Ep1: Intro to The Journey Within with Dr. Starr MacKinnon
Next Episode: Ep2: Trauma - Dr. Starr MacKinnon
Mhm Hello my name is Dr Star Mckinnon I'm a
licensed clinical psychologist and I'll be serving
as your guide and fellow traveler in this eight
episode series to help you heal at a deeper level
to develop a healthy relationship with your body
spirit and mind and ultimately to transcend the
conditioning that keeps you from being all you came
to be in this lifetime So please join me as we walk
the path together on the journey within Yeah yeah
I'd like to start by introducing myself My name is
Dr Star Mckinnon licensed clinical psychologist
specializing in serving the awakening community I
myself have experienced multiple evolutionary
contracting life experiences that have helped me to
break open into higher levels of awareness and
consciousness including severe drug addiction The
sudden loss of my only sibling and facing a rare
and aggressive form of cancer that I was able to
heal spontaneously with the power of my
consciousness also that I may be here today in
service of you on your journey to your higher self
So the question is where does the journey to true
healing begin It truly begins in incarnation when
we enter a body and we entered the body as pure
awareness as this divine consciousness without
beliefs formed and we are just an observer of all
that is around us And as the ego develops we start
to identify and personalize with the objects and
things around us We start our journey with a brain
that serves as sort of a hard drive with basic
programming and the mind itself writes the software
that then becomes our automatic conditioning that
affects how we respond to life and the ego is a
function of this human mind And it's it's a product
of Darwinian evolution that was originally designed
to protect us and to keep us alive and thousands of
years ago It helped us to prevent danger or helped
us to differentiate between other tribes But these
days are oh is a lot less helpful and it's often
predicting and categorizing in ways that are not
helpful or even cause more stress And this ego
works hard from a very young age to fill up our
hard drive with beliefs and thought patterns that
are based on these early childhood experiences and
it is predominantly focused on the mental activity
of identifying and personalizing And it attach is
us two Things and experiences which then become a
part of our identity or programming and our
environment as an infant conditions us to become
program with the idea of I that is separate And so
this belief in separation from source and the other
starts to solidify in the psyche We not only become
conditioned to this idea of I but we become
conditioned to a name a gender or race or culture
et cetera For example I am star I'm a girl and I
help people just like my dad and identity forms
which becomes the foundation for how we
automatically respond to life and how we perceive
ourselves moving through the world And this
programming is further developed through
environmental social and developmental cultural
influences which then continually shape our
perception This programming includes our core
beliefs our thought patterns and our behavioral
reactions And as we grow older more complex stories
developing the subconscious about ourselves the
world and others that then create these automatic
neural networks and which shape our response to our
environment as we move through life automatically
Some other factors that influence how we respond to
life is our personality type in our genetic makeup
which is a predestined blueprint or lens which
shapes how we interact with life Are relational or
attachment style which is conditioning That
develops based on our relations early in life in
the field with others And also we all carry a
certain amount of ancestral trauma which are our
reactions predispositions and unresolved emotions
based on our prior lineage of D N A Up through our
ancestry So at some point during our awakening
process we cross a moment when we get a glimpse and
I called the sick glimpse because we most of us are
moving through life in sort of an automatic way and
just going about our day to day routine responding
to the automatic thoughts and belief systems in our
mind But then in some point at some point we
realized that our conditioning is not always
helpful or it's not always accurate based on what
we're experiencing in our reality and we in the sea
That our mind has these automatic reactions to our
environment that are often based in survival or
protection and actually when we look more closely
the majority of the time are not true So for
example you go out to dinner with a group of
friends and you're having a great time and enjoying
the company and the conversation and the topic of
the evolution of our species comes up and you get
very excited because you're passionate about this
You have a lot to say about this Yeah But then the
mind injects a fearful thought based on your ego
and conditioning So maybe when you were a young
child you started questioning the traditional
narrative and were judged or shamed or even
silenced by your family members And so you
developed a certain amount of fear around speaking
up in a group of people about your opinions So the
mind may insert a thought such as if I speak up
people will judge me or think that I'm stupid And
so in this moment we really have two choices First
choices We can feed the mind feed the fear and
really play small kind of hiding in the background
not saying a word but it's important to reflect on
how this particular choice affects how we feel
about ourselves and our relationship with ourselves
The second choice would pay that we noticed the
fear we take the fear with us and we speak up
