Dr. Alex Bloom: The Master Keys of Change, Unlocking Your Potential
Dr. Alex Bloom presentation for 2020 Vision Conference.
Mhm Okay everybody well I got the green light that
I am live and so without further ado I would like
to first of all thank um Carisa and the meditation
thought that was the lovely introduction to our
2020 Vision Conference and I am really looking
forward to sharing with you some information today
So I've named my talk the Master keys of change
unlocking your potential and my name is dr Alex
bloom and there's a lot of good stuff today So roll
up your sleeves if you have a piece of paper or
perhaps you can use a note pad in your phone We
might be doing some journaling exercises today and
a meditation and we'll see kind of how we do with
time So let's launch on in Mhm Okay so first off I
think it's important for us to just remember
especially in such a chaotic year that we've been
having that we aren't human beings having a
spiritual experience but in fact we are spiritual
beings having a human experience and I don't know
about you but I can sure feel a lot of chaos and
distress going on in the world nowadays And really
it's the first sign of the global planet awakening
There are signs of restlessness and anger
everywhere and that's actually one of the first
cues that lets us know that this awakening process
is taking place and we have a tumultuous outer
world but for many of us we have a tumultuous inner
world as well So part of what's happening here is
that there is a morphosis that's taking place that
that traditionally for a lot of us We've lived this
existence in the matrix of a three D Earth where
there's ignorance lack suffering and war a lot of
just really low vibration And for many of us we are
really entering into a whole another realm or
dimension of what it means to be alive and what it
means to be a human being that this awakening
process leads to knowledge abundance and ultimately
our highest expression of what it means to be a
human being of truly having peace on earth and love
both in our hearts and in the planet But during
this time of transitioning or great awakening as
many call it that there's turbulence along the way
that in this old earth we've had experiences of
really low vibration energy Again anger hate
negativity corruption power control We see it
everywhere you have to go no further than to turn
on your Tv or watch the news to see what's going on
And yet with this great awakening that's happening
there is a whole new experience of what it means to
be alive that some people call it New Earth Or
again five d Reality But many of us are kind of
moving into this experience So we have an
opportunity for us to pierce this veil for those of
us who see what's going on to recognize that
there's more to this reality than we see with our
two eyes In our five senses And so that's what I'm
here to talk about today of how can we pierce this
fail How can we look beyond the Maya and the
illusion that we see all around us in order to step
in to a higher expression of what it means to be
alive So part of this process is yes it's our own
awakening But another extension of this is being
able to unite as a global society all of us here
for example on this zoom call today that we have
this opportunity to come together and I'll be
talking about how we can pool our collective energy
and intention in order to help further usher in
this new experience five D Life So isn't it amazing
how hard it is to find other awakened ones in the
general area They always seem to be scattered all
over the world Don't they don't know about you but
many of my friends that I have in my life don't
live near me But when you ponder this deeper you
realize that we are placed strategically all over
the planet perfectly And for a reason we are
conduits and beacons of light that awakened the
general areas around us and spread the light until
it reaches the world over And meets as one So our
energy field when we are vibrating on the frequency
of love looks like the following down below This is
research that's been conducted from heart Math
Institute that we have an energetic field that
surrounds our body and it can be reliably measured
And when we get in touch with our heart space like
we'll do today this field grows it expands and it
becomes more powerful So when we say we're here to
be a fuller expression of what it means to be alive
Part of this is moving out of this low vibration of
fear and anger and the things that we touched on
just a few minutes ago with old Earth And we're
coming into an entirely different paradigm and
that's what is so exciting So for many of you who
know me I love memes and so I'll be sharing some of
my choice ones today during the presentation This
one stuck out to me when spirit is asking for
volunteers to raise global consciousness and
someone nominates you to go back to Earth right
Some of us can feel that way sometimes can't we
That we look back and we think oh my gosh why did I
incarnate and why Now there's so much chaos and
pain and suffering that's going on I like this one
To actual photo of me trying to decide whether
society is collapsing or having a spiritual
awakening Sometimes it can certainly feel like both
canted So love as trite as it may sound truly is
the most powerful force in the universe And this is
a concept that we've heard over and over and over
again And yet there's a reason why we keep hearing
it that it truly is the highest existence and
expression of what it means to be alive But more
importantly we can tap into this energy that this
energy has a utilitarian purpose for us It's a tool
that we can learn how to use and wield So the world
is changing But guess what folks we are on the
transition team You wouldn't be a part of this
conference and you wouldn't be hearing my words
right now if you weren't also on the team So I
wanted to share this This was interesting I came
across this recently and this was based on a letter
that Einstein wrote to his daughter and it said
when I proposed the theory of relativity very few
understood me And what I will reveal now to
transmit to man's kind will also collide with the
misunderstanding and prejudice in the world I ask
you to guard the letters as long as necessary years
decades and tell society is advanced enough to
accept But I will explain below There is an
extremely powerful force that so far science has
not found a formal explanation too is a force that
includes and governs all others and is even behind
any phenomenon operating in the universe And has
not yet been identified by us This universal force
is Love When scientists looked for a unified theory
of the universe they forgot the most important
powerful unseen force Love is light and that
enlightens those who give and receive it Mhm Love
is gravity because it makes some people feel
attracted to others Love is power because it
multiplies the best we have and allows humanity not
to be extinguished in there Blind selfishness Love
unfolds and reveals for love we live and die Love
is God and God his love Sometimes when people ask
me what's my definition of God or soul force that I
have an acronym and I call it glue that whether we
put different words on it of God love the universe
or energy that there is some invisible force that
is both intelligent and benign and it has a
sticking power that glues all of what it means in
terms of consciousness together Here's a quote by
Deepak the ego however is not who you really are
The ego is your self image It is your social mask
It is the role that you're playing Your social mask
thrives on approval It wants control and it is
sustained by power because it lives in fear So the
goal for us is to understand that the ego is not
bad or wrong It's not something that we can ever
get away from but we expand beyond it We recognize
it for what it is It's a limitation in
consciousness It's a construction of the mind and
that there's more to our reality than our ego And
some of the more specifics that will go into today
we'll talk about this So we are here to awaken from
our illusion of separateness That when we
understand ultimate reality that we are when we say
remembering that means to come back together again
That collectively we are all individual expressions
of God Just as though we are all fingers on this
hand of the divine Mhm So in luke we've heard that
the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven is
within you But when we travel back in time this
kingdom of having is known within us and this
extends from an ancient Egyptian proverb and
whoever shall know himself shall find it So what
exactly does this Kingdom of God mean Or knowing
ourself What does that mean We'll be talking about
that today as well above all be careful what you
think because your thoughts control your life don't
bend the truth or say things that you know are not
right Keep your eyes on the past and look straight
ahead make sure you are going the right way and
nothing will make you fall Don't go to the right or
the left and you will stay away from evil What is
this saying It's telling us to be mindful or to
guard our thoughts that there is power with our
mind So this is messages echoing from thousands of
years ago that are as relevant today as they were
when they were first pinned There are so many
messages that come from ancient Egypt that are as
true today as they were back then And by this all
people will know that you are my disciples if you
have love for one another So again what's our
calling card What's at the core of what it means to
be a part of humanity Is this expression of love So
I included this Because it was interesting when I
came across at this there are 42 ideals of what's
called Maat my aunt was an ancient Egyptian
practice of getting in touch with different values
and our 10 commandments actually come from this
ancient belief system So it can become an intention
for us of how we live our everyday life with this
mod So speaking of intention when we look at
reality creation everything starts with our
intention So we say dear universe feel freeze to
amaze me But guess what The universe speaks back to
us and says dear expression of me feel free to
amaze me and be not conformed to this world which
means the illusion the Maya but be transformed by
the renewing of your mind That's going to be one of
the master keys that we talk about and what exactly
that means So this right here this brain that we
all have is more powerful than we have ever been
taught This is like our radio receiver It is the
most complex organic structure in the known galaxy
and it's within each and every one of us We have
all come installed with one of these And yet How
ironic is that That we've never been taught how to
use it properly It's like we've been given the
supercomputer but no instruction manual and all
throughout history there have been signs or clues
that speak to the power of the mind When we look at
the word psychology we break that down Cy is a form
of energy And when I looked up the formal
definition of psychology like I said it technically
can mean mind and of course loci or is the
knowledge or study of But psych can also mean soul
or spirit And boy when I came across that did
things really unlocked for me So therefore
psychology can also mean soul knowledge So when we
go back once again to the ancients That this
expression of this 3rd eye is known to us this
pineal gland or seat of the soul or part of us that
allows us to see from a spiritual perspective is in
case or housed within every single one of us And
this knowledge has been passed down through
metaphor from generation to generation So in
Hinduism they call it the cave of brahma And we
even have words that we use things that are so to
speak hidden in plain sight So the temple place
that we worship the fact that we can go within to
connect with higher source And of course we've all
seen this before with Michael Angelo again What's
hidden in plain sight here Well what we see is that
there is an expression of the brain and the mind
that has been hidden or woven in to artwork And of
course all throughout time from our spiritual
traditions there have been messages golden threads
of wisdom points that have been shared and recycled
over and over again And now as we fast forward to
the 21st century And when it says here listen to
the universe it's always whispering to us through
messages like songs dreams numbers animals thoughts
But guess what Also memes So mm magic is very real
And did you know that there is an extension of our
military that is devoted to meme or fair we see
memes playing out all day in our everyday
consciousness A recent one for me in the past few
months was this understanding of what Karen means
And I was going for a walk the other day And there
was a boy about the age of nine and long story
short I overheard him using this phrase and I
thought my gosh how quickly can that spread Of
course another meme that was globally spread in the
past few months Was the word COVID-19 or
coronavirus If we had interviewed people a year ago
who would have known what that meant Even though
the word coronavirus has been around for many years
So we are on this great awakening journey we are
the chosen souls here to witness the greatest
events in all of human history So right now is the
journey for us to not only sit back with our
popcorn and watch the unfolding but we are being
called to actively participate in it to know that
we are apart of this transition team this change in
terms of the expression of being alive of being
part of this movement Toward five D reality So
again we are moving from a fear based world and
reality To one of Love and Compassion And again
this can be hard to notice in the moment when
there's so much fear and hatred that's being sown
throughout our global society So it requires us to
maintain ourselves into the seat of empowerment to
look through spiritual eyes to see beyond the
illusion of the matrix and know that we can anchor
in to an intention of holding space for this higher
vibrational state So I think this is an important
question here What happens after this great
awakening that's going on right There's been so
much talk about disclosure awakening nocera swamp
rats getting arrested on and on it goes But part of
this conference at least in my estimation is about
this question right here what will that world be
like And more importantly how can we start ushering
in that world now So let's transition into more
specifics about reality creation and how exactly
that whole process works So this phrase that we've
heard many times before I'm sure law of attraction
can also equal law of vibration everything as
Einstein says his energy and that's all there is to
it When we match the frequency of the reality you
want and you cannot help but get that reality it
can be no other way this is not philosophy this is
physics and this right here ladies and gentlemen is
at the heart of it all So when we look at what
reality means that we only see and perceive a very
small sliver of the bigger picture that when we
