Unprecedented Breaking Update – Timelines: Earth Liberation Battles and the Solar Micro-Nova

The SSP Alliance and the Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) received a pretty major briefing from Emmi (Eyosian/Zulu ET Race) several months ago about the upcoming timeline of the liberation of our Solar System. This briefing was delivered on the behalf of the New Guardians who until now had been the most mysterious of the Guardians.

The information was full of details that we were told to keep confidential until the right time. I was shocked to receive a message this morning that I was authorized to release a brief summary of the timeline briefing with more to come in the following months and years as clearance is granted. Never before had we been given the details of future events in our briefings let alone been authorized to share them with the masses.

The GGLN, the SSP Alliance, and our ET Allies are currently clearing the damage done by the Orion Group and its allies, including the Dark Fleet – who has given humanity a very bad name in much of our Galaxy. The GGLN-led armada is working its way from the outer rim of our Galaxy to Earth, undoing as much of the damage the Orion Group and the Dark Fleet have caused. In some cases, Dark Fleet personnel have been delivered to star systems to be tried for crimes against that civilization. It apparently takes the GGLN-led armada until the year 2025 – in our timeframe – to work their way back to begin liberating their own Solar System.

Meanwhile, during this entire timeline, the surface population of Earth deals with more and more end times madness behavior due to the increased solar activity which also creates earthquakes and storms that seem to become more frequent and powerful. We see humanity dealing more and more with totalitarian governments who use disease and potential wars to strip away their rights as a transhumanist agenda is forced upon a population that is not in its right mind.

The battle on the surface of the Earth and a positive timeline is still ours to win or lose, it is a battle that will be fought all the way until the solar micro-nova occurs in 2033/34. The micro-nova is not an Extinction Level Event as some are reporting, though there will be significant upheavals and natural disasters that occur. Strange Mandela effects pick up as we get closer to the solar event causing further confusion in an already chaotic environment. When the actual micro-nova occurs it is so powerful that the exact time and date cannot be pinpointed even with all of these other details being given to me with complete confidence by the Eyosians while in the presence of the New Guardians.

Emmi had called a meeting with the leaders of the GGLN and SSP Alliance where – for the first time – the Guardians shared future events. The New Guardians shared that the Galactic Timeline had shifted in our favor and that there was nothing the Orion Group, their Allies, or their AI God could do to prevent their defeat. While the Galaxy seems to have entered its own most positive timeline, each solar system still has its own choice to make.

From the years 2028 – 2033, the surface population is slowly introduced to the concept of a new ET group – The Galactic Federation of Worlds. Eventually, towards 2032 this ET group reveals itself to the population of Earth while defending the Earth against holographically generated enemies and warning us of a mass invasion of our solar system. They use deception to gather the military forces of the Earth to fight against the incoming GGLN-led forces and their ET Allies.

When the micro-nova occurs it locks in the timeline that Humanity has chosen. Even though all of the transhumanist technologies will be destroyed in the solar event, the intent of the mass consciousness will have chosen a positive or not-so-positive timeline as we move into the next solar cycle – one that is now of a 4th density vibration. We were told that even if Humanity chose a negative timeline once again, it would be the last one possible due to the energetic changes of our Sun and this region of the Galaxy. At worst we are looking at one more cycle that will last tens of thousands of years and at best, we are about to choose the path to a spiritual rather than technological evolution that will lead our civilization into a golden age with a unified 4th density mass consciousness.

The Operation to Liberate the Solar System 2025-2033/34:

Sentinel LOS (Lunar Operation Station) to be liberated in 2025 – Way station that monitors traffic and activity from a super gate (Galactic Portal) outside of our Solar System

The battle to liberate Mars occurs at the end of the year 2025. The ZULU/Eyosians transport the Wandering Star and a small fleet of GGLN and SSP Alliance Ground Forces to Mars as the larger GGLN-led fleet enters the solar system to confront the armada of Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Worlds vessels who have gathered around Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. A fierce battle ensues between these space armadas from 2025-2032 as the allies root out every vessel and breach every base that the Orion Group and their allies have inhabited for tens of thousands of years. Most of the ET bases exist within dimensional pockets that have to be invaded and ‘collapsed’ one by one.

