Bridget Nielsen & Corey Goode - High Vibration Diets & Raising Consciousness
(October 2016) Bridget Nielsen & Corey Goode Discuss High Vibration Diets & Raising Consciousness From A Vegetarian Perspective
Bridget’s Article on High Vibrational Diet:
Bridget’s Recipes:
This video is on How to Raise Your Vibration through intaking the Healthiest Foods to take in more spiritual energy and vitality. Do certain foods help with Vibration? Yes! This concept is about achieving perfect health by detoxifying and healing your body, then nourishing it with healthy meals. By being in your body and in your center will assist with the law of attraction, motivation, joy, personal development, spiritual expansion and manifesting the life you want!
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I'm here today with Bridget and Kirk Nielsen and
I've been here for my wife and I have actually been
here for the last four days and we came here for
your healthy what's the name of the live Happy and
healthy And that's a way of saying high vibration
You know I had got you communicated with me about a
year ago and one of the things that I asked of you
is if you could do an article on high vibrate
Torrey diets and you did and it's been very popular
and you also have a Youtube video out talking on
the same subject and now you're putting on these
events where you're teaching people how to do it
Yes And it's it's powerful Most people don't really
understand the correlation of diet and their
spiritual growth Right The journey Yes Can you do
you have any ideas on the importance So yes Um high
vibrational diet is so key because the idea is is
in this like spiritual journey like ascension
waking up being kinder We want to clear our vessels
so that our higher selves can really come in and
embody um that true frequency And if we're all
toxic we've got parasites dictating our thoughts
and making us irritated and agitated at each other
We actually can't be kind on a physical level which
then impacts our emotional states are mental states
So it's really key to introduce the foods that help
raise our consciousness Is it possible to have a
high vibrational diet while still eating meat in
your opinion I think that there is a transition and
I think that depending on your circumstance
depending on where you're living meat might still
be applicable for you And there's other things you
can transition maybe even before the meat like
going organic doing cleanses introducing more
fruits and vegetables and living foods like while
you're still eating meat So I think that you can do
that I feel like when people are in environments
like in big cities or just super working
construction jobs and just being like the ultimate
slave they might need a little bit of energy like
say life force from an animal from something else
to keep them going So I understand that there's
people in certain positions that may need that So
there's ways of really doing it nicer and kinder to
ourselves that's going to actually have a higher
vibrational impact on ourselves but also for the
planet because the biggest pollutant on the planet
is cattle and we were all talking about that this
morning and everyone knew it and that might come as
a shock but it's like wow there's more cattle on
earth than people and that's a huge deal So it's
just kind of like looking at not only what's
happening in your own body what's happening in your
energy by in taking animals but also what's
happening to our world because if we truly care
we're going to need to swing the pendulum in the
other direction just to balance out the planet
itself and someone in this group made an
observation that I thought was very interesting The
way we're treating animals You know you know
raising them in these horrible conditions and then
slaughtering them and then consuming them A lot of
us You know don't really see a problem with that
because they see them as a lower species Well guess
what some of these negative et see us as and could
it be some sort of a karmic kind of relationship
How can we expect the E T S to treat you know we're
sovereign humans How could you how dare you You
know Well you know we're doing the same thing to
not only animals but the planet that we're supposed
to be guardians of So you know a lot of people
there at different places in their spiritual
journey and you know some people they get on a
paleo diet and that's what they want to stick with
But you know for me I can't after the experiences
I've had I can't eat anything that used to have a
face you know you know so it's it's gonna you know
how how do you change your mindset you know from
you know how do you deprogram yourself thinking
that way That's a great question I mean I think
yeah I mean I mean I think starting at looking at
the reality of this of the situations that these
animals are raised in is the first way to really be
honest with what's happening and honest with the
frequency that you're in taking by ingesting them
So really looking at it you know it's like instead
of just looking at the state that you pick up at
the grocery store and you're like great thanks it's
like you know watch the cow be like killed
slaughtered injected with like all these crazy
hormones like take that in like get into an
empathetic state Again that's one of the things
that has created the mind control is to make us