look at it from this point of view with our five
senses what we're most in touch with in this three
D Matrix existence That let's take visible light
for example along this electromagnetic spectrum
that we can see taste touch and feel certain things
and yet beyond us When we pierce this veil beyond
what we can measure with our human body that there
are all these other waves that are out there This
whole spectrum exists But if we were to go back in
time several 100 years they wouldn't understand
this So there's a point behind this there's a
recognition that when we get in our small minded
thinking that it's important for us to again pull
that curtain back and return to our spiritual
practices to understand that there's more than just
what we are experiencing in our present moment
reality So Tesla said if you want to find the
secrets of the universe think in terms of energy
frequency and vibration the day that science begins
to study nonphysical phenomena It will make more
progress in one decade than in all the previous
centuries of its existence And in my estimation
Tesla is one of the smartest people to ever live
And this quote right here represents what we are on
the cusp of Finally so an example of this is
through the study called cinematics And if you're
not familiar with this it's worth looking up You
can just hop into Youtube and type this out and you
can see videos that talk about this In other words
it's called the shape of sound So how this works is
folks will take sand or rice and they'll put it on
this special tray and then they will emit a certain
frequency And what they can tell is that there is
key word here reliability in terms of what that
frequency emits and then the downstream result of
that that when you have certain frequencies go out
there are geometric patterns that unfold absolutely
fascinating So one thing that I like to do during
my meditations is to hack or augment that
experience by adding in certain frequencies So it's
helpful to familiarize yourself with these
different frequencies and you too can use that to
help speed up the results from your meditation So
we've all heard the expression as above So below as
within so without And let's take some examples of
this So interestingly enough when we look deep into
what the core of a cell is in this case a brain
cell or neuron on the upper left That's what that
looks like And isn't it uncanny that when we have
photos that are taken of the universe that it looks
very similar When we look at the birth of a cell
that looks very similar to the death of a star And
again we see an eye and a nebula So when we look at
this fluctuation between me myself and I and where
I end as a human being and where someone else
begins Where is that line For example if I cut off
my arm or my leg am I no longer Alex Like at what
point do I stop being me Where is my identity
ending And another person or another expression of
life beginning Here's some more This is a cluster
of Galaxies And yet on the right we see an electron
and again we see a neuron down below So I stumbled
across this document from the CIA and it was
released a few years ago And it really struck me
especially for those who are more left brain and
want some proof about at least what our government
thinks in regards to the universe and to reality
creation And so if you'll let me I'd like to take a
few minutes here and just read through a couple
paragraphs that have been lifted from this document
again written in 1983 The universe is composed of
interacting energy fields summit rest and some
emotion It is in and of itself one gigantic
hologram of unbelievable complexity According to
the theories of Karl Pribram a neuroscientist at
Stanford University and David Bohm a physicist at
the University of London The human mind is also
hologram which a tunes itself to the universal
hologram by the medium of energy exchange thereby
deducing meaning and achieving the state which we
call consciousness Matter and energy tend to be
misleading if taken to indicate two distinctly
different states of existence in the physical world
that we know it Indeed if the term matter is taken
to mean solid substance as opposed to energy which
is understood to mean a force of some sort then the
use of the former is entirely misleading Science
now knows that both the electrons which spin in the
energy field located around the nucleus of the atom
and the nucleus itself are made up of nothing more
Then oscillating energy grids Solid matter in the
strict construction of the term simply does not
exist Rather atomic structure is composed of
oscillating energy grids surrounded by other
oscillating energy grids which orbit at
extraordinary high speeds The entire human being
brain consciousness and all that is like the
universe which surrounds him nothing more or less
than an extraordinary complex system of energy
fields Last paragraph as energy passes through
various aspects of the universal hologram and is
perceived by the electrostatic fields which
comprise the human mind The holographic images
being conveyed are projected upon those
electrostatic fields of the mind and are perceived
or understood to the extent that the electrostatic
field is operating at a frequency and amplitude
that can harmonize with and therefore read the
energy carrier wave pattern passing through it So
what is this document saying It's saying that
energy and consciousness are indistinguishable from
each other said differently If we can change our
consciousness then we literally change the world
around us That the world as we see it with our eyes
is plastic To the depth of our consciousness there
is so much power from this idea So again the
document goes on to define God believed or not it
says a conscious force the fundamental primal power
of existence without form a state of infinite being
Again the document confirms what quantum physics
has shown that there is no such thing as matter
that everything is light dancing at specific
frequencies We perceive less than one of the light
and audio spectrum Which means 99% of the universe
around us is invisible This document goes on to
describe out of body experiences dimensions in
between magic wands believe it or not remote
viewing and traveling into the past and future So
quite impressive For something almost 40 years old
max Planck said all Matter originates and exists
only by virtue of a force we must assume behind
this force the existence of a conscious and
intelligent mind This mind is the matrix of all
matter So again when we've seen the movie the
Matrix it's really more of a documentary than it is
a fiction film And so what's our goal If we can see
through this illusion like I'm saying then guess
what We are the solution We can harmonize our
energies together and we can create solutions from
the problems that we are currently seeing in our
world And I'll go through specifics of what this
means So said differently it's time for us to wake
up recognize that we are in the Matrix And then to
be Neo Our goal is to be like Neo to move beyond
this veil of illusion that we've been living living
in To recognize that we can actually move into this
place of enjoying our experience Just like if we
were on the Holodeck from star trek that we
recognize that it's not a full expression of
reality that it's only an illusion or Maya So more
specifically an example here of what law of
attraction really is about that If we were to take
a tuning fork and we strike that fork which
resonates at a preset certain frequency let's say
the letter A and before us we have a whole swath of
other tuning forks tuned to other frequencies
including a guess which one will resonate the only
one that is also tuned to the one that's vibrating
So this idea then that our vibration becomes
important is absolutely at the heart of this So
tuning fork A Is going to resonate with another at
the same frequency or said differently with
sympathetic vibrations So some of you might have
heard of this gentleman right here His name was
David Hawkins and he wrote many powerful books but
one of them that's certainly contributed to a
change in my life was called power versus force And
boy was he a force that he had an MD and a PhD He
worked with Linus Pauling on the study about
vitamin C That went on to win the Nobel prize And
what he looked at was this concept of kinesiology
that we can reliably measure through checking in
with our body system and intelligence that gives us
information or feedback or communication through
our muscles And so what he did in a very
intelligent way is he mapped out or braille
spirituality through this hidden technology that's
been encoded in our body And what he went on was to
develop what's called his scale of consciousness
And on the left here what he did is he measured out
different emotions based on how what feedback he
was getting from his testing So this struck with me
And then in addition to this I came across others
in spiritual traditions such as Abraham Hicks Some
of you might be familiar with Abs work and they
called it an emotional scale But what I found
interesting was how much of a parallel there was
between David's levels of consciousness and abe's
emotional scale and down below we see others have
done this to such as Kenneth keys centers of
consciousness And if we flip that to its side what
Abraham was really saying is that there are
different levels of expressions of our
consciousness that are vibrations are told to us
through the form of emotion So when we are in a low
vibration state there's a lot of resistance There's
a number of things that gunk up or limit the
expression of our manifestations And it's only when
we work through the contrast when we're able to
rise above our emotions and get in touch with this
guidance scale or system and then move into a high
vibe state that then we're able to manifest with
greater ease We see things happen much more quickly
for us But while I was learning about this I kind
of scratch my head because I thought you know
something's missing And what I really found through
more study was that what was missing is this
concept of vibration and not only within vibration
but this vibration had an energy this energy had
speed to it and that speed to it is then momentum
And so we know that when we are ruminating about
something right Thinking about something that's
negative over and over and over again that as we
think about this we start building up negative
emotion It's like a snowball that rolls downhill
and that we can go from kind of being let's say
pessimistic about something or frustrated and the
more we munch and we dwell on that you know the
word ruminate by the way comes from a french word
which relates to how cows chew their cut how they
think how they chew the food over and over again
And that's what we can do with our thoughts if
we're not careful can't we So we can move from
mildly irked or irritated to then ramping up in
terms of maybe worrying or being discouraged being
angry insecure So this momentum builds but guess
what We can also do this in the positive direction
So I feel like this is such an important component
when we talk about harnessing the power of our
emotions So again the more that we can move out of
this momentum from negative states and we can flip
that toward an upward spiral that then over time we
become more in control of our inner world And that
is at the heart of all of this not just from the
perspective of let's say wanting to get more
control over our mental health but that we can
harness this emotion which has power to it And when
we can dovetail that with spirituality then we
become masters of the Matrix So let's take a few
minutes and talk about the what and how of law of
attraction So the what to this is of course
understanding that we create our reality and that
we do so through our vibration and again our
vibration can be defined as the thoughts that we
think the emotions that we feel and then our
actions right It's going to be hard for us to
really manifest if we don't act on inspired
inspiration and action But there's also a how
component to this And this is where the lens of
psychology comes in that we want to understand the
gifts that come from this field of discipline that
this has been offered to the world but that we want
to reorganize these principles in a way that's
going to be practical for us And the more that we
can be intentional about gaining an increasing
sense of control over those three areas of thoughts
emotions and actions that then the better we can be
at harnessing our vibration and thus using this
metaphysical law of leveraging the power of the
universe to manifest our individual and collective
dreams So said differently the purpose here is
about bridging ancient wisdom with modern
scholarship It's about fusing together science and
spiritually spirituality in a way at least I have
not been able to come across by others So some of
you might be familiar with Greg Brayden he's a big
hero of mine And one of the books that he wrote was
called The Deep Truth And when I came across this
concept everything seemed to stop for me And there
is a clicking and he called this concept the
hierarchy of scientific knowledge That when we look
at science there's an organization or structure in
terms of how it's laid out and built That we start
with math That mathematics at its core is a
universal language And we build upon that physics
And then chemistry geology Biology And finally at
the top psychology And so as I started thinking
about with my own journey wanting to bridge
together science and spirituality I started
thinking about these concepts in more depth So
mathematics for example we have chaos theory the
butterfly effect even fractal geometry quantum
science We have this recognition kind of like the
CIA acknowledge And that document I read that
everything is energy this understanding of the
observer effect That there isn't this Newtonian
worldview of how we are completely separate and
events that transpire are outside of our control
But that there's a unified field There's a reality
beyond three D That we in fact do live in a
holographic universe which once we understand the
specifics of what that means we become so empowered
to knowing that we have more control than we
thought about what our reality looks like More
photogenic fields and others as we continue to move
up this hierarchy There's chemistry So an example
of a moto's water crystals and in biology of Bruce
Lipton's epi genetics But again as Greg said what's
at the top He used the word psychology But what
really is psychology I break this down to two
components The first is neuroscience So again we
have individuals out there studying neuroscience
and looking at this from an in depth perspective
When I see this picture I think back to my master's
thesis and doctoral dissertation that I did on
mindfulness and looking at how this practice of
over 2500 years has physical changes and creates
cortical structural changes on the brain But beyond
neuroscience Drum roll is psychology And that is
