Ep1: Guardian - Power Hour Prayer
In this episode of Power Prayer, Natasha leads a deep, guided prayer session focused on connecting with Spirit and invoking a guardian archetype. She emphasizes maintaining balance, recognizing true authority, and the transformative power of creative practices. The session includes an opening prayer, a reflection on cosmic guardianship, and a meditation soundscape. The goal is to help participants align with their higher purpose and navigate the challenges of the upcoming lunar cycle with clarity and grace.
Welcome to Power Prayer everyone.
I'm so excited and just so honored
to be able to co-create and share this space with you today.
I'm Natasha, if you didn't know that, I
have really felt a really strong urge
to bring this process in for quite a while
and I feel really excited to connecting
with Spirit in this way
and to create this year long process.
So as I mentioned in the introductory video
or recording, you can, you're more than welcome
to share your prayers in the chat.
If there's anything specific that you want healing from,
it's all part of the collective healing in the group.
So that's for your own self, for your loved ones, for
you know, humanity and everything
that's unfolding currently.
And also for the, uh, you know, as, as a being itself.
So firstly I'm going to start with an opening prayer.
And this opening prayer came through as a very clear
covenant between us and great spirit.
It's quite in depth
and it's like a protocol set up for the whole space as well
as obviously today's call or today's prayer.
So just close your eyes, open your heart
and just relax into the the words
and the requests that we're making.
These things are important
because we are recognizing
that some things we don't know to ask for
but we need to ask for, for us to fully understand
or build a deeper connection
or awareness around like these aspects
of our human consciousness.
So this is what this opening prayer is offering in that.
So here we go, great spirit.
We ask that you please guide
and protect us through the valleys
and mountains in the experiential landscapes.
We are journeying through here on earth at this time.
Help us continue to stand tall
with your graceful presence working through us,
watching over us in all of our thoughts, feelings,
embodiments helping us make the highest choices
that reflect the light and truth that we are great spirit.
May we hold our vision of multi reality with clarity
of your perfected vision.
Great spirit as you are guiding us
through all junctures in time and space.
We remember your presence in us in the here and now
and we surrender to your will in all ways
and we are willing to walk our path.
You have laid out before us
at this time in the here and now.
We ask that you please reveal the way
for each of us in every moment so that we as your children
of light can live up to the highest values
that serve the greater whole in the here
and now through the light.
We truly are as your children, great spirit.
We are here to be pure in our hearts, minds
and bodies so that we can know your living presence within
and without
please great spirit.
We ask that your angelic messengers surround us
and encircle us in your divine light in the here and now.
We request to be held in the eternal grace
of your living presence,
shielding us from all distortion, delusion, illusions,
imbalance, interference
and attack in all form that we may carry in our individual
and collective perceptions
and memories that echo in all times in the here
and now of this sacred space we are calling in
and co-creating with you today.
We ask that there if there are any messages
from great spirit for each of us here,
that these messages be received directly to us
and with us in the most appropriate ways.
We request that these messages come
through in perfect wholeness,
preparing the way within our beings void
of any fragmentation, fracturing
and human error, thus receiving your divine
light in the truest
and direct ways to support us all on earth at this time.
May we feel your eternal loving grace upon our beings
and may we not ever look away from knowing of your love
that we are through your
living presence in the here and now.
We are your humble and dedicated servants, great spirit
and we ask that you please guide us with your wise counsel
in all of our responsibilities in the day
and night of our earthly human experience.
We ask that you watch over and under us in all directions.
May your messengers be preserving your holy presence in all
interactions surrounding us today, in every moment
and way in every word,
and silence between in every sound
and tone, in every prayer
as the songs in our hearts in oneness to your song
of great spirit, your song of creation, great spirit,
we are in the here and now, your empty chaises
to be filled with your life.
We invite your divine heavenly attributes, your omnipotent
and omnipresence to be brought into all of our beings,
into ourselves, into our organs, into our glands,
into our blood, into our spinning chakras, drawn in
by our nervous systems to integrate through our human bodies
with ease and grace in the most appropriate way.
We call in this perfected light you pour into us
further down our bodies, through our legs
and soles of our feet into earth's
to our gaas beating heart at the center
who holds us deeply in purpose
through this human experience.
Thank you, great spirit for your creations in which give us
life here on earth.
Gaia star, praying
that we are guided by your light, great spirit in all
of the dark hidden caves we must embrace
to transform our stories within
and without we feel your light shine in all space
and place within and without as one
know our worst and our best natures
and prepare us for the descent
and sense on our soul path in this earth
experience in the here and now.
Nurture and redeem us in times of grief, confusion, anger,
overwhelm and guilt.
Renew us in times of strenuous
and exhausting change, enduring
and compassionate great spirit, infinite
and devotional, unconditional and wise.
May we feel you are working
through us in each moment connected to the past, present
and future within and without us in the here and now.
Please great spirit, forgive us
and help us forgive ourselves for losing our way.
At any moment we ask that you have your messengers steadfast
and ready to help us remember your light once more
as if there were no interruption at all,
that your light shine in our heads, hands and hearts as one.
Please heal us of our judgments
and fears that cause us
to lose our footing for our highest way.
May we see ourselves as you see us as divine sparks
of Christ in your heavenly kingdom
and pure creations in all form.
In no form we stand
before your living presence
and we surrender to your transf light burning away
or human error in perception, seeing only that of clarity,
dearest great spirit.
We are truly in surrender to that which we cannot comprehend
and all that which we can in your gen, in your gentle gaze,
your living presence, your authority is truth.
And may we have the wisdom
to know the difference in our learnings in each moment
through our human experience on earth.
Gaia star in the here and now.
Please shield us on our travels from our illusions of birth
and death in each presence of the now.
Help us remember who we are as divine sparks of Christ
and that no matter what fearful image
we may see in unfolding material realms
that we are the children of light.
The one we are waiting for is in
and of your holy
presence in all ways.
We are in service to your living presence
and your higher wisdom and mysterious ways we trust fully.
Even if we do not know the workings of creation,
we place our faith in your eternal flame
and we draw this eternal flame into our beingness
and we do not turn away from you.
Lead us as loves, embrace in your perpetual,
luminous beingness overcoming all
illusions and fears.
We now release all bondage in all form
and no form may we commit to this trust
and acceptance of inconceivable truths that move through us
and beyond all doubt
and distortion, we
are here gathered together
to witness your miracles in all expressions
and we listen intently for your songs, the songs
that we are, the songs you sung us to be, the songs of
how you see us and how we are created
as one perfected light, unbroken and always whole.
