Mystery School: DMT

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: DMT
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Next Episode: Mystery School: Giants
So our topic tonight is DMT, that, uh, stands
for Dimethyl Tryptamine.
Um, I also wrote on there to Spirit Molecule, just
because Rick Straussman called it that.
Um, as far as I'm concerned,
or I know he seems to be the leading expert on DMT
and the research that he is done.
Um, I've read about, watched the movies,
and I just feel like, you know,
this guy's actually done the work.
And so I, I really agree with him, with
what he said about DMT,
and we'll talk about that in a little
bit here in just a minute.
Um, so first we wanna kind of go
and talk about what is DMT?
And it occurs naturally.
It's, um, it's in plants, it's in animals, it's in humans.
It is a very, very strong, probably the strongest known,
psychedelic known to man.
And the effects are very similar to LSD and magic mushrooms.
Um, oh, and I've already got, oh, there, it's,
and it's a very, very simple molecule.
Uh, you know, very basic.
And what's pretty cool about it is every living thing has
the two enzymes in it to synthesize dn DMT,
which is pretty, pretty crazy.
That means every animal plant, um,
uh, human really has the, has the enzymes in it
to synthesize this molecule, which is pretty crazy
that every single person has
the most psychedelic substance in them already.
Uh, some people will claim that DMT is produced
in the lungs.
Straussman said he didn't believe that research was, uh,
he wasn't confident in that research that he, he read about,
but the pineal glands seems to be the place.
Uh, and we talked about the pineal gland, the symbology,
the pineal gland last week.
But, um, Strauss's book, DMT, the Spirit Molecule,
I, I read it.
Um, there's also a movie hosted by Joe Rogan called DMT,
the Spirit Molecule that's on the book.
It's got a lot of great people in it, Dennis McKenna,
some stuff, uh, from a lot of other scientists,
Terrence McKenna's work, um,
which I find absolutely fascinating.
If you don't know anything about Terrence McKenna,
just look him up and listen to him on YouTube.
He is passed on to the spirit realm now,
but, um, just how he talks and how he articulates things
and, and talks about these, um, psychedelics
and DMT is just fascinating.
Um, just, you know, like I said,
just will absolutely just blow your mind.
Um, but he did the research on it.
Um, Straussman did the research on it,
and, you know, according to him, this tiny little gland
that has the highest blood flow
per any organ in the whole entire body,
the pineal gland directly in the center.
Here's a side shot, but literally also not just in the
middle, uh,
but literally in between the two
hemispheres of the right and left brain.
It's one of the few things that's not completely, um,
bilateral symmetry that's not, you know,
on the same side as the other.
It's literally just in the middle.
Um, so I think that's, that's pretty incredible.
You got this one gland that's not the
same as on the other side.
It's just in the middle there.
Um, so literally your brain is what makes DMT.
Um, and according to Straussman, his work, uh,
the pineal band creates the most EMT during, uh, death,
birth, uh, out of body experiences, you know,
like near death experiences,
people in car crashes and stuff like that.
And, um, high states of meditation is when people claim
that the, uh, the body creates the, the DMT
and the soul is literally, uh, it seems to be the molecule
that takes the soul in and out of the avatar of our bodies.
So, you know, it's crazy. Like I said,
the brain makes the DMT,
and so people say, I don't take drugs.
But the funny thing is, is literally, uh,
you can say you don't do drugs,
but even Salvador Dali says, I literally am drugs.
Each and every one of us has a small amount
of DMT in the body at all times.
If the, if the pineal gland is calcified,
meaning from fluoride and poor diets and processed food
and everything, it's not producing as much as normal,
I would say, when your pineal gland is not producing
as much DMT as normal, that's when you're, instead
of having this really colorful, psychedelic, fun,
beautiful experience, your life becomes more bland
and more black and white, and more this and that.
Uh, more two-sided as opposed
to more connected, more oneness.
Definitely DMT experiences seem to indicate
that we're all one, uh,
just like all psychedelics and magic mushrooms.
And other thing that seems to be a recurring theme is that,
uh, these drugs are medicine rather, um, seems to indicate
that we are all one, um,
and kind of help us understand that in a deeper way.
So again, we're talking about, you know, all the drugs.
People take tea, coffee, cigarettes, vodka, you know,
and then when you're talking about real, real drugs,
real medicine, uh, we're talking about LSD, magic mushrooms,
DMT, those are the things
that now are illegal, uh, for the most part.
Um, and I think for good reason.
I mean, uh, you know, people,
there is certain entities out there that want us to have tea
and coffee and vodka and cigarettes
and, you know, these drugs
that are really poor for our consciousness.
But these other drugs, the magic mushrooms and ayahuasca
and all these things are really good for us
and really can cure addictions, heroin addictions, uh,
sexual addictions, um, other, other drug addictions, um,
and just help us heal ourselves and our trauma.
Um, and I don't think that, uh, that really, you know, is,
uh, beneficial to a certain few who really benefit off us
being in a state of fear
or a state of unhealed ness or whatever.
Um, you know, and, uh, so I think
that more than anything is why I believe, uh, that really,
honestly, you know, these drugs are illegal.
So this one is ayahuasca.
So there's a couple ways to do DMT.
Uh, you know, you can smoke it, you can snort it,
you can inject it, and you can take this, uh,
elixir medicine drink found in, uh, you know, south America.
They've been taking this for a long time.
It's the vine of one tree
and the leaves of another, literally put together
with some water in there and brewed up for a little while.
Um, this is the one way that's orally active that will last
for hours for 3, 4, 5, 6 hours.
Um, the other ways are short smoking it five
or six minutes, injecting it could be 10 to 15 minutes.
Um, I'm not as aware of the snorting it.
I, I didn't really know that
until I did a little research on DMT while I was
putting this whole thing together.
But that's a much shorter time as well.
Uh, just a few minutes in that one as, as well.
Um, I'm not, was familiar with that one.
Anybody doing it that way or hearing any stories about that?
Typically, the stories and videos that you see here,
ayahuasca, um, the injections
that Rock Rick Raum did in his, um, in his experiments
and, um, then drinking it.
But this is Ayahuasca.
It is a medicine that has been used
for a long time down in South America.
And when you drink this, usually you drink a cup or two.
There's a lot that goes on with that.
You kind of, um, uh, meet up with this, you know,
mother goddess, uh, entity of the universe.
Uh, I definitely have taken, uh, oral, um, ayahuasca orally.
And, um, for me personally, you know, it felt at first,
like my whole body was like arcing, um, you know,
like a welder would arc metal,
and it was like, it was spark up and it felt like just,
and through my whole body was like
sparking all over the place.
Just almost like my light body was just activating
or something, but it felt like I was
arcing all over my body.
And, uh, you know, then this really
feminine mother goddess came in to talk to me
and take care of me and tell me how I was doing
and helped me out.
Um, that seems to be very similar to almost everybody
who talks about ayahuasca, um,
that this mother goddess comes in.
Um, kind of, kind of funny that the iboga, uh,
that kind of comes out seeing that of Central America, well,
actually, that comes from Africa, um, seems
to be like a father, similar medicine, like a father,
more authoritarian, more direct, um,
but the Ayahuasca is definitely more feminine.
I boga seems to be more masculine.
Um, so the other way is, you know,
obviously you can smoke the DMT not
as a long, uh, of a process.
Like I said, doing ayahuasca, it's a long time,
3, 4, 5 hours, you know, it's very light, kind
of picks you up, takes you on a journey,
sets you back gently, um, you know,
easier to take.
I mean, uh, again, I was in a room
with 20 people when we did it.
Um, there is purging going on.
Uh, I did not purge for the ones that I talked to
that did Purge just said, you know, felt like things
that they had held onto for years, sometimes things
that they were, kids were down deep in their gut,
and once they were able to purge it out,
they felt a hundred times better.
They were able to go deeper into the
trip or through the journey.
Um, but yeah, a lot of people did purge.
It's, a lot of people had to use the bathroom, um,
but it was a much longer, kind of more gentle trip.
So the, so the smoking of the DMT is a much more abrupt,
um, and there's definitely ways to smoke it
and do it a little bit better, um, so
that you can get the most out of that, out of
that, uh, journey that way.
Um, I know for me personally, the first time I, I got a hold
of some DMT and a buddy of mine sat in my living room,
and, uh, we just put it on marijuana
and we, you know, we didn't really know, uh, this was, uh,
more than 10 years ago.
Um, and so we didn't really know how
to, uh, take it seriously, you know what I mean?
Um, we just knew what, you know,
knew about it, things that it would do.
So, um, I wouldn't put it on marijuana now or anything,
but that's what we did, and we passed it back and forth,
and it was really incredible.
Um, just passing it back and forth after we would hit it.
It, I would have like these, uh, light bulb moments,
you know, when the, the light bulb goes off in your head
and you experience revelations, eureka moments
or aha moments,
or, um, just, I've got it, you know what I mean?
Like, just things made sense.
And it was exactly like that,
just the light bulb was going off in your head,
and we were doing this 30 minutes or so, you know, back
and forth, and it was just like, wow, dude.
Like, my life made sense and things made sense.
And it was almost like this kind of deep meditation
that I had been in before, you know,
but even clearer than that.
Um, and so, uh, that was an,
a pretty crazy experience.
And then, um, I know at one point, uh, my friend, he, um,
he hit it again really hard,
and it was almost like we were very in tune with each other.
I don't know if you guys have ever done
mushrooms with people at the same time.
Each take a lot of mushrooms with people.
He become very aware of their energy
and what they're going through a lot of times.
And it was, uh, really like that.
And at one point, he, he said, Jacob,
they're here to get me.
And I knew what he was saying.
His spirit family was just around us,
and they were like, inching closer to him,
and he said, what do I do?
And I just said, you gotta let go.
And as soon as I said that, he, he was gone.
He, he was gone.
He just, he, this guy's
six five, two hundred and forty pounds, huge dude.
And he just kills over on my futon,
and he looked like he was dead,
but I knew that they took him.
I knew, you know, they basically,
it felt like they took his soul up and took him up.
And, um, you know, I, I can't remember how long he was gone.
It was probably five minutes, you know, not a long time.
But, and in that kind of situation,
it felt like a very, very long time.