where I'm going with this whole presentation today
So for those of you who don't know me I'd like to
take a minute and just uh explore and share a
little bit about myself So a friend of mine
Photoshop this photo of me and I couldn't help but
included So clinical psychologist also referred to
by my friends as a meme god But how I consider
myself is to be an ambassador of New Earth And in
fact I would argue that all of us our ambassadors
of New Earth that you wouldn't be here today you
wouldn't be called to be a part of this program or
to be on some sort of spiritual path or inclination
if you weren't a part of this transition team So
welcome welcome to the team So let me share a bit
about my journey and how this fits in with where
we're headed today So 2006 was a big year for me
that this was when I first stumbled across Abraham
Hicks material and then a few months after that
very famous movie came out The Secret some of you
might have seen it And then that fall I started
graduate school getting a doctorate in psychology
And while I'm in Class one day there was a slide
that came up where the professor was defining what
psychology is and you know when you have those
lightbulb moments where everything just comes into
view and the angels start singing and there's this
clicking effect that happens Well that's what
happened for me in class that day and a huge puzzle
piece was finally put together So I thought back to
the movie The Secret that I had seen and I thought
you know I kind of felt like the movie was missing
something and that there was so much of an emphasis
placed on how we create through our thoughts But I
thought you know I don't know if that's all of it
And then I kind of tied that piece together that we
also create through emotion that our emotions are
really a force Our emotions is Neale donald Walsh
says r e motions or an energy in motion that we can
use channel harness or even manipulate in a
positive way This energy or force But there are all
these stereotypes to when we hear this word and
what it means So for men there's this toxic
masculinity this idea that we need to be stoic and
it's not okay to express emotion that it's a sign
of weakness if we are to feel or express what we
feel And yet ironically anger has always seemed to
be one that's an exception which I found quite odd
And for women right we say oh you're too emotional
stop feeling as much There's so much feeling that's
going on here So these connotations of expressing
who we are at our core nature and yet it's such a
sin that we go throughout our life without learning
how to properly learn to channel or harness our
emotions That's 0.1 .2 is then we're not taught
generally speaking that our emotions have an
intelligence to them and that we can use them more
than just to manage our mental health That as I'm
saying here we can map this on with our spiritual
extensions of who we are and use that technology to
further harness in the reality we wished we wish to
see So this right here was the slide that changed
everything So there are three components here what
we think is going to affect how we act and how we
feel And all three of these components on this
triangle are intimately interconnected and
interwoven with one another We can't have one
without it influencing and being influenced by the
other two So this concept then becomes at the very
heart of what psychology is referring to again
understanding our thought life how that impacts our
emotions and then our behavior So when we look at
the field of psychology was quite overwhelming for
me when I started studying this because there's
over 1000 identified forms of therapy and I thought
you know if I'm wanting to understand this field as
a whole how am I going to do that There's so many
links to connect and yet what I started realizing
was that there are golden threads or again master
Keys that express themselves over and over and over
again through all of these different forms of
therapy So when we look at this concept of change
that there's so many different routes or avenues
that we can go into in terms of understanding what
change means that we have self help multibillion
dollar industry we have seminars retreats therapy
And even within that 1000 forms of therapy So what
I did is I went on this journey of wanting to
distill down all of these different forms of change
and see what these master keys are and I'm proud to
announce that at the end of this over decade long
journey that I feel like I've cracked the code that
I've discovered what these master Keys are in terms
of making change not just in our life but then
being able to harness the power of psychology to
further usher in the reality that we wish to see
individually and collectively And when we distill
all of these master keys down There are 14 skills
Broken in 25 themes and now once we again add on
these master keys with this understanding of
reality creation then the world is our oyster So
while I was on this journey I kind of wanted to
understand well who would be interested in hearing
this information you know And so I had to different
audiences one was going to be the spiritual
community that we're just wanting more tools to
better harness their reality and then also the
science community wanting to further bridge this
understanding between science and spirituality or
to understand metaphysics and bridge these two
worlds together But in the past few years as I
started going down my own journey of awakening
through this community of disclosure but then I
realized actually there's a third community and I'm
proud to say that all of us here get it more so
Than these other two that you guys are absolutely
on the cutting edge of understanding how all of
this fits in together So this awakening process
remember how is talking about momentum is going
mainstream that they the power structure that be
are unable at this point to stop it I'm proud to
say that we have passed this threshold There's no
turning back And this new earth or 5D reality or
whatever phrase you want to put on there is coming
faster than we can anticipate So this was one of my
favorite movies and to make sure that all of you
are still awake as you listen to me Uh I came here
to chew bubble gum and help with disclosure So for
all of you who are focused on the zoom right now
type in the rest of what this sentence would say
Okay so the next slide here is looking at this
understanding that the real revolution is the
evolution of consciousness and guess what
psychology is at the heart or center of what it
means to practice consciousness So we are condensed
particles of light swimming in a sea of energy When
you understand vibration is all there is and learn
how to harness it You step into your infinite
potential and we have had an assault on our
vibration powers that be have come at us from all
angles from the sky from our power grid system from
our food Oops we had a little crash here Bear with
from our food and even from our entertainment right
that from our television that it impacts our
nervous system So I'd like us to move now into the
first master key And this one is called Mindfulness
and I like this because this really is often times
I'll say with clients this is at the heart or the
core of who we are that we can tap into this
universal consciousness through this practice and
awareness is step one So as Abraham says who you
really are is nonphysical energy focused in a
physical body And of course we have lots of
different types of meditation that are out there
But mindfulness at its core refers to paying
attention on purpose in the present moment and non
judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment
by moment So all mindfulness is meditation but not
all meditation is mindfulness So an important
question for us to ask is our mindful or are we
being mindful that our body is always present but
is our mind always present And the answer of course
is no We time travel back and forth that we can
learn how to channel or harness this energy of
mindfulness like an exercise brainpower that like
it says on the right here what is that Oh it's just
my mind right that there is this constant stream
and chattering of consciousness and this
recognition at the bottom that we are not our
thoughts So this is a powerful concept right here
That on the left what we see is our thoughts often
like this uh comic strip um chat bubble And so
those thoughts dictate to us often how to feel how
to think and what to do So it's like a puppet
master and we're the little marionettes on the
string And so the practice here is moving out of
autopilot mode to become more into looking up at
our thoughts instead of vice versa This is how we
reclaim our power This is the practice that
mindfulness calls So what does mindfulness have to
do with law of attraction Well when we meditate it
slows down thought that thoughts can introduce
resistance Therefore this is a wonderful practice
to not only help us physically but emotionally and
spiritually So we can be with our desires So I
think about that game kerplunk that when we're able
to take out those plastic strips that then the
marbles come down that we're able to manifest our
reality more clearly And mindfulness slows down
this resistance so I'll move through this But I'd
like us to get into a meditation practice real
briefly So we have a potential right here we have
what several 100 people on the call right now And
so what I'd like us to do is to move into a fairly
short meditation for us to embody or practice what
I've been trying to convey so far today So go ahead
and take a moment Just sit back in your chair and
get in touch with your breath and just notice the
ab and flow of your breath And now I'd like you to
move down into your heart space and imagine as
though you are breathing in and out of your heart
region And I'd like you to recall a person or a
memory where you felt loved and now I'd like you to
further step into this experience See if you can
try practice feeling those feelings of love
connection trust and non judgment of emotional
safety and being bonded with this time and place in
person See if you can amplify that feeling right
now slowly crank up the volume in terms of how much
you feel this sense of connection Imagine that
feeling washing over your aura in your body system
See if you can continue cranking up the intensity
of this feeling right now staying in your heart
space moving past any distraction thoughts
anchoring in this feeling or emotional experience
as we engage in this practice What's happening
right now is your brain waves are slowing down your
electromagnetic field around your body As I
discussed earlier is expanding What you are doing
is you are fertilizing the field that this quantum
field The soup that we live in is now yours for the
receiving you're ready to plant your intention So
now what I'd like you to do is to think about a
vision a goal or some intention that you'd like to
manifest between now and the end of the year See it
as already completed There's no wishing or hoping
for your manifestation to occur already happened
How would you feel if your desire has fully grown
has come to full fruition Imagine that feeling now
know that through this practice your desire has
already manifested in another dimensional field and
that when you can stay in this non resistant state
you allow that experience to come to you gracefully
And now we will extend this intention given the
opportunity that we have here today to connect with
all of us together that we are all part of a global
society and right now we are pooling our energies
So what I'd like you to do is to think about an
intention that you would like to see for the earth
Let's go with that of peace Envision our global
brothers and sisters moving past the low
vibrational energies of the old earth of
divisiveness fear and hatred that those are washing
away that the collective consciousness of humanity
is rising visualize in your mind right now What it
would be like if you could walk in your city
without feeling any sense of fear any sense of
trepidation What would it be like to turn on the
news and to see positive stories being reported tap
into that feeling right now as we pull this
consciousness together What we are doing is we are
harnessing technology technology that has been
intentionally hidden from us The powers that be for
thousands of years have not only known but feared
What happens when humanity awakens they know how
powerful we are and once again it's too late for
them to stop us So I encourage you to come back and
to continue this meditation practice Now until the
end of 2020 So that you can have a clear vision for
your own individual life and for us collectively as
a whole So part of what we did here with this
meditation is we removing from a beta state of
consciousness in our mind two Alpha and the
research on Alpha meditate on alpha state of
consciousness shows that that is the secret sauce
that allows our manifestations to come to us more
quickly This is why for thousands of years the
native americans would use drums and those in other
cultures around the world would use instruments to
help get us out of our everyday waking
consciousness Then we got in touch with our heart
Our heart space is the gateway It's the secret
sauce the code that allows us to move past the
Matrix To pierce that veil to that other dimension
to this five the reality Then once that soil was
properly tilled we cast out our seeds we put our
intention out into the universe Coming from this
place of knowingness and assuredness that it would
come to us And that we would experience in our
three D Reality And lastly we extended beyond our
individual desires to tap into collective intent
And boy is this powerful So collective intent or
group intention is often referred to as the
Maharishi effect And there's been research study
that for those who have been able to pool
consciousness together that this has created real
world effects in our society So how do we introduce
this practice into our day to day experience So I'm
curious for you to reflect in your journal what do
you do How can you practice being more mindful and
present in your day But moving into this place of
setting intentional intentions that we are wanting
to harness our attention and move past Thinking
about things from this point of view of just
everyday autopilot waking consciousness For me I
like to do this in the morning when I first wake up
Taking anywhere between 30 seconds and several
minutes to just get in touch with the present
moment to breathe in and out and to recognize that
my life is now showing up in this current
expression of the Now Oftentimes I use the phrase
structured versus unstructured time So what this
means is we can have structured meditations where
we carve out time to get in touch with what it is
that we are wanting to achieve during that
meditation such as having like a body scan or
mindfulness of breath or being mindful with our
walk okay versus unstructured time So those times
