Mystery School: Ancient Civilizations

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Ancient Civilizations
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Here we are, ancient civilizations.
All right, so that's the topic for tonight,
and I just wanted to talk about a few really good ones.
And, uh, if I didn't get the one that you liked the most,
like you said, tell us at the end.
We'll talk about it for a minute.
So, number one, this is, uh, hi Brazil.
I don't know if you guys are familiar with it as much.
It's definitely not a very common one,
but, uh, you know, especially in our country.
But, uh, this is right off the coast of Ireland.
This little x right here is called Porcupine Bank.
It is a place that is now underwater.
But as you can see, this little area right here,
where the X is, is a raised bed.
And according to Ireland, legend,
and those in that area,
there was once a small island named High Brazil.
That island is on the maps for hundreds of years.
Uh, pretty incredible, um,
and different maps from different people around the world.
Um, according to legend though,
when people would get on boats
and try to go to it, they couldn't even get to it.
It was covered in mist.
It was inhabited by wizards
and incredible monks
and, um, saints, people with high, uh, you know,
adept understandings of magic.
There was a story when one dude did get off with his family,
he went on by himself, but his family stayed back.
He went to a castle, met with a wizard who gave him gold
and returned to his ship.
And, um, you know, just pretty incredible.
And he goes back and he has the gold with him.
Um, this was said to have been there
for hundreds of years, at least.
The legend is again covered and miss.
So, um, one of the craziest thing is
one day the legend says, one day outta seven years, all
of a sudden you could see the island just one out,
one day outta seven years
that you would be able to see the island.
But every other day, other than that,
it was literally covered in mist and you couldn't see it.
And anybody who tried to get to it,
literally on a boat just kept circling
and circling around, could never find it.
Sometimes it would appear
and reappear as if it's like in another dimension almost.
So just the island of high Brazil, it's on the map,
is Brasilia, Brazil sill it's called
by several different lanes, high Brazil.
But, um, definitely on the map for hundreds of years,
and probably at some point either took off
sunk under the water or who knows.
But definitely a lot of information. What's that?
What, um, can you describe your interests in these
civilizations as you go through them?
I, I'm curious to hear, um, the, the selection and the flow.
Uh, I just told you about it.
Mystery island that can't be seen.
But one day you couldn't get to it if you tried to.
That's, that's my interest. I think that's incredible. Yeah.
Okay. The fact, The fact that,
you know, what people were there. What's that?
You know, what people were there, like the, the natives,
The, the legend is that, you know, there were one guy
who the got off, got on
and went into a huge tower that had a magician
and an old guy, white beard, white hair,
uh, if I remember correctly.
Um, and, you know, just monks and saints, just like,
and you know, I don't know if that we, when we think
of those words, I don't know if that
we're thinking about the right thing.
We're thinking about Jesus type.
People we're thinking about Christ consciousness, Buddha,
we're talking about high, you know, high integrity,
compassion, longevity of life.
Um, not just an island that was hard to get to,
or just a mystery island, you know what I mean?
These things normally, um, you know, are surrounded by
different legends.
That's to me, I'm not just trying
to tell you about a civilization that I think is core
or, you know, they had a cool building
or something that might be hard to build,
but the legend of the people themselves that live there,
where of high technology and high valor
and, um, you know, just
Kinda like Atlantis.
Yeah. And I, you know, I would say, you know, the,
the most, the majority of the civilizations
that I'll show you today, I think
after the flood legends all say that Alanis Lamia,
all those kinds of people tend
to go off into certain places.
Now. The water's a bit higher.
They've got to disperse and go different places.
So one could argue that ancient Egypt
and, uh, you know, the Mayans
and people like that we're all just of people
of Atlantis and everything else.
It reminds me of a place, um, in a Dr.
Seuss story called, um, Bartholomew
and the Ble, uh, the place was called Mount Nta,
and it was where the wizards lived,
and the king consulted
with the wizards at Mount Nta in that story.
Yeah. A mysterious misty
mountaintop sort of place.
Inaccessible, what mountain are
You saying?
On more afic? A fictional one in a Dr. Sue's story. Oh,
Okay. Yeah.
But even some of that, you know,
is probably based on legend just taken
and watered down a little bit more.
And Mm-Hmm. Changed, changed up
and, you know, re um, redistributed, you know what I mean?
Yeah. Um, so right now,
now you're looking at it's hyper boria.
Um, hyper boria is one that, uh, again, similar situation
as, um, high Brazil,
but these, the, the legend was with the hyper burr, um,
lived above the North wind,
and their home was a place of paradise.
They lived to be a thousand years old.
They were very, very tall people, beautiful big eyes.
Um, and, you know, they lived above the northern wind.
And, um, so hyper voia is definitely one too, again,
where it's similar to high Brazil, high technology, um,
people who definitely looked a little bit different
than the modern day person.
And, um, uh, here, let me read you this real quick too.
They were, um, they were people that lived
to be a thousand years old and had
and lives in complete happiness
where it was sun shining all day in the summertime,
and the sun lasted for most of the day.
So sounds like poor density, you know, it also, and, um,
but they did have to have fire at in the
winter because it did get cold.
But the fact that it talks about the sun shining
for such a long period of day, that's like Alaska.
Alaska definitely, um, you know, has the same thing
where it has sunshine almost 24
hours a day in the summertime.
So, um, again, I think, you know, that seems
to coincide with real events.
So, um, the fact that that's part
of the legend definitely confirms
that this is probably more than anything a real place
and, um, definitely very cool.
Uh, you know what they about just a kind
of a cool picture I found online that went along with it,
but, um, seemed to be in the northern,
up near the North Pole, uh, in the mountains.
Um, and that's the same thing as the Nordics.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Kind of, but definitely a different
area, you know, Uhhuh Yeah.
Type Ria. Yeah. So pretty cool.
But yeah, I would say they were probably, you know,
in the same species, family, whatever you want to call it,
and just living in different, uh, parts of the world,
super close to each other.
You can see the Aurora, Are they associated
with the people that were recording, uh, history in the ice?
In the what? In the ice? In the ice?
Have you heard that? Yeah.
Um, I've heard, um, a couple of, um,
storylines, I suppose, about civilizations that
stored information both in water and in ice.
And that was one of them that they were near the North Pole,
and they were, um, recording information for Earth,
basically in the, uh, the ice caps,
something to that effect.
And I think, I think they are the Nordics that, uh,
Michael Sala writes about.
Yeah. Yeah. So let me I clarify that real quick.
It said, the legend said the sun was supposed to rise
and set only once a year in hyper Boria,
so it literally was like sunny all the time there. So
That have you, it's, uh, it's, that's the experience, uh,
from spring to, uh,
or from winter through spring into summer in Alaska.
That's, uh, basically the sunrise.
Right. So, yeah, I mean,
it seems like they lived in the northern
north part North Pole
And above the Arctic circle.
Right. And, you know, as far as we know,
no one ever lives in the poll.
So, um, except for the fact that, you know, uh, some tough
People live that live up there.
Well, you know, according to, you know,
what Albert Einstein and a Casey's saying, what I tend
to subscribe to as well is at each pole there's an opening
and, and close to those openings
that weather is a bit nicer, um, from the inside the heat
of the earth, but you can fly into the center of the earth,
or at least the crust.
Um, that's what Admiral Bird did.
And in his diary, he wrote about that.
And once he flew into the, um, openings in the poles,
he was, you know, basically caught
by like a tractor beam, brought 'em in.
He met up with these really tall, you know, uh, inhabitants
of the inside and told him to stop, we need
to stop using nuclear weapons.
This was in World War ii.
We were messing up the earth for everybody
because we're, you know, blasting off nuclear weapons on the
outside, but it was obviously messing
things up for them inside.
So near the center of the, near the poles,
or in, you know, at the ends of the poles,
the north end south, there are two openings on one on each
pole where you can literally fly into the earth. That's
Where, that was Charles Hapgood book,
Admiral Bird, BYO,
Admiral Admiral by of the, the mission, the,
the failed mission to go to the South.
But who flew, who flew into the north, was that Hapgood?
He may have too. Yeah.
That's, uh, that's a good,
and that's where, can you write that down? Hap
Good. I think that was
Hap Good. It sounds
like you read his book. I haven't yet.
I I haven't read it, but I, I've heard of Hapgood.
I know more about the Admiral Bird story
of him flying into the poles
and then, you know, like said down
To the south Meeting the people inside.
Yeah. And I think that was a hush hush thing,
but he did his, his journal comes out later
and, you know, it's something that he, it seems
that he wrote about, you know,
there's never any actual 100% confirmation that it's his,
but I, I mean, it's such a great story.
It's where this journey of the center
of the earth comes from, you know what I mean?
So, um, super interesting.
But definitely these people obviously had a high technology
and understanding to, to live in such a place.
And, um, like you said, hearty people, strong people,
and probably just knew more about nature
and earth in general, and how to live
with Mother Earth instead of just honor.
Uh, here's another one, number three, lo Laia.
Um, so this was a pretty big piece of the land.
This is off the coast of Madagascar, India, and Australia.
This land was here. And I think that's one
of the reasons why people say that lemurs
live in Madagascar, that the lemurs came from Laia.
And so they just, you know, there were the remnants,
the animals from Lamor that are still left over, um, Lamia.
A lot of people say that the Laan
after the flood, they ended up in Side Mount Shasta.
I don't know. Oh, look at that cute little baby. Um, mm-Hmm.
Is up pretty late. Um,
but that is pretty interesting that the, the civilization,
a lot of people ended up there from that area.
I mean, again, you know, just the disperse of,
of a cataclysm like that, uh,
where people end up in Egypt and other places.
Um, but I have heard many, many times that the inhabitant
of Mount Shosta are laurium Mm-Hmm.
If I could add to that Jacob real quick.
Um, I actually went to Mount Shasta a couple weeks ago.
Um, it's amazing. It's an incredible place for sure. Mm-Hmm.
Um, and also, um, um,
I don't pretend to know, um, what's accurate.
I can tell you that I actually am, um, a student
of the modern mystery school.
Mm-Hmm. Um, and I'm actually going to London tomorrow, uh,
to go to, um, further classes with them.
And so I had just actually completed the 12 Races
of Earth class with them on Monday, I think.
Mm-Hmm. And, um,
what they had actually an Indian Ocean was actually, um, Moo
and Lumeria, um, according to, uh, their lineage.
And also, um, a couple others
that I've heard was actually the Pacific Ocean,
and that's why they ended up in Shasta,
which is also described as the root chakra Yeah.
Of the Earth. Um,
but they sort of inhabited the whole Pacific rim
around the Pacific Ocean.
Mm-Hmm. Um, and then they were named Lamia
because an explorer only 200 years ago, uh,
who was actually in the Indian Ocean discovered a chain
of islands that was populated by lemurs.
And so he called that area Lumeria.
So I would say that it's actually a little bit foggy at
best, because I think some people refer to the civilization
that was south of India in the Indian Ocean
as LaMer, some say.
No, that's the Moo and Lam is actually, uh, east of there
and in the Pacific Ocean.
Yeah. Yeah. So you're right on about those things. Mute.
Uh, there's definitely talk and discussion,
and like I said, uh,
unless you remember it down in the deep DNA of your,
of your body, you know,
I feel like it's all up for discussion. Um,
Totally. Yeah.
Agreed. A hundred percent.
The answers are definitely down in the DNA,
but definitely something that you hit on was
that when these cataclysms happen, uh,
especially I believe the end of the 26,000 year cycle
when our earth stops spinning, um,
because of the pole shifts.
And so every, every action as an equal
and opposite reaction, I believe when the poles flip,
our earth will stop spinning the way it is
before it'll stop for probably about three days
where one side receives sun
and one side will receive darkness
because of the sun shadow.
And, uh, I believe that's why the Middle Eastern talk about
three days of darkness and the Hopi tradition talk about a
long day that happened in the past, that will happen again.
Um, but in that, um, zero point, as I call it,
that is when the,
we have the shifting of the crust and everything.
And so you're right, I do think that that's why it's easier
to disperse in certain places
or where you might end up somewhere different,
completely different, because the whole shifting
of the earth, uh, you know, one of one civilization
that I didn't do certainly
that I could do is Antarctica was a continent
that was probably somewhere near the equator at some point.
There are lots of pyramids that seem to be, uh,
visible on it now,
and there's, I would say under the ice is a plethora
of things that show civilization was once
on Antarctica as well.
So yeah, just lamia super cool place, uh, the technology,
the, uh, you know, very similar to Atlantis, the legends,
the stories, the, you know, um, all the things about it.
Very similar to Atlantis.
I was watching something the other day about that,
about La Maria and Atlantis Mm-Hmm.
And I always thought that Atlantis was the good guys
that had like all of the, um, highly evolved species,
you know, they're, and,
and just like a little bit more angelic Mm-Hmm.
But I'm starting to, uh, I'm starting to realize that a lot
of people are talking about the Reptilians are the ones
that started Atlantis,
and it was a really high tech,
like more on the negative side.
And then Lam Laira was the one
that was like more mystical and magical.
And, and, you know, I always thought
that Atlantis was the one that was all like, you know,
angelic and, um, you know.
Yeah. Again, like I said earlier, this is all, a lot
of this is speculation.
We're coming from a place of very, very limited information.
Right. And you were someone to just completely
remember it all in your DNA, uh, you know,
it's really up for discussion.
I have had a couple past lives revealed
to me in past life regressions of being in Atlantis.
And to me it seemed pretty benign.
It seemed overall, you know,
free energy environments, you know?
Mm-Hmm. Nothing was limited as much,
but, um, I,
I felt personally like it was more feminine
led, if that makes sense.
Uhhuh. So we're now kind of in a more masculine,
we use more left, more left brain.
Uh, I feel like it was more ripe brain back then, um, right.
That one's better or worse.
The other both have its advantages and disadvantages.
I, I, I think to have a a a best civilization we have is
to have a balanced masculine and f uh, civilization.
I agree. Civilization not one
where one is more prominent than the other.
Mm-Hmm. So, um,
but again, I mean, does everybody in Atlantis, you know,
positive and, you know, probably not everybody in Aria
positive and, you know, probably not.
Yeah. I mean, you know,
and back to just,
I wanna say something about the Reptilians.
I don't personally feel like all reptilians are bad either.
Right, right, right. I don't either.
I think some of them probably have evolved.
They just still look reptilian, you know?
But that doesn't mean we all have negative intentions
and wanna eat us and, you know, whatever.
So, um, right. You know, well, I think most
of 'em are controlled by ai
and they have nanotechnology in them.
So I think naturally they're not necessarily dark,
but a lot of them are being controlled by the AI uhhuh.
It's like people say the Anki came down here
and, you know, uh, created people and, and for as slaves,
and sure they did, but that doesn't mean every occu did.
What I, what we have to realize is when civilizations,
you know, scour the universe looking
to take the resources, who is that?
That's probably military people.
That's probably not, you know,
the average person from another planet.
You know what I mean? Just like when we go take the
countries, it's our military, it's not Randy
and me going to take over a
So, um, there's another school of thought too.
If you ever check out Mathia Ano on Gaia,
he does have recall over three separate past lives then,
and apparently access to the Akasha record also.
But the way that he describes this, he has a great episode,
at least one episode
where he goes back a hundred thousand years,
or actually he may even go as far back as a million years,
but then most of the races
that he talks about are
in the last a hundred thousand years.
And what he describes is that we are, um, sort of a,
a galactic orphanage, obviously,
and that different races come here to, um,
spread their information, is what he,
what he always calls it.
But it's DNA, I mean, it's how, uh, it's
how the races do this.
And what, um, what he says is
that there was a sort of a council formed out of, um,
part of the Galactic Federation,
and, um, as part of a way to help resolve
some galactic, um, friction that, that multiple races
and planetary systems had.
They agreed that they were gonna come and collect
or deposit their information here on Earth, um, together
and in a way to show that the races
with their collective information could in fact coexist.
And that that's part of, um,
and there's, there's many other stories,
if you read the contact as well to, it sounds kind of like
The Orion Wars.
Yeah, that's what, that's what he says,
that it all comes out of, out of Orion.
Um, and the raw contact, um, with the law of one,
if you've ever read that, which is a channel, um,
teaching from the early eighties.
Um, they talk extensively also about, um, similarly, um, et
that come here and, um, share their information.
Um, and mostly though, um, all benevolently, this is really,
um, you know, the universe is sort of a, a nursery
for consciousness
and all advanced civilizations, whether they,
they're positively or negatively polarized, uh, event
or ultimately are trying to raise consciousness up, uh,
in the way that they feel is, uh, most beneficial.
And so obviously the Galactic Federation
and those that are more positively polarized, um, you know,
do it sort of one way and,
and the negative ones do the other,
and we're sort of under quarantine, um, yeah.