Ceres Station, the ICC mining operation, and their automated defense system in the ‘Asteroid Belt’ are liberated in 2026 allowing the GGLN and SSP Alliance fleet to push further into the solar system and face Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Worlds fleets that are left in the inner solar system.

The GGLN-led forces invade the Moon to liberate the LOC base complex and to remove all negative alien bases in the year 2027. Liberating the Moon finally ends the increasing Alien Abductions of millions of people on the surface of the planet carried out by the Orion Group – Grey Alien Biodroids.

In 2028, after the battle to liberate the Moon and the LOC, the GGLN had the intel they needed to invade the ICC Space Port in Antarctica and then fight their way down through the Space Port and then miles down into the Earth’s crust as they follow the tunnel networks that lead from the Space Port to dozens of ICC and Orion Group DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases). This battle then leads down to the vast Inner Earth realms and lasts until 2032.

Recommended96 recommendationsPublished in Awakening & Ascension


  1. Let’s choose that positive timeline, because another cycle of tens of thousands more years of this current battle is way too exhausting. We got this! How do you kick a reptilian in the butt? Lift up their tail first!

  2. If this is all true, and I assume that it is? Why then, are supposedly reputable people, like Elena Danaan, saying that Mars and the Moon have been liberated, that she is in communication with Enki, (says Enki is the good brother), and that Enki has delivered the key, to unlock the 3rd Strand of DNA in our Earth Human Population, to the SSP Alliance, and that we should accept this technological means to have our DNA repaired and awakened in this manner?
    Others, as well as Danaan, are saying that the EVENT is going to happen at any time. That the Med Beds have been and are being manufactured on the Moon for release, very soon, on Earth.
    Can we believe anything information that has been provided to us in the last two years, by other sources, like Danaan and Imanuel Perez? Remote Viewers like Vivanco and SSP Insider Whistleblowers like Johan Fritz, Tony Rodrigues, James Rink and MANY others have provided very compelling information, but it conflicts with what you are providing.
    I am not asking you to “discern” things for me, but just what do you know about these other people? I think you should open up about what you know or have been told, of their veracity, and if they are AI controlled?
    After all that we have been going through on Earth to date, in my opinion, WE could have done without your NEW Briefing!
    I would like to know, just on whose authority, has this briefing been provided and do they vouch for the timelines that are provided in it?
    I am beginning to think that it is all just a big waste of time to listen to ANY of you so-called insiders, as I don’t think that ANYONE KNOWS FOR SURE WHAT WILL OR WILL NOT HAPPEN!!
    I would sincerely like answers to my questions, but I won’t be holding my breath waiting for them.

    1. I was approached by this group and told to change my story to theirs or they would call me compromised. I refused and they have done exactly that. Then Elana turned on Megan and called her compromised. This community has been totally infiltrated and duped. None of the solar systems has been liberated. The Galactic Federation of Worlds is tricking us into a transhumanist future with AI being out God. It appears that at least half of this community is willing to accept brain chips and accept transhumanism as long as love and light bow is tied around it. This is very scary and what I have warned about since I was first on Cosmic Disclosure.

      1. Thank you Corey. This up date you provided actually answered or should i say, verified in my own mind at least, questions and ‘answers’ i was getting from my ‘higher self’ I find the solar Flash absolutely fascinating. As for what was raised in the original question i was never a follower of either D or M. I did follow MS for a while but even he stopped listening i felt, so from about 2 maybe 3 years ago i have only dipped into the ‘Spiritual ‘ community online, periodically. Telegram is a great little community and now here, i enjoy reading everyones input.  All the best to you your family and DW. 

