Have you heard of Queen Romana Didulo?
So I want to start out by saying Hi to everyone here and say a bit about my journey here.
I first came across Corey when David brought him on Gaia tv. What Corey talked about resonated with me and it was my favorite show and I couldn’t get enough of it. I also am a big fan of David as well and have studied his work.
That being said a friend sent me a telegram group invite to Queen Romana Didulo’s channel. What she has been saying is what Corey was saying way back when. About how we will go through healing processes, med bed technology and replicators, new financial systems, secret space programs ect.
She states that she is:
-Working with various military, special forces, earth and galactic alliances.
-Queen and commander in chief of Canada, Head of Government in Canada.
-2.3 million evil doer’s to put it nicely have been removed/executed world wide
-med bed will be release by end of this year, possibly replicator technology will be free
-Canada will be the blue print of the new world, meaning everything will be free in Canada and everyone will be doing humanitarian projects.
-EBS (emergency broadcast system) will alert the world of military presence to round up the lower level evil doers and televise 8 hour series of disclosure and also a new financial system in place soon
-sending DNA-X energies to repair our DNA
What she has done in just a few months:
-gathered a fast growing audience and followers
– organized and created over 500+ groups for world wide good samaritans to directly pay bills for people in need
-had contests for Canada’s new flags and seals designs (many have been finished)
– Talks a lot about raising vibrations, peace and prosperity and lessons on spiritual growth and exposing the evil/human trafficking agendas.
– various fundraisers
Gene Decode has verified her roll in the alliance.
I’m pretty amazed that a lot of what she is saying, what Corey said and what is happening now in the world is all perfectly aligned. She brings a very hopeful message of peace and prosperity of our future and what we can accomplish globally. It is all very interesting and exciting to be apart of this moment on the earth.
So I’m curious if this community has any thoughts, opinions or concerns on this or if you have even heard of Queen Romana?
I would be very interested in what Corey has to say about this, surely he would know?
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