You know, under that, uh, that under that system.
Yeah. It's kind of like if you pull,
pull yourself down like a rubber band,
eventually when you let go of that,
it pops back up even farther
than it would've been initially.
So every, every lesson is therefore really valid.
And I just wanna show this picture
because it kind of moves the mo around,
puts Moo in there, like you were saying.
And so, you know, it, it just, you know, opens up the doors.
Okay. I think these things are possibly there, uh,
where exactly, I'm not gonna claim
to know exactly where these things were.
Obviously Atlantis being in the Atlantic Ocean makes a lot
of sense, but some of these other ones I'm open to.
And I believe it's a beautiful discussion just
to have it, just to talk about it.
So, you know, Atlantis is our next one,
and it has, the, the rings around it, um, is
how Plato described it.
As far as I know.
That's our first, um, you know, interaction with,
with the Atlantis is Plato's, Plato talking about it.
Um, and, and I, as my, I, my assumption is that,
that he come up with that, uh, you know, from a memory,
from a, um, you know, from a dream
or a vision to seeing
that in the mind's eye and coming up with that.
And, you know, some people speculate too, that, you know,
he was just, um, part of some secret groups,
some secret mystery schools,
and, you know, he was given that information as well.
So that's definitely a possibility.
But we all know that, uh, Atlantis and,
and all these places sunk
and in a day, um, I, this is something
that's always fascinated me,
and I've always, I've always been someone
to not believe something
or not believe it, just see it for what it is.
And so I kind of asked my guides one time, I was like,
how does it get to a day?
You know, it takes a long time
for polar caps to melt and everything.
And that's where I got the idea
of the planet stopped spinning.
That just came to me one day
and I found it in some other places.
Don't they talk about that in the Bible too?
Like in Revelations, how there's gonna be one day
that there's gonna be darkness.
Yeah. The three days of darkness, and that's from,
and those, those come from the Middle East, right?
So one side of the planet,
but the Hopi tradition in the Americas where we live,
talk about a long day that happens.
Okay? So a long extended period of light.
So that to me would mean
that the planet was stopped spinning
because the flipped, that's your equal
and opposite reaction then, then
before it starts to spin the other way
to gather up this new vibrational frequency.
Mm-Hmm. So that's what you want.
Um, I was in the park one day looking at, um, Tova Kiva
and, um, had this really beautiful download that
the reason that people want you to be polarized, Democrat,
Republican, white, black, whatever it is, good versus evil,
um, to be polarized as seven,
8 billion people on the planet keeps our planet from
the polarities flipping.
We want the polarities to flip.
This is the natural process that happens,
but when seven plus billion people are on the planet are
polarized against each other for the color
or skin, whatever, anything we are
affecting magnetically this flip from happening,
and we want it to happen, it should happen.
So take yourself out of the pul polarization of ideas
and concepts no longer allowing people to have free will,
to be you have your ideas, and I have mind,
but I'm certainly not gonna fight you over them.
And, um, I'm not gonna take one side
or the other, you know, realizing that Democrat
or Republican, they're all part of the same bird.
So, um, but what else?
Another thing that I found out about that is
as the world is spinning,
there's actually a bulge at the equator, like a hamburger.
And, um, that's
because it's spinning 16,000 miles an hour,
it's making the water bulge up at the equator.
So if we were to have a moment
where the planet stopped spinning, that bulge,
therefore would be completely released, a huge
gathering of that water
that's at the equator we're completely dispersed
extremely quickly across the entire planet.
And I believe it's about 80%
of all people live within a hundred miles of the coast land.
You know? So it is an astronomical number for it to, if
that was to happen, all this water's gathered be equator,
the planet stops spinning and all
that water disperses quickly.
Anybody, 80% of people live a hundred miles from the coast.
It's a really, yeah. It's somewhere in that neighborhood.
The last time I heard it was, you know, several years
Ago, 500 or so port cities around the world.
Yeah. You're talking about, you know what I mean?
If you had that, if you had waves like that, it would,
it would decimate the population
of the planet in a day, you know?
Mm-Hmm. Um, yeah, it's a large number of people live on the,
within a hundred miles of the coast.
So, like I said, if that's, that's just what I gathered up
and I asked my guides about it,
and I, you know, I find the breadcrumbs, I find the stories,
I find the things, and you know what I mean?
I don't even know anybody else that knew
that the water bulges at the equator like that.
It was just something I found in its
journal, a scientific journal.
So, um, it just blew my mind that that was, you know,
there when I, when I actually tried to look for it
and find it and just be open to the mystery. So something,
You know, a couple people who know about that
Now. Yeah, I do
now. Yeah.
But back in the day, 10 years ago,
I had no idea anybody was even cared about that.
Anything more than Atlantis. Like, there's anything else
to figure out about it, you know what I mean?
But again, Atlantis is a, you know, port in the middle
of the ocean, um, that was high technology,
free energy apparently,
and just incredible, um, insights to nature
and to the wonder of the world that we are just now
beginning to start to understand again.
And so they, they sank in a day,
and those people had to, they had to get out.
And I would assume back in the day when that happened,
it killed off a large percentage of the people.
And there were certain people who were able to listen
to their intuition that had contact with their guides
and aliens and, you know, whatever, who were able
to help take them off the planet,
bring them from other places, uh,
whatever they had to do to survive.
But, um, I do think a small percentage of people left.
And those people, you know, created the, the Mayan cities,
the Egyptian cities and different cities. I feel
Like there was a lot of, um, different races there.
Yeah. That's definitely the things
that I've heard too different.
It's a, a melting pot, you know, almost,
and I think it's weird today that we have such a,
you know, we have the races, like really,
there's only one race, the human race.
And the only reason that we have people that look
so much different than the other is
because of the Tower of Babel.
So back in the day, the Tower of Babel was a tower
that could top their reach to heavens.
They, humanity was united by one living language.
We could all speak the same language.
And then God came down
and confused, man with Babel, Babel, tower Babel,
because we had become one
that doesn't sound like the God of love.
That sounds like someone who has an ego, doesn't want us
to communicate, and then therefore, white people stay
with white people and black people, black people,
and don't, you know, necessarily, um,
procreate with each other.
But I, I tend to think even more than just color of a skin,
you're, when you're talking about the reptilians
or bird people, or I think there was a plethora
of different type of race lines, more so than just,
you know, different colors of humans that live there.
Um, certainly because they could, people could come and go.
Aliens could come and go. Our imagination was at a higher
spot, so things were, you know, more available.
So seeing in the U ffo back in those days, like, it's just,
it's just another human, it's just another ascentia being.
So, yeah, I think it was totally, um, fine.
Nobody cared about that. Like they would today.
It would literally kill people if an alien,
if a ship landed in front of some people,
some people would literally, probably die, would like,
give them an aneurysm, you know,
because it would be too much overload for them, literally.
Um, back in the day, I felt like this
was just everyday life.
It just, what happened? So obviously these, uh,
civilizations are all underneath the, uh,
water Atlantis has sunk and lumeria sunk,
and the remnants are all underground.
So this is De Bimini road
found in 1968 off the coast of Bahamas.
Edgar Casey in the early 19 hundreds,
and one of his most famous channelings in 1938, said
that we would find the remnants of Atlantis in 1968 and 69.
He was a hundred percent right.
This is for all means
and purposes, a road built with intention.
Um, and this was found in 1968, um,
right off the coast of The Bahamas.
And I, I believe he was right.
He was able to channel in to that power within us to,
you know, let us know, Hey, you guys are gonna find
the remnants in Atlantis.
So again, Bahamas, you're talking about Atlantic Ocean,
you're talking about all the right places, um,
how big Atlantis was, who knows.
And even if Atlantis was just one city
or a collective term for an entire race or species
or, you know, um, village, if you will, of, of,
you know, a big island, maybe
Atlantics was just a huge island.
And so there's, you know, remnants all
around the Atlantic ocean,
but I, I certainly do believe that this is a
manmade structure in The Bahamas that, uh, he predicted
that they would find, and he was right.
And so again, um, off the coast of Cuba,
when they're doing solar scan sonar scans of the ocean,
they got permission from the Cuban government to do this.
They were looking for something else,
but they did find pyramids literally on the bottom
of the ocean off the coast of Cuba,
which I just feel like is absolutely pretty recent last,
yeah, last few years, past few years, absolutely.
That they were able to do this
and they really tried to cover it up,
but, um, they'd already got the
permission and already got the photos.
So some of 'em were out there.
It's just, again, you know, this should be on the top
of news headlines.
Yep, yep. But it's just, nobody's gonna talk about it.
It's not what, you know, people are getting paid millions
of dollars to talk about talking
About. I think we're gonna
continue getting, um,
having more discoveries, like more
and more, um, shocking discoveries, you know?
I mean, there's de Yeah. I,
I think the biggest one will probably be Anana Antarctica.
I think when the, yeah, when the ice Mels on Antarctica,
the pyramids on Antarctica,
and the things they're gonna find on
that is gonna be mind blowing, and it's gonna be undeniable.
So again, whether it's off the coast of Cuba or Puerto Rico
or wherever, Greece, um, we're gonna continuously find,
like you said, artifacts.
And, you know, obviously some
of these things could have been from sucking chips,
but, um, a lot of these are literally civilizations
and, uh, underneath the water,
because the water at some point was much
lower than is today.
So this is an Egyptian artifacts,
and, um, you just,
there's all kinds of cool pictures and stuff.
I just picked a few of, some of the ones that were kind
of more clear, because it's, when, when I share my screen,
I wanna make sure you guys can see as much as possible,
but just incredible pictures of all kinds of cool stuff
underneath the water that, um, you know, obviously there,
and this is off the coast of Japan,
and these are just, there's no way that these are
not manmade, uh, temples.
They're obviously right angles, uh,
just looking at this thing, you just know,
there's just no way that this is, uh, anything else
but a manmade structure underwater.
I mean, look at that, nothing but right angles
and straight lines and Mm-Hmm.
It looks, looks like every other pyramid, you know,
somewhere to every other pyramid around the world, so,
and so, there's just a lot of great pictures of 'em.
So, um, this one looks like the Mayan temple,
uh, underwater.
And so here we'll come to, uh, back to the Middle East.
This is Petra Jordan.
Um, I just don't think really today we're gonna create
something with such precision
and, you know, magnificence as the Petra, the temples
of Petra, it is just incredible that any,
anything other than very,
very recent times in the past couple decades,
if anything like this is even remotely possible, um,
without the technology close to what we have today, uh,
they're, they're carving out out of rock like this.
And with such precision, this is a one and done deal.
This is not, um, you know, you can't, you,
there is no mess up, right?
Where, where do you get the technology to be able to create
out of one side of a rock, the technology to be able
to create, you know, buildings and temples like this.
To me, it's just astronomical. And the same thing.
This is Ethiopia. These are the church.
They say King lolly Bella created. And I, I just find it.
I just, I just say, no way.
There's no way these things were
built a couple hundred years ago.
Um, you know, when we just didn't have the technology.
These things were, I think, much older.
Uh, you look at this thing, you can see some of the,
the growth on it, um, the growth on it that's taken,
obviously a long time for it to get this growth in algae
and moss and all the things that are growing on this thing.
It's obviously been there for quite some time.
And again, the precision that it takes to cut the rocks,
um, and,
and these are all, these are all one rock where the,
the remaining rock is gone.
It's completely taken out.
It, it is cut from almost from the top down,
and everything else around it is completely taken out.
These, these churches in Ethiopia, I,
I've never set my eyes on them myself,
but definitely, um, you know, one of the, one
of the most incredible structures in the world, I believe,
um, that, uh, you know, literally cut outta one rock.
And obviously churches, you can walk through them,
so they're hollowing side as well,
but just, you know, absolutely incredible that,
um, there's just no way.
I, I just don't think that the plannings there,
the blueprints are there for anybody's
a few hundred years ago.
And, and you know, this, these are,
these things are super difficult for us to try today,
and we're not doing it today.
We're not even doing it.
So, to, to make an argument like, oh, we can do that today.
Well, where's it at? Where's anybody doing this at?
Nobody's even trying this anywhere else.
You know what I mean? And they did it in,
there's multiple churches.
So they did it. They,
and to me, I think they did it 'cause it was easy.
It wasn't necessarily hard,
and I don't think it had to be groups of people, right?
When you talk about King Solomon, when you talk about,
you know, Jesus said, I could tear it, you know,
I could tear a, um, temple
town and rebuild it in three days.
Of course, I think he's talking about his body,
but he's also talking about the buildings too.
I think the, the magic
that these people have in the advancement, in their mind
is far beyond what we know it.
And to them, these things are probably more
easy than they are hard.
Didn't they also, the civilization at Petra
just disappear suddenly?
Yeah, I think so. There's like almost
no trace of them at all, to be honest.
I don't think, I don't know any really,
almost anything about them.
That's just, it's just not even there.
So, of course, the pyramids of Egypt, uh, one
of the most famous ones of all, um, and this is really cool,
and I, I think most of you guys probably know this,
but just to point this out, when you look at the main,
the tallest pyramid of Giza, you can see
how it has a little bit of this, um, part on top.
So it literally, before, um,
before it got old, they literally stole the casing
of the pyramids.
And, um, when it was, when it said
to be in new pristine form, it was so shiny
that you could bounce a laser beam off
of it from outer space.
Oh, wow. Yeah. So
I didn't even think about that.
Right. Yeah. That's pretty incredible.
Um, so yeah,
and, you know, these things honestly could have been there
before, after.
Um, but yeah, so all the stone
that was covering the pyramid at one time has been literally
stolen and brought
to different civilizations around the world.
People have stolen and take it different places,
but, um, you know, these things were covered up.
It's almost just like the sand.
Somebody was like, oh, somebody's coming.
We gotta get rid of these things,
and they just cover 'em up in sand.
That's exactly how the stinks was found.
Like literally from its eyeballs up was the only thing
showing probably just
because that's how truth is at some point.
You can't, you can't cover it up for a long time,
but eventually it's gonna be uncovered.
Mm-Hmm. But, um, I think out of all the things in Egypt,
this thing we're looking at here is probably the most
profound by far artifact in Egypt.
Um, the SPX is probably much older than
even the pyramids are.
Uh, I don't know if you guys have seen some
of the ancient aliens and stuff like that,
but the SPX has water damage on it, and mm-Hmm.
It literally, on its back, it literally has water damage.
And the last time anybody even considers the, the Sahara
to have been a wet environment tempered environment was tens
of thousands of years ago.
And, um, you can kind of, you can see that
through soil samples in the ocean,
they can go take a soil sample of the ocean,
and you can see the sand blows off
into the ocean every year.
But eventually at some point, the sand stops, meaning
that there were forests and rivers and grass.
And this was tens of thousands
of years ago that this happened.
Uh, and, and you can just look at this picture alone.
You see how he has a tiny head.
Uh, most people believe that this was either like a dog
or a lion, and that the head was carved later on with,
um, with a civilization like cuckoo or something.
I think that's probably what happened.
It doesn't make sense to have this humongous body
and this tiny little stinks head on it.
I think that it probably was a lion,
and that it probably faced the constellation of Leo,
which would've been, again, 20
to 30,000 years ago, I believe.
Um, I think the Sphinx was there long
before the pyramids were themselves.
And, uh, according to Casey,
I believe it was under the left paw of the Sphinx is a, um,
is a room full of the records of Atlantis.
So, um, I,
I don't think we're ever gonna see that discovery.
I, at some point maybe,
but they definitely have done sonar scans of that
and found open chamber under there too.
Oh, wow. That's the last I've heard of it.
But, um, you know, are they gonna tell us? No, probably not.
But I would love to know what's under that paw,
especially since he was right about the Bimini Road.
Uh, I think that he's probably right about what's under the
paw spins as well.
So this is the Temple of Seti.
If you guys have never seen,
this is absolutely a real picture.
Uh, just so you know, that looks like a helicopter to me,
a tank, a spaceship and a glider.
These are all upright tail right positions that's, uh,
in intrinsic to modern day aviation,
but there's nothing in nature that has that.
So, uh, you can believe what you want,
but, uh, to me, they're putting on these temples
and these pyramids, the things that they saw,
and they saw these things,
and I 100% believe that they had tanks and spaceships
and gliders and helicopters in the past.
Um, but this is definitely on a pyramid.
This is not a big picture.
I'm sure most of you guys probably know about this,
but, uh, I always like to point out things like this,
just in case anybody doesn't know.
Temple is Seti. Um, that's where I got this one from.
And then these beings, uh, you know,
are 15, 20 feet tall.
They represent like fifth dimensional consciousness,
so DMT Yeah.