in which we might be driving or eating our lunch or
talking with a friend and we remember that we can
come back and tune again once untethered to the
present moment So by sneaking in moments throughout
the day what we're doing is we are flexing and
cultivating this muscle of mindful attention and
again how we add on to this with reality creation
is when we become more intentional with our
attention that this energy gets focused and
harnessed and we can use that to further usher in
our desires Another thing I like to do is to have
physical reminders so apps on your phone can be
very helpful in this way Now I'm looking at the
time here and I'd like to introduce a second skill
real briefly and the second master key is called
Reframing So let's talk about some facts about our
thoughts That researchers have found that we have
anywhere between the research I've seen 50,100,000
thoughts every single day And that the vast
majority of them 90-95 are recycled 70% of these
thoughts are negative and that's for the average
person So you can't live a positive life with a
negative mind so much power in that quote So
there's various ways in which we deal with
difficult thoughts and we talked about mindfulness
is one The other one that we're going to talk about
today is called Reframing Reframing is being able
to refute or challenge the initial thoughts that
come to our mind formally This is called cognitive
restructuring but we're constructing a new
narrative or as a boy likes to say tell a new story
and this becomes a master key because we see this
show up in lots of different methodologies So in
therapy cognitive therapy refers to this as
challenging negative thoughts narrative therapy
calls this changing the story very popular self
help book causes it taming Redlands and Byron Katie
refers to it as the work So let's break down how
this really plays out essentially what we have here
is an abc paradigm that the A Represents a
situation and the C Represents a consequence both
with our emotions and with our actions So the abcs
of our thoughts an example of this would be if
someone cuts us off in traffic that is the
activating event or the situation and then
downstream as a result of that the consequence is
going to show up with our emotions how we feel So
he might be angry hurt and our behaviors so we
might want to flip them off or yell or honk her
horn So again when someone cuts us off in traffic
we like to say I'm angry because of that situation
But we have to be careful with making a causal link
of that situation stemming from the situation that
when we look at this there's actually a hidden
missing piece to this and that missing piece is the
b It's our filter It's the belief So if we say to
ourselves how dare he do that to me that then if we
think that thought then that's going to have
everything to do downstream with what the
consequences are So what we have to do is to move
past default but first we have to get in touch with
and understand what default is So something I
encourage all of you to do is to look this up on
google distorted automatic thoughts but then take
it one step further by searching for the different
categories of these thoughts That I have thousands
of handouts that I've given clients over the years
and this right here is easily one of my top three
that what this does is this helps us understand the
nuances and the landscape of our minds We all get
caught up in negative thinking But what are the
recurring themes and patterns with our negative
thoughts If we are going to be intentional about
creating our reality we have to move past the
default We have to understand the banana peels and
the sticking points in order to overcome those So
cognitive therapy looks at our belief systems and
understands that there's different layers to this
So I think about a belief at the core of all of
this like a rubber band ball whereas Abraham likes
to say a belief is nothing more than a thought that
we just keep thinking over and over again So this
is important because it's at this belief level that
we vibrate and these beliefs are often un conscious
So what we want to do is we want to sort through
your beliefs and throw out the ones that don't
serve you right We have to understand by taking an
inventory of what are my beliefs most of us live
our life on such an autopilot perspective that we
don't get in touch with what it is that we're truly
thinking and I'm telling you folks this is so much
at the source of when we can understand and get
underneath this we reclaim so much power back in
our everyday life So Byron Katie um has particular
exercises that she has so I highly encourage
looking into her work She has various questions
that you can ask as a filter to go through and work
with your thoughts But now I'd like to bake your
noodle and part of that is looking at this
understanding of the abc paradigm but know that we
can reverse it so that we don't remain a victim to
our circumstances that we understand that the
situation or the activating event the A followed by
our belief or our interpretation of that situation
that has everything to do with the consequence of
how we feel and how we act But we can reverse it to
be intentional about reality creation So if we
start with the sea which means putting out there on
purpose what it is that we feel and how we act
right Act the way we wish to feel so before the
evidence comes in kind of like we did with our
meditation that there was no situation that caused
us in that moment to feel that sense of love and
connection But we cultivated that from within that
then downstream what this leads to is a change in
our situations that our outer world will conform to
our inner world if we hold that note long enough or
as Wayne Dyer said if you change the way you look
at things the things you look at change even the
buddhist said this all that we are as a result of
our thoughts Okay so here's an exercise that I'd
like you to do for homework So what I want you to
do is to think about something that you're going
through right now Step back and identify the story
that your mind is making What exactly are the
thoughts that you're thinking about with this
situation Whether it's something globally going on
in the world around us and all the chaos that we're
seeing or something going on in your individual
life Take a few moments later today to just
journalists oftentimes a stream of consciousness
can be helpful Don't filter it out What is it that
I'm thinking about in regards to this situation or
how am I framing the narrative Okay from there What
I'd like you to do is find that worksheet again
it's called the categories of distorted automatic
thoughts and then what I'd like you to do is to go
through that list and see if there are any
distortions or categories that fit in with the
narrative that you're thinking about Don't come
from this place of judgment or that you're on some
sort of witch hunt to find what you're thinking
that's incorrect or wrong But take a step back and
be curious about this Be willing to ask questions
about the conclusions if you've drawn any asking
such questions as is this really true I know it
feels true but is it really true Or another 1 Is
what is the evidence I like to tell my clients take
the thoughts to court If it is 100% true does it
serve me to continue thinking this thought And I'm
telling you guys that these questions are more
powerful than we might understand So while this
exercise might seem straightforward or simple don't
confuse that with how profound the results of this
can be So again the takeaway is that there's no
pressure to change what you're thinking but just
hold space to see if there are any different
vantage points of how you could view it So while we
might say to other people think is this true is
this helpful Is this inspiring or necessary Or what
is it that I'm about to say to this other person Is
it kind we can also have these same filtering
questions that we ask ourselves So here's an
example of spinning this around This is called
paranoia The belief that the universe is actually
conspiring in our favor that we can create our own
happiness So your brain works just like a computer
So make sure that you are the only one programming
it it's time folks that we turn our magic all the
way on So I thank you for listening to me I have a
few things that I like to share one is that I'm
really excited about leading a trip to Egypt this
coming spring and we are going to be having a
fantastic time So we're going to go into the great
Pyramid and we'll be able to meditate for two hours
with just our core group will be able to go into
the lower chamber We also have the experience of
going into the Sphinx enclosure And less than 1% of
people who head to Egypt will have that opportunity
We'll be taking a five star trip all throughout the
country and if you're interested I hope you can
join us So I went a year ago from this past March
and I can tell you unequivocably that the
experience changed my life And I stayed in touch
with my guide and he asked if I wanted to help him
lead a tour and I almost dropped the phone I said
heck yeah sign me up So anyway really looking
forward to this and the theme will be kind of
understanding spirituality and vibration and how
the ancients use this and harness this and then
we'll be including some of my material in terms of
how to have our own experiences at these sacred
temple sites So this could be you So how you can
reach me is either going to be through Youtube um
that I am looking forward to getting back and
making some more videos have meditations I have
more descriptions of talking about these master
keys and making them practical and I'm finishing up
right now an online course that will unpack and
unlock all of these master keys so that you can
have your own experience with the divine That you
can be more confident in terms of how you create
your own individual reality and how we can work
together to usher in this five D World experience
that we want to see So I'm also on instagram and
twitter have a website and I'll be putting more
information about Egypt both on my website and on
Youtube So we have a few minutes remaining and
let's see if I can head up to the Q and A and see
if there are any questions that you guys have So go
ahead and feel free to ask those and I'm happy to
answer So the first one says how to strengthen and
use intuitive gifts to help me and others That is a
wonderful question So intuition is its own language
and part of how we get in touch with intuition is
by practice that we have to learn what it feels
like when we are tapping into intuition for example
and comparing that to fear And so this is going to
take time for us to really explore the nuances of
what is intuition speaking to me and how is that
different from my ego Like that Deepak chopra quote
that I read So what I would say more specifically
would be to start with cultivating a mindfulness
practice That the more you're able to do this the
more you are able to get in touch with your emotion
and you're able to understand more than nuances of
this inner world You know when we look at the word
mindfulness it comes from a word in the pali
language which means the pasta and the pasta when
we translate it literally means insight meditation
in sight or seeing within being able to get in
touch with our intuition So so helpful Okay why do
religions claim to authoritarian dogmatic styles So
part of that I think is tradition and I would argue
that part of that is also fear And I'd say part of
this is that when we are in a low vibe state
remember how I was talking about momentum that we
stay stuck in that energy field And that's where
these tools of psychology come in to help
springboard or help us move past these low stuck
vibrational states to further usher in the person
that we want to be What inspires me being able to
share these messages with you that what we talked
about today just skims the surface in regards to
what these master keys are and I can't wait to
share more of these with you in my courses on
Youtube elsewhere to be able to help us all work
together as a team to help usher in the world that
we wish to see Okay what do I think about soul
contracts I think there is a lot of
misunderstandings about soul contracts that there
isn't enough discussion about the fact that we can
change these soul contracts And the way that I
think about it is more of a nuance that we might
have certain overarching themes that we have to
experience in any given incarnation but that we can
move into more of the nuances of changing that soul
contract and being the fullest expression of
ourself Okay let's see Okay how important do you
think it is to gather with people in person to
meditate or enough to connect over the ethers
Excellent question So I think it's mhm It's both
and I say both because of quantum physics So when
we can meditate in person like we are doing now
that has a wonderful expression I mean if we were
able to look from um spiritual or an energetic
field of when we did our meditation together I
would argue there would be light beams emitting
from earth from our powerful collected pooled
energy But guess what if you go back and you listen
to this later that you can still have that same
experience even though it's on a recording That is
what's so trippy about quantum physics Okay well I
want to be respectful of time and so I want to
thank everybody for listening to me Hopefully you
found this um encouraging or informative and what
I'd encourage you to do is to go ahead and
subscribe on my Youtube channel because I have a
lot of videos coming forward and I do my best to
try to make the information as practical as
possible with exercises and keeping it fun So thank
you all for your attention and I hope you have a
good rest of your day Mhm Okay
I am live and so without further ado I would like
to first of all thank um Carisa and the meditation
thought that was the lovely introduction to our
2020 Vision Conference and I am really looking
forward to sharing with you some information today
So I've named my talk the Master keys of change
unlocking your potential and my name is dr Alex
bloom and there's a lot of good stuff today So roll
up your sleeves if you have a piece of paper or
perhaps you can use a note pad in your phone We
might be doing some journaling exercises today and
a meditation and we'll see kind of how we do with
time So let's launch on in Mhm Okay so first off I
think it's important for us to just remember
especially in such a chaotic year that we've been
having that we aren't human beings having a
spiritual experience but in fact we are spiritual
beings having a human experience and I don't know
about you but I can sure feel a lot of chaos and
distress going on in the world nowadays And really
it's the first sign of the global planet awakening
There are signs of restlessness and anger
everywhere and that's actually one of the first
cues that lets us know that this awakening process
is taking place and we have a tumultuous outer
world but for many of us we have a tumultuous inner
