up coming solar flash

  • up coming solar flash

    Posted by Ronald Cogan  on July 22, 2022 at 12:28 am

    Corey, If humanity is looking at another bad Solar flash and we are going to be wiped out, except for the humans that are taken on space ships, then why are we still messing around with the sick governments? I thought that I heard David Wilcox say that humanity is not going to have to go through another solar flash. Can you shed some light on this?

    Raylene replied 2 years ago 17 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • Margaret Stewart

    July 22, 2022 at 9:54 pm


    This is just a viewpoint but there is a lot of science about the solar flash available, check out Suspicious Observer’s On youtube and Nasa has also made comment on it. I believe that what is being asked of us is to stop fearing for the body and really look at what is affecting our spirit.

    The things going on effect us on far larger areas then the body The negative affects all of us and to grow we must release the fear and handle as much of the negative as we can. I feel that how are they or anyone going to help if we are unwilling to help ourselves. Also this is a universal issue not just earth all the planets in our solar system are changing This is a part of growth and we must control our fear. We are fed a lot of it . We have to remember we are bigger then we think.

    • Ronald Cogan

      July 23, 2022 at 11:58 pm

      Dear Margaret, I am not afraid of the solar flare situation. I don’t care one way or another. If it happens then it happens, but the fact that humanity is fighting against the deep state, and going through a lot of hard ships, and then a solar flare comes along and zap humanity with a solar flare then that makes all this fighting useless. Plus NASA really stands for is, “NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER”. They are the ones who are behind weather modification and you can see how that has turned out. What I am asking is why fight the deep state if we are going to be wiped out right after by a solar flare? I say we should have complete disclosure, NOW !

      • Margaret Hardaway

        July 26, 2022 at 11:24 pm

        Hey there, I’m just thinking about all the weather mod… why can’t they make it rain in the excessive high temps??? that would be helpful. If they subscribe to the “modification” to assist or aid the environment, why not assist with fires, excessive high temps, or other natural disasters that could be mitigated with said weather modifications; just a thought. thanks

      • Raylene

        January 2, 2023 at 5:21 am

        The solar event won’t wipe out all of the negative beings or their technology. They also know it is coming and are preparing in ways much greater than we can see. Their influence extends beyond our star system, as well, though their base and greatest influence is here on this planet and in this star system. We are full participants in what they have been able to create, and after the solar event we will still be participants in the creation of it until we choose to and actively create something different. We are caught in the reincarnation cycle of their false matrix, as well, until we understand that and choose freedom. The solar event will change some things, such as upgrading and compressing the energy vibration of our star system and all the energies within it. That does not mean all will change to positive orientation, though, or that the negative orientation will be destroyed. Negative energy will be upgraded to a higher more compressed vibration, as well. We will still need to choose and create positive orientation. As for Full Disclosure, many, if not most, humans on earth are still not ready for that. This last summer I spoke with a man that studies astronomy and looks with anticipation toward some space crafts with ETs coming. When I explained many were already here, and many are already coming and going, being in a vibration that our simple eyes couldn’t detect, this man was visibly shaken and scared. The impact on large communities that are not looking forward to contact and are scared of contact will be much more traumatic. The slow drip method of disclosure we are getting now, seeding consciousness through movies, news reports , YouTube videos, seminars, Congress calling for Disclosure, etc., are bringing this to the awareness of the general public in way most are able to handle at this time. A method that would move the masses into fear would bring a lowering of vibration (as fear is a very low vibration, and love is a very high vibration) and result in an unproductive outcome.