Those looks like, right? And so one of the cool things about
that is, is what I believe is in the zero point when
that when the earth does stop spinning
and the, the pole slip, and we stop spinning that moment
before we start spinning the other way,
that is an incredible moment of spontaneous evolution.
When we look back at hominids
and stuff, they, they almost change overnight.
Uh, it's not a million of year process
where there's a missing link in the middle.
They're literally just, you know, completely can
Explosion like that, you know?
Right. So to me, if someone believes enough,
if your vibration is high enough, there will be some of us
that literally change
and morph into larger beings, which will definitely help
with the taking back of our planet.
But these people actually represent fifth
dimensional consciousness.
That, and, you know, in every, every culture that I know
of ancient culture that I know of, all
of them talk about giants.
And I can guarantee you
that giants still exist on this planet in different forms.
Um, but there are lots of dog men, hairy men,
Sasquatch wild people who still come, most of the areas
of the world that, uh, you know,
that we don't really ha inha in it, you know what I mean?
Just because we live on concrete every day
and we're domesticated doesn't mean
that somebody doesn't care about light beer politics.
And, you know, they just don't care about those things.
They care about each other. It's a civilization, you know,
that lives with earth instead of on it.
And, um, there are giants
that live on the planet still today.
They're still out there.
And I, I am most convinced that eventually, um, some
of us in the near future world, even morph into
avatar type giants, uh, the Mayans
and Tza,
and again, incredible civilization, I think came out
of Atlantis and Lemuria, the people that came
after those cataclysms happened, um, their technologies
and, you know, just the buildings, the temples are just
so incredible and so vast.
Um, I don't know if you guys have ever been there,
but when you're at chit
and you're standing right here next to 'em,
and you can clap it, you could just barely talk like this.
And it echoes throughout the whole entire place. Oh, wow.
That whole thing is, yeah, it's like this,
it's incredible resonant chamber.
Um, when I was there, it just, I was like crying.
It, it just feels like this mystery school.
It feels like a consciousness school.
It feels like these people are out.
They're, they're doing it.
They're the ones dude, they're the original self-sustaining
people, you know what I mean?
Out there in the middle, creating their own fruits
and vegetables growing, and then here comes people
that just completely destroy their way of living.
Um, but to me, this felt like the original sustainers, um,
and the Mayans,
like other civilizations just pooped and vanished.
And to me, I feel like what, what was left
of them ascended?
That there were a moment in time
where the ascension process was a group was a group event,
and the remaining inhabitants
of this area literally ascended into higher dimensions,
and we're no longer able to, you know, see them,
or, you know, Mm-Hmm.
I'm, what happened
after that is, you know, part of the mystery of life.
But, um, you know, Christ
and other people said, you know, we can basically stop
moving into bodies and forgetting who we are, you know,
with, when we awaken
and we wake up eventually, we don't have
to be continually going to this process of going
through lives and forgetting who we are.
You'll eventually at one point, remember,
and not have to go through the forgetting process again.
So these, uh, this is the ball court
and, um, on the sides down here.
Uh, and they said these, it's just,
it is just incredible when you're standing there
and like see the people at the bottom,
how big these things are.
And you know, what massive undertaking this would've been,
or it was easy.
It's either one or the other. It's a massive undertaking.
Or these people knew how to do something that was,
are those steps normal size for the most part?
Yeah. It's not anything like super hues.
And I mean, the, the ones in the middle, of course not.
The ones on the side, the ones on the side would be
probably four to four or five feet.
Mm-Hmm. So, one of the cool things I just wanted
to pull out real quick about the mile civilization look at
time real quick, um,
is the crystal skulls just an incredible thing.
Um, I've actually seen one a little Jacob.
Little Jacob, yeah. Mm-Hmm.
I show this picture because it shows good lighting,
and you can see there's, at least on this side,
there's three different types of crystal.
And on the back, there's two more.
So this one in particular is made out
of five different types of crystal.
Uh, this is my picture that I took.
Um, I actually slept next to this thing.
I, I actually held it in my hands and,
and meditated with it, uh, sleeping next to it one night.
I literally could feel my consciousness being pulled in
and out of my body all night into a dream world.
And it was like, I could feel it, like a, you know,
coming in and outta my body, and I would wake up sometimes,
but gasping for air, like I just got put back in my body,
and then I would close my eyes and I'd go right back to it.
Um, it was like he was pulling my consciousness
and my salt in and outta my body all night long.
Um, just incredible.
18 pounds, it's made of the same material
that you save all the information on your phone on.
Um, so this is a literally a storage device.
I would, I would consider this a computer
that's aware of itself.
And so that you could, this one is called Max,
owned by Joanna Parks.
And she takes round places, um,
that literally without interfacing, you don't have
to touch anything or use a cursor
or hit the arrow buttons or type letters.
You can literally ask this thing questions
and it can talk back to you.
That's, that's how I take it. That's what happened to me.
I heard his voice loud and clear.
It was inside my head like a telepathic thing.
Um, but I, I just, you know, a civilization
that has a legend of 13 crystal skulls,
I think is just absolutely mind blowing.
Incredible. Um, that they had, you know,
we just think this is a crystal,
but this is literally a computer that can talk to you
that has its own form of consciousness, kind
of like you would think maybe AI might have,
but even more intelligent how it works.
I'm not exactly sure, but it's beyond, I wanna meet it.
I, I would highly recommend it.
Joanna Parks takes it a around the country
to let people check it out.
Um, I've seen it probably three
or four times each time was, you know, super incredible.
So here's a, not necessarily a civilization,
but something I wanted most people to know about that.
Uh, probably most people don't.
In Africa, there are lots of stone circles in their school
and their classrooms.
Um, they tell people that these are like cattle, uh,
you know, fences or whatever.
But if you look closely even at this one,
there's no interest in or out.
It's not something
that you would bring something into and leave them there.
Every single one of these is different.
Every single circle is different,
and they're all, um, um, I think made
for resonant energy.
Um, Adam's calendar is, you know, obviously one
of the oldest manmade structures on earth.
Um, and it's rocks that are sticking out of the ground to,
I think almost pull out energy.
It's, it's like acupuncture of the earth, these places.
Um, and every single, like I said, every single circle
is completely different from every single one of 'em, um,
as if they're able to harness certain areas.
And that's the sacred geometry of that planet.
So by someone who is a very, obviously a debt person,
knowing how to pull an acupuncture of the earth's energy,
we're able to create free energy for themselves
and people all in that area.
Um, which I think is absolutely astounding.
And it's all, again, it's all stone circles that have to do
with sacred geometry.
They're all, um, you know,
this looks like the philosopher stone.
So they're using sacred geometry, um, in the same way
that I feel like there's a few people on earth doing.
Now, when you look at Washington DC you look at
Egypt, they all have ois.
They all have pentagrams.
Not to say that those things are bad, that's just
how the universe manifests itself.
And when you know how it does,
and you can use it, you can use it, your benefit
however you want to, I mean,
the universe gives you free will.
So you can use to manipulate people
or give to people, either one.
It's your choice. But these things are incredible.
I, I, I can't even remember,
but there's tens of thousands of circles like this in the,
in Africa alone.
And one of the things I wanted to share about this,
these are all just look like regular stones, right?
Um, yes.
However, these stones, when you hit 'em against each other,
they, they make a crazy ching,
bing sound, a resonant sound.
Um, you may think this one on the left just looks like a
donut, but that's a literally a Taurus
that is a toal energy field.
And that cone-shaped tool is something found.
These tools right here are found all along these circles,
and which I think it almost looks like a magician hat,
but, um, what's incredible is, uh, they ring like bells.
And I just wanted to take a quick second,
and you guys might not even be able to actually hear,
see it, but you should be able to hear it.
I'm just gonna play. This is, uh, Michael Tinger.
I don't think you guys can see it,
but it, he is, he's got some of these stones
that he's found in these circles,
and he's just gonna take a rock
and he is gonna hit him against it.
I just want you to listen to 'em.
So, you know, these aren't just, they look normal,
like regular rocks, but I want you to hear
what he is about to play on them.
This one is full of patina,
it's thick patina, so it's quite,
but you can still hear the effects.
Okay, here, I'm gonna fast forward to
That's almost like a crystal bowl or something.
It's so pining.
Okay. So you, you see what I'm saying?
That is a huge rock, but that is something different.
Like it's been electrified, something's happened to it
to give it this really abnormal, um, behavior
that it's able to ring like that.
So what's, you know, all that. That's all pretty incredible.
And those are the stones right there that he was ringing.
Just so you can get a look at 'em.
If you guys couldn't see 'em in the
video, I don't think you could.
What is the name of those? The stones?
I don't think they have particular names.
They're just stones that he found. You know,
I was watching this the other day with him,
and he has a large collection of what he considers them
to be body parts from giants.
Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, that's a said.
Go look in into that. It's this guy right here.
I was just watching that the other day.
He has all kinds of body parts lined out, um,
like heart organs, like all kinds of stuff.
Petrified, uh, pretty much.
Yeah, I believe so.
And I think they make ringing noises
or weird noises and stuff too.
I'm not sure about the ringing, but yeah, look into that.
Oh yeah, that's cool. I'm, uh, hold on a second guys.
I'm a little stuck on my screen right here.
Um, why am I not being able to go back once I did that,
that might've been not a good thing.
Let's see if I can go back.
Can you see that picture at least
of him standing with the rocks?
Yep. Okay, let's see if I can go back.
Uh, I didn't know that. I couldn't do that.
I did that before. See if I can stop the
share for one second and then see if I can go back in.
Sorry about that. I didn't realize I couldn't do that.
Not letting you do it. Oh, man, that's not good at all.
Mm-Hmm. That's weird.
Hold on, gimme one second guys,
because that was supposed to be something
that was really easy and now it's not.
Um, anyways, yeah, I think that's a pretty crazy thing
that the, um, hopefully I'll just talk
and we'll get back to where we were.
But what's crazy is, so a lot of these stones are, are,
are cone shaped.
And, um, what I think is crazy about
that is if you guys have ever heard of Ed Lee Scallions,
he got, he's the guy who created Coral Castle in, um,
uh, Florida, right?
And it had said to be one of the
only modern day mega lists in the world, right?
Um, okay, here's, here's Michael Inger.
Okay, here's Michael Inger,
and those are the rocks that we looked at.
Here's Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida said to be one
of the only, uh, modern day mega lists.
So this guy's five feet tall.
You need to re share your screen, Jacob. Oh. Oh.
Thanks for telling me. Where's my zoom at now?
Okay, here we go. Thanks Morgan. Sure. Okay, there it is.
So this is in Homestead, Florida.
He moved this thing, I think it was in Fort Lauderdale.
Fort Lauderdale first, uh, I think you got a column
to change it to homestead.
So he picked up everything and moved it.
This guy did this whole entire thing by himself.
The kids who saw him do this,
he only did this late at night.
He never did it. During the day he moved, what, what is,
you know, coral, he cut, cut and carved all of it himself,
and he moved what would be like 10,000 ton wall by himself,
five foot tall, a hundred pounds, didn't have any cranes,
didn't have any heavy, any equipment.
He had this little black box.
And at at one point these kids in Florida walked by him
and said, and then went and told their parents and stuff.
We saw Ed out there and he was levitating rocks.
And he had these cone shaped like ice
cream cones in his hand.
And obviously nobody believed him,
but he, I I just think it's fascinating
that we've got these stone circles in Africa
with these cone shaped tools and resonating tools.
And here these kids said, we saw Ed with,
with these cone shaped like stones in his hand,
moving things and probably levitating these things in a way
that it was easy and he pushed them into place.
That's what I honestly believe he was able to do.
So the reason I share this, oh man, why is my,
my screen order, the reason I share this is
because I feel like it's fascinating
because when we talk about, you know, wanting
to go into the woods and create a civilization
and be self-sustainable
and how we're gonna do it, you know, the information to how
to do these things is there, if one man could build this
by himself because he is, has the technology
to levitate blocks
and things, then I think it's really good on us and,
and really promising
because then we can do the same
things, you know what I mean?
The, the capabilities that one man has,
obviously anybody has,
and Ed wrote books that he knew how the pyramids were built
and all throughout this entire complex, he's got,
he's got secret little writings
and things like that and how he did things.
What's his name? It's Ed
Lin, I think it's
S-K-L-I-S-K-L-A-L-I-N or something like that.
He is, uh, I think Polish or something.
So it's, it's, it's weird,
but, um, I can help you find it afterwards.
But, um, um, yeah, so anyways,
it's just, it's just fascinating.
This guy was able to, um, do this by himself.
Why are we having problems all of a sudden?
Should I close everything that we got open?
Lemme close a few things real quick.
See if that helps me at all.
Um, so yeah, I just think that's incredibly promising
because, you know, if we wanna go out there in, in the,
in the wilderness and create our own civilizations
and do our own things, then um, you know, some
of us are kind of a little bit scared,
but as we awaken to the possibilities of what we can and do
and what, you know, we don't even know is possible, um,
I just think it's, you know, good to know that, you know,
we can come up with these civilizations
and we can create these things and these huge temples, um,
and do it in similar way.
So this is really cool too, because this is a doorway.
And I went there when I was a kid
and I remember pushing this door open with one finger,
like it was just air.
This thing, I can't even remember the, how much it weighed,
but it's several, several tons.
It's extremely heavy, right?
And at some point in the last 30 years, whatever it, it go,
it messes up and it goes off.
And they had to come in there with bulldozers and everything
and cranes and pick it up and try to put it back on.
They never ever got it close to the point where it was like,
when Ed did it, ed did it,
and you could push it with a shaer.
Now you have to really kind of push it with your,
with a couple hands and move it and they never could get it.
And that's honestly, I feel like,
because Ed was literally able to levitate it,
make it completely balanced, and put it on there perfectly.
And we cannot replicate what one five foot tall,
100 pound man did in the day, back in the day.
Um, so here's another great civilization, the Mesopotamia
Sum area Babylon, all here now, which is modern day Iraq.
But all these great civilizations in the past
were all in the same area.
Here's one thing that's pretty cool about this.
The Bible talks about the Garden of Eden was
between four rivers,
and they specifically say the ion, the Gion River with two.
That's where the people have always had a problem
where those two rivers were satellite imaging now has found
these two dead rivers.
They're no longer there,
but most people are pretty convinced that these two
dead rivers that are no longer there, where once the, again,
which means they would come together right here, right?
And right at the top of, uh, right here.
I don't know if you guys, if that's in here way
or not, there's a Persian Gulf over here,
um, stuck again.
And so I think the reason why you can't go back
to the Garden of Eden is honestly because it's flooded.
Oh, that's even better to go right there
because you can't no longer go back there.
The garden meeting is literally now underwater that the
Anki created what they called the den
was their landing point.
That's where they set up shop
and where they set up shop
hundreds of thousands of years ago.
This was a much more luscious,
temperate forest slam than it is today, probably.
Um, but the Garden of Eden was eventually, um, flooded over
by this, by the Gulf and is no longer containable.
That's why you can't go back there. But
that makes sense why these two rivers are there.
Um, these are Sumerian tablets right here.
So these people on the, on the left are homo sapiens.
The guy on the right is a God.
He is obviously two
or three times bigger than the dudes on the left.
And this little circle right here in the middle, I believe,
and if you wanted to ask me, I could show you,
I believe this is sound technology.
This is like a plate resonating certain energies.
That's how they were able to move objects,
was making them weightless.
And uh, this was a technology to be able to do that.
But it's obvious these all three people are the same.
And this dude is much bigger than the rest of 'em.
He is their god, he is the Anki. Um,
I'm curious as to, um, what it is
that they wear on their wrist
and then the bag they carry that like little purse
and then the thing on the wrist.
You and me both. Um, I mean the watch is probably anything
that, you know, close to what
we're wearing Apple watches today.
They're probably technology devices that tell time,
that give them information they're able
to store information on, they're able to talk
to their friends on.
I mean, you know, one of the things I've realized is
that all things are possible, right?
So we can use te telepath, uh, telepathic thought
and telepathy to talk to each other,
but people who aren't in the spiritual realm
but are in the, you know, advancement of, of getting there.
I mean, you can talk to anybody you want to on Earth.
Like you could literally think of them
and use tele, tele telepathic thoughts to talk to them.
But, you know, if you're not in depth like that,
then you have to use a cell phone.
I think what we, even the internet,
it's a physical representation of the internet
that we're all connected.
Um, you know what I mean?
Like, you don't really need an internet to find the clues.
You can meditate and find every information
that's in your DNA, right?
So these are just things that they use
because they, they may be technology technologically
advanced, but they're not spiritually advanced.
And in some ways they are a little bit,
but I don't think these people are, you know,
Christ conscious Buddha type people.
I think that they're technology advanced.
They have technologies, they have watches, they have guns.
