Prophetic Dream Sharing with MikeBrowse Other Series

Prophetic Dream Sharing with MikeBrowse Other Series

Prophetic Dream Sharing with Mike

NOTE: This page is currently unlisted

We are going out on a limb of the tree of mind with this livestream series to reach into our collective community for those remembered dreams that people would like to share, which may have been prophetic, may be prophetic, or may be otherwise inspirational for their wisdom beyond bounded time.

If you have a past dream to share on the show, you may fill out this form.

If you would like to join live, and share the dreams you had that morning, you can sign up for a “collaborator” account and register your permission to be recorded, and you can join us live as a video sharing, recorded participant using the “Join as Contributor” button on this page. If time is available for it, all contributors joined can share their dreams whether or not they are prophetic (chances are high that if you had it the morning of the day of the livestream, and feel compelled to share, it will be appropriate and meaningful.)

We will try to keep discussions to a minimum when dreams are still needing to be shared. Although this show will be open to many from the community, we want to keep it focused and on the subject of the dreams, so that as much raw data from “the other side” is being communicated as possible.