We sit here in gratitude,
great spirit to all that you bless us with every day
and every way along our human lives before and beyond.
Hear our call to be with you always in our human lives
before and beyond, calling
in all those who are in alignment to this prayer, those
who would serve the most high great spirit you are.
We call in our many messengers of your living presence.
We call in our many guides
and guardians of your divine choosing.
This space is closed to interference.
This space is only for those who are here
to remember themselves whole with you, great spirit.
Any parasitic or lost entities
or energies are excluded by their own volition
to take actions that take them away from your eternal love,
wisdom and power.
Only those who are here to truly serve you.
Great spirit are able to enter this space
of sacred oneness today.
For this power our prayer,
we pray over those who have lost their way,
that they find their way home again
and that they turn their sight away from separation
and hold them to their true balanced
threefold flame within their connect them connected
and one with you great spirit.
Please protect us and guide us through this mastery.
Please protect us and guide us through
and beyond all of our own fears.
Please protect us
and guide us through our projections of separation.
Help us find our true source with you. Great spirit.
We are grateful for this opportunity to gather
with others in service and have your infinite love, wisdom
and power lead us to balance for humanity in a new
and holy way to help us feel truly
what this balance is within and without
and guide us to live in deeper respect
and connection with our celestial body as earth guy star
and help us learn how to serve this grand
and magnificent being
and appreciate this being in all that is gifted to us
with each and every day of life on earth as human.
Thank you so much, great spirit.
We acknowledge the earth guardians
of the one song with great spirit.
Those who walk on earth in every location in which the
living lands and waters of earth are in the here net here
and now in the past, present
and future form and no form.
Let us acknowledge all guardians
and custodians who walk on earth as our ancestors.
Elders way showers, teachers, shamans,
healers, wisdom keepers, protectors
and masters in all original tribes across all timelines
known and unknown on earth.
Since the original seed of creation connected to the here
and now, this acknowledgement extends
to all original tribes within
and of all lineages.
Those lineages who may go back
beyond our limited understanding and comprehension of
or may not be aware of.
All lineages are seen
and known in our heart in the here and now.
These earth walkers that exist in service
to earth's crystalline heart
and in service to earth,
ele eternal celestial mind in the now
may earth connect us to all of these sacred lands
and sacred waters and each place
and space where custodians govern
through earth's threefold flame within her crystalline heart
may earth heal all lands
and waters that have had past, present and future bloodshed
and may earth renew these lands
with our shared prayer today.
That is that this regeneration of earth be a rebirth
within our threefold flame, within our hearts.
In perfect alignment
and connection to earth's crystalline heart
and threefold flame, we ask great spirit
and divine guardians who work specifically
with the human genome, the information
and presence available to be upleveled
and upgraded to the highest
and most expansive human embodiment possible
in on this earth.
Experience that our DNA
and all corresponding systems be upgraded to its highest
and most expansive possibilities
and that our master cell connected to all cells
in our body be given its full potentiality blueprint
of human consciousness in the most balanced
and perfected way for each of us.
At this time we ask that you ensure
that we are given clear instruction on how
to uplevel any areas in divine timing
when necessary and purposeful in our development
through our ascension in this human experience,
we ask that great spirit and appropriate guardians
and healers during this power hour prayer help us balance
ourselves and our lives in all areas with ease
and grace that are threefold, flames
are threefold, flames are seen
and balanced with our higher selves, with great spirit
and those these appropriate guardians.
We request that our crystalline kingdom, flame of wisdom,
our plant kingdom, flame of love
and our animal kingdom, flame of power be synced up
to these realms in perfect balance.
And if these, if there are aspects within these realms,
we are less masterful within
that the most appropriate guides from each kingdom will turn
up to train and teach us how to build a deeper mastery
around a particular kingdom or all of them if need be.
We also request that we are effectively
and naturally synced up to the earth's elemental kingdom
and we request guides teachers to step forward
who are masterful in any of these elemental aspects
in alignment with earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.
This is also directed specifically towards any
of our multidimensional multi perceptional bodies
in the past, present,
and future in which we have not mastered in physical,
emotional, mental,
and spiritual realms of our beings in the here and now.
We call in the support that allows us to start
to develop areas of our being that are most in need
of development with guardians
and guides that are most attuned to us, our needs,
our perceptional blocks, our purpose, our missions,
our current stage of development in the here and now.
Thank you for granting these above requests great spirit
and all who serve your great spirit.
This is a very important time for us to grow
beyond our limits and we are willing
to overcome all that ails us in divine timing most suited
to our current development
and pathway on earth at this time.
We open ourselves up to be fully grounded
in this direct connection to earth as mother, father
and child to us here.
And we invite these guardians of earth, spirit
and those in all realms of spirit
that serve the living presence of life on earth
and through earth in all the magical ways of the seen
and unseen wisdoms earth
and all expressions of earth
as an interdimensional presence in the here and now.
May we remember our guidance through these great elders,
ancestors way, showas, teachers,
shamans, guides
and healers, wisdom keepers, all
who are the earth law keepers
that hold true spirit in every step.
Healing, movement, breath,
heartbeat, every word
and silence between vision and thought.
As one may we feel these guardians connected
to these living sacred lands on earth,
these living sacred earth gates, lay lines
and articulation points
and earth's sacred energy centers seen
and unseen brought into the here
and now awareness
of this shared sacred space.
We are co-creating together today,
guiding us in service to this spirit of earth
and in all times, dimensions, spaces, places,
perspectives, realities and dreamings in the here
and now in all form
and no form, we anchor this into our awareness together
and hold this clear in our minds, hearts,
hands and embodiments.
We ask you to please remove all unnecessary amnesia
that block us from having direct wise counsel
with these great guardians, those that served the birth
of earth prior to Earth's existence
and those that continued
to light the way forward in all times.
We acknowledge you, we acknowledge you.
Thank you for being with us in the here and now.
We thank you for your service
and welcome you to this sacred co-created
space in the here and now.
Guide us in healing ourselves as the way
to reach a deeper reverence
and respect for those who have had the courage
to lead within this dreaming of earth
and in all dreamings of earth as one dreaming
in service to great spirit and earth spirit as one.
We thank you great spirit for this aligned opportunity
to share this co-created space with you,
with our divine servants of sacred earth.
We wholeheartedly welcome our guardians
and protectors of earth.