You know what I mean? They have things that, you know,
make them superior and look magical.
And that's why we think of kings
and queens as you know, they are now someone
who wears a crown, someone who has, you know, prestige.
But really a king is someone
or a queen is someone who has integrity, has compassion.
These people who have the attained the enlightenment.
When you talk about Confucius,
he had a misshape and head look like a crown.
If you look at all the Buddhist statues,
they have this little bun on their head.
I believe Christ had a little bun on his head.
And that's why the Jews wear the yamaka.
Uh, and, and it's
because they're, you know, it's like flattery is the highest
form of um, or oops, I said that backwards, didn't I?
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
They're imitating what they saw, right?
They saw a man who had an a bond on his head.
He, you know, through his enlightenment phase,
through the 40 days in the wilderness.
Uh, same with Buddha.
I think these people were able to increase their gray
matter, pop out what we call the crown of our head,
and elongated their, their heads.
Uh, it is an evolutionary process that happens.
It didn't stop with the Posable thumbs.
We have a lot more evolution to, uh, to, to, uh,
endure physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and,
and definitely physically we're gonna change.
And I think when we see these people with elongated skulls
and things like that, they had more brain capacity.
They were more intelligent and not necessarily just people
from other, other planets, but our own people
and processes of enlightenment we're able
to physically change, to have longer skulls.
Um, and I, and I believe that,
and that's why it's called the crown of your head.
And, uh, I believe that most light
beings definitely had a crown head.
So I'm gonna speed it up a little bit
'cause I know we're getting close in Samaria,
they were the first of everything.
Civilizations, governments, um, all the things.
This is a tablet that was six years old,
6,000 years old, sorry.
And you can see in the middle is the sun pretty obviously.
And every planet in our solar system surrounding it,
plus one, uh, which is nibiru the planet
that they come from four, four times the size of Earth.
It's plu because it's all water.
And, um, they had Pluto on there.
Pluto wasn't discovered till 1930,
less than a hundred years ago.
So, and the way
that they said they had this information was
Anki gave it to 'em, plain and simple.
Anki means those who came from heaven to earth.
And heaven is not a dimensional place.
They're talking about the heavens.
Everything outside of earth was the heavens,
and that's where they were coming from.
So you either have two things,
people coming from other planets,
or someone coming from some other dimension,
which is even really even more crazier if you think about
it, than someone coming, uh, from other planets.
Um, you know, it just makes total sense when you really
think of angels, aliens, that they're really same thing.
And, and, and, um,
angels are definitely interdimensional beings with wings
and aliens are definitely people from other planets.
And the stories that we have are just, you know, it's hard
to decipher sometimes who's what
because, um, the stories have been skewed.
And now we have a King James version, which isn't really,
um, you know, really conducive to
the modern day people under having a
more in depth understanding.
'cause it's been, you know, watered down
and words have been changed.
But certainly, um,
these people had an incredible in-depth information
of something that happened.
Uh, the Anki who came down
and had higher technology than them.
Uh, and according to their, according to their documents,
they created the adamu, plural, which was a, uh, people
to mine gold for them to bring gold back to their planet
because their planet, the atmosphere was literally dwindling
'cause they were burning fossil fuels.
And by injecting gold into the atmosphere,
could somehow repair it.
Uh, funny enough, once I found this out, alchemy came right
after for me, and I realized that you can eat gold.
You can eat monoatomic, metals, silver rhodium, meridium,
and these things could give you lucid dreams.
They could actually increase your spirituality.
Uh, I was in the middle of bartending in Atlanta
and started taking large quantities of goals
and had epiphanies, revelations, aha moments,
and realized that as I took more gold,
I was really repairing my own atmosphere.
I was repairing my own aura,
my own electromagnetic field around me.
'cause it was so down 'cause of the depression and drugs
and alcohol and that I had this really crazy huge kind
of like evolution quickly where I was able
to rebuild my aura very fast from taking the gold
and have all these aha and EpiPens and revelations
and, and these moments of,
How did, how did you take it? Was it like
Powder and liquids?
The company that I went to was called Zcp Technologies.
It's called Zero Point Technologies.
And they literally mined these things.
One of the craziest things that ever happened, I took, uh,
this stuff called Lucid, and it was a liquid.
I would take it before I go to bed.
And I had lucid dreams very vivid.
I was on this farm and they were teaching people how
to fly, long story short.
And I said, well, how do you do it?
And somebody was like, you just jump and you keep going.
And I was like, oh, you just jump in and keep going.
So I started practicing and eventually I started to fly
around and I was flying in my dreams,
and I knew I was lucid,
and I knew I was like dreaming but awake.
And it was one of the coolest things ever.
But, um, I think alchemy is not just turning base metals
into gold, but it's turning your body into golden State.
They're turning these medals into your
body into a golden state.
So it's pretty cool. Um, again, the Anki here, here's,
you're talking about the watches, the bags,
all the things that they're carrying.
Mm-Hmm. Uh, I don't know what's in that bag,
but it sounds, it looks pretty cool
and that obviously looks like a watch to me.
Uh, and I would say it's probably like an Apple watch
and times 10 or more,
but I think that they're able to do
pretty crazy technology on, you know, again, I'm open
to anybody else's.
Maybe they were using that to control, um,
a specific slave race
That's, you know, very possible too.
Uh, I think they didn't need too much of that.
I think the moon does a lot of that. Um, Mm-Hmm.
Like, maybe even ai, you know, something that he,
they need the wristwatch for.
Yeah, he's definitely got two on in this. Uh,
Oh, wow. He sure does. Huh?
So it's definitely something that they were using for,
who knows, maybe it was even a weapon
that was able to shoot things out.
I don't know. But, um,
definitely they had higher technology than we
did. I think we lost Andrew.
And that could have been the fashion too at the time,
Right? Yeah, it could
have been, uh,
hold on, I'm gonna pull this down here.
Okay, so now we're on to the Anasazi.
And there, there's a definite reason why I wanted
to do this civilization right after the Anki is
because I think they're one and the same.
Uh, and even the word
and nki anazi in,
uh, this actually means enemy of the people,
in case you guys didn't know the, and, and,
and why even today in our political correctness, a lot
of people won't even say the word anasi
because Native Americans don't wanna look at their ancestors
as bad, but I don't believe these are their ancestors.
I think these are anki.
When you look at the civilizations that these, oh, come on,
you did it to me again.
When you look at the civilizations
that these people are creating,
they're not the nomadic people, uh, of the,
of the Americas that are falling around Buffalo or so.
These people are setting up shop places
and they're doing it in weird places, like they're hiding.
And, you know, native Americans always have pictures
and stuff and stuff they saw,
and then they have regular people,
and then they have these people,
and these people look really weird
and they're really strange
and they don't fit into anything else in Native American
artwork, you know? Well,
It makes, it kind of makes sense that the onna you would
disperse across the planet, you know, as much as they could,
Right? There's
gold everywhere in these hills,
so you gotta go set up in different places.
But, um, certainly these things don't
fit the modern day humans.
These obviously, I mean, this guy up here, if
that doesn't look like some kind of weird alien do
with big eyes, I mean, I don't know what it's,
that just doesn't look like you got the opportunity.
You probably got the time to make
that look like a normal human head, if that's what it is.
And, uh, I just personally don't think that's what it's,
I think the anasazi
or the enemy of the people for a reason,
that's what that word means.
It doesn't mean, you know, grandfather ancient ones.
It means of the people. These are about people
that they liked or cared for or, or,
or had, you know, harmonious relationships with.
These are weird people that were
way different than all of them.
Uh, even these, even
to look at this picture right here is a bit spooky.
I know it's a little bit blurry for you guys. It's hard.
I spent many hours trying
to find the best pictures that I could.
It's a little hard sometimes to probably missed this one.
But, um, you know, it just looks spooky.
It doesn't look normal.
These weird shadowy figures don't look normal.
And again, this is Mesa Verde.
The these are built on the sides of mountain cliffs.
What are you, who are you hiding from?
Um, you know, again, if these are aliens from other planets,
their bodies are just as fragile as ours.
They can be killed just like we can be killed.
So they don't want to be snuck up on, they don't want to be,
um, you know, they don't wanna be killed.
So they're, what are they gonna do? They're gonna build a
nice cool civilization that's under a mountain
so nobody can find 'em.
Are you outta here? I'll, good to see you.
Thanks for coming over. I know we're way over time,
so I'm just gonna try to finish it up really quick.
But that's Mesa Verde.
Um, you know, pretty incredible structure
that just doesn't seem anything inducive to
what Native Americans and the Americas were doing.
Why are you gonna set up shop in just a weird place
where it's really hard to get to?
You know what I mean? They make,
you're not gonna put your civilization in a place
that's really hard to get to, to get to food, to get
to, uh, food.
It's just why are you gonna, I mean, water. Water. Yeah.
Why are you gonna put yourself in a place
where it makes it really hard to get places? It's just not,
I think the water drove them there.
You think water is why they're there?
Yeah, they could be there because of water,
but like I said, other, otherwise getting food
and getting resources, having to climb up the cliff
or climb out of that hole.
I mean, you know, I mean, if you ever walk down there in it,
it just seems crazy that that's what someone would do.
You know? Uh, it seems like they're hiding.
They're trying to not be seen.
They don't want people to find them. Uh, same thing.
This is the Anasazi of Chaco Canyon. That's Pueblo Bonita.
It's just a massive undertaking, uh, in a place where
there's no water, there's no food, uh,
there's not resources really there for,
and this is a large
complex, I don't know if you guys have ever been there.
It is, it is huge.
Um, but everything shows that this was not a place where
large amounts of people were.
There was a few people that lived here,
and it's, you know, relatively,
doesn't even seem like it's used majority of the year.
It's something that people go to.
Um, and, and is that not, is that not too far from here?
Yeah, Chaco Canyon a couple hours away. Wow.
And I've been there a couple times, and,
and on the solstice, the way that the sun shines down
through the rocks creates, um, shadows
and stuff that go down all the windows
and everything based towards the winter solstice.
So, you know, um, just really incredible, you know, again,
this is a vast undertaking of something in a place
where there's just not resources for these things.
There's, you know, kind of like the pyramids.
People say, oh, it took millions of people
to create the pyramids.
Okay. If it took millions of people to create the pyramids,
how many millions of people have had to grow crops
and catch food and gather food
and hunt for a million people?
10 million people had to gather food for a hundred,
for a million people to build them.
It's just, I mean, again, you wanna do something like this.
If somebody's gotta build this stuff,
somebody's gotta create food.
Somebody's gotta cook for everybody.
This is not, this is not a small task undertaking at all.
This is humongous. And to show that only, you know,
it seems like a very little amount of people dwelled here.
It just, it has, you have
to ask the question, what's going on?
What are these kivas, what are these circles?
What are these squares and stuff? What's going on?
There are these portals, are these places
where they're doing sacrifices, ceremonies?
Um, it's, it's just crazy.
And, um, there's definitely places
that you can go inside of it. And,
And we gotta also remember this is many, many years later.
So imagine what it looked like when it was just, um,
in a pristine condition, you know? Yeah.
Yeah. The reason that, what's
that? Say that again, Morgan.
And how the planet was oriented when it was,
when the site was chosen and
Right. Material
Were hauled and all that.
Right? Yeah. I tend to think that it's some kind
of ceremonial type place where they're doing ceremonies
and stuff, um, positive and negative.
I i, I, I wanna keep in my that to myself for right now,
but, uh, obviously something definitely
big is going on here.
And you know, it,
it doesn't seem like probably the average person's living
here, somebody with some,
at least a little bit more knowledge of the universe
and things that are going on to build all these things
that winter solstice.
Um, so then this brings us to, uh,
Machu Picchu in these mountains.
Same thing I've been here.
It is quite an undertaking to take it such a high altitude.
Uh, and, um, I
Wanna check that out so bad.
It, what's cool about this, Michelle,
you see the mountain, the tallest mountain that's in front
of it, Uhhuh, there are actually ruins on top of
that mountain, and you Oh, no way can Yeah.
Get a permit. We saw people climbing up there.
You can get a permit to climb to the very tip top,
but there are ruins on the very tip
top of that mountain right there.
Most people don't even tell you that.
Somebody sent me a chat real quick.
Sorry. That was me. I need to bail.
Oh, okay. Sorry man. Go ahead.
Thanks for joining us though. I appreciate you, dude. See
You later. Blessings.
All thank You. We're almost done here.
And so there are, there are literally
ruins at the top of that mountain.
Very cool. Um, it's just an incredible undertaking.
When you go there, it reminds you of all the other places.
It looks like Chaco, it looks like Mesa Verde. Mm-Hmm.
The way the structures are all built, the rocks, everything.
It's like, you know, similarly, the same kinds
of people are building them.
I mean, they have a advanced civil, you know, understanding
of, of rocks and how to do these things.
Um, this is all tele tebo.
Uh, this is in Peru as well, out of Cusco.
Uh, and when you're walking here, it is just incredible.
You're just like, wow, dude, you're just,
you just feel ancient civilization, um,
in the side of these mountains.
All these things are carved and it's just really cool.
This is a structure that's cut
with right angles with these stones.
And this is similar to the other places in Peru
where these stones are not mortar,
but somehow cut precisely
to fit in with the other rocks. And, uh,
Almost like it was a liquid at once.
Yeah. Like, it was almost like Play-Doh
where they were able to like, kind of able to mold it
and then heat it up, and then it was hot
and then it was hard again.
Um, however, they, that's
how I kind of feel like they did it.
But it, it is just amazing how that's just
so pristine and so perfect.
This is Saxa woman.
Um, and these pictures don't do it justice.
These are some of the bigger ones.
I have another one where I took a picture,
I couldn't find it of myself, sit in front of one
of the biggest ones, but I believe the biggest one is a
hundred thousand tons.
So here is the same concept where the rocks are just
so much bigger than even that of Ole Onte tombo,
where they're so big and huge
and you know, like I said, it's almost like they're Play-Doh
and then they're malleable.
And then all look at this one right here to the right
where it's just like, it's rounded.
How did you put that rock rounded in there?
Like that, like a tooth almost. It's just, yeah.
And I think that they use some sound technology too,
Probably. Yeah. To
levitate 'em. And you just put 'em up there.
So they're, so they're one, they're able to change the,
the molecular structure of the rocks,
and then they're able to
levitate 'em, put 'em wherever they want to.
And, uh, this is, uh, Puma Puku one of the most,
not really necessarily huge civilization.
It's a relatively small place,
but the, the surrounding people there said, um,
that this was a place set up by the gods in a night.
So this, this small place,
it's not a big civilization, it's really little.
And um, but it's something that was set up overnight.
And I've seen these H blocks set up to the place
where they could make a runway and take an airplane
off or something, right?
That's possible. But these things are made
out of dire right stone.
So the only, only way that they're cut is two ways.
Diamond bladed saws are laser beams, right?
There's really no other way to cut these stones.
And um, like I said, it's not a very big place.
It's small places. One place I wanted
to go on the co on the, uh, lines of, uh, guru and Bolivia.
We never got a chance to get out there.
But something I've always thought was just super incredible
that this mm-hmm, this, this little place
that made a diorite stone, that they were able
to do these incredible things.
And then this is Ancor Watt considered to be the largest
religious temple in the world.
One of the ancient wonders of the world.
Um, and I believe this thing is just
not made by, by human hands alone,
or people, uh, that are just average people who know how
to build and masonic things.
Mm-Hmm. The incredible, uh,
incredibleness in this instant Cambodia, um, is just
vast beyond what we know to be true
and how things are built and how these things are done.
And people said they made it with like magic water
and they were able to mold it similar to that of, of, uh,
places in Cusco and stuff.
But, uh, obviously has its own own design
and own structure to itself.
So just far beyond, uh, anything that we know.
And so I just threw this one in at the end, um, just to kind
of, you know, cut it off, um, off.
But, uh, do I think
that civilizations like this are real underwater?
I do. I think that especially off coast of Peru,
there are probably civilizations
that are very similar to this.
Um, even in the early,
the late 14 hundreds when Christopher Columbus is selling
around, he wrote in this diary
that they saw lights emerge out of the ocean
and fly off into the wa into the, into the, uh, sky.
And, um, he wrote about that in his diary.
And, uh, they were off the coast of Puerto Rico.
That's obviously an buer triangle.
And I think those were, you know, aliens or, um, mermaids.
Mermaid. Yeah, mermaids, Cynthia beings that were, you know,
I said coming and going and there are,
there are literally cities on the bottom of the ocean that,
um, are probably like this.
It's probably not a fairytale.
I believe this kind of stuff is true.
So, um, I think it's just cool, something just cool
to end on, um, because it's fun
and, um, um, yeah, so kind of neat.
