Cabal Mistrust & Trump Assassination Attempt (Ep 1)
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Original Date: Feb 13, 2025
Original Date: Feb 13, 2025
Prophetic Dream Sharing
In this first monthly episode of “Prophetic Dream Sharing,” participants explore the significance of dreams and their potential to reveal insights into personal and collective spiritual journeys. Through a mix of personal stories and interpretations, viewers are encouraged to see dreams as a means to access higher understanding and as tools for processing life events. The episode also features discussions on the broader implications of dreams related to public figures, suggesting possible shifts in societal consciousness.
Next Episode: Ep2: Source Alignment
Welcome guys to Prophetic Dream Sharing.
This is the first show of this series that I'm attempting,
and it's partly based on the fact
that practically all the kinds of discussion meetings,
spiritual discussion meetings, metaphysical discussion
meetings, UFO discussion meetings that I've hosted,
inevitably people start discussing incredible dreams.
It just seems like it's, it's just a background of,
of amazing insight that everyone shares
that they can pull this data in through their,
their subconscious mind
or their unconscious as their awakening from their dream.
And record it. Recording it is a very important, uh,
aspect of this process.
If you haven't, uh, ever tried recording your dreams,
I highly recommend that, uh, as soon as you wake up
and developing that skill is what Rob recommends in the law
of one books that I'll, I'll read some of that material.
Um, it just is a general introduction.
I, I, I probably first started recording my dreams, uh,
back in 2007, 2008, when I first heard about David Wilcock
and was listening to his material,
and he was strongly recommending
people write down their dreams.
And he had been doing it, obviously a lot in the nineties,
and now he's got, you know, books
and books on, on that subject of just, just his dreams.
And the, the voice that he's hearing, speaking to him
early in the morning, seems to be a, a voice
that we all have access to, that that can,
that can show us a lot about, uh, our, our spiritual path
and also potentially what, what it is that we could be aware
of in the future that might help us put in a better context
so we're not thrown off by it so that we don't,
we don't take anything too hard
and we, we understand
that this is just a part of the growth process.
Um, so, uh, a couple other things I want to, I wanna share
with you guys is that there is,
there's several different Dream
Dictionary books that you can find.
Uh, this is one that I refer to most often that I,
I may pull up, uh, occasionally
during our con our conversations, just
because this seems to have been the most
reliable that I've used.
And this is called In Your Dreams by Mary Submarine.
And if you find it hard to, to find the original, uh, uh,
physical publication, there's a, there's a Kindle version,
a digital version that's called The Dream Codex, the book
of 22,000 Dream Symbols, symbols.
And there's other people
who have done this like a hundred years ago.
There was a popular one by Gus of us, Hinman Miller, uh,
called 10,000 Dreams Interpreted, um,
or something like 10,000 Dreams.
And there's other people who have done, um, many,
many versions that had just a couple thousand.
So I, I do feel that it's helpful to have a dr.
A dictionary that has more symbols that your guides or
however you wanna look at this, your, your,
your spiritual connection can refer to these symbols.
Uh, and I do feel like there is something
that happens when you are, when you have possession
of a dream dictionary
and an intention to potentially look at it,
then maybe whatever it is that's working with you
through these symbols has a little bit more leverage,
knowing that you'll be able to draw from more of the symbols
that might be harder for you to intuitively
decide what these symbols are.
And, you know, obviously the, the best thing is to learn how
to interpret the symbols of dreams
based on the emo emotive resonance, the emotional content
and quality of what you feel when you,
when you're seeing the aspects of a dream.
And there are many different kinds of dreams.
Some of them are more direct,
and sometimes it's like we need, um, a bludgeon to the head
to with a clear, crystal clear voice that may, uh, you know,
some of us here will hear a voice
that will help us understand how
to interpret symbols if it's really important,
and we get it right, uh, when we're waking up
and we not, we not start, uh,
imagining the symbol means something completely different
than it was intended to mean,
but for the most part, it'll, it'll be a lot of mystery
and a vague interpretation of what symbols could mean.
And that's why I think that getting your head around, uh,
uh, symbols that other people have appreciated, you know,
for, for a long time, that these symbols may have more
of a collective consciousness, meaning,
and it's not just strictly individualized.
However, if your symbol is like somebody in your life,
something that's clearly personal to you, then it is you,
you obviously have to think about what,
what does this person, how do,
how do I feel about this person?
What does this person represent to me?
And those personal symbols usually have the more depth
and meaning and, and potential for value to, to extract.
But a a lot of times prophetic dreams, uh, will, will,
will be more general, uh, symbols that, that are more open
for the collective consciousness to, to process together.
Um, and in some cases it's very, very direct, uh, with,
with the, the symbol
and the dream being very close, approximate to the,
the actual physical representation
of what's being talked about by your, by your higher guides.
I should read some quotes from the law of once.
So you have some sense of what,
where I'm coming from when I'm
talking about the nature of dreams.
And I may do this a little bit
for every episode may do these episodes about once a month.
And there's so much to unpack with understanding the nature
of reality, the nature of the other side or,
or time space as, as raw seems to call it.
Um, but they say in session 86 of the,
the raw contact also called the law of one books,
that it is, in all cases, it is useful to an individual,
to a mind, body, spirit complex.
It is useful to ponder the content
and emotive resonance of dreams.
And this is because all dreams that come in are trying
to help you either unblock something
or break through to a higher level
of understanding in some area.
And so, even if your dream is very, very personal
and individual to you, whatever is showing up in your dream,
it's helpful to be able to understand how you relate to that
and keep on processing that,
because that's gonna be a, a, a, a real,
a real key in understanding things.
That's like having your, you know,
your on your own psychic counselor,
and it's you all the time that's just always trying to get
through to you through your dreams in the morning.
Um, and they said for those whose green ray,
also in session 86, those whose green ray the heart center,
if your heart center has been activated, as well
as those whose green ray ray energy centers,
the heart centers, if your heart center is offered an
unusual un blockage due to extreme catalyst, such as
what is termed the physical death of the self,
or one which is beloved occurring in
what you may call the near future dreaming takes place
on another dreaming, takes on another activity.
This is what may loosely be termed this precognition
or knowing which is prior to
that which shall occur in physical manifestation
and your yellow ray, third density space time.
This property of the mind depends upon its placement
to a great extent and time space,
the metaphysical dimensions, so that the terms of present
and future and past have no meaning.
This will, if made proper use of by the mind, body,
spirit Complex, enable this entity to enter more fully
into the all compassionate love of each
and every circumstance,
including those circumstances against which an entity may
have a strong distortion towards
what you may call unhappiness.
So some quick, quick examples of this where they say
that if something could really dislodge your heart, then
that's might, might be when you're most likely to have the,
um, the, the precognitive dream, the precognition
that tells you what's gonna happen.
And that's what I wanted to, you know, base this show
around when I'm say prophetic, um, dream symbols,
dream sharing.
We're trying to understand how this,
how this process works when our heart is open, what,
what is it that we're seeing and why are we seeing it?
And, and so some examples of this, you know,
my wife has had two pets that, um,
she brought into the relationship
and they were close to the end of their lives.
And, uh, one of 'em, the cat,
um, got really sick.
And right as the cat was getting really sick, I had a dream
that was like a cat food factory.
And it was like, I was interviewing,
I was like aggressively shaking
and interviewing all the people in this factory who were,
who felt very smug to me.
They were very confident in their quality controls.
And, uh, well anyway,
the cat passed away relatively quick, quickly.
Um, and I, and it was just very mysterious, sudden sickness.
And, you know, I, I could only assume that it had to do
with the cat food based on that dream that, that I was just
so, I was kind of emotional in my dream,
but I felt like it, it put, it put more to ease in me.
Like, what, what did we do that could have caught, you know,
what, what happened to the cat?
Um, another dream was, uh, my, my, when, when my,
my wife's dog was, um, our dog was very, was very old
and close to dying.
We knew he was close to dying,
but there was a, a morning when, uh, my,
my wife was at work, she was away at the office.
I was at home, and she texted me
and said that I had a dream last night
that Baxter passed away.
The dog passed away. And so immediately I saw that message
and I ran to the dog,
and within a few minutes, he, he passed away in my arms.
And it was extremely intense experience,
but it was like, um, it helped us both put it,
put it, um, in, in the proper perspective a little bit more.
And it, and it, and it also, you know,
maybe helped the dog pass on a little bit easier
because I was praying for the dog as he was passing on,
but I would've been in the other room
had she not sent me that message.
And it was just perfectly timed that I could be, um,
a better service through that, through that process.
Um, and that, that seems to, to me, to fit in exactly with
what Rah was saying with the,
specifically when they say the death of another self,
which is loved, beloved
occurring in your near fu near future.
So that's two examples of that.
Um, and I've got other examples
that I'll probably share in future sessions.
I don't have to make this about me
'cause we already have a bunch
of people submitted some dream stories.
I'll read some of those. Um,
but one other thing I wanted to share is, in session 86, um,
raw was, uh, Don Elkins was asking raw about is the memory
that the individual has upon waking from the dream usually
reasonably accurate?
Is the dream easily remembered? And Ross said, I am raw.
You must realize that we are overgeneralizing in order
to answer your queries, as
there are several sorts of dreams.
However, in general, it may be noted that it is only
for a trained and a disciplined observer
to have reasonably good recall of the dreaming.
It's only for a trained
and disciplined observer
to have reasonably good recall of the dreaming.
This faculty may be learned by virtue of the discipline
of the recording, immediately upon awakening of each
and every detail, which can be recalled.
This training sharpens one's ability to recall the dream.
Most common perception of a mind, body, spirit complex
of its dreams is muddied, muddled and quickly lost.
And then Dawn, uh, followed up in asking, in
that remembering dreams, you are saying
that the individual can find specific clues
to current energy center blockages and may therefore reduce
or eliminate those blockages.
Is this correct? And Ross said, this is so,
so this is just another reinforcement I wanna share
with you guys, that even if you don't think
that you can remember your dreams,
if you get into intentional habits, if you,
if you put a dream, a, a journal, just a book
that's very easily accessible, uh, you know,
Dave Wilcock always recommends actually having a,
a audio recorder that you can just record your
voice saying a dream.
But for me, it was always easier to,
to write it out with pen and paper.
And as I'm writing it out, I'm looking at the words
and something else comes in, and I remember deeper
and deeper levels of the dream as I'm writing it down.
So I, I feel that, you know,
you just get better over time if you're, if you have
that habit and you're consistent about, um, as soon
as you wake up, as soon as you know that you had a dream,
make it a high priority to start writing that down.
And you'll be able to recall a lot more,
especially if you keep doing it day after day.
It just keeps getting better and better, um, for everyone.
I think that's, that's, that's a possibility, uh,
if you can, because it gets started on that.
Um, so I could start out maybe
with a couple dreams that came in,
and then we have a couple people who are,
are joined on the call that we can, we can jump to
and digest and after we've shared dreams.
And I'm also curious if you guys, anyone here,
um, had a dream this morning.
I want you to put in a chat,
whatever you can remember about the dreams you had this
morning, if you had anything at all.
And I'll, I'll try to get to that too
by the end of the, the show here.
Um, so we had some people who requested
that their dreams be held anonymous.
Uh, we had someone, uh, write an anonymous submission, um,
who said, in this dream, I, I dreamed I was at the end
of an octopus's tentacle being lifted to an energy
of many colors as we came closer to that energy.
