around angel's, heads,
and, uh, enlightened beings heads.
It's not just conducive to one religion.
It's all around the world that we see these halos
that come around people's heads.
These are from the lightened beings.
This halo is directly emitted from the pineal gland.
That's the center. And as these people became more awake,
there, halos became larger.
Uh, here's one where it has, you can obviously two, um,
or ORIC fields, the one in the middle's obvious,
that's the pineal gland.
The bigger one stems from the heart chakra.
The heart chakra is a hundred times stronger electrical,
and up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically.
So it is the more powerful of the two.
That is another talk as well.
Uh, it's, it, it definitely needs its own, its own day.
So just to kind of, hopefully, you know,
inside people to come back for more.
But, um, the, the two fields there are from the heart
and the, and the pineal gland.
So here's one where it's, you know,
not nec it's still artwork,
but I, I kind of like this one a little bit better,
because you can just see that light glowing around his head,
obviously around his heart as well.
Um, and it's just that glowing halo image.
You know, it's, it gives you that idea.
It's not just this circle around people's head.
That's weird. That doesn't really make any sense.
That's just a two dimensional image.
But certainly this is all around these people's heads.
And people saw it, people could see it.
Not everybody, I don't think it see it when
someone was not awake.
I don't think that they could even see it or tell at all.
Um, see these lights around, people said, you need
to be at least somewhat aware, somewhat awake to be able
to even to see these things.
Uh, so here's the Lord Krishna.
Obviously he has a lot of symbology going on here,
but he obviously has that glowing halo
around his head as well.
And this is, this is a closeup picture where he is got the,
you can see the bendy.
This is where mostly in India,
but other, other places as well, where you see that red dot
and look at it, it's right there just
above the eyeballs, right?
Dead center. The eye up, the,
the sideways eye is right above it.
This is symbolizing, he's awake.
He, his pineal gland is awake,
and he's in a enlightened being.
And, uh, here it is again.
Um, and here's another talk for another day.
You see this bun on top of his head, literally, it's,
you know, you don't really see it in Jesus.
There's Buddha with it. Obviously, the, everybody, you know,
always just his hair.
That's honestly not his hair.
Um, I do believe Jesus had the same bun.
The Bible refers to a crown of life
that couldn't be taken away from someone.
That's when a king has that, that's a king's crown, a crown
of life that can't be taken away.
That's this bun on top of the head that, um,
I believe in the experience of enlightenment.
Uh, the gray matter is increased in the brain
and pops that circle, that part,
that soft part of the baby's head.
Um, that's the crown of your head.
That's where your crown is.
Confucius was said to have a,
a misshapen crown on top of his head.
That's, these are real kings.
Real, real kings don't need gold crowns.
They don't wear, you know, all this crazy jewelry
and, you know, you know, make people, you know,
worship them and love them.
People just do, you know, they understand.
They see their peace. They see
their harmony, they see their love.
But, um, this crown, I believe Christ had one as well.
They wrapped the crown of thorns around the top of it.
Um, but this, even in the, even in the Bible,
Christ is quoted saying, you can add a qubit
to your stature just by adding thought.
So that means you could literally increase your
size by thinking.
Um, and where would you think, I mean, obviously in movies
and stuff today, we see, usually it's kind of now put
to the bad guy, right?
The bad guys have those big heads.
But, um, these had,
these are from these enlightened beings whose pineal glands
awake, their gray matters increased.
Their heads have elongated.
And, um, this is the artwork that you see.
I mean, just Google, Buddha, Google, uh, you know,
lightened beings and Krishna Yeshiva, they all have this.
I, I promise you, they all didn't have long hair
with a bun like this on top of it, just
because they thought it was cool.
I believe this is a symbol for the crown of life,
that it can't be taken away.
That's what a real king looks like.
This is a, a really good picture.
It's same thing you can even see on top of that bun.
He has, uh, another item on top of it, but he has the bendy.
This is an awakened beam. Same thing.
Uh, and here Krishna has, you know, it's the same halo
around his head to, to say that, uh, his oph gland is awake.
And again, it, you know,
I think this is the symbolic, the same thing.
Although this may be on top of his head,
not really around it.
Uh, you know, people just do artwork in different ways,
and it would, the way this artwork is, it just kind
of does make sense.
It's pretty coherent that just on top of his head,
it's a big round halo on top of his head shining over him.
Um, just to show that this is an awakened beam.
So here's a really great picture of it.
'cause this isn't, you know, Jesus or Buddha.
Krishna, this is you. This is me, this is everybody.
Um, did we lose Justin?
I think we did. And I don't see him coming in. Sorry guys.
I just wanted to make sure that he, he's trying to get in
that I'm not, uh, missing out on him.
I think he was, um, I think he said when he got home
or something, he was gonna get back on. Get back on.
Okay, cool. Yeah. So this is a, a painting by Alex Gray.
And again, you can see the two, uh,
you know, magnetic fields around.
And that's what these are, you can call them auras,
you can call them halos, you can call 'em whenever you want.
But truly scientifically, these are electromagnetic fields
that stem from the brain and stem from the heart.
Um, and these people can see.
And when your field is down, when you're depressed,
when you know, when you're feeling emotions
that aren't inducive
to this environment, it's not gonna be there.