  • Maria Rivera

    July 24, 2022 at 4:08 am

    In “The Law of One” it is my understanding RA says the person must die to reach the next density. Let’s say we are inching towards the end of our big cycle and many people need to go at the same time to the next density. In order to reach the planet in the 4th density we need to reach a threshold. Without that threshold we can’t reach the same planet that is already vibrating on 4th density. We must continue to work on ourselves to get to the threshold to 4th density. We all make decisions on how we are going to work certain issues and we all are in concert in this illusion of the mind and body. For all that collective of planetary mind (big group of people which I don’t know how many will do the harvest and the ones that don’t cannot live on the planet immediately after, as RA says) to go at once something major needs to occur. David Wilcock has the opinion that we are not going to have a catastrophic shift to 4th density; but that’s an opinion. His idea is like we are only going to change consciousness but that is not what “The Law of One” says. “The Law of One” is in total agreement with a possible difficult harvest as RA calls it which can bring major earthquakes, volcanic activity, mantle displacement etc., a solar flash can be of enough magnitude to blow up a planet but a moderate solar event can provoque all those events. As Corey related it’s the Blue Avians who are talking about a solar flash. And besides that, one must die in order to reach the next density.

    There are different ideas about the same event. It looks the shift must happen by whatever means. Dolores Cannon said she kept hearing about the Event and her patients were telling her around 2050, The CIA has the idea the solar flash is around 2030 per NASA calculations. Now the timeline of the information of Corey is around 2028 and previously was 2023-24. The hindus understand the shift is around 2025 and they call it a change in yuga.

    On a different note I agree with Cogan that we should move faster to inform the public as a collective of what is really happening.


      July 24, 2022 at 9:36 am


      MARIA, I’m impressed by your overall understanding/consciousness, as well as your ability to compartmentalize, idiosyncrasies in other’s individual distortions. However, you’re missing the forest & are instead, trying to locate individual trees. Ascension out of 3rd density can only be achieved on an individual basis. You can encourage/try to assist others to achieve theirs but you can’t facilitate their ability to do so, as the only way out is the way in. They must go within. My suggestion would be never stop working on yourself, as Corey has many times publicly stated each density has [I believe at least 7] sub-densities. Plus of course you’re aware, certain beings will go back or ascend to 5th density as well when they leave here. Lastly, as far as time between incarnations, for example Billy Meier claimed due to overpopulation & other factors, he was told at the time there were about 120-150 yrs. between incarnations from our temporal understanding, though we know time is only part of our physical construct/matrix & once your outside it, you could potentially go forward or back in time, as well as as any potential destination you have a congruent/frequency resonance with in the applicable density. Like waking up from a nice 8-10 hour sleep, you know you slept long, but weren’t waiting…so to speak…to wake up. Also, my understanding is between incarnations there’s further inner work/adjusting/fine-tuning of individual frequency to be done…while sleeping I presume, given the analogy…as well, so that takes time, from our current distortion/perception. Hope this helps. The bottom line, it would seem wise to continue using/developing your attunement/truth resonance. If so, eventually the answers you seek, will become readily apparent if needed or won’t be necessary to get you where you plan/hope to go! Keep expanding your consciousness & let it be your guide. You don’t need to answer all questions you have to leave/ascend, but can certainly be anchored down, if you believe that’s the case. So don’t!

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  MYLES EVANS.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  MYLES EVANS.
    • Barbara

      September 5, 2022 at 7:09 am

      The dying named in the Law of One can and should be understood differently in my eyes. No physical dying is meant, but as David already correctly says, the consciousness changes. Similar “dying” is known from many organizations, such as the Freemasons or Rosicrucians, where there is also a “dying” during an initiation, but which has nothing to do with the normal physical death.The dying named in the Law of One can and should be understood differently in my eyes. No physical dying is meant, but as David already correctly says, the consciousness changes. Similar “dying” is known from many organizations, such as the Freemasons or Rosicrucians, where there is also a “dying” during an initiation, but which has nothing to do with the normal physical death.


    July 26, 2022 at 10:12 pm

    When running a race [towards ascension] should one slow down in anticipation of the allegedly quickly approaching finish line…keep in mind it was originally scheduled for Dec. 21, 2012 just as the Mayan Calendar predicted…but was already delayed once, could it be delayed again, even Corey will tell you anything is possible especially in the midst of a temporal way…or should one keep running even they feel the finish line’s tape make contact with one’s chest…in other words at the point of departure. As you & others argue on the side of the road debated where/when the finish line is, the wise keep running knowing its inevitable but not necessary over the next bend in the road. See you on the other side, assuming your not still arguing where that point begins vs. where it ends. Food for thought…