So she's on a octopus's tentacle being lifted to an energy
that had many colors to it.
As we came closer to that energy, a love so pure was felt,
which no words can describe
and that love, we turned into a being of many colors.
I heard a voice in my head, which I understood as quote,
much like the rising of the sea lifts all ships,
the radiance of unconditional love within a human
heart lifts all of life.
The level of love is a level
of unconditional reverence for all living.
And then this person added details
and said, since the dream, I have interpreted that by
change, that by changing ourselves, we change the world.
As we become more loving on the inside,
healing occurs on the outside.
Love is misunderstood to be an emotion.
As a matter of fact, it is a state of awareness, a way
of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.
So this is an example of a dream, I would say is much,
much more, uh, general, uh, guidance.
And you could say this is a prophecy of, you know,
the entire lifting up of consciousness of humanity.
That just has to happen. We have to open up to love
and we, we gain a lot more collectively in,
in our personal transformation when we, when we do that.
Um, and I'll read another one here
that was sent in by, uh, Jennifer
and Jennifer says, I had a dream
that my body had been transformed into half light body
and half regular human.
My husband and I and an old friend of ours were there,
and just the three of us were having this experience
of being half light body.
We were at a friend's house who was with us.
We were only, we were the only ones in our area slash
town this was happening to.
There was a light portal on my friend's property
where his barn was, it was a giant beam
of light shooting up from the ground where his barn was,
which was maybe 25 to 40 feet across.
But the barn was gone and the house had no roof anymore.
And there was a glowing light around the top of the house
in parentheses, he had a really old farmhouse in a old
farming town in Maine.
So, so the barn was gone suddenly,
and the house had no roof anymore,
and there was a glowing light around the top of the house.
It was the future, but not far into the future.
It felt as if we were tripping hard on mushrooms,
but with all the good effects and none of the bad
and the dream, my husband was just
my friend and not my husband.
We just kept laughing. And then I said,
quote, I'm gonna make something to eat.
Wait, do we still eat? Then more laughter.
And then I woke up, this dream was exclamations.
So very real. This dream was so very real.
It was a couple years ago.
I have many prophetic dreams and visions.
This was one of my all time favorites.
And then with additional information, she said there,
there has always been some such great energy at my friend's
old farmhouse, I think maybe there was a portal there,
we just can't see it yet.
House built around the 17 hundreds.
I felt so eufor euphoric in this dream.
I felt as if I were, was looking through into the future.
Happiness I felt was more than I've ever felt.
It was very powerful. So this,
this is another category of dream.
I've had some dreams like this
where it feels like you're almost just an ascended body,
just like a different kind of reality that, that
feels like a more distant future,
but maybe hopefully, you know, humanity can, can merge
with these, these higher ascended aspects of ourself.
And, um, so, um,
I'll read one more story, uh, dream, dream story that
was submitted in, and then we'll move on.
Um, another story came in from anonymous.
They say, I actually dreamed about five
of my nine grandkids before they were born.
One granddaughter came in dreams all night long.
I would wake up, remember what I was dreaming,
and then go back to sleep and dream some more.
She had a guy, uh, named Victor
who asked me if I wanted to meet my granddaughter.
Of course, I said yes. He showed me scenes from one
of her past lives in which she had been a nurse
during a war in the early USA history.
And he also showed me that she would be born prematurely
as she was presented in a shoebox.
And of course, he introduced me to her.
The name he called her isn't the one her parents chose,
but when they had a gender reveal party,
I had trouble saying she was a girl.
And I was right. I had no trouble saying she was a girl.
And I was right with another granddaughter.
I dreamed about her three months in a row in the last dream,
I was carrying her around on my hip
and looking down at her curly hair.
I asked my granddaughter if she
was pregnant, and she said no.
A couple of weeks later, she called to say, guess what?
Of course, I said, you are pregnant. And it's a girl.
Her father was in total denial
and said his intuition was good.
And it was a boy. I flew to the East coast when she went in
for her ultrasound to determine the sex.
First thing the doctor saw was that it was a girl.
She looks like, just like I saw her in the dream.
This granddaughter from the first story was indeed born a
month early and weigh only five pounds as a young child,
she got a toy medical kit for a gift
and pretended to saw off limbs, which
of course was the practice in early American history.
All right, thank you for sharing that anonymous.
Um, very awesome.
And I've heard that kind of thing once
before too, being, uh, grandmothers dreaming
of their grandkids, seeing them playing.
All right. So at this point I would love to
introduce Christina.
Um, hi Christina. How you doing?
I'm good, Mike. How you doing?
Do you, um, I guess, did you have any, uh, well,
so you submitted two dreams
that you thought we should share today.
Um, maybe I could ask the first question.
Do you, do you write down your dreams?
Do you tend to have a lot of dreams
that you remember and recall?
I do have a lot of dreams that I remember and recall.
I don't always write them down,
but when they're significant, like the two that I submitted,
I I do write them down immediately
because I, I don't wanna forget.
That's great. Um, so I guess you could just give a,
a very brief introduction about what you do,
and then we can, I would love
to just start hearing your dreams.
Okay. Well, I am a, a medium non intuitive empath.
I do, um, energy healing
and psychic greetings for people prior
to moving back to the states.
I was running a, a healing crystal shop in the Netherlands
for a couple of years, which was really fun.
Uh, but now we've moved back home,
so we're still getting settled
and planning on opening up another space, uh, for healing
and possibly channeling.
Um, although my channeling is usually more personal
for myself, but I have done group channelings
and group healing, so we'll see where it goes.
I don't know what the future holds.
I'm also writing, uh, my autobiography.
So that's, that writing
and settling in is my primary focus right now.
Great. So you, you've definitely been gifted,
and I assume you've had a lot of
vivid dreams since you were a kid.
Oh, yes, yes.
When you talk about dreaming about your children, all
of my children have spoken to me prior to their birth.
Um, I had a, a dream.
It's, to me, I feel like they're not really even dreams
because sometimes I'm still in that dream state
after I'm awake
and walking around, uh, especially if it's a real, um,
significant contact.
Um, I had a one, one experience
where my grandmother passed away,
but I had, I had didn't know that that had happened
until I was making the bed in the morning with her quilt.
And I thought of her and she appeared.
And so then I, I stayed in contact with her for several days
and I had been praying for possibly another child,
but she introduced, um, a soul
that volunteered to be my dog.
And so the dog showed up and, um, gave me a name and,
and I ended up getting the dog.
And so that was quite an experience.
It's, it's, um,
for me it's like being in two realities and at once.
So, yeah, I forgot your question,
but yes, my dreams are quite profound for me.
They're a real significant part of my experience.
Alright, well, I'd love to jump into
what dreams you feel worth sharing right now.
The two that I shared on the blog, um, happened recently.
They were in January. Um,
I think the second one is most significant.
Um, I was, it was on the 11th of January on
and in the dream I was walking through this courtyard
and I was carrying Nancy Pelosi.
She was dressed in white
and I was carrying her like a, in my arms, like, like this,
like you carry somebody who's an adult with their legs
and their head draped over your arms.
So we were moving across this large square patch of grass
that was surrounded by trees,
and there were sidewalks that ran along the edges and,
and across like, almost like desire paths,
but they were white.
And so we were headed towards this tall white building made
of marble or alabaster or some kind of crystal mineral.
And as we walked, she grew weaker.
And so, um, at some point in the dream,
I picked her up and I carried her.
And I was very surprised at how strong I felt
and how frail she had become.
And it was really significant for me
because I, I am, um, I do suffer from physical, um,
I don't wanna use the word disability, but my, my strength
and the dream really stood out to me.
So when we reached the entrance of the building, uh,
what I noticed first was
what I thought was a turtle shell resting on a pedestal.
But then I immediately also realized it
was an abalone shell.
There were barnacles all over it.
And I understood, um, that a male guide had left it there
as a message for me.
Um, but then I gently sat Nancy down,
and when I put her down, you know, she, she
and I were having this, this connected experience,
but then as soon as I put her down, she like stood up and,
and became into herself and then went into the building and,
and I realized this was a memorial service for her.
Like everybody was, was deeply mournful.
And they were all filled with sorrow over her passing.
And she was there to attend, which was,
you know how dreams are.
It's kinda weird. But then I entered the building
and I went downstairs.
There was this lower level of the building and into a room,
and I moved there with thought.
It wasn't like I walked down these stairs, I just,
my thought transported me there.
And the bed there were like these marble
or alabaster benches in a semicircle.
They were like pews.
And I noticed around me there were dark magicians,
like black magicians because there was this energy,
but it was almost like I was invisible.
They really couldn't see, they didn't,
they weren't aware that I was there.
Um, I was just transported into their midst.
And they were ridiculing the idea of the 12 apostles
and Jesus that, that they were revered figures
and they were laughing at the idea that people put faith
and put so much faith in them
or in others when in reality
these black magicians were aware
that people could have their own
direct connection to source.
There was just this energy of mockery toward
naivety when actually they're the ones that are, uh, keeping
humanity in that, that state of being.
But then at that moment when I was just aware of this energy
that I was in, I was like, oh, I remember this, this shell
or this, this thing that was left upstairs.
So I went back up to, to get it
and it was almost like I was invisible.
'cause my thoughts transported me up
to this place where the shell was.
And it was definitely an abalone shell.
And I picked it up and nobody seemed to notice it.
It was also invisible.
And I, I had just had this feeling
that it was specifically left there for me.
And that was when I woke up from that dream. So
What do you think this shell felt like?
What is this? What was the representation of that?
Yeah, I feel like the shell was personal toward me.
We looked it up later. Um, what a shells mean,
and I forgot to look that up prior to this meeting.
But it has something to do with embodying the true self
and listening to the messages
of your own intuition and your spirit.
And, and, um, you know, I could look that up again.
Uh, I'm sorry to say I,
I don't remember what the shell means.
That's okay. But it's, it is, it definitely felt personal
to me, ma mainly continuing on my own healing journey so
that I can be the, the, the, the person I came here to be.
Mm-hmm. And may,
and this is probably easy for people to guess,
but for people who may, may not imagine how you,
what your feelings are about Nancy
Pelosi going into this dream.
What what does she represent to your subconscious?
You know, I've thought about this dream
'cause I don't really have feelings about, I mean,
feelings about her specifically.
I mean, I, I, I don't, I, I can see
that she's involved in some really, um, nefarious things
and she's participating in some, you know,
corruption and whatever.
But I felt like, you know, why would I dream this?
I don't really put too much energy into politics anymore.
Um, but I felt like the, the,
what this dream was showing me was that there's a,
a passing of ways of being, you know, the structure
of, of, of humanity, the structure of,
of governing,
and the way the consciousness has been, you know,
we've all given our power collectively to these structures.
And now they're passing
and the people who have been benefiting
or participating in the structures themselves are,
are changing.
And they're, they're gonna mourn their, their loss
of illusion, you know, whereas the rest of us are
stepping up into being a part of
what we're creating instead of giving our power to others
to create on our behalf for us,
on whether consciously or unconsciously.
But I felt like that
because there was a second dream that I'd had prior to that,
which I shared, um, also,
which was also about public figures like governments.
But the other, the other one was about royalty.
And they, these figures had been placed up in front
of everybody as if these are the authorities,
and we've given these authorities our power,
and now they're being seen as just like everybody else, not
any more spectacular or amazing.
