Mini Introduction to the New Guardians (as of 2022)
The New Guardians represent the two groups of Beings that were a part of the “Sphere Being Alliance” who had not revealed their identity to Corey when he was first made aware of the Alliance that included the Blue Avians, the Golden Triangle Headed Being and the Sphere Beings.
Background Info:
(Cosmic Disclosure Season 6 Episode 13) November 2016
Edited Transcripts
Corey: The two so far . . . the two other beings or groups of beings, they stated that they will present themselves to all of humanity during the time of transformation and will reside with us for an age.
David: So we’re not going to see them until a transformation occurs.
Corey: Until right before or during the transformation.
David: What is the transformation?
Corey: I’m assuming that it’s some sort of energetic event.
David: Like the idea of the solar flash that we keep talking about.
Corey: Right.
David: So what you’re saying is that the other two of the five Sphere Being groups show up for the first time as the solar flash goes off, and there are boots on the ground here with us as this happens. Do you think that once those people show up and the negative is removed that this verse becomes true that we’re now all of one direction or seeking?
Corey: Yes.
David: Is that the idea?
Corey: Uh-huh.
David: And those people are helping to protect us so those negatives can’t come back?
Corey: I don’t think they’re here to protect us. They’ll be here to guide us through the rest of our transition as . . .
David: So if these two new groups are going to come in and help usher us through this change, are the Inner Earth beings going to come to the surface for a while as well and work with us directly? Or are we going to be going down there? Do you know anything like that?
Corey: I have no idea. I do know that the Inner Earth groups are petitioning to have some sort of treaty that was signed just after the time of Muhammad about preventing open contact to have that amended so that there can be more preparation work done openly.
(Cosmic Disclosure Season 10 Episode 6). December 27 , 2016
Edited Transcripts
David: Now, if the Blue Spheres, that you were talking about before, were essentially giant technologies or beings . . .
Corey: Beings.
David: . . . that came into our Solar System, ostensibly, to stop a Solar Flash from happening at the end of the Mayan calendar of December 21, 2012, is when I was expecting it would happen from the science that I’ve studied, the ancient science. If those spheres have disappeared, then why wouldn’t we get a Solar Flash?
Corey: They weren’t preventing a Solar Flash. What they were doing is: leading up to the Solar Flash, more and more energies will start coming through our Sun and the cosmic energy that we’re passing through. What these spheres did was they acted like some sort of a resonant system that when the energies came in, it buffered the energies. So now that they’re gone, we’re getting the full strength of these waves of energy. From what I’m told, our star is expected to go through these energetic Solar Flashes when it comes out of solar minimum in 10 or 11 years, is when they’re expecting the major stuff to happen.
David: So that would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2027 or 2028?
Corey: Around that time.
David: Okay. Then we do need to make some kind of public statement, because some of the things that you said to me before had put emphasis on the year 2023. And I had been led to believe that that was when you had been told the Solar Flash would happen, somewhere around 2023 or 24. So could you clarify the difference between this window of 27 to 28 and the window of 23 to 24?
Corey: I think there is some confusion because the ’23, ’24 has to do with a timeframe that all of the Disclosure information would most likely occur.
(Cosmic Disclosure Season 10 Episode 6). March 27, 2018
The First Meeting with the New Guardians
Edited Transcripts
Corey: Once this meeting was complete, everyone just kind of started shuffling around into this big circle with the Guardians in the middle. We all kind of got into this circle, and Teir-eir motioned that he was going to speak through me again.
David: Hm.
Corey: And as usual, he had me great them “in the Love and the Light of the One Infinite Creator.” And they began to have me address everyone present and to state that the new Guardians were coming, and that the Solar System had gone through enough of the transition to where the Blue Spheres were not needed anymore. And they were beginning to just disappear. And the same was occurring with the barrier around our Solar System. It had phased out. It was basically gone.
David: Really?
Corey: And the Guardians stated that if it wasn’t for the Galactic Federation, which seemed to be something different completely, and their blockade around our Solar System, they said that after the barrier fell, the Reptilians and other groups would have escaped through ships if there had not been a blockade formed there.
David: Now, if the Blue Spheres, that you were talking about before, were essentially giant technologies or beings . . .
Corey: Beings.
David: . . . that came into our Solar System, ostensibly, to stop a Solar Flash from happening at the end of the Mayan calendar of December 21, 2012, is when I was expecting it would happen from the science that I’ve studied, the ancient science. If those spheres have disappeared, then why wouldn’t we get a Solar Flash?
Corey: They weren’t preventing a Solar Flash. What they were doing is: leading up to the Solar Flash, more and more energies will start coming through our Sun and the cosmic energy that we’re passing through. What these spheres did was they acted like some sort of a resonant system that when the energies came in, it buffered the energies. So now that they’re gone, we’re getting the full strength of these waves of energy. From what I’m told, our star is expected to go through these energetic Solar Flashes when it comes out of solar minimum in 10 or 11 years, is when they’re expecting the major stuff to happen.
Update: May 29, 2022
In a YouTube video, dated May 29, 2022 entitled “SSP Updates, New Guardians & Inner Work – Surviving Ascension Q&A with Corey & Mike”, Corey describes the “New Guardians” for the first time. Beginning at about the 1:20 mark of this Q&A session, Mike Waskowski asks a question regarding some clarification about the “New Guardians”. Link in the comments.
Mike: People are asking the most, but I have not mentioned yet, is about the New Guardians. People just want an update on the New Guardians. You can decide if you want to share anything yet.