      2. Thank you Corey for this update and all your efforts to keep humanity informed. On a big level it is very important and you are doing great effort to keep us all up. Humanity was dimmed for so long and as you and DW said once on Cosmic Disclosure, many are ready to give their freedom for convenience. I’m trying my best to believe in humanity and hoping we will wake up to the point to see the truth and make a right choice on collective consciousness level. Too much at stake on galactic and universal levels, lots of help from other words – we must do our duty and learn how to live by laws of our universe and be responsible beings.

      3. That’s what I concluded based on your report. Amazing. And frightening! Thanks very much for this. According to the Benjamin Fulford weekly report, great progress here on Earth such as getting rid of the Rockefellers is at hand, and the White Hats are about to triumph. At least the 4th Dimension sounds pretty good compared to what we’re in now!

      4. Thank you, Corey.
        It breaks my heart to see that Alex Collier and Michael Salla have also joined in on the Enki bandwagon with Danaan. It is obvious to me that it is more important than ever to go within and learn to develop a reliable connection with my higher self. I don’t really hang on every word that anyone says, nor accept any thing as “truth.” It still hurts my heart to see and feel this division amongst the community and to see those I admired so much, seemingly, fall for the trickery. Alex Collier is saying that the Andromedan’s told him years ago, that Enki was coming back, (as if it was a good thing.) The best thing I can do for all concerned is to heal myself and raise my vibration to the highest frequency possible, and then I will be able to be of greater service to others in the days ahead. God be with you.

    2. En.ki is currently squatting in a galaxy quite far from Earth. He is neither on his way to Terra nor on Terra. Good/bad brother does not exist among the three authoritative brothers. Everyone has contributed his part – in the positive sense – to become active for this mankind. En.ki just a little bit more and therefore he carries rightly the title “Lord of the Earth”. Please do not be irritated by the Enuma Elish. There is a lot of truth in this part, but it is quite well hidden there. About 14-16,000 years ago, En.ki has fought with everything that was available to him and achieved that this mankind was not destroyed, but according to the cosmic law got a 2nd chance.

      We should honor him by seizing this 2nd chance. With love-light-and-pancake-pseudo-religions one will achieve nothing, because one brings oneself with it only into a position, which means standstill. Alone already by the expectation attitude. But man is unfortunately so knitted that he always needs a God (En.ki is none), with whom he can cry out, whom he can shout at or curse, with whom he becomes a supplicant. If a civilization wants to develop further, then this does not happen with love-light-pancakes, but with tackling and educating. Everything else would only mean regression. At the present state of this mankind one sees where such a love-light-pancake-pseudo-reli leads. One kills each other, harms the planet by environmental sins, suppresses the humanity, the knowledge, innovations etc.. How should such an adjusted mankind develop further? Old us burdening ballast throw off, that can us neither En.ki, nor other ETs. We must make THAT already ourselves. If we do not do it, we block ourselves and our fellow men. Our old demands, whoever they were, the knowledge has also not been served on the silver platter. They also had to work it out, but every generation has the possibility to access this acquired knowledge of the predecessors and to develop it further. Therefore, in a mendacious and stunted world as we know it today, truth is so important and with it a complete disclosure. Otherwise we learn only crap, which brings us in the wrong direction and steals thus lifetime.

  3. I am so excited… We are definitely living or rather excisting at a time that will for every down in history. I am glad to be a live at this time. Thank you Corey for always updating us with the most relevant information we need at the time we need it. I send you and your family much love and light.

  4. Wow! I am so happy to finally hear about all the information you have to tell us . I have followed you for years and now I know what you have been involved in. Thank you for all that you do for us on this planet. I cannot imagine how we would manage without knowing what is coming in the future. Much Love

  5. Thank you so much for all the information Corey. This indirectly correlates with what Lorie Ladd says through her channeled messages. I’m intrigued that although LOS is expected to be liberated in 2025, there will be another liberation war in 2027, as you wrote above: “The GGLN-led forces invade the Moon to liberate the LOC base complex and to remove all negative alien bases in the year 2027.” Does that mean that after the LOC liberation in 2025 the Orion group will once again invade and take control of the LOC? In the meantime I believe we have to be firm in our behavior and decisions along with being focused on our spiritual evolution. We are humans and we evolve as humans. The following interview from Karen Kingston provides critical information https://www.brighteon.com/dc40f749-38ad-4a4d-8702-9c75a7b87afb

  6. I would feel a lot better if some of the news included people swinging by rope like biden and a few of his cronies. Oh yes love light and forgiveness. I’m not fully enlightened. I have limits. 🙂 We live in a world of duality part of me wants to be forgiving other part wants some leaders to go down hard. publicly.