We welcome their tutelage as we remember ourselves
as one calling in their messengers of love, wisdom
and power in all form, in no form they have for us
here today and coming the coming weeks
and months, years ahead for us.
We feel blessed to show up to this mission.
We feel blessed to co-create this mission together
with great spirit's guidance
and all of great spirit's guardians.
And we are ready to walk our path on earth
with the appropriate guidance in service
to great spirit's plan.
Even if we do not comprehend this plan, we trust
and share this trust in our faith in action every day
and night here on earth and beyond.
Thank you. We love you great spirit
and we receive your directives on our journey home to you
as source in the here and now on earth.
Gaia celestial star.
Okay, thank you so much
for co-creating that opening prayer in the here and now.
That's a really important request to make
and I guess this, this whole process
for this particular episode
or this particular recording is
around the archetypal presence of guardian
and I've been given very clear
instructions to read a specific part out
to help us firstly define what a guardian is
from the human perspective,
but also helping us understand how
that translates in other ways.
So I'm going to go into reading this, so just continue
to stay relaxed and enjoy
and we will define this guardianship or guardian
and then we'll move into more of a fluid understanding
of guardian after in the human world,
which we can refer to as a realm, we have many concepts of
what this overarching guardian is.
We have many names and perceptions as human beings.
Some of the more familiar names for this archetypal presence
in a larger sense might be God, Lord king of the universe,
Lord our savior quantum field of intelligence,
the the great spirit, our father, our mother cosmic law,
divine presence creator
or some people also call universe.
So everyone has their own interpretation
and way of relating to this guardian that comes through and
and guides us in every way, no matter our human perceptions
and names for this overarching living presence.
Whether there are projections
of specific influences placed upon this living presence,
whether we even agree with each other's interpretations
of this living presence.
Ultimately that is not required.
We most likely can agree
however we are in the absence of comprehension
of life's many mysteries
and in the acceptance we can see that we know we are held
by this blueprint of life and
and of this living presence
and whatever lens we lean into
this presence in various form
and no form is what we could also associate
with our guardian in the largest sense of the word.
Then we must also recognize that the higher order
or expansive order has varying roles
and responsibilities to maintain balance on a cosmic scale.
When we are to truly comprehend what a guardian is,
the question that comes to mind to lead this with R,
what is true authority?
What does it take to have true authority
in upholding creation?
What does this true authority translate into
our human experience?
To understand what a cosmic guardian is, it is
so important we talk in terms of creation authority.
This authority is not about the ability
to necessarily control with force over a large system,
even if this guardian has the true authority in
overseeing this system.
True authority is the responsibility
to oversee this system in terms of balance.
The awareness of responsibility for balance
is also based on the role that this presence of being
with this authority is expected to live up to
or hold in relationship with the greater order
of this cosmic system.
Therefore, true authority is the ability
to balance the system that is being upheld
through the roles and responsibilities
that serve the greater whole of this system.
The actions of service are
ultimately what a guardian offers.
This is why they would ever have the responsibility
of true authority and the process of these actions
of service are for the balance
of a greater whole of a system.
Creation is the expression of this system
though to uphold this system
or pattern a guardian abides by creation laws
of any particular system that they serve.
This service is what we know in human terms as leadership,
which highlights the fact that true authority
to lead is a service that must maintain balance
to a greater whole.
I wanna repeat that. True authority to lead is a service
that must maintain balance to a greater whole.
So coming back to our three questions earlier, being
what is true authority, a willingness
to lead in service, to maintain balance.
What does it take to have true authority in upholding
creation, upholding one's role in
service to a greater whole?
How does this true authority translate into
our human experience?
This looks like leadership
or also described as guardianship.
Unfortunately, this leadership from a human perspective is
at times confused with force.
We on earth are seem still seemingly figuring out
what true authority is in terms of leadership.
And let's ask two more questions.
What position is humankind currently in in terms
of true authority with this guardian archetypal presence?
What does it take to lead in service
to a greater whole in our human experience so
that we can step into our role as guardians in service
to balance of a greater whole in human consciousness on
earth at this time,
due to the echoes of memory within our stories,
across timelines on earth in which we have not necessarily,
which in which have not necessarily been resolved
or completed yet, we have a lot of distortion individually
and collectively to overcome together.
Currently, we are going through various lessons
that are supporting us in coming to a greater understanding
of what service is and what
and of what balance could feel like
this guardian archetypal presence that is working
through us in this process will test us
and test our abilities
to find balance in our individual lives, a key component
to being successful here on earth for us
as humans walking our way through this
guardian archetypal presence,
especially over this next month where it's highlighted
as a main theme, the willingness to sacrifice
who we think we are in terms of
what we have been conditioned with an external stimuli,
which has influenced our individual
and collective perceptions
of the self from a human perspective.
This at times can keep us from surrendering
to this higher presence that exists within us
and serves service is in service to us, through us,
and can only properly be expressed if we recognize the
importance of this sacrifice of what is temporal
for what is eternal,
what it takes to lead in service to a greater whole.
For each of us in this human realm is first
and foremost being receptive to observing.
When we are out of balance in our views
and our way of being, and through that self-honesty
and humility, we then have the awareness
to also recognize that force alone is
and has never been true authority
and balance is actually a true indication
of the guardian archetypal presence coming
through authentically for you.
That was very clear that I had to express that
and come to a clear definition within this process
because we are about to step into this guardian energy
and it's so important that we understand
that we walking our purpose on earth
and not being caught in delusions or distractions
or distortions and recognizing the difference
between our path and illusions or,
or, uh, sort of distractions that are a part of our reality
that is so important, especially in this first month
of this new moon, this, um, new moon cycle.
Basically over the next year,
the Mayan calendar moves into a whole new year
and this first month is very important
that we are very connected in with source
and connecting in regularly and attuning ourselves.
And whenever we find ourselves out of balance
that we are able to recognize and bring that awareness.
As soon as we bring that awareness, no matter
what extremes are happening around us on this planet, uh,
within our personal lives, if we have the awareness
that we are out of balance,
we're immediately brought back into balance.
It's quite simple, especially when we are connecting in
with a higher power as in our higher power,
which is great spirit, but some of the fluid expressions
of the guardian archetypal presence.
I've written a few things that have come through.
So the guardian archetypal presence is the holistic
awareness that holds itself in all ways.
This guardian can be perceived
as though this awareness is beyond the veil.
