Free Nutrition Class-Loveland, CO

Dr. Wahls’ Menu & Lifestyle May Help Your Health & Chronic Conditions, and Your Family’s and Friends’, too

Register & Come to This Live Class on Tuesday, Dec. 5th, in Loveland, CO

Would you like to learn about Dr. Terry Wahls’ menu and lifestyle changes? She has used this lifestyle to treat conditions like MS, Diabetes, Cancer, rashes, digestive, chronic illnesses, more. I offer herbal medicine, too. This is a no-cost Information Session.

We will talk about:

  • • Dr. Wahls’ MS healthy history
  • • The changes that she made to regain her everyday health, and return to work
  • • Motivation & goals
  • • More methods: herbal medicine

I am a certified Wahls practitioner. See my website: www.TransformHealth.Biz.  See the About tab to read more about me, and see the “Contact” to sign up for my newsletter.

Register at this landing page:

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