We are all equal. I feel like the,
the playing field is leveling
and through conscious awareness
and, um, raising of frequency, we're all becoming more
empowered and,
and we're taking back our power from the things
that have been in the place of authority.
So this first dream you shared that the,
it was the funeral service and then a deeper
level was the dark magicians.
It was like, this is what we're seeing.
And then down below the surface is
where you see the dark magicians are operating,
Right? Yeah.
So it was like puppets.
However, instead of being above the puppets,
were like playing from below, you know,
they're in the darker realms, the, the inverted tree
of life, the invert inverted, um,
uh, crates.
What is that? The, the tree of life? Yeah.
Because they've, they've tried to bring down the energy
and invert everything, so everything's inverted.
And that's how they control
through our lower chakra blockages.
But as we clear ourselves, we, we start to raise up.
And those, um, those beings are, are very,
very clearly seen.
Once we raise our frequency,
they operate on the lower frequencies.
Yep. This is great, great powerful symbolism.
So the, the, and you know, it certainly seems to be
interesting how the exposure
of corruption may be accelerating right now and
Know it's exciting. It's very exciting.
Yeah, it's very exciting.
So this other dream that you had said, uh,
about royal figures, did you give all the details?
Would you'd like to dive into that one more
and give us all the, the symbols?
Yeah, sure. That was in January on the seventh, um,
I was dreamed I was on the astro plane,
which I feel like I am a lot.
Um, I just kind of showed up there
and there was crowds of people everywhere,
and the energy in the scene was chaotic,
but it wasn't really in a negative way.
It was just like a lot of excitement
and a lot of conscious participation, part participation
of consciousnesses, you know, people
and their thoughts were all there.
And, and I just kind of appeared as, as happens for me.
And then I noticed over in a corner,
there were these screens that, like movie screens
or theater screens that were elevated above the crowd.
And they were displaying like two, uh,
different outdoor scenes.
One was a green meadow,
and the other one was a blue sky with fluffy clouds.
It was like, what am I seeing here?
This is somebody's trying to project something.
It was a projection that, that's the feeling
that I had of it.
And then on the stage, standing in front of the screens,
these two figures were placed
and they were clearly representing royalty.
And they were very specifically King Charles
and Queen Elizabeth.
And they were placed there in front of the audience.
Like, like, there was a feeling of, oh,
here, we're gonna give you this.
Look at this, look at this as a projection.
That was like trying, kind, trying
to control people's attention.
Like, oh, okay, we're supposed to look at this.
So we're looking at this.
And the crowd was all excited,
and they, I reverent, almost worshipful worshipful
as they gazed at the Queen Elizabeth.
They were like royal worshiping, admiring her authority.
But then gradually the distinction between the royals
and the people started fading, and the royal figures
and their screens then were
moved to the other side of the room.
It was almost the energy, the feeling
of it was like an attempt to, okay, this isn't working,
so let's move it over here and see if this works.
And so those screens were
moved to the other side of the crowd.
They were placed a little lower down,
making them a little less
indistinguishable from everyone else.
And then the people, they seemed confused,
like subtly confused,
but they began, I felt that the, the energy of the people,
the crowd began to sense that
what they had believed was true, wasn't quite
as real as it had seemed.
And so I got the feeling
that I was witnessing the dissolution
of the matrix a shift in perception, and it was chaotic
and disorient disorienting, but not dark.
So, um, it felt like, um, the,
the collective was having a revelatory experience.
And I found that really interesting because I'm an American
and the concept of monarchy isn't, um,
it's very foreign to me.
I don't have a, a connection with the royals.
Like I know having lived over in, in Europe,
do those people really do they love their monarchs?
And I, I'm like, nah, I'm American. I'm all about freedom.
So we didn't, I don't relate to it in that way.
So for me to see these, this illusion
of monarchy being placed in front of people,
it it really stood out to me.
And so this was one of the dreams that I did write down for
that reason, because most of my dreams, like I said,
are very personal to me, and they're about people in my life
and the goings on.
So to have a, you know, a dream about public figures
and royalty, that that really stood out.
So I wrote them down.
Yeah. Yeah. I agree.
That sounds very related to the other dream.
It seems like this is deel elevating people's looking
to power systems
and having a lot of respect in, you know, assuming
that these power systems are elevated in some way.
'cause it's literally, you just saw them.
It's like they, they all move down.
Yeah. And I think that's what's happening now.
I know this, this happened in January,
but the wheels in my, in my, my impression
of what's happening now has, this, has been set in motion,
you know, on it's part of the plan for
our collective, this is the timeline
or the pathway that we are choosing.
And that, you know, there's, there's really not a whole lot
that can stop it, but let you know, we,
we've collectively decided what we wanted, I think.
Yeah. So at this point, I would love
to have you keep on discussing with us,
but I, I wanna see if Trisha's available now
to share her dream that she had in July of last year.
And if, if you wanna hop on Trish, if you're available. Yep.
She's coming on right now.
And we'll just make this a three-way conversation,
but I'll let Trish have the floor for a while. Hi, Trish.
Hey, how are you guys doing? We're doing great.
Good, good. Yep.
Uh, yeah, so I, I've been reluctant to share this dream
because I, I don't know which side effects people fall on,
and I guess it shouldn't be about that.
So, uh, so only one other person
knows up until now.
And I'm, I am glad that I told this person
because then I could, you know, have, you know, like
as a witness, you know, 'cause I know anybody
and everybody can say at this point that they had,
you know, that type of dream.
But, um, this was,
it was July 2nd, 2024.
And I know it was like a morning dream.
So, because it was, I had the dream
and then I woke up, and then it was morning.
So it was very, very close to, close to the time
where I was to wake up.
So, but in this dream, I was, um,
I was on a stage, but I was like in back
and, uh, Trump was at the podium
and I, he had an audience
and in the dream, I, I really could not tell,
or I don't remember if it was inside versus outside.
Like, that wasn't like the main concern, the main feeling
of the dream that I needed to pay attention to, I guess.
So, um, and I had like this Polaroid picture in my hand,
and I'm, I'm showing my age because I know what that is.
You know, I know technology's changed
and the younger generation isn't gonna know what I mean,
but you actually used to like, have to like, print pictures.
So, so it was a very, very, um, like a three
by five Polaroid.
I don't remember what was on it.
It's actually been driving me nuts
because I feel like that was probably important at the time.
But, um, and so Trump is at the podium
and he's speaking to, uh, this audience and,
and I go up and, um,
and I even remember
after waking up, like I didn't understand why
I was interrupting him.
'cause he very clearly was in the middle of something.
And I don't think that that would be common practice
to interrupt Trump when he is talking.
So, but anyway, so I go up behind him
and I have this, this Polaroid in my hand, and I,
and I like tap him on the shoulder
and he turns to look at me.
And it felt like I was like waiting
for approval for this picture.
You know, like when you're organizing an event,
everybody's got like, their specific roles
and they have to get approval for what goes where
and what looks ha you know,
however it looks and stuff like that.
So at least that's what I was thinking at the time,
or my initial interpretation.
So I go up, I tap him on the shoulder, he turns to look,
and I'm like pointing at this picture, like waiting for him
to tell me, yeah, it's okay or whatever.
And he doesn't answer me.
He just looks at the picture and then looks at me.
And then kind of like, it was a very, like,
I know there, there wasn't a whole lot of time here,
but it was long enough time in the dream for me
to like, acknowledge that.
Like, we were like looking at each other.
And there was like this, this silent
acknowledgement, I guess.
And I took that as an approval for this picture, I guess.
But then he gives me a fist bump,
like the famous Trump fist bump, you know, and,
and then he just like kneels down.
And then at that point I wake up.
And so I, and I write it down.
I, I try to document everything,
mostly everything.
'cause I never know what's gonna come up later,
what details are important and what are not.
So, um,
and they could mean absolutely nothing in
the long run, but we don't know.
So I wrote it down, like on my notes, on my phone,
and then I documented it in telegram, like in my saved
messages on there, which I do with a lot of things.
So, or dreams and specific articles
and things that I wanna make sure that I remember to look at
or, or whatnot.
So, and again, this was July 2nd,
and I did call a friend and I told her about it
and I was like, you know, it could just mean
maybe it's my own imagination getting away with me.
'cause who doesn't want a fist bump Trump, right?
So, you know, whatever. So she documents it as well.
And then of course, we, we all know, you know, the events
of July 13th, so I don't days after the dream.
Say it again. It was 11 days after the dream then, right?
Yes, 11 days. So there's an 11 day difference between
July 2nd when I had the dream
and then, um, you know, uh, Trump almost getting
assassinated on the 13th.
So, um, and I don't, I don't know what to make at this part.
It might just be like a huge coincidence
that starting July 12th,
and it could just be me picking up on
the energies of the collective.
And I,
because I know like certain events like that, you know, kind
of ripple, especially with the energies,
and it, it can be felt forward or backwards.
Um, and that's happened with a few things with me before.
Of course, I didn't know that at the time, but,
and I could have just been sick.
Like, I'm not opposed to taking that as a consideration
that I could have just had a bug.
But I remember like my body feeling very heavy, and I,
and I remember even talking to my husband Matthew about it.
I was like, like, I feel like I'm like on the sun.
Like, you know, like gravity is like heavier
than it should, you know?
And my joints were hurting,
and I know that can be flu symptoms.
So again, you know, I I, I wasn't sure what was going on.
So, and I felt that way all day to 12th.
And then it got worse on the 13th.
And, um, I even had, I did have a conversation with a friend
for about an hour, and then right after, or within an hour
or so after that, like, I, I couldn't stay awake anymore.
Like, I was feeling very bad.
Like it felt like my eyes were burning from the inside out.
Um, and I was like, I, I like have to go lay down.
Like, I don't think I have a choice.
So, uh, my husband was off work, so he was,
you know, watching the kids.
And so I went and laid down
and I like, almost immediately fell asleep.
And this was about four 30 my time, so
that would make it five 30 eastern time.
Um, and I laid down, I,
I actually had a dream at that point that
about a chess board.
Um, and like these had individuals telling me,
and I didn't see anybody.
So I, I'm thinking that it was like a,
a telepathic contact of some kind.
And they were telling me like, you know, your job is
to like, make that chess board go on the table
and without using your hands.
I'm like, okay. So, uh,
and it was like, you know, you're playing a Sims game
and you have to like drag something, you know?
So I was, I was like picking up this chess board
and like putting it on the table
and, you know, I had to do it a certain amount of times.
And so that was the gist of that dream.
But I wake up about five 30 my time,
so that'll be six 30 ish,
maybe 35, 6 35, you know, eastern time.
And, uh, I missed like a lot of calls from, you know,
my family members and especially from this one friend
who I told about my dream.
And, and I'm like, okay, like I need to get up
and make myself a cup of coffee and like sit down
and then I'll give her a call back
and find out, you know, what is going on.
So, um, I sit down in my computer
and I'm checking like news,
and then I'm seeing like people wishing
Trump a speedy recovery.
I'm going, what, what happens?
Like, all I did was take a nap.
Like, and I apparently missed something extremely important,
you know, so and so I, I find out what was going on
and I called this friend back
and she's like, uh, she's like, you saw it, right?
And I'm like, yeah, I'm
watching, you know, a couple of videos.
'cause you know, within 10 minutes the videos were
everywhere and, you know, if you could miss it.
So, uh, and so again,
that could have, that part
of it could have just been a coincidence
and I could have just had a bug,
but it's, it is just strange.
