Law of One - Intelligent Infinity
Discussing Intelligent Infinity. More specifically, the steps involved in making contact with Intelligent Infinity and how the archetypal mind acts as a trellis.
Next Episode: Law of One - Forgiveness
Hey guys, welcome to discussion today.
I hope you all are having a great Friday.
Uh, we're gonna be discussing intelligent infinity
more specifically, like the con, the whole concept of
of contact with intelligent infinity.
Uh, trying to wrap my own brain around this and,
and hopes it would help you all as well.
Um, so let's get started.
And this first question that comes up is in regards
to the 21st archetype.
So then I would guess
that the 21st archetype would represent contact
with intelligent infinity, is that correct?
So the 21st archetype would be the world,
and this is correct, although one may also see the
reflection of this contact as well as the contact
with intelligent energy, which is the universe,
or you have called it somewhat provincially the world.
So really what they meant, you know,
through this 21st archetype was really the universe, uh,
that would be contact with intelligent energy.
And as far as I can tell, I mean, raw does explain
intelligent energy
and intelligent infinity in a slightly different manner.
Um, I think infinity is the idea, the, the consciousness
behind and the energy is just the, the thing that forms
movement and the things that builds and destroys
and creates.
Um, let's move on.
Uh, a couple of these I'm gonna expand upon.
Hopefully we'll be able to get through all this today
'cause there are a few things, um, at
the lower levels of this page
that I would really like to get to.
Uh, this is out of session 80, that 22.
Then by this contact also with intelligent energy,
can you give me an example of what this would be for bulls
for the contact with intelligent infinity
and intelligent energy?
Could you give me an example of what type
of experiences would result in, if that's all possible?
So the answer, this shall be the last
query we have discussed.
The possibilities of contact with intelligent energy
for this energy is the energy of the logos,
and thus it is the energy which heals,
builds, removes, destroys,
and transforms all other selves as well as the selves.
The contact with intelligent infinity is most likely
to produce an unspeakable joy in the
entity such contact.
If you wish to query more detail, we invite you
to do so in another working.
Okay. I'm sure there is much more to it than just that,
but they give us kind of a, um, a plain answer.
So I think the, the energy is more the force behind things.
The intelligent infinity is just the, the place of being.
Okay. And this here they're talking about the Crusaders, uh,
and I do believe it's in regards to
the Orion, the Orion group.
Okay, so let's go over this in a little bit more detail,
expanding upon how these,
so-called crusaders from near Ryan Group, um,
and how they become so service yourself.
And we do, and there is some other things in this working
that is a little provocative, which I have yet
to decide if I wanna go over.
But we do need to understand how they are working
and what their ultimate goal is.
Uh, this is 1118.
Then we have crusaders from Orion coming to this planet
for mind control purposes.
How do they do that? They filed a law
of one observing free will contact is made with those
who call those that upon planetary sphere act as much
as you do to disseminate the attitudes
and philosophy of their particular understanding of the law
of one, which is service to self.
The these become the elite surreal.
These, the attempt begins
to create a condition whereby the remainder
of the planetary elites are enslaved by their own free will.
Can you name any of the recipients of the crusaders?
Any names that may be known on the planet today?
I'm desirous of being a non violation
of the free will distortion, which means that
if you're alive today, it's kind of a violation
of free will to tell you.
But they do give us, I mean, control over,
control over others is what I'm seeing in the loved one.
Uh, being a marker for this service to self,
to name those involved in the future of yours,
FaceTime is to infringe.
Thus we withhold the information.
We request your contemplation
and the fruit to the actions
of those entities whom you may observe enjoying the
distortion towards power.
In this way, you may discern for yourself,
we shall not interfere with the planetary gain.
It is not central to the harvest.
So how do these crusaders pass on their concepts
to incarnate to the incarnate individuals on earth?
There are two main ways, okay?
There are two main ways
of polarizing towards service to others.
These are the mind, body, spirit complexes upon your playing
who do exercises to perform disciplines in order
to seek contact with sources of information
and power leading to the opening the gate
of intelligent infinity.
There are others whose vibratory complex is such
that this gateway is open
and contact with total service to self,
with its primal distortion of manipulation
of others is then afforded with little
or no difficulty, no training and no control.
What type of information is passed on from these crusaders?
The Orion group passes on the information concerning the law
of line with the orientation of service to self.
The information can become technical just to some,
and the confederation
and attempts to aid this planet in service to others have
provided what you call technical information.
The technology provided by this group is in the form
of various means of control
or manipulation of others to serve the self.
Okay, and it kind of goes a little bit into,
if you wanna finish out this session, this is session 11.
They do go into a little bit of how we learned, you know,
your nuclear energy and things.
I do believe it was meant for a positive thing.
Of course, humans being humans. Okey doke.
So let's move on now
'cause there are so many,
so much more good stuff involving intelligent affinity here.
Okay, so this is added 92.
Going back to, um, the archetypes a little bit.
Uh, finally, as each energy center becomes activated
and balanced, the transformation in the mind gets called
upon more and more frequently
when all of the energy centers are activated
and balanced to a minimal degree, contact
with intelligent infinity occurs.
The veil is removed.
And the great way as a mind is called on, is this correct?
Not correct. Okay.
Now, this is quite an elegant look at some
of the relationships within the archetypical mind.
By the way, I do believe transformation
of mind is the lever.
So that's your relationship with yourself really.
And, uh, kind of balancing the light in the dark,
that's very odd experiencing this
because it's like you, your light
and dark at the same time
as you are seeing the other person's light and dark.
And it can be very mixed
and, you know, you have to decide what's yours
and what's not yours.
And then it's like
you, you're all wine.
So what doesn't matter? And then, you know, it's,
it's a very odd thing to stay in.
Okay? But anyway, let's go back to their answer.
However, it must be seen once again
that the archetypical mind is not equal.
The acting incarnation of mind, body, spirit complexes
progression for evolution.
So the archetypical mind is not equal, the acting
living person's progression
or evolution, uh, due to the first misperception,
we hesitate to speak on the second consideration,
but we shall attempt to clarify.
Um, while studying the archetypical mind, we may suggest
that the student look at the great way, the mind not as
that which is attained
after contact with intelligent affinity,
but rather as the portion of the iCal mind that denotes
and configures the framework within the mind, body,
or spirit archetypes move, which, I'm sorry,
the particular framework within which the mind, body,
or the spirit move.
Okay? That's how important the great way is
and very hard to attain as well.
So really hard to understand because that is
after your, your catalyst, that is
after your transformation.
You know, that is after all of that,
when the transformation is when you move into
that particular area, uh,
from which you've already catalyzed,
you've already had this catalyst experience.
And um, then you transform
because of the catalyst,
how you've handled this catalyst, right?
And then you learn how to, um, Anderson.
So take the alchemist for example.
That's, it's a great way of, uh, the body.
So that is
taking everything you learned from this catalyst
and the transformation
and putting it into actual use in your physical world.
So, um, this is kind of,
I mean, it's kind of off subject,
but I do wanna at least talk about it a little bit
because, um, talking about being transported in,
in craft and how it relates to
intelligent finity,
and then one known as Daniel in thought wor transported
by the confederation thought war vehicular illusion in order
to give this mind, body, spirit complex data so
that we might see how this type of contact aided your people
and the uncovering of the intelligent infinity
beyond the illusion of limits.
Okay? So I just wanna point out that it's saying
intelligent infinity is beyond the illusion of limits.
When you realize that you are not as limited is
what society has told you,
you might see some things opening up for you.
Stop putting yourself in a box. I think that's number one.
Okay? Um, this is some differences in
regarding service yourself versus service to others
and how they might radiate.
Uh, So the negative patterns
is 39 point 12.
The negative pattern is the red orange jello moving
directly to the blue.
This being only used in order
to contact intelligent infinity.
So they moved directly to the blue.
And honestly, I don't have any idea why this is in,
uh, parentheses here.
And maybe they're questioning whether they met indigo,
but I think it was blue.
I mean, they, they skipped right over the green,
which is hearts, that's your center
of compassion and empathy.
And, and we know, um, that
a lot of folks that are self-serving do just lack the
empathy, you know, lack the compassion to see
the experience of the other person.
Uh, and positively oriented entities.
The configuration is even crystalline crystal,
minorly clear and of the seven ray description.
So they're going to be expressing, you know, all the,
the red, orange, yellow, the green blue,
and to go violet, you know, violet being a sum of, of
who you are basically.
Okay, so this is important as well.
This is 58 at 23.
Uh, is there any advantage in attempting
to develop characteristics, characteristics
or being able to bend metal?
What I am trying to say, are those charact,
are those characteristics a signpost
of the development of an entity?
Or are they something else? Uh, as an entity develops
through this, his indigo would be a signpost
of his development of the vending.
Okay, So let us specify the three
spirals of light in the pyramid.
First, the fundamental spiral, which is used for the study
and, and for healing.
Second, the spiral to the apex,
which is used for the building.
So the apex is one at the top.
Thirdly, the spiral spreading from the apex, which is used
for energizing.
So luc, the three spirals you can use well inside
of the pyramid, or, um, visioning a pyramid
contact with indigo ray
need not necessarily show itself in any certain
gift or a guidepost.
As you said, there are some whose indigo energy is at a
pure being and is never manifested.
And so it doesn't matter, you know, they let me move on.
Yet all are aware of an such an entity's progress.
Others may teach
or share in many ways contact with intelligent energy.
Others continue in unmanifested form seeking
intelligent infinity.
I think if you are, what I was going to say is, you know,
I don't think it matters whether or not you can bend metal
or levitate or whatever it is.
Uh, sure that's, that's manifesting intelligent energy,
but I think seeking is, is really the goal,
or at least for me.
So, I mean, take that as you wish.
I think seeking is more powerful,
seeking intelligent affinity, seeking the creator, you know,
that you can, as it says, all are aware of such an
an's progress, um, that
is more important than being able to
do any of the physical things.
So I, in my own opinion, I feel like,
to being able to do these types of things, then metal
and so on and so forth, uh, maybe an effect
of one's progress, maybe.