And, uh, like I said, big guy, he comes back
and I mean, immediately he's just bawling out, crying.
And, um, you know, it's just really, really intense.
And he is like, man, I felt like I was gone
for a thousand years.
And, um, I didn't think I was ever gonna come back.
And he said, they all came after me, you know, not came
after him, but came and got him, took him up,
and he said, it was like the most serious
meeting with your family that you'd ever had,
and you almost felt like a five-year-old,
and everybody else is an adult, you know, looking at you.
And he said he couldn't even, couldn't even pick his head up
to look at him, you know, although you, you know
what I mean, it's not even really his head.
It's just your astral body.
And he, and anyway, so he said, you know, they're trying
to tell him, Hey, you're doing okay.
It's all right. You don't have to rush things.
Everything's fine. We're here to help you.
You know, we're here for you. We're always there
for you and all the things.
And, um, he just said he felt a lot of peace
and a lot of love from all them.
And, um, so I said, he came back, he was crying.
It was intense. And, um, just an incredible,
an incredible story.
Um, and, uh, one I found to be, uh, you know,
just incredibly fascinating.
So, you know, Rick Straussman was right on when he was
saying that this is a spirit molecule that literally is able
to take you in and out of your body.
Um, and what's cool about this is, yeah, we,
we did get this drug that was natural.
You know, people made it literally outta roots,
and there's boiled roots, um, at their house,
and that's how I obtained it.
But, um, it was completely all natural stuff.
Uh, but I do believe this is something that you don't have
to necessarily, um, you know, smoke or ingest
or take or whatever.
This is something that's in our own bodies.
We just have to learn how to use our brains
and our hearts in the ways, um, that they're,
that they're intended for so that we can use these things.
So, again, DMT is the molecule that helps kind
of pull the soul in and out of the body.
Um, we talked last week about pineal gland.
One of the most fascinating things
that Rick s Straussman wrote was that the pineal gland, um,
after gestation was entered the body at 49 days.
Okay? So after,
after the, the cells are created, you know, mom
and dad have sex, you know, uh, the
Sperm and the egg have met 49 days from gestation.
From that point, the pineal gland happens.
Um, he also indicated that the Tibetan Buddhist
and stuff for millennia had talked about it took 49 days
for the sold incarnate.
And I think that's pretty incredible.
So, you know, uh, I would think that would mean
that when the, when the moment a person dies,
that person theoretically could be back in another body
close even to where they were, they died from.
They could, you could be, uh, someone's brother or sister.
In fact, many reincarnation stories of, um, kids
and stuff often talk about,
I was your brother, I was your sister.
I was this person. A lot of times in family situations.
Um, and I think that's what's happening, not all the time.
People don't just come back automatically after 49 days,
but that is the soonest, I believe, as
so can return back to the physical.
It takes 49 days at bare minimum for a soul to reincarnate,
um, into a new, uh, avatar.
And so, you know, once that, uh, DMT is activated,
and again, it's a small amount, doesn't need
to be a very much amount, uh, just a small amount created
by the pineland that's gonna create this
psychedelic experience.
Um, and, uh, this is a, this is a picture.
It kinda makes you think about Neandertals and stuff.
Uh, the Stoned eight theory, uh, by Terrence McKenna is,
is one where he basically says that, uh,
hominids from the past, that's one way they evolved,
was taking mushrooms
and psychedelics to expand their consciousness.
Um, and I believe that's true.
Uh, I just think that neandertals usually typically
have more hair on their bodies.
They're more Sasquatch looking people, um, you know,
Yetis and stuff like that.
They are more advanced
and more sophisticated, more spiritual in a way than we are.
Um, more, more enlightened, more evolved.
Um, they live in the woods.
They eat nothing but, you know, natural foods, uh,
they know we exist.
And, um, you know, they're far more advanced than we are.
They can pop in and out of dimensions.
And, um, it's a species.
The Sasquatch people are far more
advanced than we are, I believe.
But DMT is definitely the, uh, the molecule
that helps us see into these other realms, uh, when
we are able to take it.
Um, so, you know, uh, for me,
the most profound experiences happen when I close my eyes.
But I do believe when you are, you know, either meditating
or taking this, uh, medicine, um, you can see things, um,
often that most people can't normally see
or understand that are there, um, god's all around us,
spirits all around us.
Angels are all around us, um, all the time.
And, um, normally
because of our calcified, pineal glands, our, you know, lack
of connection to spirit,
we're just not seeing all that's available.
We're not literally hearing all that's,
um, all that's there.
Uh, we're only, you know, experiencing a fraction
of what's available to us in the universe.
Now. We can experience a lot more.
And I do believe DMT seems to be a catalyst for that.
Once we wake up our pineal glands, our third eyes,
they're not calcified anymore.
Our DMT experience, uh, our, you know,
secretions are at a higher level than once
before, you know, we're able to see
and understand, um, you know,
and see with our third eye, be able
to see in the situations, see into situation,
see into people, see into,
if I date this person, it's gonna look like this.
If I go to this job, it'll end up like that.
And so it really helps, uh, engage our intuition
and really turn it on
and be able to see into, uh, you know,
the future, if you will.
So it's imperative to, if you wanna live an enlightened life
and a spiritual life, to learn how
to wake up the pineal gland to learn how to, you know,
naturally create more DMT for yourself and your body.
'cause once you do, it's going to basically open you up
to this, you know, extremely, uh, you know,
not different, but, um, new world for most of us, right?
That there are angels and, uh, entities
and other things all around us.
And, um, you know, this, their extra senses
and stuff that we're not even aware of.
Extra ability, you know, telepathy and, uh, healing.
Um, you know, there's, you know, far beyond what we
probably think is possible.
Uh, there are, you know, things that we can do and access
and information in our DNA.
Um, all of this, I do believe comes from an awakened pineal
gland with more DMT run through our bodies, uh, people
who are meditating more, people who are praying more.
As we open these glands, there's no doubt in my mind
that you're gonna continually to be able
to see more into the future
and have more ability to your psychic awareness.
Uh, again, if you guys need, wanna stop me at any point,
ask a question, make a comment, you're more than welcome to.
Um, I'm just gonna keep going now.
Everybody's on mute, so just let me know.
We use the raise your hand button if you feel as well.
But this picture right here, um,
and you saw it in a lot of the other pictures, the,
the grid, it's almost like a checkerboard with eyes in it.
So it, upon doing DMT, this is a, um,
very, very familiar, uh, picture, um,
at least the eyeballs in the grid.
It, it's almost every time I've tripped, I've seen this,
you know, and not just on DMT, but on magic mushrooms
and, and other things.
Um, it definitely seems to be
what I would maybe even consider to be the veil
that on the other side of this veil is, you know, truth.
Um, you know, um, I've definitely seen it.
I've definitely even watched other videos
of people taking DMT or peyote or things like that,
and they, a lot of people talk about seeing the grid
with the eyeballs in it.
Um, it's definitely something that, uh, you know,
after watching a lot of videos, you'll see, you know,
at least a small portion of people talk about saying,
seeing, and, uh, being significant to them.
So a lot of this work, I think, is by Alex Gray,
and he is just really, um, great.
I feel like it, uh, I'm, I'm sure he is able
to see this himself, and then he's able to, to paint it.
Um, very incredible artwork.
But, uh, the entities
and things, once you kind of bust out,
'cause that's what you're trying to do, like doing DMT, the,
if you really want to go far, you know,
like you can take a little bit and lay down
and have a, a really profound experience.
But I think the point is to push
the soul out of the body, uh, if you will.
Um, that I think is,
I would say the goal of it.
If you, if you really want to master, uh,
understanding what's going on here, um, which is,
this makes it, this is a great picture,
and this is on the, the cover of Straumann's book,
but to me, this is it.
This is the soul coming in or going out of the body.
But, um, you know, according to Terrence McKenna, you wanted
to do that three hit method,
at least when it came to smoking it.
And he was talking about smoking it, holding as much
as you could, hitting it a second time,
holding as much as you could.
And then at the second one,
you're already feeling this incredible, crazy weird
oh my God feeling.
Um, but he says, to hold it as much as you can on,
and then do it again for the third time.
Hold it again, and then you can pop out.
Um, when you talk about the people
who injected it in Straumann's video in, uh,
his experiments, um,
he was injecting it intravenously.
So these people are getting a pretty large dose.
They're injecting it,
it's going straight into the bloodstream.
Uh, I think, you know, that's as quick as smoking it.
And those people who are having 10 to 15 minute, as opposed
to five minute journeys were popping out very quickly too.
And a lot of 'em were talking about,
it's like popping out the back of your head.
And, uh, Terrence McKenna kind of coined it,
the croissant khanum.
And he said there was just a place
where if you could let go, um, you could pop out,
you know, your soul could pop out of the back of your head,
it felt like, and go experience these other realms, um,
literally while your body's sitting there.
And this is, this is, you know, uh, very much the same story
of people who are, you know, getting surgeries,
who've had near death experiences, who've,
you know, been in car accident.
And they can, they're in their soul, and they can look down
and they can see their bodies, uh, on the table.
They can tell you all the people that are there,
they can tell you what everybody was
wearing, what people said.
And then oftentimes they go back into their body
and say, I just saw you guys from
all of above, blah, blah, blah.
Or, you know, come back and tell people
later, like, I saw you there.
And, uh, they're always right for the most part.
Uh, it's, you know, incredible detail
because it's like, you are looking at it from an outsider's
point of view, but you feel like yourself, you feel like,
um, like you're, like, you're just, you, you just,
um, just kind of altered a bit, you know?
And it's kind of like that, uh, you know, the story
and the, the movies where you're a ghost
and like, nobody could see you understand you,
but you see everybody else, and it all seem the same.
It's, it's very similar to that feeling.
Um, that's exactly what I experienced
and how I felt when I had, uh, you know,
these experiences with this medicine.
And so, um, that, again, that's why I did put the
of spirit molecule, because I do think Straussman is really
right on with his predictions
and the things that he said about the mt
and the fact that it was the facilitator of the soul
and the spirit into the body.