The timing of it is all strange.
But, uh, so this is, you know,
you guys are the now the second people
to know about this specific dream.
And, and that one really threw me, um, aloof
because most of my dreams up to that point,
and since then, really have been more personal dreams,
you know, within my own life
or things that I need to work on
or going on with family members, you know,
that I need some help with or something like that.
So, uh, that was one to definitely note for sure.
That's awesome. Uh, one, one thing I, uh,
I just looked up here in the dream dictionary,
I was referring to earlier a Polaroid picture.
This is a suggestion, you know,
ev every person's subconscious is different,
but the suggestion is Polaroid can represent a need
to immediately focus one's attention
or memory on something
that will be depicted in the photograph or seen.
So it's as though there's, there's a significance to
that specific moment, and you're showing him the Polaroid at
the exact same moment that he's turning around.
So, and he as something he talked about quite a lot,
you know, the, the, the way in which he turned around was,
was absolutely key in allowing him to stay alive.
Um, yes. Right, right.
And he, and after that too, he kept talking about the chart.
You know, I know he said that many, many times.
Like, oh yeah, I turned to look at the chart,
and I'm like, well, it my dream.
It was a picture, you know, like an actual Polaroid.
And you know, like I have noticed from time to time, even
with other, especially with other dreams,
sometimes the details will be the, the same is the same,
but some of the details will be a little bit different.
And I think that's probably like, you know, your,
your probability possibility vortex, you know,
11 days a lot can change.
Even when I've had dreams of things coming up the next day
at 12 hours, there's still, you know, probability,
possibility vortexes where things can kind
of details can be a little bit different.
So, but, so I wish I could remember
what was on the Polaroid, like, you know, I kind
of feel like that's important, but
Were you gonna say something, Christina?
I was gonna say, I get the sense that, um, a lot
of our dreams come through our own,
they're our interpretations,
and Corey could good calls them our filters.
And the the feeling that I got when you were talking about
your dream and the Polaroid was that we, um, are star seeds
and we collectively, Trump has said God saved him.
And so we are all that part of that consciousness
working together to put humanity
and the planet on a certain trajectory.
And so when we experience things coming into our,
you know, 3D awareness
or our, our, in our chakras, they come in
through our interpretations or our filters or lens.
But I feel like you having that dream, you're tuned into
what's going on.
And probably many others, we were, we were all praying
for the most positive possible outcome for this collective.
And so you just are right there getting, getting the dream,
you know, and we're all probably collectively, um,
influencing the, the turning that
what keeps us where we need to be.
I definitely, I agree with that. Right.
And um, just as you said, there's several instances where,
uh, interpretations in the way that I interpret it is
not the specific item that I'm seeing,
but the way that I am interpreting it is, um,
or the way that I can, you know,
interpret it based on my own experiences is demean
of, you know, what's going on.
So yeah, I absolutely agree with that.
And I think we are all working together, um, you know,
praying for those and,
and just in general that we come out on the other side
of this is better people.
And the chess board symbol is so perfect too.
It feels like this is just an ongoing game.
I guess maybe I should ask you guys both.
What do you feel the chess board represents?
No, I've, I've gone back and forth with this one.
I guess the, the most obvious interpretation of that
for me would be, it, it, I think
what we are seeing is just like basically one giant chess
game, you know, and, and chess moves
and you know, it, there, there's probably people
that represent each chess piece, you know,
and so that's the closest one that I could, um,
light and dark, you know, there's light
and dark symbolism in there as well for me.
So, uh,
but I'm interested in, in your guys' interpretation too,
or if you agree, that's fine.
I, I know sometimes bouncing things off of each other,
we can kind of fill in gaps, you know,
and our own distortion from that.
And you said the chess board was being, had
to be placed on a table?
It was as though it was off the table for some reason.
It had to go back on the table,
Right? It was on the
floor, and it was like the old sim game,
you know, where you have to like click
and drag, you know, something to get it to move.
Uh, it was, it was like that,
although I, I was like instructed
or intuitively knew, knew
that I could not use my hands like I had to do this,
you know, through use of, uh, energy or something or,
or telekinesis or whatever was going on.
But I could not touch it. And it had
to go from the floor to the table.
And I bet like, I guess I, the first two times that I tried,
like I didn't get it quite right
'cause then it would like go back and then I had to do it.
I think the third time is
whenever I got it on the table, what that means.
I don't know. But, um, but yeah, it's
Interesting. Well, that's another,
uh, kind
of common symbol when we say things are off the table
or on the table, it's like on the table
where it's a consideration off the table
to people generally means this is not,
not something that we're thinking about anymore.
It's something that's not being handled.
Maybe I should look up that, uh, that in the,
in the dictionary right now though.
The on the table, off the table thing. Yeah. Yeah.
While you're doing that, if I might, um, sure.
Just say my opinion about the image of a chess
game or chess board being used a lot when discussing,
you know, the dark versus the light.
And, and this is five d chess.
If you play chess, you know that there is an intuitive
or psychic aspect to the game itself.
Um, when you're a chess player and you are competing
or you're engaging in some this a game, you know, you're,
you get to know your opponent, you know how they play.
And the way the chess imagery comes into me is that
we've been here for millennia, um, learning the ways
of this place, uh, this density
and all the players that are involved here
and how they play.
And when you are a positive soul
and you, you want to play fair at some point be,
when you lose enough games, you realize, okay, I,
I don't wanna play dirty,
but in order to avoid kar, you know, I, I learned the rules,
how to use the karmic, uh, balance, um, it
to my advantage so that I can win this game, um, and
or tip the, the outcome toward a more positive,
uh, experience.
So I feel like when, when they use the illustration
of the chess game, chess, I feel like that has a lot of
play in, in the psychic aspect of what we are doing
as a collective, um, knowing,
keeping ourselves from getting karmically entangled,
but also bringing out opportunities for their karma
to be finally caught up to them,
if you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, I agree. Ian, go ahead.
I was gonna say, yeah, certainly.
Um, the, the Dream Dictionary says, uh, table
represents a supporting structure
of supportive position of something.
So, you know, we could very easily say, I think that if,
if Trump had been assassinated, it would've been less of a,
of a chess game at that point.
It would've been more of a defeat per an, uh, imbalance
of the, the karmic interplay that seems to be
bouncing out maybe our, our opportunities
to perceive the dark in the light and everything.
And it really felt like the, you know, the, the,
the shifting of energies from Biden to Trump has been, uh,
a kind of karmic balancing that that is allowing both sides
to see what they wanna see
through all these different situations.
And yeah, this definitely seems like a chess game.
Um, and, and the black
and the white are, you know, they're seen reversed
for people who are on
the different sides of the political spectrum.
It's like we're both seeing black
and white, whichever side you're on. Very polarizing,
Yeah. Yeah. And polarizing is another thing
that I think I thought about, you know,
with the chess board is, you know, uh, just as you said,
which side of the fence do you fall on, you know,
which way you, you're polarizing, so.
Well that's interesting. I appreciate that.
Yeah, this has been a great discussion
and we'll be going for about an hour,
and I think it might be good if we wrap this recorded part
of the conversation up relatively soon,
and then we can continue discussing with the,
the attendees also.
Um, but do you guys wanna share anything else about, um,
this discussion, about these dreams?
I would say finally, um, that as we work on our
moving our energies up through each chakra
and clearing our blocks
and becoming more, um, aware with, without judgment,
like balancing our, our emotional so we can become, um,
balanced entities, um, pulling back our participation in
judgment or opinion or,
or any kind of emotional reaction to anything.
Um, that's, that's what, where I'm coming from,
I feel like when it comes to that chess game,
the less energy I'm putting into the participation of,
of emotional chaos, the more, um,
energy I take away from the chaos that's already there,
then the more amplified it becomes, the more clarity I think
I, I can see more clearly, you know,
because if we're unconsciously participating based on our
internal blocks, then it's hard to tell what's what.
But when you recognize, oh, I have this feeling
and I wanna be an emotionally balanced person, so I'm going
to just be aware and, and not emote
or allow the energy to come out of me
and just hold the space for a moment, then
by withdrawing our energy,
it seems like whatever's out there feeding gets more excited
and needy and it starts getting more hungry.
And so then it becomes obvious.
Oh, and then it becomes obvious to me, oh,
I definitely glad I didn't put any energy into that.
'cause that's something that needs to be moved through.
And, and as long as I'm not feeding it, then it's going
to get less and less from me.
And I'm holding a space, I, I know that's a lot
of word salad, but it's, I just feel like it's relevant to
what, what we're getting out of our dreams,
because we're constantly psychically interacting
with each other on the astral plane.
And whether we are, um, in control of our experience
or our, or how much we're participating, I guess depends on
how present we are with ourselves in our waking
life and how much, how much we can get out of our, uh,
presence in the psychic realm. Does that make sense?
Yeah, absolutely. And this is part of
what I was initially talking about, I think when, when,
when you have a dream and it's telling you symbols
that help you look at something
that was gonna be very emotional,
and you're able to see that from a different lens.
It's like you, you're backing away from the very emotionally
intense aspect of it, like the death of a pet or something.
When, when you can take, take a separate perspective on it
and, and see for, for what it really is in the,
in the metaphysical symbolism, then, then you, you,
you can lower that level of emotion and not get caught up
or karmically entangled or,
or bogged down in, in that intense emotional energy
Acceptance, you can accept it a lot easier.
Yeah, I agree more, Trish?
Yeah, I think the only thing I would add is, um,
i's definitely like, like Mike
and Christina recommended, definitely record as much
as you can with the dreams.
I mean, when I, uh, I used to do it and then I stopped
and then it was almost like my recollection like decreased
because I wasn't attempting to recall, you know, like,
you know, recreating that bridge to, you know,
the dream world and the
subconscious and what's going on there.
So, um, I would say though, just like me,
like being frustrated without remembering, you know,
what was on the Polaroid and maybe that it isn't important
and maybe as you said Mike, it's just like, you know,
a snapshot of memory, Hey, I need to remember this.
Um, I wouldn't get
so frustrated when you cannot remember certain details
and that it is what it is.
Um, sometimes I find
that in random times throughout the day,
I'll remember something about a dream, you know,
last night or the night before.
So I think if it's meant to come through
at whatever time it will, I think just
focusing on recalling and then recording what you can,
and then you'll see that your recollection does
increase after some time.
Yeah, I've had that experience many times too,
where it feels like there's a, there's a container
and I'm, I remember that there was a lot of amazing stuff in
that container, and then I move on from it
and it's like, whoa, how, how can I not remember any detail
at all of that that felt so important?
But maybe that is something that I'm not meant to remember,
or it's not as important as the overall symbolism
that, that I'm being shown.
Right. And there's sometimes there's triggers like for it,
like somebody will say something, you know, like,
I use a certain word and then all of a sudden, you know,
I'm, I'm remembering this.
And so,
and I think the triggers are important for,
for whatever reason, I don't know, but it happens that way.
Jennifer added in the chat here,
putting the chess board on the table was
maybe elevating the game.
True. Interesting.
True. I think that was definitely like a pivot point
for the world, for sure.
Yep. Alright, so I,
I think this has been a great discussion
and I, I can close out the recorded portion of this
and for people who are attending now, I can invite everyone
to, to share in this as like a regular meeting as well.
All right. So thank you guys for joining
and I think I'll post this one on YouTube.
I'm not sure if they'll all go up on YouTube.
