Liam Erelim Interview with Corey Goode - July 2024
Corey Goode discusses his early recruitment into a secretive military program, his experiences with extraterrestrial beings, and the profound challenges and threats he faced while disclosing his story. He also touches on his future projects in entertainment and documentary filmmaking, aiming to share his experiences with a broader audience. They bring up an upcoming event in São Paulo which will include additional revelations on extraterrestrial activities and disclosure.
Liam Erelim: Hi, everyone. This is Liam Erelim from Ascension Wisdom Channel in English and Educaçâo Consciencial in Portuguese.
And today I'm talking to Corey Goode. Hi, Corey. How are you?
Corey Goode: Doing well. How about you?
Liam: Good, good. Always nice talking to you. Thank you very much for your time. And we are very excited to having you in Brazil in September.
Corey: I'm looking forward to it. I had a blast last time. Where was it that we went last time? I can't remember.
Liam: Florianopolis. Florianopolis, south of Brazil in 2020.
Corey: Yeah, it was beautiful. The people were awesome – very friendly, very knowledgeable about all of these subjects. I'm looking forward to reconnecting.
Liam: Sure, sure. It would be great. So Corey will be with us in September 21st and 22nd in São Paulo this time for the [unintelligible] event. It's only in Portuguese, unfortunately, for people who only speak English.
But, anyways, Corey, I'm going to start our talk focusing on people who might not know your story and not know you.
So I have a short bio from your website, So it is said here – and you can comment a little bit. I'm going to ask you a few things.
So “identified as an intuitive empath, Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of 6. And Goode trained and served in the MILAB program from 1976 until '86 or '87.”
Let's start talking about this. So, how was it? So you're just six years old and you were recruited. So how does it work?
Corey: Well, they identified people through some sort of . . . They were coming out with standardized testing, the computer-based testing, and they were . . . basically our school was a satellite of where they were testing it before they implemented it statewide.
And little did we know, it was also being used by the government to look for anomalous people or people who have certain abilities.
Somehow, they engineered a way to tell if a person was likely to have abilities and then they would send kind of like a teacher, but I don't know what you would call them, but someone from the school district that would come out and . . . whatever, if there was like one kid or three kids at that school that showed possible abilities, they would then meet with them.
The lady that met with me was named Miss Hill.
And then they would put you through a testing . . . another testing process one-on-one. And then they'd determine if you have the abilities. And if you do, they somehow arrange it to where you're put into some sort of program that is an extracurricular program that allows you to be taken from school a certain amount of days a week and taken on “field trips” and to work with other gifted or whatever children, whatever you're identified as.
And then what they really do is they secretly take you to a military base and train you and test you and use you as a lab animal in some cases and as an intelligence asset in others.
Liam: Okay, so, so you participated in this MILAB program and, by the way, what does MILAB stand for?
Corey: Well, that's something that I think civilian researchers created, MILAB. And it's M-I-L-A-B. It stands for “Military Abductions”.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: Yeah. But we always refer to it as “Project Moon Shadow”.
Liam: Okay. That's an interesting thing to know. So you participated on that is like they identify kids with those abilities and they take them into these military bases to be trained.
So how you as a kid perceived that? So were you aware of what's . . . what was going on and your parents? How does it work?
Corey: Yes, well they would take you and put you through training or testing or whatever – sometimes very bizarre stuff – and then at the end they would give you refreshments and there were psychotropic drugs in them. And then they would show you those old reel-to-reel movies.
They would show you . . . I remember the one that I remember . . . Because some of us would have the ability even though they were “blank-slating” or trying to remove memories, we had the ability to recall it anyway. It just kind of came back.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: And one of the ones I recalled was: we had been training in an abandoned mall, like military-type training. And then at the end of the session, they gave us the snacks and all of that and then we're watching a movie and the movie was of someone being guided through the Fort Worth Museum of Natural History.
And all of this . . . when we were brought back to school, believed that we had really gone to the museum.
Liam: Okay. Okay. So you never mention anything at home, right? Or you just thought that you were going to field trips or weird and strange field trips but you thought that every kid was going through that. Is that the way . . . more or less?
Corey: Yeah. Yeah.
Liam: Okay, so no need to mention anything at home as you thought that everyone was going through it.
Corey: Well, I knew that the kids that were in this program that were being picked up in white vans were going through it but I didn't think all the other kids were.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: I just knew that . . . And for the memories that I had until days or weeks later when I would get bits and pieces of what really happened, my memory was that I was picked up and had a wonderful time at the museum.
Liam: Okay. Okay. It makes sense. So you were trained from the age of six until 17. Is that correct?
Corey: Yeah, just before my 17th birthday.
Liam: Okay, so of course the training was . . . they were very different from the age of 6, 8, maybe 10 until you were a teenager. It changed a lot, right?
Corey: Oh, yeah.
Liam: Were you trained to a specific situation or to lots of situations?
Corey: Lots, a whole lot of situations. And part of the training as we got older was way before virtual reality. And they didn't use goggles. They used neural interface, these little nodes that your body . . . you leaned up against the back of a chair and these little nodes on the chairs were touching your arms and everywhere. And it leaned back and it somehow . . . the images were in your head.
And you would not realize that you were in virtual reality. You would actually be so immersed in the experience that you would think you were really there. So you would think you're really on a mission.
Or if they put you in a scary scenario, a survival scenario, which I think they did out of . . . because they were sick in the head but also the training. But they would put you in scenarios against giant spiders or werewolves or all kinds of weird stuff.
Liam: Okay, so we're talking about the early '80s, right?
Corey: Yes.
Liam: Just to make a perspective.
Corey: Yeah, that would have been from 1976 to about 1986, December of '86.
Liam: Okay. Okay, so just the people know the technology that you're talking about to the period of time because we talk about it in 2024. We are now talking about those things and you're saying that it happened a while ago.
So what happened when you turned 17?
Corey: When I was 17? I was picked up in the middle of the night from my home and brought to the same military base that we did our training. And there I was informed that I was being enlisted in a mandatory “20-and-Back Program” to where you would go off-world and sometimes out of the star system and serve 20 years of service, and then you are age-regressed and put back into time, around the same time that they took you.
I was informed that I was being pulled into that and then I did the “20-and-Back” and that's what I . . . I started having memories. They had blank-slated all of that or erased the memories.
But after I had an eye-injury and a detached retina, when they did the eye surgery, it caused memory recall and threw me into a lot of confusion. And it was probably maybe two years after that I contacted David Wilcock, who I had talked to since 2009 about other things.
He brought me to a streaming platform and we did eight seasons of a television show called “Cosmic Disclosure”.
After that we did two documentaries. One is called “Above Majestic” and the other is “The Cosmic Secret”, and they went viral.
