Talking Pets???

Have you seen Bunny? The dog!  Bunny is one cool cat (I mean, dog)! 😀  

Bunny talks with her humans.  She uses these buttons affixed to a mat.  Each button is assigned a word, a word Bunny learned.  Bunny is beyond the basic phrases, such as “food now” or “outside poop”.  She’s asking important questions like where does mom poop? (I can’t find this video.)  Recently Bunny waxed philosophical and asked “Yesterday where is yesterday?”  She understands time, such as morning, afternoon, tomorrow and of course the aforementioned yesterday.  Here she is answering a question from mom and refers to tomorrow being a better day.  And another philosophical one, “Dream is night talk“.

Can you imagine your pet just telling you when she’s hurting, and where?  By teaching your dog to talk with buttons, that could just be everyday talk. 

Yeah, I’m a bit hooked on Bunny’s every word.  The world really is evolving.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Awakening & Ascension, Entertainment


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