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Chats with Corey – February 2025 – Q&A

Chats with Corey (Live Q&A)

This episode was made “subscribers only” to offer Corey greater freedom in the discussions but we will also upload free portions soon.

Corey discusses recent updates on his new documentary. He addresses questions about topics ranging from astrological alignments, the mysteries of the pyramids, and dreams possibly being another dimension, to serious issues like nuclear threats and extraterrestrial involvements with Earth. There’s also a discussion on disclosure of non-human intelligence, government secrets, and how global power dynamics might shift in the future. The conversation covers a broad range of speculative topics and ponders technological, spiritual, and societal changes.

Next Episode: March 2025 Chats with Corey


  1. Super informative. Main key points for me. *It’s not an ET; it is something else that can manifest. * Interacting with being from different dimensions and from interstellar space are very rare. *We have military tech that can detect and disrupt telepathic transmission.
    I hope people are paying close attention to what is being shared here.
    We need to discuss the different types of humans and other humanoid beings that have lived on and within the earth for thousands and thousands of years. Some developing in different ways. Evolving and DEVOLVING. Spiritually and technologically. We need to ask who 1st was here on earth when it was much bigger than it presently is, and before Vulcan was destroyed.
    I say this with the understanding our present situation and how we collectively move forward is way more important right now. But discussing the past helps us to understand better what we’re dealing with today. 👀IMAGINE👀