And then I told most of my story in those settings and in my graphic novel. And then after that that's when we started seeing all the larps . . . all the hundreds and hundreds of people saying that they were in the Secret Space Program.
The genesis of that was my television show going viral.
Liam: Okay. Oh, we are definitely going to touch that subject. First, let me just help the audience to understand: what is the “20-and-Back Program”? So when you got the news, you were 17 and so someone told you that you're going to spend 20 years somewhere and then you're going to come back and age regress so you . . . So you're going to come back to your present time but you're going to spend 20 years away from your friends and family.
So how did you take that and how did “20-and-Back” function? What did you do there?
Corey: Well, I was immediately assigned to a research vessel. I was very upset, of course, and I guess they had had this problem before.
The Captain said he didn't want another, basically, “crying child on his ship. It's too much of a distraction.” So they took me to work with another group who interrogated and interviewed different aliens that they encountered coming in and out of our star system.
After I had almost a year, I had finally acclimated and I had a bad attitude. I wasn't very happy to be there, but I wasn't an emotional mess anymore.
And then they reassigned me back to the research vessel. And I served on that. That was my base of operations and then I would . . . they . . . I was all over the place – all over the Solar System. And later on I figured out we were in other star systems.
So it was a part of Project Solar Warden that was set up in the '80s with technologies we had acquired and developed. And it was during that time period that we could first police our own Solar System.
And we didn't realize . . . There were different alien groups coming in and stealing humans, abducting them in mass and had been doing so for thousands and thousands of years. And we finally had the technology to protect our planet to a degree.
And so Solar Warden was sort of policing the Solar System, and then all of these other Secret Space Programs kind of branched off of that first mission.
Liam: Okay, so when you get back, you get back to . . . you're 17, again, right? So you age regress. You come back to that present period and you go to college and you have a regular life and you find work and you get married. So life goes on, right, without any memory of anything that happened. Is that quite a way . . . and the memory came back later, as you said, on the eye surgery.
Corey: I had flashes of memory and little bits of memory but not . . . not much at all. But after the eye injury, it all flooded back and the little pieces that I did know kind of all of a sudden connected. And it was like this building process in my head. And for weeks if not months I was just going over and trying to make sense because your psyche . . . Part of your psychology is you have a time reference like from when you were born till now. They call it the zero-point reference up until however old you are. And that's how your mind makes sense of the world and experiences and all those types of things.
And when you have two layers of memories over the same time period, it's a lot for your mind to deal with.
Liam: Yeah, definitely. I can imagine. So when you did the show with David Wilcock and you told your story and you told details from the beginning. It's amazing. I watched them all.
So some interesting things happened along the way, right, from the first to the last season. You were starting to remembering things but you had some other context, right, and some repercussions on the things that you were saying at that time. Can you talk a little bit about that?
Corey: Yeah, it was really bizarre. During that time period we started being harassed by military helicopters and just weird things happening – people turning on our water hose in the middle of the night or shining lights through my daughter's window, you know, just weird harassment things. People leaving a bullet on my . . . the front window where before I open the door in the duplex we lived in at the time.
We had that going on. We had, all of a sudden, Shadow Beings in our house. Our children were being harassed by these, like, demonic Shadow Beings. We had stuff like little feet walking on the roof of our house, UFOs around, all around. It was like just crazy active.
So we were dealing with that.
Of course, anyone that comes out with a story like this, all of the people, the trolls out there that are just looking for something to jump on, they all coordinated and started cyberstalking us, and we had stalkers with our family.
We had that going on, and at the same time I'm having these new experiences with the Blue Avians and other groups.
And it was different than anything I'd ever experienced even in the “20-and-Back Program.” This was almost cartoonish or like just too far out there. Even if you've seen different ET groups, these extra-dimensional beings were . . . They felt different. They looked different. They were just something completely different.
So in the programs I didn't deal with extra-dimensional beings or anything like that. They were discussed but theoretically.
So I started having all these contacts and they were giving me all this information, which went viral all across the world – the information from the Blue Avians and then this group that has cities within the Inner Earth called the Anshar.
One of their big cities was somewhat off the shore of Brazil, actually, off-shore out into the ocean but very, very, very deep. And that's where their main city was, and they reached out, and I started having contact.
So life got very weird. We were having demonic entities come in our home, Shadow Beings. We had Poltergeist activity – things flying across. My son's remote-control cars just driving around on their own. It was REALLY bizarre, really bizarre stuff.
But it all kind of just built up, built up, built up, and I was given the extent of the information that the Blue Avians and these other groups were going to give me, and the opposition I had from the negative side trying to prevent me from putting the information out, kind of hit a crescendo, and it resulted in all sorts of crazy activity.
I had lawsuits against the stalkers. We were contacting the FBI and the police. The police were patrolling our neighborhood for months at a time. It just reached a crazy, crazy level.
And when I first came out with my information, I changed details just because we knew all the fakes were going to come out, and then did. And they used my terms and they . . . all the stuff that I changed.
But I knew when I came out that it was going to be dangerous, and there were threats of . . . death threats in the beginning, but the way they neutralize a person like me is through public ridicule and destroying reputations.
And they . . . That is far more successful for them than killing people.
So, yeah, the people that are being harassed the most, you should at least think “why”, you know, wonder why.
Liam: Yeah. Yeah. You're completely right. You made me remember something because you said, “When I came out with that information . . .”, so at first you were posting Anonymous, right, and something happened and then you HAD to come out with that information. You were already talking to David Wilcock but you haven't put out your name, right, so . . . but you HAD to. Something happened there, right?
Corey: Yeah, I was talking to a couple of UFO researcher-types of people.
David Wilcock I started sharing information in 2009. And then around 2013, I contacted Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot and started giving her information. Told her I had to be kept anonymous, and instead she did a big exposé video using my name, details of where I lived and . . . you know, the city I lived and put my family in EXTREME danger.
They're the only reason . . . I planned on just giving researchers information anonymously.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: This person outed me, and I was getting all sorts of death threats, crazy stuff happening around my house.
That's when David Wilcock said, “You know what? The best way to protect yourself is just to put it all out in public. And that's when we did the television show and then later the two documentaries.
Liam: Okay, yeah. Yeah, I can see that. So you were talking about all the larps or that . . . that's the . . . those people that are faking that they're participating on the Secret Space Program.
So when you came out with that information, you said that people were going to do that.
Corey: Yeah.
Liam: And you were seeing . . . You're still seeing people doing it?
And another thing that's pretty common, and I can say, of course, in our own way, me and La'El, we go through similar stuff because that's just how they operate, right?
When you said that people . . . When you come with new information, people start using that information as their own. So that's pretty much standard all over the globe.
You are going to be ridiculed. Of course, that's the standard procedure for them, right?
And also people around you are going to betray you at some point.
