• Steve

    March 21, 2022 at 12:00 am

    In Cosmic Disclosure Season 10 Episode 13… May of 2018 Corey made this statement in a Q&A session:Corey:”Well, part of this process is that when a series of Solar Flashes occur after the Sun comes out of what it’s in now, Solar Minimum – which is about 11 years it stays in Solar Minimum – they expect when it pops out, it’s going to do so in a spectacular fashion, that there are going to be a number . . . And while it’s in minimum, they expect some flashes as well. Some have already occurred. And this series of Solar Flashes is going to be basically like an EMP to the Artificial Intelligence. All of the technology that it inhabits will be destroyed, and the AI signal will not be able to permeate our region of space because of this energy that is emanated from the Sun as feedback from the Cosmic Web.

    David: How do we avoid being destroyed by the loss of our technology if that is to happen?

    Corey: It will be a rough time. People will be . . . There will be a loss of life. There will be some bad things that occur, but that’s going to be the point to where a lot of these breakaway civilizations that break positive for us, after all this happens, they’re going to see that as an opportunity to bring down all of these advanced technologies to everyone on the planet at the same time and not just give it to a few elite countries and let it filter down to the rest.”

    Then again

    In Cosmic Disclosure Season 11 Episode 4…. June of 2018 Corey made the following comment: Corey: “Basically, they have stated that that is when they plan on bringing a lot of these hidden technologies forward. They expect that . . . And more recently, I was told at the end of this Solar Minimum, which is like 10 or 11 years away, is when they expect this series of solar flashes. And when this series of solar flashes occur, it is going to be basically like an EMP that’s going to destroy all the technology that the AI uses as kind of like a fish in water. It’s going to remove all of that technology. It’s going to clean all the bioelectrical fields of the planet and the other planets because this AI signal can reside in the electrical field of a planet for thousands, millions of years until technology comes by for it to piggyback on. So basically, this AI signal and all of the technology that the AI is utilizing is going to be wiped out. And at that point, they’re going to bring forth all of these technologies that we’ve been able to see in the background.”

    That would put it at 2028/2029 time frame +/-.