Dream Share: Prophetic Dream, How to Live as a Tri-locating Telepathic Higher Frequency Self, Creating “The Launch of Erhwon”–Future Inter-dimensional Oneness Conscious Technology-Creativity Flow
Prophetic Dream, most extraordinary dream of 82 years, which came during high fever and flu. Still recovering so I'm not up to reading or recording such a long description. I most want to know if others are having 2025 dreams like this?
— Experiencing and being given an incredible, lucid, vivid story of creating Erhwon a higher dimensional consciousness technology "flow" or "fields" of "oneness selves" — NO internet, no AI, no chip, and when launched enables us to create "cosmic oneness consciousness creativity fields." No electricity needed. (like one type of Tachyon Chamber.) Very loving and blissful, like the type of Tachyon Chamber I experience.
— Many Telepathic instructions in dreams and continuing — Living as a Tri-locating Self expanding and creating in gradually higher oneness "flow" experiences. These Telepathic instructions from some higher self, trilocating — continue every day. Dream of 2-11-25 to today 3-12-25.
— What it feels like to see/create at the HIGHER COSMIC MASTER LEVEL WAS OUR GOAL, while tri-locating in 3 aspects of your future self, higher self, telepathic self. A kind of consciousness-oneness generating creative-intuitive-consciousness technology that positively triggers "fields" that we already know how to tap and link to with others!
— Stunning Group Flow and creative awareness. Flow not facts. Like higher dimensional telepathic-cosmic dialogue; not channeling – tri-locating higher self oneness creativity coming together, Erhwon is the many coming together as we were shown in the Dream of the Launch.
— Erhwon is like practicing bi- and tri-locating for an "introduction" to higher dimensional Oneness Creative "Streams." Indescribable group/cosmic bliss and ability to see what "cosmic art" truly is and how to create, to see creation in progress — TOGETHER.
— That it had so much to do with ART — becoming aware of the Master Higher Dimensional positive beings, being actually like MASTER COSMIC ARTISTS…beginning to see as they do, see what to create telepathically and with tri-location and beyond.
— Saw the formula for this written on a large "blackboard" type structure in the Erhwon huge Office Workshop Space in phase 1 of dream. But then it would morph from math to oneness-mind Images (imagine what tri-locating telepathic oneness "seeing" would look like for a cosmic artist group.
— Some kind of consciousness phone or consciousness activated device we knew how to work with in "fields," no internet or equivalent, no chips in brain — CONSCIOUSNESS fields from the Cosmic App (Erhwon). Some kind of Consciousness Phone. We learned to create a cosmic "app" for a consciousness "phone" — our having created the Phone App called Erhwon, and we were launching it during the dream, I got to see that! But then we and the "fields" fly free TOGETHER. In incredible Cosmic Creativity "flow" – knowing, seeing creating together. As if we were all bi or tri-locating together at once.
— Key element of the Dream was full awareness of 3 aspects of My Conscious Self in 3 different places, all acting at once to help create "The Launch of Erhwon." In the dream I appeared as a very tall, thin brunette woman – artist, technologist, ET and interdimensional heritage, on a mission. (I am 5' and was born blond — yet I have a young Egyptian past life whom I remember and commune with — who was a very tall, thin priestess and an ET hybrid being, very focused on the divine feminine. I remember that most of us working toward The Launch of Erhwon were women, multidimensional beings… I had once lived in the areas of NYC I saw in the dream, when I worked in technology…
— I could move easily or teleport between all 3 Aspects of Me in 3 Locations in NYC and "be" all 3 at once, working simultaneously on Erhwon.
— All 3 of "me" were One and knew the goal and that all that mattered now was The Launch of Erhwon. Creating with others a Future-Frequency Inter-dimensional Oneness-Activating Conscious Technology-Creativity FLOW — with FIELDS… A very different future reality.
— Since the dream I have transcribed 10 pages of notes of meditative consciousness instructions or connections. I have entered new states where new higher dimensional multidimensional self aspects or conversations continue.