regardless of this projected fear of the mind this
projected outcome of the mind and in the words of
Maggie Kuhn and the story of my life speak the
truth even if your voice shakes so we can choose to
speak the truth regardless of what our mind is
saying to us regardless of the fear that we're
experiencing in our bodies And give ourselves the
opportunity to see that 99% of the time the mind
our conditioning our ego is incorrect and was
warning us about something that was not actually
going to happen And if we don't make the second
choice we don't get the chance to challenge and
change our conditioning and we remain a slave to
this program It actually enhances the strength of
our conditioning if we don't challenge it and it
reinforces the same neural networks that created
the fearful thought in the first place So the moral
of this story is that we are the presence behind
the mind and beyond our conditioning and we truly
have the power to choose how we respond to our
automatic thoughts feelings and beliefs and life
circumstances And we can choose differently than
we're inclined to choose living unconsciously and
have a totally different experience of life and
ourselves And as we start to step back or more
frequently we we learn so much more about ourselves
and what we picked up along the way that is not
truly us and we begin to connect more so with a
part of ourselves that is beyond the mind and we
can become aware of our conditioning without
engaging in it We can start to watch it play out
and learn a lot about how we may or may not respond
in certain situations We start to realize that
we're not the voice in our heads that were actually
the witness that we are the awareness beyond that
voice that can make different conscious choices and
we're here more so to watch the show and let life
flow through us making those conscious choices
moment to moment So once we get a glimpse of this
observer the silence the awareness that we came
into this world as and who we really are We start
to reconnect with the divine consciousness that
started the journey in the first place and who will
be going beyond this body beyond this earthly
journey with us So with discipline we can shift our
point of perception and we can really start to
transcend this conditioning and initially we're
going to be vacillating between being aware of our
programming and getting caught up in it and then
shifting into living from or of a place of divine
awareness Being aware of why these stories of why
these automatic thoughts pop up for us but choosing
not to get hooked in and to transcend their what
they want us to do and to sit back into surrender
to life and again having a totally different
experience we start to release judgment We start to
surrender more life and let it live through us as
it's inspired to as the witness So in droids were
able to start detaching from our story all of us
have a story about who we are why we are the way we
are how we got to this place And one question that
will be exploring more deeply at a later time
together is who would you be without your story Who
would you be in this moment If you let all of that
go if you let all of your past experiences all of
your roles all of your projections about what the
future is going to look like and you just let go of
your story completely who would you be Who would be
left here experiencing So we start to transcend
this idea of personhood and individuality and we
start living more from this place of universal
awareness being expressed and experienced through
us And we start to trust the unfolding of life as
divine expression moves through us and inspires us
Instead of reacting to life according to our
conditioning we shift from a mind centered fear
based way of living to heart centered presence And
we started living from an awareness more so of the
interconnection to all you know everything is
source and we can accept that the good the bad and
the ugly is all divide Energy playing its part in
our experience for our growth and evolution So then
the question becomes well if I'm not all these
roles and all these things and if I'm not my story
then who am I really And the truth is that you're
an inseparable like fragment of the one creator or
source and were projected into these bodies for the
experience of separation and contraction for the
purpose of growth and expansion personally and
collectively And we come and do this embodiment
with a series of filters to live the experience of
remembering the truth of who we are so that the one
creator can know itself more fully and our purpose
here is to experience everything that is human
We're here to experience the conditioning the pain
the struggle the suffering and then we're here to
experience the de conditioning and the healing and
the revealing of our true or higher self and
through this process of healing and shedding lower
density consciousness In turn we elevate
consciousness for all through our
interconnectedness So we also get a chance to heal
all the generational trauma that our mothers and
grandmothers and beyond the line has been carrying
and haven't had the opportunity or the willingness
for the awareness to sit with and he'll and shift
for the generations that will follow So we really
have an opportunity here to shift the collective
lineage and in turn raise consciousness for all So
our thoughts our choices what we give our attention
to and how we direct our consciousness all affect
the collective this is truly how we can do our part
in the spiritual community there is not any one of
us that does not affect every person on the planet
There isn't a thought that you have that doesn't
affect the web of consciousness on our planet and
you have the power to choose You can choose
thoughts and perception that support the healing
and evolution of humanity And so the question
becomes how do I get myself out of the way to do
that How do I transcend this conditioning How do I
transcend this automatic reactivity How do I
release some of this pain so that I may fill my
purpose here in this lifetime And the answer to
that is this process This eight episode series of
the journey within We're going to be going within
and we're gonna be examining all the aspects of
what it means to be human and talking about how we
can shift our relationship to ourselves and life to
create that healing and fully embody the true
selves that we came to be So I'm gonna take a
moment to talk very briefly about some of the
things that we're gonna be covering in each of the
episodes and the very first episode we're gonna be
taking a look at trauma and really examining what
is trauma We'll be looking at individual versus
ancestral versus collective trauma how it affects
our body spirit mind and our relations We're gonna
be talking about the concept of shadow work and
what is shadow work and how do we approach it And
we'll also be talking about the purpose of trauma
in awakening in the purpose of trauma in evolution
and growth Everything is here to serve us
everything has a purpose and it's all about
perspective and it's all about approaching it in a
way that can serve us and the greater good of all
in the next episode will be talking about healing
and what does it mean to heal And more specifically
looking at healing mentally emotionally and
energetically And we'll be talking about the
concept of light work What is light work and what
is it involved and how do we approach that And of
course in that involves self love and shifting to a
place of of supporting ourselves rather than
criticizing or breaking ourselves down and what
gets in the way of us developing a loving and
compassionate relationship with ourselves We'll
also be talking about the role of other and healing
and how we can use relationships and our
interactions with others to help ourselves to heal
more fully And that will also be talking about the
purpose of healing in the awakening process as a
whole We'll have a whole episode dedicated to
healing the mind and really understanding what is
the mind what exactly is its function and how do we
relate to it in a healthy and balanced way to use
it to our benefit Will be covering the topics of
mindfulness and meditation and how to achieve that
or lasting connection with our presence will be
covering kind of cognitive behavioral therapy and
prospective taking which are clinical techniques to
help you to break through sticky thought patterns
and shake up some of those cycling thoughts that
just seem to keep coming back and back and again
ultimately to develop healthy relationship with our
minds so that we can use it when it's helpful to us
but it's not using or running us in an automatic
way as many people are living on this planet in
another episode will be talking about how to heal
our hearts including our emotions and looking at
what our emotions how can we use them how we can
use them for guidance or to learn messages from
beyond um connecting with our intuition and using
the concept of resonance or using the power of our
emotions to create a life that is fulfilling that
we feel really good about We'll be talking about
using our experience of emotions as human beings to
heal more deeply and to evolve Most humans are very
avoidant of the emotional experience and it
prevents us from healing at deeper levels Whereas
if we can learn to be curious and open ourselves up
to the experience of emotions we can learn so many
things about ourselves and we can really move
relatively quickly into higher levels of
consciousness if we're not afraid of anything
that's happening internally for us Uh We'll also be
talking about our connection to the nervous system
and emotions There's a very close connection
between how the nerves in our body run the energy
of emotions around and how we can um stay as
balanced as possible to have a safe and healthy
relationship with their emotions We'll be talking
about the practices of gratitude and forgiveness
and the concept of emotional expansion which allows
us to create a space for whatever emotions want to
flow through us There will be an entire episode
focused on healing our body and examining what is
the role of the body and incarnation and how do we
really take care of it mentally and emotionally and
spiritually Uh We'll be looking at specific
techniques such as grounding embodiment creating
safety how to activate our parasympathetic nervous
system which helps us to feel relaxed and calm and
connected to our bodies and helps our bodies to
heal as much as possible We'll be touching on
practices of breath work and how to use the breath
to eat more fully embodied to feel safe and to help
emotions move through our system more efficiently
We'll be talking about how to use our connection to
earth and nature um to help us feel more grounded
more embodied more in tune with ourselves and be
briefly touching on hive laboratory diets and yoga
exercise and how we can use those to really be as
connected spiritually as possible Mhm One of the
later episodes will be talking about how to heal
our spirits and really how do we stay more
connected to the broader picture and how do we
truly connect with our higher self How do we
differentiate between our higher self and our
intuition and what is communicating versus the ego
and the chatter and the conditioning I get that
question a lot We'll also be looking at career
versus purpose This is also something that people
get very confused about is what is my purpose here
versus what am I doing professionally And there is
definitely a differentiation between the two part
of that conversation will involve a reflection on
authenticity and values based living and what is
important to us What are the qualities that are
important to us that we want to embody to fully
express who we are at our core We'll also be
talking about how to connect with our true
awareness or our presence and integrating the ego
sort of creating a space for the ego That ego is
not going anywhere it was built into the mind and
what were the apparatus that we're living in but we
can learn to live in harmony with it rather than
letting it run us And in the very last episode
we're gonna be talking about healing our relations
and there's a huge amount of evolution that occurs
in the field in relationship to others and external
life There's a lot that we can do on our own and
practicing this journey within but there's also a
substantial portion of evolution that occurs in our
relationship in our energetic exchange with others
in the field and in the world around us and of
course what we're talking about how to have the
healthiest possible relationship with our little s
self and our big s self So the the eco version of
ourselves and our higher selves We'll be talking
about our relationship with family how romantic
relationships or relationships with partners and of
course our relationship to the earth and the
collective as a whole So our overall intentions for
this series is to help you understand yourself more
fully and to learn how to relate to your body
spirit in mind to achieve deeper healing and
connection with yourself and ultimately to
transcend the conditioning that prevents you from
being the bright light that you came to be in this
lifetime And so I thank you so much for taking the
time to watch this initial episode and I encourage
you to thank yourself for being willing to commit
to this process And I look forward to continuing to
walk with you on this path in the next episode of
the journey within
licensed clinical psychologist and I'll be serving
as your guide and fellow traveler in this eight
episode series to help you heal at a deeper level
to develop a healthy relationship with your body
spirit and mind and ultimately to transcend the
conditioning that keeps you from being all you came
to be in this lifetime So please join me as we walk
the path together on the journey within Yeah yeah
I'd like to start by introducing myself My name is
Dr Star Mckinnon licensed clinical psychologist
specializing in serving the awakening community I
myself have experienced multiple evolutionary
contracting life experiences that have helped me to
break open into higher levels of awareness and
consciousness including severe drug addiction The
sudden loss of my only sibling and facing a rare
and aggressive form of cancer that I was able to
heal spontaneously with the power of my
consciousness also that I may be here today in
service of you on your journey to your higher self
So the question is where does the journey to true
healing begin It truly begins in incarnation when
we enter a body and we entered the body as pure
awareness as this divine consciousness without
beliefs formed and we are just an observer of all
that is around us And as the ego develops we start
to identify and personalize with the objects and
things around us We start our journey with a brain
that serves as sort of a hard drive with basic
programming and the mind itself writes the software
that then becomes our automatic conditioning that
affects how we respond to life and the ego is a
function of this human mind And it's it's a product
of Darwinian evolution that was originally designed
to protect us and to keep us alive and thousands of
years ago It helped us to prevent danger or helped
us to differentiate between other tribes But these
days are oh is a lot less helpful and it's often
predicting and categorizing in ways that are not
helpful or even cause more stress And this ego
works hard from a very young age to fill up our
hard drive with beliefs and thought patterns that
are based on these early childhood experiences and
it is predominantly focused on the mental activity
of identifying and personalizing And it attach is
us two Things and experiences which then become a
part of our identity or programming and our
environment as an infant conditions us to become
program with the idea of I that is separate And so
this belief in separation from source and the other
starts to solidify in the psyche We not only become
conditioned to this idea of I but we become
conditioned to a name a gender or race or culture
et cetera For example I am star I'm a girl and I
help people just like my dad and identity forms
which becomes the foundation for how we
automatically respond to life and how we perceive
ourselves moving through the world And this
programming is further developed through
environmental social and developmental cultural
influences which then continually shape our
perception This programming includes our core
beliefs our thought patterns and our behavioral
reactions And as we grow older more complex stories
developing the subconscious about ourselves the
world and others that then create these automatic
neural networks and which shape our response to our
environment as we move through life automatically
Some other factors that influence how we respond to
life is our personality type in our genetic makeup
which is a predestined blueprint or lens which
shapes how we interact with life Are relational or
attachment style which is conditioning That
develops based on our relations early in life in
the field with others And also we all carry a
certain amount of ancestral trauma which are our
reactions predispositions and unresolved emotions
based on our prior lineage of D N A Up through our
ancestry So at some point during our awakening
process we cross a moment when we get a glimpse and
I called the sick glimpse because we most of us are
moving through life in sort of an automatic way and
just going about our day to day routine responding
to the automatic thoughts and belief systems in our
mind But then in some point at some point we
realized that our conditioning is not always
helpful or it's not always accurate based on what
we're experiencing in our reality and we in the sea
That our mind has these automatic reactions to our
environment that are often based in survival or
protection and actually when we look more closely
the majority of the time are not true So for
example you go out to dinner with a group of
friends and you're having a great time and enjoying
the company and the conversation and the topic of
the evolution of our species comes up and you get
very excited because you're passionate about this
You have a lot to say about this Yeah But then the
mind injects a fearful thought based on your ego
and conditioning So maybe when you were a young
child you started questioning the traditional
narrative and were judged or shamed or even
silenced by your family members And so you
developed a certain amount of fear around speaking
up in a group of people about your opinions So the
mind may insert a thought such as if I speak up
people will judge me or think that I'm stupid And
so in this moment we really have two choices First
choices We can feed the mind feed the fear and
really play small kind of hiding in the background
not saying a word but it's important to reflect on
how this particular choice affects how we feel
about ourselves and our relationship with ourselves
The second choice would pay that we noticed the
fear we take the fear with us and we speak up
regardless of this projected fear of the mind this
projected outcome of the mind and in the words of
Maggie Kuhn and the story of my life speak the
truth even if your voice shakes so we can choose to
speak the truth regardless of what our mind is
saying to us regardless of the fear that we're
experiencing in our bodies And give ourselves the
opportunity to see that 99% of the time the mind
our conditioning our ego is incorrect and was
warning us about something that was not actually
going to happen And if we don't make the second
choice we don't get the chance to challenge and
change our conditioning and we remain a slave to
this program It actually enhances the strength of
our conditioning if we don't challenge it and it
reinforces the same neural networks that created
the fearful thought in the first place So the moral
of this story is that we are the presence behind
the mind and beyond our conditioning and we truly
have the power to choose how we respond to our
automatic thoughts feelings and beliefs and life
circumstances And we can choose differently than
we're inclined to choose living unconsciously and
have a totally different experience of life and
ourselves And as we start to step back or more
frequently we we learn so much more about ourselves
and what we picked up along the way that is not
truly us and we begin to connect more so with a
part of ourselves that is beyond the mind and we
can become aware of our conditioning without
engaging in it We can start to watch it play out
and learn a lot about how we may or may not respond
in certain situations We start to realize that
we're not the voice in our heads that were actually
the witness that we are the awareness beyond that
voice that can make different conscious choices and
we're here more so to watch the show and let life
flow through us making those conscious choices
moment to moment So once we get a glimpse of this
observer the silence the awareness that we came
into this world as and who we really are We start
to reconnect with the divine consciousness that
started the journey in the first place and who will
be going beyond this body beyond this earthly
journey with us So with discipline we can shift our
point of perception and we can really start to
transcend this conditioning and initially we're
going to be vacillating between being aware of our
programming and getting caught up in it and then
shifting into living from or of a place of divine
awareness Being aware of why these stories of why
these automatic thoughts pop up for us but choosing
not to get hooked in and to transcend their what
they want us to do and to sit back into surrender
to life and again having a totally different
experience we start to release judgment We start to
surrender more life and let it live through us as
it's inspired to as the witness So in droids were
able to start detaching from our story all of us
have a story about who we are why we are the way we
are how we got to this place And one question that
will be exploring more deeply at a later time
together is who would you be without your story Who
would you be in this moment If you let all of that
go if you let all of your past experiences all of
your roles all of your projections about what the
future is going to look like and you just let go of
your story completely who would you be Who would be
left here experiencing So we start to transcend
this idea of personhood and individuality and we
start living more from this place of universal
awareness being expressed and experienced through
us And we start to trust the unfolding of life as
divine expression moves through us and inspires us
Instead of reacting to life according to our
conditioning we shift from a mind centered fear
based way of living to heart centered presence And
we started living from an awareness more so of the
interconnection to all you know everything is
source and we can accept that the good the bad and
the ugly is all divide Energy playing its part in
our experience for our growth and evolution So then
the question becomes well if I'm not all these
roles and all these things and if I'm not my story
then who am I really And the truth is that you're
an inseparable like fragment of the one creator or
source and were projected into these bodies for the
experience of separation and contraction for the
purpose of growth and expansion personally and
collectively And we come and do this embodiment
with a series of filters to live the experience of
remembering the truth of who we are so that the one
creator can know itself more fully and our purpose
here is to experience everything that is human
We're here to experience the conditioning the pain
the struggle the suffering and then we're here to
experience the de conditioning and the healing and
the revealing of our true or higher self and
through this process of healing and shedding lower
density consciousness In turn we elevate
consciousness for all through our
interconnectedness So we also get a chance to heal
all the generational trauma that our mothers and
grandmothers and beyond the line has been carrying
and haven't had the opportunity or the willingness
for the awareness to sit with and he'll and shift
for the generations that will follow So we really
have an opportunity here to shift the collective
lineage and in turn raise consciousness for all So
our thoughts our choices what we give our attention
to and how we direct our consciousness all affect
the collective this is truly how we can do our part
in the spiritual community there is not any one of
us that does not affect every person on the planet
There isn't a thought that you have that doesn't
affect the web of consciousness on our planet and
you have the power to choose You can choose
thoughts and perception that support the healing
and evolution of humanity And so the question
becomes how do I get myself out of the way to do
that How do I transcend this conditioning How do I
transcend this automatic reactivity How do I
release some of this pain so that I may fill my
purpose here in this lifetime And the answer to
that is this process This eight episode series of
the journey within We're going to be going within
and we're gonna be examining all the aspects of
what it means to be human and talking about how we
can shift our relationship to ourselves and life to
create that healing and fully embody the true
selves that we came to be So I'm gonna take a
moment to talk very briefly about some of the
things that we're gonna be covering in each of the
episodes and the very first episode we're gonna be
taking a look at trauma and really examining what
is trauma We'll be looking at individual versus
ancestral versus collective trauma how it affects
our body spirit mind and our relations We're gonna
be talking about the concept of shadow work and
what is shadow work and how do we approach it And
we'll also be talking about the purpose of trauma
in awakening in the purpose of trauma in evolution
and growth Everything is here to serve us
everything has a purpose and it's all about
perspective and it's all about approaching it in a
way that can serve us and the greater good of all
in the next episode will be talking about healing
and what does it mean to heal And more specifically
looking at healing mentally emotionally and
energetically And we'll be talking about the
concept of light work What is light work and what
is it involved and how do we approach that And of
course in that involves self love and shifting to a
place of of supporting ourselves rather than
criticizing or breaking ourselves down and what
gets in the way of us developing a loving and
compassionate relationship with ourselves We'll
also be talking about the role of other and healing
and how we can use relationships and our
interactions with others to help ourselves to heal
more fully And that will also be talking about the
purpose of healing in the awakening process as a
whole We'll have a whole episode dedicated to
healing the mind and really understanding what is
the mind what exactly is its function and how do we
relate to it in a healthy and balanced way to use
it to our benefit Will be covering the topics of
mindfulness and meditation and how to achieve that
or lasting connection with our presence will be
covering kind of cognitive behavioral therapy and
prospective taking which are clinical techniques to
help you to break through sticky thought patterns
and shake up some of those cycling thoughts that
just seem to keep coming back and back and again
ultimately to develop healthy relationship with our
minds so that we can use it when it's helpful to us
but it's not using or running us in an automatic
way as many people are living on this planet in
another episode will be talking about how to heal
our hearts including our emotions and looking at
what our emotions how can we use them how we can
use them for guidance or to learn messages from
beyond um connecting with our intuition and using
the concept of resonance or using the power of our
emotions to create a life that is fulfilling that
we feel really good about We'll be talking about
using our experience of emotions as human beings to
heal more deeply and to evolve Most humans are very
avoidant of the emotional experience and it
prevents us from healing at deeper levels Whereas
if we can learn to be curious and open ourselves up
to the experience of emotions we can learn so many
things about ourselves and we can really move
relatively quickly into higher levels of
consciousness if we're not afraid of anything
that's happening internally for us Uh We'll also be
talking about our connection to the nervous system
and emotions There's a very close connection
between how the nerves in our body run the energy
of emotions around and how we can um stay as
