• Duewy Enki

    November 22, 2022 at 12:39 am

    Please take some time to study your history before sharing it as the truth. Even small movements of the rudder can change the destination of the most loving vessel.

    One point I would like to address is the use of the “Savior” as a reference

    The community of Nazareth is less than 2000 years old

    Yashua was not from Nazareth but was of the Nazarine traditions

    This point may seem trivial to some but when it is examined closely the relevance is significant in so many ways.

    This reply is vague to ensure that you see here is no attacking of anyone’s information

    I do ask that you take a few moments to dig into our history. The Nazarine, like so many before and after were removed from the earth as was most of the knowledge they shared