I may be inspired to put 'em all on YouTube. We'll find out.
But yep, that'll be on the Essential Works tv,
YouTube channel in the next couple, couple days or so.
Right. Thank you guys for joining. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you guys.
Welcome guys to Prophetic Dream Sharing.
This is the first show of this series that I'm attempting,
and it's partly based on the fact
that practically all the kinds of discussion meetings,
spiritual discussion meetings, metaphysical discussion
meetings, UFO discussion meetings that I've hosted,
inevitably people start discussing incredible dreams.
It just seems like it's, it's just a background of,
of amazing insight that everyone shares
that they can pull this data in through their,
their subconscious mind
or their unconscious as their awakening from their dream.
And record it. Recording it is a very important, uh,
aspect of this process.
If you haven't, uh, ever tried recording your dreams,
I highly recommend that, uh, as soon as you wake up
and developing that skill is what Rob recommends in the law
of one books that I'll, I'll read some of that material.
Um, it just is a general introduction.
I, I, I probably first started recording my dreams, uh,
back in 2007, 2008, when I first heard about David Wilcock
and was listening to his material,
and he was strongly recommending
people write down their dreams.
And he had been doing it, obviously a lot in the nineties,
and now he's got, you know, books
and books on, on that subject of just, just his dreams.
And the, the voice that he's hearing, speaking to him
early in the morning, seems to be a, a voice
that we all have access to, that that can,
that can show us a lot about, uh, our, our spiritual path
and also potentially what, what it is that we could be aware
of in the future that might help us put in a better context
so we're not thrown off by it so that we don't,
we don't take anything too hard
and we, we understand
that this is just a part of the growth process.
Um, so, uh, a couple other things I want to, I wanna share
with you guys is that there is,
there's several different Dream
Dictionary books that you can find.
Uh, this is one that I refer to most often that I,
I may pull up, uh, occasionally
during our con our conversations, just
because this seems to have been the most
reliable that I've used.
And this is called In Your Dreams by Mary Submarine.
And if you find it hard to, to find the original, uh, uh,
physical publication, there's a, there's a Kindle version,
a digital version that's called The Dream Codex, the book
of 22,000 Dream Symbols, symbols.
And there's other people
who have done this like a hundred years ago.
There was a popular one by Gus of us, Hinman Miller, uh,
called 10,000 Dreams Interpreted, um,
or something like 10,000 Dreams.
And there's other people who have done, um, many,
many versions that had just a couple thousand.
So I, I do feel that it's helpful to have a dr.
A dictionary that has more symbols that your guides or
however you wanna look at this, your, your,
your spiritual connection can refer to these symbols.
Uh, and I do feel like there is something
that happens when you are, when you have possession
of a dream dictionary
and an intention to potentially look at it,
then maybe whatever it is that's working with you
through these symbols has a little bit more leverage,
knowing that you'll be able to draw from more of the symbols
that might be harder for you to intuitively
decide what these symbols are.
And, you know, obviously the, the best thing is to learn how
to interpret the symbols of dreams
based on the emo emotive resonance, the emotional content
and quality of what you feel when you,
when you're seeing the aspects of a dream.
And there are many different kinds of dreams.
Some of them are more direct,
and sometimes it's like we need, um, a bludgeon to the head
to with a clear, crystal clear voice that may, uh, you know,
some of us here will hear a voice
that will help us understand how
to interpret symbols if it's really important,
and we get it right, uh, when we're waking up
and we not, we not start, uh,
imagining the symbol means something completely different
than it was intended to mean,
but for the most part, it'll, it'll be a lot of mystery
and a vague interpretation of what symbols could mean.
And that's why I think that getting your head around, uh,
uh, symbols that other people have appreciated, you know,
for, for a long time, that these symbols may have more
of a collective consciousness, meaning,
and it's not just strictly individualized.
However, if your symbol is like somebody in your life,
something that's clearly personal to you, then it is you,
you obviously have to think about what,
what does this person, how do,
how do I feel about this person?
What does this person represent to me?
And those personal symbols usually have the more depth
and meaning and, and potential for value to, to extract.
But a a lot of times prophetic dreams, uh, will, will,
will be more general, uh, symbols that, that are more open
for the collective consciousness to, to process together.
Um, and in some cases it's very, very direct, uh, with,
with the, the symbol
and the dream being very close, approximate to the,
the actual physical representation
of what's being talked about by your, by your higher guides.
I should read some quotes from the law of once.
So you have some sense of what,
where I'm coming from when I'm
talking about the nature of dreams.
And I may do this a little bit
for every episode may do these episodes about once a month.
And there's so much to unpack with understanding the nature
of reality, the nature of the other side or,
or time space as, as raw seems to call it.
Um, but they say in session 86 of the,
the raw contact also called the law of one books,
that it is, in all cases, it is useful to an individual,
to a mind, body, spirit complex.
It is useful to ponder the content
and emotive resonance of dreams.
And this is because all dreams that come in are trying
to help you either unblock something
or break through to a higher level
of understanding in some area.
And so, even if your dream is very, very personal
and individual to you, whatever is showing up in your dream,
it's helpful to be able to understand how you relate to that
and keep on processing that,
because that's gonna be a, a, a, a real,
a real key in understanding things.
That's like having your, you know,
your on your own psychic counselor,
and it's you all the time that's just always trying to get
through to you through your dreams in the morning.
Um, and they said for those whose green ray,
also in session 86, those whose green ray the heart center,
if your heart center has been activated, as well
as those whose green ray ray energy centers,
the heart centers, if your heart center is offered an
unusual un blockage due to extreme catalyst, such as
what is termed the physical death of the self,
or one which is beloved occurring in
what you may call the near future dreaming takes place
on another dreaming, takes on another activity.
This is what may loosely be termed this precognition
or knowing which is prior to
that which shall occur in physical manifestation
and your yellow ray, third density space time.
This property of the mind depends upon its placement
to a great extent and time space,
the metaphysical dimensions, so that the terms of present
and future and past have no meaning.
This will, if made proper use of by the mind, body,
spirit Complex, enable this entity to enter more fully
into the all compassionate love of each
and every circumstance,
including those circumstances against which an entity may
have a strong distortion towards
what you may call unhappiness.
So some quick, quick examples of this where they say
that if something could really dislodge your heart, then
that's might, might be when you're most likely to have the,
um, the, the precognitive dream, the precognition
that tells you what's gonna happen.
And that's what I wanted to, you know, base this show
around when I'm say prophetic, um, dream symbols,
dream sharing.
We're trying to understand how this,
how this process works when our heart is open, what,
what is it that we're seeing and why are we seeing it?
And, and so some examples of this, you know,
my wife has had two pets that, um,
she brought into the relationship
and they were close to the end of their lives.
And, uh, one of 'em, the cat,
um, got really sick.
And right as the cat was getting really sick, I had a dream
that was like a cat food factory.
And it was like, I was interviewing,
I was like aggressively shaking
and interviewing all the people in this factory who were,
who felt very smug to me.
They were very confident in their quality controls.
And, uh, well anyway,
the cat passed away relatively quick, quickly.
Um, and I, and it was just very mysterious, sudden sickness.
And, you know, I, I could only assume that it had to do
with the cat food based on that dream that, that I was just
so, I was kind of emotional in my dream,
but I felt like it, it put, it put more to ease in me.
Like, what, what did we do that could have caught, you know,
what, what happened to the cat?
Um, another dream was, uh, my, my, when, when my,
my wife's dog was, um, our dog was very, was very old
and close to dying.
We knew he was close to dying,
but there was a, a morning when, uh, my,
my wife was at work, she was away at the office.
I was at home, and she texted me
and said that I had a dream last night
that Baxter passed away.
The dog passed away. And so immediately I saw that message
and I ran to the dog,
and within a few minutes, he, he passed away in my arms.
And it was extremely intense experience,
but it was like, um, it helped us both put it,
put it, um, in, in the proper perspective a little bit more.
And it, and it, and it also, you know,
maybe helped the dog pass on a little bit easier
because I was praying for the dog as he was passing on,
but I would've been in the other room
had she not sent me that message.
And it was just perfectly timed that I could be, um,
a better service through that, through that process.
Um, and that, that seems to, to me, to fit in exactly with
what Rah was saying with the,
specifically when they say the death of another self,
which is loved, beloved
occurring in your near fu near future.
So that's two examples of that.
Um, and I've got other examples
that I'll probably share in future sessions.
I don't have to make this about me
'cause we already have a bunch
of people submitted some dream stories.
I'll read some of those. Um,
but one other thing I wanted to share is, in session 86, um,
raw was, uh, Don Elkins was asking raw about is the memory
that the individual has upon waking from the dream usually
reasonably accurate?
Is the dream easily remembered? And Ross said, I am raw.
You must realize that we are overgeneralizing in order
to answer your queries, as
there are several sorts of dreams.
However, in general, it may be noted that it is only
for a trained and a disciplined observer
to have reasonably good recall of the dreaming.
It's only for a trained
and disciplined observer
to have reasonably good recall of the dreaming.
This faculty may be learned by virtue of the discipline
of the recording, immediately upon awakening of each
and every detail, which can be recalled.
This training sharpens one's ability to recall the dream.
Most common perception of a mind, body, spirit complex
of its dreams is muddied, muddled and quickly lost.
And then Dawn, uh, followed up in asking, in
that remembering dreams, you are saying
that the individual can find specific clues
to current energy center blockages and may therefore reduce
or eliminate those blockages.
Is this correct? And Ross said, this is so,
so this is just another reinforcement I wanna share
with you guys, that even if you don't think
that you can remember your dreams,
if you get into intentional habits, if you,
if you put a dream, a, a journal, just a book
that's very easily accessible, uh, you know,
Dave Wilcock always recommends actually having a,
a audio recorder that you can just record your
voice saying a dream.
But for me, it was always easier to,
to write it out with pen and paper.
And as I'm writing it out, I'm looking at the words
and something else comes in, and I remember deeper
and deeper levels of the dream as I'm writing it down.
So I, I feel that, you know,
you just get better over time if you're, if you have
that habit and you're consistent about, um, as soon
as you wake up, as soon as you know that you had a dream,
make it a high priority to start writing that down.
And you'll be able to recall a lot more,
especially if you keep doing it day after day.
It just keeps getting better and better, um, for everyone.
I think that's, that's, that's a possibility, uh,
if you can, because it gets started on that.
Um, so I could start out maybe
with a couple dreams that came in,
and then we have a couple people who are,
are joined on the call that we can, we can jump to
and digest and after we've shared dreams.
And I'm also curious if you guys, anyone here,
um, had a dream this morning.
I want you to put in a chat,
whatever you can remember about the dreams you had this
morning, if you had anything at all.
And I'll, I'll try to get to that too
by the end of the, the show here.
Um, so we had some people who requested
that their dreams be held anonymous.
Uh, we had someone, uh, write an anonymous submission, um,
who said, in this dream, I, I dreamed I was at the end
of an octopus's tentacle being lifted to an energy
of many colors as we came closer to that energy.
So she's on a octopus's tentacle being lifted to an energy
that had many colors to it.
As we came closer to that energy, a love so pure was felt,
which no words can describe
and that love, we turned into a being of many colors.
I heard a voice in my head, which I understood as quote,
much like the rising of the sea lifts all ships,
the radiance of unconditional love within a human
heart lifts all of life.
The level of love is a level
of unconditional reverence for all living.
