My thought process upon coming out of a deep sleep this morning.
When those letters are combined, my memories of being in the third or fourth grade and beginning the Cub Scout program were the first to flash back into my mind. To see SOS was to think someone was in trouble and calling out for help.
We were taught a bit of Morse Code. Three dots . . . Three dashes ——— Three dots . . . was a signal of someone calling for help. Three quick taps, three time spaced taps and then three more quick taps. My imagination ran wild with various rescue scenarios as a young boy. Wow, what would it be like to hear those signals, recognize them for what they meant and to jump in to aid the person needing help.
This morning I awoke to an SOS message, but my intuition prompted me to think of it from a different perspective. I listened. And listened some more. And some more.
Eventually, this is what came through and finally settled. “Service of Self”.
OK…….. Then Service of Self can be looked at as a cry for help. Remember, my higher self was telling me to really examine this thought. Look at it from different perspectives.
Normally I would think of service to self as discussed in “Law of One” terms. Those would be others, or sometimes myself, who put their interests above all others. Service to self people seemed to be confident and forceful, controlling of others and in control of the situations around them, or at least that would be the image they would want to project.
In my study of “A Course in Miracles” there was a strong message that everything can be looked at as “A Call for Love” or “A Sharing/Giving of Love”. So now, that thought popped into my head.
Does a SOS signify a call for help and also a call for love? Hmmmmm.
Perhaps so. Is someone who only thinks of themselves first and foremost really sending out a signal that perhaps outward appearance is a facade and they would really like help knowing what love is really about?
Then another perspective entered. How often have you seen yourself or others find that the thing that brought them/you out of a depression or “funk” was to help someone else. Give more than receive. Offer to be of assistance, Volunteer to help in a project. Give a complement, Say thank you to someone. Smile. (All efforts to share/give your love. Thus S T O. Service to Others.
Conclusion: Thanks to my higher self for the lesson. Perhaps S O S , others selves, may not realizes that their selves are calling for help/love, that their higher selves feel they need. My answer would be, it will definitely make me feel better by answering their call…….. by recognizing the signals for what it meant and to jump in to aid the person needing help.
Intuition thoughts for today.
Photo Credit: nhfaithfusion .com
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