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  • The savior complex and the earth liberation timeline

    Posted by Jean-Frédéric Bridoux on July 27, 2024 at 4:20 am

    Hello Corey. You say that earthlings need to liberate themselves, that nobody will come and save us. But you also offered a timeline for the solar system liberation by the GGLN, Emi, SSP Alliance up to the liberation of Earth of Orion group presence. Does not that feed the savior complex? Can you address the confusion here?

    Chris Turnbull replied 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Chris Turnbull

    January 1, 2025 at 12:40 am

    Yes, everyone has to liberate themselves, that comes from acquired knowledge and life experience gaining understanding, and developing Love, but also through the process of Positive Objectivity, being neutral and retaining impartiality and an open mind…..but that needs the help of everyone in society doing their job, and the above mentioned groups job is to liberate the planet from forces that only they can deal with, our job is only to work on ourselves, open our minds, let go of obsolete beliefs, embrace knowledge and understanding, and act with love….this is the personal liberation, the global liberation will naturally happen as suppression is lifted, and we relying on our positive military to act when needed, and our entrapaners to create the new technology’s for the future. The mind is in control, but the material reality needs concise timing with perfect plans to materialize what we all want and know needs to happen, everyone has a different view, but all views are coagulating into times places and circumstances as the process starts to gel into one global view.

    The saviour is within, as we attract higher vibratory thoughts, thoughts are souls, and we need to accumulate lots of high Positive Thoughs that work to materialize a new reality……

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