But here they say, you know,
there is sometimes there is no guidepost.
Sometimes they just keep on seeking.
So, and that's fine too.
Uh, the manifestation that's the manifestation
is a lesser signpost.
And that which is sensed
or intuitive about in mind, body, spirit complex,
the violet ray Venus is far more indicative of true self.
There you go. Okay,
so this is, um, actually, I was
really contemplating doing
session on the 20th archetype, which they're really,
this is the only session
that they speak about it, which is judgment.
Okay? Um, but
so I'm glad it came up in the, the area
of intelligent infinity.
So, um, so yeah, 20th archetype,
that which you call the sarcophagus in your system may be
seen as a material world.
The material world is transformed by the spirit
into that which is infinite and eternal.
The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization
named the infinity of consciousness.
And these are complex, they are three things.
You're mind, body, and spirit.
They, they are, I don't wanna use the term separate,
but they're different ideas,
but yet they all function together.
That's why they call it a mind, body,
spirit complex, I guess.
But they are saying the infinity of the spirit
is an even greater realization than the
infinity of consciousness.
For consciousness which has been disciplined by the will
and faith is
that consciousness which may contact intelligent
infinity directly.
There are many things which fall away in the many,
many steps of a, we still walk these steps
and one infinite creator at each transformation.
So I wanna, actually, what I do wanna do
that is bring up the picture.
If I could find it in a relatively short amount of time,
because I wanna get you guys an
idea of what I'm talking about.
So this is transformation
of the spirit, and this is judgment.
So, I mean,
you can see a transformation happening right now.
And the way that we do that is by disciplining discipline
of the mind, discipline of the spirit, you know,
discipline of the personality.
So yeah, in each discipline you choosing
to acknowledge your wrongs and your rights, okay?
And forgiving others, forgiving self,
not choosing to react in a way you would've
before through a vose, actions or otherwise.
Each time you do that is a transformation
because you in that moment have chosen
to be a better person or not.
If you're on the service to yourself, pass whatever.
Um, but, uh, my goal is
to be loving, kind, forgiving,
compassionate, empathetic.
So this is where I'm coming from,
but each transformation you do, you kind of do become
a slightly better version of yourself.
You know, the whole goal is to become this,
this is a great way to spirit, which is the world, um,
this ultimate version of yourself that you want to see and,
and you want to show the world.
And by, by doing that
and acting in a service to others manner, as you become,
you know, this, this role model for for others
to do the same
because you inspire people by,
by becoming a better version of yourself.
So holding boundaries and, uh, someone
and so forth, but also be at the same time being loving
and kind and, um,
understanding the larger picture of things.
So, and, and the wings here, you know, really appeal to me.
'cause there is a part of one
where it says the spirit is winged.
And when it's ready to take flight, it will take flight.
So this is, you know, the moment that the,
the great way the spirit where you really embody
that whole transformation that you just went through,
then you embody the transformation
that you have just seen yourself go through.
Alright, so moving on though, um,
I could talk for hours on that.
So that'll have to be another day. This is 61 13.
Uh, could you tell us the purpose of the frontal lobes
of the brain and the conditions
necessary for their activation?
You know, as we learned from, from some of, um,
David Wilcox work, et cetera, you know that, uh, in your,
in some amenities, this is lacking in a sense,
but the answer, the frontal lobe
of the brain will have much more use in forest density.
The primary mental slash emotive condition
of this large area of the so-called brain is joy
or love in the creative sense.
This energy, the energies will,
which have been discussed in two of the relationships
of the pyramids, all of the learning, the healing,
the building, the energizing will be found in this area.
This is the area tapped by the age Egypt.
This is the area which working through the trunk
and the root of the mind then makes contact
with intelligent energy
and through this gateway intelligent infinity.
All right. Going back a little
bit to the archetypes, um, this is,
I really wanna go over this
and I know it's a lot, so just bear with me.
But it explains much
and the attributes that some of the archetypes that are
hugely important, I feel like for us
to understand these parts of ourselves.
So Dawn says, I have a statement that he will quickly read.
Uh, in general, the archetypical mind is a representation
of the faucets of the one infinite creation.
The father archetype corresponds to the male
or positive aspect of electromagnetic energy
and is active, creative,
and radiant as is our local son,
the mother archetyped.
So we're talking about the emperor and the empress.
The mother archetype corresponds to the female
or negative aspect of electromagnetic energy.
No, I don't feel like they're talking about, I mean, yeah,
they're talking about polarization here,
but not in a sense that you're talking about batteries.
So you have your negative side
and your positive side, right?
Um, negative aspect of electromagnetic energy,
and it's receptive
or as magnetic as our earth as it receives a son's race
and brings forth life via our density fertility,
the prodigal son or the fool.
Okay? So that could be labeled as a prodigal son, right?
He leaves and on the spectacular journey thinking he's not,
he then he realizes he doesn't know
what he got himself into, and then he went on
and found himself a monument.
So the prodigal son,
or the fool archetype corresponds to every entity who seems
to have straight from unity
and seeks to return to the one infinite creator, right?
He goes on this journey, it may seem foolish,
but his ultimate goal is to find a creator.
The devil archetype represents the illusion
of the material world and the appearance of evil,
but is more accurately the provider of catalyst for growth
of each entity within the third density illusion.
Yeah, I mean, I, if it's not for the dark nugget
of the soul, I mean, would any of us truly grow
and, um, have our will tested to find our will?
That's a great question. I give thanks
to every single dark nugget of a soul,
because if it wasn't for, for those moments
or those times, I would not have learned,
I would not have grown, I would not have known
better, you know?
So to have gratitude, um, some other terms
for the magician, which may make more sense, the magician,
saint healer,
or adduct corresponds to the higher self.
And because of the balance within its energy center is
pierces the illusion to contact intelligent infinity
and thereby demonstrates mastery
of the catalyst of density.
And the reason I'm reading it like this is
because rah really doesn't discount it in his
answer or their answer.
So, uh, that's why I'm reading it like that.
The archetype of death, transformation of the body
symbolizes the transition of identity
from the yellow ray body to the green ray body,
either temporarily or between incarnations
or more permanently at harvest.
So I mean, they, rod does give kind
of a better interpretation of death.
It doesn't necessarily mean like you have to pass on.
I mean, this is a cycle in the archetypical journey,
and it can be just realizing in that moment
that you don't know what's gonna come next.
I mean, some of the transformation
of the bodies have come quite rather
dramatically from one moment to the next.
You just don't know. And that could be one moment
to the next, so you decide to be a better person.
So, um,
you are no longer the person you were from
one minute ago till now.
So you've gone through a transformation just by listening
to these words or reading a book or watching a movie.
That is a transformation as long as you are receptive
or, um, discerning that information as well.
So each archetype presents an aspect
of the one infinite creation
to teach the individual my body, spirit complex according
to the calling or the electoral magnetic configuration
of the mind of an entity.
And, um, I'm gonna put an emphasis
on the importance of just thinking of ourselves
as electromagnetic beings,
because we are, okay, our nervous system is electric,
that is what makes our muscles move,
that's what makes our heartbeat.
It's from the electrical system of our bodies.
That is our nervous system,
and we are magnetically have iron in our bones, um,
and other magnetic minerals that make up who we are.
Uh, teaching is done via the intuition
with proper seeking or mind configuration.
The power of will uses the spirit
as a shall to contact the appropriate archetypical aspect
necessary for the teaching.
Um, so the power of the will.
So that is the wang in the magician's hand.
That's what the w symbolizes is the will using the will to
beauty actions.
In this case, they're talking about calling upon
a, a certain archetype.
In the same way each of the other informers
of intuition are contacted.
They are a higher hierarchical
and proceed from the entity's own subconscious mind, then
to the group mind
or planetary mind, then you're the guides,
then you're the higher self,
then you're the archetypical mind to the cosmic mind
or intelligent infinity.
Each is contacted by the spirit serving
as a shuttle according
to the harmonized electromagnetic configuration of the,
is mine and the information sought.
So for, to get the whole answer on from Rob.
We'll ha we'll have to go into this.
Okay, here we go.
Because they kind of go back
and forth on should we answer this
or should we not answer this?
Or do you want us to or do you not?
So, and then eventually, yeah,
they're like, okay, we'll answer.
So then they answer. Perhaps the first item we shall address
is the concept of the spirit uses a shuttle
between the roots and the trunk of mind.
So this is, you know, a tree, you are a tree, okay?
The roots are in the ground, right?
How does the water, how does the energy
from the earth get in there?
So, well, the roots are used as a shuttle, okay?
And, and because the, the roots have to talk to the trunk,
uh, the roots have to feed the, the trunk rather.
So how do they get up there?
This is a misapprehension as we allow the questioner
to consider the function of the spirit further,
for in working with the mind,
we are working within one complex
and have not yet attempted to penetrate
intelligent infinity.
Um, that is from, so the mind is not yet the spirit.
It is well said that the archetypes are portions
of the one infinite creator or aspects of its face.
However, far better to realize
that the archetypes while constant in
co I'm sorry, while constant in the complex of generative
energies offered, do not give the same yield
of those complexes to any two seekers.
So every archetype is different in everyone
for lack of better terms.
So a little wordy, but that's my interpretation.
Each seeker will experience each archetype
and the character characteristics within the complex
of the archetype, which are most important to it.
An example of this would be the observation of the question,
or that the fool is described in such and such way.
One great aspect of this archetype is the aspect
of faith, right?
The fool has, does have faith.
The walking into a space with that regard of what is
to come next, saying, oh, God's got my back.
All right, let's go. This is of course, foolish,
but is part of the characteristics
of the spiritual neophytes
that this aspect was not seen maybe pondered
by the questioner at this time.
Okay, yeah. So yeah, that's,
so they didn't really just count everything that Don asked.
Um, so that's why I read it in a way that I did.
So to try to give a better, uh, idea of
what it was he was trying to say about, uh, how the,
the archetypes are functioning in regards
to this intelligent affinity.
So let's go back a little bit. Okay?