Um, you know,
just like the earth's magneto spears coming down right now,
seven to 8 billion people on the planet, you know,
really in this kind of, uh,
altered space is really bringing the Magnetos square down
of the earth as well, too, along with, you know, garbage
and everything else that's going on.
But, um, you know, it's imperative for us
to open up our pineal glands, to use our hearts
and love, uh, you know, not just talk about it,
but really emit that love and harmony
and peace when our fields are down, it's easy for someone
to say something to you like, you're not good enough.
You're not pretty enough.
When our field is down, those thoughts
and those ideas, those words get directly into us.
But when our fields are big and strong
and powerful, you can say anything you want
to someone like this, it bounces right off of 'em.
Their fields are strong. These are enlightened beings.
There's, you can't get any kind of, you know, hogwash like
that into a field like this.
That's impossible. These are strong, incredibly
powerful fields that are there to protect us,
but we've got to do the work to keep those skills up.
Mm-Hmm. So another one by Alex Gray.
Uh, you know, and I love the fact that he's got what,
you know, words and Sanskrit texts,
and a lot of information talks about when,
when people saw enlightened beings, that words
and all the numbers
and everything of the universe was flowing from their,
from their bodies and from their, from their fields,
that they could see the numbers and colors and letters
and words, and Sanskrit and everything.
Um, that's why I think this one's so cool, uh, is, you know,
again, this isn't Buddha.
This isn't Jesus. This is you and this is me.
This is all of us. All of us have this, you know,
ability to do this.
Um, Christ did. You can do all the things
I'm doing in greater things.
The only reason I don't think we do those things is
'cause we don't use our heart and brains the
same capacity that they did.
But surely we have the same brain
as Albert Einstein in the same heart
as Jesus or Budd or anyone.
And I love, if you look down at his heart,
you can see the sun looks like a little sun down there.
And you know, I, I had to download one time
that my heart was the sun of my solar system, my body
and the organs, and the chakras and the glands
and stuff where it planets to that sun.
So literally, like the sun was the, you know,
center of your universe.
So here's a cool picture. You know, oftentimes in the Bible,
it talks about Christ told parables to, you know,
people out in the open.
But he told the meaning to those parables,
to his true disciples.
True disciples, not people who said they followed them,
or, you know, whatever, people who really were
engaged in the mystery
and wanted to know the truth, you know?
And so here's, look what's cool, you know, uh,
this Jesus talking to everybody,
but here's everybody else that has their own little halos.
Some, not so much, you know,
and I don't, you know, know if that's,
it's just artwork or whatever.
But certainly some of these average people in here,
they have halos as well.
So here is a master behind closed doors,
telling the secrets, telling the parables, you know,
explaining quantum physics.
And, um, you know, the secrets of the university's people
and their pineal glands are glowing as well.
Same thing. His, you know, again, he's teaching the masses.
His, his is a little bit different.
You may, you know, probably just a little bit more
enlightened than the rest.
They're obviously following 'em around to learn to,
to grow, to understand.
Um, but he's, he's certainly transmitting that energy
to them to help them awake as well.
And I think that's what's so important, you know, is
for me personally, my spiritual, uh,
journey was for myself.
You know, uh, I remember graduating college
and think I didn't have any, any kind of x information.
I didn't think I was any better than I was the day I walked
in, or any smarter, more intelligent
or more, uh, you know, able, able to get a job.
But, so I, you know, it's kind of made it my,
my goal in life to, you know, learn things
and figure out what God was and spirituality,
and I was open to anything.
And so it was for me at first,
but I feel like eventually, as, as you do wake up,
as you do, you know, open up your pineal gland,
there's a responsibility that you feel to help the others,
to tell other people, to transmit what you know
and understand to those who are willing
to sit down and listen and learn.
And, uh, I certainly feel that,
and, uh, you know, not say anybody's above anybody else.
I certainly don't think that, I think we're all one,
but I definitely want to share, you know, secret information
and esoteric information with anybody
and everybody who's willing to listen.
And so I think that's what you see with disciples.
You know, Buddha had 'em, Christ had 'em.
Uh, you look back at all the enlightened beings, you know,
they all had followers and people who are, you know,
desperate to learn what these people had achieved.
And, um, you know, one of the things, uh,
people asked Buddha like, Hey, what are you?
And he replied, I am awake.
And so, um, I think that's what we're going to.
I, I don't, I'm definitely not claiming to be awake,
but I'm definitely awakening.
And, uh, I don't even know how long that process takes
or what it all until looked like,
but I know it's captivated me for a long time now.
And, um, you know, I'm certainly just open to growing more
and learning as much as I possibly can.
And, um, you know, I think
that's probably why you guys are all here as well.
But certainly there are some people, uh, out there who think
that singular eye is something that they can manipulate,
something they can control, um, an order they can control.
And so I think that's imperative to know as well, uh,
to not get caught up in the, the flashiness of things
that are going on, what's happening out in the world
sometimes, because certainly some people, you know,
have ideas that sounds similar to the things
that these enlightened beings are talking about,
will have a world that's peaceful again.
And, you know, there won't be any countries and,
and governments that, you know,
control everyone or whatever.
Um, you know, and a lot of the things that some
of these people preach are, are similar,
but they're doing it in a ways that they control it instead
of it being for the good of all people.
So, I, I think one of the ways that's clear, uh,
that it's,
and obvious that certain people are trying to,
uh, calcify the pineal gland,
as Conrad said earlier, is fluoride.