Yet this guardian is clarity in and of itself,
therefore there is no separation from this presence,
but our own lack of awareness of this
or our perceived obscurations
or obscurities that do not that block us from this presence,
but they do not really block us from this presence.
It's sort of our lack of awareness
that blocks us from the presence.
The presence is always available to us regardless,
but it might be harder for us to know we are being supported
by this presence unless we are balanced enough
to recognize what is illusion.
So it comes back to having that balance is what allows us
to fully bring in this archetypal presence
of guardian within us.
This clarity can be perceived as and by varying densities
and through and in this awareness, the guardian is the light
of form and no form which holds the presence of beginning
and completion in oneness in ways.
This guardian is the observer, the pioneer,
the initiator, the leader.
Though in all ways this guardian is in service
to a greater whole of creation
and exists so expansively as clear light in oneness
that has, that no obscurities can exist in truth within
and of this presence, this pure awareness
that hold itself holistically is a supreme presence.
This supreme presence is all perfection without human error
or perceptions ever even being able to create obstacles.
This presence is all encompassing of all perception
and experience in form, in no form without interference
of any kind, experiencing all beyond our reality.
And yet this supreme power and presence makes up our reality
and all realities as one.
Hence why it is seen as the clarity that can't be unseen
unless it is obscured by our perceptions.
Yet obscuring this supreme presence is ultimately impossible
in the actual reality of it.
It's impossible, but in our experience on human,
in human realm, it's we,
we can feel disconnected from it even if it is always
continually reaching out to us
and showing us different ways.
It's, it is always present for us,
but it's our willingness to call in great spirit.
I do that all the time, uh,
and recognizing this clear light is always presently clear.
There's no observations,
but our perceptions that we put upon that
and when we recognize that we're out of balance or
or being pulled off par as soon as we do
that clarity is available and obscurations are demolished.
The thing to remember is
that we are fully supported whether we disown connection
of this oneness or not, that the guardian has no need
to get your acceptance in perspective
because this guardian already knows wholeness
and we are experiencing perceived limitation.
So we can know this clarity even if we do not know how
to title or recognize it
or categorize it while we're experiencing it.
So I will just check
the chat one second
to make sure everything's good
running away there.
That's okay. So moving into
what this next year or cycle
or process is, it's in the, I guess in a Mayan term
or even in Jose Argue is um, describes it
as blue rhythmic storm.
It's a new year in blue rhythmic storm.
And so these, this energy will change
and transform from the 26th of July
and we're just coming through the last few days
of this last like cycle.
So there's going to be a lot of shifts in our field, a lot
of uh, uh, sort of different perspectives available to us.
And also we are going to have
to stay quite grounded initially
because like I said, you know, the first month is connecting
to spirit and anytime that you're not connected,
you're going to feel dis uh, sort of dissonance from that.
And as soon as you recognize it
and you recognize you're outta balance, you are immediately
reunited within your own awareness
to this clear light of of the guardian.
So some of the themes
that are coming up in the moon coming like in in this 28
days, starting from the 26th of July,
would be around leadership.
So individually
and collectively it would just be about
how you move forward in your life.
How do you step into your purpose? Are you on your purpose?
Are you running away from your purpose?
You know, uh, feeling connected to source.
So every day using what I talked about in the introduction
p power, how power our prayer info where we sort of
discussed alter practice, prayer, writing prayers,
using creative practice as a way of maintaining a grounded
uh, connection to this clear light and your guides
and all of these teams that work in and amongst
and beyond the veil of our perception.
So there are also things like separation, like
not necessarily recognizing or feeling lost
or out of balance governance.
So things around governance
or how things are unfolding for us.
Is this person that we're looking at
or are we in balance, are we in tune
or are they in tune with something that is higher
or are they thinking that they know better
and they're operating from a sort of a lower expression
of being so fragmentation, toxic authority,
feeling alone, secrets.
So things that create obscurations in our field.
Things that we might not realize that are under the surface.
Um, and all we have to do is say great spirit,
whatever's under the surface, please clear and
and reveal the way through these things.
But also if there are things that are relative that I need
to be aware of, please bring them
before me so I can start to recognize where I've been out
of balance in this area or this area of my life.
So clear light, recognizing
that the clear light exists whether we have an obscuration
or not, it's always present.
Overseeing ob overseeing our realities
and our kingdoms, uh, taking responsibility for what it is
that we've created in our lives.
Observation and the blueprint, God, great spirit law of one.
So all of these aspects are embodied in this first 28 days,
starting from the 26th of July.
Some of the things that we might have to overcome
as more shadow aspects are ne negative self-image.
So feeling disconnected from spirit.
Therefore we can't see who we truly are as source
and we feel separate, you know, uh, imagination issues.
So feeling blocked
or not being able to express one's imagination
or creativity through our own self-awareness.
So it's just coming back
to keeping a creative practice doing these things.
So, you know, for example, if you went out
to nature every single day
and collected one item that nature had gifted you
and that keeps your imagination sort
of taking little sets forward.
It doesn't matter how hard your day has been,
it's a simple activity
that actually realigns you to that clear light.
Other energies around that we need to clear our shame,
self-denial, guilt, all of the stuff that
becomes suppressed in our being
and the areas that need to be brought directly to spirit.
And you can do that. You can absolutely say great spirit,
I think I have guilt like stored within my being.
I would like to bring this to you.
I'd like to lift this up to you and transform this guilt
because I don't know if I need to carry this anymore.
It's not necessary in my life.
And therefore you start to have a dialogue with these,
this guardian, but also the guardian that manages all
of the cosmic kingdoms with all of these guardians as
refractions of the one light, um, of great spirit
and conflict with reality.
So not necessarily being able
to tell reality being an illusion.
That's a common theme for this first moon
because we're starting a whole new energy,
we might actually find it difficult to recognize
what is true and what is not.
The most important thing is
finding out where you're imbalanced.
As soon as you bring your awareness,
you become more balanced and therefore you can move forward.
So some of the things that we can look forward to
and we can really try to bring
through in this first 28 days is creative imagination.
So bringing ourselves into that creativity,
keeping ourselves active in a process will keep us connected
and having a very dynamic relationship with great spirit
power of transformation.
So the, the ability
and the power to recognize that you are source working
through a human experience.
And as soon as you realize that so many things
that you believed to be true about yourself, uh, you know,
from a lower perspective sort of you bring it back to spirit
sense of wonderment.
So opening ourselves up to being like a child,
opening ourselves and our views up to life in a new way.