Corey: Yeah, I can say what they look like. Ya know, the Guardians, they are here for the next cycle. A cycle of where we come into our own responsibility, so….. They are basically the opposite of “shadow beings”. They are “Light Beings”. They are silhouette white light beings. When they use their hands, or they bend their arms, like in the bend of the arm where their hands are, there is like a blue shimmering. It’s like skin almost. But, it’s like when they move, the areas than bend or bunch up, like, you can see these ripples of blue light. They often…. one will appear and then they’ll split off into three, or two. It’s all……., you know,…. the energy in the being. It it feels like the same being, but it’s like multiple iterations of its self. But….., this is what the Guardians look like. For the first time I’m telling you. Their shape, they look very much like Earth humans. You would think…., you know, your looking at a Earth human that is of just white light….., with the shimmering.
Mike: In the “Law of One” they talk about the sixth density, the Ra beings at sixth density level, they say, “Instead of clothing ourselves in light, we have become light”. That’s the process of sixth density awareness of identity. So I guess if your seeing yourself a light its self, it makes sense that there’s these being that are very light filled.
Corey: Yeah, yeah, but they…. um… they are the ones that stepped in when the Blue Avians faded out as basically the guardians of the last cycle. They are all a part of the same group, but they, depending on the cycle, different ones come in and become guardians for that cycle.
Mike: When you say the same group, does that mean the Sphere Being Alliance group?
Corey: Yeah. The Sphere Being Alliance group that ah….. these are groups that…. Now, the Sphere Beings, the actual spheres, the blue spheres that we see, or almost purple spheres sometimes. That is the energy of creation. It is the “One Infinite Creators”…. that is its essence, created energy essence. And, that’s how it manifests its self all the way up through the densities to all the different beings of different densities and they all know these Sphere Beings. And, they know that it is the creative essence of the “One Infinite Creator” in our universe. They have all come into service of this energy. There, I think its four major, four or five….. I think it’s four though….. groups that are cycling in as guardians during these cycles.
Mike: Well, I guess I’m wondering…. is there a reason that you were asked not to share about the sphere beings… or the new guardians? Is there something about the process of the changes?
Corey: Yeah. Yeah, uh, I was asked not to share it because people of this planet can’t handle it. I mean, right now, as soon as this gets out, we’re going to start having people trying to channel these new guardian….these guardians. They’ll describe them. They’ll come up with a whole…. you know…. I am their….. they have come to me. I am now their spokesman here on Earth. And then their…. It’s just this whole humans… it’s just the human thing. The same thing happened with the Blue Avians. Everyone started to praying to them like their Archangels that are going to intercede in their personnel lives. It’s all, it’s just the human factor and we didn’t want all of these different people coming out saying, you know, “I the new speaker of the Guardians, this is the…..” It takes on a whole life of its own and everybody in the community gets enamored with the story, and the follow it. It becomes this whole thing, so it’s, you know, its just…. You know …….. most of humans can not really handle knowing about the beings that are interceding and working on our behalf because…. we… ya know it…. That’s one of the reasons that the Blue Avians told me that they do not come to Earth and interact with us because…. They just don’t get us. Because, no matter…. They find a really good person, or a person they think will be really good and they start visiting them. Giving them information, and then the persons ego becomes corrupted. They become, you know, like Chri…. they believe they’re the new Christ.You know….it’s just the human condition.
Photo Credit: insighttimer.com/pura.rosa Note: I believe no image could completely represent accurately the image of a light being. This photo is only representative of the concept of white light seen from an Earthly perspective and not representative of the actual New Guardians.
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When I started my awakening at 22. I had my first contact with the Blue light. I had many interesting experiences. My 2nd contact was 3 beings in my room, telling me I was Guardian. Since I was little, I’ve always had contacts. Throughout my life I have had many experiences with white birds. I get emotional how things relate to each other, a lot of synchronicities happen and the information is confirmed. Well, I don’t really know what a guardian does here on earth incarnate, but I can say that my main job was to accept this information, and whatever it is, I always prepared for the event even though I didn’t know what the event was! Gratidão
Corey: The image cited above, may have been taken down, or for some other reason is no longer viewable/accessible on the link you previously provided. Would you be kind enough to repost it. Even given your caveats mentioned above, I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to see it. Thanks as Always, M.
Is it True that Anunakki aliens once used to be guardians of Earth/Gaia?
An amazing book that I’m currently reading, “Destiny of Souls” is a collection of garnered information of between life events in the spirit world, accessed through special hypnotic techniques. Today I was just reading something in DOS that correlates with what I just heard Corey saying, “… the Sphere Beings, the actual spheres, the blue spheres that we see, or almost purple spheres sometimes. That is the energy of creation. It is the “One Infinite Creators”…. that is its essence, created energy essence.”
In DOS, the highest evolved soul is a purple/blue light. It states that sound creates light and energy, not the other way around. (Right away I thought of the AUM sound.) Case 44 says that Oneness, (also called the Presence) is a collection of evolved souls, higher than the Council of elders, an essence. It is the creation center, where the “creators of new souls shape light energy for certain functions.” She goes on to say when she unifies her mind with friends to the sound they see geometric patterns. The sound holds the structure, moves it, creating everything. She hears a deep bell reverberating then a high pitch humming. (Which reminds me of the Tibetan brass bowls, a large & small.) Another case stated when they were “in the council chamber the Presence overseas the Elders with it’s pulsating violet light.” The Presence may not be the ultimate creator, however.
Link to the YouTube video mentioned above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onTRD9g2-fE