Eclipse of Disclosure Preview
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It's our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You're a child of God.
You are a finite manifestation of the infinite.
Though we are all one, in essence, we're parts
of the one infinite creator.
We do not all share the same degrees of conscious awareness.
You command your reality, so don't work
for them by playing victim.
Remember that you are the creator.
So in some way, this is mirroring you a lesson.
There's something that's been, that that's they,
they're trying to teach you.
What they're trying to teach you is that
you think here you are lucid.
No, you're not lucid. For you
to become lucid, you have to awaken. Trust
Me, there's a lot of data out there.
There's a lot of information.
But the issue that science has these days is connecting
that information is seeing the big picture.
So alchemy is very much, uh, a dangerous subject
because if you actually do discover the secret
of alchemy immediately everybody in authority wants
to arrest your ass.
So I have also seen that in my lifetime of
how they treat the elders to get a story
so they can publish a book, get pun,
get paid money, and be the expert.
So now it is our turn.
Now I'm sure a lot of us probably feel like we've got a
lot of wisdom and truths
that we've been understanding throughout our lives, right?
What, what if there was so much more beyond that?
So much so that you were gonna be profoundly changed.
How much of our science fiction could actually be real?
And what did religion specifically get right
and wrong about the mysteries of the universe?
What do the extraterrestrials themselves believe about
spirituality and religion?
This was a huge question for me.
When I first started researching,
I started having all kinds
of spontaneous out-of-body experiences
and, uh, very interesting other experiences.
So, um, this will help
with the consciousness expansion. In my opinion,
It is imperative and most urgent
that we lightworkers intensify our efforts
to spread awareness of the truth
among the general population
to achieve a geometric growth in the disclosure movement,
The human resistance to global deception,
presenting a revolutionary global narrative of truth,
friendship, and harmony.
But rather than carrying rifles, we, we are carrying truth
Bombs. All of us wanna
change the world.
But if we start practicing these types of, uh, methods,
then we are changing the world one, one person at a time.
Yes. And through our example,
Someday after mastery in the winds, the waves, the tides
and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love.
And then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire.