ECETI is a Magical place!

Corey Goode

UFO over ECETI Ranch


  1. It’s not the only place, James has a place in Hawaii and they seem to follow him there, or do they? Maybe there everywhere just waiting for us to call them. On 1 August History channel aired the first episode of Beyond Skin Walker Ranch and had a guest named Chris Bledsoe who has had the same type of ships from ECETI following him for decades. He had an encounter a long time ago where he was missing for a couple hours and had encountered a UFO. He returned to the people he was with and they said he had been gone for hours. That’s when it all started for Chris and he told people about it and they attacked his family so he just went quiet about it. On the show they go back to where the encounter was and they put an EEG on him. When he asks the ships to come he drops into delta waves as monitored by the EEG. Then there seems to some kind of communication going on, on the EEG and he points to the sky. within 30 secs to 5 mins a ship appears right where he pointed to. sometimes the get bright like James’s power ups, sometimes they get big and race off in another direction. But Chris seems to be calling them and he always thanks them for showing up. I think he’s the real thing, but the red head idiot, I thinks it’s Dr Taylor, at History has a closed mind about about it, until they show him the EEG’s. It was nice seeing that jerk shut up for once. If you can get a look at that show, pay close attention Chris Bledsoe’s demeanor, he reminds me of James Gilliland.

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