And then this person added details
and said, since the dream, I have interpreted that by
change, that by changing ourselves, we change the world.
As we become more loving on the inside,
healing occurs on the outside.
Love is misunderstood to be an emotion.
As a matter of fact, it is a state of awareness, a way
of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.
So this is an example of a dream, I would say is much,
much more, uh, general, uh, guidance.
And you could say this is a prophecy of, you know,
the entire lifting up of consciousness of humanity.
That just has to happen. We have to open up to love
and we, we gain a lot more collectively in,
in our personal transformation when we, when we do that.
Um, and I'll read another one here
that was sent in by, uh, Jennifer
and Jennifer says, I had a dream
that my body had been transformed into half light body
and half regular human.
My husband and I and an old friend of ours were there,
and just the three of us were having this experience
of being half light body.
We were at a friend's house who was with us.
We were only, we were the only ones in our area slash
town this was happening to.
There was a light portal on my friend's property
where his barn was, it was a giant beam
of light shooting up from the ground where his barn was,
which was maybe 25 to 40 feet across.
But the barn was gone and the house had no roof anymore.
And there was a glowing light around the top of the house
in parentheses, he had a really old farmhouse in a old
farming town in Maine.
So, so the barn was gone suddenly,
and the house had no roof anymore,
and there was a glowing light around the top of the house.
It was the future, but not far into the future.
It felt as if we were tripping hard on mushrooms,
but with all the good effects and none of the bad
and the dream, my husband was just
my friend and not my husband.
We just kept laughing. And then I said,
quote, I'm gonna make something to eat.
Wait, do we still eat? Then more laughter.
And then I woke up, this dream was exclamations.
So very real. This dream was so very real.
It was a couple years ago.
I have many prophetic dreams and visions.
This was one of my all time favorites.
And then with additional information, she said there,
there has always been some such great energy at my friend's
old farmhouse, I think maybe there was a portal there,
we just can't see it yet.
House built around the 17 hundreds.
I felt so eufor euphoric in this dream.
I felt as if I were, was looking through into the future.
Happiness I felt was more than I've ever felt.
It was very powerful. So this,
this is another category of dream.
I've had some dreams like this
where it feels like you're almost just an ascended body,
just like a different kind of reality that, that
feels like a more distant future,
but maybe hopefully, you know, humanity can, can merge
with these, these higher ascended aspects of ourself.
And, um, so, um,
I'll read one more story, uh, dream, dream story that
was submitted in, and then we'll move on.
Um, another story came in from anonymous.
They say, I actually dreamed about five
of my nine grandkids before they were born.
One granddaughter came in dreams all night long.
I would wake up, remember what I was dreaming,
and then go back to sleep and dream some more.
She had a guy, uh, named Victor
who asked me if I wanted to meet my granddaughter.
Of course, I said yes. He showed me scenes from one
of her past lives in which she had been a nurse
during a war in the early USA history.
And he also showed me that she would be born prematurely
as she was presented in a shoebox.
And of course, he introduced me to her.
The name he called her isn't the one her parents chose,
but when they had a gender reveal party,
I had trouble saying she was a girl.
And I was right. I had no trouble saying she was a girl.
And I was right with another granddaughter.
I dreamed about her three months in a row in the last dream,
I was carrying her around on my hip
and looking down at her curly hair.
I asked my granddaughter if she
was pregnant, and she said no.
A couple of weeks later, she called to say, guess what?
Of course, I said, you are pregnant. And it's a girl.
Her father was in total denial
and said his intuition was good.
And it was a boy. I flew to the East coast when she went in
for her ultrasound to determine the sex.
First thing the doctor saw was that it was a girl.
She looks like, just like I saw her in the dream.
This granddaughter from the first story was indeed born a
month early and weigh only five pounds as a young child,
she got a toy medical kit for a gift
and pretended to saw off limbs, which
of course was the practice in early American history.
All right, thank you for sharing that anonymous.
Um, very awesome.
And I've heard that kind of thing once
before too, being, uh, grandmothers dreaming
of their grandkids, seeing them playing.
All right. So at this point I would love to
introduce Christina.
Um, hi Christina. How you doing?
I'm good, Mike. How you doing?
Do you, um, I guess, did you have any, uh, well,
so you submitted two dreams
that you thought we should share today.
Um, maybe I could ask the first question.
Do you, do you write down your dreams?
Do you tend to have a lot of dreams
that you remember and recall?
I do have a lot of dreams that I remember and recall.
I don't always write them down,
but when they're significant, like the two that I submitted,
I I do write them down immediately
because I, I don't wanna forget.
That's great. Um, so I guess you could just give a,
a very brief introduction about what you do,
and then we can, I would love
to just start hearing your dreams.
Okay. Well, I am a, a medium non intuitive empath.
I do, um, energy healing
and psychic greetings for people prior
to moving back to the states.
I was running a, a healing crystal shop in the Netherlands
for a couple of years, which was really fun.
Uh, but now we've moved back home,
so we're still getting settled
and planning on opening up another space, uh, for healing
and possibly channeling.
Um, although my channeling is usually more personal
for myself, but I have done group channelings
and group healing, so we'll see where it goes.
I don't know what the future holds.
I'm also writing, uh, my autobiography.
So that's, that writing
and settling in is my primary focus right now.
Great. So you, you've definitely been gifted,
and I assume you've had a lot of
vivid dreams since you were a kid.
Oh, yes, yes.
When you talk about dreaming about your children, all
of my children have spoken to me prior to their birth.
Um, I had a, a dream.
It's, to me, I feel like they're not really even dreams
because sometimes I'm still in that dream state
after I'm awake
and walking around, uh, especially if it's a real, um,
significant contact.
Um, I had a one, one experience
where my grandmother passed away,
but I had, I had didn't know that that had happened
until I was making the bed in the morning with her quilt.
And I thought of her and she appeared.
And so then I, I stayed in contact with her for several days
and I had been praying for possibly another child,
but she introduced, um, a soul
that volunteered to be my dog.
And so the dog showed up and, um, gave me a name and,
and I ended up getting the dog.
And so that was quite an experience.
It's, it's, um,
for me it's like being in two realities and at once.
So, yeah, I forgot your question,
but yes, my dreams are quite profound for me.
They're a real significant part of my experience.
Alright, well, I'd love to jump into
what dreams you feel worth sharing right now.
The two that I shared on the blog, um, happened recently.
They were in January. Um,
I think the second one is most significant.
Um, I was, it was on the 11th of January on
and in the dream I was walking through this courtyard
and I was carrying Nancy Pelosi.
She was dressed in white
and I was carrying her like a, in my arms, like, like this,
like you carry somebody who's an adult with their legs
and their head draped over your arms.
So we were moving across this large square patch of grass
that was surrounded by trees,
and there were sidewalks that ran along the edges and,
and across like, almost like desire paths,
but they were white.
And so we were headed towards this tall white building made
of marble or alabaster or some kind of crystal mineral.
And as we walked, she grew weaker.
And so, um, at some point in the dream,
I picked her up and I carried her.
And I was very surprised at how strong I felt
and how frail she had become.
And it was really significant for me
because I, I am, um, I do suffer from physical, um,
I don't wanna use the word disability, but my, my strength
and the dream really stood out to me.
So when we reached the entrance of the building, uh,
what I noticed first was
what I thought was a turtle shell resting on a pedestal.
But then I immediately also realized it
was an abalone shell.
There were barnacles all over it.
And I understood, um, that a male guide had left it there
as a message for me.
Um, but then I gently sat Nancy down,
and when I put her down, you know, she, she
and I were having this, this connected experience,
but then as soon as I put her down, she like stood up and,
and became into herself and then went into the building and,
and I realized this was a memorial service for her.
Like everybody was, was deeply mournful.
And they were all filled with sorrow over her passing.
And she was there to attend, which was,
you know how dreams are.
It's kinda weird. But then I entered the building
and I went downstairs.
There was this lower level of the building and into a room,
and I moved there with thought.
It wasn't like I walked down these stairs, I just,
my thought transported me there.
And the bed there were like these marble
or alabaster benches in a semicircle.
They were like pews.
And I noticed around me there were dark magicians,
like black magicians because there was this energy,
but it was almost like I was invisible.
They really couldn't see, they didn't,
they weren't aware that I was there.
Um, I was just transported into their midst.
And they were ridiculing the idea of the 12 apostles
and Jesus that, that they were revered figures
and they were laughing at the idea that people put faith
and put so much faith in them
or in others when in reality
these black magicians were aware
that people could have their own
direct connection to source.
There was just this energy of mockery toward
naivety when actually they're the ones that are, uh, keeping
humanity in that, that state of being.
But then at that moment when I was just aware of this energy
that I was in, I was like, oh, I remember this, this shell
or this, this thing that was left upstairs.
So I went back up to, to get it
and it was almost like I was invisible.
'cause my thoughts transported me up
to this place where the shell was.
And it was definitely an abalone shell.
And I picked it up and nobody seemed to notice it.
It was also invisible.
And I, I had just had this feeling
that it was specifically left there for me.
And that was when I woke up from that dream. So
What do you think this shell felt like?
What is this? What was the representation of that?
Yeah, I feel like the shell was personal toward me.
We looked it up later. Um, what a shells mean,
and I forgot to look that up prior to this meeting.
But it has something to do with embodying the true self
and listening to the messages
of your own intuition and your spirit.
And, and, um, you know, I could look that up again.
Uh, I'm sorry to say I,
I don't remember what the shell means.
That's okay. But it's, it is, it definitely felt personal
to me, ma mainly continuing on my own healing journey so
that I can be the, the, the, the person I came here to be.
Mm-hmm. And may,
and this is probably easy for people to guess,
but for people who may, may not imagine how you,
what your feelings are about Nancy
Pelosi going into this dream.
What what does she represent to your subconscious?
You know, I've thought about this dream
'cause I don't really have feelings about, I mean,
feelings about her specifically.
I mean, I, I, I don't, I, I can see
that she's involved in some really, um, nefarious things
and she's participating in some, you know,
corruption and whatever.
But I felt like, you know, why would I dream this?
I don't really put too much energy into politics anymore.
Um, but I felt like the, the,
what this dream was showing me was that there's a,
a passing of ways of being, you know, the structure
of, of, of humanity, the structure of,
of governing,
and the way the consciousness has been, you know,
we've all given our power collectively to these structures.
And now they're passing
and the people who have been benefiting
or participating in the structures themselves are,
are changing.
And they're, they're gonna mourn their, their loss
of illusion, you know, whereas the rest of us are
stepping up into being a part of
what we're creating instead of giving our power to others
to create on our behalf for us,
on whether consciously or unconsciously.
But I felt like that
because there was a second dream that I'd had prior to that,
which I shared, um, also,
which was also about public figures like governments.
But the other, the other one was about royalty.
And they, these figures had been placed up in front
of everybody as if these are the authorities,
and we've given these authorities our power,
and now they're being seen as just like everybody else, not
any more spectacular or amazing.
We are all equal. I feel like the,
the playing field is leveling
and through conscious awareness
and, um, raising of frequency, we're all becoming more
empowered and,
and we're taking back our power from the things
that have been in the place of authority.
So this first dream you shared that the,
it was the funeral service and then a deeper
level was the dark magicians.
It was like, this is what we're seeing.
And then down below the surface is
where you see the dark magicians are operating,
Right? Yeah.
So it was like puppets.
