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Can anyone send me Cosmic Disclosure – S10E07 – Briefings with a New Alliance
Posted by Casska Dawn on December 14, 2021 at 10:27 amHi guys I’ve just finished watching cosmic disclosure on odyssey but S10E07 – Briefings with a New Alliance won’t play past 6mins. CCould someone please
anja lynn replied 2 years, 5 months ago 11 Members · 23 Replies -
23 Replies
I have been trying to watch that episode from time stamp 6:36 on, for almost three weeks now. It will not play for me either! Will said he has it pirate, but I’m not willing to kill a cpu for half an episode I saw a couple years ago and wish to review! If you scroll down on the homepage feed you will find a post where I asked the same question and Will Eudy answered! It might help you!
What about wisdom teachings from David Wilcox , about 15 seasons gone ..
I have a copy of the transcript for that episode if it helps…. I’ll just have to figure how to post a PDF of it here. Let me know if that will help and I’ll check into how to get it posted.I have a copy of the transcript for that episode if it helps…. I’ll just have to figure how to post a PDF of it here. Let me know if that will help and I’ll check into how to get it posted.
Hi Steve, I would really appreciate that…thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏
Hi Casska, I posted that episode in the group “Discovering Intuition – A Voice of the Higher Self” the day I responded to this thread on Dec 14 as an experiment to see if I could create a PDF file & learn how to download it. I invite you, and any other members to join the group and access the Episode there. I’ll put it here also. I think you need to download the file to your laptop, but perhaps it will open on your phone. I’m not at all good a dealing with the phone technology and I’m still learning how to navigate the new phone app.
Tony Maestro, I just now downloaded the pdf file on my Apple MacBook Pro and had no issues viewing the file. You need to “download”, then find where your device stores the downloaded file and open it from there. I’m not sure why Adobe shows it as corrupted.
- this is free library, just search under Author Corey Goode
The transcripts of all episodes are here:
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
Igor Bélai.
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
When I went to that link, it stopped at Season 10 Episode 5, where are the rest?
Yes, you are right, there are not the transcript of all episodes…
I apologise for the inaccurate information.
ask and ye shall receive
Cannot be opened here and the link cannot be copied to open it elsewhere 🙁
Are these the same videos Corey did with David on Gaia?
No, they sre not even close to the same quality of information.
Tim, the consultant is a fake.
Ive wondered how to discern about those guys as of more recent on Gaia…also simply that the “real CD” episodes are not even on Gaia anymore with Cory. Do you know the skippy on that? like why dont they have those? And David too? Where did you discover that he was and insert? I heard that they vet the hell outta their people but then .of course. we know that the disclosure movement is so corrupted its very hard to know anything,and thats so disheartening. Do you have any insight on it Tony?
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