Um, and then it's cool
because you kind of see this tether about
what I was talking about before, where the spirit's,
you know, hovering above the body,
and it's kind of hooked to this tether, which, you know, uh,
when we look at, you know, astral body projections and,
and things like that, and people talk about that, uh,
astral body, uh, projections
and stuff, usually when they're sleeping
or they're meditating, uh,
this is a story in many different cultures
and religions around the world where people are able to
project their soul anywhere they want to.
Um, oftentimes it's different places on the planet.
And, um, you know, that's
what remote viewing is, if you've ever heard of it.
And, you know, they literally have people in Washington
and, you know, working for governments who do this,
they literally remote view for governments.
But you can go, go to any planet, you can go anywhere,
anytime, and you can go see what's going on somewhere.
You could go, uh, go
to the White House right now in your astral body
and see what's happening in there if you wanted to.
Um, I have heard many stories of people who realize
that they can be seen there,
or their energy can be picked up.
So you're not completely invisible.
You know, higher entities and stuff are aware of you.
Um, you know what I mean?
I definitely have heard of people who said
they projected their astral body, they woke up
and they were on a spaceship,
but that as they were looking around figuring things out,
there were aliens and stuff, who realized they were there.
And once they became a little scared
and a little fearful, their,
their astral body came right back into the real body.
So it seems that fear does drive the thing.
It has to be something where you can completely let go,
like jumping out of an airplane.
In fact, you know, when it comes to DMT, I would say
that's the closest thing to it.
Drugs, uh, or medicines
or implant medicines like
that are almost a little bit different.
I mean, even magic mushrooms and LSD
and things like that are different to me slightly, um,
because you feel a little altered.
The thing about DMT is, at least in my experience,
is I don't feel any, I don't feel altered at all.
I feel like I'm completely who I am right now,
and then I'm just taken into another realm or another world,
or I'm experiencing things that normally aren't there,
but I don't feel any different, you know, like, you drink
or you smoke, or, uh, you feel different.
You know what I mean? But to me, when it comes to, uh,
DMT, you don't feel different.
You just see things
and understand things in a different way.
So here's a cool one with, uh,
I think it's the Lord Krishna.
Uh, and he's obviously, if you look at this as kind
of a snake, but it's his astral body at the very top,
and it's connected to this tether cord,
and he's going out into the universe.
So, again, you don't have to be
confined to a plane or anything.
You can literally go explore the entire universe, uh,
with your astral body after.
You can project it anywhere you want to.
You can go anywhere you want to. You can get
really good at this thing.
I've definitely been out in the universe.
I've definitely been in different places on the planet
and kind of remote view things.
Uh, I'm not a, I'm not an expert
by any means, but I've done it.
It's fascinating. Uh,
it's something I believe every single person can do.
And just like anything, it just takes practice.
You have to just practice it.
Um, there are things I think that can help.
If you wanna have lucid dreams
and stuff like that, it's a good way to start.
I know Zep technology sells something called Lucid.
Um, and it's basically gold, uh, rium
and rhodium, a couple, uh, precious metals, omic, metals.
And, uh, when I took that stuff, uh, every night
for a while, I would have lucid dreams
when I knew I was lucid.
I learned how to fly and all things.
And I think that's a great start to be able to get there.
Here's cool. Just another cool, uh, kind
of astral body projection here.
Um, okay, this one, this one is, uh, again,
so we see the grid patterns, not necessarily eyeballs, a lot
of eyeballs in it, but the eyeballs.
You can see some of the ones on the,
on the side, but they're not in there.
Uh, the galaxies are inside this,
this painting, this actual painting.
It's, uh, when it was painting,
it was very huge, the size of a wall.
And it's done by Alex Gray,
and he calls this the net of beam.
And so I told you the story earlier of my friend,
and we were smoking it after he had his experience.
It was my turn. And I wanted to take a big rip after that,
because I was like, wow, that was pretty cool.
So after he comes back
and I'm, it's my turn, I take a big rip.
And what it felt like to me was, I felt like I died.
I was sitting in my lazboy, and I hit that thing,
and I immediately felt like I had died.
And it was like, just annoying.
I felt like I knew that I had died.
I had died many, many, many lifetimes before.
It was just absolute knowing I'm dead.
And I had this weird feeling like, my mom is gonna be upset
with me because I, uh, I died smoking drugs,
and she's gonna be mad.
And, um, as soon as I thought that, then it was like, okay,
all of a sudden, the ego was gone,
and my spirit, my soul, started to rise up,
and it started to come out like the back of my head,
just like the images that you seen earlier.
And so I could look down and see myself in the chair,
and I was kind of hunched over.
And as I'm coming up, I actually went through the ceiling.
I lived on the top floor in Atlanta, uh,
of an apartment complex.
I went through the top,
and I could see the city, um,
where I would've been if I would've been on top
of the building, uh, for a few seconds.
I could look around, see it.
I could even feel kind of the collective consciousness
of the city for a minute, you know, for a few seconds.
Um, before my soul kind of dissolved all that away.
And then I was in this place right here.
Um, and so this, this place, this net of being,
as he calls it, it was absolutely humongous.
Um, I believe each one of these little squares
that has like a little galaxy in it was
the size of a galaxy.
Uh, I remember feeling like a little soul
just floating there and looking at these faces
and thinking they were bigger than planets.
They were bigger than the sun. It was absolutely massive.
The eyeballs, the faces, the mouths,
I felt like a tiny little speck.
Uh, and these things were humongous,
and they were conscious, and they were aware of me.
And then all of a sudden, I felt like this really, um,
profound sense of peace, harmony.
Um, and I knew right then
and there, this is where I came from.
This was like home. Um, this is where I came from
before I was Jacob Cox.
Um, this is where I, this is where I will return to.
This was home base. And it felt,
even though it was really weird, it felt like home.
This is where I said, this is where I came from.
Well, we'll go back to, um, interesting enough,
I believe it's a tool video.
I saw someone take this painting and make it interactive,
and they literally put like, what looked like a soul flying
around in this image, which is exactly, I mean, you know
what I mean, to put it into words.
And then to see someone, you know,
literally make the same thing, just absolutely profound.
Like, like, how could somebody, you know, just come up
with the same thing that happened to me?
Um, it was just absolutely incredible.
I couldn't believe that somebody made a video
that looked exactly like what I experienced.
But, um, after looking it up, yeah, I,
I found this, and I was like, that's it.
That's the exact place that I was,
there's no doubt about it.
Same colors, same faces, uh, other than the fact that,
like I said, it was massive
beyond your wildest dreams, how big it was.
Um, but that's where I knew I had come from.
Uh, and, uh, you know, it was, it was, it was incredible.
Like I said, I realized that, um,
Jacob Cox was a figment of my imagination.
It was just a small, little experience in the whole game of
existing and evolving
that I shouldn't take it too seriously, um,
and just play and have more fun.
And, um, you know, realize that life isn't so serious,
and it's just a quick little blip.
And, you know, the realm of, you know, existence, uh,
don't take it so seriously.
Um, you know, have fun play, uh,
and, you know, don't be so much caught up in the ego
of being, you know, a person.
You're way more than that. So, that's it, man.
The universe is this incredible place
that we all can explore, that we all have access to.
We don't need spaceships. We don't need
rockets to get there.
Um, literally, we're all free at last to, you know,
explore the endless of space.
It's our own divine, right?
You know, you don't need some rocket
thrusters to get you anywhere.
And I think that's what's absolutely incredible, that each
and every one of us have access to the universe, um,
as much as anybody does.
You know, uh, no one has anymore
because they work for NASA or anything.
Um, and that's what empowers me
to share information like this, is
because if every single person has access,
but we haven't been told that you haven't been told,
you know, that you have this astral body
that you can project around the universe, um,
you don't know, and you can't even practice it.
You can't even do it. Uh,
but I think that's one of the incredible mysteries
of the universe, that we have all the, uh, capabilities
to do incredible things.
Yet we just, we are so limited in what we believe
'cause what we've been told is possible,
but literally, it's all possible.
So, you know, just according to this little,
this little blip here, uh, benefits of astral travel, um,
or strengthen your faith, broaden your consciousness,
you know, empowers your magical powers and intuition.
You get to meet the fairies and the elves and the angels.
You get to travels to the past and the future,
and you can discover Atlantis, and it rocks.
And, you know, I do believe that you can go to the past.
You can go to the future. You can see these civilizations,
um, you know,
and all, all these things are, you know, valid.
And they help, uh, past life progressions help, uh, astral,
uh, astral travel helps.
Um, the universe is incredible complex
and, you know, crazy,
um, mystery.
And it is, you know, it's not up to somebody else
to solve it for you and give you the answers to it.
Uh, that sucks. I don't think that's fun or cool at all.
You know, the, what makes it exciting is each
and every single person, it's your responsibility if you
dare to take it, um, to discover it for yourself.
That's how you wake up. You know what I mean?
You know, normally you can't, you know,
people can show you things and you can understand,
and you can see, but you gotta take
that step a little bit farther to,
um, to see what's out there.
Sometimes my stuff gets stuck.
There we go, um, with another one by Alex Gray
called Christ Consciousness.
Very cool. Got a lot of cool pictures inside of it.
But, um, and here's where
the next few pictures will be similar to this.
Um, on the other end of DMT
seems to be, uh, where you find
these Christ consciousness, these ascended masters,
the ones that we call into ceremony, these, um, humans
that have surpassed that of the
reincarnation cycle of forgetting.
So oftentimes, we, we do reincarnate, you know,
like I said earlier, 49 days, bare minimum to,
to move into the next avatar that you, that you inhabit.
But, um, some people go past that.
Some people wake up in the body enough, um,
and ascend, uh, awaken,
and don't have to go back into bodies and forget,
and to learn who they are again.
Um, just the word resurrection alone, we normally equate
that to Jesus Christ.
However, I believe there's 180,000 stories in Tibet alone
of humans who ascended, uh, into, you know, the next life.
Oftentimes, the stories, uh,
about Christ were very similar to that.
Some who walked into heaven from the ground up,
and their clothes fell to the ground as they did it.
Some turned the ball of light.
Um, you know, all similar stories.
Um, but definitely a lot
of different humans in the past have, uh, have got
to this ascension and have ascended to probably what we,
you know, equate to the masters of the universe.