I'm going to take a drink,
okay, I'm gonna go past some of this.
Actually, I do wanna go over this one.
Okay. There is a series of two questions I'm gonna go over.
I'm gonna go over the second one.
Um, a person by the name of Paul has received information
that mentions that there were other beings aiding the,
in the construction of the pyramids
who were not fully materialized in the third density.
They were materialized from the waist up to their heads,
but were not materialized in the waist down.
Did such, did these such
entities exist in the construction of the pyramids?
And who were they? Uh, consider, if you will,
the intelligent infinity present in the absorption
of livingness and beingness.
That intelligent infinity being beingness
as it becomes codified into intelligent energy, right?
Intelligent infinity comes first
and then it's moved into the force behind creation
due to the thought impressions
of those assisting the living stone
into a new shape of being.
Yes. Now remember, living stone is like, uh, you know,
you move it into, you move it
through time and space basically.
And then back to the space that it was in.
The, the release
and use of intelligent infinity for a brief period begins
to absorb all the consecutive interlocking dimensions,
thus offering brief glimpses of those projecting
to the material their thought.
These aren't necessarily beings with their thought form.
Maybe that's how we understand
thought forms a little bit better.
It's more of a projection of themselves, projection
of their thoughts being there.
Um, these beings thus beginning to materialize,
but not remaining visible.
These beings were the thought form
or third density visible manifestations
of our social memory complex as we offer contact from
our intelligent infinity
to the intelligent infinity of the stone.
It was through their interactions
of the stone they were moving, that they were able
to briefly their own thought forums were briefly able
to materialize.
So maybe that's how some
beings are able to appear
to be in two places at once.
All right. And this is training in regards to healing.
Uh, I have no idea how long this would take
or if you can even tell us anything.
Um, it's a possible for you to give us a, a, a synopsis
of the program of training for healing.
I have no idea the knowledge of what questions to ask,
um, raw answer.
Um, the synopsis is a very appropriate entry
that you might understand what is involved.
Firstly, the mind must know itself.
I'm sorry, the mind must be known to itself.
This is perhaps the most demanding part of healing work.
If the mind knows itself, then the most important aspect
of healing has occurred
for consciousness is the microcosm of the law of lung.
Know your mind. The second part has to do
with the disciplines of the body complexes
and in streamings reaching your planet at this time.
These understandings
and disciplines have to do with the balance between love
and wisdom in the use of the body and its natural functions.
Know your body. The third area is spiritual.
And in this area, the first two disciplines,
knowing the mind
and knowing the body are connected through the attainment
of contact with intelligent infinity.
Okay. Um,
and this goes into some of the, um,
construction of the pyramid stuff.
So if you guys wanna look that over, it's session three
because there is so much more, uh, or all of it's important,
but, uh, more appropriate things for this time.
I feel like we can go over.
Okay, so this is 65 6 with the coming changes
as we progress into fourth density, I'm speaking of
changes not only in the physical third density planet due
to the heating effect, but also changes
that are heralding four density vibrations such
as the ability of people to perform
what we term paranormal activities.
I'm assuming that both of these are also
and will act as catalyst to create greater seeking.
Is this right? So it's a great question, you know, um,
and I feel like it's rather coincidental
with today's the Vatican was doing something today,
had paranormal activity.
So, and I'm not quite sure what dawn meant
by paranormal activity.
Is this pre-cognition?
Is this, you know, um, uh, bending metal?
Is this, you know, I'm not real sure.
So, and I guess we can assume, but anyway,
but he's asking, you know, is seeing people doing this going
to create a catalyst in us?
And Ross said, this is only partially correct the paranormal
11 occurring or not designed to increase seeking.
But our manifestation of those, um,
whose configuration enables them to contact gateway
to intelligent infinity, meaning it's not really a catalyst
for you, it's been a catalyst for them.
And their own contact
with intelligent infinity
is allowing these things to happen.
These entities capable of paranormal service may determine
to be of such service on a conscious level.
Uh, this however is a function of the entity
and its free will and not the paranormal activity.
So the correct portion
of your statements is the greater opportunity for service
due to the many changes that will offer many challenges,
difficulties, and seeming distresses within your allusion
to many who will then seek to un to understand,
if we may use this misnomer, the reason
for the mal malfunctioning
and the physical rhythms of your planet.
Moreover, there exists probability,
probability vortices,
which spiral towards your Pecos actions.
Many of these vortices are not of the nuclear war,
but of the less annihilator,
but more length as a conventional word in this situation,
if formed in your illusion may offer many opportunities
for seeking and for service.
So there you go.
Um, this is talking about, I do wanna read this last,
this last paragraph out of this one.
The principle behind any ritual of the white magical nature,
the white magical nature is two.
So configure the stimuli, which reached down into the trunk
of the mind that this arrangement causes a generation
of discipline and purified emotion
or love, which then may be both protection
and the key to the gateway of intelligent
and infinity to all things from love.
That's your protection
and it's the key to reaching your goal.
So, Okay,
so this is a great question is asking, you know, like
how many wonders during that time, this is 1981, have,
you know, uh, penetrated this,
I think we've been over it before,
but penetrated the idea of who they are.
Um, it's a great time to just kind of reiterate that.
So again, this is 1981.
Um, we can approximate the percentage of those pertain,
uh, penetrating intelligently their status.
This is between eight and one half and nine
and three quarter percent.
There is a larger percent, a group of those
who have fairly well defined, um, symptomology indicating
to them that they are not of this insanity.
The this amounts to a bit over 50% of the remainder.
Nearly one third of the remainder are aware
that something about them is different.
So then you see there are many, uh, grad gradations
of awakening to the knowledge of being a aligner.
We may add that it is to the middle
and the first group, so disinformation will even make sense.
yeah, I'm gonna go over the middle of this.
There's a really long one coming up
and I just wanna make sure that I get all of that.
So I don't wanna spend too much time
or I don't need to.
I really wanna focus on this inte this idea
of intelligent affinity.
The spirit complex is a channel whereby the end pourings
from all various universal planetary
and personal end pourings may be funneled into the
rates of consciousness.
This spirit is a shuttle
and whereby consciousness may be funneled to the gateway
of intelligent infinity through the balanced,
intelligent energy of mind and body.
Uh, that was Don asking them to define the mind, body,
and spirit separately.
I do wanna go over in detail, this is, uh,
Uh, our subject is how the sexual polarity acts
as a catalyst in evolution
and how to make best use of this catalyst.
Going back to material, I will fill in a few gaps. Okay?
Can you tell me the difference between orange and yellow?
Uh, this is the one that I consider not going over,
but I do want to
because we do need to understand
how these things are functioning at our
planet, how to identify them.
So, um, I am going
to work out from red ray right on through the violet.
And if we covered the red ray.
So what's the difference between the orange
and yellow ray activation?
The orange ray is
that the influencer vibratory pattern wherein the mind,
body, spirit expresses its power on an individual basis.
Thus power over individuals may be seen in orange ray.
This ray has been quite intense
among your people on an individual basis.
You may see in this ray the treating of other selves
as non-entities, slaves, cattle,
thus giving other selves no status whatsoever.
The yellow ray is very focal and has very powerful ray
and concerns the entity in relation to, shall we say,
group societies
or large numbers of mind, body, spirit complexes, the orange
we correct and they meant to say the yellow ray vibration
is at the heart of bellicose actions in which one group
of entity feel the necessary
and right of dominating other groups of entities
and bending their wills to the wills of the masters.
The negative path, as you call it, uses a combination
of yellow ray
and orange gray in its pull, uh, polarization patterns.
These rays used in dedicated fashion
will bring about a contact with intelligent infinity.
The use, the usual nature
of sexual interaction if one is yellow
or orange in the primary vibratory patterns
is one a blockage.
And then, uh, insatiable hunger
due to the blockage.
When there are two selves vibrating in this area,
the potential for polarization
through this interaction has begun One entity experiencing
the pleasure of humiliation and slavery
or bondage the other, experiencing the pleasure of mastery
and control over the the other entity.
And this way a sexual energy transfer
of a negative polarity is experienced.
So there are people that specifically use this as a way
to make contact with intelligent
and, uh, infinity going through the service to self path.
So, uh, I guess important that we need to know that.
Um, this is, I think
the main one is I really wanted to make sure I got to today.
Okay. And it is in regards to I guess the pyramid,
but I really liked the way that raw insert it.
Um, no, it's not. In regards to pyramid, I apologize.
Could you please expand on the concept of space time
and time space and how to get past this, the concept
of these things and
what density level do these concepts no longer
affect the individual?
I feel like we've talked about it before, but that's okay.
I feel like each time that it's brought up
that just another layer just kind of peels off
and we're able to see it in a
completely different perception.
Um, with the added understanding,
um, the space time
and time space concepts are those concepts describing
as mathematically as possible the relationships
of your illusion, that which is seen to
that which is unseen seen versus unseen seen
versus unseen.
So space, you can see there's three
dimensions face around you.
You can touch it, you can interact with it.
Time space is unseen, right?
It's, it's more of a,
a spiritual nature, a metaphysical nature.
Uh, until we had clocks, you couldn't really see time,
you can't really see time anyway.
Uh, even with clocks, uh, the descriptive terms are clumsy.
However, in the experiences of the mystical search
for unity, these need never be considered for they are,
but part of the illusory system, the seeker seeks the one,
this one is to be sought.
And have we said the balanced
and self-accepting self are aware both
of its apparent distortions and its total perfection.
And I think I was, this came up when I was looking into, uh,
a whole video on the judgment archetype
because, um, we do a certain amount of judging
of ourselves, which is good.
I mean, and I, I think the whole purpose of it though is so
that we can see everything.
We can see the distortions,
and we can see the perfection in who we are
and accept them all, you know, and,
and not have this bias against ourselves,
against when we,
when we create this bad biased against ourselves,
then we create a biased.
It's easy, it's easier for us
to create a bias against other selves.
So if we, that's the first step, right?
Is, is accepting the distortions
and the perf perfection is imperfectly perfect
resting in this balanced awareness,
the entity then opens itself to the universe, which it is.
