Hanging out on AW.tv
Hello all. Been awhile since I posted and a little while since I’ve visited. Where have I been? Out in community. And wow what an experience.
I spent 13 years as a hermit. I needed away from humans for awhile. But I had Cosmic Disclosure, I had a ton of books and I had a Shaman…so we did our work.
But the Shaman work did not include Jesus the Christ. And when the plandemic started all of my fellow Shamans in this particular group…well, they bought into the fear. Leaving me no where to go and no clients I could actually “help”. I had just signed up for CG’s first webinar. He talked about how Healers, especially very new ones, could become karmically entangled with their clients at this time. I was able to see this, see this in my own life and see how I could affect others. So I chose to no longer do the Shamanism on others, I adapted it all to just myself. My guides also encouraged this “heal yourself before you try to heal others”. I’ve been in that mode now 3 years.
I am healthy now. I won’t say cured cause I’m not certain I am; but I feel better than I have in decades. As such I have found that more and more “community” opportunities arise. I volunteer at 3 places and have about 5-7 jobs I do for them. Lots and lots of people that do not see the world from my perspective. However I have gained a calmness and a patience before unheard of for me. It is forums and people like you all that make this possible.
I plan on staying a member here. This is my go to. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for this site, for all the work all of you do to keep this going. Namaste.
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We’re glad you’re here, Sonia! Thank you for sharing that personal experience with us. 🙏❤️