Um, and I believe that there's more to do after this,
but there are, you know, what deemed the kingdom of heaven.
And so, um, there are all kinds
of entities on this other realm.
So, like I said, once we get past the weirdness of all this,
uh, you know, that DMT can take you into these other realms,
pull you out of your body.
What are you gonna experience on either side?
So for me, oftentimes it seems to look like,
uh, entities who don't have physical bodies like we do,
obviously, they seem to be more geometric shapes
and colors, excuse
me, shapes and colors.
Uh, they seem to be moving extremely fast.
Oftentimes they have, you know, more than two eyes.
Um, sometimes they can be very serious,
sometimes they can be laughing.
Um, they tend to kinda kind of have the eyeball grids.
Sometimes, some don't.
But they often seem to be geometrical patterns, colors.
And so, for me personally, you know, a couple
of the experiences that I had after smoking DMT,
and I would lay down and, um, relax and, and pop out.
I would be on this other side where I was
with these entities, and they would come
and oftentimes it felt like they were
shooting light at me, if you will.
Um, you know, light moves at what, 180,000,
uh, miles per second.
And that's what it felt like. It felt like they were
shooting light at me, or maybe they're glowing,
but the light is coming from them into me,
and it's coming so fast.
And what I realized was the light was full of information,
that it had understandings.
And the revelations epiphanies those aha moments in it,
um, understandings, the, the way the universe works,
the secrets of the universe, the laws of the universe,
and they're just coming at you at 180,000 miles
per second, it seems like.
And it's so fast, you feel overwhelmed.
And so what I realized though, is if I felt overwhelmed,
and they're overwhelmed,
and they're sending me these, these, this light information
that the only way that I was ever gonna be able
to really receive it was to remain calm.
And it's really tough to remain calm in the most crazy
outlandish experience that one could have.
Right? You know, you're over here,
and all this seems totally real.
Like I said, you're, you're not really altered,
you know, in any way, really.
You feel like yourself,
but you're definitely in another realm, uh,
experiencing entities that are far beyond
what you could ever imagine.
It's almost like, you know, you're on another planet
somewhere, and they're talking to you, you know?
But it's much faster. So, again, you just, you stay as calm
as you can, and you try to absorb
as much information as you can of what they're sending you.
Um, and I believe that's the intention, is they're trying
to help you, uh, have this revelation,
have these aha moments, this learning,
this evolving that's happening.
And again, if you're gonna stay as calm as possible,
you're gonna take in more than if
you just completely lose it.
When you get, when you lose it, when you get fearful,
everything shuts down.
They move away, it gets dark. You go back into the body.
You do have a lot of control.
I mean, like I said, if you wanna be
afraid, it is your choice.
You're just not gonna experience much if you can let go,
and that's the key word, let go.
Let it get really weird, the weirder to the better.
And you're gonna stay calm in that moment.
You're gonna take in more information and bring it back.
And that seems to be what's imperative
to the journey itself, is what you can bring back to
your, your body, um, from the experience.
Because that's what they're trying to do.
They're trying to help you. And to me,
you know, we're cheating a little bit.
If you're injecting it or you're smoking it or whatever,
however you're doing it, you are cheating a little bit
because this to me is probably, you know, the what
we're literally looking for it in our high states
of meditation, the avatars who, the Christ and the Buddhists
and the Christians who are able to sit there and meditate
and literally experience these deep, you know,
profound soul comes outta your body
and going into other realms to meet these nc to come back.
You know, that's the way the, the mature, the authentic,
organic way to do it.
So we're cheating a little bit by,
by having, you know, taking these drugs.
So it is a little bit harder for us.
But I do believe these are things that are 100% doable just
by meditating, just by getting an altered state yourself
by calming down, relaxing.
And often what I tell people about meditation mostly is it's
not about gaining enlightenment or,
or gaining this information.
You have to really relax, let go drop the walls,
drop the barriers that keep you from enlightenment.
You know, the, I'm not good enough,
or I'm not special enough, or whatever.
All that's walls and, you know, beliefs that we've come up
with that keep us from this extraordinary experience
of enlightenment, that's completely possible for all of us.
Um, that's, that's it. You know what I mean?
Let go of all that stuff, and then you're able to get there.
Um, in the Bible, it was Matthew 6 22, I believe.
Uh, those who sat in darkness saw great lights.
And, uh, I believe if you're sitting in darkness,
you're meditating, and they're seeing great lights.
And so that, to me, seeing great lights,
meeting entities like this who were felt like to me,
shooting light at me, sending light to me, uh,
was similar in the same thing that, uh, you know,
every book, every culture talks about, uh,
these kind of experiences.
And, uh, you know, because we're not really aware of it,
we just kind of say, oh, that sounds a great thing.
I believe that. But we don't really know, you know,
deep down, uh, what, what it means
or what they're even talking about.
But certainly there are entities who are able to take form
shapeshift, look however they want to,
and they're no longer confined the third dimensional
frequencies where they have bodies like ours.
Uh, you know, they can shapeshift
and look however they want to.
Um, and, and oftentimes that's exactly what it feels like.
You're just, you know, you're seeing, you're
with these incredibly enlightened beings
who are far beyond, far beyond us.
Not they're above. Certainly we all can do it,
but, um, they've just learned how to master things
that we haven't yet learned to master.
So, like I said, I've seen different, different colors,
different shapes, different beings.
There's obviously that there are different beings.
Sometimes there are multiple ones that are
around you that are talking to you.
Sometimes there can be, you know, one
or two, you know, three or four or five I've experienced.
And oftentimes they have, you know, multiple faces, shapes,
and they just look like we see the, uh, temples and,
and stuff like that around the world
of these incredibly built places where they have these,
you know, uh, kind of weird, odd shaped entities.
Um, I think that that's what they're doing.
They're showing us these entities
that other people saw on the other side.
They have become enlightened.
They're able to build with rocks,
and move rocks in ways that we still yet haven't had, um,
still, yet, yet to master.
But I believe soon in the future, we'll, we'll have a lot
of people who will be able to move blocks
and, uh, create the temples, uh,
that are created in the past.
So, in my opinion, these
entities, these Christ conscious,
these Buddha consciousness people, entities,
are helping us become our own Christ,
our own Buddhists, our own Krishna, our own Mary's.
Um, I don't, I don't think Mary Magdalene
or Mother Mary is a name, I think that's a title.
Um, their, their energy, their masculine feminist, married,
uh, I believe Mary is the title.
As much as Christ is or Buddha is, those aren't names.
They're all titles. That means Anointed One or The Messiah.
Um, so they're helping us become our Christ consciousness so
that we can carry our own light.
We can, um, bring that to the earth, bring that
to the world, bring that to our friends, our community,
to our families, um, to change the world.
And there's no doubt that each
and every single one of those people who has come, you know,
said, there's nothing that I'm doing that you can't do.
You can do all the things I'm doing in greater things.
We have to believe that that's the only way we'll ever be
able to achieve it, is to believe it first, to know
that this is all possible.
Um, so I think it's imperative for us to start realizing,
oh, man, you know, uh, we can do all these things.
You know, really honestly, religion,
spirituality has been hijacked,
and they've kind of put different teachers on pedestals.
But when you really look at the information, the things
that each teacher was talking about,
and you know, was really saying, Hey, man,
you can all do these things, same things.
All of you're gods, all of you're Buddhists, um, you know,
it's imperative for you all to do it.
And not just put someone else on the
pedestal that they're better than you.
Um, each one of us is capable of this same thing.
So as we learn to become our own Christ,
to carry our own light, um,
and help the others in our community
and our world, we change.
We change the world. You don't have to be a CEO
or own a huge company or make a
million dollars to make a big change.
This literally is a change that happens within ourselves
as we change ourselves, as we become the compassionate,
loving entities that we know we are, that, you know,
doesn't just stay in our bodies.
It, uh, vibrates out.
It resonates out to our family, to the people we work with,
people, our community, the churches
that we go to, everything.
I mean, you know what I mean?
Uh, it doesn't matter
what you wanna call yourself at that point.
People will know it. They can see it.
They can see the difference in a person like this,
as opposed to, you know, someone who talks about it.
It, it is imperative to be it,
to be the change you wanna see in the world.
Not to talk about it or, or ask someone else to do it,
or believe someone else can do it.
Each and every single one of us is as powerful as anybody
who has come, or anybody who will come.
Taking that responsibility to be
that change in the world is, you know,
yours and yours alone.
And to become that. And then we can change the world too,
what we see on the right, where Mother Nature, just being,
um, you know, used
and abused for her resources, the world's on fire,
people are competing, you know, all the planes
and the industries and smoke and, um, all the things.
And then moving to a world like we see on the left here,
where there's plenty of animals, nature,
uh, everyone's thriving.
Everyone has enough to eat. Um, this is the world
that we really, that's here, it's here now.
It actually never has left.
The garden of Bean has never left that state of being.
You know, I often tell people, like,
when you look at a little kid,
a little kids run around naked.
They don't care. They're beautiful.
You know, uh, everything is fun and they're giggling.
Uh, they live in the garden of being the state.
It's not till an adult sits 'em down
and says, Hey, this is the knowledge of good and evil, right
and wrong, uh, male and female.
Um, this is how you have to act.
'cause we are in this social economic
status, or whatever it is.
And, you know, you kick 'em out
of the Garden of Eden when you do that.
They're no longer in this beautiful world
of possibilities and beauty.
They're in this black
and white, you know, um, duality world,
uh, which is dangerous.
But we can go back.
We certainly can go back to being like little kids again
to enter this kingdom of heaven that is here already.
It's just a, you know, a veil away.
I mean, as we know, every, every book
and every culture seems to say that there will be a period
where this veil gets thin.
We're able to see through it.
We're able to see through the lies of our governments, uh,
you know, politics, religions,
and realize really are all one bombing.
Another country is bombing ourselves,
hurting somebody else's, hurting ourselves, taking advantage
of nature is hurting other people.
Um, really, it's, it's to our benefit to love each other,
to see the connectedness in each, each one.
Um, and live in that beautiful Garden
of Eden again, is totally here.
So, um, that's, uh, my presentation for tonight,
my pictures for the school tonight.