world as well So part of what's happening here is
that there is a morphosis that's taking place that
that traditionally for a lot of us We've lived this
existence in the matrix of a three D Earth where
there's ignorance lack suffering and war a lot of
just really low vibration And for many of us we are
really entering into a whole another realm or
dimension of what it means to be alive and what it
means to be a human being that this awakening
process leads to knowledge abundance and ultimately
our highest expression of what it means to be a
human being of truly having peace on earth and love
both in our hearts and in the planet But during
this time of transitioning or great awakening as
many call it that there's turbulence along the way
that in this old earth we've had experiences of
really low vibration energy Again anger hate
negativity corruption power control We see it
everywhere you have to go no further than to turn
on your Tv or watch the news to see what's going on
And yet with this great awakening that's happening
there is a whole new experience of what it means to
be alive that some people call it New Earth Or
again five d Reality But many of us are kind of
moving into this experience So we have an
opportunity for us to pierce this veil for those of
us who see what's going on to recognize that
there's more to this reality than we see with our
two eyes In our five senses And so that's what I'm
here to talk about today of how can we pierce this
fail How can we look beyond the Maya and the
illusion that we see all around us in order to step
in to a higher expression of what it means to be
alive So part of this process is yes it's our own
awakening But another extension of this is being
able to unite as a global society all of us here
for example on this zoom call today that we have
this opportunity to come together and I'll be
talking about how we can pool our collective energy
and intention in order to help further usher in
this new experience five D Life So isn't it amazing
how hard it is to find other awakened ones in the
general area They always seem to be scattered all
over the world Don't they don't know about you but
many of my friends that I have in my life don't
live near me But when you ponder this deeper you
realize that we are placed strategically all over
the planet perfectly And for a reason we are
conduits and beacons of light that awakened the
general areas around us and spread the light until
it reaches the world over And meets as one So our
energy field when we are vibrating on the frequency
of love looks like the following down below This is
research that's been conducted from heart Math
Institute that we have an energetic field that
surrounds our body and it can be reliably measured
And when we get in touch with our heart space like
we'll do today this field grows it expands and it
becomes more powerful So when we say we're here to
be a fuller expression of what it means to be alive
Part of this is moving out of this low vibration of
fear and anger and the things that we touched on
just a few minutes ago with old Earth And we're
coming into an entirely different paradigm and
that's what is so exciting So for many of you who
know me I love memes and so I'll be sharing some of
my choice ones today during the presentation This
one stuck out to me when spirit is asking for
volunteers to raise global consciousness and
someone nominates you to go back to Earth right
Some of us can feel that way sometimes can't we
That we look back and we think oh my gosh why did I
incarnate and why Now there's so much chaos and
pain and suffering that's going on I like this one
To actual photo of me trying to decide whether
society is collapsing or having a spiritual
awakening Sometimes it can certainly feel like both
canted So love as trite as it may sound truly is
the most powerful force in the universe And this is
a concept that we've heard over and over and over
again And yet there's a reason why we keep hearing
it that it truly is the highest existence and
expression of what it means to be alive But more
importantly we can tap into this energy that this
energy has a utilitarian purpose for us It's a tool
that we can learn how to use and wield So the world
is changing But guess what folks we are on the
transition team You wouldn't be a part of this
conference and you wouldn't be hearing my words
right now if you weren't also on the team So I
wanted to share this This was interesting I came
across this recently and this was based on a letter
that Einstein wrote to his daughter and it said
when I proposed the theory of relativity very few
understood me And what I will reveal now to
transmit to man's kind will also collide with the
misunderstanding and prejudice in the world I ask
you to guard the letters as long as necessary years
decades and tell society is advanced enough to
accept But I will explain below There is an
extremely powerful force that so far science has
not found a formal explanation too is a force that
includes and governs all others and is even behind
any phenomenon operating in the universe And has
not yet been identified by us This universal force
is Love When scientists looked for a unified theory
of the universe they forgot the most important
powerful unseen force Love is light and that
enlightens those who give and receive it Mhm Love
is gravity because it makes some people feel
attracted to others Love is power because it
multiplies the best we have and allows humanity not
to be extinguished in there Blind selfishness Love
unfolds and reveals for love we live and die Love
is God and God his love Sometimes when people ask
me what's my definition of God or soul force that I
have an acronym and I call it glue that whether we
put different words on it of God love the universe
or energy that there is some invisible force that
is both intelligent and benign and it has a
sticking power that glues all of what it means in
terms of consciousness together Here's a quote by
Deepak the ego however is not who you really are
The ego is your self image It is your social mask
It is the role that you're playing Your social mask
thrives on approval It wants control and it is
sustained by power because it lives in fear So the
goal for us is to understand that the ego is not
bad or wrong It's not something that we can ever
get away from but we expand beyond it We recognize
it for what it is It's a limitation in
consciousness It's a construction of the mind and
that there's more to our reality than our ego And
some of the more specifics that will go into today
we'll talk about this So we are here to awaken from
our illusion of separateness That when we
understand ultimate reality that we are when we say
remembering that means to come back together again
That collectively we are all individual expressions
of God Just as though we are all fingers on this
hand of the divine Mhm So in luke we've heard that
the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven is
within you But when we travel back in time this
kingdom of having is known within us and this
extends from an ancient Egyptian proverb and
whoever shall know himself shall find it So what
exactly does this Kingdom of God mean Or knowing
ourself What does that mean We'll be talking about
that today as well above all be careful what you
think because your thoughts control your life don't
bend the truth or say things that you know are not
right Keep your eyes on the past and look straight
ahead make sure you are going the right way and
nothing will make you fall Don't go to the right or
the left and you will stay away from evil What is
this saying It's telling us to be mindful or to
guard our thoughts that there is power with our
mind So this is messages echoing from thousands of
years ago that are as relevant today as they were
when they were first pinned There are so many
messages that come from ancient Egypt that are as
true today as they were back then And by this all
people will know that you are my disciples if you
have love for one another So again what's our
calling card What's at the core of what it means to
be a part of humanity Is this expression of love So
I included this Because it was interesting when I
came across at this there are 42 ideals of what's
called Maat my aunt was an ancient Egyptian
practice of getting in touch with different values
and our 10 commandments actually come from this
ancient belief system So it can become an intention
for us of how we live our everyday life with this
mod So speaking of intention when we look at
reality creation everything starts with our
intention So we say dear universe feel freeze to
amaze me But guess what The universe speaks back to
us and says dear expression of me feel free to
amaze me and be not conformed to this world which
means the illusion the Maya but be transformed by
the renewing of your mind That's going to be one of
the master keys that we talk about and what exactly
that means So this right here this brain that we
all have is more powerful than we have ever been
taught This is like our radio receiver It is the
most complex organic structure in the known galaxy
and it's within each and every one of us We have
all come installed with one of these And yet How
ironic is that That we've never been taught how to
use it properly It's like we've been given the
supercomputer but no instruction manual and all
throughout history there have been signs or clues
that speak to the power of the mind When we look at
the word psychology we break that down Cy is a form
of energy And when I looked up the formal
definition of psychology like I said it technically
can mean mind and of course loci or is the
knowledge or study of But psych can also mean soul
or spirit And boy when I came across that did
things really unlocked for me So therefore
psychology can also mean soul knowledge So when we
go back once again to the ancients That this
expression of this 3rd eye is known to us this
pineal gland or seat of the soul or part of us that
allows us to see from a spiritual perspective is in
case or housed within every single one of us And
this knowledge has been passed down through
metaphor from generation to generation So in
Hinduism they call it the cave of brahma And we
even have words that we use things that are so to
speak hidden in plain sight So the temple place
that we worship the fact that we can go within to
connect with higher source And of course we've all
seen this before with Michael Angelo again What's
hidden in plain sight here Well what we see is that
there is an expression of the brain and the mind
that has been hidden or woven in to artwork And of
course all throughout time from our spiritual
traditions there have been messages golden threads
of wisdom points that have been shared and recycled
over and over again And now as we fast forward to
the 21st century And when it says here listen to
the universe it's always whispering to us through
messages like songs dreams numbers animals thoughts
But guess what Also memes So mm magic is very real
And did you know that there is an extension of our
military that is devoted to meme or fair we see
memes playing out all day in our everyday
consciousness A recent one for me in the past few
months was this understanding of what Karen means
And I was going for a walk the other day And there
was a boy about the age of nine and long story
short I overheard him using this phrase and I
thought my gosh how quickly can that spread Of
course another meme that was globally spread in the
past few months Was the word COVID-19 or
coronavirus If we had interviewed people a year ago
who would have known what that meant Even though
the word coronavirus has been around for many years
So we are on this great awakening journey we are
the chosen souls here to witness the greatest
events in all of human history So right now is the
journey for us to not only sit back with our
popcorn and watch the unfolding but we are being
called to actively participate in it to know that
we are apart of this transition team this change in
terms of the expression of being alive of being
part of this movement Toward five D reality So
again we are moving from a fear based world and
reality To one of Love and Compassion And again
this can be hard to notice in the moment when
there's so much fear and hatred that's being sown
throughout our global society So it requires us to
maintain ourselves into the seat of empowerment to
look through spiritual eyes to see beyond the
illusion of the matrix and know that we can anchor
in to an intention of holding space for this higher
vibrational state So I think this is an important
question here What happens after this great
awakening that's going on right There's been so
much talk about disclosure awakening nocera swamp
rats getting arrested on and on it goes But part of
this conference at least in my estimation is about
this question right here what will that world be
like And more importantly how can we start ushering
in that world now So let's transition into more
specifics about reality creation and how exactly
that whole process works So this phrase that we've
heard many times before I'm sure law of attraction
can also equal law of vibration everything as
Einstein says his energy and that's all there is to
it When we match the frequency of the reality you
want and you cannot help but get that reality it
can be no other way this is not philosophy this is
physics and this right here ladies and gentlemen is
at the heart of it all So when we look at what
reality means that we only see and perceive a very
small sliver of the bigger picture that when we
look at it from this point of view with our five
senses what we're most in touch with in this three
D Matrix existence That let's take visible light
for example along this electromagnetic spectrum
that we can see taste touch and feel certain things
and yet beyond us When we pierce this veil beyond
what we can measure with our human body that there
are all these other waves that are out there This
whole spectrum exists But if we were to go back in
time several 100 years they wouldn't understand
this So there's a point behind this there's a
recognition that when we get in our small minded
thinking that it's important for us to again pull
that curtain back and return to our spiritual
practices to understand that there's more than just
what we are experiencing in our present moment
reality So Tesla said if you want to find the
secrets of the universe think in terms of energy
frequency and vibration the day that science begins
to study nonphysical phenomena It will make more
progress in one decade than in all the previous
centuries of its existence And in my estimation
Tesla is one of the smartest people to ever live
And this quote right here represents what we are on
the cusp of Finally so an example of this is
through the study called cinematics And if you're
not familiar with this it's worth looking up You
can just hop into Youtube and type this out and you
can see videos that talk about this In other words