The light energy of all things may then be attracted
to this intense seeking.
And wherever the inner seeking meets the attracted cosmic
chronic realization of the one takes place.
So realization of the one takes place in that sense
that you realize that you know, it's all you, it's all me,
it's all everyone.
The purpose of clearing such energy is to allow
that meeting the place to occur at the indigo ray vibration,
then making contact with intelligent infinity
and dissolving all illusions service to others is automatic.
As the release energy generated by this state
of consciousness does FaceTime
and timespace distortions, as you understand them,
do not hold sway, accepting third density.
However, fourth density, fifth density,
and to some extent, sixth work within some system
of polarized space, time
and time space, the calculations necessary
to move from one system to another
through the dimensions are somewhat difficult.
Therefore, we have most difficulty sharing
numer numerical concepts with you
and take this opportunity to repeat
a request that you monitor our numbers.
Okay? Yeah.
They're talking on such a high level
that sometimes they can't dumb it down for us.
I guess it's like a doctor trying to talk to a patient
that has no idea
So this is where we get into the contact
with intelligent infinity and the work to be done.
So this one I felt like it was important
because we do need to understand like the whole balancing
of accepting ourselves, right?
Like, if we can't accept ourselves
and we cannot accept another person, so the work begins, um,
you know, with us, and then we can then project.
'cause we are all, we're all projecting, right?
Okay, so this is five two.
So almost at the very beginning of this entire work.
So if we decided to accept, if offered the honor
and the duty, uh, of learning the healing process,
I would ask for the first step.
We should do again to become effective healers.
All right, so we begin with the mental
learning necessary for contact with intelligent infinity.
The prerequisite of mental work is the ability
to retain silence of self at a steady state when required
by the self, the mind must opened like a door.
The key is silence. Okay?
So whether they're talking about meditation, possibly,
but you know, I think it's a little more than that as far as
how to shut your mind off, how to, to listen
to the sounds around you.
You know, it's, it's, it's very complicated
and hard when you tell somebody, well, just don't think,
well, the moment you tell me not to think,
then my mind brings up about 84 things that I'm supposed
to be doing, you know, that I'm not doing
or that I have yet to deal with or whatnot.
So the practice, maybe to just sit in silence and,
and, and listen to the sounds around you
and not make anything of them.
You're hearing birds.
Well, don't try to, um, contemplate the birds.
Just listen. Just listen to 'em and experience them
or listen to the sound of running water.
Just experience it, you know, don't try to rationalize, oh,
I'm hearing water, and you know, that's water.
It's so beautiful. No, just experience it.
Don't worry about, uh, how you focus on the,
just experience in the silence.
Within that door of silence lies a
hierarchical construction.
You may liken unto the geography,
and in some ways geometry
for the hierarchy is quite regular,
bearing some interrelationships.
You wanna kind of follow the, the geometry
of your mind in a way.
So once you find that silence,
then you follow the geography of, of this mind.
So to begin to master the concept
of mental discipline, it is necessary to examine the self.
Okay? So this is involving silencing the mind.
Um, get to that silence, then the door opens
and what happens after the door is opened,
then you start examining the self, okay?
And again, this self follows a pattern of the geography, um,
or the geometry of the thought.
The polarity of your dimension must be internalized, okay?
Where you find patients within your mind,
you must consciously find the corresponding in
patience and vice versa.
Alright? So you're thinking about in a time
where I'm gonna flip-flop it about being impatient.
And then you must realize your being impatient.
And then only then once you realize the impatience,
can you then think of a time when you are a patient
or you tell yourself to be patient, okay?
Or vice versa. I'm being too patient.
There is such a thing as being too patient.
Oh, I kid you not, so you can't be too patient
because then, uh, you, you can't enter the realm
of being a doormat in a way.
So, so then you find a time, um,
and a memory where you were impatient.
Kind of balance that out a little bit.
It's all about balance. Each thought that a being has
has in turn, um,
an antithesis, right?
There's always the opposite.
The disciplines that the mind involve first,
identifying both these things
of which you approve in the things
of which you disapprove within yourself, Right?
And we gotta find those things
and we have to admit that we don't like those things about
ourself, or we have to admit
that we do like those things about ourself.
And then balancing each and every positive
and negative charge with its equals.
So doesn't mind if it's the greatest aspect of yourself,
you know, maybe it is that you really like, you still have
to balance that out with its opposite.
Therefore, you must discover this completeness within
yourself that you actually do have that balance.
For every thought, there is an opposite thought.
The second mental discipline is acceptance
of the completeness within your consciousness.
It is not for being a polarity
and the physical consciousness to pick
and choose among those attributes.
Thus building the roles that cause blockages
and confusions in the already distorted mind complex,
each acceptance smooths a part of the many distortions
that the faculty, you call judgment
and, and genders.
I have to take a drink.
In other words, why are we judging ourselves?
Everything is balanced, all good.
Okay, the third discipline
of the mind is a repetition of the first.
Okay? So examining the self,
but with the gaze outward towards the
fellow entities that it meets.
So here is where we do that to others.
Each entity there exists completeness.
So this completeness, yes, lies within us,
but the completeness also lies within everyone else.
Thus, the ability to understand each balance is necessary.
When you view patients, you are responsible
for mirroring in your mental understanding,
patients and patients.
When you view impatience, it is necessary
for your mental configuration of understanding
to be the impatience patients.
Oh, I see. When somebody's being impatience, it's your duty
to be the patience that's your responsibility.
Or when somebody's being two patients, is it,
is it your responsibility to be the impatience
or to balance that out in such a way?
I don't know. That's a good question.
We use this as a simple example.
Most configurations of mind have many faucets.
It's an understanding of either self polarities
or what you call other self polarities can
and must be understood as subtle work.
The next step is the acceptance of other self polarities,
which mirrors the second step, okay?
Which is this. Here you do have to accept that other people
have a different polarity
or on a different path or the same path.
It's a different step or, uh, or what have you.
These are the first four steps in learning
mental discipline.
The fifth step involves observing the geographical
and geometrical relationships of ratios of the mind,
the other mind, the mass mind, and then the infinite mind.
The second area of learning is the study
or understanding of the body complexes.
It is necessary for you to know your body well.
This is a, to examine how the feelings,
the biases, and
what you call the emotions affect various
portions of the body.
How is your sadness wearing on you?
Where do you wear your sadness at?
Basically, where do you wear your impatience at?
Where do you wear your shame at?
Where do you wear your joy at?
Where do you, where do you wear your forgiveness at this,
it is necessary to both understand the bodily polarities
and to accept them repeating in a
chemical physical manifestation.
The work you have done upon the mind.
Be thinking the consciousness, the body is a creature
of the mind's creation.
Okay? And, and the mind is what kind of, um,
handles the emotions.
Okay? The emotions actually come from the mind.
I mean, yeah, because your mind is feeling, um, sad
or let's just pick on sadness for a minute.
Your mind is feeling sad.
If, if the body is a creature of the mind,
how is your body feeling?
Okay, is it feeling sluggish? Is it feeling less energized?
Is it feeling like it can't move? You know?
Well, if your mind is feeling that way then
and the body is a creature of the mind,
and yeah, then you're gonna wear your sadness.
Basically the body has its biases.
The biological bias must be first completely understood.
And the opposite bias allowed to
find full expression.
And understanding, again, the process of accepting
of the body as a balanced, as well as polarized individual
may then be accomplished.
So I read this I think the other night
and I was like, you know, now I understand why
some people I just couldn't handle to be around, be around.
And then there's other people that I could.
So because my body had created biases against, you know,
certain, uh, personality quirks or something like that.
So I'm like, okay, this, that one's all me, you know?
So then, yeah,
and then I have to understand that, you know,
maybe they do have a certain work that they need to be done
and I have to be understanding of that.
And my, I shouldn't create a bias
'cause we all are on different, uh, levels of, of learning
and understanding and having the will to
actually do that kind of work.
So, uh, so that helped me understand that,
uh, it's the task to extend this understanding to the bodies
of the other cells whom you meet.
The simplest example of this is the understanding
that each biological male is female.
Each biological female is male.
And that's a, um, that's an example
just like your patients and impatience.
Okay? For every, for every action you wanna balance it out
with the opposite or every distortion,
you wanna balance it out with the opposite.
Uh, however, in almost every case where you are attempting
to understand the body of self
or other self, you will again find
that the most subtle discernment is necessary in order
to fully grasp the po polarity complexes involved.
Yeah, subtle discernment at this time.
We would suggest closing the description
until next time of work.
Okay? And the third area to, um,
commensurate with its importance.
Okay, there we go.
I think we'll end off on there today and then I may go back
and try to find this third area.
Yeah, but the balancing,
so this whole last, um, session that I went through
through was involving the steps to learn this contact
with intelligent infinity,
and it all really boils down to discipline
and personality plan of the mind.
Um, and then going through the sphere archetypes
and doing, um, you know, kind of taking in a certain amount
of judgment on yourself, uh,
and then balancing those, accepting yourself
for these distortions
and then kind of, you know, expressing that outwardly onto
others and their distortions
and balancing those out within you.
It is still your responsibility if we are all one
and we all have that responsibility
and we can all do that type of work as for service.
So, uh, of course we do have to understand each one
of us has free will
and it's free will for someone to choose
to work on themselves
or to choose to not work on themselves.
So when we cannot absolutely not force that, um, it's like,
you know, trying to help, um, an addict
and that's a horrible example, but, you know, nobody changes
unless they really wanna change.
If they're not gonna wanna change
and they're just not going to,
all you can do is extend the hand
and if they don't grasp it, then that's fine.
So maybe they'll, they'll, they'll, they will go
through their own catalysts
and, uh, opportunities for that, uh, as,
as universe puts in their way.
So, um,
but I hope that gives a better idea of
specifically contact
with intelligent Trinity is really one I wanted
to express in today.
So we'll come back at this a time later,
but I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Uh, won't be as exciting as last weekend was
with the Aurora, but, um,
definitely still processing, you know, what happened
with the Auroras and, and that.