So thank you guys.
All right, so that's the topic for tonight,
and I just wanted to talk about a few really good ones.
And, uh, if I didn't get the one that you liked the most,
like you said, tell us at the end.
We'll talk about it for a minute.
So, number one, this is, uh, hi Brazil.
I don't know if you guys are familiar with it as much.
It's definitely not a very common one,
but, uh, you know, especially in our country.
But, uh, this is right off the coast of Ireland.
This little x right here is called Porcupine Bank.
It is a place that is now underwater.
But as you can see, this little area right here,
where the X is, is a raised bed.
And according to Ireland, legend,
and those in that area,
there was once a small island named High Brazil.
That island is on the maps for hundreds of years.
Uh, pretty incredible, um,
and different maps from different people around the world.
Um, according to legend though,
when people would get on boats
and try to go to it, they couldn't even get to it.
It was covered in mist.
It was inhabited by wizards
and incredible monks
and, um, saints, people with high, uh, you know,
adept understandings of magic.
There was a story when one dude did get off with his family,
he went on by himself, but his family stayed back.
He went to a castle, met with a wizard who gave him gold
and returned to his ship.
And, um, you know, just pretty incredible.
And he goes back and he has the gold with him.
Um, this was said to have been there
for hundreds of years, at least.
The legend is again covered and miss.
So, um, one of the craziest thing is
one day the legend says, one day outta seven years, all
of a sudden you could see the island just one out,
one day outta seven years
that you would be able to see the island.
But every other day, other than that,
it was literally covered in mist and you couldn't see it.
And anybody who tried to get to it,
literally on a boat just kept circling
and circling around, could never find it.
Sometimes it would appear
and reappear as if it's like in another dimension almost.
So just the island of high Brazil, it's on the map,
is Brasilia, Brazil sill it's called
by several different lanes, high Brazil.
But, um, definitely on the map for hundreds of years,
and probably at some point either took off
sunk under the water or who knows.
But definitely a lot of information. What's that?
What, um, can you describe your interests in these
civilizations as you go through them?
I, I'm curious to hear, um, the, the selection and the flow.
Uh, I just told you about it.
Mystery island that can't be seen.
But one day you couldn't get to it if you tried to.
That's, that's my interest. I think that's incredible. Yeah.
Okay. The fact, The fact that,
you know, what people were there. What's that?
You know, what people were there, like the, the natives,
The, the legend is that, you know, there were one guy
who the got off, got on
and went into a huge tower that had a magician
and an old guy, white beard, white hair,
uh, if I remember correctly.
Um, and, you know, just monks and saints, just like,
and you know, I don't know if that we, when we think
of those words, I don't know if that
we're thinking about the right thing.
We're thinking about Jesus type.
People we're thinking about Christ consciousness, Buddha,
we're talking about high, you know, high integrity,
compassion, longevity of life.
Um, not just an island that was hard to get to,
or just a mystery island, you know what I mean?
These things normally, um, you know, are surrounded by
different legends.
That's to me, I'm not just trying
to tell you about a civilization that I think is core
or, you know, they had a cool building
or something that might be hard to build,
but the legend of the people themselves that live there,
where of high technology and high valor
and, um, you know, just
Kinda like Atlantis.
Yeah. And I, you know, I would say, you know, the,
the most, the majority of the civilizations
that I'll show you today, I think
after the flood legends all say that Alanis Lamia,
all those kinds of people tend
to go off into certain places.
Now. The water's a bit higher.
They've got to disperse and go different places.
So one could argue that ancient Egypt
and, uh, you know, the Mayans
and people like that we're all just of people
of Atlantis and everything else.
It reminds me of a place, um, in a Dr.
Seuss story called, um, Bartholomew
and the Ble, uh, the place was called Mount Nta,
and it was where the wizards lived,
and the king consulted
with the wizards at Mount Nta in that story.
Yeah. A mysterious misty
mountaintop sort of place.
Inaccessible, what mountain are
You saying?
On more afic? A fictional one in a Dr. Sue's story. Oh,
Okay. Yeah.
But even some of that, you know,
is probably based on legend just taken
and watered down a little bit more.
And Mm-Hmm. Changed, changed up
and, you know, re um, redistributed, you know what I mean?
Yeah. Um, so right now,
now you're looking at it's hyper boria.
Um, hyper boria is one that, uh, again, similar situation
as, um, high Brazil,
but these, the, the legend was with the hyper burr, um,
lived above the North wind,
and their home was a place of paradise.
They lived to be a thousand years old.
They were very, very tall people, beautiful big eyes.
Um, and, you know, they lived above the northern wind.
And, um, so hyper voia is definitely one too, again,
where it's similar to high Brazil, high technology, um,
people who definitely looked a little bit different
than the modern day person.
And, um, uh, here, let me read you this real quick too.
They were, um, they were people that lived
to be a thousand years old and had
and lives in complete happiness
where it was sun shining all day in the summertime,
and the sun lasted for most of the day.
So sounds like poor density, you know, it also, and, um,
but they did have to have fire at in the
winter because it did get cold.
But the fact that it talks about the sun shining
for such a long period of day, that's like Alaska.
Alaska definitely, um, you know, has the same thing
where it has sunshine almost 24
hours a day in the summertime.
So, um, again, I think, you know, that seems
to coincide with real events.
So, um, the fact that that's part
of the legend definitely confirms
that this is probably more than anything a real place
and, um, definitely very cool.
Uh, you know what they about just a kind
of a cool picture I found online that went along with it,
but, um, seemed to be in the northern,
up near the North Pole, uh, in the mountains.
Um, and that's the same thing as the Nordics.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Kind of, but definitely a different
area, you know, Uhhuh Yeah.
Type Ria. Yeah. So pretty cool.
But yeah, I would say they were probably, you know,
in the same species, family, whatever you want to call it,
and just living in different, uh, parts of the world,
super close to each other.
You can see the Aurora, Are they associated
with the people that were recording, uh, history in the ice?
In the what? In the ice? In the ice?
Have you heard that? Yeah.
Um, I've heard, um, a couple of, um,
storylines, I suppose, about civilizations that
stored information both in water and in ice.
And that was one of them that they were near the North Pole,
and they were, um, recording information for Earth,
basically in the, uh, the ice caps,
something to that effect.
And I think, I think they are the Nordics that, uh,
Michael Sala writes about.
Yeah. Yeah. So let me I clarify that real quick.
It said, the legend said the sun was supposed to rise
and set only once a year in hyper Boria,
so it literally was like sunny all the time there. So
That have you, it's, uh, it's, that's the experience, uh,
from spring to, uh,
or from winter through spring into summer in Alaska.
That's, uh, basically the sunrise.
Right. So, yeah, I mean,
it seems like they lived in the northern
north part North Pole
And above the Arctic circle.
Right. And, you know, as far as we know,
no one ever lives in the poll.
So, um, except for the fact that, you know, uh, some tough
People live that live up there.
Well, you know, according to, you know,
what Albert Einstein and a Casey's saying, what I tend
to subscribe to as well is at each pole there's an opening
and, and close to those openings
that weather is a bit nicer, um, from the inside the heat
of the earth, but you can fly into the center of the earth,
or at least the crust.
Um, that's what Admiral Bird did.
And in his diary, he wrote about that.
And once he flew into the, um, openings in the poles,
he was, you know, basically caught
by like a tractor beam, brought 'em in.
He met up with these really tall, you know, uh, inhabitants
of the inside and told him to stop, we need
to stop using nuclear weapons.
This was in World War ii.
We were messing up the earth for everybody
because we're, you know, blasting off nuclear weapons on the
outside, but it was obviously messing
things up for them inside.
So near the center of the, near the poles,
or in, you know, at the ends of the poles,
the north end south, there are two openings on one on each
pole where you can literally fly into the earth. That's
Where, that was Charles Hapgood book,
Admiral Bird, BYO,
Admiral Admiral by of the, the mission, the,
the failed mission to go to the South.
But who flew, who flew into the north, was that Hapgood?
He may have too. Yeah.
That's, uh, that's a good,
and that's where, can you write that down? Hap
Good. I think that was
Hap Good. It sounds
like you read his book. I haven't yet.
I I haven't read it, but I, I've heard of Hapgood.
I know more about the Admiral Bird story
of him flying into the poles
and then, you know, like said down
To the south Meeting the people inside.
Yeah. And I think that was a hush hush thing,
but he did his, his journal comes out later
and, you know, it's something that he, it seems
that he wrote about, you know,
there's never any actual 100% confirmation that it's his,
but I, I mean, it's such a great story.
It's where this journey of the center
of the earth comes from, you know what I mean?
So, um, super interesting.
But definitely these people obviously had a high technology
and understanding to, to live in such a place.
And, um, like you said, hearty people, strong people,
and probably just knew more about nature
and earth in general, and how to live
with Mother Earth instead of just honor.
Uh, here's another one, number three, lo Laia.
Um, so this was a pretty big piece of the land.
This is off the coast of Madagascar, India, and Australia.
This land was here. And I think that's one
of the reasons why people say that lemurs
live in Madagascar, that the lemurs came from Laia.
And so they just, you know, there were the remnants,
the animals from Lamor that are still left over, um, Lamia.
A lot of people say that the Laan
after the flood, they ended up in Side Mount Shasta.
I don't know. Oh, look at that cute little baby. Um, mm-Hmm.
Is up pretty late. Um,
but that is pretty interesting that the, the civilization,
a lot of people ended up there from that area.
I mean, again, you know, just the disperse of,
of a cataclysm like that, uh,
where people end up in Egypt and other places.
Um, but I have heard many, many times that the inhabitant
of Mount Shosta are laurium Mm-Hmm.
If I could add to that Jacob real quick.
Um, I actually went to Mount Shasta a couple weeks ago.
Um, it's amazing. It's an incredible place for sure. Mm-Hmm.
Um, and also, um, um,
I don't pretend to know, um, what's accurate.
I can tell you that I actually am, um, a student
of the modern mystery school.
Mm-Hmm. Um, and I'm actually going to London tomorrow, uh,
to go to, um, further classes with them.
And so I had just actually completed the 12 Races
of Earth class with them on Monday, I think.
Mm-Hmm. And, um,
what they had actually an Indian Ocean was actually, um, Moo
and Lumeria, um, according to, uh, their lineage.
And also, um, a couple others
that I've heard was actually the Pacific Ocean,
and that's why they ended up in Shasta,
which is also described as the root chakra Yeah.
Of the Earth. Um,
but they sort of inhabited the whole Pacific rim
around the Pacific Ocean.
Mm-Hmm. Um, and then they were named Lamia
because an explorer only 200 years ago, uh,
who was actually in the Indian Ocean discovered a chain
of islands that was populated by lemurs.
And so he called that area Lumeria.
So I would say that it's actually a little bit foggy at
best, because I think some people refer to the civilization
that was south of India in the Indian Ocean
as LaMer, some say.
No, that's the Moo and Lam is actually, uh, east of there
and in the Pacific Ocean.
Yeah. Yeah. So you're right on about those things. Mute.
Uh, there's definitely talk and discussion,
and like I said, uh,
unless you remember it down in the deep DNA of your,
of your body, you know,
I feel like it's all up for discussion. Um,
Totally. Yeah.
Agreed. A hundred percent.
The answers are definitely down in the DNA,
but definitely something that you hit on was
that when these cataclysms happen, uh,
especially I believe the end of the 26,000 year cycle
when our earth stops spinning, um,
because of the pole shifts.
And so every, every action as an equal
and opposite reaction, I believe when the poles flip,
our earth will stop spinning the way it is
before it'll stop for probably about three days
where one side receives sun
and one side will receive darkness
because of the sun shadow.
And, uh, I believe that's why the Middle Eastern talk about
three days of darkness and the Hopi tradition talk about a
long day that happened in the past, that will happen again.
Um, but in that, um, zero point, as I call it,
that is when the,
we have the shifting of the crust and everything.
And so you're right, I do think that that's why it's easier
to disperse in certain places
or where you might end up somewhere different,
completely different, because the whole shifting
of the earth, uh, you know, one of one civilization
that I didn't do certainly
that I could do is Antarctica was a continent
that was probably somewhere near the equator at some point.
There are lots of pyramids that seem to be, uh,
visible on it now,
and there's, I would say under the ice is a plethora
of things that show civilization was once
on Antarctica as well.
So yeah, just lamia super cool place, uh, the technology,
the, uh, you know, very similar to Atlantis, the legends,
the stories, the, you know, um, all the things about it.
Very similar to Atlantis.
I was watching something the other day about that,
about La Maria and Atlantis Mm-Hmm.
And I always thought that Atlantis was the good guys
that had like all of the, um, highly evolved species,
you know, they're, and,
and just like a little bit more angelic Mm-Hmm.
But I'm starting to, uh, I'm starting to realize that a lot
of people are talking about the Reptilians are the ones
that started Atlantis,
and it was a really high tech,
like more on the negative side.
And then Lam Laira was the one
that was like more mystical and magical.
And, and, you know, I always thought
that Atlantis was the one that was all like, you know,
angelic and, um, you know.
Yeah. Again, like I said earlier, this is all, a lot
of this is speculation.
We're coming from a place of very, very limited information.
Right. And you were someone to just completely
remember it all in your DNA, uh, you know,
it's really up for discussion.
I have had a couple past lives revealed
to me in past life regressions of being in Atlantis.
And to me it seemed pretty benign.
It seemed overall, you know,
free energy environments, you know?
Mm-Hmm. Nothing was limited as much,
but, um, I,
I felt personally like it was more feminine
led, if that makes sense.
Uhhuh. So we're now kind of in a more masculine,
we use more left, more left brain.
Uh, I feel like it was more ripe brain back then, um, right.
That one's better or worse.
The other both have its advantages and disadvantages.
I, I, I think to have a a a best civilization we have is
to have a balanced masculine and f uh, civilization.
I agree. Civilization not one
where one is more prominent than the other.
Mm-Hmm. So, um,
but again, I mean, does everybody in Atlantis, you know,
positive and, you know, probably not everybody in Aria
positive and, you know, probably not.
Yeah. I mean, you know,
and back to just,
I wanna say something about the Reptilians.
I don't personally feel like all reptilians are bad either.
Right, right, right. I don't either.
I think some of them probably have evolved.
They just still look reptilian, you know?
But that doesn't mean we all have negative intentions
and wanna eat us and, you know, whatever.
So, um, right. You know, well, I think most
of 'em are controlled by ai
and they have nanotechnology in them.
So I think naturally they're not necessarily dark,
but a lot of them are being controlled by the AI uhhuh.
It's like people say the Anki came down here
and, you know, uh, created people and, and for as slaves,
and sure they did, but that doesn't mean every occu did.
What I, what we have to realize is when civilizations,
you know, scour the universe looking
to take the resources, who is that?
That's probably military people.
That's probably not, you know,
the average person from another planet.
You know what I mean? Just like when we go take the
countries, it's our military, it's not Randy
and me going to take over a
So, um, there's another school of thought too.
If you ever check out Mathia Ano on Gaia,
he does have recall over three separate past lives then,
and apparently access to the Akasha record also.
But the way that he describes this, he has a great episode,
at least one episode
where he goes back a hundred thousand years,
or actually he may even go as far back as a million years,
but then most of the races
that he talks about are
in the last a hundred thousand years.
And what he describes is that we are, um, sort of a,
a galactic orphanage, obviously,
and that different races come here to, um,
spread their information, is what he,
what he always calls it.
But it's DNA, I mean, it's how, uh, it's
how the races do this.
And what, um, what he says is
that there was a sort of a council formed out of, um,
part of the Galactic Federation,
and, um, as part of a way to help resolve
some galactic, um, friction that, that multiple races
and planetary systems had.
They agreed that they were gonna come and collect
or deposit their information here on Earth, um, together
and in a way to show that the races
with their collective information could in fact coexist.
And that that's part of, um,
and there's, there's many other stories,
if you read the contact as well to, it sounds kind of like
The Orion Wars.
Yeah, that's what, that's what he says,
that it all comes out of, out of Orion.
Um, and the raw contact, um, with the law of one,
if you've ever read that, which is a channel, um,
teaching from the early eighties.
Um, they talk extensively also about, um, similarly, um, et
that come here and, um, share their information.
Um, and mostly though, um, all benevolently, this is really,
um, you know, the universe is sort of a, a nursery
for consciousness
and all advanced civilizations, whether they,
they're positively or negatively polarized, uh, event
or ultimately are trying to raise consciousness up, uh,
in the way that they feel is, uh, most beneficial.
And so obviously the Galactic Federation
and those that are more positively polarized, um, you know,
do it sort of one way and,
and the negative ones do the other,
and we're sort of under quarantine, um, yeah.