it's called the shape of sound So how this works is
folks will take sand or rice and they'll put it on
this special tray and then they will emit a certain
frequency And what they can tell is that there is
key word here reliability in terms of what that
frequency emits and then the downstream result of
that that when you have certain frequencies go out
there are geometric patterns that unfold absolutely
fascinating So one thing that I like to do during
my meditations is to hack or augment that
experience by adding in certain frequencies So it's
helpful to familiarize yourself with these
different frequencies and you too can use that to
help speed up the results from your meditation So
we've all heard the expression as above So below as
within so without And let's take some examples of
this So interestingly enough when we look deep into
what the core of a cell is in this case a brain
cell or neuron on the upper left That's what that
looks like And isn't it uncanny that when we have
photos that are taken of the universe that it looks
very similar When we look at the birth of a cell
that looks very similar to the death of a star And
again we see an eye and a nebula So when we look at
this fluctuation between me myself and I and where
I end as a human being and where someone else
begins Where is that line For example if I cut off
my arm or my leg am I no longer Alex Like at what
point do I stop being me Where is my identity
ending And another person or another expression of
life beginning Here's some more This is a cluster
of Galaxies And yet on the right we see an electron
and again we see a neuron down below So I stumbled
across this document from the CIA and it was
released a few years ago And it really struck me
especially for those who are more left brain and
want some proof about at least what our government
thinks in regards to the universe and to reality
creation And so if you'll let me I'd like to take a
few minutes here and just read through a couple
paragraphs that have been lifted from this document
again written in 1983 The universe is composed of
interacting energy fields summit rest and some
emotion It is in and of itself one gigantic
hologram of unbelievable complexity According to
the theories of Karl Pribram a neuroscientist at
Stanford University and David Bohm a physicist at
the University of London The human mind is also
hologram which a tunes itself to the universal
hologram by the medium of energy exchange thereby
deducing meaning and achieving the state which we
call consciousness Matter and energy tend to be
misleading if taken to indicate two distinctly
different states of existence in the physical world
that we know it Indeed if the term matter is taken
to mean solid substance as opposed to energy which
is understood to mean a force of some sort then the
use of the former is entirely misleading Science
now knows that both the electrons which spin in the
energy field located around the nucleus of the atom
and the nucleus itself are made up of nothing more
Then oscillating energy grids Solid matter in the
strict construction of the term simply does not
exist Rather atomic structure is composed of
oscillating energy grids surrounded by other
oscillating energy grids which orbit at
extraordinary high speeds The entire human being
brain consciousness and all that is like the
universe which surrounds him nothing more or less
than an extraordinary complex system of energy
fields Last paragraph as energy passes through
various aspects of the universal hologram and is
perceived by the electrostatic fields which
comprise the human mind The holographic images
being conveyed are projected upon those
electrostatic fields of the mind and are perceived
or understood to the extent that the electrostatic
field is operating at a frequency and amplitude
that can harmonize with and therefore read the
energy carrier wave pattern passing through it So
what is this document saying It's saying that
energy and consciousness are indistinguishable from
each other said differently If we can change our
consciousness then we literally change the world
around us That the world as we see it with our eyes
is plastic To the depth of our consciousness there
is so much power from this idea So again the
document goes on to define God believed or not it
says a conscious force the fundamental primal power
of existence without form a state of infinite being
Again the document confirms what quantum physics
has shown that there is no such thing as matter
that everything is light dancing at specific
frequencies We perceive less than one of the light
and audio spectrum Which means 99% of the universe
around us is invisible This document goes on to
describe out of body experiences dimensions in
between magic wands believe it or not remote
viewing and traveling into the past and future So
quite impressive For something almost 40 years old
max Planck said all Matter originates and exists
only by virtue of a force we must assume behind
this force the existence of a conscious and
intelligent mind This mind is the matrix of all
matter So again when we've seen the movie the
Matrix it's really more of a documentary than it is
a fiction film And so what's our goal If we can see
through this illusion like I'm saying then guess
what We are the solution We can harmonize our
energies together and we can create solutions from
the problems that we are currently seeing in our
world And I'll go through specifics of what this
means So said differently it's time for us to wake
up recognize that we are in the Matrix And then to
be Neo Our goal is to be like Neo to move beyond
this veil of illusion that we've been living living
in To recognize that we can actually move into this
place of enjoying our experience Just like if we
were on the Holodeck from star trek that we
recognize that it's not a full expression of
reality that it's only an illusion or Maya So more
specifically an example here of what law of
attraction really is about that If we were to take
a tuning fork and we strike that fork which
resonates at a preset certain frequency let's say
the letter A and before us we have a whole swath of
other tuning forks tuned to other frequencies
including a guess which one will resonate the only
one that is also tuned to the one that's vibrating
So this idea then that our vibration becomes
important is absolutely at the heart of this So
tuning fork A Is going to resonate with another at
the same frequency or said differently with
sympathetic vibrations So some of you might have
heard of this gentleman right here His name was
David Hawkins and he wrote many powerful books but
one of them that's certainly contributed to a
change in my life was called power versus force And
boy was he a force that he had an MD and a PhD He
worked with Linus Pauling on the study about
vitamin C That went on to win the Nobel prize And
what he looked at was this concept of kinesiology
that we can reliably measure through checking in
with our body system and intelligence that gives us
information or feedback or communication through
our muscles And so what he did in a very
intelligent way is he mapped out or braille
spirituality through this hidden technology that's
been encoded in our body And what he went on was to
develop what's called his scale of consciousness
And on the left here what he did is he measured out
different emotions based on how what feedback he
was getting from his testing So this struck with me
And then in addition to this I came across others
in spiritual traditions such as Abraham Hicks Some
of you might be familiar with Abs work and they
called it an emotional scale But what I found
interesting was how much of a parallel there was
between David's levels of consciousness and abe's
emotional scale and down below we see others have
done this to such as Kenneth keys centers of
consciousness And if we flip that to its side what
Abraham was really saying is that there are
different levels of expressions of our
consciousness that are vibrations are told to us
through the form of emotion So when we are in a low
vibration state there's a lot of resistance There's
a number of things that gunk up or limit the
expression of our manifestations And it's only when
we work through the contrast when we're able to
rise above our emotions and get in touch with this
guidance scale or system and then move into a high
vibe state that then we're able to manifest with
greater ease We see things happen much more quickly
for us But while I was learning about this I kind
of scratch my head because I thought you know
something's missing And what I really found through
more study was that what was missing is this
concept of vibration and not only within vibration
but this vibration had an energy this energy had
speed to it and that speed to it is then momentum
And so we know that when we are ruminating about
something right Thinking about something that's
negative over and over and over again that as we
think about this we start building up negative
emotion It's like a snowball that rolls downhill
and that we can go from kind of being let's say
pessimistic about something or frustrated and the
more we munch and we dwell on that you know the
word ruminate by the way comes from a french word
which relates to how cows chew their cut how they
think how they chew the food over and over again
And that's what we can do with our thoughts if
we're not careful can't we So we can move from
mildly irked or irritated to then ramping up in
terms of maybe worrying or being discouraged being
angry insecure So this momentum builds but guess
what We can also do this in the positive direction
So I feel like this is such an important component
when we talk about harnessing the power of our
emotions So again the more that we can move out of
this momentum from negative states and we can flip
that toward an upward spiral that then over time we
become more in control of our inner world And that
is at the heart of all of this not just from the
perspective of let's say wanting to get more
control over our mental health but that we can
harness this emotion which has power to it And when
we can dovetail that with spirituality then we
become masters of the Matrix So let's take a few
minutes and talk about the what and how of law of
attraction So the what to this is of course
understanding that we create our reality and that
we do so through our vibration and again our
vibration can be defined as the thoughts that we
think the emotions that we feel and then our
actions right It's going to be hard for us to
really manifest if we don't act on inspired
inspiration and action But there's also a how
component to this And this is where the lens of
psychology comes in that we want to understand the
gifts that come from this field of discipline that
this has been offered to the world but that we want
to reorganize these principles in a way that's
going to be practical for us And the more that we
can be intentional about gaining an increasing
sense of control over those three areas of thoughts
emotions and actions that then the better we can be
at harnessing our vibration and thus using this
metaphysical law of leveraging the power of the
universe to manifest our individual and collective
dreams So said differently the purpose here is
about bridging ancient wisdom with modern
scholarship It's about fusing together science and
spiritually spirituality in a way at least I have
not been able to come across by others So some of
you might be familiar with Greg Brayden he's a big
hero of mine And one of the books that he wrote was
called The Deep Truth And when I came across this
concept everything seemed to stop for me And there
is a clicking and he called this concept the
hierarchy of scientific knowledge That when we look
at science there's an organization or structure in
terms of how it's laid out and built That we start
with math That mathematics at its core is a
universal language And we build upon that physics
And then chemistry geology Biology And finally at
the top psychology And so as I started thinking
about with my own journey wanting to bridge
together science and spirituality I started
thinking about these concepts in more depth So
mathematics for example we have chaos theory the
butterfly effect even fractal geometry quantum
science We have this recognition kind of like the
CIA acknowledge And that document I read that
everything is energy this understanding of the
observer effect That there isn't this Newtonian
worldview of how we are completely separate and
events that transpire are outside of our control
But that there's a unified field There's a reality
beyond three D That we in fact do live in a
holographic universe which once we understand the
specifics of what that means we become so empowered
to knowing that we have more control than we
thought about what our reality looks like More
photogenic fields and others as we continue to move
up this hierarchy There's chemistry So an example
of a moto's water crystals and in biology of Bruce
Lipton's epi genetics But again as Greg said what's
at the top He used the word psychology But what
really is psychology I break this down to two
components The first is neuroscience So again we
have individuals out there studying neuroscience
and looking at this from an in depth perspective
When I see this picture I think back to my master's
thesis and doctoral dissertation that I did on
mindfulness and looking at how this practice of
over 2500 years has physical changes and creates
cortical structural changes on the brain But beyond
neuroscience Drum roll is psychology And that is
where I'm going with this whole presentation today
So for those of you who don't know me I'd like to
take a minute and just uh explore and share a
little bit about myself So a friend of mine
Photoshop this photo of me and I couldn't help but
included So clinical psychologist also referred to
by my friends as a meme god But how I consider
myself is to be an ambassador of New Earth And in
fact I would argue that all of us our ambassadors
of New Earth that you wouldn't be here today you
wouldn't be called to be a part of this program or
to be on some sort of spiritual path or inclination
if you weren't a part of this transition team So
welcome welcome to the team So let me share a bit
about my journey and how this fits in with where
we're headed today So 2006 was a big year for me
that this was when I first stumbled across Abraham
Hicks material and then a few months after that
very famous movie came out The Secret some of you
might have seen it And then that fall I started
graduate school getting a doctorate in psychology
And while I'm in Class one day there was a slide
that came up where the professor was defining what
psychology is and you know when you have those
lightbulb moments where everything just comes into
view and the angels start singing and there's this
clicking effect that happens Well that's what
happened for me in class that day and a huge puzzle
piece was finally put together So I thought back to