    1. Right-on Karl,
      As in when Haman built the Gallows for Mordecai, but was hung from it himself……….time to Pay the fiddler. Crime is almost non-existent, in Countries where if a thief gets caught he loses a hand if he gets caught again he loses another hand……..then the Gallows.

      1. You are sick boy if that’s what you believe; that was in old testament bible; get with the times; look around people do not think that except in Moslem countries!! Sorry you are badly mistaken!!!

        1. Ballenger I hear a Coo-Coo Clock in the background…….oh wait that was You! Justice is for all of Humanity it has nothing to do with being a Muslim………Coo, Coo, Coo, Coo. Go back to bed sonny.

        2. Ray, I may be wrong but I think if you commit Treason, the penalty here in the U.S. is death by firing squad or your to be hung. I don’t think Islam laws do that. I believe they behead the person.

      2. Right-on Karl,
        As in when Haman built the Gallows for Mordecai, but was hung from it himself……….time to Pay the fiddler. Crime is almost non-existent, in Countries where if a thief gets caught he loses a hand if he gets caught again he loses another hand……..then the Gallows. There are hundreds of Million’s of People that desire Justice for Crimes Against Humanity….That’s not a bad thing.

    2. Reportedly the real Biden is so demented he was made to believe that Covid is wiping out world population, so he was convinced to hide in his basement, where he evidently remains. Meanwhile, the “Biden” we are watching is some actor wearing a rubber mask.

  7. I’m truly curious… why go through the The Operation to Liberate the Solar System 2025-2033/34 if we’ll all most likely to die from the Micronova? Why not just wait for the Micronova to do the work for you?

      1. Corey, If the GGLN (and its allies including us) win in 2032 this final “Armageddon battle” against the negative ET’s here on Earth.

        Do you think Corey that there would be enough time until the solar micronova to evacuate the entire surface population to safe areas or to another planet controlled by the Mayan group for example?

        Is there anything planned like this?

  8. According to Indian Abhigya’s prophecy through Vedic astrology (YouTube: Constance), the earth will fall into a food crisis in the next 20 years, so he d encourages everyone to grow food. Could Corey the guardian has any suggestions?
    If one’s consciousness comes from Buddha, will one still choose to practice in a temple? Or is it devoted to the unity of religion? Building communities? Or do you choose the appropriate awakening work among the general public according to the situation? thank you @Corey

  9. We must be working under a different definition of Micronova, since even a small one is an extinction event disaster that – like surviving nuclear war – is a short hideous living hell for survivors – let’s get some commentary on this basic fact. Are you “religiously pep talking” a tiny remnant ( like a 7th Day Adventist ) — a fraction of a fraction of a fraction …??? After what we sacrificed “having your back” for seven years, we deserve a more detailed outline.

      1. He’s not sharing absolute correct info. Watch the water…watch the north horizons. You’ll see the black vast shadow. It’s begun. The water levels in the oceans on the west coast are rising big time. The Atlantic Ocean water is is moving away from the east side and heading to the west side of the western world – UK/Africa. And same with Asia. The earth is definitely slowing down! Change is coming and liberation.

    1. This assumption is incorrect. Micro-Novas are not extinction-level events. We have had dozens of Micro-Novas over the last million years alone and the planet is teaming with life.