Um, in case you guys didn't know, when we went to war
with the Nazis of World War ii,
and we captured their scientists
and everything like that, um,
we brought them back here to work for us.
They didn't, they didn't get tried
or, you know, anything happened to them.
Um, that's called Project Paperclip. You can look that up.
They brought them back here to work in the United States,
and I believe many of the things
that they were doing over there in Germany,
they brought over here to do the same things.
So the Nazis literally put fluoride in the water of the Jews
to make them more docile
and not fight back just to be, you know, zombie fired.
And, you know, I don't know about you guys,
but I don't see how the government could pay a lot of money
to put fluoride in our water just for our teeth.
And now I have had many conversations with people who said,
I used to work at a dentist's office, or whatever.
I know fluoride is good for your teeth.
So I will, I'm gonna go ahead
and tell you exactly what fluoride is.
Fluoride, the ingestation of fluoride,
if you fluoride is a toxic chemical waste.
Ingesting fluoride is poison.
What fluoride does that's good for the teeth
is it's a coating.
When they put fluoride on your teeth, it coats the teeth so
that things can't get into it and destroy it.
If you could put super glue on your teeth
and probably stop the same thing,
but nobody's gonna put super glue on your teeth, obviously,
I would say I wouldn't put fluoride on my teeth either,
nor would I use it for any cleaning or toothpaste product,
because you're obviously gonna get a small portion of
that fluoride that's gonna be soaked in through the gums
that fluoride leads the calcification
that we were talking about earlier.
So that we definitely don't want our Pino bands
to be calcified from that.
I think, you know, poor dys
and things definitely lead to that as well.
But, um, certainly fluoride in our water,
I don't think in any way, shape or form is good for us.
There's no evidence whatsoever that I've ever seen
that suggests that, um, fluoride does anything good.
It's the same ingredients in Wrap pro, uh,
that's in wrap poison and, uh, Prozac.
And it has many, many negative side effects, memory loss,
uh, joint problems, lower sex drive, infertility.
So, um, you know, I mean, the list is, this is very long,
obviously, and you guys can read it.
Um, so you know, why you, you can't really convince me
that this is gonna be something good for us
to just, just for our teeth.
And there's so many other side effects.
Uh, this is a toxic chemical waste.
And, uh, to put this in our water is, is absolutely absurd,
um, that anybody's putting anything like this in your water,
there's so many negative side effects to fluoride.
Um, there's just no way that, uh, I,
I don't think at this point they,
anybody could really make an honest, you know, argument to,
uh, to convince people, um, that fluoride is actually good
for your teeth, other than what I told you before.
It just coats the teeth for a small amount of time.
But that fluoride that you cut your teeth was obviously
gonna get into the bloodstream as well.
So here's an actual picture
of a pineal gland blown up a little bit.
And this white part on top is the calcification
that you would see in it.
So the fluoride and, and things like that.
Pour diets and stuff that is attacking
that pineal gland is really limiting the access
that you have to it.
So the what seems that the pineal gland is able to do,
it has water around it,
and it's able to kind of stuck in water and,
and reverse it in a way that like it's coming out of itself.
It's hard to describe, but, um, it, so when this fluoride,
when the fluoride hits your pine gland
and calcify it, you're, it's just not able to get
that blood flow that it needs.
It's not able to reverse the water
that it needs to be able to.
Um, you're, you're, you know,
you've heard the expression you need
to go squeegee out your pineal gland.
It needs to be like this very, you know, fluid type organ
that's to be able to suck in things and then suck that,
and then, you know, basically kind of spit it back out.
Um, but that's, that's what it's doing here.
That fluoride is literally just completely calcifying.
Um, so that these things are not working at all.
And, you know, um, there are a lot
of other things that affect it too.
So one of the things just in general
that you may not even think of, that's not necessarily a,
you know, a bad thing,
but wearing even sunglasses, the,
the pineal gland is activated by light and dark.
So, you know, a lot of times eyeglasses
and contact lenses can rob you from blocking your,
your eye from receiving some of the ultraviolet light
that's coming through into the pineal gland.
Um, and so, you know, wearing,
I'm not saying you shouldn't wear 'em any or all
or any time, but certainly I would restrict my use
of wearing sunglasses all the time.
Um, you know what I mean?
Sunlight is imperative to a healthy body, vitamin D.
And, uh, we need the adequate amount of that during the day
so that when you get to the nighttime
and your pineland turns on, it's had enough light
that's absorbed into it that it can use to
probably then allow it to glow,
like we saw in those pictures earlier.
And so, you know, it, this is kinda the same thing.
If, if pharmacies
and things like that should be health food stores
and not just pharmaceutical drugs,
these things obviously affect the pineal blend as well.
And to create these just really, like I was talking about,
the Jews a really docile not fight back, not, you know,
question information that we've been given.
Question, history, education, you know, uh, it, a lot of,
not a lot, a few people benefit greatly from a civilization
that doesn't, you know, fight back
that doesn't say anything, that doesn't question anything.
Um, certainly, and a few people profit off that instead
of healthy people who have, you know, minds
that work really well, and they're really sharp
and they're really quick and they eat, you know,
healthy foods and living foods,
and they're able to make good decisions for themselves.
So when we, you know, are in that state,
when our ing land is very calcified,
when we're not accessing a lot of it, you know, we tend
to see this three-dimensional world when we know there's a
lot more to reality than that.