However, instead of being above the puppets,
were like playing from below, you know,
they're in the darker realms, the, the inverted tree
of life, the invert inverted, um,
uh, crates.
What is that? The, the tree of life? Yeah.
Because they've, they've tried to bring down the energy
and invert everything, so everything's inverted.
And that's how they control
through our lower chakra blockages.
But as we clear ourselves, we, we start to raise up.
And those, um, those beings are, are very,
very clearly seen.
Once we raise our frequency,
they operate on the lower frequencies.
Yep. This is great, great powerful symbolism.
So the, the, and you know, it certainly seems to be
interesting how the exposure
of corruption may be accelerating right now and
Know it's exciting. It's very exciting.
Yeah, it's very exciting.
So this other dream that you had said, uh,
about royal figures, did you give all the details?
Would you'd like to dive into that one more
and give us all the, the symbols?
Yeah, sure. That was in January on the seventh, um,
I was dreamed I was on the astro plane,
which I feel like I am a lot.
Um, I just kind of showed up there
and there was crowds of people everywhere,
and the energy in the scene was chaotic,
but it wasn't really in a negative way.
It was just like a lot of excitement
and a lot of conscious participation, part participation
of consciousnesses, you know, people
and their thoughts were all there.
And, and I just kind of appeared as, as happens for me.
And then I noticed over in a corner,
there were these screens that, like movie screens
or theater screens that were elevated above the crowd.
And they were displaying like two, uh,
different outdoor scenes.
One was a green meadow,
and the other one was a blue sky with fluffy clouds.
It was like, what am I seeing here?
This is somebody's trying to project something.
It was a projection that, that's the feeling
that I had of it.
And then on the stage, standing in front of the screens,
these two figures were placed
and they were clearly representing royalty.
And they were very specifically King Charles
and Queen Elizabeth.
And they were placed there in front of the audience.
Like, like, there was a feeling of, oh,
here, we're gonna give you this.
Look at this, look at this as a projection.
That was like trying, kind, trying
to control people's attention.
Like, oh, okay, we're supposed to look at this.
So we're looking at this.
And the crowd was all excited,
and they, I reverent, almost worshipful worshipful
as they gazed at the Queen Elizabeth.
They were like royal worshiping, admiring her authority.
But then gradually the distinction between the royals
and the people started fading, and the royal figures
and their screens then were
moved to the other side of the room.
It was almost the energy, the feeling
of it was like an attempt to, okay, this isn't working,
so let's move it over here and see if this works.
And so those screens were
moved to the other side of the crowd.
They were placed a little lower down,
making them a little less
indistinguishable from everyone else.
And then the people, they seemed confused,
like subtly confused,
but they began, I felt that the, the energy of the people,
the crowd began to sense that
what they had believed was true, wasn't quite
as real as it had seemed.
And so I got the feeling
that I was witnessing the dissolution
of the matrix a shift in perception, and it was chaotic
and disorient disorienting, but not dark.
So, um, it felt like, um, the,
the collective was having a revelatory experience.
And I found that really interesting because I'm an American
and the concept of monarchy isn't, um,
it's very foreign to me.
I don't have a, a connection with the royals.
Like I know having lived over in, in Europe,
do those people really do they love their monarchs?
And I, I'm like, nah, I'm American. I'm all about freedom.
So we didn't, I don't relate to it in that way.
So for me to see these, this illusion
of monarchy being placed in front of people,
it it really stood out to me.
And so this was one of the dreams that I did write down for
that reason, because most of my dreams, like I said,
are very personal to me, and they're about people in my life
and the goings on.
So to have a, you know, a dream about public figures
and royalty, that that really stood out.
So I wrote them down.
Yeah. Yeah. I agree.
That sounds very related to the other dream.
It seems like this is deel elevating people's looking
to power systems
and having a lot of respect in, you know, assuming
that these power systems are elevated in some way.
'cause it's literally, you just saw them.
It's like they, they all move down.
Yeah. And I think that's what's happening now.
I know this, this happened in January,
but the wheels in my, in my, my impression
of what's happening now has, this, has been set in motion,
you know, on it's part of the plan for
our collective, this is the timeline
or the pathway that we are choosing.
And that, you know, there's, there's really not a whole lot
that can stop it, but let you know, we,
we've collectively decided what we wanted, I think.
Yeah. So at this point, I would love
to have you keep on discussing with us,
but I, I wanna see if Trisha's available now
to share her dream that she had in July of last year.
And if, if you wanna hop on Trish, if you're available. Yep.
She's coming on right now.
And we'll just make this a three-way conversation,
but I'll let Trish have the floor for a while. Hi, Trish.
Hey, how are you guys doing? We're doing great.
Good, good. Yep.
Uh, yeah, so I, I've been reluctant to share this dream
because I, I don't know which side effects people fall on,
and I guess it shouldn't be about that.
So, uh, so only one other person
knows up until now.
And I'm, I am glad that I told this person
because then I could, you know, have, you know, like
as a witness, you know, 'cause I know anybody
and everybody can say at this point that they had,
you know, that type of dream.
But, um, this was,
it was July 2nd, 2024.
And I know it was like a morning dream.
So, because it was, I had the dream
and then I woke up, and then it was morning.
So it was very, very close to, close to the time
where I was to wake up.
So, but in this dream, I was, um,
I was on a stage, but I was like in back
and, uh, Trump was at the podium
and I, he had an audience
and in the dream, I, I really could not tell,
or I don't remember if it was inside versus outside.
Like, that wasn't like the main concern, the main feeling
of the dream that I needed to pay attention to, I guess.
So, um, and I had like this Polaroid picture in my hand,
and I'm, I'm showing my age because I know what that is.
You know, I know technology's changed
and the younger generation isn't gonna know what I mean,
but you actually used to like, have to like, print pictures.
So, so it was a very, very, um, like a three
by five Polaroid.
I don't remember what was on it.
It's actually been driving me nuts
because I feel like that was probably important at the time.
But, um, and so Trump is at the podium
and he's speaking to, uh, this audience and,
and I go up and, um,
and I even remember
after waking up, like I didn't understand why
I was interrupting him.
'cause he very clearly was in the middle of something.
And I don't think that that would be common practice
to interrupt Trump when he is talking.
So, but anyway, so I go up behind him
and I have this, this Polaroid in my hand, and I,
and I like tap him on the shoulder
and he turns to look at me.
And it felt like I was like waiting
for approval for this picture.
You know, like when you're organizing an event,
everybody's got like, their specific roles
and they have to get approval for what goes where
and what looks ha you know,
however it looks and stuff like that.
So at least that's what I was thinking at the time,
or my initial interpretation.
So I go up, I tap him on the shoulder, he turns to look,
and I'm like pointing at this picture, like waiting for him
to tell me, yeah, it's okay or whatever.
And he doesn't answer me.
He just looks at the picture and then looks at me.
And then kind of like, it was a very, like,
I know there, there wasn't a whole lot of time here,
but it was long enough time in the dream for me
to like, acknowledge that.
Like, we were like looking at each other.
And there was like this, this silent
acknowledgement, I guess.
And I took that as an approval for this picture, I guess.
But then he gives me a fist bump,
like the famous Trump fist bump, you know, and,
and then he just like kneels down.
And then at that point I wake up.
And so I, and I write it down.
I, I try to document everything,
mostly everything.
'cause I never know what's gonna come up later,
what details are important and what are not.
So, um,
and they could mean absolutely nothing in
the long run, but we don't know.
So I wrote it down, like on my notes, on my phone,
and then I documented it in telegram, like in my saved
messages on there, which I do with a lot of things.
So, or dreams and specific articles
and things that I wanna make sure that I remember to look at
or, or whatnot.
So, and again, this was July 2nd,
and I did call a friend and I told her about it
and I was like, you know, it could just mean
maybe it's my own imagination getting away with me.
'cause who doesn't want a fist bump Trump, right?
So, you know, whatever. So she documents it as well.
And then of course, we, we all know, you know, the events
of July 13th, so I don't days after the dream.
Say it again. It was 11 days after the dream then, right?
Yes, 11 days. So there's an 11 day difference between
July 2nd when I had the dream
and then, um, you know, uh, Trump almost getting
assassinated on the 13th.
So, um, and I don't, I don't know what to make at this part.
It might just be like a huge coincidence
that starting July 12th,
and it could just be me picking up on
the energies of the collective.
And I,
because I know like certain events like that, you know, kind
of ripple, especially with the energies,
and it, it can be felt forward or backwards.
Um, and that's happened with a few things with me before.
Of course, I didn't know that at the time, but,
and I could have just been sick.
Like, I'm not opposed to taking that as a consideration
that I could have just had a bug.
But I remember like my body feeling very heavy, and I,
and I remember even talking to my husband Matthew about it.
I was like, like, I feel like I'm like on the sun.
Like, you know, like gravity is like heavier
than it should, you know?
And my joints were hurting,
and I know that can be flu symptoms.
So again, you know, I I, I wasn't sure what was going on.
So, and I felt that way all day to 12th.
And then it got worse on the 13th.
And, um, I even had, I did have a conversation with a friend
for about an hour, and then right after, or within an hour
or so after that, like, I, I couldn't stay awake anymore.
Like, I was feeling very bad.
Like it felt like my eyes were burning from the inside out.
Um, and I was like, I, I like have to go lay down.
Like, I don't think I have a choice.
So, uh, my husband was off work, so he was,
you know, watching the kids.
And so I went and laid down
and I like, almost immediately fell asleep.
And this was about four 30 my time, so
that would make it five 30 eastern time.
Um, and I laid down, I,
I actually had a dream at that point that
about a chess board.
Um, and like these had individuals telling me,
and I didn't see anybody.
So I, I'm thinking that it was like a,
a telepathic contact of some kind.
And they were telling me like, you know, your job is
to like, make that chess board go on the table
and without using your hands.
I'm like, okay. So, uh,
and it was like, you know, you're playing a Sims game
and you have to like drag something, you know?
So I was, I was like picking up this chess board
and like putting it on the table
and, you know, I had to do it a certain amount of times.
And so that was the gist of that dream.
But I wake up about five 30 my time,
so that'll be six 30 ish,
maybe 35, 6 35, you know, eastern time.
And, uh, I missed like a lot of calls from, you know,
my family members and especially from this one friend
who I told about my dream.
And, and I'm like, okay, like I need to get up
and make myself a cup of coffee and like sit down
and then I'll give her a call back
and find out, you know, what is going on.
So, um, I sit down in my computer
and I'm checking like news,
and then I'm seeing like people wishing
Trump a speedy recovery.
I'm going, what, what happens?
Like, all I did was take a nap.
Like, and I apparently missed something extremely important,
you know, so and so I, I find out what was going on
and I called this friend back
and she's like, uh, she's like, you saw it, right?
And I'm like, yeah, I'm
watching, you know, a couple of videos.
'cause you know, within 10 minutes the videos were
everywhere and, you know, if you could miss it.
So, uh, and so again,
that could have, that part
of it could have just been a coincidence
and I could have just had a bug,
but it's, it is just strange.
The timing of it is all strange.
But, uh, so this is, you know,
you guys are the now the second people
to know about this specific dream.
And, and that one really threw me, um, aloof
because most of my dreams up to that point,
and since then, really have been more personal dreams,
you know, within my own life
or things that I need to work on
or going on with family members, you know,
that I need some help with or something like that.
So, uh, that was one to definitely note for sure.