      1. Maybe not a complete extinction level but an event where significant parts of earth get annihilated/inundated – I remember you saying the Anshar showed you that, prompting you to move to Colorado?
        With possible pole shift and crust displacement etc accompanying it.
        It seems to me it’s not worth ‘prepping’ to try to survive this in 3D – more like many people regardless of their level of vibration will end up dying and being reborn into higher-density bodies and shifting up that way.
        (And I thought you’d more or less said this yourself)

  10. Wow! As so
    Done who is working with healing those who carry intergenerational trauma so they can move ahead in a healthy way, I am relieved by this announcement Cory! This gives us time to help as many people in their own ascension process in hopes that the work will also help shift the timeline to a positive non-transhuman timeline.

    G’chi Miigwech, Maarsi, Thank you for this very hopeful update!

    Tammy from Ontario

  11. Part of me has seen the earth 1500 years in the future, and in general, it is a beautifully positive world. The land masses have shifted. There is still some technology (mixed with esoteric energies), but most of the population have decided to go back to the land. Nature & man live in harmony. I feel that as long as man has free will, there will always be a tinge of negativity, but as long as the majority keeps love in their hearts, the negative will stay at a minimum. I look forward to coming back to this future world.

  12. Although it will take some time, I am really happy to see this information. This is the most exciting moment. The Guardian knows that everything has happened, and therefore these are accurate and credible. Sometimes, when I look up at the starry sky and the shining stars in the evening, I call Zulu and Mika brothers in my heart. I really look forward to seeing them as soon as possible. I can hold hands with them like Corey. On the earth, only animals can bring this kind of complete love. But it should be the same between people. I also pray that I can play a better role in this moment, and I hope everyone can do the same, so that when you leave, you will not regret that you just waited and did nothing. In the past, I wrote and translated many articles and published them on the WeChat official account. Unfortunately, they are all blocked by unwarranted charges… But I will still do so on other platforms and continue to explore what is an effective way.
    One night recently, I saw the poor stray dogs on the earth and prayed to the guides and angels. Please help them. Don’t let them suffer any more. Don’t let them starve. When I got up at night, I saw the angel number of 4:44. The next afternoon, I saw 4:44. I knew this was the response from the angels. They have been guarding, guiding and helping us. And lead us to love each other as they do.

    In the book “I come from Venus”, the author said that when freedom and liberation will come, it depends on how we do, how much love we create, and how much love the earth sends. I think that’s exactly the case. Every one of us here is involved. It is part of the whole transformation process. As Corey said, we should all do our part. Give play to their own expertise to assist in this process.

    I was really excited to see this information, and I cried. Thanks to the guardians, all the lives that provide help and support, thank you Corey.

  13. Corey your work is so precious I will defend our surface population with every part of my being .. I want this planet to have the best 4 generation to come. Sending love posativity & lots of encouragement 💖🌞🙏⚖️

  14. The most important sentence in the entire report is: “[…] the real micronova, it is so powerful that the exact time and date cannot be determined with precision.” It is obvious. This term is known to two extra-dimensional consciousnesses.
    Material skillfully crafted, mastery of content creation. If something went wrong, it can be said that people chose their fate. The most saddening me is the fact that many claim to serve some “creator”, but no one takes into account the plans of the Life and Love Creators, the Chief Designers, in their plans. I am sure that high-dimensional Civilizations have not been captivated by religious fairy tales that the Creator is only HIM.
    I remember the content on Corey’s website describing the position of the Blue Avians, the meaning of which is that “Love and forgiveness is the greatest strength and power in the universe.” So this is the POWER of the Designers of the Universes. [But there will always be an but].
    Love is slandered on Earth under the banner of the infamous New Age. Leaving aside the vague concept of power promoted by NA [global power], the idea behind this path is no different from what the Love and Freedom Vibration represents. Their motto, “Indefinite, but rather near future, New Ageists imagine a time with no conflict, no national borders, and humanity will live in a global community led by a common World Government * [* own ???]. This is the time. , in which people completely reevaluate their views on the world around them. According to this belief, then the end of all religious systems and their institutions will come, and people will be united by understanding, devoid of any divisions “[source Wikipedia].
    This is why this path has become the target of the system’s attack. The goal was also to maneuver many contemporary YT teachers into this game, talking about the growth and path of the Spirit, but probably without love [and without the participation of the Source of Life and Love] – [well, it’s NA].
    Since words control them, anything can control them. Why can the followers of many ways no longer bear the name of Jesus? Because someone skillfully convinced them that Jesus was a religion. Since words can control them, anyone can control them, right? This means that they are not at this stage of knowledge and understanding [But there will be some neat excuse for everything, some BUT].
    The goddess of Orion – SI must have the most rational approach to reality and the calculation of her possibilities. He is not the creator of life and he knows nothing about love, and its possibilities are based only on max. 4D and all its technology at its disposal, and the ability to manage multiple fronts in the galaxy, the forces of its troops, and the loyalty of non-assimilated allies who are with it for the benefits they see from such cooperation. On the other hand, her conscious followers can always blame her for possible failure and explain to the winner that they only followed orders.
    Time will show whose plans will come true 🙂

