Faulty Perceptions; bypassing reality with learned expectations… Just how deep seated is it?
How stuck in illusions of expectations are you?
And are you super sure you’re seeing what you’re looking AT? ~OR~ what you’re looking FOR?”
If you think you’re unbiased now, you might change your mind in a few minutes after reading this study posted at the end of this article.
Take a step back from automatically assuming our discriminatory faculties are unbiased and check this out:
This is where meditation and clearing perceptions, disentangling them from the emotional webs of societal programming and finding objective modes of testing our reality becomes infinitely important.
For sometimes it takes believing in order to see, and sometimes… sometimes, maybe more often than we have been led to think… this is exactly correct.
Read the article below which describes the blue dot experiment.
Learn how when we’ve been practicing looking for certain things, we will continue to perceive as if we see them, even if they’re not there and take them as what we were originally looking for.
And it’s eerily quick timing to slip into this mode. It doesn’t take long.
This brings quantum physics into a completely new framework.
I bring these things to our attention in order to help us all move forward into the galactic community as unfettered as possible. And also to take charge of how we are creating our next realities together.
Are These Dots Purple, Blue or Proof That Humans Will Never Be Happy?
Are These Dots Purple, Blue or Proof That Humans Will Never Be Happy?
By Brandon Specktor published July 02, 2018
Purple or blue? A new optical illusion study finds that your answer will change based on your expectations. (Image credit: Morjachka/iStock/Getty)
A new optical-illusion study in the journal Science asks whether a series colorful dots is purple, blue or proof that humans are doomed to a lifetime of sadness and poor decisions.
In the study, published June 29, a team of scientists from Harvard, Dartmouth and New York University showed several groups of American college students a series of 1,000 dots that ranged in color from very blue to very purple. (You can see the full spectrum in the video below.) The participants had to answer just one question: Is the dot on the screen blue or not?
It sounds simple, and at first, it was. For the first 200 trials, the participants were shown an equal number of dots from the blue and purple parts of the spectrum, and most participants recognized the differences pretty well. However, across the remaining 800 trials, the number of blue dots steadily dropped until the participants were shown almost exclusively shades of purple. Counterintuitively, their answers did not reflect this. [Optical Illusions: A Gallery of Visual Tricks]
“When blue dots became rare, participants began to see purple dots as blue,” the researchers wrote in the study. Indeed, during the final 200 trials, dots that the participants previously identified as purple now looked blue to them. The participants continued mistaking purple dots for blue ones even when they were specifically warned that the number of blue dots was going to decrease or when they were offered a $10 reward for responding to repeated colors the same way at the end of the study as they did at the beginning of the study.
So, why the sudden change of perception? According to the researchers, it could be that the human brain doesn’t make decisions based on cold, hard rules, but rather on prior stimuli. As the balance of blue-to-purple dots shifted, the participants expanded their definition of what “blue” really looked like in order to match the expectations formed from the earlier trials.
Poo Popsicles: ethical or no?
The bottom line here, as with most optical illusions, is that your magnificent human mind is really, really easy to dupe. No news there. But, to demonstrate some potential real-world consequences of this mental design flaw, the researchers went a few steps further and conducted two more experiments in which the “blue or purple” decision was replaced with something a little weightier.
In one follow-up experiment, the researchers showed the participants 800 computer-generated faces that varied on a continuum of “threatening” to “nonthreatening.” When the number of malevolent mug shots the researchers showed the participants decreased after 200 trials, the participants started labeling nonthreatening portraits as threatening.
These results were replicated in a final experiment in which participants were shown 240 proposals for fake research projects. These mock proposals ranged on a spectrum from ethical (e.g., “participants will make a list of the cities they would most like to visit around the world, and write about what they would do in each one”) toreally unethical (e.g., “participants will be asked to lick a frozen piece of human fecal matter … The amount of mouthwash used [afterward] will be measured”).
Then, the participants had to decide whether the proposed experiments should be allowed to proceed. When the number of unethical proposals decreased partway through the study, the participants again changed their perceptions and started rating ethical proposals as unethical. [Understanding the 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors]
“These results may have sobering implications,” the researchers wrote.
If your brain is constantly recalibrating its perceptions based on prior experiences, how can you be sure you’re ever really seeing things as they are? Looking at the bigger picture, can human societies ever truly solve their problems — crime, poverty, prejudice, etc. — if they’re constantly expanding their definitions of those problems to include fresh transgressions?
“Although modern societies have made extraordinary progress in solving a wide range of social problems, from poverty and illiteracy to violence and infant mortality, the majority of people believe that the world is getting worse,” the researchers concluded. Perhaps, they said, the more problems a society solves, the more that society expands its definition of what’s problematic. It’s not so much that the glass of water is half empty — maybe we just perceive the glass getting bigger and bigger before our eyes.
Originally published on Live Science.
5 LikesRecommend0 recommendationsPublished in Awakening & Ascension, Freedom & Sovereignty, Practical Skills, Science & Technology
Wow. The article about that study indicates the researchers said “These results may have sobering implications.” If we consider the far-reaching effects of societal conditioning we can easily observe today, that’s an understatement.
Hi Debbie! Thank you for your response! I was so excited to see somebody had responded to my first article on here. The blue Avian contact, Ra Tier Er sp? said to Corey Goode that our version of love here on earth is still more like manipulation. I had a series of similar events all in one day (and then a dream about reacting to something that was scary. Then later on, realizing later after I did damage that the faces were all sweet. I awake so stressed) having to do with assessing reality properly versus projecting or perhaps subtly bullying the surrounding into giving you the response they think you want. Sometimes control factors are subtle. I read a similar eye-opening experiment about predictive programming where these advertising artists were in a bus route in England going to a facility where they would come up with some images to advertise a product or idea. Interestingly the images they came up with were actually predictable. There were certain signs and images on the street on the way there that funnel into the images. But this is not necessarily something that has to be used for the negative. Silva mind systems for years has been the basis of a lot of peoples abilities to access deeper states of consciousness in the subconscious and data realms in order to program ourselves. For instance, we could program ourselves to be aware of any manipulation of our consciousness that does not serve us. May be more specifically I am aware of all attempts to adversely manipulate my mind. I reject all attempts to adversely manipulate my mind. That was actually from Raymon Grace quote. Anyway… There is hope. First step is being aware of how easy it is to get influenced or to influence another perhaps. There is another thought I have as well. This Hass to do with the phenomenon of I guess mass hypnosis which we are seeing a lot of today. I forgot the term. If you know what it is please write it in response. Thank you so much! Love and light! Heather