So those three things . . . We go through the same thing. We watch people go through the same thing. And if you'd like to comment, so those three things you said that it was going to happen. It happened. It is still happening.
How do you deal with that? So I know you took some legal actions. How do you feel about that? If you could come back in time, would you take those same measures? Would you tell people that this was going to happen? Maybe you would change the way you talk about things.
Let's talk about that a little bit.
Corey: Yeah, I absolutely . . . Well, I definitely wouldn't have told my story through the streaming platform I was on. They were terrible and actively trying to steal my story. And then they started encouraging larps to come on the show. So I wouldn't have released it that way.
I wish that David Wilcock and I had just recorded it all on our own and then released it in different ways that have more copyright and trademark protection.
Because, yeah, this community, you know, about 30~40% of the people are nuttier than squirrel crap. I mean, like, they're just some nutty people.
They're also some very cunning people who, if they see someone becoming famous and making money, then they just go and mimic it.
And people in this community instead of, like, using their discernment and saying, “Oh, that sounds too much like this other guys, that . . .”, they . . . It's entertainment.
We can talk about “this is Disclosure”, this is a movement, this is my mission but it's entertainment. We're pushing . . . We want Disclosure and all of that, but the people in our positions, we have to realize the vast majority of the people watching us, it's entertainment.
And they have no loyalty to the truth. They just want to be entertained. And that's what a good deal of this community is. They're just looking for something that resonates and entertains them, and they'll jump around and they have no loyalty to the truth.
If someone tells a similar story that's obviously manufactured, as long as it's in that storyline that they like so much, they'll just go along with it.
So, yeah, I would have done things quite a bit differently.
I quite honestly would have interacted within this community quite a bit less. I did a “Unity in the Community” push in 2017 and tried to bring all of these different people together – that's before I knew how many crazy people were a part of these groups – but that was the worst thing I ever did was trying to bring everybody and unite everybody because this information is . . . everyone says they're “anti-religion” in this community but they treat their “truth” as a religion.
We're doing a television show about all of the experiences and about how human can . . . how humans consume this information and how whether it goes to the left or the right side of the brain and what they do with it, and how humans are just programmed to turn things into religions and theologies.
And I think different ET groups or whatever else is here on Earth are taking advantage of that to manipulate people in this community and elsewhere to keep them away from growing and away from truth.
Liam: Yeah, I completely agree. You talked before about those two documentaries that you released and it was a blast for sure, and now you're working on a series and you're working on video games and movies.
So you changed to entertainment in a way. So why is that? And what are you working on?
Corey: Well, I mean, I have thousands and thousands of people that have taken my information, fictionalized it and are out doing books, courses, all kinds of crazy stuff, making money and all turning on me and attacking me saying I'm fake and they're the real ones even though they are using my information and came out after me. It's crazy.
But, yeah, we just finished shooting a documentary about my family and their experiences with Shadow Beings and aliens and stalkers from the community and some of the crazy personality, more famous people, that we've dealt with in the community. My children tell their story.
It was very chilling to listen to them tell some of these things.
That documentary is going to come out at the end of this year, possibly at the beginning of next year, but we think it's going to be out at the end of this year.
We're still kicking around the name for it.
And then at end of this year we're going to begin shooting a television series that is about our experiences just in the . . . since we came out on television, . . .
Liam: Okay.
Corey: . . . going to events, stalkers that have fixated on us, all sorts of stuff. People that we worked with that were sexually abusing women, you know, telling them they can “heal them of their traumas” with their body and tricking them. You know, women that are looking for healing and growth were being taken advantage of. It happens a lot in this community.
There's a bunch of different things . . . It's going to be an exposé on kind of the underbelly of the community.
But we're also going to cover the beautiful, wonderful people in the community, too. It's not going to be an attack piece.
Liam: Okay. Okay. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Corey: Also, we are working with a production company. We're going to do a live-action television series based on my life story. I know you know who they are but don't say. There's a couple of really, really big A-listers who might be executive producing. And we've spoken to some pretty big writers.
So, hopefully, it'll take about maybe two years to get that into production. We're having a pilot episode written.
And then we have a video game that is a . . . kind of a third-person shooter, live service game. It's going to be very similar to “Hell Divers 2” except that it's going to have a lot of the information that I've brought all throughout it, all throughout the game.
And the game's going to connect with the television series.
And, also, we have authors working on a sci-fi book series that . . . it's all going to tie together.
So it's a lot of work, but that's what we're working on now.
And after everyone took my information and was fictionalizing it, it just became this crazy thing. The ship had sailed so I decided to push forward. Millions and millions and millions of people are going to see this TV show and play these games.
And I'm going to be able to affect the mass consciousness on a much higher level than just dabbling around in the community.
Liam: Yeah, definitely. So you're working on two fronts, as I see. One, the true story: documentaries, how things happened, your intake on that, your experience, and the other one: on sci-fi and TV shows to get information to people who don't consume . . . they're not in this community. They're not interested yet in this content, but they're into sci-fi and younger people that are going to have those video games.
And I can see how the information is going to get to them, but my question to you is that, well, on the sci-fi part of things, I think you're pretty much safe. Everyone loves sci-fi, and you can always say that it's just based on a true story, and this is fiction and everything's all right.
But on the documentary, you're showing your family. They're giving their intake. Don't you . . . I'm not sure if fear is the word, but I'm going to say it on the lack of a better word. Don't you fear more things coming into you or your family, or you're just . . . “I had it all. There's nothing that they can do more than they already did.”
Corey: We've pretty much had it all between lawsuits, stalkers, my deposition was leaked and . . . from one of our lawsuits where I couldn't go into court and say, “I've been to outer space and I talked to 8-foot tall blue birds. I want to win my lawsuit.” That's not how it works in lawsuits. They would throw it out and put me in the mental hospital.
So I said that all this stuff was my creation, which I had tweaked stuff, and that I was trademarking it to protect it.
And it was released and people took whatever context they wanted out of it and I think that the Powers-That-Be feel like I've been discredited thoroughly enough.
And the fact that I'm doing science fiction at the same time that I'm telling the true story of what we went through, I think it's become so muddled, everything has become such a mess from all of the attacks that I don't think they're worried.
I think they're more worried right now about David Grusch and some of these other people that are trying to bring information out.
We've made note for our television show that the same people that cyberstalked me are now cyberstalking him and the other whistleblowers coming out. So it's all coordinated.
Liam: Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say: it's coordinated. And people . . . they don't have any idea how this game is played, how things happen.
When we watch your story from outside and then we kind in a way that we are linked in some things and doing similar things in other countries, we definitely see that it's global. It's a standard procedure all other the place.
So the way you described the community, you're describing probably the community in the U.S. or English speakers, but I can tell you the Portuguese speakers, Spanish speakers, 100% the same.
So the way that the – let's call them the “opposition” – they act is petty much the same all over the globe.