I talked about in the introduction power our prayer about
how abstract is a word that describes many different forms
of communication that we just might not be fully
aware of at this time.
So it's about recognizing, hey wait, wait a second,
maybe I don't understand this language
and maybe I just need to stretch myself a little bit more
or maybe I need to do some prayer to open myself up
to what this energy is.
And also the first moon is the beginning.
Therefore it also, it's an important time to recognize
what is your completion?
What are you working towards,
what are you wanting to achieve?
You know, it's, it's a beautiful thing
to start something new, but you need to have some sort
of aim or purpose in
where you're leading or where you're going.
So some affirmations, two affirmations came
through for you guys.
If you wanna write them down or you can um, just say it
after I say it now and just repeat it.
Um, in the safety of your own homes, I am
the light of great spirit's will working within
and through me as pure perfected clarity.
We'll do it again. I am the light of great spirit's will
working within and through me as pure
perfect clarity.
The next one was, I am the balanced
expression of the archetypal presence
of the cosmic guardian in the here and now.
I am the balanced expression of the archetypal presence
of the cosmic guardian in the here and now.
Lemme just check time. Cool.
So I have been guided to create a soundscape
for you guys to have a meditation.
It'll be about 11 to 12 minutes.
So if you wanna get comfortable, put your headphones on
'cause it'll be a lot easier to connect in with the sounds
and I will just get organized to play that.
I will take myself off video
so you guys can just tune into yourselves
and I will then just start with the closing prayer as a way
of closing the this space off when this song has finished.
So get comfy, open your, oh, close your eyes,
open your heart and enjoy.
Everyone enjoyed that. So we'll go into
the closing prayer now.
Everyone hear me? Okay,
all good.
Okay, good,
great spirit.
We are so blessed and thankful
to have co-created this sacred space with you
and all of your wondrous messengers.
We feel so nourished to have been supported so deeply
and will continue to be supported over the coming days,
weeks, months, and years.
Moving through this process together in shared prayer
for a beautiful and bright future together on earth,
please ensure we are protected
as we transition into our daily lives
with this presence within our hearts and minds.
Guide us in perfect synchronicity in time
and space in the here and now.
We ask that any messages that you may have
for us from spirit, please ensure that we are able
to receive fully in heart
and soul at the most appropriate time
and space over the coming days, weeks, months, and years.
Thank you to all of our guides
and guardians who have watched over us, our loved ones,
our brothers and sisters within this earth realm and beyond.
We welcome you into our lives
and we commit to work with our creative practices as a way
to build a deeper space of resonance
and communication with you, great spirit.
And we are ready to walk our path with a sense
of joy and fulfillment.
Great spirit, please send all
of these prayers deep into the center of earth.
Make sure this beautiful being Earth knows
how much we appreciate this sacred living land
and living waters.
Thank you for the miracles that we have received,
the miracles unfolding in the now
and the ones we are yet to experience.
We open our heart to these divine miracles
and continue to walk in faith through our lives, moving
and sharing our amazing gifts
and healing presence of our sole purpose with the world.
We ask that our beloved animal angels are cared for
in this realm and others, and that they come in
and visit us in our dreams to continue
to support our missions here on earth.
Thank you to the beautiful
and divine elders that light the way for us here.
Thank you for the futuristic advanced star children
who show up new and show up.
Show us new and advanced ways of being
and co-creating here on earth.
Thank you for all of our incredibly talented brothers
and sisters who share great spirits light
through genuine acts of service and love.
Thank you to the ascended masters
who have walked the way ahead of us
and continue to walk in front
of us revealing the way to you.
Great spirit. Thank you to the infinite
and radiant orders of angels with their powerful might
and divine presence in all realms connected
to this earthly realm.
We thank all beings who serve the light
and heal us through love, wisdom, and power.
And we thank you great again, great spirit for loving us
as your children and giving us the abundance
to be here together and share your light as one on earth
and in all the spaces and places we exist in form.
And no form in the here and now. We love you. Great spirit.
Thank you. So I wanna thank
everyone for attending today.
It's been such a pleasure
to co-create this sacred space with you guys.
And I hope that you have a beautiful, beautiful day.
Whatever time it is, I know in the US it's late at night in
uh Australia, it's in the day.
So have an amazing and amazing day
and I'll see you next time on Power Hour Prayer.
So much love.
Welcome to Power Prayer everyone.
I'm so excited and just so honored
to be able to co-create and share this space with you today.
I'm Natasha, if you didn't know that, I
have really felt a really strong urge
to bring this process in for quite a while
and I feel really excited to connecting
with Spirit in this way
and to create this year long process.
So as I mentioned in the introductory video
or recording, you can, you're more than welcome
to share your prayers in the chat.
If there's anything specific that you want healing from,
it's all part of the collective healing in the group.
So that's for your own self, for your loved ones, for
you know, humanity and everything
that's unfolding currently.
And also for the, uh, you know, as, as a being itself.
So firstly I'm going to start with an opening prayer.
And this opening prayer came through as a very clear
covenant between us and great spirit.
It's quite in depth
and it's like a protocol set up for the whole space as well
as obviously today's call or today's prayer.
So just close your eyes, open your heart
and just relax into the the words
and the requests that we're making.
These things are important
because we are recognizing
that some things we don't know to ask for
but we need to ask for, for us to fully understand
or build a deeper connection
or awareness around like these aspects
of our human consciousness.
So this is what this opening prayer is offering in that.
So here we go, great spirit.
We ask that you please guide
and protect us through the valleys
and mountains in the experiential landscapes.
We are journeying through here on earth at this time.
Help us continue to stand tall
with your graceful presence working through us,
watching over us in all of our thoughts, feelings,
embodiments helping us make the highest choices
that reflect the light and truth that we are great spirit.
May we hold our vision of multi reality with clarity
of your perfected vision.
Great spirit as you are guiding us
through all junctures in time and space.
We remember your presence in us in the here and now
and we surrender to your will in all ways
and we are willing to walk our path.
You have laid out before us
at this time in the here and now.
We ask that you please reveal the way
for each of us in every moment so that we as your children
of light can live up to the highest values
that serve the greater whole in the here
and now through the light.
We truly are as your children, great spirit.
We are here to be pure in our hearts, minds
and bodies so that we can know your living presence within
and without
please great spirit.
We ask that your angelic messengers surround us
and encircle us in your divine light in the here and now.