You know, under that, uh, that under that system.
Yeah. It's kind of like if you pull,
pull yourself down like a rubber band,
eventually when you let go of that,
it pops back up even farther
than it would've been initially.
So every, every lesson is therefore really valid.
And I just wanna show this picture
because it kind of moves the mo around,
puts Moo in there, like you were saying.
And so, you know, it, it just, you know, opens up the doors.
Okay. I think these things are possibly there, uh,
where exactly, I'm not gonna claim
to know exactly where these things were.
Obviously Atlantis being in the Atlantic Ocean makes a lot
of sense, but some of these other ones I'm open to.
And I believe it's a beautiful discussion just
to have it, just to talk about it.
So, you know, Atlantis is our next one,
and it has, the, the rings around it, um, is
how Plato described it.
As far as I know.
That's our first, um, you know, interaction with,
with the Atlantis is Plato's, Plato talking about it.
Um, and, and I, as my, I, my assumption is that,
that he come up with that, uh, you know, from a memory,
from a, um, you know, from a dream
or a vision to seeing
that in the mind's eye and coming up with that.
And, you know, some people speculate too, that, you know,
he was just, um, part of some secret groups,
some secret mystery schools,
and, you know, he was given that information as well.
So that's definitely a possibility.
But we all know that, uh, Atlantis and,
and all these places sunk
and in a day, um, I, this is something
that's always fascinated me,
and I've always, I've always been someone
to not believe something
or not believe it, just see it for what it is.
And so I kind of asked my guides one time, I was like,
how does it get to a day?
You know, it takes a long time
for polar caps to melt and everything.
And that's where I got the idea
of the planet stopped spinning.
That just came to me one day
and I found it in some other places.
Don't they talk about that in the Bible too?
Like in Revelations, how there's gonna be one day
that there's gonna be darkness.
Yeah. The three days of darkness, and that's from,
and those, those come from the Middle East, right?
So one side of the planet,
but the Hopi tradition in the Americas where we live,
talk about a long day that happens.
Okay? So a long extended period of light.
So that to me would mean
that the planet was stopped spinning
because the flipped, that's your equal
and opposite reaction then, then
before it starts to spin the other way
to gather up this new vibrational frequency.
Mm-Hmm. So that's what you want.
Um, I was in the park one day looking at, um, Tova Kiva
and, um, had this really beautiful download that
the reason that people want you to be polarized, Democrat,
Republican, white, black, whatever it is, good versus evil,
um, to be polarized as seven,
8 billion people on the planet keeps our planet from
the polarities flipping.
We want the polarities to flip.
This is the natural process that happens,
but when seven plus billion people are on the planet are
polarized against each other for the color
or skin, whatever, anything we are
affecting magnetically this flip from happening,
and we want it to happen, it should happen.
So take yourself out of the pul polarization of ideas
and concepts no longer allowing people to have free will,
to be you have your ideas, and I have mind,
but I'm certainly not gonna fight you over them.
And, um, I'm not gonna take one side
or the other, you know, realizing that Democrat
or Republican, they're all part of the same bird.
So, um, but what else?
Another thing that I found out about that is
as the world is spinning,
there's actually a bulge at the equator, like a hamburger.
And, um, that's
because it's spinning 16,000 miles an hour,
it's making the water bulge up at the equator.
So if we were to have a moment
where the planet stopped spinning, that bulge,
therefore would be completely released, a huge
gathering of that water
that's at the equator we're completely dispersed
extremely quickly across the entire planet.
And I believe it's about 80%
of all people live within a hundred miles of the coast land.
You know? So it is an astronomical number for it to, if
that was to happen, all this water's gathered be equator,
the planet stops spinning and all
that water disperses quickly.
Anybody, 80% of people live a hundred miles from the coast.
It's a really, yeah. It's somewhere in that neighborhood.
The last time I heard it was, you know, several years
Ago, 500 or so port cities around the world.
Yeah. You're talking about, you know what I mean?
If you had that, if you had waves like that, it would,
it would decimate the population
of the planet in a day, you know?
Mm-Hmm. Um, yeah, it's a large number of people live on the,
within a hundred miles of the coast.
So, like I said, if that's, that's just what I gathered up
and I asked my guides about it,
and I, you know, I find the breadcrumbs, I find the stories,
I find the things, and you know what I mean?
I don't even know anybody else that knew
that the water bulges at the equator like that.
It was just something I found in its
journal, a scientific journal.
So, um, it just blew my mind that that was, you know,
there when I, when I actually tried to look for it
and find it and just be open to the mystery. So something,
You know, a couple people who know about that
Now. Yeah, I do
now. Yeah.
But back in the day, 10 years ago,
I had no idea anybody was even cared about that.
Anything more than Atlantis. Like, there's anything else
to figure out about it, you know what I mean?
But again, Atlantis is a, you know, port in the middle
of the ocean, um, that was high technology,
free energy apparently,
and just incredible, um, insights to nature
and to the wonder of the world that we are just now
beginning to start to understand again.
And so they, they sank in a day,
and those people had to, they had to get out.
And I would assume back in the day when that happened,
it killed off a large percentage of the people.
And there were certain people who were able to listen
to their intuition that had contact with their guides
and aliens and, you know, whatever, who were able
to help take them off the planet,
bring them from other places, uh,
whatever they had to do to survive.
But, um, I do think a small percentage of people left.
And those people, you know, created the, the Mayan cities,
the Egyptian cities and different cities. I feel
Like there was a lot of, um, different races there.
Yeah. That's definitely the things
that I've heard too different.
It's a, a melting pot, you know, almost,
and I think it's weird today that we have such a,
you know, we have the races, like really,
there's only one race, the human race.
And the only reason that we have people that look
so much different than the other is
because of the Tower of Babel.
So back in the day, the Tower of Babel was a tower
that could top their reach to heavens.
They, humanity was united by one living language.
We could all speak the same language.
And then God came down
and confused, man with Babel, Babel, tower Babel,
because we had become one
that doesn't sound like the God of love.
That sounds like someone who has an ego, doesn't want us
to communicate, and then therefore, white people stay
with white people and black people, black people,
and don't, you know, necessarily, um,
procreate with each other.
But I, I tend to think even more than just color of a skin,
you're, when you're talking about the reptilians
or bird people, or I think there was a plethora
of different type of race lines, more so than just,
you know, different colors of humans that live there.
Um, certainly because they could, people could come and go.
Aliens could come and go. Our imagination was at a higher
spot, so things were, you know, more available.
So seeing in the U ffo back in those days, like, it's just,
it's just another human, it's just another ascentia being.
So, yeah, I think it was totally, um, fine.
Nobody cared about that. Like they would today.
It would literally kill people if an alien,
if a ship landed in front of some people,
some people would literally, probably die, would like,
give them an aneurysm, you know,
because it would be too much overload for them, literally.
Um, back in the day, I felt like this
was just everyday life.
It just, what happened? So obviously these, uh,
civilizations are all underneath the, uh,
water Atlantis has sunk and lumeria sunk,
and the remnants are all underground.
So this is De Bimini road
found in 1968 off the coast of Bahamas.
Edgar Casey in the early 19 hundreds,
and one of his most famous channelings in 1938, said
that we would find the remnants of Atlantis in 1968 and 69.
He was a hundred percent right.
This is for all means
and purposes, a road built with intention.
Um, and this was found in 1968, um,
right off the coast of The Bahamas.
And I, I believe he was right.
He was able to channel in to that power within us to,
you know, let us know, Hey, you guys are gonna find
the remnants in Atlantis.
So again, Bahamas, you're talking about Atlantic Ocean,
you're talking about all the right places, um,
how big Atlantis was, who knows.
And even if Atlantis was just one city
or a collective term for an entire race or species
or, you know, um, village, if you will, of, of,
you know, a big island, maybe
Atlantics was just a huge island.
And so there's, you know, remnants all
around the Atlantic ocean,
but I, I certainly do believe that this is a
manmade structure in The Bahamas that, uh, he predicted
that they would find, and he was right.
And so again, um, off the coast of Cuba,
when they're doing solar scan sonar scans of the ocean,
they got permission from the Cuban government to do this.
They were looking for something else,
but they did find pyramids literally on the bottom
of the ocean off the coast of Cuba,
which I just feel like is absolutely pretty recent last,
yeah, last few years, past few years, absolutely.
That they were able to do this
and they really tried to cover it up,
but, um, they'd already got the
permission and already got the photos.
So some of 'em were out there.
It's just, again, you know, this should be on the top
of news headlines.
Yep, yep. But it's just, nobody's gonna talk about it.
It's not what, you know, people are getting paid millions
of dollars to talk about talking
About. I think we're gonna
continue getting, um,
having more discoveries, like more
and more, um, shocking discoveries, you know?
I mean, there's de Yeah. I,
I think the biggest one will probably be Anana Antarctica.
I think when the, yeah, when the ice Mels on Antarctica,
the pyramids on Antarctica,
and the things they're gonna find on
that is gonna be mind blowing, and it's gonna be undeniable.
So again, whether it's off the coast of Cuba or Puerto Rico
or wherever, Greece, um, we're gonna continuously find,
like you said, artifacts.
And, you know, obviously some
of these things could have been from sucking chips,
but, um, a lot of these are literally civilizations
and, uh, underneath the water,
because the water at some point was much
lower than is today.
So this is an Egyptian artifacts,
and, um, you just,
there's all kinds of cool pictures and stuff.
I just picked a few of, some of the ones that were kind
of more clear, because it's, when, when I share my screen,
I wanna make sure you guys can see as much as possible,
but just incredible pictures of all kinds of cool stuff
underneath the water that, um, you know, obviously there,
and this is off the coast of Japan,
and these are just, there's no way that these are
not manmade, uh, temples.
They're obviously right angles, uh,
just looking at this thing, you just know,
there's just no way that this is, uh, anything else
but a manmade structure underwater.
I mean, look at that, nothing but right angles
and straight lines and Mm-Hmm.
It looks, looks like every other pyramid, you know,
somewhere to every other pyramid around the world, so,
and so, there's just a lot of great pictures of 'em.
So, um, this one looks like the Mayan temple,
uh, underwater.
And so here we'll come to, uh, back to the Middle East.
This is Petra Jordan.
Um, I just don't think really today we're gonna create
something with such precision
and, you know, magnificence as the Petra, the temples
of Petra, it is just incredible that any,
anything other than very,
very recent times in the past couple decades,
if anything like this is even remotely possible, um,
without the technology close to what we have today, uh,
they're, they're carving out out of rock like this.
And with such precision, this is a one and done deal.
This is not, um, you know, you can't, you,
there is no mess up, right?
Where, where do you get the technology to be able to create
out of one side of a rock, the technology to be able
to create, you know, buildings and temples like this.
To me, it's just astronomical. And the same thing.
This is Ethiopia. These are the church.
They say King lolly Bella created. And I, I just find it.
I just, I just say, no way.
There's no way these things were
built a couple hundred years ago.
Um, you know, when we just didn't have the technology.
These things were, I think, much older.
Uh, you look at this thing, you can see some of the,
the growth on it, um, the growth on it that's taken,
obviously a long time for it to get this growth in algae
and moss and all the things that are growing on this thing.
It's obviously been there for quite some time.
And again, the precision that it takes to cut the rocks,
um, and,
and these are all, these are all one rock where the,
the remaining rock is gone.
It's completely taken out.
It, it is cut from almost from the top down,
and everything else around it is completely taken out.
These, these churches in Ethiopia, I,
I've never set my eyes on them myself,
but definitely, um, you know, one of the, one
of the most incredible structures in the world, I believe,
um, that, uh, you know, literally cut outta one rock.
And obviously churches, you can walk through them,
so they're hollowing side as well,
but just, you know, absolutely incredible that,
um, there's just no way.
I, I just don't think that the plannings there,
the blueprints are there for anybody's
a few hundred years ago.
And, and you know, this, these are,
these things are super difficult for us to try today,
and we're not doing it today.
We're not even doing it.
So, to, to make an argument like, oh, we can do that today.
Well, where's it at? Where's anybody doing this at?
Nobody's even trying this anywhere else.
You know what I mean? And they did it in,
there's multiple churches.
So they did it. They,
and to me, I think they did it 'cause it was easy.
It wasn't necessarily hard,
and I don't think it had to be groups of people, right?
When you talk about King Solomon, when you talk about,
you know, Jesus said, I could tear it, you know,
I could tear a, um, temple
town and rebuild it in three days.
Of course, I think he's talking about his body,
but he's also talking about the buildings too.
I think the, the magic
that these people have in the advancement, in their mind
is far beyond what we know it.
And to them, these things are probably more
easy than they are hard.
Didn't they also, the civilization at Petra
just disappear suddenly?
Yeah, I think so. There's like almost
no trace of them at all, to be honest.
I don't think, I don't know any really,
almost anything about them.
That's just, it's just not even there.
So, of course, the pyramids of Egypt, uh, one
of the most famous ones of all, um, and this is really cool,
and I, I think most of you guys probably know this,
but just to point this out, when you look at the main,
the tallest pyramid of Giza, you can see
how it has a little bit of this, um, part on top.
So it literally, before, um,
before it got old, they literally stole the casing
of the pyramids.
And, um, when it was, when it said
to be in new pristine form, it was so shiny
that you could bounce a laser beam off
of it from outer space.
Oh, wow. Yeah. So
I didn't even think about that.
Right. Yeah. That's pretty incredible.
Um, so yeah,
and, you know, these things honestly could have been there
before, after.
Um, but yeah, so all the stone
that was covering the pyramid at one time has been literally
stolen and brought
to different civilizations around the world.
People have stolen and take it different places,
but, um, you know, these things were covered up.
It's almost just like the sand.
Somebody was like, oh, somebody's coming.
We gotta get rid of these things,
and they just cover 'em up in sand.
That's exactly how the stinks was found.
Like literally from its eyeballs up was the only thing
showing probably just
because that's how truth is at some point.
You can't, you can't cover it up for a long time,
but eventually it's gonna be uncovered.
Mm-Hmm. But, um, I think out of all the things in Egypt,
this thing we're looking at here is probably the most
profound by far artifact in Egypt.
Um, the SPX is probably much older than
even the pyramids are.
Uh, I don't know if you guys have seen some
of the ancient aliens and stuff like that,
but the SPX has water damage on it, and mm-Hmm.
It literally, on its back, it literally has water damage.
And the last time anybody even considers the, the Sahara
to have been a wet environment tempered environment was tens
of thousands of years ago.
And, um, you can kind of, you can see that
through soil samples in the ocean,
they can go take a soil sample of the ocean,
and you can see the sand blows off
into the ocean every year.
But eventually at some point, the sand stops, meaning
that there were forests and rivers and grass.
And this was tens of thousands
of years ago that this happened.
Uh, and, and you can just look at this picture alone.
You see how he has a tiny head.
Uh, most people believe that this was either like a dog
or a lion, and that the head was carved later on with,
um, with a civilization like cuckoo or something.
I think that's probably what happened.
It doesn't make sense to have this humongous body
and this tiny little stinks head on it.
I think that it probably was a lion,
and that it probably faced the constellation of Leo,
which would've been, again, 20
to 30,000 years ago, I believe.
Um, I think the Sphinx was there long
before the pyramids were themselves.
And, uh, according to Casey,
I believe it was under the left paw of the Sphinx is a, um,
is a room full of the records of Atlantis.
So, um, I,
I don't think we're ever gonna see that discovery.
I, at some point maybe,
but they definitely have done sonar scans of that
and found open chamber under there too.
Oh, wow. That's the last I've heard of it.
But, um, you know, are they gonna tell us? No, probably not.
But I would love to know what's under that paw,
especially since he was right about the Bimini Road.
Uh, I think that he's probably right about what's under the
paw spins as well.
So this is the Temple of Seti.
If you guys have never seen,
this is absolutely a real picture.
Uh, just so you know, that looks like a helicopter to me,
a tank, a spaceship and a glider.
These are all upright tail right positions that's, uh,
in intrinsic to modern day aviation,
but there's nothing in nature that has that.
So, uh, you can believe what you want,
but, uh, to me, they're putting on these temples
and these pyramids, the things that they saw,
and they saw these things,
and I 100% believe that they had tanks and spaceships
and gliders and helicopters in the past.
Um, but this is definitely on a pyramid.
This is not a big picture.
I'm sure most of you guys probably know about this,
but, uh, I always like to point out things like this,
just in case anybody doesn't know.
Temple is Seti. Um, that's where I got this one from.
And then these beings, uh, you know,
are 15, 20 feet tall.
They represent like fifth dimensional consciousness,
so DMT Yeah.
Those looks like, right? And so one of the cool things about
that is, is what I believe is in the zero point when
that when the earth does stop spinning
and the, the pole slip, and we stop spinning that moment
before we start spinning the other way,
that is an incredible moment of spontaneous evolution.