So if people are really looking for the truth and are paying attention to the way things are happening, they will see that it's the same minds applied to ridicule anyone that tries to give information.
You mentioned David Grusch. So, his curriculum is amazing. 100% no one can question him. He was an intelligence officer, the US Army, for so many years, and now people are questioning his sanity and his information.
So, that's the way they go. That's the standard procedure, right?
So, I believe that links on the information that you plan to talk with us in September in Brazil. Is that right?
Corey: Yes. Yes, it does.
From when I first started having these experiences, these extra-dimensional beings, in 2013 in earnest is when it happened until now, my understanding of what I've been dealing with has changed quite a bit.
And I've received briefings from people on Grusch's level that . . . There are three things we're dealing with here:
There are around four or five ET groups that are visiting the Earth – not constantly but visiting Earth – is the first thing they say we're dealing with.
The next thing they say we're dealing with are other dimensional beings, planets just like ours in another dimension and something's crossing over to ours.
They think some of the beings and things we're dealing with are . . . even Bigfoot might even be from other dimensions that are coming, crossing over.
And then they believe that there is what they call an ultraterrestrial presence on the Earth that is not physical. It's like a thought-form.
And this thought-form has infected the mass-consciousness of humanity and it uses us to manifest things.
And it has the ability to manifest as a Gray alien, a Reptilian and a flying saucer. Apparently, it used to represent itself to us as fairies and spirits of the forest when we were less sophisticated.
But the government believes that most of what we are dealing with on this planet, even the abductions, is from this ultraterrestrial presence.
I don't know fully what to think about that yet because I've had physical interaction with the Grays and the Reptilians. And one of the things is the Grays, when they've had crashed vehicles, they have done autopsies on the Gray aliens and some of them seemed like they were just kind of printed into this reality on an atomic level.
Many of them, when they would do the autopsy, the esophagus didn't terminate into the stomach. The lungs weren't connected. The other organs weren't connected. It was just kind of there. And they just kind of mimicked human organs.
So there's a . . . there are a lot of . . . It's like it was partially printed by whatever this ultraterrestrial thing is.
Extraterrestrial beings that visit here have told us that at times when they have visited here in their craft with their technology, whatever this force is has manifested its own technology and done battle with them.
They don't know exactly what it is. It is some sort of highly intelligent, parasitic thought-form that feeds off of our misery, hate, fear, anger. It feeds off of it and uses that energy to manifest.
So that's something that many in the UFO community are uncomfortable with and it's new to a lot of people. But there is a lot of what I've experienced that matches it too much. So I plan on speaking about that in much more detail and I hope as many of you can be at the event as possible to hear this presentation.
Liam: Amazing. Corey will be with us in São Paulo, September 21st, 22nd. We'll have the online streaming as well for you if you just speak English. It will be 100% in Portuguese, but if you speak English, unfortunately, you can only watch Corey's presentation. The other ones will be in Portuguese.
But anyways we plan to maybe put some subtitles on at least a couple of presentations for you to have access of that information. So that's one thing that our channel will be doing to make that interchange of information between languages, countries and people who are working pro-Disclosure.
And it's something similar that you tried to do in 2017. That's something that we tried to do Corey and we never succeeded. And we're still trying to do . . . Maybe one day. I don't know.
Corey: Careful what you wish for. It was a beautiful idea. Everybody was all excited about unity, but then everybody unified and then they just started tearing each other apart.
Liam: Yeah. Yeah. In our experience in Brazil, in Portugal, mainly, people started to tear everyone apart before they joined each other. So we couldn't get a united group.
Before they unite they are already starting doing it. That's very unfortunate. And we know that there's a lot of influence on that. There's a lot of physical and non-physical influence on people to act like that.
And in the middle of it, we could spot some people that – and we still can – spot some people that were working against it from the beginning but saying that they were pro-Disclosure, right?
Corey: Yeah.
Liam: So there are a lot of people infiltrating, right? You can relate to that.
Corey: Definitely.
Liam: So, let me ask you on this final part of our conversation about some current events that are happening in the U.S. and maybe the implication on Disclosure and the things on the UAPs and the information that David Grusch released.
So you think that maybe, I don't know, the attempt assassination on President Trump and President Biden not running for re-election, do you think that . . . how the scenario appears to you? Do you it . . . Is it going to have any impact on Disclosure at all? Or you think that things are just above the President's pay grade?
Corey: Yeah, it's above the President's pay grade, although something was definitely watching out for him during the assassination attempt, whether it be God, which I would like to believe, or something else.
If you notice, several UFOs were filmed in the sky right during the assassination attempt.
Liam: Really?
Corey: If you go online, you can find it.
But the information that I have is that there's no dis . . . there's no choice for Disclosure. By 2027 or 2028, these things are going to start showing themselves in the sky and you're seeing it more and more. It's going to increase exponentially. Between 2025 and around 2027, 2028, which is when basically these, whatever this is that we're dealing with, has communicated to the military that “We're going to reveal ourselves”.
So right now we're just going to see a pickup in Disclosure, very controlled Disclosure, and it's basically going to be manicuring the mass consciousness and getting us ready for this Event that's suppose to be coming.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: That will be Disclosure. It will be a Disclosure.
Liam: Okay. Do you think that this is positive, those ramp up on the UFOs or you think we have more to . . . on a negative side maybe to . . . I don't know, economic crash and other things that could happen?
Corey: Yeah, I think all of that's going to happen – economic crash, a lot of other things – next year. But I think that whatever is showing itself more and more, I don't know if we could label it positive or negative. It just is. It's always been here.
It's not exactly what we think it is. It's not what it presents itself as. It's something different.
And it's . . . Whatever it is, there seems to be this very beautiful angelic side and this very demonic side.
So one of the big discussions is: is it the same entity that is both? Are these angelic against demonic type of entities that we've tried to make sense of through our religion?
Even the government, they don't know exactly what it is they're dealing with.
All of the people who were conservative Christians in the military believe it's the Devil. All of the people in the intelligence field believe that we're in a simulation and whatever this is it's the programmer interacting with the video game characters.
Nobody has the same theory or idea about what it is that we're dealing with. And I think that was on design.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: It was on purpose to confuse us.
Liam: Okay. Yeah. I like that simulation theory a lot with some other flavors on it, but it is very interesting.
So, Corey, thank you very much for your time. We are looking very forward to having you in São Paulo September 21st and 22nd. And I hope to see you soon and thank you.
Corey: Thank you. And I look forward to seeing everyone in the audience.
Liam: All right. So, people, bye. See you next time.
Corey: All right. Bye-bye.
And today I'm talking to Corey Goode. Hi, Corey. How are you?
Corey Goode: Doing well. How about you?
Liam: Good, good. Always nice talking to you. Thank you very much for your time. And we are very excited to having you in Brazil in September.