We request to be held in the eternal grace
of your living presence,
shielding us from all distortion, delusion, illusions,
imbalance, interference
and attack in all form that we may carry in our individual
and collective perceptions
and memories that echo in all times in the here
and now of this sacred space we are calling in
and co-creating with you today.
We ask that there if there are any messages
from great spirit for each of us here,
that these messages be received directly to us
and with us in the most appropriate ways.
We request that these messages come
through in perfect wholeness,
preparing the way within our beings void
of any fragmentation, fracturing
and human error, thus receiving your divine
light in the truest
and direct ways to support us all on earth at this time.
May we feel your eternal loving grace upon our beings
and may we not ever look away from knowing of your love
that we are through your
living presence in the here and now.
We are your humble and dedicated servants, great spirit
and we ask that you please guide us with your wise counsel
in all of our responsibilities in the day
and night of our earthly human experience.
We ask that you watch over and under us in all directions.
May your messengers be preserving your holy presence in all
interactions surrounding us today, in every moment
and way in every word,
and silence between in every sound
and tone, in every prayer
as the songs in our hearts in oneness to your song
of great spirit, your song of creation, great spirit,
we are in the here and now, your empty chaises
to be filled with your life.
We invite your divine heavenly attributes, your omnipotent
and omnipresence to be brought into all of our beings,
into ourselves, into our organs, into our glands,
into our blood, into our spinning chakras, drawn in
by our nervous systems to integrate through our human bodies
with ease and grace in the most appropriate way.
We call in this perfected light you pour into us
further down our bodies, through our legs
and soles of our feet into earth's
to our gaas beating heart at the center
who holds us deeply in purpose
through this human experience.
Thank you, great spirit for your creations in which give us
life here on earth.
Gaia star, praying
that we are guided by your light, great spirit in all
of the dark hidden caves we must embrace
to transform our stories within
and without we feel your light shine in all space
and place within and without as one
know our worst and our best natures
and prepare us for the descent
and sense on our soul path in this earth
experience in the here and now.
Nurture and redeem us in times of grief, confusion, anger,
overwhelm and guilt.
Renew us in times of strenuous
and exhausting change, enduring
and compassionate great spirit, infinite
and devotional, unconditional and wise.
May we feel you are working
through us in each moment connected to the past, present
and future within and without us in the here and now.
Please great spirit, forgive us
and help us forgive ourselves for losing our way.
At any moment we ask that you have your messengers steadfast
and ready to help us remember your light once more
as if there were no interruption at all,
that your light shine in our heads, hands and hearts as one.
Please heal us of our judgments
and fears that cause us
to lose our footing for our highest way.
May we see ourselves as you see us as divine sparks
of Christ in your heavenly kingdom
and pure creations in all form.
In no form we stand
before your living presence
and we surrender to your transf light burning away
or human error in perception, seeing only that of clarity,
dearest great spirit.
We are truly in surrender to that which we cannot comprehend
and all that which we can in your gen, in your gentle gaze,
your living presence, your authority is truth.
And may we have the wisdom
to know the difference in our learnings in each moment
through our human experience on earth.
Gaia star in the here and now.
Please shield us on our travels from our illusions of birth
and death in each presence of the now.
Help us remember who we are as divine sparks of Christ
and that no matter what fearful image
we may see in unfolding material realms
that we are the children of light.
The one we are waiting for is in
and of your holy
presence in all ways.
We are in service to your living presence
and your higher wisdom and mysterious ways we trust fully.
Even if we do not know the workings of creation,
we place our faith in your eternal flame
and we draw this eternal flame into our beingness
and we do not turn away from you.
Lead us as loves, embrace in your perpetual,
luminous beingness overcoming all
illusions and fears.
We now release all bondage in all form
and no form may we commit to this trust
and acceptance of inconceivable truths that move through us
and beyond all doubt
and distortion, we
are here gathered together
to witness your miracles in all expressions
and we listen intently for your songs, the songs
that we are, the songs you sung us to be, the songs of
how you see us and how we are created
as one perfected light, unbroken and always whole.
We sit here in gratitude,
great spirit to all that you bless us with every day
and every way along our human lives before and beyond.
Hear our call to be with you always in our human lives
before and beyond, calling
in all those who are in alignment to this prayer, those
who would serve the most high great spirit you are.
We call in our many messengers of your living presence.
We call in our many guides
and guardians of your divine choosing.
This space is closed to interference.
This space is only for those who are here
to remember themselves whole with you, great spirit.
Any parasitic or lost entities
or energies are excluded by their own volition
to take actions that take them away from your eternal love,
wisdom and power.
Only those who are here to truly serve you.
Great spirit are able to enter this space
of sacred oneness today.
For this power our prayer,
we pray over those who have lost their way,
that they find their way home again
and that they turn their sight away from separation
and hold them to their true balanced
threefold flame within their connect them connected
and one with you great spirit.
Please protect us and guide us through this mastery.
Please protect us and guide us through
and beyond all of our own fears.
Please protect us
and guide us through our projections of separation.
Help us find our true source with you. Great spirit.
We are grateful for this opportunity to gather
with others in service and have your infinite love, wisdom
and power lead us to balance for humanity in a new
and holy way to help us feel truly
what this balance is within and without
and guide us to live in deeper respect
and connection with our celestial body as earth guy star
and help us learn how to serve this grand
and magnificent being
and appreciate this being in all that is gifted to us
with each and every day of life on earth as human.
Thank you so much, great spirit.
We acknowledge the earth guardians
of the one song with great spirit.
Those who walk on earth in every location in which the
living lands and waters of earth are in the here net here
and now in the past, present
and future form and no form.
Let us acknowledge all guardians
and custodians who walk on earth as our ancestors.
Elders way showers, teachers, shamans,
healers, wisdom keepers, protectors
and masters in all original tribes across all timelines
known and unknown on earth.
Since the original seed of creation connected to the here
and now, this acknowledgement extends
to all original tribes within
and of all lineages.
Those lineages who may go back
beyond our limited understanding and comprehension of
or may not be aware of.
All lineages are seen
and known in our heart in the here and now.
These earth walkers that exist in service
to earth's crystalline heart
and in service to earth,
ele eternal celestial mind in the now
may earth connect us to all of these sacred lands
and sacred waters and each place
and space where custodians govern
through earth's threefold flame within her crystalline heart
may earth heal all lands
and waters that have had past, present and future bloodshed
and may earth renew these lands
with our shared prayer today.
That is that this regeneration of earth be a rebirth
within our threefold flame, within our hearts.