  • Ronald Cogan

    July 27, 2022 at 12:40 pm

    Dear Margaret, The deep state is still in control of the weather, and it is a major part of their agenda. They want the weather to be bad, so as to push their Climate change agenda, and food shortage agenda. The so called white hats, “to my best knowledge”, don’t control the weather at all. The deep state have been controlling the weather for a long time, and I would guess that 99% of the worlds population doesn’t realize that most of the problems with fires, food shortage, and no water are all because the DEEP STATE is controlling the weather. The two things that they are using to control the weather are chemical trails and HAARP. Look them up for more info but do it under the browser,” Duck Duck go” or you will not get very good info.

  • Marc

    July 27, 2022 at 2:58 pm

    By reading attentively to Corey Goode’s intel, we can understand the following:
    – The micronova due around 2030 is not a a magical “Kumbaya” celebration as Corey Goode often re-advised because the lore of the community see it, perhaps wrongly, as an all-liberating love and light moment in which we will acquire super-powers like levitation and telekinesis and long life-spans. On the contrary, initially, after the solar flash, humanity won’t do too well, again, according to Corey Goode.
    – In one of his latest updates, Corey Goode mentioned that it will be something like a mixed harvest, where some people would lean toward the 4th density negative. 4th density positive people will have to protect themselves mainly by coming together. Read the updates again if you missed the part on how some of the military would protect us.
    – Already in older updates, Corey Goode mentioned that humanity would split into two camps. The part of humanity that didn’t learn the lessons prior to the Solar Flash will take some time before maturing spiritually. After a 1000 years or so and other terrible lessons, humanity will be ready to unite as one. This is all from Corey Goode.

    Conclusion: our efforts matter because it because of what we do now determines how well things go to in this journey to the fourth density.
    Like the French say, you cannot make an omelette without breaking any egg.

    I encourage anyone to read the updates again, and read or watch the Cosmic Disclosure episodes in which Corey Goode is interviewed. This is a brief summary of many updates by Corey Goode. I cannot cite everything and understand everything so this creates distortions.

  • Todd Van-Swearingen

    December 26, 2022 at 1:31 pm

    I would think by now you have had the opportunity to view Corey’s latest videos.. which he does re-address this topic

  • renee beaulieu

    December 27, 2022 at 12:27 pm

    people should focus on ascending, ascending is not death, ascending is done alive, and you take your body with you, people are getting dying and ascending mixed up, and I understand what you are saying, what people really need to do right now, is work on that. hopes this helps

    • Barbara

      December 29, 2022 at 7:29 am

      That’s exactly why I wanted to get feedback from Corey, why he makes two such contradictory statements, of which only one can be true. What I have seen so far in the vids does not answer this question. In the older vids he keeps talking about the blue bubbles that got him, the white repto he was facing, the glass trays, etc pp. Then he stands in court and says he was never outside? How does that fit. Sorry guys, but Corey has to be allowed to be asked critical questions too. I like him a lot, but when I notice inconsistencies like this, I would like to see it clarified, especially because there is a lot of stress in the community right now. Unfortunately, Corey doesn’t answer the question. Very unfortunate.

      Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

      • Debbie

        December 29, 2022 at 1:04 pm

        The short answer is that you don’t go into a 3D legal proceeding with 5D explanation to try to prove it and come out victorious. Corey is restricted in what he can say about it because much of these proceedings are under court protective order. Leon Isaac Kennedy and his lawyer will be appearing before a judge later in January to face possible sanctions for what Leon has done in making the deposition public, against this court protective order. It is premature to judge anything yet as we simply do not have all the information, and will not until this case is resolved.

        • Barbara

          December 29, 2022 at 5:34 pm

          I included you below in my reply to the admin.