You know, just in general, we know that there's light,
infrared light bouncing around that we can't see.
There's sounds that are bouncing around
that we can't necessarily hear it, you know, you know,
a dog can hear a dog whistle,
and you can't, there's a whole world of,
of things available out there, um, to see that, um,
it's just, you know, unavailable to us.
So we think everything's, you know, 3D
and I gotta have the nice car and the nice clothes
and go to the game and go to this.
And, you know, I work for money no matter what it costs me,
you know, my time and, uh, my soul.
Um, but certainly there's much more to who we are, to
what we're capable of, our intuition, our psychic abilities.
But we are so limited, we don't even think
that stuff is possible, except
for most people will chalk it up to, oh,
one person could do that.
Sure, Jesus could do that, or Buddha could do that,
but certainly not me.
You know, that's because our access to Pineland is literally
so restricted, you know, our imagination, I
Magi nation, the place inside of us where we're magicians,
and we can, you know, conjure
of anything is literally limited.
So, you know, again, if you guys wanna jump in here at any
point, feel free to, you know, say anything or whatever.
I'm totally open to that. So, of course,
the purpose of our topic today is we wanna be able
to awaken our third eye.
How do we open that closed eye
and be able to use it so we can use those things?
So of course, you know, obviously number one,
kick the fluoride, even the water
that I'm drinking right now outta my Burke filter, um,
you know, I would stay away from any
of the Nestle products with water.
Um, you know, all I think of pretty much all water,
especially United States has got some
fluoride in it nowadays.
Um, but just be very careful.
I, my, I, number one thing I would,
I would dream would be living spring water.
Uh, first and foremost.
Um, number two on this list at least, is the, the raw cacao.
Um, cacao ceremonies are great, um,
'cause they do, uh, you know, get the cacao really centers
to the heart, but the heart is definitely the worrying
that pumps the blood.
So getting that blood going, getting that blood to
that pineal gland helps detoxify the blood and everything.
Um, meditation
and, you know, I just want to put it out there,
that meditation is not sitting in your room
and just, um, trying to forget everything
or, you know, trying to become something.
Um, to me, the most profound times up in meditation
that I ever had was just sitting there letting go
of being Jacob, being a boy, being a guy from a small town,
whatever it was, and just, you know, pretending,
if you will, that I was the universe in ecstatic motion.
And when I could do that,
I became the universe an ecstatic motion.
Um, and then sun gazing itself again,
talking about the sun coming into your
eye, it's very important.
Uh, most people say the beginning parts of sunrise
and the end of sunset are some
of the best times to sun gaze.
Um, you guys can look it up,
but there are lots of documentaries
and people who literally claim to have not eaten for years
because they sun gaze hours a day, so they don't even have
to eat anything anymore.
Um, I think it's possible. Uh, I'm definitely not there.
I love to eat food still.
But, um, enlightened beings, I think could go vast,
vast amounts of time without eating anything, uh,
or consuming anything.
Their body is literally,
your body is literally its own energy
factory creating its own energy.
I would say a small portion is really
coming from the food that you eat.
A lot of energy actually goes into digesting food.
So, Jacob, yep.
Um, the cacao,
that's not the coffee bean
or, um, um, oh, what's the other thing I wanted
to try to think of?
I mean, is cacao its own plant?
Yeah. So it's like a little bean.
It's what, when you, when people say chocolate, it's
what chocolate is derived from today.
But today,
chocolate is just sugar flavored chocolate cacao, right?
It's it, and, and nowadays, actually,
you can go into most natural health food stores
and look at a chocolate bar, and they'll say 50% cacao,
or 70% cacao, or 80% cacao.
The more cacao you can get,
especially the dark chocolate, the better.
Um, so that is, like I said, a little bean.
It's very bitter, um, if you don't mix it with anything.
And, uh, the natives in Central America
and even parts of South America
would sit in ceremony and drink this together.
My partner and I lead ceremonies
of this a couple times a month, uh,
in Colorado Springs parents
to just let me know, we can get you in there.
Um, but when you drink it
and then, you know, have an intention, this,
what they would say was, it would open your heart
and be able to, you know, love and feel love and compassion.
And, um, and so we, we'll do this with intention
and usually have a subject matter to talk about.
And, you know, I've done this with shamans and,
and, uh, and people like that.
And I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've cried.
Um, it just opens up the heart chakra, opens up your heart
to be able to feel love for yourself, to feel love
for others, to feel a lot of gratitude.
Um, you know what I mean? I,
I think obviously the heart is something
that does much more than pumps blood to our, to our body.
Um, this is an intuitive organ that has neurons in it
that now we know the heart math, uh, heart math, science,
you know, can literally scientifically prove
that the heart sends more information to the brain
than the brain sends to the heart.
The heart is really the more incredible almost
of the two organs, if you will, if it was a competition.
Um, not that it is, but,
and again, that's a whole nother topic.
But cacao is a yes, a beam from, uh, central America
that the Mayans
and other natives used to use in ceremony, um, to connect
with their, with themselves
and to others, uh, in a very deep and profound way.
Thank you. Mm-Hmm.
So, uh, yeah, uh, raw chocolate, uh, I was go raw cow,
dark chocolate, apple cider vinegar.
Um, there are a lot, a lot of things out there.
I've heard skate liver oil,
and, um, all kinds of different things
to help with the pineal gland.