the movie The Secret that I had seen and I thought
you know I kind of felt like the movie was missing
something and that there was so much of an emphasis
placed on how we create through our thoughts But I
thought you know I don't know if that's all of it
And then I kind of tied that piece together that we
also create through emotion that our emotions are
really a force Our emotions is Neale donald Walsh
says r e motions or an energy in motion that we can
use channel harness or even manipulate in a
positive way This energy or force But there are all
these stereotypes to when we hear this word and
what it means So for men there's this toxic
masculinity this idea that we need to be stoic and
it's not okay to express emotion that it's a sign
of weakness if we are to feel or express what we
feel And yet ironically anger has always seemed to
be one that's an exception which I found quite odd
And for women right we say oh you're too emotional
stop feeling as much There's so much feeling that's
going on here So these connotations of expressing
who we are at our core nature and yet it's such a
sin that we go throughout our life without learning
how to properly learn to channel or harness our
emotions That's 0.1 .2 is then we're not taught
generally speaking that our emotions have an
intelligence to them and that we can use them more
than just to manage our mental health That as I'm
saying here we can map this on with our spiritual
extensions of who we are and use that technology to
further harness in the reality we wished we wish to
see So this right here was the slide that changed
everything So there are three components here what
we think is going to affect how we act and how we
feel And all three of these components on this
triangle are intimately interconnected and
interwoven with one another We can't have one
without it influencing and being influenced by the
other two So this concept then becomes at the very
heart of what psychology is referring to again
understanding our thought life how that impacts our
emotions and then our behavior So when we look at
the field of psychology was quite overwhelming for
me when I started studying this because there's
over 1000 identified forms of therapy and I thought
you know if I'm wanting to understand this field as
a whole how am I going to do that There's so many
links to connect and yet what I started realizing
was that there are golden threads or again master
Keys that express themselves over and over and over
again through all of these different forms of
therapy So when we look at this concept of change
that there's so many different routes or avenues
that we can go into in terms of understanding what
change means that we have self help multibillion
dollar industry we have seminars retreats therapy
And even within that 1000 forms of therapy So what
I did is I went on this journey of wanting to
distill down all of these different forms of change
and see what these master keys are and I'm proud to
announce that at the end of this over decade long
journey that I feel like I've cracked the code that
I've discovered what these master Keys are in terms
of making change not just in our life but then
being able to harness the power of psychology to
further usher in the reality that we wish to see
individually and collectively And when we distill
all of these master keys down There are 14 skills
Broken in 25 themes and now once we again add on
these master keys with this understanding of
reality creation then the world is our oyster So
while I was on this journey I kind of wanted to
understand well who would be interested in hearing
this information you know And so I had to different
audiences one was going to be the spiritual
community that we're just wanting more tools to
better harness their reality and then also the
science community wanting to further bridge this
understanding between science and spirituality or
to understand metaphysics and bridge these two
worlds together But in the past few years as I
started going down my own journey of awakening
through this community of disclosure but then I
realized actually there's a third community and I'm
proud to say that all of us here get it more so
Than these other two that you guys are absolutely
on the cutting edge of understanding how all of
this fits in together So this awakening process
remember how is talking about momentum is going
mainstream that they the power structure that be
are unable at this point to stop it I'm proud to
say that we have passed this threshold There's no
turning back And this new earth or 5D reality or
whatever phrase you want to put on there is coming
faster than we can anticipate So this was one of my
favorite movies and to make sure that all of you
are still awake as you listen to me Uh I came here
to chew bubble gum and help with disclosure So for
all of you who are focused on the zoom right now
type in the rest of what this sentence would say
Okay so the next slide here is looking at this
understanding that the real revolution is the
evolution of consciousness and guess what
psychology is at the heart or center of what it
means to practice consciousness So we are condensed
particles of light swimming in a sea of energy When
you understand vibration is all there is and learn
how to harness it You step into your infinite
potential and we have had an assault on our
vibration powers that be have come at us from all
angles from the sky from our power grid system from
our food Oops we had a little crash here Bear with
from our food and even from our entertainment right
that from our television that it impacts our
nervous system So I'd like us to move now into the
first master key And this one is called Mindfulness
and I like this because this really is often times
I'll say with clients this is at the heart or the
core of who we are that we can tap into this
universal consciousness through this practice and
awareness is step one So as Abraham says who you
really are is nonphysical energy focused in a
physical body And of course we have lots of
different types of meditation that are out there
But mindfulness at its core refers to paying
attention on purpose in the present moment and non
judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment
by moment So all mindfulness is meditation but not
all meditation is mindfulness So an important
question for us to ask is our mindful or are we
being mindful that our body is always present but
is our mind always present And the answer of course
is no We time travel back and forth that we can
learn how to channel or harness this energy of
mindfulness like an exercise brainpower that like
it says on the right here what is that Oh it's just
my mind right that there is this constant stream
and chattering of consciousness and this
recognition at the bottom that we are not our
thoughts So this is a powerful concept right here
That on the left what we see is our thoughts often
like this uh comic strip um chat bubble And so
those thoughts dictate to us often how to feel how
to think and what to do So it's like a puppet
master and we're the little marionettes on the
string And so the practice here is moving out of
autopilot mode to become more into looking up at
our thoughts instead of vice versa This is how we
reclaim our power This is the practice that
mindfulness calls So what does mindfulness have to
do with law of attraction Well when we meditate it
slows down thought that thoughts can introduce
resistance Therefore this is a wonderful practice
to not only help us physically but emotionally and
spiritually So we can be with our desires So I
think about that game kerplunk that when we're able
to take out those plastic strips that then the
marbles come down that we're able to manifest our
reality more clearly And mindfulness slows down
this resistance so I'll move through this But I'd
like us to get into a meditation practice real
briefly So we have a potential right here we have
what several 100 people on the call right now And
so what I'd like us to do is to move into a fairly
short meditation for us to embody or practice what
I've been trying to convey so far today So go ahead
and take a moment Just sit back in your chair and
get in touch with your breath and just notice the
ab and flow of your breath And now I'd like you to
move down into your heart space and imagine as
though you are breathing in and out of your heart
region And I'd like you to recall a person or a
memory where you felt loved and now I'd like you to
further step into this experience See if you can
try practice feeling those feelings of love
connection trust and non judgment of emotional
safety and being bonded with this time and place in
person See if you can amplify that feeling right
now slowly crank up the volume in terms of how much
you feel this sense of connection Imagine that
feeling washing over your aura in your body system
See if you can continue cranking up the intensity
of this feeling right now staying in your heart
space moving past any distraction thoughts
anchoring in this feeling or emotional experience
as we engage in this practice What's happening
right now is your brain waves are slowing down your
electromagnetic field around your body As I
discussed earlier is expanding What you are doing
is you are fertilizing the field that this quantum
field The soup that we live in is now yours for the
receiving you're ready to plant your intention So
now what I'd like you to do is to think about a
vision a goal or some intention that you'd like to
manifest between now and the end of the year See it
as already completed There's no wishing or hoping
for your manifestation to occur already happened
How would you feel if your desire has fully grown
has come to full fruition Imagine that feeling now
know that through this practice your desire has
already manifested in another dimensional field and
that when you can stay in this non resistant state
you allow that experience to come to you gracefully
And now we will extend this intention given the
opportunity that we have here today to connect with
all of us together that we are all part of a global
society and right now we are pooling our energies
So what I'd like you to do is to think about an
intention that you would like to see for the earth
Let's go with that of peace Envision our global
brothers and sisters moving past the low
vibrational energies of the old earth of
divisiveness fear and hatred that those are washing
away that the collective consciousness of humanity
is rising visualize in your mind right now What it
would be like if you could walk in your city
without feeling any sense of fear any sense of
trepidation What would it be like to turn on the
news and to see positive stories being reported tap
into that feeling right now as we pull this
consciousness together What we are doing is we are
harnessing technology technology that has been
intentionally hidden from us The powers that be for
thousands of years have not only known but feared
What happens when humanity awakens they know how
powerful we are and once again it's too late for
them to stop us So I encourage you to come back and
to continue this meditation practice Now until the
end of 2020 So that you can have a clear vision for
your own individual life and for us collectively as
a whole So part of what we did here with this
meditation is we removing from a beta state of
consciousness in our mind two Alpha and the
research on Alpha meditate on alpha state of
consciousness shows that that is the secret sauce
that allows our manifestations to come to us more
quickly This is why for thousands of years the
native americans would use drums and those in other
cultures around the world would use instruments to
help get us out of our everyday waking
consciousness Then we got in touch with our heart
Our heart space is the gateway It's the secret
sauce the code that allows us to move past the
Matrix To pierce that veil to that other dimension
to this five the reality Then once that soil was
properly tilled we cast out our seeds we put our
intention out into the universe Coming from this
place of knowingness and assuredness that it would
come to us And that we would experience in our
three D Reality And lastly we extended beyond our
individual desires to tap into collective intent
And boy is this powerful So collective intent or
group intention is often referred to as the
Maharishi effect And there's been research study
that for those who have been able to pool
consciousness together that this has created real
world effects in our society So how do we introduce
this practice into our day to day experience So I'm
curious for you to reflect in your journal what do
you do How can you practice being more mindful and
present in your day But moving into this place of
setting intentional intentions that we are wanting
to harness our attention and move past Thinking
about things from this point of view of just
everyday autopilot waking consciousness For me I
like to do this in the morning when I first wake up
Taking anywhere between 30 seconds and several
minutes to just get in touch with the present
moment to breathe in and out and to recognize that
my life is now showing up in this current
expression of the Now Oftentimes I use the phrase
structured versus unstructured time So what this
means is we can have structured meditations where
we carve out time to get in touch with what it is
that we are wanting to achieve during that
meditation such as having like a body scan or
mindfulness of breath or being mindful with our
walk okay versus unstructured time So those times
in which we might be driving or eating our lunch or
talking with a friend and we remember that we can
come back and tune again once untethered to the
present moment So by sneaking in moments throughout
the day what we're doing is we are flexing and
cultivating this muscle of mindful attention and
again how we add on to this with reality creation
is when we become more intentional with our
attention that this energy gets focused and
harnessed and we can use that to further usher in
our desires Another thing I like to do is to have
physical reminders so apps on your phone can be
very helpful in this way Now I'm looking at the
time here and I'd like to introduce a second skill
real briefly and the second master key is called
Reframing So let's talk about some facts about our
thoughts That researchers have found that we have
anywhere between the research I've seen 50,100,000
thoughts every single day And that the vast
majority of them 90-95 are recycled 70% of these
thoughts are negative and that's for the average
person So you can't live a positive life with a
negative mind so much power in that quote So
there's various ways in which we deal with
difficult thoughts and we talked about mindfulness
is one The other one that we're going to talk about
today is called Reframing Reframing is being able
to refute or challenge the initial thoughts that
come to our mind formally This is called cognitive
restructuring but we're constructing a new