insensitive and it's like we really need to get
back that sensitivity So that'll be really helpful
in helping us transition and not wanting to eat as
much meat And I think part of it is detoxification
And another thing is the myth about protein There's
tons of ways to get protein without me
vegetarianism I mean look at all of India I mean
there's civilizations that have been vegetarians
vegan It's a new experiment but it's quite easy to
go vegetarian One thing I wanted to say to about
that is that um as we move through uh third density
where we're at into fourth density type And that's
what your first question was is higher vibration
because that's why you worded the question um as
you move into that then you would stop affecting
the planet in a negative way by you know killing
the animals and eating it you would move on from
that because it's a higher vibration to go to a
plant based and then maybe even to just living on
sun or like a that's where the TSR they moved on to
that So as you as you do ascend you would change
what you eat So there wouldn't be anything wrong
with eating the meat if that's where you want to
stay is down in the lower density So yeah yeah
that's where you will remain And but as you do as
you do ascend and as you raise your vibration you
will want lighter food And then you even go to
maybe just juices and then maybe you'll just go
with like laying in the sun or giving the sun So
and a lot of other beings from other places do just
that Um well this event that you've put on has has
been very powerful My my wife Stacey told you all
this morning that it's been life changing for her
There are probably people out there that are
wondering how can I you have the same experience
Are you going to have these types of things in the
future or are you gonna do videos on this kind of
stuff in the future Yes we'll be having will
continue to be having these kinds of events We'll
have the food oriented events where you can learn
how to actually make these high vibrational foods
All of our adventures in the sacred sites around
the planet We do have the high vibrational foods so
that you can start to eat it and feel it But as far
as learning will be putting together and online
course in the spring so that you can at least do it
virtually And if you can come in person that'd be
great to to come in person that has been one of the
things that with all of the adventures that we do
is to you know the food like she says and it's been
one of the most challenging thing because when we
go to other places when we don't have our home base
with all of our gadgets to make the food and go get
the exact food it's it's tough to do But we do it
because we felt so important and everybody that
comes to the adventure they think they're coming to
swim with the dolphins or climbs the volcano or
something But in the end they go wow I felt so
different eating that food I'm gonna change my way
that I eat just from just being there for that
short time just for a week And so it has had a huge
impact And this has just been one of our
commitments that whatever we do we're always going
to you know share that message And I found when I
go to these high vibrate Torrey areas I
instinctively start eating better Yeah You know I
don't want any of that food that has been
weaponized You know it's true it is no it has
literally been weaponized It's true to keep us
docile and they want us to die and die quickly
right after we've produced for them you know
Bridget and I when we first got here we had to go
down to um some other cities and we would go down
into the city and it would be uh kind of the rat
race city vibe and we start getting this vibe this
feeling like we wanted to eat meat Oh yeah yeah
yeah vegetarian Yeah For a long time since I was
like yeah it was like it was like there was a
psychic field that like you get in it and all of a
sudden you start getting bombarded with this thing
and we drive by you know like a kind of smells good
We would never consider that It was almost like
some kind of control like real chocolate like I
want like some kind of like meat or something It's
like I don't even know what that is like Yeah I
just it wasn't even part of it and then we will go
into that field and then that would become part of
it So it's really weird because you've been a
vegetarian since you cut your teeth Yeah it's true
and it's interesting too because a lot of spiritual
events I've been to certain other people's retreats
and they don't focus on the food at all And for me
it while I start bringing my own food I'm just like
okay I've got to do this because it's an an
integrated part of the spiritual experience Like
even people coming here to Sedona maybe not to our
events it's like we have a few great vegan places
you can eat in town and if you stick to that diet
if you stick to the holistic dedication of that
spiritual experience you're just going to
accelerate that much more quickly You're going to
have that dream rather than not have that dream you
know So I I just think that it's so important to
look at all of it Excellent Well I hope this has
inspired you to move over to a high vibrate Torrey
diet and to see why it's important because when I
deliver the information about you need to be more
uh more loving uh you know focus on forgiveness of
yourself and others raising your vibration become