When we look back at hominids
and stuff, they, they almost change overnight.
Uh, it's not a million of year process
where there's a missing link in the middle.
They're literally just, you know, completely can
Explosion like that, you know?
Right. So to me, if someone believes enough,
if your vibration is high enough, there will be some of us
that literally change
and morph into larger beings, which will definitely help
with the taking back of our planet.
But these people actually represent fifth
dimensional consciousness.
That, and, you know, in every, every culture that I know
of ancient culture that I know of, all
of them talk about giants.
And I can guarantee you
that giants still exist on this planet in different forms.
Um, but there are lots of dog men, hairy men,
Sasquatch wild people who still come, most of the areas
of the world that, uh, you know,
that we don't really ha inha in it, you know what I mean?
Just because we live on concrete every day
and we're domesticated doesn't mean
that somebody doesn't care about light beer politics.
And, you know, they just don't care about those things.
They care about each other. It's a civilization, you know,
that lives with earth instead of on it.
And, um, there are giants
that live on the planet still today.
They're still out there.
And I, I am most convinced that eventually, um, some
of us in the near future world, even morph into
avatar type giants, uh, the Mayans
and Tza,
and again, incredible civilization, I think came out
of Atlantis and Lemuria, the people that came
after those cataclysms happened, um, their technologies
and, you know, just the buildings, the temples are just
so incredible and so vast.
Um, I don't know if you guys have ever been there,
but when you're at chit
and you're standing right here next to 'em,
and you can clap it, you could just barely talk like this.
And it echoes throughout the whole entire place. Oh, wow.
That whole thing is, yeah, it's like this,
it's incredible resonant chamber.
Um, when I was there, it just, I was like crying.
It, it just feels like this mystery school.
It feels like a consciousness school.
It feels like these people are out.
They're, they're doing it.
They're the ones dude, they're the original self-sustaining
people, you know what I mean?
Out there in the middle, creating their own fruits
and vegetables growing, and then here comes people
that just completely destroy their way of living.
Um, but to me, this felt like the original sustainers, um,
and the Mayans,
like other civilizations just pooped and vanished.
And to me, I feel like what, what was left
of them ascended?
That there were a moment in time
where the ascension process was a group was a group event,
and the remaining inhabitants
of this area literally ascended into higher dimensions,
and we're no longer able to, you know, see them,
or, you know, Mm-Hmm.
I'm, what happened
after that is, you know, part of the mystery of life.
But, um, you know, Christ
and other people said, you know, we can basically stop
moving into bodies and forgetting who we are, you know,
with, when we awaken
and we wake up eventually, we don't have
to be continually going to this process of going
through lives and forgetting who we are.
You'll eventually at one point, remember,
and not have to go through the forgetting process again.
So these, uh, this is the ball court
and, um, on the sides down here.
Uh, and they said these, it's just,
it is just incredible when you're standing there
and like see the people at the bottom,
how big these things are.
And you know, what massive undertaking this would've been,
or it was easy.
It's either one or the other. It's a massive undertaking.
Or these people knew how to do something that was,
are those steps normal size for the most part?
Yeah. It's not anything like super hues.
And I mean, the, the ones in the middle, of course not.
The ones on the side, the ones on the side would be
probably four to four or five feet.
Mm-Hmm. So, one of the cool things I just wanted
to pull out real quick about the mile civilization look at
time real quick, um,
is the crystal skulls just an incredible thing.
Um, I've actually seen one a little Jacob.
Little Jacob, yeah. Mm-Hmm.
I show this picture because it shows good lighting,
and you can see there's, at least on this side,
there's three different types of crystal.
And on the back, there's two more.
So this one in particular is made out
of five different types of crystal.
Uh, this is my picture that I took.
Um, I actually slept next to this thing.
I, I actually held it in my hands and,
and meditated with it, uh, sleeping next to it one night.
I literally could feel my consciousness being pulled in
and out of my body all night into a dream world.
And it was like, I could feel it, like a, you know,
coming in and outta my body, and I would wake up sometimes,
but gasping for air, like I just got put back in my body,
and then I would close my eyes and I'd go right back to it.
Um, it was like he was pulling my consciousness
and my salt in and outta my body all night long.
Um, just incredible.
18 pounds, it's made of the same material
that you save all the information on your phone on.
Um, so this is a literally a storage device.
I would, I would consider this a computer
that's aware of itself.
And so that you could, this one is called Max,
owned by Joanna Parks.
And she takes round places, um,
that literally without interfacing, you don't have
to touch anything or use a cursor
or hit the arrow buttons or type letters.
You can literally ask this thing questions
and it can talk back to you.
That's, that's how I take it. That's what happened to me.
I heard his voice loud and clear.
It was inside my head like a telepathic thing.
Um, but I, I just, you know, a civilization
that has a legend of 13 crystal skulls,
I think is just absolutely mind blowing.
Incredible. Um, that they had, you know,
we just think this is a crystal,
but this is literally a computer that can talk to you
that has its own form of consciousness, kind
of like you would think maybe AI might have,
but even more intelligent how it works.
I'm not exactly sure, but it's beyond, I wanna meet it.
I, I would highly recommend it.
Joanna Parks takes it a around the country
to let people check it out.
Um, I've seen it probably three
or four times each time was, you know, super incredible.
So here's a, not necessarily a civilization,
but something I wanted most people to know about that.
Uh, probably most people don't.
In Africa, there are lots of stone circles in their school
and their classrooms.
Um, they tell people that these are like cattle, uh,
you know, fences or whatever.
But if you look closely even at this one,
there's no interest in or out.
It's not something
that you would bring something into and leave them there.
Every single one of these is different.
Every single circle is different,
and they're all, um, um, I think made
for resonant energy.
Um, Adam's calendar is, you know, obviously one
of the oldest manmade structures on earth.
Um, and it's rocks that are sticking out of the ground to,
I think almost pull out energy.
It's, it's like acupuncture of the earth, these places.
Um, and every single, like I said, every single circle
is completely different from every single one of 'em, um,
as if they're able to harness certain areas.
And that's the sacred geometry of that planet.
So by someone who is a very, obviously a debt person,
knowing how to pull an acupuncture of the earth's energy,
we're able to create free energy for themselves
and people all in that area.
Um, which I think is absolutely astounding.
And it's all, again, it's all stone circles that have to do
with sacred geometry.
They're all, um, you know,
this looks like the philosopher stone.
So they're using sacred geometry, um, in the same way
that I feel like there's a few people on earth doing.
Now, when you look at Washington DC you look at
Egypt, they all have ois.
They all have pentagrams.
Not to say that those things are bad, that's just
how the universe manifests itself.
And when you know how it does,
and you can use it, you can use it, your benefit
however you want to, I mean,
the universe gives you free will.
So you can use to manipulate people
or give to people, either one.
It's your choice. But these things are incredible.
I, I, I can't even remember,
but there's tens of thousands of circles like this in the,
in Africa alone.
And one of the things I wanted to share about this,
these are all just look like regular stones, right?
Um, yes.
However, these stones, when you hit 'em against each other,
they, they make a crazy ching,
bing sound, a resonant sound.
Um, you may think this one on the left just looks like a
donut, but that's a literally a Taurus
that is a toal energy field.
And that cone-shaped tool is something found.
These tools right here are found all along these circles,
and which I think it almost looks like a magician hat,
but, um, what's incredible is, uh, they ring like bells.
And I just wanted to take a quick second,
and you guys might not even be able to actually hear,
see it, but you should be able to hear it.
I'm just gonna play. This is, uh, Michael Tinger.
I don't think you guys can see it,
but it, he is, he's got some of these stones
that he's found in these circles,
and he's just gonna take a rock
and he is gonna hit him against it.
I just want you to listen to 'em.
So, you know, these aren't just, they look normal,
like regular rocks, but I want you to hear
what he is about to play on them.
This one is full of patina,
it's thick patina, so it's quite,
but you can still hear the effects.
Okay, here, I'm gonna fast forward to
That's almost like a crystal bowl or something.
It's so pining.
Okay. So you, you see what I'm saying?
That is a huge rock, but that is something different.
Like it's been electrified, something's happened to it
to give it this really abnormal, um, behavior
that it's able to ring like that.
So what's, you know, all that. That's all pretty incredible.
And those are the stones right there that he was ringing.
Just so you can get a look at 'em.
If you guys couldn't see 'em in the
video, I don't think you could.
What is the name of those? The stones?
I don't think they have particular names.
They're just stones that he found. You know,
I was watching this the other day with him,
and he has a large collection of what he considers them
to be body parts from giants.
Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, that's a said.
Go look in into that. It's this guy right here.
I was just watching that the other day.
He has all kinds of body parts lined out, um,
like heart organs, like all kinds of stuff.
Petrified, uh, pretty much.
Yeah, I believe so.
And I think they make ringing noises
or weird noises and stuff too.
I'm not sure about the ringing, but yeah, look into that.
Oh yeah, that's cool. I'm, uh, hold on a second guys.
I'm a little stuck on my screen right here.
Um, why am I not being able to go back once I did that,
that might've been not a good thing.
Let's see if I can go back.
Can you see that picture at least
of him standing with the rocks?
Yep. Okay, let's see if I can go back.
Uh, I didn't know that. I couldn't do that.
I did that before. See if I can stop the
share for one second and then see if I can go back in.
Sorry about that. I didn't realize I couldn't do that.
Not letting you do it. Oh, man, that's not good at all.
Mm-Hmm. That's weird.
Hold on, gimme one second guys,
because that was supposed to be something
that was really easy and now it's not.
Um, anyways, yeah, I think that's a pretty crazy thing
that the, um, hopefully I'll just talk
and we'll get back to where we were.
But what's crazy is, so a lot of these stones are, are,
are cone shaped.
And, um, what I think is crazy about
that is if you guys have ever heard of Ed Lee Scallions,
he got, he's the guy who created Coral Castle in, um,
uh, Florida, right?
And it had said to be one of the
only modern day mega lists in the world, right?
Um, okay, here's, here's Michael Inger.
Okay, here's Michael Inger,
and those are the rocks that we looked at.
Here's Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida said to be one
of the only, uh, modern day mega lists.
So this guy's five feet tall.
You need to re share your screen, Jacob. Oh. Oh.
Thanks for telling me. Where's my zoom at now?
Okay, here we go. Thanks Morgan. Sure. Okay, there it is.
So this is in Homestead, Florida.
He moved this thing, I think it was in Fort Lauderdale.
Fort Lauderdale first, uh, I think you got a column
to change it to homestead.
So he picked up everything and moved it.
This guy did this whole entire thing by himself.
The kids who saw him do this,
he only did this late at night.
He never did it. During the day he moved, what, what is,
you know, coral, he cut, cut and carved all of it himself,
and he moved what would be like 10,000 ton wall by himself,
five foot tall, a hundred pounds, didn't have any cranes,
didn't have any heavy, any equipment.
He had this little black box.
And at at one point these kids in Florida walked by him
and said, and then went and told their parents and stuff.
We saw Ed out there and he was levitating rocks.
And he had these cone shaped like ice
cream cones in his hand.
And obviously nobody believed him,
but he, I I just think it's fascinating
that we've got these stone circles in Africa
with these cone shaped tools and resonating tools.
And here these kids said, we saw Ed with,
with these cone shaped like stones in his hand,
moving things and probably levitating these things in a way
that it was easy and he pushed them into place.
That's what I honestly believe he was able to do.
So the reason I share this, oh man, why is my,
my screen order, the reason I share this is
because I feel like it's fascinating
because when we talk about, you know, wanting
to go into the woods and create a civilization
and be self-sustainable
and how we're gonna do it, you know, the information to how
to do these things is there, if one man could build this
by himself because he is, has the technology
to levitate blocks
and things, then I think it's really good on us and,
and really promising
because then we can do the same
things, you know what I mean?
The, the capabilities that one man has,
obviously anybody has,
and Ed wrote books that he knew how the pyramids were built
and all throughout this entire complex, he's got,
he's got secret little writings
and things like that and how he did things.
What's his name? It's Ed
Lin, I think it's
S-K-L-I-S-K-L-A-L-I-N or something like that.
He is, uh, I think Polish or something.
So it's, it's, it's weird,
but, um, I can help you find it afterwards.
But, um, um, yeah, so anyways,
it's just, it's just fascinating.
This guy was able to, um, do this by himself.
Why are we having problems all of a sudden?
Should I close everything that we got open?
Lemme close a few things real quick.
See if that helps me at all.
Um, so yeah, I just think that's incredibly promising
because, you know, if we wanna go out there in, in the,
in the wilderness and create our own civilizations
and do our own things, then um, you know, some
of us are kind of a little bit scared,
but as we awaken to the possibilities of what we can and do
and what, you know, we don't even know is possible, um,
I just think it's, you know, good to know that, you know,
we can come up with these civilizations
and we can create these things and these huge temples, um,
and do it in similar way.
So this is really cool too, because this is a doorway.
And I went there when I was a kid
and I remember pushing this door open with one finger,
like it was just air.
This thing, I can't even remember the, how much it weighed,
but it's several, several tons.
It's extremely heavy, right?
And at some point in the last 30 years, whatever it, it go,
it messes up and it goes off.
And they had to come in there with bulldozers and everything
and cranes and pick it up and try to put it back on.
They never ever got it close to the point where it was like,
when Ed did it, ed did it,
and you could push it with a shaer.
Now you have to really kind of push it with your,
with a couple hands and move it and they never could get it.
And that's honestly, I feel like,
because Ed was literally able to levitate it,
make it completely balanced, and put it on there perfectly.
And we cannot replicate what one five foot tall,
100 pound man did in the day, back in the day.
Um, so here's another great civilization, the Mesopotamia
Sum area Babylon, all here now, which is modern day Iraq.
But all these great civilizations in the past
were all in the same area.
Here's one thing that's pretty cool about this.
The Bible talks about the Garden of Eden was
between four rivers,
and they specifically say the ion, the Gion River with two.
That's where the people have always had a problem
where those two rivers were satellite imaging now has found
these two dead rivers.
They're no longer there,
but most people are pretty convinced that these two
dead rivers that are no longer there, where once the, again,
which means they would come together right here, right?
And right at the top of, uh, right here.
I don't know if you guys, if that's in here way
or not, there's a Persian Gulf over here,
um, stuck again.
And so I think the reason why you can't go back
to the Garden of Eden is honestly because it's flooded.
Oh, that's even better to go right there
because you can't no longer go back there.
The garden meeting is literally now underwater that the
Anki created what they called the den
was their landing point.
That's where they set up shop
and where they set up shop
hundreds of thousands of years ago.
This was a much more luscious,
temperate forest slam than it is today, probably.
Um, but the Garden of Eden was eventually, um, flooded over
by this, by the Gulf and is no longer containable.
That's why you can't go back there. But
that makes sense why these two rivers are there.
Um, these are Sumerian tablets right here.
So these people on the, on the left are homo sapiens.
The guy on the right is a God.
He is obviously two
or three times bigger than the dudes on the left.
And this little circle right here in the middle, I believe,
and if you wanted to ask me, I could show you,
I believe this is sound technology.
This is like a plate resonating certain energies.
That's how they were able to move objects,
was making them weightless.
And uh, this was a technology to be able to do that.
But it's obvious these all three people are the same.
And this dude is much bigger than the rest of 'em.
He is their god, he is the Anki. Um,
I'm curious as to, um, what it is
that they wear on their wrist
and then the bag they carry that like little purse
and then the thing on the wrist.
You and me both. Um, I mean the watch is probably anything
that, you know, close to what
we're wearing Apple watches today.
They're probably technology devices that tell time,
that give them information they're able
to store information on, they're able to talk
to their friends on.
I mean, you know, one of the things I've realized is
that all things are possible, right?
So we can use te telepath, uh, telepathic thought
and telepathy to talk to each other,
but people who aren't in the spiritual realm
but are in the, you know, advancement of, of getting there.
I mean, you can talk to anybody you want to on Earth.
Like you could literally think of them
and use tele, tele telepathic thoughts to talk to them.
But, you know, if you're not in depth like that,
then you have to use a cell phone.
I think what we, even the internet,
it's a physical representation of the internet
that we're all connected.
Um, you know what I mean?
Like, you don't really need an internet to find the clues.
You can meditate and find every information
that's in your DNA, right?
So these are just things that they use
because they, they may be technology technologically
advanced, but they're not spiritually advanced.
And in some ways they are a little bit,
but I don't think these people are, you know,
Christ conscious Buddha type people.
I think that they're technology advanced.
They have technologies, they have watches, they have guns.
You know what I mean? They have things that, you know,
make them superior and look magical.