  15. It is both disappointing and perhaps needed that the Guardians put the Flash and the needed changes so far into the future, though this may be a way for them to throw off our “partners in contrast” . . . some changes must happen before these dates, maybe not full disclosure, but you may notice that already: the Covid ride is about over, many areas are experimenting with cash payments to people (“UBI” – universal basic income), and more people have now heard of the Deep State than ever before. Not sure what’s up with Brother Corey’s current reports, but I’d like to believe the timing will be sooner than later. And maybe Corey will have some positive data we can rally around. This last 12 years have been a long hard slag for most of us.

  16. Thanks for sharing ❤️ I agree with what several already mentioned i guess… for us awakened to “sit and watch” the planet and its inhabitants get distroyed in more and more forms of distortions, dillusions, suppresion and tyranni, is torture. Atleast where i am, i’m surrounded with close-mindedness, ignorance, materialism and hostility. Ppl are so stressed that they stop being able to care for one another. Those daring to speak out is ridiculed and blocked. My childhood friend one day in middle of c*vid told me she had cut contact with a friend that was warning ppl against the jabs ect. I tried very carefully say to my family and friends that maybe we should consider other perspectives. But NO ONE lissening. They think i’m just a weirdo. Even the one person in my family and one friend i’ve considered a brother thru many years – they wore alternative thinking and way of being like myself, i always thought they wore kind of wanderers/starseeds but both went and got the jabs. And they seem to have changed more and more. My father almost lost his life due to inner bleeding and loosing all his blood platelets shortly after his 3.jab. My grandma, the kindest person in my family – like a mother to me, died shortly after receiving jabs. I now see ambulances pretty much every time i’m on the road. Ppl getting more sick and more mental issues. More know-it-alls, more aggression. And i’m thinking What a world for my children to grow up and live in… My hope is that more of us will find each other in the physical and be a support for eachother in these times… Good luck to us all, may we have the strenght to hold on – for many more years ❤️

    1. I hear you. Similar feelings about what is happening. More than ever, we have to hold our faith, and stretch it to the end. The chemicalization that is taking place is necessary, and quite frightening. We all want it to be over with quickly, but it is clear that most people still are not wakened. Most of my family are jabbed, 4x each. My mom is afraid we’re going fascist, but she thinks it’s because of DJT and the MAGA movement are going to “take over”, and can’t see any other way that fascism could happen. My husband’s best friend since childhood, a so called spiritual, loving person, who is really into UFO’s, now is viciously attacking anyone that is not democrat. They had to part ways in their friendship and the friend thinks it is because my husband’s mind is poisoned by DJT. Yikes! We must hold the faith. I believe they will wake up, sooner or later. Sometimes when people go to one extreme, there is a balance that occurs and the pendulum swings the other way. I believe God is in control, and we are all Guided to do our part, as we listen to our Inner Guidance.