Corey: I'm looking forward to it. I had a blast last time. Where was it that we went last time? I can't remember.
Liam: Florianopolis. Florianopolis, south of Brazil in 2020.
Corey: Yeah, it was beautiful. The people were awesome – very friendly, very knowledgeable about all of these subjects. I'm looking forward to reconnecting.
Liam: Sure, sure. It would be great. So Corey will be with us in September 21st and 22nd in São Paulo this time for the [unintelligible] event. It's only in Portuguese, unfortunately, for people who only speak English.
But, anyways, Corey, I'm going to start our talk focusing on people who might not know your story and not know you.
So I have a short bio from your website, So it is said here – and you can comment a little bit. I'm going to ask you a few things.
So “identified as an intuitive empath, Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of 6. And Goode trained and served in the MILAB program from 1976 until '86 or '87.”
Let's start talking about this. So, how was it? So you're just six years old and you were recruited. So how does it work?
Corey: Well, they identified people through some sort of . . . They were coming out with standardized testing, the computer-based testing, and they were . . . basically our school was a satellite of where they were testing it before they implemented it statewide.
And little did we know, it was also being used by the government to look for anomalous people or people who have certain abilities.
Somehow, they engineered a way to tell if a person was likely to have abilities and then they would send kind of like a teacher, but I don't know what you would call them, but someone from the school district that would come out and . . . whatever, if there was like one kid or three kids at that school that showed possible abilities, they would then meet with them.
The lady that met with me was named Miss Hill.
And then they would put you through a testing . . . another testing process one-on-one. And then they'd determine if you have the abilities. And if you do, they somehow arrange it to where you're put into some sort of program that is an extracurricular program that allows you to be taken from school a certain amount of days a week and taken on “field trips” and to work with other gifted or whatever children, whatever you're identified as.
And then what they really do is they secretly take you to a military base and train you and test you and use you as a lab animal in some cases and as an intelligence asset in others.
Liam: Okay, so, so you participated in this MILAB program and, by the way, what does MILAB stand for?
Corey: Well, that's something that I think civilian researchers created, MILAB. And it's M-I-L-A-B. It stands for “Military Abductions”.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: Yeah. But we always refer to it as “Project Moon Shadow”.
Liam: Okay. That's an interesting thing to know. So you participated on that is like they identify kids with those abilities and they take them into these military bases to be trained.
So how you as a kid perceived that? So were you aware of what's . . . what was going on and your parents? How does it work?
Corey: Yes, well they would take you and put you through training or testing or whatever – sometimes very bizarre stuff – and then at the end they would give you refreshments and there were psychotropic drugs in them. And then they would show you those old reel-to-reel movies.
They would show you . . . I remember the one that I remember . . . Because some of us would have the ability even though they were “blank-slating” or trying to remove memories, we had the ability to recall it anyway. It just kind of came back.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: And one of the ones I recalled was: we had been training in an abandoned mall, like military-type training. And then at the end of the session, they gave us the snacks and all of that and then we're watching a movie and the movie was of someone being guided through the Fort Worth Museum of Natural History.
And all of this . . . when we were brought back to school, believed that we had really gone to the museum.
Liam: Okay. Okay. So you never mention anything at home, right? Or you just thought that you were going to field trips or weird and strange field trips but you thought that every kid was going through that. Is that the way . . . more or less?
Corey: Yeah. Yeah.
Liam: Okay, so no need to mention anything at home as you thought that everyone was going through it.
Corey: Well, I knew that the kids that were in this program that were being picked up in white vans were going through it but I didn't think all the other kids were.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: I just knew that . . . And for the memories that I had until days or weeks later when I would get bits and pieces of what really happened, my memory was that I was picked up and had a wonderful time at the museum.
Liam: Okay. Okay. It makes sense. So you were trained from the age of six until 17. Is that correct?
Corey: Yeah, just before my 17th birthday.
Liam: Okay, so of course the training was . . . they were very different from the age of 6, 8, maybe 10 until you were a teenager. It changed a lot, right?
Corey: Oh, yeah.
Liam: Were you trained to a specific situation or to lots of situations?
Corey: Lots, a whole lot of situations. And part of the training as we got older was way before virtual reality. And they didn't use goggles. They used neural interface, these little nodes that your body . . . you leaned up against the back of a chair and these little nodes on the chairs were touching your arms and everywhere. And it leaned back and it somehow . . . the images were in your head.
And you would not realize that you were in virtual reality. You would actually be so immersed in the experience that you would think you were really there. So you would think you're really on a mission.
Or if they put you in a scary scenario, a survival scenario, which I think they did out of . . . because they were sick in the head but also the training. But they would put you in scenarios against giant spiders or werewolves or all kinds of weird stuff.
Liam: Okay, so we're talking about the early '80s, right?
Corey: Yes.
Liam: Just to make a perspective.
Corey: Yeah, that would have been from 1976 to about 1986, December of '86.
Liam: Okay. Okay, so just the people know the technology that you're talking about to the period of time because we talk about it in 2024. We are now talking about those things and you're saying that it happened a while ago.
So what happened when you turned 17?
Corey: When I was 17? I was picked up in the middle of the night from my home and brought to the same military base that we did our training. And there I was informed that I was being enlisted in a mandatory “20-and-Back Program” to where you would go off-world and sometimes out of the star system and serve 20 years of service, and then you are age-regressed and put back into time, around the same time that they took you.
I was informed that I was being pulled into that and then I did the “20-and-Back” and that's what I . . . I started having memories. They had blank-slated all of that or erased the memories.
But after I had an eye-injury and a detached retina, when they did the eye surgery, it caused memory recall and threw me into a lot of confusion. And it was probably maybe two years after that I contacted David Wilcock, who I had talked to since 2009 about other things.
He brought me to a streaming platform and we did eight seasons of a television show called “Cosmic Disclosure”.
After that we did two documentaries. One is called “Above Majestic” and the other is “The Cosmic Secret”, and they went viral.
And then I told most of my story in those settings and in my graphic novel. And then after that that's when we started seeing all the larps . . . all the hundreds and hundreds of people saying that they were in the Secret Space Program.
The genesis of that was my television show going viral.
Liam: Okay. Oh, we are definitely going to touch that subject. First, let me just help the audience to understand: what is the “20-and-Back Program”? So when you got the news, you were 17 and so someone told you that you're going to spend 20 years somewhere and then you're going to come back and age regress so you . . . So you're going to come back to your present time but you're going to spend 20 years away from your friends and family.
So how did you take that and how did “20-and-Back” function? What did you do there?
Corey: Well, I was immediately assigned to a research vessel. I was very upset, of course, and I guess they had had this problem before.
The Captain said he didn't want another, basically, “crying child on his ship. It's too much of a distraction.” So they took me to work with another group who interrogated and interviewed different aliens that they encountered coming in and out of our star system.
After I had almost a year, I had finally acclimated and I had a bad attitude. I wasn't very happy to be there, but I wasn't an emotional mess anymore.
And then they reassigned me back to the research vessel. And I served on that. That was my base of operations and then I would . . . they . . . I was all over the place – all over the Solar System. And later on I figured out we were in other star systems.
So it was a part of Project Solar Warden that was set up in the '80s with technologies we had acquired and developed. And it was during that time period that we could first police our own Solar System.
And we didn't realize . . . There were different alien groups coming in and stealing humans, abducting them in mass and had been doing so for thousands and thousands of years. And we finally had the technology to protect our planet to a degree.
And so Solar Warden was sort of policing the Solar System, and then all of these other Secret Space Programs kind of branched off of that first mission.
Liam: Okay, so when you get back, you get back to . . . you're 17, again, right? So you age regress. You come back to that present period and you go to college and you have a regular life and you find work and you get married. So life goes on, right, without any memory of anything that happened. Is that quite a way . . . and the memory came back later, as you said, on the eye surgery.
Corey: I had flashes of memory and little bits of memory but not . . . not much at all. But after the eye injury, it all flooded back and the little pieces that I did know kind of all of a sudden connected. And it was like this building process in my head. And for weeks if not months I was just going over and trying to make sense because your psyche . . . Part of your psychology is you have a time reference like from when you were born till now. They call it the zero-point reference up until however old you are. And that's how your mind makes sense of the world and experiences and all those types of things.
And when you have two layers of memories over the same time period, it's a lot for your mind to deal with.
Liam: Yeah, definitely. I can imagine. So when you did the show with David Wilcock and you told your story and you told details from the beginning. It's amazing. I watched them all.
So some interesting things happened along the way, right, from the first to the last season. You were starting to remembering things but you had some other context, right, and some repercussions on the things that you were saying at that time. Can you talk a little bit about that?
Corey: Yeah, it was really bizarre. During that time period we started being harassed by military helicopters and just weird things happening – people turning on our water hose in the middle of the night or shining lights through my daughter's window, you know, just weird harassment things. People leaving a bullet on my . . . the front window where before I open the door in the duplex we lived in at the time.
We had that going on. We had, all of a sudden, Shadow Beings in our house. Our children were being harassed by these, like, demonic Shadow Beings. We had stuff like little feet walking on the roof of our house, UFOs around, all around. It was like just crazy active.
So we were dealing with that.
Of course, anyone that comes out with a story like this, all of the people, the trolls out there that are just looking for something to jump on, they all coordinated and started cyberstalking us, and we had stalkers with our family.
We had that going on, and at the same time I'm having these new experiences with the Blue Avians and other groups.
And it was different than anything I'd ever experienced even in the “20-and-Back Program.” This was almost cartoonish or like just too far out there. Even if you've seen different ET groups, these extra-dimensional beings were . . . They felt different. They looked different. They were just something completely different.
So in the programs I didn't deal with extra-dimensional beings or anything like that. They were discussed but theoretically.
So I started having all these contacts and they were giving me all this information, which went viral all across the world – the information from the Blue Avians and then this group that has cities within the Inner Earth called the Anshar.
One of their big cities was somewhat off the shore of Brazil, actually, off-shore out into the ocean but very, very, very deep. And that's where their main city was, and they reached out, and I started having contact.
So life got very weird. We were having demonic entities come in our home, Shadow Beings. We had Poltergeist activity – things flying across. My son's remote-control cars just driving around on their own. It was REALLY bizarre, really bizarre stuff.
But it all kind of just built up, built up, built up, and I was given the extent of the information that the Blue Avians and these other groups were going to give me, and the opposition I had from the negative side trying to prevent me from putting the information out, kind of hit a crescendo, and it resulted in all sorts of crazy activity.
I had lawsuits against the stalkers. We were contacting the FBI and the police. The police were patrolling our neighborhood for months at a time. It just reached a crazy, crazy level.
And when I first came out with my information, I changed details just because we knew all the fakes were going to come out, and then did. And they used my terms and they . . . all the stuff that I changed.
But I knew when I came out that it was going to be dangerous, and there were threats of . . . death threats in the beginning, but the way they neutralize a person like me is through public ridicule and destroying reputations.
And they . . . That is far more successful for them than killing people.
So, yeah, the people that are being harassed the most, you should at least think “why”, you know, wonder why.
Liam: Yeah. Yeah. You're completely right. You made me remember something because you said, “When I came out with that information . . .”, so at first you were posting Anonymous, right, and something happened and then you HAD to come out with that information. You were already talking to David Wilcock but you haven't put out your name, right, so . . . but you HAD to. Something happened there, right?
Corey: Yeah, I was talking to a couple of UFO researcher-types of people.
David Wilcock I started sharing information in 2009. And then around 2013, I contacted Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot and started giving her information. Told her I had to be kept anonymous, and instead she did a big exposé video using my name, details of where I lived and . . . you know, the city I lived and put my family in EXTREME danger.
They're the only reason . . . I planned on just giving researchers information anonymously.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: This person outed me, and I was getting all sorts of death threats, crazy stuff happening around my house.
That's when David Wilcock said, “You know what? The best way to protect yourself is just to put it all out in public. And that's when we did the television show and then later the two documentaries.
Liam: Okay, yeah. Yeah, I can see that. So you were talking about all the larps or that . . . that's the . . . those people that are faking that they're participating on the Secret Space Program.
So when you came out with that information, you said that people were going to do that.
Corey: Yeah.
Liam: And you were seeing . . . You're still seeing people doing it?
And another thing that's pretty common, and I can say, of course, in our own way, me and La'El, we go through similar stuff because that's just how they operate, right?
When you said that people . . . When you come with new information, people start using that information as their own. So that's pretty much standard all over the globe.
You are going to be ridiculed. Of course, that's the standard procedure for them, right?
And also people around you are going to betray you at some point.
So those three things . . . We go through the same thing. We watch people go through the same thing. And if you'd like to comment, so those three things you said that it was going to happen. It happened. It is still happening.
How do you deal with that? So I know you took some legal actions. How do you feel about that? If you could come back in time, would you take those same measures? Would you tell people that this was going to happen? Maybe you would change the way you talk about things.
Let's talk about that a little bit.
Corey: Yeah, I absolutely . . . Well, I definitely wouldn't have told my story through the streaming platform I was on. They were terrible and actively trying to steal my story. And then they started encouraging larps to come on the show. So I wouldn't have released it that way.
I wish that David Wilcock and I had just recorded it all on our own and then released it in different ways that have more copyright and trademark protection.
Because, yeah, this community, you know, about 30~40% of the people are nuttier than squirrel crap. I mean, like, they're just some nutty people.