Obviously staying away from the processed foods, sugar,
um, those kind of things.
You know, fasting a couple times, uh, a month
or a year is good.
I would especially say for three days. If you can do it.
If you could just do water for three days,
that's a whole body reset, a whole immune system reset to,
to fast for three days.
But, um, certainly like I said, you know, just go online.
There are lots of, uh, people
who say there are different things to help do this.
Um, skate liver oil, um, I,
I definitely heard is one apple cider
vinegar is good for a lot of things.
Even a shot or two of that a day is, is life changing.
Jacob, what is the nascent iodine?
Is that something that's found in sea kelp,
or what exactly is that?
That's a good question. And that's one
I don't know about myself.
Okay. To be honest, it's on there.
I'll look it up. I haven't researched it myself.
Uh, you know, know, I, I obviously know carrot juice
and mushroom chocolate, mushroom tea and alkaline diet.
Uh, but that's not one I know in particularly for myself.
Um, but I know just alkaline diet in general.
So every person who has the disease, every person who's sick
or has a cold or the flu has an acidic pH.
And again, that's because we're eating lots of sugars
and processed food.
But if you were eating, every person
who has cancer has an acidic pH, if you were
to raise the body to an alkaline level,
you would never be sick.
So, you know, sickness is not necessarily a bad thing.
It's our indicator that we haven't been eating raw, organic,
uh, foods, um, you know, too many processed foods.
It's just kinda like, Hey, you need to stop doing this.
You're gonna feel bad if you don't.
It's, it's that first step sicknesses, I think
before you get disease.
You no body, your body's no longer at ease.
Now you're at disease
because you chose
to continuously do those things over and over again.
We gave you the subtle hints
that you were sick all the time.
Now here's the disease
because you didn't listen to the subtle hints.
Here's the big whack, um, from the universe.
Hopefully that big whack will help you get,
you know, realize what you're doing.
I know, certainly for me, I got autoimmune disease, uh,
20 years ago
and spent, uh, a vast amount of time researching
and going to reiki healings and eating right,
and, uh, meditation to cure myself.
And I can tell you today that I have cured myself
of my own autoimmune disease.
And, uh, but I do believe if I was to go back
to my old ways, I would get it again.
So, but, um, you know, I think that's important to share
with people that, uh, you know, I don't know everything,
I don't claim to, uh,
but if you see something that
you're interested, definitely look it up.
Maybe bring it back next time and let us know.
So this is a really important, uh, way to realize
that the apocalypse means, uh,
or really is a word that, you know, we have
changed up so much now.
Um, but in the Greek terms, it meant, uh, a lifting
of the veil, something that was hidden to be revealed.
Oh, no, don't tell me that. Hold on one second.
Sometimes you get stuck.
Um, yeah. So lifting of the veil
or disclosure of knowledge, that's
what the word apocalypse means in group where na,
where originally came from.
Uh, you know, we trying to think of the,
the gloom and doom today.
What's that? But
that's certainly not what it, what it originally meant,
along with a lot of our other definitions.
And things have changed over time, uh, to kind
of hide words and meanings and stuff.
But, you know, obviously the corruption of political system,
financial system, um, you know,
we're all waking up ous humans, uh, potential in the minds
of people, people coming together
to affect real positive change.
Apocalypse has definitely happened.
We are there, uh, there's no doubt about that.
Uh, a lifting of the veil is happening, you know, uh,
and not, you know, in, in different places and,
and different ways in's happening,
you know, for people differently.
Some people may wake up to politics being corrupt first,
or the education system,
or there are all kinds of ways that we start to see
through the veil, and it starts
getting disclosed to us first.
Whatever people are into mostly we'll see that.
Um, aliens, aliens, um, yeah, it could be anything.
I mean, if you're someone who sits in a school system all
day long, you would think, well, that, you know,
that person's not gonna wake up.
But I mean, even that they're seeing now that
with education systems just not for everyone, you know,
if you want to take it that way, um, that person starts
to wake up, Hey, how can we do this differently so
that everybody thrives and everybody does better?
Um, so I don't think there's a facet of, of, of living,
you know, that, that you couldn't wake up, you know,
everything is pretty much the same thing.
So, um, every way is valid.
And, you know, every, uh, every life is an opportunity
for everyone to wake up.
So, you know, don't ever count anybody out.
Uh, you know, I was a bartender in Atlanta
for, you know, a long time.
So, um, I was able to see the darkness really well that way.
Um, and then when some light came in, I was able to be like,
oh, wow, that's real light.
That's real. Um, something that I'm really into.
So, uh, I got somebody else coming in right now.
Um, so that's something that I, you know, that I realized,
hey, that's more than just, you know,
somebody telling me something that doesn't have facts.
So every, every life's valid, every, every avenue,
every, you know, every raise.
Oh, let me stop me.
I think sometimes when I let people in, it doesn't, too.
Okay? So here's a great picture.
No matter what life you're living, no matter
what job you have, um, the lifting
of the veils for everyone, right?
Everybody can do it. It can happen overnight.
It could be one spiritual experience, one cacao ceremony,
uh, you know, one yoga retreat, one yoga class, you know,
one alien encounter, you know, one UFO encounter.
It could be anything for anybody.
So never count anybody out.
Um, you know,
but this is a great, a great picture of what's on the,
what's out from everything I've been told.