In perfect alignment
and connection to earth's crystalline heart
and threefold flame, we ask great spirit
and divine guardians who work specifically
with the human genome, the information
and presence available to be upleveled
and upgraded to the highest
and most expansive human embodiment possible
in on this earth.
Experience that our DNA
and all corresponding systems be upgraded to its highest
and most expansive possibilities
and that our master cell connected to all cells
in our body be given its full potentiality blueprint
of human consciousness in the most balanced
and perfected way for each of us.
At this time we ask that you ensure
that we are given clear instruction on how
to uplevel any areas in divine timing
when necessary and purposeful in our development
through our ascension in this human experience,
we ask that great spirit and appropriate guardians
and healers during this power hour prayer help us balance
ourselves and our lives in all areas with ease
and grace that are threefold, flames
are threefold, flames are seen
and balanced with our higher selves, with great spirit
and those these appropriate guardians.
We request that our crystalline kingdom, flame of wisdom,
our plant kingdom, flame of love
and our animal kingdom, flame of power be synced up
to these realms in perfect balance.
And if these, if there are aspects within these realms,
we are less masterful within
that the most appropriate guides from each kingdom will turn
up to train and teach us how to build a deeper mastery
around a particular kingdom or all of them if need be.
We also request that we are effectively
and naturally synced up to the earth's elemental kingdom
and we request guides teachers to step forward
who are masterful in any of these elemental aspects
in alignment with earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.
This is also directed specifically towards any
of our multidimensional multi perceptional bodies
in the past, present,
and future in which we have not mastered in physical,
emotional, mental,
and spiritual realms of our beings in the here and now.
We call in the support that allows us to start
to develop areas of our being that are most in need
of development with guardians
and guides that are most attuned to us, our needs,
our perceptional blocks, our purpose, our missions,
our current stage of development in the here and now.
Thank you for granting these above requests great spirit
and all who serve your great spirit.
This is a very important time for us to grow
beyond our limits and we are willing
to overcome all that ails us in divine timing most suited
to our current development
and pathway on earth at this time.
We open ourselves up to be fully grounded
in this direct connection to earth as mother, father
and child to us here.
And we invite these guardians of earth, spirit
and those in all realms of spirit
that serve the living presence of life on earth
and through earth in all the magical ways of the seen
and unseen wisdoms earth
and all expressions of earth
as an interdimensional presence in the here and now.
May we remember our guidance through these great elders,
ancestors way, showas, teachers,
shamans, guides
and healers, wisdom keepers, all
who are the earth law keepers
that hold true spirit in every step.
Healing, movement, breath,
heartbeat, every word
and silence between vision and thought.
As one may we feel these guardians connected
to these living sacred lands on earth,
these living sacred earth gates, lay lines
and articulation points
and earth's sacred energy centers seen
and unseen brought into the here
and now awareness
of this shared sacred space.
We are co-creating together today,
guiding us in service to this spirit of earth
and in all times, dimensions, spaces, places,
perspectives, realities and dreamings in the here
and now in all form
and no form, we anchor this into our awareness together
and hold this clear in our minds, hearts,
hands and embodiments.
We ask you to please remove all unnecessary amnesia
that block us from having direct wise counsel
with these great guardians, those that served the birth
of earth prior to Earth's existence
and those that continued
to light the way forward in all times.
We acknowledge you, we acknowledge you.
Thank you for being with us in the here and now.
We thank you for your service
and welcome you to this sacred co-created
space in the here and now.
Guide us in healing ourselves as the way
to reach a deeper reverence
and respect for those who have had the courage
to lead within this dreaming of earth
and in all dreamings of earth as one dreaming
in service to great spirit and earth spirit as one.
We thank you great spirit for this aligned opportunity
to share this co-created space with you,
with our divine servants of sacred earth.
We wholeheartedly welcome our guardians
and protectors of earth.
We welcome their tutelage as we remember ourselves
as one calling in their messengers of love, wisdom
and power in all form, in no form they have for us
here today and coming the coming weeks
and months, years ahead for us.
We feel blessed to show up to this mission.
We feel blessed to co-create this mission together
with great spirit's guidance
and all of great spirit's guardians.
And we are ready to walk our path on earth
with the appropriate guidance in service
to great spirit's plan.
Even if we do not comprehend this plan, we trust
and share this trust in our faith in action every day
and night here on earth and beyond.
Thank you. We love you great spirit
and we receive your directives on our journey home to you
as source in the here and now on earth.
Gaia celestial star.
Okay, thank you so much
for co-creating that opening prayer in the here and now.
That's a really important request to make
and I guess this, this whole process
for this particular episode
or this particular recording is
around the archetypal presence of guardian
and I've been given very clear
instructions to read a specific part out
to help us firstly define what a guardian is
from the human perspective,
but also helping us understand how
that translates in other ways.
So I'm going to go into reading this, so just continue
to stay relaxed and enjoy
and we will define this guardianship or guardian
and then we'll move into more of a fluid understanding
of guardian after in the human world,
which we can refer to as a realm, we have many concepts of
what this overarching guardian is.
We have many names and perceptions as human beings.
Some of the more familiar names for this archetypal presence
in a larger sense might be God, Lord king of the universe,
Lord our savior quantum field of intelligence,
the the great spirit, our father, our mother cosmic law,
divine presence creator
or some people also call universe.
So everyone has their own interpretation
and way of relating to this guardian that comes through and
and guides us in every way, no matter our human perceptions
and names for this overarching living presence.
Whether there are projections
of specific influences placed upon this living presence,
whether we even agree with each other's interpretations
of this living presence.
Ultimately that is not required.
We most likely can agree
however we are in the absence of comprehension
of life's many mysteries
and in the acceptance we can see that we know we are held
by this blueprint of life and
and of this living presence
and whatever lens we lean into
this presence in various form
and no form is what we could also associate
with our guardian in the largest sense of the word.
Then we must also recognize that the higher order
or expansive order has varying roles
and responsibilities to maintain balance on a cosmic scale.
When we are to truly comprehend what a guardian is,
the question that comes to mind to lead this with R,
what is true authority?
What does it take to have true authority
in upholding creation?
What does this true authority translate into
our human experience?
To understand what a cosmic guardian is, it is
so important we talk in terms of creation authority.
This authority is not about the ability
to necessarily control with force over a large system,
even if this guardian has the true authority in
overseeing this system.
True authority is the responsibility
to oversee this system in terms of balance.
