Journey to the Akashic Records - April 14-16 PREVIEW
More details:
Since times Memorial there exists
a place in the higher Dimensions where the Ancients
traveled seeking knowledge truth and wisdom
The Great Library of souls from
which we came and which we will return to as we
come from the light we will return into the
light while we are here we have
the opportunity to remember who we
truly are as we journey in to
the akashic records.
Hi everyone. This is Bill Foss. And I
want to share with you some information about an
exciting Workshop that we have coming up
live three-day Workshop Journey to
the akashic records from Sedona Arizona.
This is April 14th 15th and
16th. If you can join us live that's amazing. And
that's great. You'll also be able to watch it
over and over you can have unlimited replays and
access to this Workshop to practice the
information over and over
at your convenience. So in
this Workshop, we're going to cover some powerful
information. This is a workshop series that I've
been teaching here in the US and in
Europe for the last 14 years. We're going
to work on a connecting you
into your Kashi records
into your book of life more deeply if you've
never had an experience.
You're going to so you're going
to learn the techniques to break
through and move conflicts out of the
way to really really give you
the opportunity to have an experience in the
akashic records. We're also going to bring that
Soul energy bring your soul body down
into a connection into direct
alignment with your physical body.
it's life-changing. So more abundance
healing clearing an understanding
of oneself in relation
to the world others and their own
inner being and God powerful powerful
stuff. So we're all going to
work on activating to get you into.
Direct connection with your psychic abilities.
This is important. We all
have intuitive gifts and
they've they're haphazard. Sometimes is like we
it turns on and off.
By itself sometimes within us and through us as
if by Magic and I'm going to show you how to turn that
on at will so we
all have those natural moments where we just sort
of blip out. We have a Déjà Vu or dream
experience or I knew a friend
was going to call or maybe you know exactly what's going
to happen before it happens. I'm going to teach you how
to buy accessing the akashic records
how to access many different levels
of your psychic awareness and you're
intuitive gifts. So you're going to
I call this
Learning to access and use the
intuitive Arts. I call it the intuitive
Arts. So there are many different levels. We're going
to practice remote viewing into the akashic records.
We're going to go there in
our spirit body. We're going to
go there through the soul through the mind.
We're gonna bring you into direct contact you're gonna
have a direct contact with your own soul. The powerful
part of you that's been silent and Celestial
and been guiding your whole life
and healing and manifesting pouring. So
we're gonna work on this you're gonna walk away from this workshop
with a lot of powerful techniques that
you're going to be able to use for the
rest of your life and by Sunday you're going
to say I see what you meant. You'll be
able to work with the books. If you were those online at
my site and build Foster net or you
can find them on Amazon how to read the akashic
records volume one two, and three
and journey to the akashic records. There's also
a workbook that goes with
the book journey to the akashic records
and the workbook and there's also any four
CD set of guided Journeys
that you can practice with at home anytime.
Hi, this is going to be a very interactive class everyone online
and in class will be able to ask questions and
there's going to be a lot of Q&A happening. So
if you guided please join us. We'd love to
have you and we'd love to see you in class. This is no fuss for Journey
to the akashic records. I'll see there.
People: Bill Foss
Topics: Akashic Records