That's awesome. Uh, one, one thing I, uh,
I just looked up here in the dream dictionary,
I was referring to earlier a Polaroid picture.
This is a suggestion, you know,
ev every person's subconscious is different,
but the suggestion is Polaroid can represent a need
to immediately focus one's attention
or memory on something
that will be depicted in the photograph or seen.
So it's as though there's, there's a significance to
that specific moment, and you're showing him the Polaroid at
the exact same moment that he's turning around.
So, and he as something he talked about quite a lot,
you know, the, the, the way in which he turned around was,
was absolutely key in allowing him to stay alive.
Um, yes. Right, right.
And he, and after that too, he kept talking about the chart.
You know, I know he said that many, many times.
Like, oh yeah, I turned to look at the chart,
and I'm like, well, it my dream.
It was a picture, you know, like an actual Polaroid.
And you know, like I have noticed from time to time, even
with other, especially with other dreams,
sometimes the details will be the, the same is the same,
but some of the details will be a little bit different.
And I think that's probably like, you know, your,
your probability possibility vortex, you know,
11 days a lot can change.
Even when I've had dreams of things coming up the next day
at 12 hours, there's still, you know, probability,
possibility vortexes where things can kind
of details can be a little bit different.
So, but, so I wish I could remember
what was on the Polaroid, like, you know, I kind
of feel like that's important, but
Were you gonna say something, Christina?
I was gonna say, I get the sense that, um, a lot
of our dreams come through our own,
they're our interpretations,
and Corey could good calls them our filters.
And the the feeling that I got when you were talking about
your dream and the Polaroid was that we, um, are star seeds
and we collectively, Trump has said God saved him.
And so we are all that part of that consciousness
working together to put humanity
and the planet on a certain trajectory.
And so when we experience things coming into our,
you know, 3D awareness
or our, our, in our chakras, they come in
through our interpretations or our filters or lens.
But I feel like you having that dream, you're tuned into
what's going on.
And probably many others, we were, we were all praying
for the most positive possible outcome for this collective.
And so you just are right there getting, getting the dream,
you know, and we're all probably collectively, um,
influencing the, the turning that
what keeps us where we need to be.
I definitely, I agree with that. Right.
And um, just as you said, there's several instances where,
uh, interpretations in the way that I interpret it is
not the specific item that I'm seeing,
but the way that I am interpreting it is, um,
or the way that I can, you know,
interpret it based on my own experiences is demean
of, you know, what's going on.
So yeah, I absolutely agree with that.
And I think we are all working together, um, you know,
praying for those and,
and just in general that we come out on the other side
of this is better people.
And the chess board symbol is so perfect too.
It feels like this is just an ongoing game.
I guess maybe I should ask you guys both.
What do you feel the chess board represents?
No, I've, I've gone back and forth with this one.
I guess the, the most obvious interpretation of that
for me would be, it, it, I think
what we are seeing is just like basically one giant chess
game, you know, and, and chess moves
and you know, it, there, there's probably people
that represent each chess piece, you know,
and so that's the closest one that I could, um,
light and dark, you know, there's light
and dark symbolism in there as well for me.
So, uh,
but I'm interested in, in your guys' interpretation too,
or if you agree, that's fine.
I, I know sometimes bouncing things off of each other,
we can kind of fill in gaps, you know,
and our own distortion from that.
And you said the chess board was being, had
to be placed on a table?
It was as though it was off the table for some reason.
It had to go back on the table,
Right? It was on the
floor, and it was like the old sim game,
you know, where you have to like click
and drag, you know, something to get it to move.
Uh, it was, it was like that,
although I, I was like instructed
or intuitively knew, knew
that I could not use my hands like I had to do this,
you know, through use of, uh, energy or something or,
or telekinesis or whatever was going on.
But I could not touch it. And it had
to go from the floor to the table.
And I bet like, I guess I, the first two times that I tried,
like I didn't get it quite right
'cause then it would like go back and then I had to do it.
I think the third time is
whenever I got it on the table, what that means.
I don't know. But, um, but yeah, it's
Interesting. Well, that's another,
uh, kind
of common symbol when we say things are off the table
or on the table, it's like on the table
where it's a consideration off the table
to people generally means this is not,
not something that we're thinking about anymore.
It's something that's not being handled.
Maybe I should look up that, uh, that in the,
in the dictionary right now though.
The on the table, off the table thing. Yeah. Yeah.
While you're doing that, if I might, um, sure.
Just say my opinion about the image of a chess
game or chess board being used a lot when discussing,
you know, the dark versus the light.
And, and this is five d chess.
If you play chess, you know that there is an intuitive
or psychic aspect to the game itself.
Um, when you're a chess player and you are competing
or you're engaging in some this a game, you know, you're,
you get to know your opponent, you know how they play.
And the way the chess imagery comes into me is that
we've been here for millennia, um, learning the ways
of this place, uh, this density
and all the players that are involved here
and how they play.
And when you are a positive soul
and you, you want to play fair at some point be,
when you lose enough games, you realize, okay, I,
I don't wanna play dirty,
but in order to avoid kar, you know, I, I learned the rules,
how to use the karmic, uh, balance, um, it
to my advantage so that I can win this game, um, and
or tip the, the outcome toward a more positive,
uh, experience.
So I feel like when, when they use the illustration
of the chess game, chess, I feel like that has a lot of
play in, in the psychic aspect of what we are doing
as a collective, um, knowing,
keeping ourselves from getting karmically entangled,
but also bringing out opportunities for their karma
to be finally caught up to them,
if you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, I agree. Ian, go ahead.
I was gonna say, yeah, certainly.
Um, the, the Dream Dictionary says, uh, table
represents a supporting structure
of supportive position of something.
So, you know, we could very easily say, I think that if,
if Trump had been assassinated, it would've been less of a,
of a chess game at that point.
It would've been more of a defeat per an, uh, imbalance
of the, the karmic interplay that seems to be
bouncing out maybe our, our opportunities
to perceive the dark in the light and everything.
And it really felt like the, you know, the, the,
the shifting of energies from Biden to Trump has been, uh,
a kind of karmic balancing that that is allowing both sides
to see what they wanna see
through all these different situations.
And yeah, this definitely seems like a chess game.
Um, and, and the black
and the white are, you know, they're seen reversed
for people who are on
the different sides of the political spectrum.
It's like we're both seeing black
and white, whichever side you're on. Very polarizing,
Yeah. Yeah. And polarizing is another thing
that I think I thought about, you know,
with the chess board is, you know, uh, just as you said,
which side of the fence do you fall on, you know,
which way you, you're polarizing, so.
Well that's interesting. I appreciate that.
Yeah, this has been a great discussion
and we'll be going for about an hour,
and I think it might be good if we wrap this recorded part
of the conversation up relatively soon,
and then we can continue discussing with the,
the attendees also.
Um, but do you guys wanna share anything else about, um,
this discussion, about these dreams?
I would say finally, um, that as we work on our
moving our energies up through each chakra
and clearing our blocks
and becoming more, um, aware with, without judgment,
like balancing our, our emotional so we can become, um,
balanced entities, um, pulling back our participation in
judgment or opinion or,
or any kind of emotional reaction to anything.
Um, that's, that's what, where I'm coming from,
I feel like when it comes to that chess game,
the less energy I'm putting into the participation of,
of emotional chaos, the more, um,
energy I take away from the chaos that's already there,
then the more amplified it becomes, the more clarity I think
I, I can see more clearly, you know,
because if we're unconsciously participating based on our
internal blocks, then it's hard to tell what's what.
But when you recognize, oh, I have this feeling
and I wanna be an emotionally balanced person, so I'm going
to just be aware and, and not emote
or allow the energy to come out of me
and just hold the space for a moment, then
by withdrawing our energy,
it seems like whatever's out there feeding gets more excited
and needy and it starts getting more hungry.
And so then it becomes obvious.
Oh, and then it becomes obvious to me, oh,
I definitely glad I didn't put any energy into that.
'cause that's something that needs to be moved through.
And, and as long as I'm not feeding it, then it's going
to get less and less from me.
And I'm holding a space, I, I know that's a lot
of word salad, but it's, I just feel like it's relevant to
what, what we're getting out of our dreams,
because we're constantly psychically interacting
with each other on the astral plane.
And whether we are, um, in control of our experience
or our, or how much we're participating, I guess depends on
how present we are with ourselves in our waking
life and how much, how much we can get out of our, uh,
presence in the psychic realm. Does that make sense?
Yeah, absolutely. And this is part of
what I was initially talking about, I think when, when,
when you have a dream and it's telling you symbols
that help you look at something
that was gonna be very emotional,
and you're able to see that from a different lens.
It's like you, you're backing away from the very emotionally
intense aspect of it, like the death of a pet or something.
When, when you can take, take a separate perspective on it
and, and see for, for what it really is in the,
in the metaphysical symbolism, then, then you, you,
you can lower that level of emotion and not get caught up
or karmically entangled or,
or bogged down in, in that intense emotional energy
Acceptance, you can accept it a lot easier.
Yeah, I agree more, Trish?
Yeah, I think the only thing I would add is, um,
i's definitely like, like Mike
and Christina recommended, definitely record as much
as you can with the dreams.
I mean, when I, uh, I used to do it and then I stopped
and then it was almost like my recollection like decreased
because I wasn't attempting to recall, you know, like,
you know, recreating that bridge to, you know,
the dream world and the
subconscious and what's going on there.
So, um, I would say though, just like me,
like being frustrated without remembering, you know,
what was on the Polaroid and maybe that it isn't important
and maybe as you said Mike, it's just like, you know,
a snapshot of memory, Hey, I need to remember this.
Um, I wouldn't get
so frustrated when you cannot remember certain details
and that it is what it is.
Um, sometimes I find
that in random times throughout the day,
I'll remember something about a dream, you know,
last night or the night before.
So I think if it's meant to come through
at whatever time it will, I think just
focusing on recalling and then recording what you can,
and then you'll see that your recollection does
increase after some time.
Yeah, I've had that experience many times too,
where it feels like there's a, there's a container
and I'm, I remember that there was a lot of amazing stuff in
that container, and then I move on from it
and it's like, whoa, how, how can I not remember any detail
at all of that that felt so important?
But maybe that is something that I'm not meant to remember,
or it's not as important as the overall symbolism
that, that I'm being shown.
Right. And there's sometimes there's triggers like for it,
like somebody will say something, you know, like,
I use a certain word and then all of a sudden, you know,
I'm, I'm remembering this.
And so,
and I think the triggers are important for,
for whatever reason, I don't know, but it happens that way.
Jennifer added in the chat here,
putting the chess board on the table was
maybe elevating the game.
True. Interesting.
True. I think that was definitely like a pivot point
for the world, for sure.
Yep. Alright, so I,
I think this has been a great discussion
and I, I can close out the recorded portion of this
and for people who are attending now, I can invite everyone
to, to share in this as like a regular meeting as well.
All right. So thank you guys for joining
and I think I'll post this one on YouTube.
I'm not sure if they'll all go up on YouTube.
I may be inspired to put 'em all on YouTube. We'll find out.
But yep, that'll be on the Essential Works tv,
YouTube channel in the next couple, couple days or so.
Right. Thank you guys for joining. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you guys.
People: Christina Justice, Mike Waskosky, Trish Stillwell
Topics: Dreams, Prophecies
About two weeks ago I had a dream that a lady in a white coat walked outside a room and said the pope has died. The next day I heard ont the news that he was really sick.