narrative or as a boy likes to say tell a new story
and this becomes a master key because we see this
show up in lots of different methodologies So in
therapy cognitive therapy refers to this as
challenging negative thoughts narrative therapy
calls this changing the story very popular self
help book causes it taming Redlands and Byron Katie
refers to it as the work So let's break down how
this really plays out essentially what we have here
is an abc paradigm that the A Represents a
situation and the C Represents a consequence both
with our emotions and with our actions So the abcs
of our thoughts an example of this would be if
someone cuts us off in traffic that is the
activating event or the situation and then
downstream as a result of that the consequence is
going to show up with our emotions how we feel So
he might be angry hurt and our behaviors so we
might want to flip them off or yell or honk her
horn So again when someone cuts us off in traffic
we like to say I'm angry because of that situation
But we have to be careful with making a causal link
of that situation stemming from the situation that
when we look at this there's actually a hidden
missing piece to this and that missing piece is the
b It's our filter It's the belief So if we say to
ourselves how dare he do that to me that then if we
think that thought then that's going to have
everything to do downstream with what the
consequences are So what we have to do is to move
past default but first we have to get in touch with
and understand what default is So something I
encourage all of you to do is to look this up on
google distorted automatic thoughts but then take
it one step further by searching for the different
categories of these thoughts That I have thousands
of handouts that I've given clients over the years
and this right here is easily one of my top three
that what this does is this helps us understand the
nuances and the landscape of our minds We all get
caught up in negative thinking But what are the
recurring themes and patterns with our negative
thoughts If we are going to be intentional about
creating our reality we have to move past the
default We have to understand the banana peels and
the sticking points in order to overcome those So
cognitive therapy looks at our belief systems and
understands that there's different layers to this
So I think about a belief at the core of all of
this like a rubber band ball whereas Abraham likes
to say a belief is nothing more than a thought that
we just keep thinking over and over again So this
is important because it's at this belief level that
we vibrate and these beliefs are often un conscious
So what we want to do is we want to sort through
your beliefs and throw out the ones that don't
serve you right We have to understand by taking an
inventory of what are my beliefs most of us live
our life on such an autopilot perspective that we
don't get in touch with what it is that we're truly
thinking and I'm telling you folks this is so much
at the source of when we can understand and get
underneath this we reclaim so much power back in
our everyday life So Byron Katie um has particular
exercises that she has so I highly encourage
looking into her work She has various questions
that you can ask as a filter to go through and work
with your thoughts But now I'd like to bake your
noodle and part of that is looking at this
understanding of the abc paradigm but know that we
can reverse it so that we don't remain a victim to
our circumstances that we understand that the
situation or the activating event the A followed by
our belief or our interpretation of that situation
that has everything to do with the consequence of
how we feel and how we act But we can reverse it to
be intentional about reality creation So if we
start with the sea which means putting out there on
purpose what it is that we feel and how we act
right Act the way we wish to feel so before the
evidence comes in kind of like we did with our
meditation that there was no situation that caused
us in that moment to feel that sense of love and
connection But we cultivated that from within that
then downstream what this leads to is a change in
our situations that our outer world will conform to
our inner world if we hold that note long enough or
as Wayne Dyer said if you change the way you look
at things the things you look at change even the
buddhist said this all that we are as a result of
our thoughts Okay so here's an exercise that I'd
like you to do for homework So what I want you to
do is to think about something that you're going
through right now Step back and identify the story
that your mind is making What exactly are the
thoughts that you're thinking about with this
situation Whether it's something globally going on
in the world around us and all the chaos that we're
seeing or something going on in your individual
life Take a few moments later today to just
journalists oftentimes a stream of consciousness
can be helpful Don't filter it out What is it that
I'm thinking about in regards to this situation or
how am I framing the narrative Okay from there What
I'd like you to do is find that worksheet again
it's called the categories of distorted automatic
thoughts and then what I'd like you to do is to go
through that list and see if there are any
distortions or categories that fit in with the
narrative that you're thinking about Don't come
from this place of judgment or that you're on some
sort of witch hunt to find what you're thinking
that's incorrect or wrong But take a step back and
be curious about this Be willing to ask questions
about the conclusions if you've drawn any asking
such questions as is this really true I know it
feels true but is it really true Or another 1 Is
what is the evidence I like to tell my clients take
the thoughts to court If it is 100% true does it
serve me to continue thinking this thought And I'm
telling you guys that these questions are more
powerful than we might understand So while this
exercise might seem straightforward or simple don't
confuse that with how profound the results of this
can be So again the takeaway is that there's no
pressure to change what you're thinking but just
hold space to see if there are any different
vantage points of how you could view it So while we
might say to other people think is this true is
this helpful Is this inspiring or necessary Or what
is it that I'm about to say to this other person Is
it kind we can also have these same filtering
questions that we ask ourselves So here's an
example of spinning this around This is called
paranoia The belief that the universe is actually
conspiring in our favor that we can create our own
happiness So your brain works just like a computer
So make sure that you are the only one programming
it it's time folks that we turn our magic all the
way on So I thank you for listening to me I have a
few things that I like to share one is that I'm
really excited about leading a trip to Egypt this
coming spring and we are going to be having a
fantastic time So we're going to go into the great
Pyramid and we'll be able to meditate for two hours
with just our core group will be able to go into
the lower chamber We also have the experience of
going into the Sphinx enclosure And less than 1% of
people who head to Egypt will have that opportunity
We'll be taking a five star trip all throughout the
country and if you're interested I hope you can
join us So I went a year ago from this past March
and I can tell you unequivocably that the
experience changed my life And I stayed in touch
with my guide and he asked if I wanted to help him
lead a tour and I almost dropped the phone I said
heck yeah sign me up So anyway really looking
forward to this and the theme will be kind of
understanding spirituality and vibration and how
the ancients use this and harness this and then
we'll be including some of my material in terms of
how to have our own experiences at these sacred
temple sites So this could be you So how you can
reach me is either going to be through Youtube um
that I am looking forward to getting back and
making some more videos have meditations I have
more descriptions of talking about these master
keys and making them practical and I'm finishing up
right now an online course that will unpack and
unlock all of these master keys so that you can
have your own experience with the divine That you
can be more confident in terms of how you create
your own individual reality and how we can work
together to usher in this five D World experience
that we want to see So I'm also on instagram and
twitter have a website and I'll be putting more
information about Egypt both on my website and on
Youtube So we have a few minutes remaining and
let's see if I can head up to the Q and A and see
if there are any questions that you guys have So go
ahead and feel free to ask those and I'm happy to
answer So the first one says how to strengthen and
use intuitive gifts to help me and others That is a
wonderful question So intuition is its own language
and part of how we get in touch with intuition is
by practice that we have to learn what it feels
like when we are tapping into intuition for example
and comparing that to fear And so this is going to
take time for us to really explore the nuances of
what is intuition speaking to me and how is that
different from my ego Like that Deepak chopra quote
that I read So what I would say more specifically
would be to start with cultivating a mindfulness
practice That the more you're able to do this the
more you are able to get in touch with your emotion
and you're able to understand more than nuances of
this inner world You know when we look at the word
mindfulness it comes from a word in the pali
language which means the pasta and the pasta when
we translate it literally means insight meditation
in sight or seeing within being able to get in
touch with our intuition So so helpful Okay why do
religions claim to authoritarian dogmatic styles So
part of that I think is tradition and I would argue
that part of that is also fear And I'd say part of
this is that when we are in a low vibe state
remember how I was talking about momentum that we
stay stuck in that energy field And that's where
these tools of psychology come in to help
springboard or help us move past these low stuck
vibrational states to further usher in the person
that we want to be What inspires me being able to
share these messages with you that what we talked
about today just skims the surface in regards to
what these master keys are and I can't wait to
share more of these with you in my courses on
Youtube elsewhere to be able to help us all work
together as a team to help usher in the world that
we wish to see Okay what do I think about soul
contracts I think there is a lot of
misunderstandings about soul contracts that there
isn't enough discussion about the fact that we can
change these soul contracts And the way that I
think about it is more of a nuance that we might
have certain overarching themes that we have to
experience in any given incarnation but that we can
move into more of the nuances of changing that soul
contract and being the fullest expression of
ourself Okay let's see Okay how important do you
think it is to gather with people in person to
meditate or enough to connect over the ethers
Excellent question So I think it's mhm It's both
and I say both because of quantum physics So when
we can meditate in person like we are doing now
that has a wonderful expression I mean if we were
able to look from um spiritual or an energetic
field of when we did our meditation together I
would argue there would be light beams emitting
from earth from our powerful collected pooled
energy But guess what if you go back and you listen
to this later that you can still have that same
experience even though it's on a recording That is
what's so trippy about quantum physics Okay well I
want to be respectful of time and so I want to
thank everybody for listening to me Hopefully you
found this um encouraging or informative and what
I'd encourage you to do is to go ahead and
subscribe on my Youtube channel because I have a
lot of videos coming forward and I do my best to
try to make the information as practical as
possible with exercises and keeping it fun So thank
you all for your attention and I hope you have a
good rest of your day Mhm Okay
People: Alex Bloom
Topics: Awakening & Ascension, Consciousness, Inner Work, Metaphysics, Spirituality
Beautiful uplifting presentation, thank you!
In this shifting of consciousness, experienced by some of us, not by all, as far as that’s verifiable to you and me, not with a label attached of right and wrong, I’m pondering this “flip” from negative to positive often.
I believe that transmutation is key in what follows here.
At this point in time, there seems to be another way to be in a moment of emotional turmoil, and be okay with it in that condition.
By observing all of it, while present from top to toe, in one’s body, and embrace what at first seems unwelcome, not wanted.
Embracing that experience from the affinity with oneself that one has (established) in one’s heart.
An expanding space, the more we enter it, cradling the suffering.
To me, it’s the best healing practice, avoiding useless interference of healing practices using protocols that the one who requests the healing cannot follow or make good use of.
I remember my years of training in this work, terrified of “doing it wrong”.
Feeling the responsibility so heavy on my shoulders, that I “played small”. Just to avoid performing. I smile about that trick of mine now.
When I performed healings in class, as training practice, sometimes the result was impressive.
I remember the admiring remarks of teachers, witnessing it.
At that time, 35 years ago, my connection with who I am was waferthin. I heard the remarks, but remained aloof, shrugging my shoulders almost in disbelief. Playing cool as a defence, a shield, was my game. How that has changed for the better, through the years.
And so, what about that “flip”? To me it’s not walking away from what IS, and replace it by a 🙂, like giving a toddler in a tantrum a sweet, to make the screams stop, not addressing the issue, but rather in full acknowledgement and compassion within the 💛
And I don’t mean a sentimental journey, mind you 😉
The voice of Dr Alex Bloom is so pleasant and calming, that my two kitten boys Thorin and Frodo, sit listening with attention, and start falling asleep, wobbly on their haunches, eyes closing. So very cute. One came sitting on my lap today, first time since they arrived a week ago. Ginger and white, 11 weeks old.
Jo vím mnoho ale je toho ještě více co nemám možnost v překladu do Českého jazyka, zrovna ty videa jsou supr u nás to lidé neznají tak dobře a málo kdo by to také přeložil. Je to škoda že u nás je taková neinformovanost začala jsem s těmi informace před 10 lety a pořád to je slabota prostě lidé u nás pořád spí
Thank you a healing powerful message
Awesome! WOW!!!
Fabulous talk
nice, relaxing