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  • Marc

    October 22, 2021 at 5:09 pm

    From a telegram discussion, with the answer from Corey Goode:

    Q. What is the technology in the “Med-beds”? I heard it was a “positive AI”, or is it something besides AI that is very different? Maybe a Quantum computer of some sort?

    A. Disinfo.

    • Tyler Hurt

      October 23, 2021 at 5:16 pm

      Thanks Marc!

    • Carilene Cruz

      December 23, 2022 at 12:48 pm

      I don’t have anything to say about cc by Simon Parkes and his wife I guess everyone has a different opinion I can’t say anything bad about it. But any AI is AI let’s see how that’s works. Happy holidays peace and blessings to everyone.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 25, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    Is there a product that is going to be released based off of the med bed design so the public can benefit from it?

    • Marc

      October 25, 2021 at 7:07 pm

      Medbeds is disinformation according to Corey’s intel.

    • Tiffany Langston

      October 29, 2022 at 3:18 am🤍

  • anami_ korechika

    October 30, 2021 at 2:33 pm

    Marc, you must be an intuitive empath to decide that, from a one-word reply. Others of us may decide to interpret for ourselves, that CG is writing that AI in the medbed is inaccurate. After all, we have seen CG discussing medbeds several times. Cheers!

    • Marc

      October 30, 2021 at 4:38 pm

      I remember in another instance (video interview) someone asking Corey about medbeds. He said that he hasn’t seen any as such in the SSPs. He did mention however that there were other kind of medical apparatus and procedures but none that were “whole body” per se, as in a bed.

      There was one device Corey said he saw at LOC, one that weaved filaments with light to regenerate limbs (with David Wilcock in the Cosmic Disclosure series)

      I have never seen Corey discussing about medbeds several times as you mention. Can you give me a reference?

  • Steve

    October 30, 2021 at 3:00 pm

    I feel that Med Beds, as CG experienced in the SSP, were created with ideas and technology originating with the AI gods and used by the ICC and SSP and Dark fleet as a “work around” to more advanced positive method of healing of positive 4D and 5D entities.

    The more advanced methods are natural (ie crystals) and the power of the creative positively oriented mind.

    I don’t want to speak for Corey, but when he used the term “Disinfo”, he was referring to the ICC/SSP/DF tech that is promoted in the community. Those Med Beds are, in my mind, if only partially, an AI construct on a level that can be infiltrated on the 4D/5D negative leaning paths.

    They work. Corey’s experienced how effective they worked and how ineffectively they worked. The 20& back, the mind wipes, etc. are all manipulative tools in this 4D transitional world and Corey is trying to get the message across that there are much better concepts/methods of healing.

  • Alicia Figart

    October 31, 2021 at 2:44 am

    I was going to try one of the Tachyon chambers listed here:

    The website states that Tachyon chamber is not Medbed. Technology for the Tachyon chamber was given by Pleiadians. All of the sources on internet describe Pleiadians as benevolent to human. I know they are Nordic ET. Corey mentioned Nordic ET as hostile against human while disguise as angelic ET. I am not sure if that is the Pleiadians Corey implied? Can anyone or better yet, Corey, confirmed? I believe everyone who has heard about Pleiadians all thinks they are benevolent ET. If that is not true it has to be pointed out. And now I don’t know if the Tachyon chamber is a good idea after reading Corey’s reports. Thanks.

    • devon wendel

      October 28, 2022 at 12:12 pm

      have you tried this yet

    • Fredrik Refsdal

      October 29, 2022 at 12:01 am

      Check out the Book “Two Crystals from Lemuria” 🙂 It describes the Pleiadians quite accurate, think they are a seperate species from those described as “Nordic” Or “Scandinavians”.
      And also a blueprint for rapid as.cension ; )

    • Fredrik Refsdal

      October 29, 2022 at 12:02 am

      Please also Write to me a little bit about the Tachyon chamber Experience : D Would love to hear, im thinking bout opening a center in my country.

    • Marc

      November 21, 2022 at 1:36 pm

      Tachyon chambers, isn’t this info from Ishtar Antares/Cobra?

      Here is some investigations done on him, what he’s associated with and his true identity.

  • David Voo

    October 27, 2022 at 2:13 am

    Regarding the disinformation on med beds, I recently come across these 2 parts video.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    • devon wendel

      October 28, 2022 at 11:33 am

      Has anyone else here tarted a Healing Center or is planning to? What is you take on this lady, I just ran into this person from this post and have watched the videos on the channel are are part of the FB group. Some of the stuff she says is right on the messages I have been given and how Im “building” my center, some of her info,, well,,,, seems off…. Anyone start the application process Your take please…

  • Tiffany Langston

    October 29, 2022 at 3:18 am


  • Indigenous Alien

    November 15, 2022 at 9:09 pm

    check this link out… Med Beds – Prepare For Change

    The technology is coming, but from what I have been learning is the med beds Corey first spoke of have much higher tech working within a virtual reality environment with sound and light frequencies. We will never see such tech if the dark powers are still in control, hence, why we do not have them already…

    Peace, Love, and Light to all

  • Ronald Cogan

    December 22, 2022 at 1:27 pm

    Hi everyone, I am a member of Connecting Consciouness run by Simon Parks and his wife. Right now he is the one who is running the Med bed program for the entire world. Check him out.

    • Debbie

      December 23, 2022 at 9:59 am

      I would be very cautious and dig deeper into Simon. I personally don’t trust him and left his CC group.

      • devon wendel

        December 23, 2022 at 8:44 pm

        “yeah right”…

        You spot on IMHO, and thats with my personal interaction and conversation with the chap

  • Craig

    December 23, 2022 at 12:18 pm

    I have to say I would advise caution with Simon as well.

