• Will

    September 8, 2022 at 12:06 pm

    Katelynn, you look pretty young which means the deck is stacked in your favor at this time.Everyone comes in with a clean slate, and you slowly chip away at it as you get older and do selfish or negative things. Working the service to others philosophy is a easy thing to do once you understand what it requires of you. Makes sense right? So what does it require? It requires that you do for others out of the goodness of your heart without expecting something in return.So, for example, you give a family member a large sum of money to get their life together, like a apt say, and you give it free and clear with no expectation of payback etc… It has to be a true gift, no strings. If so, that helps youre whole family while also helping that person.It may even extend from that person and help people you didnt even know about. If they come to you later, after many successes and want to give that money back to you, of course you may take it,the key is to not expect it and not go looking for it. Once its gone, its gone. You understand? Your looking to do the greatest good for the maximum amount of people with every decision that comes to you.I hope that helps a little and ill see ya around here somewhere. 🙂