They're also some very cunning people who, if they see someone becoming famous and making money, then they just go and mimic it.
And people in this community instead of, like, using their discernment and saying, “Oh, that sounds too much like this other guys, that . . .”, they . . . It's entertainment.
We can talk about “this is Disclosure”, this is a movement, this is my mission but it's entertainment. We're pushing . . . We want Disclosure and all of that, but the people in our positions, we have to realize the vast majority of the people watching us, it's entertainment.
And they have no loyalty to the truth. They just want to be entertained. And that's what a good deal of this community is. They're just looking for something that resonates and entertains them, and they'll jump around and they have no loyalty to the truth.
If someone tells a similar story that's obviously manufactured, as long as it's in that storyline that they like so much, they'll just go along with it.
So, yeah, I would have done things quite a bit differently.
I quite honestly would have interacted within this community quite a bit less. I did a “Unity in the Community” push in 2017 and tried to bring all of these different people together – that's before I knew how many crazy people were a part of these groups – but that was the worst thing I ever did was trying to bring everybody and unite everybody because this information is . . . everyone says they're “anti-religion” in this community but they treat their “truth” as a religion.
We're doing a television show about all of the experiences and about how human can . . . how humans consume this information and how whether it goes to the left or the right side of the brain and what they do with it, and how humans are just programmed to turn things into religions and theologies.
And I think different ET groups or whatever else is here on Earth are taking advantage of that to manipulate people in this community and elsewhere to keep them away from growing and away from truth.
Liam: Yeah, I completely agree. You talked before about those two documentaries that you released and it was a blast for sure, and now you're working on a series and you're working on video games and movies.
So you changed to entertainment in a way. So why is that? And what are you working on?
Corey: Well, I mean, I have thousands and thousands of people that have taken my information, fictionalized it and are out doing books, courses, all kinds of crazy stuff, making money and all turning on me and attacking me saying I'm fake and they're the real ones even though they are using my information and came out after me. It's crazy.
But, yeah, we just finished shooting a documentary about my family and their experiences with Shadow Beings and aliens and stalkers from the community and some of the crazy personality, more famous people, that we've dealt with in the community. My children tell their story.
It was very chilling to listen to them tell some of these things.
That documentary is going to come out at the end of this year, possibly at the beginning of next year, but we think it's going to be out at the end of this year.
We're still kicking around the name for it.
And then at end of this year we're going to begin shooting a television series that is about our experiences just in the . . . since we came out on television, . . .
Liam: Okay.
Corey: . . . going to events, stalkers that have fixated on us, all sorts of stuff. People that we worked with that were sexually abusing women, you know, telling them they can “heal them of their traumas” with their body and tricking them. You know, women that are looking for healing and growth were being taken advantage of. It happens a lot in this community.
There's a bunch of different things . . . It's going to be an exposé on kind of the underbelly of the community.
But we're also going to cover the beautiful, wonderful people in the community, too. It's not going to be an attack piece.
Liam: Okay. Okay. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Corey: Also, we are working with a production company. We're going to do a live-action television series based on my life story. I know you know who they are but don't say. There's a couple of really, really big A-listers who might be executive producing. And we've spoken to some pretty big writers.
So, hopefully, it'll take about maybe two years to get that into production. We're having a pilot episode written.
And then we have a video game that is a . . . kind of a third-person shooter, live service game. It's going to be very similar to “Hell Divers 2” except that it's going to have a lot of the information that I've brought all throughout it, all throughout the game.
And the game's going to connect with the television series.
And, also, we have authors working on a sci-fi book series that . . . it's all going to tie together.
So it's a lot of work, but that's what we're working on now.
And after everyone took my information and was fictionalizing it, it just became this crazy thing. The ship had sailed so I decided to push forward. Millions and millions and millions of people are going to see this TV show and play these games.
And I'm going to be able to affect the mass consciousness on a much higher level than just dabbling around in the community.
Liam: Yeah, definitely. So you're working on two fronts, as I see. One, the true story: documentaries, how things happened, your intake on that, your experience, and the other one: on sci-fi and TV shows to get information to people who don't consume . . . they're not in this community. They're not interested yet in this content, but they're into sci-fi and younger people that are going to have those video games.
And I can see how the information is going to get to them, but my question to you is that, well, on the sci-fi part of things, I think you're pretty much safe. Everyone loves sci-fi, and you can always say that it's just based on a true story, and this is fiction and everything's all right.
But on the documentary, you're showing your family. They're giving their intake. Don't you . . . I'm not sure if fear is the word, but I'm going to say it on the lack of a better word. Don't you fear more things coming into you or your family, or you're just . . . “I had it all. There's nothing that they can do more than they already did.”
Corey: We've pretty much had it all between lawsuits, stalkers, my deposition was leaked and . . . from one of our lawsuits where I couldn't go into court and say, “I've been to outer space and I talked to 8-foot tall blue birds. I want to win my lawsuit.” That's not how it works in lawsuits. They would throw it out and put me in the mental hospital.
So I said that all this stuff was my creation, which I had tweaked stuff, and that I was trademarking it to protect it.
And it was released and people took whatever context they wanted out of it and I think that the Powers-That-Be feel like I've been discredited thoroughly enough.
And the fact that I'm doing science fiction at the same time that I'm telling the true story of what we went through, I think it's become so muddled, everything has become such a mess from all of the attacks that I don't think they're worried.
I think they're more worried right now about David Grusch and some of these other people that are trying to bring information out.
We've made note for our television show that the same people that cyberstalked me are now cyberstalking him and the other whistleblowers coming out. So it's all coordinated.
Liam: Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say: it's coordinated. And people . . . they don't have any idea how this game is played, how things happen.
When we watch your story from outside and then we kind in a way that we are linked in some things and doing similar things in other countries, we definitely see that it's global. It's a standard procedure all other the place.
So the way you described the community, you're describing probably the community in the U.S. or English speakers, but I can tell you the Portuguese speakers, Spanish speakers, 100% the same.
So the way that the – let's call them the “opposition” – they act is petty much the same all over the globe.
So if people are really looking for the truth and are paying attention to the way things are happening, they will see that it's the same minds applied to ridicule anyone that tries to give information.
You mentioned David Grusch. So, his curriculum is amazing. 100% no one can question him. He was an intelligence officer, the US Army, for so many years, and now people are questioning his sanity and his information.
So, that's the way they go. That's the standard procedure, right?
So, I believe that links on the information that you plan to talk with us in September in Brazil. Is that right?
Corey: Yes. Yes, it does.
From when I first started having these experiences, these extra-dimensional beings, in 2013 in earnest is when it happened until now, my understanding of what I've been dealing with has changed quite a bit.