  • J K

    December 30, 2022 at 11:14 am

    My opinion, copied and pasted from my telegram posting with edit. Any external technology from your own body is a means of control and ultimately a distraction from your internal spiritual powers. You don’t need a medbed to save you. People already have the power to heal instantly and stay healthy. ‘They’ have suppressed us for thousands of years. Once their programing is removed we are free to fully realize our innate spiritual powers. All outside technologies are obsolete compared to our internal spiritual technology. Medbeds are a trap and a way for them to continue to control humanity. We step out of our 3d matrix just to find that there is a bigger matrix to navigate. Everyone is on their own spiritual journey. Some will jump into the medbeds and wont even question anything. How crazy is that, even after what humans have gone through. Those questioning the medbed experience are the new conspiracy theorists for the new age and will be mocked, ridiculed by the same people who were trying to inform the sheeple about pizzagate, chemtrails, NWO, extraterrestrials, etc… I’m proud that Corey Goode is talking about the Medbed deception. I thought i was alone on this.

  • Marc

    October 30, 2021 at 6:07 pm

    Any type of “technological fix” deters us from the idea in the end; all our ailments, genetics and even accidents is karma. In this sense, the whole idea of the “Resurrection” as told in the Bible is more relevant because it tackles the spiritual aspect.

    Take the word “Resurrection” in Russian, “воскресение”. It literally means “to get out of the cross”.

    The cross , when folded is a cube. A matrix, like a prison. The 4 side of a square, “4”, the numerical symbol of matter.

    When Jesus said “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23-24), I think he means to take our own problems and deal with them or transcend them. I believe Jesus wants a disciple responsible enough to not think his Master or anything else is his saviour.

    I think that what is expected of us before the micronova is a resurrection of the soul, our higher self expressing Itself more and more.

    Our body is made of millions of cells that are programmed by our own habits and ancestors. And Corey Goode said that we have many entity attachment.

    When we replace dark entities attached to us with bright and angelic ones, that’s resurrection according to me. A New Heaven (thoughts) and a New Earth (habits, based on the new thoughts). The basis of all healing. Without it, physical healing is just a deception, a patch. Something in the short or long run tricking karma.

    Like nanites or AI induced health.

  • ke Li

    March 20, 2022 at 2:26 am
  • ke Li

    March 20, 2022 at 2:28 am
  • devon wendel

    October 28, 2022 at 11:57 am

    From a healer/Shaman and Akashic records healer stand point not all
    disease is karma.. Ive seen people let go or be healed from 20 years of
    chronic back pain and many other illness and disease, a good deal of
    the time I feel its a negative energy/entity that is “creating” the
    disease. Christ did say “go CAST out and heal in my name”, I find it
    interesting he said “cast out” first. Lastly I have worked with
    PEMF, SCIo and LED Therapy for a bit now at my practice and healing
    center, a person on a natural healing path would a fool IMHO to ignore
    these amazing bio-hack energy healing tools we have now.

  • Tiffany Langston

    October 29, 2022 at 3:16 am

    No scalar?

  • devon wendel

    October 29, 2022 at 11:25 am

    The SCIO machine I use can create Scalar Waves among many others.

  • Indigenous Alien

    November 15, 2022 at 9:23 pm

    I have used Scalar Energy and it was unbelievable. I did the free 30 day treatment online here is the link in case someone want to try it. What Is Scalar Energy (

    It is a long story, the “WHY” of what led me to trying it. Let me simply say this, a year+ ago, I was diagnosed with liver disease and a blood infection that was killing me. I FELT TERRIBLE. It was obvious that I was dying. I was put on what I call Chemo-Light medication that made me feel worse. Each day all I could do is sit, cry, and wanted to crawl out of my skin or die. A was referred to Scalar Energy by another awakening individual online. Let me tell ya, I knew the second my treatment started, It was at 3:03 am, I was jolted out of my disturbed sleep and felt better than I have in decades. This is when all kinds of things started to occur, synchronicities! I learned much in the following month regarding my ascension and what that means.

    Okay, I hope I wasn’t too long winded. I hope everyone tries Scalar, it is the real deal

    Peace, Love, and Light to all

  • devon wendel

    December 23, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    Some of this stuff is really valid, if you dig the basic chakra/parasite scalar (thats what most of these sites do), you would really find a personalized full biofeedback session to be interesting/intense.

  • Indigenous Alien

    December 23, 2022 at 10:13 pm

    Thanks for the info… it seems it is all about Energy when you remove all the castanets…

    I have been thinking about doing a Transpersonal Clearing Session (i think that’s what he calls it) with James Gilliland but I am not planning on that, instead, if it’s to be then it will be, and that seems to be how all the relevant information, etc. comes my way…


  • devon wendel

    December 24, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    I visited ECETI in 2017 , I volunteered there with my cat in 2018. Feel free to react to me, Ill give you my 2 cents.

  • Indigenous Alien

    December 24, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    Hey, Devon, thanks, thanks a lot. ECETI… is not far from where i live, within two hours driving. I had plans to do a weekend there a year and change ago, but my health went south and that hasn’t happened… YET. I will get there before I pass. Ill bet you and your cat enjoyed your time there… did you put out any peanut butter for Big Foot? Also, anyone who has a pet is okay by me, so long as it is loved and cared for. I believe that the love we give our pets on this planet has been a factor is raising our vibration…. love is the key, love is the answer, love is our calling.

    I got a question for you, have you experienced contact during meditation? I got a lot going on that is hard to believe…

    Peace, love, and light to you and yours

  • devon wendel

    December 24, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    I experience contact meditation all the time.. The contact in full waking state is more interesting;) a little fire side chat of some of my adventures and experience with bigfoot..

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