Um, thank you guys all still being here.
for Dimethyl Tryptamine.
Um, I also wrote on there to Spirit Molecule, just
because Rick Straussman called it that.
Um, as far as I'm concerned,
or I know he seems to be the leading expert on DMT
and the research that he is done.
Um, I've read about, watched the movies,
and I just feel like, you know,
this guy's actually done the work.
And so I, I really agree with him, with
what he said about DMT,
and we'll talk about that in a little
bit here in just a minute.
Um, so first we wanna kind of go
and talk about what is DMT?
And it occurs naturally.
It's, um, it's in plants, it's in animals, it's in humans.
It is a very, very strong, probably the strongest known,
psychedelic known to man.
And the effects are very similar to LSD and magic mushrooms.
Um, oh, and I've already got, oh, there, it's,
and it's a very, very simple molecule.
Uh, you know, very basic.
And what's pretty cool about it is every living thing has
the two enzymes in it to synthesize dn DMT,
which is pretty, pretty crazy.
That means every animal plant, um,
uh, human really has the, has the enzymes in it
to synthesize this molecule, which is pretty crazy
that every single person has
the most psychedelic substance in them already.
Uh, some people will claim that DMT is produced
in the lungs.
Straussman said he didn't believe that research was, uh,
he wasn't confident in that research that he, he read about,
but the pineal glands seems to be the place.
Uh, and we talked about the pineal gland, the symbology,
the pineal gland last week.
But, um, Strauss's book, DMT, the Spirit Molecule,
I, I read it.
Um, there's also a movie hosted by Joe Rogan called DMT,
the Spirit Molecule that's on the book.
It's got a lot of great people in it, Dennis McKenna,
some stuff, uh, from a lot of other scientists,
Terrence McKenna's work, um,
which I find absolutely fascinating.
If you don't know anything about Terrence McKenna,
just look him up and listen to him on YouTube.
He is passed on to the spirit realm now,
but, um, just how he talks and how he articulates things
and, and talks about these, um, psychedelics
and DMT is just fascinating.
Um, just, you know, like I said,
just will absolutely just blow your mind.
Um, but he did the research on it.
Um, Straussman did the research on it,
and, you know, according to him, this tiny little gland
that has the highest blood flow
per any organ in the whole entire body,
the pineal gland directly in the center.
Here's a side shot, but literally also not just in the
middle, uh,
but literally in between the two
hemispheres of the right and left brain.
It's one of the few things that's not completely, um,
bilateral symmetry that's not, you know,
on the same side as the other.
It's literally just in the middle.
Um, so I think that's, that's pretty incredible.
You got this one gland that's not the
same as on the other side.
It's just in the middle there.
Um, so literally your brain is what makes DMT.
Um, and according to Straussman, his work, uh,
the pineal band creates the most EMT during, uh, death,
birth, uh, out of body experiences, you know,
like near death experiences,
people in car crashes and stuff like that.
And, um, high states of meditation is when people claim
that the, uh, the body creates the, the DMT
and the soul is literally, uh, it seems to be the molecule
that takes the soul in and out of the avatar of our bodies.
So, you know, it's crazy. Like I said,
the brain makes the DMT,
and so people say, I don't take drugs.
But the funny thing is, is literally, uh,
you can say you don't do drugs,
but even Salvador Dali says, I literally am drugs.
Each and every one of us has a small amount
of DMT in the body at all times.
If the, if the pineal gland is calcified,
meaning from fluoride and poor diets and processed food
and everything, it's not producing as much as normal,
I would say, when your pineal gland is not producing
as much DMT as normal, that's when you're, instead
of having this really colorful, psychedelic, fun,
beautiful experience, your life becomes more bland
and more black and white, and more this and that.
Uh, more two-sided as opposed
to more connected, more oneness.
Definitely DMT experiences seem to indicate
that we're all one, uh,
just like all psychedelics and magic mushrooms.
And other thing that seems to be a recurring theme is that,
uh, these drugs are medicine rather, um, seems to indicate
that we are all one, um,
and kind of help us understand that in a deeper way.
So again, we're talking about, you know, all the drugs.
People take tea, coffee, cigarettes, vodka, you know,
and then when you're talking about real, real drugs,
real medicine, uh, we're talking about LSD, magic mushrooms,
DMT, those are the things
that now are illegal, uh, for the most part.
Um, and I think for good reason.
I mean, uh, you know, people,
there is certain entities out there that want us to have tea
and coffee and vodka and cigarettes
and, you know, these drugs
that are really poor for our consciousness.
But these other drugs, the magic mushrooms and ayahuasca
and all these things are really good for us
and really can cure addictions, heroin addictions, uh,
sexual addictions, um, other, other drug addictions, um,
and just help us heal ourselves and our trauma.
Um, and I don't think that, uh, that really, you know, is,
uh, beneficial to a certain few who really benefit off us
being in a state of fear
or a state of unhealed ness or whatever.
Um, you know, and, uh, so I think
that more than anything is why I believe, uh, that really,
honestly, you know, these drugs are illegal.
So this one is ayahuasca.
So there's a couple ways to do DMT.
Uh, you know, you can smoke it, you can snort it,
you can inject it, and you can take this, uh,
elixir medicine drink found in, uh, you know, south America.
They've been taking this for a long time.
It's the vine of one tree
and the leaves of another, literally put together
with some water in there and brewed up for a little while.
Um, this is the one way that's orally active that will last
for hours for 3, 4, 5, 6 hours.
Um, the other ways are short smoking it five
or six minutes, injecting it could be 10 to 15 minutes.
Um, I'm not as aware of the snorting it.
I, I didn't really know that
until I did a little research on DMT while I was
putting this whole thing together.
But that's a much shorter time as well.
Uh, just a few minutes in that one as, as well.
Um, I'm not, was familiar with that one.
Anybody doing it that way or hearing any stories about that?
Typically, the stories and videos that you see here,
ayahuasca, um, the injections
that Rock Rick Raum did in his, um, in his experiments
and, um, then drinking it.
But this is Ayahuasca.
It is a medicine that has been used
for a long time down in South America.
And when you drink this, usually you drink a cup or two.
There's a lot that goes on with that.
You kind of, um, uh, meet up with this, you know,
mother goddess, uh, entity of the universe.
Uh, I definitely have taken, uh, oral, um, ayahuasca orally.
And, um, for me personally, you know, it felt at first,
like my whole body was like arcing, um, you know,
like a welder would arc metal,
and it was like, it was spark up and it felt like just,
and through my whole body was like
sparking all over the place.
Just almost like my light body was just activating
or something, but it felt like I was
arcing all over my body.
And, uh, you know, then this really
feminine mother goddess came in to talk to me
and take care of me and tell me how I was doing
and helped me out.
Um, that seems to be very similar to almost everybody
who talks about ayahuasca, um,
that this mother goddess comes in.
Um, kind of, kind of funny that the iboga, uh,
that kind of comes out seeing that of Central America, well,
actually, that comes from Africa, um, seems
to be like a father, similar medicine, like a father,
more authoritarian, more direct, um,
but the Ayahuasca is definitely more feminine.
I boga seems to be more masculine.
Um, so the other way is, you know,
obviously you can smoke the DMT not
as a long, uh, of a process.
Like I said, doing ayahuasca, it's a long time,
3, 4, 5 hours, you know, it's very light, kind
of picks you up, takes you on a journey,
sets you back gently, um, you know,
easier to take.
I mean, uh, again, I was in a room
with 20 people when we did it.
Um, there is purging going on.
Uh, I did not purge for the ones that I talked to
that did Purge just said, you know, felt like things
that they had held onto for years, sometimes things
that they were, kids were down deep in their gut,
and once they were able to purge it out,
they felt a hundred times better.
They were able to go deeper into the
trip or through the journey.
Um, but yeah, a lot of people did purge.
It's, a lot of people had to use the bathroom, um,
but it was a much longer, kind of more gentle trip.
So the, so the smoking of the DMT is a much more abrupt,
um, and there's definitely ways to smoke it
and do it a little bit better, um, so
that you can get the most out of that, out of
that, uh, journey that way.
Um, I know for me personally, the first time I, I got a hold
of some DMT and a buddy of mine sat in my living room,
and, uh, we just put it on marijuana
and we, you know, we didn't really know, uh, this was, uh,
more than 10 years ago.
Um, and so we didn't really know how
to, uh, take it seriously, you know what I mean?
Um, we just knew what, you know,
knew about it, things that it would do.
So, um, I wouldn't put it on marijuana now or anything,
but that's what we did, and we passed it back and forth,
and it was really incredible.
Um, just passing it back and forth after we would hit it.
It, I would have like these, uh, light bulb moments,
you know, when the, the light bulb goes off in your head
and you experience revelations, eureka moments
or aha moments,
or, um, just, I've got it, you know what I mean?
Like, just things made sense.
And it was exactly like that,
just the light bulb was going off in your head,
and we were doing this 30 minutes or so, you know, back
and forth, and it was just like, wow, dude.
Like, my life made sense and things made sense.
And it was almost like this kind of deep meditation
that I had been in before, you know,
but even clearer than that.
Um, and so, uh, that was an,
a pretty crazy experience.
And then, um, I know at one point, uh, my friend, he, um,
he hit it again really hard,
and it was almost like we were very in tune with each other.
I don't know if you guys have ever done
mushrooms with people at the same time.
Each take a lot of mushrooms with people.
He become very aware of their energy
and what they're going through a lot of times.
And it was, uh, really like that.
And at one point, he, he said, Jacob,
they're here to get me.
And I knew what he was saying.
His spirit family was just around us,
and they were like, inching closer to him,
and he said, what do I do?
And I just said, you gotta let go.
And as soon as I said that, he, he was gone.
He, he was gone.
He just, he, this guy's
six five, two hundred and forty pounds, huge dude.
And he just kills over on my futon,
and he looked like he was dead,
but I knew that they took him.
I knew, you know, they basically,
it felt like they took his soul up and took him up.
And, um, you know, I, I can't remember how long he was gone.
It was probably five minutes, you know, not a long time.
But, and in that kind of situation,
it felt like a very, very long time.
And, uh, like I said, big guy, he comes back
and I mean, immediately he's just bawling out, crying.