balanced as possible to have a safe and healthy
relationship with their emotions We'll be talking
about the practices of gratitude and forgiveness
and the concept of emotional expansion which allows
us to create a space for whatever emotions want to
flow through us There will be an entire episode
focused on healing our body and examining what is
the role of the body and incarnation and how do we
really take care of it mentally and emotionally and
spiritually Uh We'll be looking at specific
techniques such as grounding embodiment creating
safety how to activate our parasympathetic nervous
system which helps us to feel relaxed and calm and
connected to our bodies and helps our bodies to
heal as much as possible We'll be touching on
practices of breath work and how to use the breath
to eat more fully embodied to feel safe and to help
emotions move through our system more efficiently
We'll be talking about how to use our connection to
earth and nature um to help us feel more grounded
more embodied more in tune with ourselves and be
briefly touching on hive laboratory diets and yoga
exercise and how we can use those to really be as
connected spiritually as possible Mhm One of the
later episodes will be talking about how to heal
our spirits and really how do we stay more
connected to the broader picture and how do we
truly connect with our higher self How do we
differentiate between our higher self and our
intuition and what is communicating versus the ego
and the chatter and the conditioning I get that
question a lot We'll also be looking at career
versus purpose This is also something that people
get very confused about is what is my purpose here
versus what am I doing professionally And there is
definitely a differentiation between the two part
of that conversation will involve a reflection on
authenticity and values based living and what is
important to us What are the qualities that are
important to us that we want to embody to fully
express who we are at our core We'll also be
talking about how to connect with our true
awareness or our presence and integrating the ego
sort of creating a space for the ego That ego is
not going anywhere it was built into the mind and
what were the apparatus that we're living in but we
can learn to live in harmony with it rather than
letting it run us And in the very last episode
we're gonna be talking about healing our relations
and there's a huge amount of evolution that occurs
in the field in relationship to others and external
life There's a lot that we can do on our own and
practicing this journey within but there's also a
substantial portion of evolution that occurs in our
relationship in our energetic exchange with others
in the field and in the world around us and of
course what we're talking about how to have the
healthiest possible relationship with our little s
self and our big s self So the the eco version of
ourselves and our higher selves We'll be talking
about our relationship with family how romantic
relationships or relationships with partners and of
course our relationship to the earth and the
collective as a whole So our overall intentions for
this series is to help you understand yourself more
fully and to learn how to relate to your body
spirit in mind to achieve deeper healing and
connection with yourself and ultimately to
transcend the conditioning that prevents you from
being the bright light that you came to be in this
lifetime And so I thank you so much for taking the
time to watch this initial episode and I encourage
you to thank yourself for being willing to commit
to this process And I look forward to continuing to
walk with you on this path in the next episode of
the journey within
People: Dr. Starr MacKinnon
Topics: Metaphysics, Series Preview, Spirituality
Thank you, Dr. Mackinnon for the initiation sharing.
Looking forward to the next teaching, as in the age of 70 and reallyI need healing in order to breathe deeply, and healing from trauma so the different relationships to my self, kids, and the earth will be more harmony.
Thank you
Thank you Dr. Starr. Starting this journey with you today.
Love and light to you.
wauw so helpful. thank you Dr. Starr. I am looking forward to more. such a pleasant vibe.
Very intriguing and grateful to Starr💖
I like her energy–so peppy!
This introduction and reading Corey Goode’s summery of his class lets me know how much work I have to do. I look forward to it and also taking it slow enough to rest on what I’ve learned and then learning how to assimilate all of this powerful information in to this one vessel called me.
In Love and Light✨
🌈𝙋𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙏𝙤 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙊𝙪𝙩 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚🌎
This is beautifully amazing to incorporate into out being.
Defenders of Light. How do i get onto this site. Google wont let me in obviously..!!!??
Very much appreciated thankyou 🙏
Blessing,,, thank you so much..
Super Introduction …….. full of wonderful insight. Looking forward to more. Thank You.
Love it!!!!
How and where do I sign up for this course?
Thank you 🙏
A very well-thought-out summary of what should prove to be a great program. Thank you, Dr. Starr, for all you are doing to further mankind’s conscious unfoldment.
I am really looking forward to this series. Thankful to finding myself here to watch the first one.
Thank you for this video
Thanks to Dr Starr for bringing this series to group members. I am looking forward to learning how to navigate The Journey Within.
incredible, finally a dr that speaks, of what’s happening to us rather than saying you have this or, what seems to be the problem? I’m going to learn a great deal from this soul, thank you for taking the time to help, many thanks xx