Law of One - The Sun, The Moon & The Star

Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations

Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Law of One - The Sun, The Moon & The Star

Discussing the Sun first as the sub-logos then as an archetype. Also describing the journey from the Star guiding you to the moon as reflection, then ultimately to the significant self as the Sun.

Next Episode: Law of One - Service to Others


  1. So if the Logo’s, sub Logos and
    sub-sub Logos can be compared to Grandparents > Parents > Children, does this then mean I wonder if that one day we too will move from being a sub-sub Logos to a sub Logo’s then ultimately to become a Logos ourselves? If so, I wonder then for us to level up, does this mean the Sun has to die?

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Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Law of One - Service to Others
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Law of One - Time/Space
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Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Law of One - The Inner Planes
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Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Guided Meditation - Forgiveness
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Law of One - Forgiveness
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Law of One - Intelligent Infinity
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Law of One - Dreaming
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Fans of SBA Law of One Discussions & Guided Meditations
Law of One - Totality

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