And, um, you know, it's just really, really intense.
And he is like, man, I felt like I was gone
for a thousand years.
And, um, I didn't think I was ever gonna come back.
And he said, they all came after me, you know, not came
after him, but came and got him, took him up,
and he said, it was like the most serious
meeting with your family that you'd ever had,
and you almost felt like a five-year-old,
and everybody else is an adult, you know, looking at you.
And he said he couldn't even, couldn't even pick his head up
to look at him, you know, although you, you know
what I mean, it's not even really his head.
It's just your astral body.
And he, and anyway, so he said, you know, they're trying
to tell him, Hey, you're doing okay.
It's all right. You don't have to rush things.
Everything's fine. We're here to help you.
You know, we're here for you. We're always there
for you and all the things.
And, um, he just said he felt a lot of peace
and a lot of love from all them.
And, um, so I said, he came back, he was crying.
It was intense. And, um, just an incredible,
an incredible story.
Um, and, uh, one I found to be, uh, you know,
just incredibly fascinating.
So, you know, Rick Straussman was right on when he was
saying that this is a spirit molecule that literally is able
to take you in and out of your body.
Um, and what's cool about this is, yeah, we,
we did get this drug that was natural.
You know, people made it literally outta roots,
and there's boiled roots, um, at their house,
and that's how I obtained it.
But, um, it was completely all natural stuff.
Uh, but I do believe this is something that you don't have
to necessarily, um, you know, smoke or ingest
or take or whatever.
This is something that's in our own bodies.
We just have to learn how to use our brains
and our hearts in the ways, um, that they're,
that they're intended for so that we can use these things.
So, again, DMT is the molecule that helps kind
of pull the soul in and out of the body.
Um, we talked last week about pineal gland.
One of the most fascinating things
that Rick s Straussman wrote was that the pineal gland, um,
after gestation was entered the body at 49 days.
Okay? So after,
after the, the cells are created, you know, mom
and dad have sex, you know, uh, the
Sperm and the egg have met 49 days from gestation.
From that point, the pineal gland happens.
Um, he also indicated that the Tibetan Buddhist
and stuff for millennia had talked about it took 49 days
for the sold incarnate.
And I think that's pretty incredible.
So, you know, uh, I would think that would mean
that when the, when the moment a person dies,
that person theoretically could be back in another body
close even to where they were, they died from.
They could, you could be, uh, someone's brother or sister.
In fact, many reincarnation stories of, um, kids
and stuff often talk about,
I was your brother, I was your sister.
I was this person. A lot of times in family situations.
Um, and I think that's what's happening, not all the time.
People don't just come back automatically after 49 days,
but that is the soonest, I believe, as
so can return back to the physical.
It takes 49 days at bare minimum for a soul to reincarnate,
um, into a new, uh, avatar.
And so, you know, once that, uh, DMT is activated,
and again, it's a small amount, doesn't need
to be a very much amount, uh, just a small amount created
by the pineland that's gonna create this
psychedelic experience.
Um, and, uh, this is a, this is a picture.
It kinda makes you think about Neandertals and stuff.
Uh, the Stoned eight theory, uh, by Terrence McKenna is,
is one where he basically says that, uh,
hominids from the past, that's one way they evolved,
was taking mushrooms
and psychedelics to expand their consciousness.
Um, and I believe that's true.
Uh, I just think that neandertals usually typically
have more hair on their bodies.
They're more Sasquatch looking people, um, you know,
Yetis and stuff like that.
They are more advanced
and more sophisticated, more spiritual in a way than we are.
Um, more, more enlightened, more evolved.
Um, they live in the woods.
They eat nothing but, you know, natural foods, uh,
they know we exist.
And, um, you know, they're far more advanced than we are.
They can pop in and out of dimensions.
And, um, it's a species.
The Sasquatch people are far more
advanced than we are, I believe.
But DMT is definitely the, uh, the molecule
that helps us see into these other realms, uh, when
we are able to take it.
Um, so, you know, uh, for me,
the most profound experiences happen when I close my eyes.
But I do believe when you are, you know, either meditating
or taking this, uh, medicine, um, you can see things, um,
often that most people can't normally see
or understand that are there, um, god's all around us,
spirits all around us.
Angels are all around us, um, all the time.
And, um, normally
because of our calcified, pineal glands, our, you know, lack
of connection to spirit,
we're just not seeing all that's available.
We're not literally hearing all that's,
um, all that's there.
Uh, we're only, you know, experiencing a fraction
of what's available to us in the universe.
Now. We can experience a lot more.
And I do believe DMT seems to be a catalyst for that.
Once we wake up our pineal glands, our third eyes,
they're not calcified anymore.
Our DMT experience, uh, our, you know,
secretions are at a higher level than once
before, you know, we're able to see
and understand, um, you know,
and see with our third eye, be able
to see in the situations, see into situation,
see into people, see into,
if I date this person, it's gonna look like this.
If I go to this job, it'll end up like that.
And so it really helps, uh, engage our intuition
and really turn it on
and be able to see into, uh, you know,
the future, if you will.
So it's imperative to, if you wanna live an enlightened life
and a spiritual life, to learn how
to wake up the pineal gland to learn how to, you know,
naturally create more DMT for yourself and your body.
'cause once you do, it's going to basically open you up
to this, you know, extremely, uh, you know,
not different, but, um, new world for most of us, right?
That there are angels and, uh, entities
and other things all around us.
And, um, you know, this, their extra senses
and stuff that we're not even aware of.
Extra ability, you know, telepathy and, uh, healing.
Um, you know, there's, you know, far beyond what we
probably think is possible.
Uh, there are, you know, things that we can do and access
and information in our DNA.
Um, all of this, I do believe comes from an awakened pineal
gland with more DMT run through our bodies, uh, people
who are meditating more, people who are praying more.
As we open these glands, there's no doubt in my mind
that you're gonna continually to be able
to see more into the future
and have more ability to your psychic awareness.
Uh, again, if you guys need, wanna stop me at any point,
ask a question, make a comment, you're more than welcome to.
Um, I'm just gonna keep going now.
Everybody's on mute, so just let me know.
We use the raise your hand button if you feel as well.
But this picture right here, um,
and you saw it in a lot of the other pictures, the,
the grid, it's almost like a checkerboard with eyes in it.
So it, upon doing DMT, this is a, um,
very, very familiar, uh, picture, um,
at least the eyeballs in the grid.
It, it's almost every time I've tripped, I've seen this,
you know, and not just on DMT, but on magic mushrooms
and, and other things.
Um, it definitely seems to be
what I would maybe even consider to be the veil
that on the other side of this veil is, you know, truth.
Um, you know, um, I've definitely seen it.
I've definitely even watched other videos
of people taking DMT or peyote or things like that,
and they, a lot of people talk about seeing the grid
with the eyeballs in it.
Um, it's definitely something that, uh, you know,
after watching a lot of videos, you'll see, you know,
at least a small portion of people talk about saying,
seeing, and, uh, being significant to them.
So a lot of this work, I think, is by Alex Gray,
and he is just really, um, great.
I feel like it, uh, I'm, I'm sure he is able
to see this himself, and then he's able to, to paint it.
Um, very incredible artwork.
But, uh, the entities
and things, once you kind of bust out,
'cause that's what you're trying to do, like doing DMT, the,
if you really want to go far, you know,
like you can take a little bit and lay down
and have a, a really profound experience.
But I think the point is to push
the soul out of the body, uh, if you will.
Um, that I think is,
I would say the goal of it.
If you, if you really want to master, uh,
understanding what's going on here, um, which is,
this makes it, this is a great picture,
and this is on the, the cover of Straumann's book,
but to me, this is it.
This is the soul coming in or going out of the body.
But, um, you know, according to Terrence McKenna, you wanted
to do that three hit method,
at least when it came to smoking it.
And he was talking about smoking it, holding as much
as you could, hitting it a second time,
holding as much as you could.
And then at the second one,
you're already feeling this incredible, crazy weird
oh my God feeling.
Um, but he says, to hold it as much as you can on,
and then do it again for the third time.
Hold it again, and then you can pop out.
Um, when you talk about the people
who injected it in Straumann's video in, uh,
his experiments, um,
he was injecting it intravenously.
So these people are getting a pretty large dose.
They're injecting it,
it's going straight into the bloodstream.
Uh, I think, you know, that's as quick as smoking it.
And those people who are having 10 to 15 minute, as opposed
to five minute journeys were popping out very quickly too.
And a lot of 'em were talking about,
it's like popping out the back of your head.
And, uh, Terrence McKenna kind of coined it,
the croissant khanum.
And he said there was just a place
where if you could let go, um, you could pop out,
you know, your soul could pop out of the back of your head,
it felt like, and go experience these other realms, um,
literally while your body's sitting there.
And this is, this is, you know, uh, very much the same story
of people who are, you know, getting surgeries,
who've had near death experiences, who've,
you know, been in car accident.
And they can, they're in their soul, and they can look down
and they can see their bodies, uh, on the table.
They can tell you all the people that are there,
they can tell you what everybody was
wearing, what people said.
And then oftentimes they go back into their body
and say, I just saw you guys from
all of above, blah, blah, blah.
Or, you know, come back and tell people
later, like, I saw you there.
And, uh, they're always right for the most part.
Uh, it's, you know, incredible detail
because it's like, you are looking at it from an outsider's
point of view, but you feel like yourself, you feel like,
um, like you're, like, you're just, you, you just,
um, just kind of altered a bit, you know?
And it's kind of like that, uh, you know, the story
and the, the movies where you're a ghost
and like, nobody could see you understand you,
but you see everybody else, and it all seem the same.
It's, it's very similar to that feeling.
Um, that's exactly what I experienced
and how I felt when I had, uh, you know,
these experiences with this medicine.
And so, um, that, again, that's why I did put the
of spirit molecule, because I do think Straussman is really
right on with his predictions
and the things that he said about the mt
and the fact that it was the facilitator of the soul
and the spirit into the body.
Um, and then it's cool
because you kind of see this tether about
what I was talking about before, where the spirit's,
you know, hovering above the body,
and it's kind of hooked to this tether, which, you know, uh,
when we look at, you know, astral body projections and,
and things like that, and people talk about that, uh,
astral body, uh, projections
and stuff, usually when they're sleeping
or they're meditating, uh,
this is a story in many different cultures
and religions around the world where people are able to
project their soul anywhere they want to.