becoming more service to others People don't
understand why the little caveat at the end is eat
high vibrational foods to help raise your vibration
So I think now people should be able to correlate
why it's so important and hopefully it's inspired
people to start the transition and it's it's a
transition It's a it's a major life change and it
will change the planet to it will one person at a
time and I mean actually not even the meat will
actually change the planet and the actual
environment too because of the trees will have to
stop can stop cutting down the co two levels will
go down by just changing your diet Well I
personally would love to see you do some high
migratory cooking shows Maybe we maybe we don't get
that on tv or something And those of you watching
the this blog have seen this group putting putting
on their different demonstrations and they know
this information They're passionate about this
information They've researched it they've they've
gone through all of the little um they've turned
out all the problems that you will go through when
you try to try to start this type of diet So I
think it's great that you're bringing this
information It's extremely important More important
than most people realize Can you give us your
website information Yeah So um a lot of the
information this blog that he's talking about is on
my website which is Brigitte Nielsen dot com Okay
Bridget B R I D G E T Nielsen N E L S E N dot com
where that is And then on Youtube youtube youtube
dot com slash Brigitte Nielsen is where that video
is about the high vibrational diet and then
harmonious dot org is where all of our adventures
are that we go on So you can check those out to
come play with us go off gluten I was just like oh
we talked about the meat but I'm like hey
transition to gluten free I won't go into the
details but just try it Give it a try Right My
Stacy my wife had to do So it turned out she had
been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis had been
suffering for years And if you live with someone
that has ulcerated colitis everyone suffers it's
horrible And she started breaking out on her chest
and she did research and she found out that it
sounded like a gluten allergy and she cut out
gluten from her diet ulcerated colitis disappeared
All the symptoms disappeared So there are a lot of
ailments symptoms that you have that you may not
you know relate to food immediately You may think
environment but you need to evaluate how your diet
is affecting your health an emotional state your
mental states emotional states and and think of it
this way It's like right now we are kind of
programmed just to kind of be wake up exhausted
chug the coffee like like whittled to work and it's
like that's not who we are We're meant to live
Hundreds of years were meant to beam were meant to
just come completely live our gift create express
that's really where humans are meant to be at So
think of like kind of the beacon to shoot for as
ultimate vitality and ultimate health ultimate love
and all the things that that incorporates So just
set that as your intention and then the information
and things you need to do will just really come to
you Awesome I can't think of a better way to end it
Yeah And please if you see below there there'll be
a link to her sights and uh subscribe to her
Youtube channel She's got a lot of wonderful videos
that I think you'll enjoy and are very informative
So I appreciate both of y'all for having us out
here that you had invited me out before and
everything happened to prevent me from coming here
And I wish I had been able to come here before Now
This has been a beautiful experience for Stacy and
I and I hope that others out there are able to have
a similar experience with y'all in the future Thank
you Thank you so much for coming Thank you Thank
you Thank you
People: Bridget Nielsen, Corey Goode, Kirk Nielsen
Topics: Health & Healing
thats for me now
I was taken on a tour of the Swift-Armour Stockyards in 1953 at age 10—–NEVER had I seen anything so satanic!
Absolute rubbish info. Animals are humans food along with fruit, honey, milk, sea salt. That is basic food got every single human. Proof you’ll find with Dr. Paul Saladino (Carnivore MD)
The folks talking about this veganism style of eating is false and a lie in every which way shape and form.
Every single human was designed to be carnivore and there’s nothing you can do about it. Plants are not to be eaten except for their fruit. No seeds, leaves, stems, roots of a plant should be eaten they all hold anti-nutrients and poisons every single one of them. Do not believe these plant eating fools.
I had to go from a vegan diet back to meat and my body has now become leaner and feels better. It’s so much easier to throw a steak on the George Foreman than cooking or preparing meals due to my disabilities. Sitting down to cut foods and prepare them is not the same. It is also painful for me. But I don’t seem to have lost any vibrational status, in fact, I’ve managed to gain it again now that I am on meat so, every body is different. When I can find someone to cook for me I’ll consider it again, but eating grass fed beef might be why it’s not hindered my vibrations.
Cant manage to go fully man. A man got to have some meat once a while.
I used to think so, but have changed my mind at age 74