What there's more to life than everything, um,
that I've read in books, or that my mom
and dad told me are more to spirituality than
what the preacher, you know, preaches about, uh, in church.
And the way that we do that is we have to open that eye.
We have to awaken that eye.
So, you know, again, uh, good health, the, the light, um,
you know, um, staying away from poor diets,
but literally an eyeball, that pineal gland, the third eye
mind's eye, it's in every single person.
All of us have it so we can all can awaken it.
Um, so again, here's a pine cone, a sleeping human.
This is the green, immature pine cone.
We wanna be this awakened avatar.
We want to be a mature pine cone.
You know, we wanna be able to wake that thing up
and allow for, uh, you know, full activation.
So, you know what, perfect way to really get people
to wake up in a mass way.
There's been great awakenings, you know, in, uh, our country
before and other countries and all around the world,
but oftentimes it is the darkness
that brings out the light in people.
You know, if it didn't get really bad,
sometimes some people would never wake up.
So I, I don't think it's anything to run around
and complain about and be sad about and be mad about.
But, you know, it's an opportunity now for many people
to realize like, Hey, things aren't going
the way I necessarily want them to.
How can I make a difference? How can we change things?
That's what's super important.
And I think that the answer to that literally is what is
behind your eyes holds more power
than what's in front of them.
So you can point the fingers all you want to, that each
and every single one of us has an incredible amount of power
inside of us to change the world.
You know, Jesus was just a barefooted man
who walked around on the earth.
So is Buddha, you know, mother Teresa, um, Jane Goodall.
I mean, these, you just a person from a small town,
all of em, you know what I mean?
Each one of us has the same heart
and the same brain as Jesus or Buddha or Albert Einstein,
or, um, you know, anybody.
We just have to learn how to use these incredible gifts
that we've been given, because at the end of the day,
you know, it is our journey and our responsibility.
And when you are ready, you know, no one can wake you up.
You have to be ready for it.
Um, and so, you know, it's up to you.
Um, but just right here, this says the pineal gland.
And a third eye is the most heavily targeted
and poison gland in the human body, mainly due
to its spiritual influence.
It has on human awareness.
A closed pineal gland means the mind can easily be deceived
as it struggles to look beyond
what is presented in front of it.
An open pineal gland acts like a truth, uh, detector
by being able to pick up on the subtle inconsistencies
of lies or subliminal messages that may be used as a veil
to conceal true intentions.
And I can attest to this 100%.
Um, I, you know,
before I really felt like I was waking up, I would,
you know, date the same person over again.
I would go to the same job or the same events
and be miserable all the time when I started
to really wake up and realize like, Hey,
that girl's really pretty, but if I date her
and do this, I know I'm gonna be miserable at the end.
She's gonna, you know, take advantage of me.
I'm gonna be really upset, sad, you know,
if I take this job, I'm gonna do that.
I was just able to really allow my intuition to come on
and, and see it,
and be able to like, oh, you know what I mean?
I don't have to go down the road again.
Um, the universe is giving me the opportunity
to see if I've learned something and I can go down it
and continue the same patterns over again,
or I can see through it and move up
to the next step of my evolution.
'cause there's a lot more to get to.
So, but we can't go to something new
until we learn sometimes the old thing.
So it's imperative for us to have that pineal land awakening
for our souls to evolve to these experiences.
I don't feel that there's any reason, honestly, to
look down on anyone
or be upset, uh, by somebody else's journey.
At the end of the day, it's their journey.
There are things that people know that I don't know,
and there are things that they get that I don't get.
So just because there's one thing that they seem, you know,
seems really obvious to me that they're not getting,
it's not for me to judge them
and be like, oh, you know, they're not getting that.
How dumb are they? Like, they're gonna
keep doing the same experience.
No, it's, it's imperative for all of us
to have our own evolution of our soul,
to have our own lives, uh, our own journeys,
and let everybody have those.
If people want help, you know, help 'em out.
But, um, I, I've learned, for me,
there's really usually only two ways to learn things.
That's to learn from others.
Where someone tells you something
and offers you gifts, offers you knowledge and wisdom.
R two, you can learn it for yourself.
And oftentimes number two is a little bit harder,
but there usually is a more experienced gain
by the heartbreak, or, you know, you learn it by yourself.
But, uh, I try to learn things from
what others tell me these days if I can.
So that's it, man. We are, we are in the midst
of probably the, one of the greatest mass awakenings
of our planet in history.
Um, I, I, I find this an incredible time.
Um, 10 years ago, the conversation that you could have
with people about even politics or religion
or education, you know, or fluoride
or anything, you couldn't even have a
conversation about most of those things.
You know, now most people are aware
of the deception in a lot of things.
And, you know, maybe not to great depths,
but at least a little bit.
I find that off, you know, fascinating and,
and obviously awesome at the same time.
You know, like, you know, we may not be able to have,
you know, a conversation about everything,
but I, you know, if I can have a conversation about one
thing, uh, with someone, just even
for a little bit, that's amazing.
So, you know, we are really honestly having the greatest,
uh, probably awakening on this earth has ever
seen, uh, collectively.
So, um, you know, when we open up our pineal glands,
we enhance our psychic abilities, uh, our intuition,
remote viewing, uh, astral projection, um,
the list goes on and on of the abilities
that stem from an awakened pineal gland.