Um, oftentimes it's different places on the planet.
And, um, you know, that's
what remote viewing is, if you've ever heard of it.
And, you know, they literally have people in Washington
and, you know, working for governments who do this,
they literally remote view for governments.
But you can go, go to any planet, you can go anywhere,
anytime, and you can go see what's going on somewhere.
You could go, uh, go
to the White House right now in your astral body
and see what's happening in there if you wanted to.
Um, I have heard many stories of people who realize
that they can be seen there,
or their energy can be picked up.
So you're not completely invisible.
You know, higher entities and stuff are aware of you.
Um, you know what I mean?
I definitely have heard of people who said
they projected their astral body, they woke up
and they were on a spaceship,
but that as they were looking around figuring things out,
there were aliens and stuff, who realized they were there.
And once they became a little scared
and a little fearful, their,
their astral body came right back into the real body.
So it seems that fear does drive the thing.
It has to be something where you can completely let go,
like jumping out of an airplane.
In fact, you know, when it comes to DMT, I would say
that's the closest thing to it.
Drugs, uh, or medicines
or implant medicines like
that are almost a little bit different.
I mean, even magic mushrooms and LSD
and things like that are different to me slightly, um,
because you feel a little altered.
The thing about DMT is, at least in my experience,
is I don't feel any, I don't feel altered at all.
I feel like I'm completely who I am right now,
and then I'm just taken into another realm or another world,
or I'm experiencing things that normally aren't there,
but I don't feel any different, you know, like, you drink
or you smoke, or, uh, you feel different.
You know what I mean? But to me, when it comes to, uh,
DMT, you don't feel different.
You just see things
and understand things in a different way.
So here's a cool one with, uh,
I think it's the Lord Krishna.
Uh, and he's obviously, if you look at this as kind
of a snake, but it's his astral body at the very top,
and it's connected to this tether cord,
and he's going out into the universe.
So, again, you don't have to be
confined to a plane or anything.
You can literally go explore the entire universe, uh,
with your astral body after.
You can project it anywhere you want to.
You can go anywhere you want to. You can get
really good at this thing.
I've definitely been out in the universe.
I've definitely been in different places on the planet
and kind of remote view things.
Uh, I'm not a, I'm not an expert
by any means, but I've done it.
It's fascinating. Uh,
it's something I believe every single person can do.
And just like anything, it just takes practice.
You have to just practice it.
Um, there are things I think that can help.
If you wanna have lucid dreams
and stuff like that, it's a good way to start.
I know Zep technology sells something called Lucid.
Um, and it's basically gold, uh, rium
and rhodium, a couple, uh, precious metals, omic, metals.
And, uh, when I took that stuff, uh, every night
for a while, I would have lucid dreams
when I knew I was lucid.
I learned how to fly and all things.
And I think that's a great start to be able to get there.
Here's cool. Just another cool, uh, kind
of astral body projection here.
Um, okay, this one, this one is, uh, again,
so we see the grid patterns, not necessarily eyeballs, a lot
of eyeballs in it, but the eyeballs.
You can see some of the ones on the,
on the side, but they're not in there.
Uh, the galaxies are inside this,
this painting, this actual painting.
It's, uh, when it was painting,
it was very huge, the size of a wall.
And it's done by Alex Gray,
and he calls this the net of beam.
And so I told you the story earlier of my friend,
and we were smoking it after he had his experience.
It was my turn. And I wanted to take a big rip after that,
because I was like, wow, that was pretty cool.
So after he comes back
and I'm, it's my turn, I take a big rip.
And what it felt like to me was, I felt like I died.
I was sitting in my lazboy, and I hit that thing,
and I immediately felt like I had died.
And it was like, just annoying.
I felt like I knew that I had died.
I had died many, many, many lifetimes before.
It was just absolute knowing I'm dead.
And I had this weird feeling like, my mom is gonna be upset
with me because I, uh, I died smoking drugs,
and she's gonna be mad.
And, um, as soon as I thought that, then it was like, okay,
all of a sudden, the ego was gone,
and my spirit, my soul, started to rise up,
and it started to come out like the back of my head,
just like the images that you seen earlier.
And so I could look down and see myself in the chair,
and I was kind of hunched over.
And as I'm coming up, I actually went through the ceiling.
I lived on the top floor in Atlanta, uh,
of an apartment complex.
I went through the top,
and I could see the city, um,
where I would've been if I would've been on top
of the building, uh, for a few seconds.
I could look around, see it.
I could even feel kind of the collective consciousness
of the city for a minute, you know, for a few seconds.
Um, before my soul kind of dissolved all that away.
And then I was in this place right here.
Um, and so this, this place, this net of being,
as he calls it, it was absolutely humongous.
Um, I believe each one of these little squares
that has like a little galaxy in it was
the size of a galaxy.
Uh, I remember feeling like a little soul
just floating there and looking at these faces
and thinking they were bigger than planets.
They were bigger than the sun. It was absolutely massive.
The eyeballs, the faces, the mouths,
I felt like a tiny little speck.
Uh, and these things were humongous,
and they were conscious, and they were aware of me.
And then all of a sudden, I felt like this really, um,
profound sense of peace, harmony.
Um, and I knew right then
and there, this is where I came from.
This was like home. Um, this is where I came from
before I was Jacob Cox.
Um, this is where I, this is where I will return to.
This was home base. And it felt,
even though it was really weird, it felt like home.
This is where I said, this is where I came from.
Well, we'll go back to, um, interesting enough,
I believe it's a tool video.
I saw someone take this painting and make it interactive,
and they literally put like, what looked like a soul flying
around in this image, which is exactly, I mean, you know
what I mean, to put it into words.
And then to see someone, you know,
literally make the same thing, just absolutely profound.
Like, like, how could somebody, you know, just come up
with the same thing that happened to me?
Um, it was just absolutely incredible.
I couldn't believe that somebody made a video
that looked exactly like what I experienced.
But, um, after looking it up, yeah, I,
I found this, and I was like, that's it.
That's the exact place that I was,
there's no doubt about it.
Same colors, same faces, uh, other than the fact that,
like I said, it was massive
beyond your wildest dreams, how big it was.
Um, but that's where I knew I had come from.
Uh, and, uh, you know, it was, it was, it was incredible.
Like I said, I realized that, um,
Jacob Cox was a figment of my imagination.
It was just a small, little experience in the whole game of
existing and evolving
that I shouldn't take it too seriously, um,
and just play and have more fun.
And, um, you know, realize that life isn't so serious,
and it's just a quick little blip.
And, you know, the realm of, you know, existence, uh,
don't take it so seriously.
Um, you know, have fun play, uh,
and, you know, don't be so much caught up in the ego
of being, you know, a person.
You're way more than that. So, that's it, man.
The universe is this incredible place
that we all can explore, that we all have access to.
We don't need spaceships. We don't need
rockets to get there.
Um, literally, we're all free at last to, you know,
explore the endless of space.
It's our own divine, right?
You know, you don't need some rocket
thrusters to get you anywhere.
And I think that's what's absolutely incredible, that each
and every one of us have access to the universe, um,
as much as anybody does.
You know, uh, no one has anymore
because they work for NASA or anything.
Um, and that's what empowers me
to share information like this, is
because if every single person has access,
but we haven't been told that you haven't been told,
you know, that you have this astral body
that you can project around the universe, um,
you don't know, and you can't even practice it.
You can't even do it. Uh,
but I think that's one of the incredible mysteries
of the universe, that we have all the, uh, capabilities
to do incredible things.
Yet we just, we are so limited in what we believe
'cause what we've been told is possible,
but literally, it's all possible.
So, you know, just according to this little,
this little blip here, uh, benefits of astral travel, um,
or strengthen your faith, broaden your consciousness,
you know, empowers your magical powers and intuition.
You get to meet the fairies and the elves and the angels.
You get to travels to the past and the future,
and you can discover Atlantis, and it rocks.
And, you know, I do believe that you can go to the past.
You can go to the future. You can see these civilizations,
um, you know,
and all, all these things are, you know, valid.
And they help, uh, past life progressions help, uh, astral,
uh, astral travel helps.
Um, the universe is incredible complex
and, you know, crazy,
um, mystery.
And it is, you know, it's not up to somebody else
to solve it for you and give you the answers to it.
Uh, that sucks. I don't think that's fun or cool at all.
You know, the, what makes it exciting is each
and every single person, it's your responsibility if you
dare to take it, um, to discover it for yourself.
That's how you wake up. You know what I mean?
You know, normally you can't, you know,
people can show you things and you can understand,
and you can see, but you gotta take
that step a little bit farther to,
um, to see what's out there.
Sometimes my stuff gets stuck.
There we go, um, with another one by Alex Gray
called Christ Consciousness.
Very cool. Got a lot of cool pictures inside of it.
But, um, and here's where
the next few pictures will be similar to this.
Um, on the other end of DMT
seems to be, uh, where you find
these Christ consciousness, these ascended masters,
the ones that we call into ceremony, these, um, humans
that have surpassed that of the
reincarnation cycle of forgetting.
So oftentimes, we, we do reincarnate, you know,
like I said earlier, 49 days, bare minimum to,
to move into the next avatar that you, that you inhabit.
But, um, some people go past that.
Some people wake up in the body enough, um,
and ascend, uh, awaken,
and don't have to go back into bodies and forget,
and to learn who they are again.
Um, just the word resurrection alone, we normally equate
that to Jesus Christ.
However, I believe there's 180,000 stories in Tibet alone
of humans who ascended, uh, into, you know, the next life.
Oftentimes, the stories, uh,
about Christ were very similar to that.
Some who walked into heaven from the ground up,
and their clothes fell to the ground as they did it.
Some turned the ball of light.
Um, you know, all similar stories.
Um, but definitely a lot
of different humans in the past have, uh, have got
to this ascension and have ascended to probably what we,
you know, equate to the masters of the universe.
Um, and I believe that there's more to do after this,
but there are, you know, what deemed the kingdom of heaven.