    2. I feel every part of what you say. It is really sad for us but at the same time we must continue to show others the way if they need it .. wow I sounded religious then , I most definitely am not the R word, please reach out if you need to . I am also a mum of 2 daughter’s living in England UK 💖 I always have time for others like minded xx 💖 sending love Amanda

  17. I woke up yesterday feeling like a needed a dose of hope. Im in Boulder from Iowa visisting my sons and misses this update. I am so very THANKFUL for this injection of hope today. Thankyou so very much

  18. Thank You Corey and a big THANK YOU to all who authorized the release of this update!! WOOT! Just knowing this information has a calming effect. For me at least, I pray it does for others. It’s a blessing to know that humanity has gotten even closer to, possibly choosing a 4th Density/Positive path! I agree with Daniele, I’ll be re-checking my supplies and plans to adjust with this new info. Stay safe~

  19. Wait a sec:
    “From the years 2028 – 2033, the surface population is slowly introduced to the concept of a new ET group – The Galactic Federation of Worlds.”

    Who is introducing “Galactic Federation of worlds” to humanity? Are they not the bad folks ( deceptive beings pretending to be of the light).

    Was Greer right when he said that a holographic war was coming?

    1. I read it to mean that the dark folks will still have some influence until then. That is very, very disappointing, if true. I listen to Juan O Savin, and he is also saying that this isn’t going to be over quickly, but that we are about to see some cleaning up of the bad guys, over the next few months. Things are about to go from covert to overt. Not sure that will fully eliminate the problems, but he said that the problems are so huge that it is going to take much of the rest of our lifetimes to clean this up, fully. We may just have to accept that. Maybe we’ll have some improvement as people waken more, and many of the human bad guys are out of the way, but one thing that Juan doesn’t mention is what Corey talks about here, and that is what is going on in the whole solar system and galaxy. The influence from AI is probably the scariest thing yet, and we can’t get rid of it until the solar flash. This sounds like it will be quite challenging.

  20. To give ten more years is both kindness and cruelty to all humanity. It’s true that the GGLN is on the move, but that doesn’t mean that the cabal on the surface isn’t,

    I don’t want to be critical, but a lot of wonderers are struggling in far worse conditions than the guardians think. It’s true that humans today can’t have direct contact with Guardians or cosmic Cousins, but can’t a few beings be sent to work more with the surface wanderers, to be more considerate? We all know that we are not alone, but really, as I live in a country like China, it has long been lost any resistance will for themselves . It is extremely difficult to combine the forces of people. I can’t imagine how many of friends who woke up earlier will feel when they hear: Hey, the plan has changed. Stick with it for another decade😰

    1. I feel with you and am thinking the same! I’m living in Germany and our “government” is so extremely bad, that it is very very hard to hold the line and still fight for the good! This is no good message for me, because it means, that I and other freedom fighters and truthers “have to wait and stay alive as good as they are able to” for another 3 years before anything will change for good!!! I’m sure many of the Germans will not survive this! And I mean this what I’m saying. Especially our children!!! – We have to work harder and evolve our conscious that better times will come sooner than said. Otherwise I don’t see any chance for a great part of humanity to survive until 2025! Look at what is happening in Europe, China, Taiwan and other countries! The change for better MUST happen sonner than the guardians said! – I wish you all the best! With love, Gisela

      1. I believe that no matter how most of us will choose to stick to it, but if you want to delay so long, I sincerely hope that the guardian can will give more support and help wanders on the surface of the earth, we never asked someone to save us, but if we can have more support of our work is not a better accelerate the process of humanity awakening? The whole reason why there is infiltration in the awakening community is because other false information will choose to give people hope, and people will choose to follow the information they want to see, even the wanders need the motivation to persevere. It’s a multifactorial problem, and if people were aware of it, it would probably be much less of a problem. Thank you for your message and I wish you all the best

      2. I completely agree. Many more humans will pass on unless a major change happens soon. The medication/s and AI and EMF toxicity for continued control of ‘the masses.’ But what can we do, except the best we can. Help others while taking care of ourselves.