So, uh, have fun, be joy,
and I will see you next time.
Thank you.
I hope you all are having a great Friday.
Uh, we're gonna be discussing intelligent infinity
more specifically, like the con, the whole concept of
of contact with intelligent infinity.
Uh, trying to wrap my own brain around this and,
and hopes it would help you all as well.
Um, so let's get started.
And this first question that comes up is in regards
to the 21st archetype.
So then I would guess
that the 21st archetype would represent contact
with intelligent infinity, is that correct?
So the 21st archetype would be the world,
and this is correct, although one may also see the
reflection of this contact as well as the contact
with intelligent energy, which is the universe,
or you have called it somewhat provincially the world.
So really what they meant, you know,
through this 21st archetype was really the universe, uh,
that would be contact with intelligent energy.
And as far as I can tell, I mean, raw does explain
intelligent energy
and intelligent infinity in a slightly different manner.
Um, I think infinity is the idea, the, the consciousness
behind and the energy is just the, the thing that forms
movement and the things that builds and destroys
and creates.
Um, let's move on.
Uh, a couple of these I'm gonna expand upon.
Hopefully we'll be able to get through all this today
'cause there are a few things, um, at
the lower levels of this page
that I would really like to get to.
Uh, this is out of session 80, that 22.
Then by this contact also with intelligent energy,
can you give me an example of what this would be for bulls
for the contact with intelligent infinity
and intelligent energy?
Could you give me an example of what type
of experiences would result in, if that's all possible?
So the answer, this shall be the last
query we have discussed.
The possibilities of contact with intelligent energy
for this energy is the energy of the logos,
and thus it is the energy which heals,
builds, removes, destroys,
and transforms all other selves as well as the selves.
The contact with intelligent infinity is most likely
to produce an unspeakable joy in the
entity such contact.
If you wish to query more detail, we invite you
to do so in another working.
Okay. I'm sure there is much more to it than just that,
but they give us kind of a, um, a plain answer.
So I think the, the energy is more the force behind things.
The intelligent infinity is just the, the place of being.
Okay. And this here they're talking about the Crusaders, uh,
and I do believe it's in regards to
the Orion, the Orion group.
Okay, so let's go over this in a little bit more detail,
expanding upon how these,
so-called crusaders from near Ryan Group, um,
and how they become so service yourself.
And we do, and there is some other things in this working
that is a little provocative, which I have yet
to decide if I wanna go over.
But we do need to understand how they are working
and what their ultimate goal is.
Uh, this is 1118.
Then we have crusaders from Orion coming to this planet
for mind control purposes.
How do they do that? They filed a law
of one observing free will contact is made with those
who call those that upon planetary sphere act as much
as you do to disseminate the attitudes
and philosophy of their particular understanding of the law
of one, which is service to self.
The these become the elite surreal.
These, the attempt begins
to create a condition whereby the remainder
of the planetary elites are enslaved by their own free will.
Can you name any of the recipients of the crusaders?
Any names that may be known on the planet today?
I'm desirous of being a non violation
of the free will distortion, which means that
if you're alive today, it's kind of a violation
of free will to tell you.
But they do give us, I mean, control over,
control over others is what I'm seeing in the loved one.
Uh, being a marker for this service to self,
to name those involved in the future of yours,
FaceTime is to infringe.
Thus we withhold the information.
We request your contemplation
and the fruit to the actions
of those entities whom you may observe enjoying the
distortion towards power.
In this way, you may discern for yourself,
we shall not interfere with the planetary gain.
It is not central to the harvest.
So how do these crusaders pass on their concepts
to incarnate to the incarnate individuals on earth?
There are two main ways, okay?
There are two main ways
of polarizing towards service to others.
These are the mind, body, spirit complexes upon your playing
who do exercises to perform disciplines in order
to seek contact with sources of information
and power leading to the opening the gate
of intelligent infinity.
There are others whose vibratory complex is such
that this gateway is open
and contact with total service to self,
with its primal distortion of manipulation
of others is then afforded with little
or no difficulty, no training and no control.
What type of information is passed on from these crusaders?
The Orion group passes on the information concerning the law
of line with the orientation of service to self.
The information can become technical just to some,
and the confederation
and attempts to aid this planet in service to others have
provided what you call technical information.
The technology provided by this group is in the form
of various means of control
or manipulation of others to serve the self.
Okay, and it kind of goes a little bit into,
if you wanna finish out this session, this is session 11.
They do go into a little bit of how we learned, you know,
your nuclear energy and things.
I do believe it was meant for a positive thing.
Of course, humans being humans. Okey doke.
So let's move on now
'cause there are so many,
so much more good stuff involving intelligent affinity here.
Okay, so this is added 92.
Going back to, um, the archetypes a little bit.
Uh, finally, as each energy center becomes activated
and balanced, the transformation in the mind gets called
upon more and more frequently
when all of the energy centers are activated
and balanced to a minimal degree, contact
with intelligent infinity occurs.
The veil is removed.
And the great way as a mind is called on, is this correct?
Not correct. Okay.
Now, this is quite an elegant look at some
of the relationships within the archetypical mind.
By the way, I do believe transformation
of mind is the lever.
So that's your relationship with yourself really.
And, uh, kind of balancing the light in the dark,
that's very odd experiencing this
because it's like you, your light
and dark at the same time
as you are seeing the other person's light and dark.
And it can be very mixed
and, you know, you have to decide what's yours
and what's not yours.
And then it's like
you, you're all wine.
So what doesn't matter? And then, you know, it's,
it's a very odd thing to stay in.
Okay? But anyway, let's go back to their answer.
However, it must be seen once again
that the archetypical mind is not equal.
The acting incarnation of mind, body, spirit complexes
progression for evolution.
So the archetypical mind is not equal, the acting
living person's progression
or evolution, uh, due to the first misperception,
we hesitate to speak on the second consideration,
but we shall attempt to clarify.
Um, while studying the archetypical mind, we may suggest
that the student look at the great way, the mind not as
that which is attained
after contact with intelligent affinity,
but rather as the portion of the iCal mind that denotes
and configures the framework within the mind, body,
or spirit archetypes move, which, I'm sorry,
the particular framework within which the mind, body,
or the spirit move.
Okay? That's how important the great way is
and very hard to attain as well.
So really hard to understand because that is
after your, your catalyst, that is
after your transformation.
You know, that is after all of that,
when the transformation is when you move into
that particular area, uh,
from which you've already catalyzed,
you've already had this catalyst experience.
And um, then you transform
because of the catalyst,
how you've handled this catalyst, right?
And then you learn how to, um, Anderson.
So take the alchemist for example.
That's, it's a great way of, uh, the body.
So that is
taking everything you learned from this catalyst
and the transformation
and putting it into actual use in your physical world.
So, um, this is kind of,
I mean, it's kind of off subject,
but I do wanna at least talk about it a little bit
because, um, talking about being transported in,
in craft and how it relates to
intelligent finity,
and then one known as Daniel in thought wor transported
by the confederation thought war vehicular illusion in order
to give this mind, body, spirit complex data so
that we might see how this type of contact aided your people
and the uncovering of the intelligent infinity
beyond the illusion of limits.
Okay? So I just wanna point out that it's saying
intelligent infinity is beyond the illusion of limits.
When you realize that you are not as limited is
what society has told you,
you might see some things opening up for you.
Stop putting yourself in a box. I think that's number one.
Okay? Um, this is some differences in
regarding service yourself versus service to others
and how they might radiate.
Uh, So the negative patterns
is 39 point 12.
The negative pattern is the red orange jello moving
directly to the blue.
This being only used in order
to contact intelligent infinity.
So they moved directly to the blue.
And honestly, I don't have any idea why this is in,
uh, parentheses here.
And maybe they're questioning whether they met indigo,
but I think it was blue.
I mean, they, they skipped right over the green,
which is hearts, that's your center
of compassion and empathy.
And, and we know, um, that
a lot of folks that are self-serving do just lack the
empathy, you know, lack the compassion to see
the experience of the other person.
Uh, and positively oriented entities.
The configuration is even crystalline crystal,
minorly clear and of the seven ray description.
So they're going to be expressing, you know, all the,
the red, orange, yellow, the green blue,
and to go violet, you know, violet being a sum of, of
who you are basically.
Okay, so this is important as well.
This is 58 at 23.
Uh, is there any advantage in attempting
to develop characteristics, characteristics
or being able to bend metal?
What I am trying to say, are those charact,
are those characteristics a signpost
of the development of an entity?
Or are they something else? Uh, as an entity develops
through this, his indigo would be a signpost
of his development of the vending.
Okay, So let us specify the three
spirals of light in the pyramid.
First, the fundamental spiral, which is used for the study
and, and for healing.
Second, the spiral to the apex,
which is used for the building.
So the apex is one at the top.
Thirdly, the spiral spreading from the apex, which is used
for energizing.
So luc, the three spirals you can use well inside
of the pyramid, or, um, visioning a pyramid
contact with indigo ray
need not necessarily show itself in any certain
gift or a guidepost.
As you said, there are some whose indigo energy is at a
pure being and is never manifested.
And so it doesn't matter, you know, they let me move on.
Yet all are aware of an such an entity's progress.
Others may teach
or share in many ways contact with intelligent energy.
Others continue in unmanifested form seeking
intelligent infinity.
I think if you are, what I was going to say is, you know,
I don't think it matters whether or not you can bend metal
or levitate or whatever it is.
Uh, sure that's, that's manifesting intelligent energy,
but I think seeking is, is really the goal,
or at least for me.
So, I mean, take that as you wish.
I think seeking is more powerful,
seeking intelligent affinity, seeking the creator, you know,
that you can, as it says, all are aware of such an
an's progress, um, that
is more important than being able to
do any of the physical things.
So I, in my own opinion, I feel like,
to being able to do these types of things, then metal
and so on and so forth, uh, maybe an effect
of one's progress, maybe.
But here they say, you know,
there is sometimes there is no guidepost.
Sometimes they just keep on seeking.
So, and that's fine too.
Uh, the manifestation that's the manifestation
is a lesser signpost.
And that which is sensed
or intuitive about in mind, body, spirit complex,
the violet ray Venus is far more indicative of true self.
There you go. Okay,
so this is, um, actually, I was
really contemplating doing
session on the 20th archetype, which they're really,
this is the only session
that they speak about it, which is judgment.
Okay? Um, but
so I'm glad it came up in the, the area
of intelligent infinity.
So, um, so yeah, 20th archetype,
that which you call the sarcophagus in your system may be
seen as a material world.
The material world is transformed by the spirit
into that which is infinite and eternal.
The infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization
named the infinity of consciousness.
And these are complex, they are three things.
You're mind, body, and spirit.
They, they are, I don't wanna use the term separate,
but they're different ideas,
but yet they all function together.
That's why they call it a mind, body,
spirit complex, I guess.
But they are saying the infinity of the spirit
is an even greater realization than the
infinity of consciousness.
For consciousness which has been disciplined by the will
and faith is
that consciousness which may contact intelligent
infinity directly.
There are many things which fall away in the many,
many steps of a, we still walk these steps
and one infinite creator at each transformation.
So I wanna, actually, what I do wanna do
that is bring up the picture.
If I could find it in a relatively short amount of time,
because I wanna get you guys an
idea of what I'm talking about.
So this is transformation
of the spirit, and this is judgment.
So, I mean,
you can see a transformation happening right now.
And the way that we do that is by disciplining discipline
of the mind, discipline of the spirit, you know,
discipline of the personality.
So yeah, in each discipline you choosing
to acknowledge your wrongs and your rights, okay?
And forgiving others, forgiving self,
not choosing to react in a way you would've
before through a vose, actions or otherwise.
Each time you do that is a transformation
because you in that moment have chosen
to be a better person or not.
If you're on the service to yourself, pass whatever.
Um, but, uh, my goal is
to be loving, kind, forgiving,
compassionate, empathetic.
So this is where I'm coming from,
but each transformation you do, you kind of do become
a slightly better version of yourself.
You know, the whole goal is to become this,
this is a great way to spirit, which is the world, um,
this ultimate version of yourself that you want to see and,
and you want to show the world.
And by, by doing that
and acting in a service to others manner, as you become,
you know, this, this role model for for others
to do the same
because you inspire people by,
by becoming a better version of yourself.
So holding boundaries and, uh, someone
and so forth, but also be at the same time being loving
and kind and, um,
understanding the larger picture of things.
So, and, and the wings here, you know, really appeal to me.
'cause there is a part of one
where it says the spirit is winged.
And when it's ready to take flight, it will take flight.
So this is, you know, the moment that the,
the great way the spirit where you really embody
that whole transformation that you just went through,
then you embody the transformation
that you have just seen yourself go through.
Alright, so moving on though, um,
I could talk for hours on that.
So that'll have to be another day. This is 61 13.
Uh, could you tell us the purpose of the frontal lobes
of the brain and the conditions
necessary for their activation?
You know, as we learned from, from some of, um,
David Wilcox work, et cetera, you know that, uh, in your,
in some amenities, this is lacking in a sense,
but the answer, the frontal lobe
of the brain will have much more use in forest density.
The primary mental slash emotive condition
of this large area of the so-called brain is joy
or love in the creative sense.
This energy, the energies will,
which have been discussed in two of the relationships
of the pyramids, all of the learning, the healing,
the building, the energizing will be found in this area.
This is the area tapped by the age Egypt.
This is the area which working through the trunk
and the root of the mind then makes contact
with intelligent energy
and through this gateway intelligent infinity.
All right. Going back a little
bit to the archetypes, um, this is,
I really wanna go over this
and I know it's a lot, so just bear with me.
But it explains much
and the attributes that some of the archetypes that are
hugely important, I feel like for us
to understand these parts of ourselves.
So Dawn says, I have a statement that he will quickly read.
Uh, in general, the archetypical mind is a representation
of the faucets of the one infinite creation.
The father archetype corresponds to the male
or positive aspect of electromagnetic energy
and is active, creative,
and radiant as is our local son,
the mother archetyped.
So we're talking about the emperor and the empress.
The mother archetype corresponds to the female
or negative aspect of electromagnetic energy.
No, I don't feel like they're talking about, I mean, yeah,
they're talking about polarization here,
but not in a sense that you're talking about batteries.
So you have your negative side
and your positive side, right?
Um, negative aspect of electromagnetic energy,
and it's receptive
or as magnetic as our earth as it receives a son's race
and brings forth life via our density fertility,
the prodigal son or the fool.
Okay? So that could be labeled as a prodigal son, right?
He leaves and on the spectacular journey thinking he's not,
he then he realizes he doesn't know
what he got himself into, and then he went on
and found himself a monument.
So the prodigal son,
or the fool archetype corresponds to every entity who seems
to have straight from unity
and seeks to return to the one infinite creator, right?
He goes on this journey, it may seem foolish,
but his ultimate goal is to find a creator.
The devil archetype represents the illusion
of the material world and the appearance of evil,
but is more accurately the provider of catalyst for growth
of each entity within the third density illusion.
Yeah, I mean, I, if it's not for the dark nugget
of the soul, I mean, would any of us truly grow
and, um, have our will tested to find our will?
That's a great question. I give thanks
to every single dark nugget of a soul,
because if it wasn't for, for those moments
or those times, I would not have learned,
I would not have grown, I would not have known
better, you know?
So to have gratitude, um, some other terms
for the magician, which may make more sense, the magician,
saint healer,
or adduct corresponds to the higher self.
And because of the balance within its energy center is
pierces the illusion to contact intelligent infinity
and thereby demonstrates mastery
of the catalyst of density.
And the reason I'm reading it like this is
because rah really doesn't discount it in his
answer or their answer.
So, uh, that's why I'm reading it like that.
The archetype of death, transformation of the body
symbolizes the transition of identity
from the yellow ray body to the green ray body,
either temporarily or between incarnations
or more permanently at harvest.
So I mean, they, rod does give kind
of a better interpretation of death.
It doesn't necessarily mean like you have to pass on.
I mean, this is a cycle in the archetypical journey,
and it can be just realizing in that moment
that you don't know what's gonna come next.
I mean, some of the transformation
of the bodies have come quite rather
dramatically from one moment to the next.
You just don't know. And that could be one moment
to the next, so you decide to be a better person.
So, um,
you are no longer the person you were from
one minute ago till now.
So you've gone through a transformation just by listening
to these words or reading a book or watching a movie.
That is a transformation as long as you are receptive
or, um, discerning that information as well.
So each archetype presents an aspect
of the one infinite creation
to teach the individual my body, spirit complex according
to the calling or the electoral magnetic configuration
of the mind of an entity.
And, um, I'm gonna put an emphasis
on the importance of just thinking of ourselves
as electromagnetic beings,
because we are, okay, our nervous system is electric,
that is what makes our muscles move,
that's what makes our heartbeat.
It's from the electrical system of our bodies.
That is our nervous system,
and we are magnetically have iron in our bones, um,
and other magnetic minerals that make up who we are.
Uh, teaching is done via the intuition
with proper seeking or mind configuration.
The power of will uses the spirit
as a shall to contact the appropriate archetypical aspect
necessary for the teaching.
Um, so the power of the will.
So that is the wang in the magician's hand.
That's what the w symbolizes is the will using the will to
beauty actions.
In this case, they're talking about calling upon
a, a certain archetype.
In the same way each of the other informers
of intuition are contacted.
They are a higher hierarchical
and proceed from the entity's own subconscious mind, then
to the group mind
or planetary mind, then you're the guides,
then you're the higher self,
then you're the archetypical mind to the cosmic mind
or intelligent infinity.
Each is contacted by the spirit serving
as a shuttle according
to the harmonized electromagnetic configuration of the,
is mine and the information sought.
So for, to get the whole answer on from Rob.
We'll ha we'll have to go into this.
Okay, here we go.
Because they kind of go back
and forth on should we answer this
or should we not answer this?
Or do you want us to or do you not?
So, and then eventually, yeah,
they're like, okay, we'll answer.
So then they answer. Perhaps the first item we shall address
is the concept of the spirit uses a shuttle
between the roots and the trunk of mind.
So this is, you know, a tree, you are a tree, okay?
The roots are in the ground, right?
How does the water, how does the energy
from the earth get in there?
So, well, the roots are used as a shuttle, okay?
And, and because the, the roots have to talk to the trunk,
uh, the roots have to feed the, the trunk rather.
So how do they get up there?
This is a misapprehension as we allow the questioner
to consider the function of the spirit further,
for in working with the mind,
we are working within one complex
and have not yet attempted to penetrate
intelligent infinity.
Um, that is from, so the mind is not yet the spirit.
It is well said that the archetypes are portions
of the one infinite creator or aspects of its face.
However, far better to realize
that the archetypes while constant in
co I'm sorry, while constant in the complex of generative
energies offered, do not give the same yield
of those complexes to any two seekers.
So every archetype is different in everyone
for lack of better terms.
So a little wordy, but that's my interpretation.
Each seeker will experience each archetype
and the character characteristics within the complex
of the archetype, which are most important to it.
An example of this would be the observation of the question,
or that the fool is described in such and such way.
One great aspect of this archetype is the aspect
of faith, right?
The fool has, does have faith.
The walking into a space with that regard of what is
to come next, saying, oh, God's got my back.
All right, let's go. This is of course, foolish,
but is part of the characteristics
of the spiritual neophytes
that this aspect was not seen maybe pondered
by the questioner at this time.
Okay, yeah. So yeah, that's,
so they didn't really just count everything that Don asked.
Um, so that's why I read it in a way that I did.
So to try to give a better, uh, idea of
what it was he was trying to say about, uh, how the,
the archetypes are functioning in regards
to this intelligent affinity.
So let's go back a little bit. Okay?
I'm going to take a drink,
okay, I'm gonna go past some of this.
Actually, I do wanna go over this one.
Okay. There is a series of two questions I'm gonna go over.
I'm gonna go over the second one.
Um, a person by the name of Paul has received information
that mentions that there were other beings aiding the,
in the construction of the pyramids
who were not fully materialized in the third density.
They were materialized from the waist up to their heads,
but were not materialized in the waist down.
Did such, did these such
entities exist in the construction of the pyramids?
And who were they? Uh, consider, if you will,
the intelligent infinity present in the absorption
of livingness and beingness.
That intelligent infinity being beingness
as it becomes codified into intelligent energy, right?
Intelligent infinity comes first
and then it's moved into the force behind creation
due to the thought impressions
of those assisting the living stone
into a new shape of being.
Yes. Now remember, living stone is like, uh, you know,
you move it into, you move it
through time and space basically.
And then back to the space that it was in.
The, the release
and use of intelligent infinity for a brief period begins
to absorb all the consecutive interlocking dimensions,
thus offering brief glimpses of those projecting
to the material their thought.
These aren't necessarily beings with their thought form.
Maybe that's how we understand
thought forms a little bit better.
It's more of a projection of themselves, projection
of their thoughts being there.
Um, these beings thus beginning to materialize,
but not remaining visible.
These beings were the thought form
or third density visible manifestations
of our social memory complex as we offer contact from
our intelligent infinity
to the intelligent infinity of the stone.
It was through their interactions
of the stone they were moving, that they were able
to briefly their own thought forums were briefly able
to materialize.
So maybe that's how some
beings are able to appear
to be in two places at once.
All right. And this is training in regards to healing.
Uh, I have no idea how long this would take
or if you can even tell us anything.
Um, it's a possible for you to give us a, a, a synopsis
of the program of training for healing.
I have no idea the knowledge of what questions to ask,
um, raw answer.
Um, the synopsis is a very appropriate entry
that you might understand what is involved.
Firstly, the mind must know itself.
I'm sorry, the mind must be known to itself.
This is perhaps the most demanding part of healing work.
If the mind knows itself, then the most important aspect
of healing has occurred
for consciousness is the microcosm of the law of lung.
Know your mind. The second part has to do
with the disciplines of the body complexes
and in streamings reaching your planet at this time.
These understandings
and disciplines have to do with the balance between love
and wisdom in the use of the body and its natural functions.
Know your body. The third area is spiritual.
And in this area, the first two disciplines,
knowing the mind
and knowing the body are connected through the attainment
of contact with intelligent infinity.
Okay. Um,
and this goes into some of the, um,
construction of the pyramid stuff.
So if you guys wanna look that over, it's session three
because there is so much more, uh, or all of it's important,
but, uh, more appropriate things for this time.
I feel like we can go over.
Okay, so this is 65 6 with the coming changes
as we progress into fourth density, I'm speaking of
changes not only in the physical third density planet due
to the heating effect, but also changes
that are heralding four density vibrations such
as the ability of people to perform
what we term paranormal activities.
I'm assuming that both of these are also
and will act as catalyst to create greater seeking.
Is this right? So it's a great question, you know, um,
and I feel like it's rather coincidental
with today's the Vatican was doing something today,
had paranormal activity.
So, and I'm not quite sure what dawn meant
by paranormal activity.
Is this pre-cognition?
Is this, you know, um, uh, bending metal?
Is this, you know, I'm not real sure.
So, and I guess we can assume, but anyway,
but he's asking, you know, is seeing people doing this going
to create a catalyst in us?
And Ross said, this is only partially correct the paranormal
11 occurring or not designed to increase seeking.
But our manifestation of those, um,
whose configuration enables them to contact gateway
to intelligent infinity, meaning it's not really a catalyst
for you, it's been a catalyst for them.
And their own contact
with intelligent infinity
is allowing these things to happen.
These entities capable of paranormal service may determine
to be of such service on a conscious level.
Uh, this however is a function of the entity
and its free will and not the paranormal activity.
So the correct portion
of your statements is the greater opportunity for service
due to the many changes that will offer many challenges,
difficulties, and seeming distresses within your allusion
to many who will then seek to un to understand,
if we may use this misnomer, the reason
for the mal malfunctioning
and the physical rhythms of your planet.
Moreover, there exists probability,
probability vortices,
which spiral towards your Pecos actions.
Many of these vortices are not of the nuclear war,
but of the less annihilator,
but more length as a conventional word in this situation,
if formed in your illusion may offer many opportunities
for seeking and for service.
So there you go.
Um, this is talking about, I do wanna read this last,
this last paragraph out of this one.
The principle behind any ritual of the white magical nature,
the white magical nature is two.
So configure the stimuli, which reached down into the trunk
of the mind that this arrangement causes a generation
of discipline and purified emotion
or love, which then may be both protection
and the key to the gateway of intelligent
and infinity to all things from love.
That's your protection
and it's the key to reaching your goal.
So, Okay,
so this is a great question is asking, you know, like
how many wonders during that time, this is 1981, have,
you know, uh, penetrated this,
I think we've been over it before,
but penetrated the idea of who they are.
Um, it's a great time to just kind of reiterate that.
So again, this is 1981.
Um, we can approximate the percentage of those pertain,
uh, penetrating intelligently their status.
This is between eight and one half and nine
and three quarter percent.
There is a larger percent, a group of those
who have fairly well defined, um, symptomology indicating
to them that they are not of this insanity.
The this amounts to a bit over 50% of the remainder.
Nearly one third of the remainder are aware
that something about them is different.
So then you see there are many, uh, grad gradations
of awakening to the knowledge of being a aligner.
We may add that it is to the middle
and the first group, so disinformation will even make sense.
yeah, I'm gonna go over the middle of this.
There's a really long one coming up
and I just wanna make sure that I get all of that.
So I don't wanna spend too much time
or I don't need to.
I really wanna focus on this inte this idea
of intelligent affinity.
The spirit complex is a channel whereby the end pourings
from all various universal planetary
and personal end pourings may be funneled into the
rates of consciousness.
This spirit is a shuttle
and whereby consciousness may be funneled to the gateway
of intelligent infinity through the balanced,
intelligent energy of mind and body.
Uh, that was Don asking them to define the mind, body,
and spirit separately.
I do wanna go over in detail, this is, uh,
Uh, our subject is how the sexual polarity acts
as a catalyst in evolution
and how to make best use of this catalyst.
Going back to material, I will fill in a few gaps. Okay?
Can you tell me the difference between orange and yellow?
Uh, this is the one that I consider not going over,
but I do want to
because we do need to understand
how these things are functioning at our
planet, how to identify them.
So, um, I am going
to work out from red ray right on through the violet.
And if we covered the red ray.
So what's the difference between the orange
and yellow ray activation?
The orange ray is
that the influencer vibratory pattern wherein the mind,
body, spirit expresses its power on an individual basis.
Thus power over individuals may be seen in orange ray.
This ray has been quite intense
among your people on an individual basis.
You may see in this ray the treating of other selves
as non-entities, slaves, cattle,
thus giving other selves no status whatsoever.
The yellow ray is very focal and has very powerful ray
and concerns the entity in relation to, shall we say,
group societies
or large numbers of mind, body, spirit complexes, the orange
we correct and they meant to say the yellow ray vibration
is at the heart of bellicose actions in which one group
of entity feel the necessary
and right of dominating other groups of entities
and bending their wills to the wills of the masters.
The negative path, as you call it, uses a combination
of yellow ray
and orange gray in its pull, uh, polarization patterns.
These rays used in dedicated fashion
will bring about a contact with intelligent infinity.
The use, the usual nature
of sexual interaction if one is yellow
or orange in the primary vibratory patterns
is one a blockage.
And then, uh, insatiable hunger
due to the blockage.
When there are two selves vibrating in this area,
the potential for polarization
through this interaction has begun One entity experiencing
the pleasure of humiliation and slavery
or bondage the other, experiencing the pleasure of mastery
and control over the the other entity.
And this way a sexual energy transfer
of a negative polarity is experienced.
So there are people that specifically use this as a way
to make contact with intelligent
and, uh, infinity going through the service to self path.
So, uh, I guess important that we need to know that.
Um, this is, I think
the main one is I really wanted to make sure I got to today.
Okay. And it is in regards to I guess the pyramid,
but I really liked the way that raw insert it.
Um, no, it's not. In regards to pyramid, I apologize.
Could you please expand on the concept of space time
and time space and how to get past this, the concept
of these things and
what density level do these concepts no longer
affect the individual?
I feel like we've talked about it before, but that's okay.
I feel like each time that it's brought up
that just another layer just kind of peels off
and we're able to see it in a
completely different perception.
Um, with the added understanding,
um, the space time
and time space concepts are those concepts describing
as mathematically as possible the relationships
of your illusion, that which is seen to
that which is unseen seen versus unseen seen
versus unseen.
So space, you can see there's three
dimensions face around you.
You can touch it, you can interact with it.
Time space is unseen, right?
It's, it's more of a,
a spiritual nature, a metaphysical nature.
Uh, until we had clocks, you couldn't really see time,
you can't really see time anyway.
Uh, even with clocks, uh, the descriptive terms are clumsy.
However, in the experiences of the mystical search
for unity, these need never be considered for they are,
but part of the illusory system, the seeker seeks the one,
this one is to be sought.
And have we said the balanced
and self-accepting self are aware both
of its apparent distortions and its total perfection.
And I think I was, this came up when I was looking into, uh,
a whole video on the judgment archetype
because, um, we do a certain amount of judging
of ourselves, which is good.
I mean, and I, I think the whole purpose of it though is so
that we can see everything.
We can see the distortions,
and we can see the perfection in who we are
and accept them all, you know, and,
and not have this bias against ourselves,
against when we,
when we create this bad biased against ourselves,
then we create a biased.
It's easy, it's easier for us
to create a bias against other selves.
So if we, that's the first step, right?
Is, is accepting the distortions
and the perf perfection is imperfectly perfect
resting in this balanced awareness,
the entity then opens itself to the universe, which it is.
The light energy of all things may then be attracted
to this intense seeking.
And wherever the inner seeking meets the attracted cosmic
chronic realization of the one takes place.
So realization of the one takes place in that sense
that you realize that you know, it's all you, it's all me,
it's all everyone.
The purpose of clearing such energy is to allow
that meeting the place to occur at the indigo ray vibration,
then making contact with intelligent infinity
and dissolving all illusions service to others is automatic.
As the release energy generated by this state
of consciousness does FaceTime
and timespace distortions, as you understand them,
do not hold sway, accepting third density.
However, fourth density, fifth density,
and to some extent, sixth work within some system
of polarized space, time
and time space, the calculations necessary
to move from one system to another
through the dimensions are somewhat difficult.
Therefore, we have most difficulty sharing
numer numerical concepts with you
and take this opportunity to repeat
a request that you monitor our numbers.
Okay? Yeah.
They're talking on such a high level
that sometimes they can't dumb it down for us.
I guess it's like a doctor trying to talk to a patient
that has no idea
So this is where we get into the contact
with intelligent infinity and the work to be done.
So this one I felt like it was important
because we do need to understand like the whole balancing
of accepting ourselves, right?
Like, if we can't accept ourselves
and we cannot accept another person, so the work begins, um,
you know, with us, and then we can then project.
'cause we are all, we're all projecting, right?
Okay, so this is five two.
So almost at the very beginning of this entire work.
So if we decided to accept, if offered the honor
and the duty, uh, of learning the healing process,
I would ask for the first step.
We should do again to become effective healers.
All right, so we begin with the mental
learning necessary for contact with intelligent infinity.
The prerequisite of mental work is the ability
to retain silence of self at a steady state when required
by the self, the mind must opened like a door.
The key is silence. Okay?
So whether they're talking about meditation, possibly,
but you know, I think it's a little more than that as far as
how to shut your mind off, how to, to listen
to the sounds around you.
You know, it's, it's, it's very complicated
and hard when you tell somebody, well, just don't think,
well, the moment you tell me not to think,
then my mind brings up about 84 things that I'm supposed
to be doing, you know, that I'm not doing
or that I have yet to deal with or whatnot.
So the practice, maybe to just sit in silence and,
and, and listen to the sounds around you
and not make anything of them.
You're hearing birds.
Well, don't try to, um, contemplate the birds.
Just listen. Just listen to 'em and experience them
or listen to the sound of running water.
Just experience it, you know, don't try to rationalize, oh,
I'm hearing water, and you know, that's water.
It's so beautiful. No, just experience it.
Don't worry about, uh, how you focus on the,
just experience in the silence.
Within that door of silence lies a
hierarchical construction.
You may liken unto the geography,
and in some ways geometry
for the hierarchy is quite regular,
bearing some interrelationships.
You wanna kind of follow the, the geometry
of your mind in a way.
So once you find that silence,
then you follow the geography of, of this mind.
So to begin to master the concept
of mental discipline, it is necessary to examine the self.
Okay? So this is involving silencing the mind.
Um, get to that silence, then the door opens
and what happens after the door is opened,
then you start examining the self, okay?
And again, this self follows a pattern of the geography, um,
or the geometry of the thought.
The polarity of your dimension must be internalized, okay?
Where you find patients within your mind,
you must consciously find the corresponding in
patience and vice versa.
Alright? So you're thinking about in a time
where I'm gonna flip-flop it about being impatient.
And then you must realize your being impatient.
And then only then once you realize the impatience,
can you then think of a time when you are a patient
or you tell yourself to be patient, okay?
Or vice versa. I'm being too patient.
There is such a thing as being too patient.
Oh, I kid you not, so you can't be too patient
because then, uh, you, you can't enter the realm
of being a doormat in a way.
So, so then you find a time, um,
and a memory where you were impatient.
Kind of balance that out a little bit.
It's all about balance. Each thought that a being has
has in turn, um,
an antithesis, right?
There's always the opposite.
The disciplines that the mind involve first,
identifying both these things
of which you approve in the things
of which you disapprove within yourself, Right?
And we gotta find those things
and we have to admit that we don't like those things about
ourself, or we have to admit
that we do like those things about ourself.
And then balancing each and every positive
and negative charge with its equals.
So doesn't mind if it's the greatest aspect of yourself,
you know, maybe it is that you really like, you still have
to balance that out with its opposite.
Therefore, you must discover this completeness within
yourself that you actually do have that balance.
For every thought, there is an opposite thought.
The second mental discipline is acceptance
of the completeness within your consciousness.
It is not for being a polarity
and the physical consciousness to pick
and choose among those attributes.
Thus building the roles that cause blockages
and confusions in the already distorted mind complex,
each acceptance smooths a part of the many distortions
that the faculty, you call judgment
and, and genders.
I have to take a drink.
In other words, why are we judging ourselves?
Everything is balanced, all good.
Okay, the third discipline
of the mind is a repetition of the first.
Okay? So examining the self,
but with the gaze outward towards the
fellow entities that it meets.
So here is where we do that to others.
Each entity there exists completeness.
So this completeness, yes, lies within us,
but the completeness also lies within everyone else.
Thus, the ability to understand each balance is necessary.
When you view patients, you are responsible
for mirroring in your mental understanding,
patients and patients.
When you view impatience, it is necessary
for your mental configuration of understanding
to be the impatience patients.
Oh, I see. When somebody's being impatience, it's your duty
to be the patience that's your responsibility.
Or when somebody's being two patients, is it,
is it your responsibility to be the impatience
or to balance that out in such a way?
I don't know. That's a good question.
We use this as a simple example.
Most configurations of mind have many faucets.
It's an understanding of either self polarities
or what you call other self polarities can
and must be understood as subtle work.
The next step is the acceptance of other self polarities,
which mirrors the second step, okay?
Which is this. Here you do have to accept that other people
have a different polarity
or on a different path or the same path.
It's a different step or, uh, or what have you.
These are the first four steps in learning
mental discipline.
The fifth step involves observing the geographical
and geometrical relationships of ratios of the mind,
the other mind, the mass mind, and then the infinite mind.
The second area of learning is the study
or understanding of the body complexes.
It is necessary for you to know your body well.
This is a, to examine how the feelings,
the biases, and
what you call the emotions affect various
portions of the body.
How is your sadness wearing on you?
Where do you wear your sadness at?
Basically, where do you wear your impatience at?
Where do you wear your shame at?
Where do you wear your joy at?
Where do you, where do you wear your forgiveness at this,
it is necessary to both understand the bodily polarities
and to accept them repeating in a
chemical physical manifestation.
The work you have done upon the mind.
Be thinking the consciousness, the body is a creature
of the mind's creation.
Okay? And, and the mind is what kind of, um,
handles the emotions.
Okay? The emotions actually come from the mind.
I mean, yeah, because your mind is feeling, um, sad
or let's just pick on sadness for a minute.
Your mind is feeling sad.
If, if the body is a creature of the mind,
how is your body feeling?
Okay, is it feeling sluggish? Is it feeling less energized?
Is it feeling like it can't move? You know?
Well, if your mind is feeling that way then
and the body is a creature of the mind,
and yeah, then you're gonna wear your sadness.
Basically the body has its biases.
The biological bias must be first completely understood.
And the opposite bias allowed to
find full expression.
And understanding, again, the process of accepting
of the body as a balanced, as well as polarized individual
may then be accomplished.
So I read this I think the other night
and I was like, you know, now I understand why
some people I just couldn't handle to be around, be around.
And then there's other people that I could.
So because my body had created biases against, you know,
certain, uh, personality quirks or something like that.
So I'm like, okay, this, that one's all me, you know?
So then, yeah,
and then I have to understand that, you know,
maybe they do have a certain work that they need to be done
and I have to be understanding of that.
And my, I shouldn't create a bias
'cause we all are on different, uh, levels of, of learning
and understanding and having the will to
actually do that kind of work.
So, uh, so that helped me understand that,
uh, it's the task to extend this understanding to the bodies
of the other cells whom you meet.
The simplest example of this is the understanding
that each biological male is female.
Each biological female is male.
And that's a, um, that's an example
just like your patients and impatience.
Okay? For every, for every action you wanna balance it out
with the opposite or every distortion,
you wanna balance it out with the opposite.
Uh, however, in almost every case where you are attempting
to understand the body of self
or other self, you will again find
that the most subtle discernment is necessary in order
to fully grasp the po polarity complexes involved.
Yeah, subtle discernment at this time.
We would suggest closing the description
until next time of work.
Okay? And the third area to, um,
commensurate with its importance.
Okay, there we go.
I think we'll end off on there today and then I may go back
and try to find this third area.
Yeah, but the balancing,
so this whole last, um, session that I went through
through was involving the steps to learn this contact
with intelligent infinity,
and it all really boils down to discipline
and personality plan of the mind.
Um, and then going through the sphere archetypes
and doing, um, you know, kind of taking in a certain amount
of judgment on yourself, uh,
and then balancing those, accepting yourself
for these distortions
and then kind of, you know, expressing that outwardly onto
others and their distortions
and balancing those out within you.
It is still your responsibility if we are all one
and we all have that responsibility
and we can all do that type of work as for service.
So, uh, of course we do have to understand each one
of us has free will
and it's free will for someone to choose
to work on themselves
or to choose to not work on themselves.
So when we cannot absolutely not force that, um, it's like,
you know, trying to help, um, an addict
and that's a horrible example, but, you know, nobody changes
unless they really wanna change.
If they're not gonna wanna change
and they're just not going to,
all you can do is extend the hand
and if they don't grasp it, then that's fine.
So maybe they'll, they'll, they'll, they will go
through their own catalysts
and, uh, opportunities for that, uh, as,
as universe puts in their way.
So, um,
but I hope that gives a better idea of
specifically contact
with intelligent Trinity is really one I wanted
to express in today.
So we'll come back at this a time later,
but I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Uh, won't be as exciting as last weekend was
with the Aurora, but, um,
definitely still processing, you know, what happened
with the Auroras and, and that.
So, uh, have fun, be joy,
and I will see you next time.
Thank you.
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