And that's why we think of kings
and queens as you know, they are now someone
who wears a crown, someone who has, you know, prestige.
But really a king is someone
or a queen is someone who has integrity, has compassion.
These people who have the attained the enlightenment.
When you talk about Confucius,
he had a misshape and head look like a crown.
If you look at all the Buddhist statues,
they have this little bun on their head.
I believe Christ had a little bun on his head.
And that's why the Jews wear the yamaka.
Uh, and, and it's
because they're, you know, it's like flattery is the highest
form of um, or oops, I said that backwards, didn't I?
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
They're imitating what they saw, right?
They saw a man who had an a bond on his head.
He, you know, through his enlightenment phase,
through the 40 days in the wilderness.
Uh, same with Buddha.
I think these people were able to increase their gray
matter, pop out what we call the crown of our head,
and elongated their, their heads.
Uh, it is an evolutionary process that happens.
It didn't stop with the Posable thumbs.
We have a lot more evolution to, uh, to, to, uh,
endure physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and,
and definitely physically we're gonna change.
And I think when we see these people with elongated skulls
and things like that, they had more brain capacity.
They were more intelligent and not necessarily just people
from other, other planets, but our own people
and processes of enlightenment we're able
to physically change, to have longer skulls.
Um, and I, and I believe that,
and that's why it's called the crown of your head.
And, uh, I believe that most light
beings definitely had a crown head.
So I'm gonna speed it up a little bit
'cause I know we're getting close in Samaria,
they were the first of everything.
Civilizations, governments, um, all the things.
This is a tablet that was six years old,
6,000 years old, sorry.
And you can see in the middle is the sun pretty obviously.
And every planet in our solar system surrounding it,
plus one, uh, which is nibiru the planet
that they come from four, four times the size of Earth.
It's plu because it's all water.
And, um, they had Pluto on there.
Pluto wasn't discovered till 1930,
less than a hundred years ago.
So, and the way
that they said they had this information was
Anki gave it to 'em, plain and simple.
Anki means those who came from heaven to earth.
And heaven is not a dimensional place.
They're talking about the heavens.
Everything outside of earth was the heavens,
and that's where they were coming from.
So you either have two things,
people coming from other planets,
or someone coming from some other dimension,
which is even really even more crazier if you think about
it, than someone coming, uh, from other planets.
Um, you know, it just makes total sense when you really
think of angels, aliens, that they're really same thing.
And, and, and, um,
angels are definitely interdimensional beings with wings
and aliens are definitely people from other planets.
And the stories that we have are just, you know, it's hard
to decipher sometimes who's what
because, um, the stories have been skewed.
And now we have a King James version, which isn't really,
um, you know, really conducive to
the modern day people under having a
more in depth understanding.
'cause it's been, you know, watered down
and words have been changed.
But certainly, um,
these people had an incredible in-depth information
of something that happened.
Uh, the Anki who came down
and had higher technology than them.
Uh, and according to their, according to their documents,
they created the adamu, plural, which was a, uh, people
to mine gold for them to bring gold back to their planet
because their planet, the atmosphere was literally dwindling
'cause they were burning fossil fuels.
And by injecting gold into the atmosphere,
could somehow repair it.
Uh, funny enough, once I found this out, alchemy came right
after for me, and I realized that you can eat gold.
You can eat monoatomic, metals, silver rhodium, meridium,
and these things could give you lucid dreams.
They could actually increase your spirituality.
Uh, I was in the middle of bartending in Atlanta
and started taking large quantities of goals
and had epiphanies, revelations, aha moments,
and realized that as I took more gold,
I was really repairing my own atmosphere.
I was repairing my own aura,
my own electromagnetic field around me.
'cause it was so down 'cause of the depression and drugs
and alcohol and that I had this really crazy huge kind
of like evolution quickly where I was able
to rebuild my aura very fast from taking the gold
and have all these aha and EpiPens and revelations
and, and these moments of,
How did, how did you take it? Was it like
Powder and liquids?
The company that I went to was called Zcp Technologies.
It's called Zero Point Technologies.
And they literally mined these things.
One of the craziest things that ever happened, I took, uh,
this stuff called Lucid, and it was a liquid.
I would take it before I go to bed.
And I had lucid dreams very vivid.
I was on this farm and they were teaching people how
to fly, long story short.
And I said, well, how do you do it?
And somebody was like, you just jump and you keep going.
And I was like, oh, you just jump in and keep going.
So I started practicing and eventually I started to fly
around and I was flying in my dreams,
and I knew I was lucid,
and I knew I was like dreaming but awake.
And it was one of the coolest things ever.
But, um, I think alchemy is not just turning base metals
into gold, but it's turning your body into golden State.
They're turning these medals into your
body into a golden state.
So it's pretty cool. Um, again, the Anki here, here's,
you're talking about the watches, the bags,
all the things that they're carrying.
Mm-Hmm. Uh, I don't know what's in that bag,
but it sounds, it looks pretty cool
and that obviously looks like a watch to me.
Uh, and I would say it's probably like an Apple watch
and times 10 or more,
but I think that they're able to do
pretty crazy technology on, you know, again, I'm open
to anybody else's.
Maybe they were using that to control, um,
a specific slave race
That's, you know, very possible too.
Uh, I think they didn't need too much of that.
I think the moon does a lot of that. Um, Mm-Hmm.
Like, maybe even ai, you know, something that he,
they need the wristwatch for.
Yeah, he's definitely got two on in this. Uh,
Oh, wow. He sure does. Huh?
So it's definitely something that they were using for,
who knows, maybe it was even a weapon
that was able to shoot things out.
I don't know. But, um,
definitely they had higher technology than we
did. I think we lost Andrew.
And that could have been the fashion too at the time,
Right? Yeah, it could
have been, uh,
hold on, I'm gonna pull this down here.
Okay, so now we're on to the Anasazi.
And there, there's a definite reason why I wanted
to do this civilization right after the Anki is
because I think they're one and the same.
Uh, and even the word
and nki anazi in,
uh, this actually means enemy of the people,
in case you guys didn't know the, and, and,
and why even today in our political correctness, a lot
of people won't even say the word anasi
because Native Americans don't wanna look at their ancestors
as bad, but I don't believe these are their ancestors.
I think these are anki.
When you look at the civilizations that these, oh, come on,
you did it to me again.
When you look at the civilizations
that these people are creating,
they're not the nomadic people, uh, of the,
of the Americas that are falling around Buffalo or so.
These people are setting up shop places
and they're doing it in weird places, like they're hiding.
And, you know, native Americans always have pictures
and stuff and stuff they saw,
and then they have regular people,
and then they have these people,
and these people look really weird
and they're really strange
and they don't fit into anything else in Native American
artwork, you know? Well,
It makes, it kind of makes sense that the onna you would
disperse across the planet, you know, as much as they could,
Right? There's
gold everywhere in these hills,
so you gotta go set up in different places.
But, um, certainly these things don't
fit the modern day humans.
These obviously, I mean, this guy up here, if
that doesn't look like some kind of weird alien do
with big eyes, I mean, I don't know what it's,
that just doesn't look like you got the opportunity.
You probably got the time to make
that look like a normal human head, if that's what it is.
And, uh, I just personally don't think that's what it's,
I think the anasazi
or the enemy of the people for a reason,
that's what that word means.
It doesn't mean, you know, grandfather ancient ones.
It means of the people. These are about people
that they liked or cared for or, or,
or had, you know, harmonious relationships with.
These are weird people that were
way different than all of them.
Uh, even these, even
to look at this picture right here is a bit spooky.
I know it's a little bit blurry for you guys. It's hard.
I spent many hours trying
to find the best pictures that I could.
It's a little hard sometimes to probably missed this one.
But, um, you know, it just looks spooky.
It doesn't look normal.
These weird shadowy figures don't look normal.
And again, this is Mesa Verde.
The these are built on the sides of mountain cliffs.
What are you, who are you hiding from?
Um, you know, again, if these are aliens from other planets,
their bodies are just as fragile as ours.
They can be killed just like we can be killed.
So they don't want to be snuck up on, they don't want to be,
um, you know, they don't wanna be killed.
So they're, what are they gonna do? They're gonna build a
nice cool civilization that's under a mountain
so nobody can find 'em.
Are you outta here? I'll, good to see you.
Thanks for coming over. I know we're way over time,
so I'm just gonna try to finish it up really quick.
But that's Mesa Verde.
Um, you know, pretty incredible structure
that just doesn't seem anything inducive to
what Native Americans and the Americas were doing.
Why are you gonna set up shop in just a weird place
where it's really hard to get to?
You know what I mean? They make,
you're not gonna put your civilization in a place
that's really hard to get to, to get to food, to get
to, uh, food.
It's just why are you gonna, I mean, water. Water. Yeah.
Why are you gonna put yourself in a place
where it makes it really hard to get places? It's just not,
I think the water drove them there.
You think water is why they're there?
Yeah, they could be there because of water,
but like I said, other, otherwise getting food
and getting resources, having to climb up the cliff
or climb out of that hole.
I mean, you know, I mean, if you ever walk down there in it,
it just seems crazy that that's what someone would do.
You know? Uh, it seems like they're hiding.
They're trying to not be seen.
They don't want people to find them. Uh, same thing.
This is the Anasazi of Chaco Canyon. That's Pueblo Bonita.
It's just a massive undertaking, uh, in a place where
there's no water, there's no food, uh,
there's not resources really there for,
and this is a large
complex, I don't know if you guys have ever been there.
It is, it is huge.
Um, but everything shows that this was not a place where
large amounts of people were.
There was a few people that lived here,
and it's, you know, relatively,
doesn't even seem like it's used majority of the year.
It's something that people go to.
Um, and, and is that not, is that not too far from here?
Yeah, Chaco Canyon a couple hours away. Wow.
And I've been there a couple times, and,
and on the solstice, the way that the sun shines down
through the rocks creates, um, shadows
and stuff that go down all the windows
and everything based towards the winter solstice.
So, you know, um, just really incredible, you know, again,
this is a vast undertaking of something in a place
where there's just not resources for these things.
There's, you know, kind of like the pyramids.
People say, oh, it took millions of people
to create the pyramids.
Okay. If it took millions of people to create the pyramids,
how many millions of people have had to grow crops
and catch food and gather food
and hunt for a million people?
10 million people had to gather food for a hundred,
for a million people to build them.
It's just, I mean, again, you wanna do something like this.
If somebody's gotta build this stuff,
somebody's gotta create food.
Somebody's gotta cook for everybody.
This is not, this is not a small task undertaking at all.
This is humongous. And to show that only, you know,
it seems like a very little amount of people dwelled here.
It just, it has, you have
to ask the question, what's going on?
What are these kivas, what are these circles?
What are these squares and stuff? What's going on?
There are these portals, are these places
where they're doing sacrifices, ceremonies?
Um, it's, it's just crazy.
And, um, there's definitely places
that you can go inside of it. And,
And we gotta also remember this is many, many years later.
So imagine what it looked like when it was just, um,
in a pristine condition, you know? Yeah.
Yeah. The reason that, what's
that? Say that again, Morgan.
And how the planet was oriented when it was,
when the site was chosen and
Right. Material
Were hauled and all that.
Right? Yeah. I tend to think that it's some kind
of ceremonial type place where they're doing ceremonies
and stuff, um, positive and negative.
I i, I, I wanna keep in my that to myself for right now,
but, uh, obviously something definitely
big is going on here.
And you know, it,
it doesn't seem like probably the average person's living
here, somebody with some,
at least a little bit more knowledge of the universe
and things that are going on to build all these things
that winter solstice.
Um, so then this brings us to, uh,
Machu Picchu in these mountains.
Same thing I've been here.
It is quite an undertaking to take it such a high altitude.
Uh, and, um, I
Wanna check that out so bad.
It, what's cool about this, Michelle,
you see the mountain, the tallest mountain that's in front
of it, Uhhuh, there are actually ruins on top of
that mountain, and you Oh, no way can Yeah.
Get a permit. We saw people climbing up there.
You can get a permit to climb to the very tip top,
but there are ruins on the very tip
top of that mountain right there.
Most people don't even tell you that.
Somebody sent me a chat real quick.
Sorry. That was me. I need to bail.
Oh, okay. Sorry man. Go ahead.
Thanks for joining us though. I appreciate you, dude. See
You later. Blessings.
All thank You. We're almost done here.
And so there are, there are literally
ruins at the top of that mountain.
Very cool. Um, it's just an incredible undertaking.
When you go there, it reminds you of all the other places.
It looks like Chaco, it looks like Mesa Verde. Mm-Hmm.
The way the structures are all built, the rocks, everything.
It's like, you know, similarly, the same kinds
of people are building them.
I mean, they have a advanced civil, you know, understanding
of, of rocks and how to do these things.
Um, this is all tele tebo.
Uh, this is in Peru as well, out of Cusco.
Uh, and when you're walking here, it is just incredible.
You're just like, wow, dude, you're just,
you just feel ancient civilization, um,
in the side of these mountains.
All these things are carved and it's just really cool.
This is a structure that's cut
with right angles with these stones.
And this is similar to the other places in Peru
where these stones are not mortar,
but somehow cut precisely
to fit in with the other rocks. And, uh,
Almost like it was a liquid at once.
Yeah. Like, it was almost like Play-Doh
where they were able to like, kind of able to mold it
and then heat it up, and then it was hot
and then it was hard again.
Um, however, they, that's
how I kind of feel like they did it.
But it, it is just amazing how that's just
so pristine and so perfect.
This is Saxa woman.
Um, and these pictures don't do it justice.
These are some of the bigger ones.
I have another one where I took a picture,
I couldn't find it of myself, sit in front of one
of the biggest ones, but I believe the biggest one is a
hundred thousand tons.
So here is the same concept where the rocks are just
so much bigger than even that of Ole Onte tombo,
where they're so big and huge
and you know, like I said, it's almost like they're Play-Doh
and then they're malleable.
And then all look at this one right here to the right
where it's just like, it's rounded.
How did you put that rock rounded in there?
Like that, like a tooth almost. It's just, yeah.
And I think that they use some sound technology too,
Probably. Yeah. To
levitate 'em. And you just put 'em up there.
So they're, so they're one, they're able to change the,
the molecular structure of the rocks,
and then they're able to
levitate 'em, put 'em wherever they want to.
And, uh, this is, uh, Puma Puku one of the most,
not really necessarily huge civilization.
It's a relatively small place,
but the, the surrounding people there said, um,
that this was a place set up by the gods in a night.
So this, this small place,
it's not a big civilization, it's really little.
And um, but it's something that was set up overnight.
And I've seen these H blocks set up to the place
where they could make a runway and take an airplane
off or something, right?
That's possible. But these things are made
out of dire right stone.
So the only, only way that they're cut is two ways.
Diamond bladed saws are laser beams, right?
There's really no other way to cut these stones.
And um, like I said, it's not a very big place.
It's small places. One place I wanted
to go on the co on the, uh, lines of, uh, guru and Bolivia.
We never got a chance to get out there.
But something I've always thought was just super incredible
that this mm-hmm, this, this little place
that made a diorite stone, that they were able
to do these incredible things.
And then this is Ancor Watt considered to be the largest
religious temple in the world.
One of the ancient wonders of the world.
Um, and I believe this thing is just
not made by, by human hands alone,
or people, uh, that are just average people who know how
to build and masonic things.
Mm-Hmm. The incredible, uh,
incredibleness in this instant Cambodia, um, is just
vast beyond what we know to be true
and how things are built and how these things are done.
And people said they made it with like magic water
and they were able to mold it similar to that of, of, uh,
places in Cusco and stuff.
But, uh, obviously has its own own design
and own structure to itself.
So just far beyond, uh, anything that we know.
And so I just threw this one in at the end, um, just to kind
of, you know, cut it off, um, off.
But, uh, do I think
that civilizations like this are real underwater?
I do. I think that especially off coast of Peru,
there are probably civilizations
that are very similar to this.
Um, even in the early,
the late 14 hundreds when Christopher Columbus is selling
around, he wrote in this diary
that they saw lights emerge out of the ocean
and fly off into the wa into the, into the, uh, sky.
And, um, he wrote about that in his diary.
And, uh, they were off the coast of Puerto Rico.
That's obviously an buer triangle.
And I think those were, you know, aliens or, um, mermaids.
Mermaid. Yeah, mermaids, Cynthia beings that were, you know,
I said coming and going and there are,
there are literally cities on the bottom of the ocean that,
um, are probably like this.
It's probably not a fairytale.
I believe this kind of stuff is true.
So, um, I think it's just cool, something just cool
to end on, um, because it's fun
and, um, um, yeah, so kind of neat.
So thank you guys.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Ancient Civilizations, History, Mystery School