    2. 我试着跟很多人诉说过这些方面的信息,





  21. Thanks for the update:)
    Regardless of the timeline and the output on the outside, i feel each of us is doing our own work on the inside.
    If this “cleaning up” of the galaxy is indeed taking place it is a happy and sad situation. Most propably I have/will lived/live all those experiences: murdered, victim, soldier, slave, king, orphan, leader, follower, psycopath, enlightened, positive, negative… I understand why this needs to take place but my heart was/is/will be with all those who are suffering in the galaxy and being doomed regardless of the side. May the hand on both sides be compasionate and merciful, for we are all one.

    A little morning meditation for those interested 😉 :
    If my life ends tomorrow, will I feel content and peace in my heart? Will I have attachments or remorse? Will I feel joy and love in my heart?
    To measure our own frequency, I like to look to : my dreams, what were the frequency of my dreams last night?;  my actions, did my action create joy and love in the world?; and my word, what energy my words created inside of me and in others?
    To understand my progress I measure myself today with myself yesterday, what have I learned or worked with since yesterday?
    If we are all one, what each of us do in live echoes in infinity.

    1. thank you for this .
      Hold on to the core – the purpose for which we agreed to come here. we can make the change and give our daily support to Emmi and those who stand with the Light and Love.

  22. OK, we’ve got a time table, that will likely shift a bit as human consciousness shifts about…heavenly wars will be ongoing and getting bigger or we will see more resulting in the need to begin introducing the Fabio ETs to lull us back to sleep…but we are on AW.tv and on the frontline of the “know” zone. I’m ready for the next 13 years and not jumping on any bandwagon that goes by the title “federation”…I’ll wait on my Sun.

  23. Это большое благословение для человечества с поверхности Земли то что солнечное событие откладывается ещё на 10 лет, ибо любой благоразумный человек понимает что большинство населения ещё не готово, и что если бы микроновая произошла в 2023/2024 году то многие люди погибли бы, выдержав энергий. Единый Творец позволяет нам войти в новую эру с минимальными потерями. Да будет благословенно имя твоё во все времена, человечество этого никогда не забудет.

    1. Translation: It is a great blessing for mankind from the surface of the Earth that the solar event is delayed for another 10 years, for any reasonable person understands that the majority of the population is not yet ready, and that if the micronova occurred in 2023/2024, many people would die, having withstood the energies. The One Creator allows us to enter a new era with minimal losses. May your name be blessed at all times, humanity will never forget this.

      1. Je viens de terminer la lecture du livre SEEDERS the return of the gods by Elena Danaan. Un livre à lire et qui nous donne une nouvelle perspective sur notre réalité actuelle. Les nouvelles sont excellentes et un peu différentes de celle de Corey. Ça vaut la peine d’y jetter un coup d’oeil!

        1. Translation: I have just finished reading the book SEEDERS the return of the gods by Elena Danaan. A book to read and which gives us a new perspective on our current reality. The news is great and a little different from Corey’s. It’s worth taking a look!

  24. BRA, I am so happy about this. finally it gives me wait woooooowww i just had dajahjavoo, it gives me another time to get groups up and running and explore ideas of how to all work together for personal and community growth. the latest 2 sos had me slighly feel for the greys and what they experience but that cant cancel out the wrongs they r doing to my earth brothers and sisters. Please stop now and come into the light. you have 10-15 years to come out and tell the truth. Peace and love to corey and hes family and much fight but still time, keep up the hard work team @ascension-works-admin/Team. Ones with all and one with the one creator.

  25. This highlights the importance of free will and personal responsability. No promise of salvation but rather, a win-win partnership for all parties involved. Victory’s achieved by the sweat of our own brow. Any source that promote some instant effortless liberation stands self-confessed.

      1. :I woke up to delivery of rock at 0730.
        :As soon as I came back inside, I spontaneously started dancing.
        :I have been dancing for over an hour.
        :I am getting too old for this shit.
        :Message received.
        :Message comprehended by many.
        :Message under-stood by many.
        :Butterfly effect in action.
        :Ra. :Z. :Q.

    1. As I posted above – I think that date was estimated by the (human) SSP Alliance at a briefing Corey was at, who were saying that’s the date the cabal elites thought it would be, according to solar minimum/maximum etc.

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