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Since Corey told us to ask questions here:
Posted by Aaron AF on April 2, 2023 at 3:38 pmHi,
Corey keeps saying in the Q&As that we’re all definitely, for sure, gonna die. I don’t understand why he’s saying that, if there’s already age-regression technology. He also said in an old Cosmic Disclosure chapter that there’s technology to move your energetic birthdate forward so that you can exist in the present at a younger age than your current.
Here on boring old Earth, we already have (ethically harvested) placental and umbilical cord stem cell technology (not fetuses) that, unlike harvesting your own aged stem cells, have the “force of life” in them.
As Tony Robbins said in LIFE FORCE, his new book about anti-aging medicine (obvs he co-wrote with experts as he’s not in the medical field), a new shelf-stable NMN supplement is already in Stage 3 trials, with the preliminary extremely positive results accidentally leaked to a reporter. NMN is an NAD+ precursor (DNA repair).
Go watch interviews with him promoting the book for all the juicy stories about what’s possible and what’s coming down the pike fast.
If Corey could elaborate or clarify, that would help.
Debbie replied 1 year, 5 months ago 11 Members · 17 Replies -
17 Replies
Are you implying that we should be able to live forever because of new technology? It seems reasonable to me that we can live longer and in optimum health, yet never die? I think there are other factors to consider, such as our soul purpose and mission for starters.
My thought on it would be that the tampering with our DNA by these E.T.’s from the past that we have way shorter life spans currently in a way unnatural… wonder after the Solar Event that gets wiped out then our true natural life span will increases via the next few generations after event. But those of us who originated in this body may not benefit from that given its already in our system that way… But I am only guessing. I heard too that in China there have been some records of some folks living close to 250 years.. but I only heard about this cant confirm
If the poisons were removed from our lives it would help a lot
Well I personally am not having a problem with Death or fear it to end up in a New body but my problem lies with living a single life in such a short manner and accomplishing nothing… with a 1000 yrs We could be more effective in that one lifetime keeping intact our development of experiences and wisdom from it
I’m not 100% but that tech is not for the peasants and by the time the solar flash happens, most humans will die from the chaos, bacteria, starving. But it’s only the meat vessels dying, this is all a really good head game ☺️
What I really would like to know is how many years has this man lived? I believe he’s undergone age regression, possibly following each 20 and back. Nevertheless, this is all so incredible to take in!
I think it’s safe to say that Corey has packed a lot of living into this incarnation. 😀
Such an incredible thing to fathom being placed in a separate time bubble. Working for twenty years. Returned not missing a day in the original time weld.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Chad Sampson.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
I think it’s a cruel thing to constantly experience rebirth, illness and death, because there’s a lot of pain involved. Many sources say that the Creator loves himself and, of course, his children. The process of evolution should be free of these pains, and life can naturally leave the old carrier and enter the new carrier, without death and disease.
I Think Corey Is Right about about death. It is virtually impossible for us to become immortal with these physical bodies, and not at the moment when we are still 3rd Density. Only when we get to 6 density will we reach immortality for example the Guardians do not have a physical body like ours, their bodies are of pure light so therefore they can life for billions of earth years until they are ready to ascend to the next density in which they merge with the creator. And when you have a 6 density body like the guardians you do not need to eat like we do. Yes there is Anti ageing nano technology but that will not give you immortality. If you want to live in a transhuman paradise, I suggest that you move past Pluto in the outskirts of our solar system were you do not get struck by solar flares. If you are living here on earth and you have brain chips and nanites in your body and the earth gets hit by a solar flare the nanites in your body will short circuit turning you into a marshmallow or into ashes.
Re “Move to Pluto”. No need, we’re getting a new, pristine Earth. The Rockefellers, will be left here with the mess they made of this world. Dolores Cannon’s books describe the plans given to her by “All That Is” has for us in the End Times, which is now. Not our end, the Satanists’ end.
Corey is abit off sometimes i get the feeling. Nobody really knows the date of the liberation, when we are gonna ascend to 5th density. Might be as soon as 2025 or later. Who knows how it is all gonna behave.
Corey reports what he has been told by his contacts in the Earth Alliance and the SSP Alliance. Nothing is set in stone, and Corey has always said that ascension is up to US, individually and collectively, to liberate ourselves. And he has said many times, even recently, that we don’t skip 4th density and go straight to 5th density.
I sometimes watch them too.. and I come to realize that with some of the Christians or other types of lifelong beliefs that these people seem to bring that to the other side like its a buffer as Corey said that Micca’s as well as Emmi’s people also created their own egregores from these strong beliefs… its almost like prior to ones death a person would want to make peace with Death and not get themselves locked up in dogma as it will carry these beliefs long after death- but some of the stories I have heard from afterlife folks seems really cool too–I try to keep and open mind when listening as I do believe most of them regarding the experiences perceived no matter what
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by
Todd Van-Swearingen.
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This information and the story which unveils it changed me for the greater good.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Chad Sampson.
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