And I've received briefings from people on Grusch's level that . . . There are three things we're dealing with here:
There are around four or five ET groups that are visiting the Earth – not constantly but visiting Earth – is the first thing they say we're dealing with.
The next thing they say we're dealing with are other dimensional beings, planets just like ours in another dimension and something's crossing over to ours.
They think some of the beings and things we're dealing with are . . . even Bigfoot might even be from other dimensions that are coming, crossing over.
And then they believe that there is what they call an ultraterrestrial presence on the Earth that is not physical. It's like a thought-form.
And this thought-form has infected the mass-consciousness of humanity and it uses us to manifest things.
And it has the ability to manifest as a Gray alien, a Reptilian and a flying saucer. Apparently, it used to represent itself to us as fairies and spirits of the forest when we were less sophisticated.
But the government believes that most of what we are dealing with on this planet, even the abductions, is from this ultraterrestrial presence.
I don't know fully what to think about that yet because I've had physical interaction with the Grays and the Reptilians. And one of the things is the Grays, when they've had crashed vehicles, they have done autopsies on the Gray aliens and some of them seemed like they were just kind of printed into this reality on an atomic level.
Many of them, when they would do the autopsy, the esophagus didn't terminate into the stomach. The lungs weren't connected. The other organs weren't connected. It was just kind of there. And they just kind of mimicked human organs.
So there's a . . . there are a lot of . . . It's like it was partially printed by whatever this ultraterrestrial thing is.
Extraterrestrial beings that visit here have told us that at times when they have visited here in their craft with their technology, whatever this force is has manifested its own technology and done battle with them.
They don't know exactly what it is. It is some sort of highly intelligent, parasitic thought-form that feeds off of our misery, hate, fear, anger. It feeds off of it and uses that energy to manifest.
So that's something that many in the UFO community are uncomfortable with and it's new to a lot of people. But there is a lot of what I've experienced that matches it too much. So I plan on speaking about that in much more detail and I hope as many of you can be at the event as possible to hear this presentation.
Liam: Amazing. Corey will be with us in São Paulo, September 21st, 22nd. We'll have the online streaming as well for you if you just speak English. It will be 100% in Portuguese, but if you speak English, unfortunately, you can only watch Corey's presentation. The other ones will be in Portuguese.
But anyways we plan to maybe put some subtitles on at least a couple of presentations for you to have access of that information. So that's one thing that our channel will be doing to make that interchange of information between languages, countries and people who are working pro-Disclosure.
And it's something similar that you tried to do in 2017. That's something that we tried to do Corey and we never succeeded. And we're still trying to do . . . Maybe one day. I don't know.
Corey: Careful what you wish for. It was a beautiful idea. Everybody was all excited about unity, but then everybody unified and then they just started tearing each other apart.
Liam: Yeah. Yeah. In our experience in Brazil, in Portugal, mainly, people started to tear everyone apart before they joined each other. So we couldn't get a united group.
Before they unite they are already starting doing it. That's very unfortunate. And we know that there's a lot of influence on that. There's a lot of physical and non-physical influence on people to act like that.
And in the middle of it, we could spot some people that – and we still can – spot some people that were working against it from the beginning but saying that they were pro-Disclosure, right?
Corey: Yeah.
Liam: So there are a lot of people infiltrating, right? You can relate to that.
Corey: Definitely.
Liam: So, let me ask you on this final part of our conversation about some current events that are happening in the U.S. and maybe the implication on Disclosure and the things on the UAPs and the information that David Grusch released.
So you think that maybe, I don't know, the attempt assassination on President Trump and President Biden not running for re-election, do you think that . . . how the scenario appears to you? Do you it . . . Is it going to have any impact on Disclosure at all? Or you think that things are just above the President's pay grade?
Corey: Yeah, it's above the President's pay grade, although something was definitely watching out for him during the assassination attempt, whether it be God, which I would like to believe, or something else.
If you notice, several UFOs were filmed in the sky right during the assassination attempt.
Liam: Really?
Corey: If you go online, you can find it.
But the information that I have is that there's no dis . . . there's no choice for Disclosure. By 2027 or 2028, these things are going to start showing themselves in the sky and you're seeing it more and more. It's going to increase exponentially. Between 2025 and around 2027, 2028, which is when basically these, whatever this is that we're dealing with, has communicated to the military that “We're going to reveal ourselves”.
So right now we're just going to see a pickup in Disclosure, very controlled Disclosure, and it's basically going to be manicuring the mass consciousness and getting us ready for this Event that's suppose to be coming.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: That will be Disclosure. It will be a Disclosure.
Liam: Okay. Do you think that this is positive, those ramp up on the UFOs or you think we have more to . . . on a negative side maybe to . . . I don't know, economic crash and other things that could happen?
Corey: Yeah, I think all of that's going to happen – economic crash, a lot of other things – next year. But I think that whatever is showing itself more and more, I don't know if we could label it positive or negative. It just is. It's always been here.
It's not exactly what we think it is. It's not what it presents itself as. It's something different.
And it's . . . Whatever it is, there seems to be this very beautiful angelic side and this very demonic side.
So one of the big discussions is: is it the same entity that is both? Are these angelic against demonic type of entities that we've tried to make sense of through our religion?
Even the government, they don't know exactly what it is they're dealing with.
All of the people who were conservative Christians in the military believe it's the Devil. All of the people in the intelligence field believe that we're in a simulation and whatever this is it's the programmer interacting with the video game characters.
Nobody has the same theory or idea about what it is that we're dealing with. And I think that was on design.
Liam: Okay.
Corey: It was on purpose to confuse us.
Liam: Okay. Yeah. I like that simulation theory a lot with some other flavors on it, but it is very interesting.
So, Corey, thank you very much for your time. We are looking very forward to having you in São Paulo September 21st and 22nd. And I hope to see you soon and thank you.
Corey: Thank you. And I look forward to seeing everyone in the audience.
Liam: All right. So, people, bye. See you next time.
Corey: All right. Bye-bye.
People: Corey Goode, F. Liam Erelim
Topics: Abduction, Corey's Story & Mission, Disclosure, ET Contact, Secret Space Programs, Update on New Projects
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It makes me irritated to hear the alien & mic self centered entitlement over our planet. I can not imagine being used & abused in this space project which only benefits a prison of taken souls. Freewill is a illusion to us all.
I just saw interview with Corey and Liam , Corey said that in 2025. , next year we are going to have economic crash , I assume some kind of economic crisis. Is that true? Can someone confirm ? What should we do when it comes to that thing? Thank you.
Hope the devaluation of the corps. doesn’t bounce back. I’m being cautious
I am well researched, and the two people that are consistent with the truth are Corry Goode and Dave Wilcocks. Both are consistent and both corillate with the information that I have received. Everyone else is stealing their information.
Thank you for this summary video which allows you to know Corey’s journey and the difficulties and even the trials of disclosure.