      • AWTV Admin

        December 29, 2022 at 1:17 pm

        Corey’s video response is here: https://youtu.be/hBorL1VQD2s

        • Barbara

          December 29, 2022 at 5:32 pm

          Collective reply for @Admin and @Debbie Graham

          Please let me make one thing clear up front. I have no intention of pissing on Corey’s wheel, as we say around here. I was merely concerned with two statements made by Corey on a subject that are contradictory in what they say. I have been working privately in historical research for well over 40 years and am far from swallowing everything that is thrown at me. The video what the Admin recommended to me, I have seen, directly after Corey made it available. However, I did not – perhaps through mistranslation, I am not very good at English – make a connection. Therefore, before I pass judgment, I had posted the court video and asked Corey to comment on it. I also found this court video only after Corey’s vid to Leon. I will watch the Leon vid from Corey again though. For me, though, it’s a matter of courtesy that before I judge someone, I first try to clarify where the discrepancy is coming from, and I usually always do that with the author himself. So please, no offense taken for allowing myself to ask questions. Questions about a topic that for me personally for div. reasons are very important in the answer. The answers are again information for all others here. I hope I was able to clear up any misunderstandings.

          Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

          • Debbie

            December 30, 2022 at 9:51 am

            You are not the only one to bring this up, and Corey has answered as much as he can. This was a deposition, not an actual courtroom trial. Here’s what Corey stated, directly in response to you and many others:

            “All questions about the leaked deposition video are answered in this response video I released on my YouTube Channel. I cannot go into further details due to federal court orders. If you watch this video and do not understand the situation – you aren’t likely to do so no matter how much explaining occurs. For those who do not understand the 4D legal chess going on right now or my need to protect my life story from Gaia TV and all of the role players in our community – this is where we part ways. I hope the community can repair itself and one day become a force for Disclosure. As it is, Disclosure has turned into a religious movement and story telling contest. I would ask that everyone read the lawsuits and watch my response video very closely. All of this will play out in federal court where I will be exposing extremely unethical and illegal behavior by some in this community. We would also like to thank the HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of supportive emails you have sent over the last couple of weeks. It seems most of you have witnessed the unfortunate collapse of the community due to gossip and content theft. We appreciate all of your support and personal stories about why you have taken a break from the community. We will continue our mission through Ascension Works TV and through our projects in the entertainment industry – a mission to awaken the masses and effect the mass consciousness on an even bigger level. Corey Goode”

          • Barbara

            December 30, 2022 at 11:46 am

            <font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Hallo Debbie,</font></font>

            <font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Vielen Dank, dass Sie das hier geschrieben haben. </font><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Dann werde ich mir das Spiel anschauen. </font><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Die US-Rechtsprechung kann ich von Deutschland aus nicht genau beurteilen, ich werde mich an euch orientieren, die es besser verstehen. </font><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Aber in einem stimme ich Corey nicht zu, die Gemeinschaft wird sich nicht selbst wieder aufbauen, da war zu viel Destruktivität am Werk. </font><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Ich bin sehr neugierig auf die Namen, die im Prozess fallen gelassen werden.</font></font>

            <font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Ich bin jedoch froh, dass meine Frage an Corey geklärt wurde. </font><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre freundliche Hilfe. </font></font>

          • Debbie

            December 30, 2022 at 10:29 pm

            Thank you Barbara. For some reason your translation to English did not activate but I was able to piece it together with Google translate. I think we would agree with you that the community is very fractured and we can at this point only hope that it will recover and unify again with time. But yes, for now we just have to wait and see how this court case will be resolved, and then we will know more. The projects in the entertainment industry will most certainly include exposing a lot of the unethical and ugly behavior of some in the community. Corey will indeed have much to say.

          • Barbara

            January 1, 2023 at 10:55 am

            Hallo Debbie,

            ja ich habs gesehen, genau wie in meinem Komm zu Toni unten, deshalb habe ich das jetzt erst mal nicht über den Übersetzer gemacht, sondern in meiner Sprache direkt eingegeben. Woran es liegt, weiß ich noch nicht, werde das aber testen.

            Wäre für mich eine gute Info, wenn Ihr sagt, dass ich das immer direkt in deutsch einstellen kann und ihr es dann selbst übersetzt???

          • Debbie

            January 1, 2023 at 11:24 am

            English translation of Barbara’s comment: “Yes, I saw it, just like in my Come to Toni below, that’s why I didn’t use the translator to do it, but entered it directly in my language. I don’t know why, but I’ll test it.