And so, um, there are all kinds
of entities on this other realm.
So, like I said, once we get past the weirdness of all this,
uh, you know, that DMT can take you into these other realms,
pull you out of your body.
What are you gonna experience on either side?
So for me, oftentimes it seems to look like,
uh, entities who don't have physical bodies like we do,
obviously, they seem to be more geometric shapes
and colors, excuse
me, shapes and colors.
Uh, they seem to be moving extremely fast.
Oftentimes they have, you know, more than two eyes.
Um, sometimes they can be very serious,
sometimes they can be laughing.
Um, they tend to kinda kind of have the eyeball grids.
Sometimes, some don't.
But they often seem to be geometrical patterns, colors.
And so, for me personally, you know, a couple
of the experiences that I had after smoking DMT,
and I would lay down and, um, relax and, and pop out.
I would be on this other side where I was
with these entities, and they would come
and oftentimes it felt like they were
shooting light at me, if you will.
Um, you know, light moves at what, 180,000,
uh, miles per second.
And that's what it felt like. It felt like they were
shooting light at me, or maybe they're glowing,
but the light is coming from them into me,
and it's coming so fast.
And what I realized was the light was full of information,
that it had understandings.
And the revelations epiphanies those aha moments in it,
um, understandings, the, the way the universe works,
the secrets of the universe, the laws of the universe,
and they're just coming at you at 180,000 miles
per second, it seems like.
And it's so fast, you feel overwhelmed.
And so what I realized though, is if I felt overwhelmed,
and they're overwhelmed,
and they're sending me these, these, this light information
that the only way that I was ever gonna be able
to really receive it was to remain calm.
And it's really tough to remain calm in the most crazy
outlandish experience that one could have.
Right? You know, you're over here,
and all this seems totally real.
Like I said, you're, you're not really altered,
you know, in any way, really.
You feel like yourself,
but you're definitely in another realm, uh,
experiencing entities that are far beyond
what you could ever imagine.
It's almost like, you know, you're on another planet
somewhere, and they're talking to you, you know?
But it's much faster. So, again, you just, you stay as calm
as you can, and you try to absorb
as much information as you can of what they're sending you.
Um, and I believe that's the intention, is they're trying
to help you, uh, have this revelation,
have these aha moments, this learning,
this evolving that's happening.
And again, if you're gonna stay as calm as possible,
you're gonna take in more than if
you just completely lose it.
When you get, when you lose it, when you get fearful,
everything shuts down.
They move away, it gets dark. You go back into the body.
You do have a lot of control.
I mean, like I said, if you wanna be
afraid, it is your choice.
You're just not gonna experience much if you can let go,
and that's the key word, let go.
Let it get really weird, the weirder to the better.
And you're gonna stay calm in that moment.
You're gonna take in more information and bring it back.
And that seems to be what's imperative
to the journey itself, is what you can bring back to
your, your body, um, from the experience.
Because that's what they're trying to do.
They're trying to help you. And to me,
you know, we're cheating a little bit.
If you're injecting it or you're smoking it or whatever,
however you're doing it, you are cheating a little bit
because this to me is probably, you know, the what
we're literally looking for it in our high states
of meditation, the avatars who, the Christ and the Buddhists
and the Christians who are able to sit there and meditate
and literally experience these deep, you know,
profound soul comes outta your body
and going into other realms to meet these nc to come back.
You know, that's the way the, the mature, the authentic,
organic way to do it.
So we're cheating a little bit by,
by having, you know, taking these drugs.
So it is a little bit harder for us.
But I do believe these are things that are 100% doable just
by meditating, just by getting an altered state yourself
by calming down, relaxing.
And often what I tell people about meditation mostly is it's
not about gaining enlightenment or,
or gaining this information.
You have to really relax, let go drop the walls,
drop the barriers that keep you from enlightenment.
You know, the, I'm not good enough,
or I'm not special enough, or whatever.
All that's walls and, you know, beliefs that we've come up
with that keep us from this extraordinary experience
of enlightenment, that's completely possible for all of us.
Um, that's, that's it. You know what I mean?
Let go of all that stuff, and then you're able to get there.
Um, in the Bible, it was Matthew 6 22, I believe.
Uh, those who sat in darkness saw great lights.
And, uh, I believe if you're sitting in darkness,
you're meditating, and they're seeing great lights.
And so that, to me, seeing great lights,
meeting entities like this who were felt like to me,
shooting light at me, sending light to me, uh,
was similar in the same thing that, uh, you know,
every book, every culture talks about, uh,
these kind of experiences.
And, uh, you know, because we're not really aware of it,
we just kind of say, oh, that sounds a great thing.
I believe that. But we don't really know, you know,
deep down, uh, what, what it means
or what they're even talking about.
But certainly there are entities who are able to take form
shapeshift, look however they want to,
and they're no longer confined the third dimensional
frequencies where they have bodies like ours.
Uh, you know, they can shapeshift
and look however they want to.
Um, and, and oftentimes that's exactly what it feels like.
You're just, you know, you're seeing, you're
with these incredibly enlightened beings
who are far beyond, far beyond us.
Not they're above. Certainly we all can do it,
but, um, they've just learned how to master things
that we haven't yet learned to master.
So, like I said, I've seen different, different colors,
different shapes, different beings.
There's obviously that there are different beings.
Sometimes there are multiple ones that are
around you that are talking to you.
Sometimes there can be, you know, one
or two, you know, three or four or five I've experienced.
And oftentimes they have, you know, multiple faces, shapes,
and they just look like we see the, uh, temples and,
and stuff like that around the world
of these incredibly built places where they have these,
you know, uh, kind of weird, odd shaped entities.
Um, I think that that's what they're doing.
They're showing us these entities
that other people saw on the other side.
They have become enlightened.
They're able to build with rocks,
and move rocks in ways that we still yet haven't had, um,
still, yet, yet to master.
But I believe soon in the future, we'll, we'll have a lot
of people who will be able to move blocks
and, uh, create the temples, uh,
that are created in the past.
So, in my opinion, these
entities, these Christ conscious,
these Buddha consciousness people, entities,
are helping us become our own Christ,
our own Buddhists, our own Krishna, our own Mary's.
Um, I don't, I don't think Mary Magdalene
or Mother Mary is a name, I think that's a title.
Um, their, their energy, their masculine feminist, married,
uh, I believe Mary is the title.
As much as Christ is or Buddha is, those aren't names.
They're all titles. That means Anointed One or The Messiah.
Um, so they're helping us become our Christ consciousness so
that we can carry our own light.
We can, um, bring that to the earth, bring that
to the world, bring that to our friends, our community,
to our families, um, to change the world.
And there's no doubt that each
and every single one of those people who has come, you know,
said, there's nothing that I'm doing that you can't do.
You can do all the things I'm doing in greater things.
We have to believe that that's the only way we'll ever be
able to achieve it, is to believe it first, to know
that this is all possible.
Um, so I think it's imperative for us to start realizing,
oh, man, you know, uh, we can do all these things.
You know, really honestly, religion,
spirituality has been hijacked,
and they've kind of put different teachers on pedestals.
But when you really look at the information, the things
that each teacher was talking about,
and you know, was really saying, Hey, man,
you can all do these things, same things.
All of you're gods, all of you're Buddhists, um, you know,
it's imperative for you all to do it.
And not just put someone else on the
pedestal that they're better than you.
Um, each one of us is capable of this same thing.
So as we learn to become our own Christ,
to carry our own light, um,
and help the others in our community
and our world, we change.
We change the world. You don't have to be a CEO
or own a huge company or make a
million dollars to make a big change.
This literally is a change that happens within ourselves
as we change ourselves, as we become the compassionate,
loving entities that we know we are, that, you know,
doesn't just stay in our bodies.
It, uh, vibrates out.
It resonates out to our family, to the people we work with,
people, our community, the churches
that we go to, everything.
I mean, you know what I mean?
Uh, it doesn't matter
what you wanna call yourself at that point.
People will know it. They can see it.
They can see the difference in a person like this,
as opposed to, you know, someone who talks about it.
It, it is imperative to be it,
to be the change you wanna see in the world.
Not to talk about it or, or ask someone else to do it,
or believe someone else can do it.
Each and every single one of us is as powerful as anybody
who has come, or anybody who will come.
Taking that responsibility to be
that change in the world is, you know,
yours and yours alone.
And to become that. And then we can change the world too,
what we see on the right, where Mother Nature, just being,
um, you know, used
and abused for her resources, the world's on fire,
people are competing, you know, all the planes
and the industries and smoke and, um, all the things.
And then moving to a world like we see on the left here,
where there's plenty of animals, nature,
uh, everyone's thriving.
Everyone has enough to eat. Um, this is the world
that we really, that's here, it's here now.
It actually never has left.
The garden of Bean has never left that state of being.
You know, I often tell people, like,
when you look at a little kid,
a little kids run around naked.
They don't care. They're beautiful.
You know, uh, everything is fun and they're giggling.
Uh, they live in the garden of being the state.
It's not till an adult sits 'em down
and says, Hey, this is the knowledge of good and evil, right
and wrong, uh, male and female.
Um, this is how you have to act.
'cause we are in this social economic
status, or whatever it is.
And, you know, you kick 'em out
of the Garden of Eden when you do that.
They're no longer in this beautiful world
of possibilities and beauty.
They're in this black
and white, you know, um, duality world,
uh, which is dangerous.
But we can go back.
We certainly can go back to being like little kids again
to enter this kingdom of heaven that is here already.
It's just a, you know, a veil away.
I mean, as we know, every, every book
and every culture seems to say that there will be a period
where this veil gets thin.
We're able to see through it.
We're able to see through the lies of our governments, uh,
you know, politics, religions,
and realize really are all one bombing.
Another country is bombing ourselves,
hurting somebody else's, hurting ourselves, taking advantage
of nature is hurting other people.
Um, really, it's, it's to our benefit to love each other,
to see the connectedness in each, each one.
Um, and live in that beautiful Garden
of Eden again, is totally here.
So, um, that's, uh, my presentation for tonight,
my pictures for the school tonight.
Um, thank you guys all still being here.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Mystery School, Spirituality
Thanks Jacob this was incredibly interesting, I have a fascination with this…