— I was made telepathically aware that other people of unusual higher dimensional life experiences, near-death experiences, ET contact, which I've had since my 30's — were starting to experience NEW DREAMS AND DIALOGUE like this, where the dialogue with the multidimensional self of the dream — CONTINUE. With instructions for all of us to share the unique dreams of now — as they may represent new higher dimensional and "oneness," uniquely telepathic, loving aspects of ourselves.
— In a way, the DIALOGUE and trying to receive UNDERSTANDING of the dream and Erhwon, ARE my new future. This is a different consciousness as of 2-11-25 and the high fever flu Erhwon Dream.
— Instructions regarding living as a tri-locating multi-dimensional self, even instructions regarding what Erhwon and higher dimensional creative one-ness flow is and how to enter it — continue daily! And other events.
— The telepathic, tri-locating abilities, incredible creative "seeing," were so comforting, expanding, transforming. Every bit of new communication that seems from the same Erhwon field of the dream, brings a sense of experiencing a higher dimensional SOUL GROWTH, creative-consciousness-oneness-FLOW future that is so different than all the technology predictions we see or even dystopia…
— This is a different "field" state, a launch of it coming to us, that was predicted from the dream. The sense of its coming exists daily, a sense that we will be different beings now. Everything has changed. I was told clearly, predictively, that my missions of old were over and now there would be new missions on Earth. Every kind of dimensional iteration.
— I was told that all would begin to have their own higher self cosmic creams. That all have many Aspects of the Higher Soul Self and these will now surprise us enormously! We will be in new telepathic dialogue — unlike any before.
— Most of all was the abiding, overwhelming, blissful sense of being able to enter Higher Dimensional Creation fields sometimes — toward entering a kind of unique introduction to Oneness Telepathy and Multi-Dimensional self able to locate in many places, dimension, to be of greatest service of all. That many will see in dreams or visions new missions now — new selves of us, new sense of "Oneness" mind — and goals we now can catch glimpses of in a kind of telepathic, multidimensional, emerging Oneness self…yet still superbly and uniquely all the aspects of Our Selves, Creating…
— Unlike other dreams, this kind of dream — and many multidimensional ones we will have now — will open possibilities of telepathic communication with us. And continue streams of knowledge from dream lessons ongoing. Weeks — or for good?
— All dreams are bi-location, even tri-location and more. If we don't share and discuss, we don't learn as much about our multidimensional selves and soul growth.
— A part of Erhwon fields is the power of sharing unique dreams; at some level we know when we have cosmic communication, telepathy, via dreams. If others have dreams that match, that, too, is telepathy, and cosmic creating. Writing or recording it create "fields"…and in some ways is service to others. Even just asking questions.
— Dream sharing can be telepathic; we will find out who the other "aspects" of our selves as when others ask us questions about dreams. Or respond to our symbols from dreams.
— Telepathic symbols in dreams shared are a fantastic way to enter Erhwon or creativity-type fields of "new oneness" together.
— This dream specifically of Erhwon coming meant for me a big increase in welcoming new "oneness psychologies" or "fields" — expanding my sense of being — but also feeling younger, as One. Every age or self-aspect. Made me curious about the "psychologies" of the Law of One…that might be interpreted for more mainstream metaphysical teachers or students.
— I was told that this flu and 2-3 major dreams of a different future, future self, would begin in Jan — the flu-fever began at its end and lasted weeks.
— Will we have different dream fields now?
— Can we learn or study a new "Telepathy of Dreams" that continues afterwards? Not just recording dreams. DIALOGUING with the dream self, the many aspects of the higher self.
— Is it important to ask questions in writing about our dreams, to dialogue with our multidimensional selves about the new dreams of 2025? Is this a special year? Questions = New Quests created, outlined, and a great deal more care and love put into our future missions and life service to others as many aspects of ourselves.
— Sandra
Sorry that I'm not up to recording or reading aloud yet, still recovering from flu that brought the dream. Information from the dream continues to arrive. Is this happening to you?
It's too long to have someone read, but I wrote so much on it for weeks, and here comes the Ascension Works request today for descriptions of prophetic dreams!! I had asked at the last update dialogue for something like this and I am so excited to see it! Doing my best to write it up.