            Would be good information for me if you said that I can always set it directly in German and then you translate it yourself???”

            Thank you, Barbara. While this comment was quicker and easier to translate, it would be too time consuming to do this in each case. I’m not sure what the best solution is yet, as this is mostly an English speaking platform, but as further improvements are developed, we may have a better solution. Whatever you used for your initial comments worked very well, and we thank you. We appreciate your patience as we figure out these things.

  • Richard Ostroman

    July 26, 2022 at 8:16 pm

    Hi Amy, I like what you say and to keep in mind that everyone is playing it with a little fear and in some small case real important to respect the others perspective of fear and try and expand all perspectives. The flash as seen by Corey has those people wanting the same event to occur to ensure their time line is the same or just as close to what they feel is best case to ensure their existence or something. Again a fear based truth, but a real possibility given we really can create anything. My question to you what does your heart tell you. know that we as a collective will need to be somehow plays a part, but as how this story boards out, im thinking the third eye is about to open for everyone and when we can see the lies as people can not hide from someone seeing your true intension. A lot of ground to cover. The flash will be felt and delt with on all levels. What happens on earth is really up to her. She has had a few of these in the past but like child birth its really up to the mother. With what we do as humans, well that’s a wild card.

  • David Wurster

    July 29, 2022 at 5:48 pm

    Cobra is disinfo … in my opinion.

  • Marc

    July 29, 2022 at 7:29 pm

    Corey Goode has stated his opinion several times on Cobra. He’s disinfo.

  • Edwin 🌏

    July 29, 2022 at 9:06 pm

    Cobra is a spiritually gifted opportunist who surfs on several UFO theories to grow his own ( prolific 🤧 ) buisness. As an ex-member of his crooked network I hope to get the opportunity to spill the beans on the inside world of this clique – you’d never believe what’s going on behind the scenes.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  Edwin 🌏.
  • Richard Ostroman

    September 4, 2022 at 5:11 pm

    Thanks for the read. 🙂 😉

  • Barbara

    January 1, 2023 at 10:31 am

    Hi Toni,

    Ich denke schon, dass es den Blitz geben wird. Allerdings rechne ich zwischen 2023-25 damit und nicht erst 2033, was wenn man die Zeit mitrechnet, wann es Corey gesagt worden ist so ca. 12-13 Jahre in der Zukunft liegen würde und demnach den Touch hätte, das er künstlich herbeigeführt würde. Corey sagte zwar, das man das nicht genau sagen könne. Vermutlich hat man es aber so weit hinausgeschoben um Paranoia und Panik zu vermeiden. Eine kurzfristige Ankündigung würde sehr wahrscheinlich bei der Abteilung Luft-Liebe-Pfannkuchen ein Festival der Irren hervorrufen. Wir werden es merken denke ich mal. In 2023 wird es aber bestimmt noch so das ein oder andere geben, was uns vielleicht aus dem Sessel hauen wird in Punkto Offenlegung. Ich habe vor 2,5 h z.B. eine Info bekommen, dass in 2023 aus der Archäologie ein Beweis kommt, der nachweist, dass der Planet in sehr ferner Vergangenheit von ETs besucht und bewohnt wurde. Ich hab mal direkt zurückgeschrieben, was ich mit so einer Aussage anfangen soll, denn wenn jemand das festgemauert weiß, dann kennt er auch bereits den Beweis. Muss demnach also nicht so eine Prophetische Aussage machen. *ironieon “vielleicht müssen aber auch erst noch ein paar Bücher dazu fertig geschrieben werden, die sich dann noch besser verkaufen”*ironieoff Dieses Gier frisst Hirn Trauma muss der Planet als erstes los werden. Wissen muss allen zur Verfügung stehen. Das wird aber kommen.

    Ein frohes und gesundes Neues Jahr Euch allen.

  • Alejandro Rodriguez

    January 1, 2023 at 11:29 am

    Interesting concept, could you elaborate what are the basis of this statement?

  • Barbara

    January 1, 2023 at 12:45 pm

    <font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Let’s call it gut feeling or pure intuition for now. </font></font>

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