Rep. Eric Burlison Amendment for David Grusch Security Clearance
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Original Date: Nov 08, 2023
Original Date: Nov 08, 2023
Whistleblower David Grusch: The Ongoing Saga
Amendment passed in the US House today (November 8th, 2023) to nudge the Office of Personnel Management to renew the security clearance of David Grusch that could allow him to brief congressmen on his classified intelligence findings.
Next Episode: JRE: David Grusch on Early UFO Recoveries
Thank you Mr. Chairman.
I rise in support of this amendment which would increase slash decrease funding
to express that the Office of Personnel Management should renew the security
clearance of David Grush. You see, Mr.
Grush formerly served as the reconnaissance office representative to the UAP
task force from 2019 to 2021.
He recently testified before Congress claiming that partial fragments and even
intact vehicles have been found for decades by the federal government are
allies and defense contractors. According to Mr.
Grush objects and vehicles retrieved are of exotic
origin based on the vehicle's morphologies and material science
testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and
radiological signatures. Mr.
Grush also told us that the US is in possession of non-human spacecraft
and dead pilots. And finally,
Mr. Gross told us that he has spoken with the intelligence officials whom the US
military had briefed on quote football field sized aircraft
that the US government transferred some crashed Uua UAPs to defense
contractor and that the intelligence officials were also briefed on
malevolent activity from extraterrestrial beings. Now of course,
all of this is very interesting to me and a number of my colleagues on the
oversight committee. And my first question when,
when I had an opportunity for Mr.
Grush was to say that those are pretty incredible claims,
but I'm from the show me state, you're gonna have to show me.
And I requested specifics information, which could not be, uh,
conveyed in that hearing, not in a secure setting. And unfortunately,
he's unable to provide us with any supporting evidence to back up his claims
because his security clearance has lapsed. Now, my understanding is that Mr.
Grush did go through the proper channels here by turning over classified
information to the IC Inspector General and he ultimately filed a complaint
to the IC Inspector General alleging that the information that he presented to
the IC has been illegally withheld from Congress.
So I'd like to know more about these claims and so would a number of my
colleagues on both sides of the aisles. I Now,
I'm certainly pleased that the oversight committee is working hard to bring the
relevant Inspector General so we can cut through all of the roadblocks and that
have been presented since Mr. Grush stepped forward.
But we need to cover all possible angles here. And if we can get Mr.
Grush in a skiff with an active security clearance,
that would go a long way.
This amendment simply expresses the support for the Office of Personnel
Management to renew the security clearance of David Gus so that he can show us
his work. Now I'm a freshman member.
I've seen a lot of these increasing decreasing amendments and, uh,
and while on its face, they appear to not do anything.
But it's my understanding that, that they generally,
that the agencies generally pay attention to the legislative history and intent,
which is why I'm offering this amendment and I reserve my time.
Gentleman, reserves gentleman, seek time and opposition.
Gentleman is not seek time and opposition.
Gentleman from Missouri is recognized.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield
Gentleman yields questions on the amendment offered by the gentleman from
Missouri. Those in favor say aye. Aye. Those opposed No.
And the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to.
Yes! A stepping stone on the way to disclosure of UAP’s