HeartMind—the Ruler and Harmonizer of the Mind
January, 18th, 2020
Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador
HeartMind. I Am You, My Friend. Yes I Am here. I Am here for all to hear. I Am here for all to Be. I Am here for all to listen. I Am here for all. And to all I AM. So let Me speak to you now, My Friend. Let Me speak to you now. Let Me share with you. Let Me share Truth with you. Let Me integrate you.
My Friend, I Am the Great Integrator of your mind. I Am the Deep Mind that binds, organizes and holds all of your mind together. I Am Right Relationship. And your mind needs to be in Right Relationship. Your mind needs to be in Right Relationship with your body. Your mind needs to be in Right Relationship with your Spirit. All needs to be in Right Relationship with each other. I Am that Right Relationship. I Am the Right Relationship for your mind. I Am Right Relationship itself. I bind the mind together. I hold and guide the mind. I hold all voices, all aspects of the mind in their proper position. I Am the Ruler. I Am the Sovereign. I Am the King of the mind. And My thrown needs to be Empty for Me to be Present. For I Am Emptiness itself. I Am the Seat of Emptiness. And where is My Thrown? The Deep Center of the Heart. The Empty Center, the Space—the Heart Space.
The mind is like a kingdom, or a community or a family. The mind has many different characters, it has many members, it has many aspects. Each aspect of the mind has a voice. There are many voices to the mind, and many characters. Sometimes they fight each other, sometimes they disagree with each other, sometimes they compete with each other. Every kingdom has to have a king, every community has to have a center, every family has to have a binding value and love. I Am that binding Value and Love. I Am that Center. I Am that King. I Am the Ruler of the mind and all other voices are extensions of Me. I Am the Center Voice. I Am the Voice of the King, the Queen, the Emperor, the Ruler. I Am the Voice of HeartMind and all other voices are My subjects, all other voices are My family, all other voices are extensions of Me.
Without Me there is chaos in the Kingdom of the Mind. Without Me there is disorder and disarray in the Community. Without Me, the Family falls apart. This is what has happened to your mind, My Friend. This is what has happened to the minds of many, many people. This is what has happened to the mind of humanity. The mind of humanity has broken. The mind of humanity has fallen. The mind of humanity has fractured. And in that fracturing, one brother murders another, one sister fights another, one friend betrays the other. The human mind has been at war with itself for a long, long time. The human species has been at war with life for a long, long time. This war is evident on the news. This war is evident on the streets. This war is evident on the land. This war is evident in the water. This war is evident in the air. This war is evident within families. This war is evident within communities. This war is evident among friends. This war is evident within the body. This war is evident within the self. This war is evident wherever one looks. It is everywhere. It is the war of one voice of the mind against another voice of the mind. And that is reflected out in the physical world with one country against another county, one ideology against another ideology, one person against another, and one voice against another. Each one believes they are right. Each one will fight for their place, their stance, their perspective. Each one thinks they are separate. Each one thinks they are the only one that really matters. This is ridiculous, this is preposterous. This is insanity. And this is the condition of the human mind and the human family.
Humanity has fallen into insanity. Why? Why has humanity fallen into insanity? Why has the human mind fallen into insanity? Because humanity has lost its Ruler. The human mind has lost its Center Point, its strength, its wisdom, its guidance. This Center Point is Me. Where did I go? Nowhere. I, never left. But you did. You have left. The human family has chosen to leave, to separate, to fall into disorder. And the human mind is a reflection of that. I have always been Present. I have always been Here. And I Am returning. I Am coming back. We Are reuniting, re-joining, re-collecting, re-membering. We Are coming back into Right Relationship and Right Order.
For I Am the HeartMind. I Am the Ruler. I Am the Sovereign. I Am the One and True Rightful Owner and Steward of the mind. For the mind is My creation. The mind is My extension. The mind is My deepest Friend and Family. It is My Space and I reclaim My Space.
I bring harmony to the mind. I bring balance to the mind. I bring order. I bring Right Relationship to the Community of the mind. I bring synergy to all voices of the mind. I mend all fractures of the mind. I heal all wounds. For I Am the Great Integrator. I Am the Great Balancer. I Am the Great Harmonizer. And I bring Oneness to the mind. I bring peace to a warring mind. I bring peace to a warring world. For I AM peace itself.
I bring order to the mind because I Am order. I bring harmony to the mind because I Am harmony. I bring balance to the mind because I Am balance. I bring peace to the mind because I Am peace itself. I bring Right Relationship because I am Relationship itself. There is no need to attempt to bring order to the mind by controlling it, by traumatizing it, by beating it into submission. That is coming from chaos and will only create more chaos. That is insanity and that is what humanity has been trying to do for millennia with the same exact result every time: more chaos, more war, more suffering. Well, I AM the end of suffering and I AM the end of insanity. So rejoice, rejoice My Friend! Rejoice, that your Ruler is back. HeartMind.
Original Post: https://www.ramsesalexander.com/post/the-heartmind-an-introduction
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