Uh, you know, I mean,
and I'll be honest, I think there are things that, uh,
I don't even think that we're even remotely aware of
for what we can do.
So it's time, it's now time more than ever
to awaken ourselves, to awaken that eye within, to become,
to dare to become the avatars that we know
that deep down we are,
and that most of us have, you know, been hiding from,
are too scared to be that person inside of us, um,
that's just calling to us.
And you know, so much that, Hey, I'm in here.
I'm, we're, you know what I mean, I'm ready.
Um, you know, we're all the gods
and goddesses that, uh, we look up to and we love.
Um, that's us. You know what I mean?
The, the superheroes that we see on TV
and movies that we love, that's whispering
inside each and every single one of us.
Hey, it's time for you to do that.
It's time for you to wake up.
It's time for you to, you know, be a superhero.
And it doesn't have to be, you know, flying around and, and,
and beating people up that I
don't think that's what it is at all.
Um, you can, you can help your neighbor.
You can get a job that you feel good about.
Um, you know, you can listen to people with, with open ears.
Instead of just offering advice, you immediately listen to
what they have to say and why they're saying it.
There's so many things that each of us can do, you know,
but ultimately, I think love is our greatest superpower.
Um, you know, kindness, compassion, empathy,
and, um, certainly our psychic powers, uh, you know,
things that we're talking about here,
just elementary to what we could do.
I mean, obviously there's been people who could fly around
who had lightning bolts come from their, you know, bodies
and, you know, humans that could walk on water
and, you know what I mean, heal people without scalpels
and needles or, uh, you know, drugs
or anything just in the, in the blink of an eye, you know,
someone who couldn't see, see,
or someone who couldn't walk, walk.
Um, that's real, uh, psychic abilities that,
I don't even think it's mystic or anything.
I think it's just a technology that once we learn it and,
and practice it, you know, each one of us can use.
And that to me, uh, is one
of the most incredible gifts in general, is healing.
Healing ourselves and others.
Uh, every other Tuesday I do a, um, hands-on healing energy,
a group energy healing class,
because I honestly believe
with enough practice we can do that.
We can move mountains.
Um, I do believe
that we could put a person on a massage table
and a few people stand around
and believe that we're gonna move cancer
and we can move cancer outta someone's body.
Then that person doesn't have to pay tens of thousands
of dollars in, you know, countless hours of doctor's visits
and drugs and radiation therapy.
Imagine if we can move those cancers
and those diseases outta people without having to pay,
you know, someone an awful lot of time and money.
Um, that's something I believe every culture talks about,
um, that we have the ability to do.
And, you know, Christ said, you could, again,
you can do all things I'm doing in greater things.
If we only believed it, we could achieve it.
And I think that first part is just knowing
that it is possible.
And then from there, you know, never doubting it ever.
Because ho honestly, at the end
of the day, we're all Buddhists.
Every single one of us, uh, you are all gods.
When, uh, Christ was, you know, doing miracles, um,
and, you know, the Pharisees and sadist came up to him
and they thought they were gonna catch him,
and they said, um, Hey man, you know, you know, you're, uh,
doing the, the Lord's work on the Sabbath day.
That's a sin. They wanted to stone him for that.
Um, he says, you know, and,
and this is literally in the Bible, it says,
you are all gods, all of us, not some of us,
not, you know, a couple people over here.
These people, everybody is, you know, the difference
between him and us only is that he believed it
and he not just believed it.
He knew it. He knew deep down in the soul.
And so, I honestly think at the end of the day, sometimes
the difference between knowing
and believing is probably just doing it.
Because oftentimes people can say, we know this,
or we say, we know that.
But if you're not doing it, if you're not truly being it,
how can you say you really even believe in it?
Right? How could you say that?
You know, oh, I believe we could heal people.
You do, do you practice it?
Because if you don't, do you really believe it?
And this is me daring people,
because I am here to dare some people out.
I'm here to say, follow me. Come with me.
You know, let's do these things that we are entitled to do,
because who are we to just work these mundane fricking lives
and go to work every day when we literally have been told
by Jesus and Krishna and, and Allah
and all of 'em, that we could do all things.
They're doing better things than they ever did.
So we're all Buddhas, we're all Christ. We're all gods.
This right here is an incredible artwork.
Um, you know, I'll just quickly explain it according
to the artist, uh, you know, uh,
explaining it their own artwork, but basically it's oneness.
Down at the bottom, it's the circle.
You can't really see it super well.
But that's the caduceus, you know, the DNA snake with the,
uh, the wings and little pine cone on top.
That's duality the two.
Then it has the trinity and the four elements,
and you know, obviously fish and the, uh, dinosaurs
and mammals.
And then you see Adam and Eve there
and the Buddhist under his tree.
And, um, then you see Jesus
and Jesus' on the cross.
And so we go from that, this colorful, beautiful istic scene
to after Christ is crucified to this really kind of dark,
you know, capitalism, industrial age.
It looks like there's a nuclear bomb going off,
which obviously happened not too long ago into what
you could obviously argue is
what could be like a fifth mention
or higher dimensional frequencies
before it goes back to oneness again.
I do believe that this is pretty accurate, that life seems
to be not like a circle of life that goes around,
but a spiral of life of things coming back around,
over and over and over again.
Experiences, situations, events.
Um, and it seems like this is just something that happens.
Uh, and we're in this, we're in this spot.
