The Blue Avians & The Law of One (2021)

Corey Goode · January 10, 2021


New 5 week course covering Corey Goode’s incredible testimony of interfacing with higher density angelic extraterrestrials and the connections and correlations to The Law of One channeled material. Course started on Saturday, January 9th, 2021, and is now fully available to watch in replays.

Five Week Course Outline
Week 1. Nature of Oneness, Reality & Creation
Week 2. The Grand Spiritual Experiment & Local ET Confederation
Week 3. Growing into Fourth Density & The Harvest/Graduation
Week 4. Life in Fourth Density (Love & Understanding)
Week 5. Transcending the Matrix of Control Through Free Will Consensus

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Course Content

Week 1. Nature of Oneness, Reality & Creation

Week 2. The Great Experiment & ET Confederations
Week 3. Growing into Fourth Density & The Harvest/Graduation
Week 4. Fourth Density Earth & Life in Higher Densities
Week 5. Transcending the Matrix of Control Through Free Will Consensus
Week 6. Bonus Q&A Session

About Instructor

Corey Goode

Corey Goode, described as the “insider’s insider,” is a Secret Space Program whistleblower & contactee, film producer & content creator based on his over 20 years experience in Unacknowledged Special Access Programs including “Project Solar Warden”, A Navy Secret Space Program that patrols our solar system and beyond. Beginning in 2014 Corey has experienced increased physical contact with ET & inner earth civilizations that prepared him to be a messenger of the importance of spiritual focus and inner work during Earth’s transition into higher density consciousness, which has already begun. Retaining many insider contacts, Corey was credited as the first to leak Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents verifying the Pentagon’s UFO investigative unit, disclosed in 2017. More info at:

4 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons