• J K

    December 30, 2022 at 11:14 am

    My opinion, copied and pasted from my telegram posting with edit. Any external technology from your own body is a means of control and ultimately a distraction from your internal spiritual powers. You don’t need a medbed to save you. People already have the power to heal instantly and stay healthy. ‘They’ have suppressed us for thousands of years. Once their programing is removed we are free to fully realize our innate spiritual powers. All outside technologies are obsolete compared to our internal spiritual technology. Medbeds are a trap and a way for them to continue to control humanity. We step out of our 3d matrix just to find that there is a bigger matrix to navigate. Everyone is on their own spiritual journey. Some will jump into the medbeds and wont even question anything. How crazy is that, even after what humans have gone through. Those questioning the medbed experience are the new conspiracy theorists for the new age and will be mocked, ridiculed by the same people who were trying to inform the sheeple about pizzagate, chemtrails, NWO, extraterrestrials, etc… I’m proud that Corey Goode is talking about the Medbed deception. I thought i was alone on this.