This is kind of a, I don't wanna, you know,
maybe natural progression,
but, uh, you know, it doesn't, it probably happens similar
to this on many other planets as well.
But I do think we're at this incredible crucial time now
where, you know, people on the planet have the technology
and ability to destroy the whole thing.
Um, and in my honest, humble opinion,
I believe the reason Mars has no atmosphere now is probably
because it had a nuclear war on it in the past,
and some survivors did make it out and came to earth.
But, um, I am hoping that we can learn from them
and other civilizations
and realize that, um, we can, uh, survive, we can,
uh, awaken the world.
It's not gonna take you or I becoming CEOs of a company
and funneling millions of dollars into it to, you know,
convince people of anything
that literally science has shown us that meditation
and focusing on the things that we want.
Uh, Socrates says it's, you know, if we want change,
we shouldn't focus on what we don't want.
Rather focusing on what we do want
and putting our time and energy into that.
So in the same token, I think that's called
where our attention goes, energy flows,
and I think that's important.
We can't continue to bash the things
that we hate talk about on things like find new ways
to do things, focus on what we do love about the world,
how much gratitude we have for our families,
for our life, for our friends.
Um, those things really do matter and they ripple out.
And when enough people constantly focus on those things,
the world will literally change into
what would be a higher dimensional frequency
where more reality is a, you know, is just known.
It's not a question anymore
of like a couple people throughout history knowing it.
Everyone knows it. You know, we live in this world where
everyone's, oh, you know, intuition.
Oh, that's, yeah, I know I will use my intuition.
Or I remote viewing.
Yeah, I, I remote viewed Mars the other day.
You know, it's just like normal conversation.
We look back, do you remember when we didn't know those
things and we were kind of oblivious?
Um, but certainly I think that we're able to, to,
we're gonna be able to do those things.
Uh, I know certainly I'm already experienced.
I know other people are already
experiencing those kind of things.
And, um, certainly we'll be able
to expand on those teachings
and understandings even in more
depth in the future, I believe.
Um, and with that knowledge, with those psychic abilities,
we'll be able to paint a new world, um, be able to create
a new world again that works for everybody.
One where there's sustainable energies and free energies
and, you know, you gotta think so much of the violence
and everything that happens on this planet's
because there's so much lack,
or at least people perceive it that way,
that there's not enough for everyone to go around
and, you know, so a lot of people have
to take something from someone else.
Um, certainly we can paint a new world, a new, uh,
a new way of being and create a new life
that works for all of us.
And I think that's exactly what's gonna happen
in the age of Aquarius.
Uh, we are gonna experience a wonderful new, uh,
way of being on this planet, a way of living, a way
of thinking, a way of doing politics.
It'll be completely destroyed,
but then completely renewed to a new way that works for us.
And the Bible and other books talk about, you know,
a thousand years of peace, a golden age, uh, the golden
coga, whatever you wanna call it.
But I do believe that we will, uh, experience a lifetime,
uh, or, or a world, a reality that's 10 times,
a hundred times more harmonious now than
we, than we live right now.
Um, I don't know how much,
but I do believe that it would be much more, uh,
drastically increased than what it is now
and the problems that we're having today
and the things that are going on, you know, it's just, uh,
we're just figuring out we're gonna work it out.
And, uh, maybe not everybody gets in there,
but, um, they'll get the chance to live those lives and,
and reincarnate into their bodies
and figure it out for themselves eventually one day.
But certainly I do feel like this where this earth is going.
Uh, I'll do a whole talk on the golden Age
and in the age of Aquarius, uh,
within a couple episodes of today.
But, um, that's where we want to go.
We want to go from this world on the right,
the industrial world's on fire, um, you know,
the smoke, uh, to beautiful
luscious animals and water, and people living in the trees
and living with the earth and, uh, harmonious world.
I know that we can do it, um, instead of just one.
It's just taking from nature and raping the earth.
Um, you know,
and it's just contrast, I think at the end of the day
with an experience that, hey, this is what's going on.
This is what has happened.
But, um, we can take that knowledge now
and be better humans than we were before
because we experienced that suffering.
And we don't want any, we don't want the
earth to experience that anymore.
Um, so I, although I do think ages
and cycles come back around, uh,
hopefully there won't be one that goes back down as far
as we have been, at least in a long time, uh, to come.
So, um, that's my talk for today,
and that's the last slide I had for today.
But that's another one of Alex Gray's painting
that, this, I just love it.
I think it's great. And, uh,
I think his work is just amazing, you know, check him out.
Topics: Meditation, Spirituality
It has crystals in it, very small and shaped in a very specific way. Floride… when consumed goes directly to your pineal gland and begins the calcification process. Now you know why it is in our tap water or was, not sure if it has been removed from the water here in WA state. Anyhoot, I am taking very specific herbal/mushroom/etc. formula that has had an amazing effect on my pineal gland. IT IS WAKING UP SLOWLY, BUT SURELY. BEFORE, I WOULD FEEL “CONNECTED” NOW AND THEN, BUT AFTER A WEEK ON THIS PREPARATION, I AM PLUGGED IN 24/7, MY MOOD IS UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. However, this doesn’t happen overnight, as much damage has been caused by the ELITES, so my advice is to learn all you can and get to work on yourself. For me, negating ego is a daily exercise and it has bared many fruit… Spot on Video, good info, thanks a bunch
peace, love, and light to all