The awareness of responsibility for balance
is also based on the role that this presence of being
with this authority is expected to live up to
or hold in relationship with the greater order
of this cosmic system.
Therefore, true authority is the ability
to balance the system that is being upheld
through the roles and responsibilities
that serve the greater whole of this system.
The actions of service are
ultimately what a guardian offers.
This is why they would ever have the responsibility
of true authority and the process of these actions
of service are for the balance
of a greater whole of a system.
Creation is the expression of this system
though to uphold this system
or pattern a guardian abides by creation laws
of any particular system that they serve.
This service is what we know in human terms as leadership,
which highlights the fact that true authority
to lead is a service that must maintain balance
to a greater whole.
I wanna repeat that. True authority to lead is a service
that must maintain balance to a greater whole.
So coming back to our three questions earlier, being
what is true authority, a willingness
to lead in service, to maintain balance.
What does it take to have true authority in upholding
creation, upholding one's role in
service to a greater whole?
How does this true authority translate into
our human experience?
This looks like leadership
or also described as guardianship.
Unfortunately, this leadership from a human perspective is
at times confused with force.
We on earth are seem still seemingly figuring out
what true authority is in terms of leadership.
And let's ask two more questions.
What position is humankind currently in in terms
of true authority with this guardian archetypal presence?
What does it take to lead in service
to a greater whole in our human experience so
that we can step into our role as guardians in service
to balance of a greater whole in human consciousness on
earth at this time,
due to the echoes of memory within our stories,
across timelines on earth in which we have not necessarily,
which in which have not necessarily been resolved
or completed yet, we have a lot of distortion individually
and collectively to overcome together.
Currently, we are going through various lessons
that are supporting us in coming to a greater understanding
of what service is and what
and of what balance could feel like
this guardian archetypal presence that is working
through us in this process will test us
and test our abilities
to find balance in our individual lives, a key component
to being successful here on earth for us
as humans walking our way through this
guardian archetypal presence,
especially over this next month where it's highlighted
as a main theme, the willingness to sacrifice
who we think we are in terms of
what we have been conditioned with an external stimuli,
which has influenced our individual
and collective perceptions
of the self from a human perspective.
This at times can keep us from surrendering
to this higher presence that exists within us
and serves service is in service to us, through us,
and can only properly be expressed if we recognize the
importance of this sacrifice of what is temporal
for what is eternal,
what it takes to lead in service to a greater whole.
For each of us in this human realm is first
and foremost being receptive to observing.
When we are out of balance in our views
and our way of being, and through that self-honesty
and humility, we then have the awareness
to also recognize that force alone is
and has never been true authority
and balance is actually a true indication
of the guardian archetypal presence coming
through authentically for you.
That was very clear that I had to express that
and come to a clear definition within this process
because we are about to step into this guardian energy
and it's so important that we understand
that we walking our purpose on earth
and not being caught in delusions or distractions
or distortions and recognizing the difference
between our path and illusions or,
or, uh, sort of distractions that are a part of our reality
that is so important, especially in this first month
of this new moon, this, um, new moon cycle.
Basically over the next year,
the Mayan calendar moves into a whole new year
and this first month is very important
that we are very connected in with source
and connecting in regularly and attuning ourselves.
And whenever we find ourselves out of balance
that we are able to recognize and bring that awareness.
As soon as we bring that awareness, no matter
what extremes are happening around us on this planet, uh,
within our personal lives, if we have the awareness
that we are out of balance,
we're immediately brought back into balance.
It's quite simple, especially when we are connecting in
with a higher power as in our higher power,
which is great spirit, but some of the fluid expressions
of the guardian archetypal presence.
I've written a few things that have come through.
So the guardian archetypal presence is the holistic
awareness that holds itself in all ways.
This guardian can be perceived
as though this awareness is beyond the veil.
Yet this guardian is clarity in and of itself,
therefore there is no separation from this presence,
but our own lack of awareness of this
or our perceived obscurations
or obscurities that do not that block us from this presence,
but they do not really block us from this presence.
It's sort of our lack of awareness
that blocks us from the presence.
The presence is always available to us regardless,
but it might be harder for us to know we are being supported
by this presence unless we are balanced enough
to recognize what is illusion.
So it comes back to having that balance is what allows us
to fully bring in this archetypal presence
of guardian within us.
This clarity can be perceived as and by varying densities
and through and in this awareness, the guardian is the light
of form and no form which holds the presence of beginning
and completion in oneness in ways.
This guardian is the observer, the pioneer,
the initiator, the leader.
Though in all ways this guardian is in service
to a greater whole of creation
and exists so expansively as clear light in oneness
that has, that no obscurities can exist in truth within
and of this presence, this pure awareness
that hold itself holistically is a supreme presence.
This supreme presence is all perfection without human error
or perceptions ever even being able to create obstacles.
This presence is all encompassing of all perception
and experience in form, in no form without interference
of any kind, experiencing all beyond our reality.
And yet this supreme power and presence makes up our reality
and all realities as one.
Hence why it is seen as the clarity that can't be unseen
unless it is obscured by our perceptions.
Yet obscuring this supreme presence is ultimately impossible
in the actual reality of it.
It's impossible, but in our experience on human,
in human realm, it's we,
we can feel disconnected from it even if it is always
continually reaching out to us
and showing us different ways.
It's, it is always present for us,
but it's our willingness to call in great spirit.
I do that all the time, uh,
and recognizing this clear light is always presently clear.
There's no observations,
but our perceptions that we put upon that
and when we recognize that we're out of balance or
or being pulled off par as soon as we do
that clarity is available and obscurations are demolished.
The thing to remember is
that we are fully supported whether we disown connection
of this oneness or not, that the guardian has no need
to get your acceptance in perspective
because this guardian already knows wholeness
and we are experiencing perceived limitation.
So we can know this clarity even if we do not know how
to title or recognize it
or categorize it while we're experiencing it.
So I will just check
the chat one second
to make sure everything's good
running away there.
That's okay. So moving into
what this next year or cycle
or process is, it's in the, I guess in a Mayan term
or even in Jose Argue is um, describes it
as blue rhythmic storm.
It's a new year in blue rhythmic storm.
And so these, this energy will change
and transform from the 26th of July
and we're just coming through the last few days
of this last like cycle.
So there's going to be a lot of shifts in our field, a lot
of uh, uh, sort of different perspectives available to us.
And also we are going to have
to stay quite grounded initially
because like I said, you know, the first month is connecting
to spirit and anytime that you're not connected,
you're going to feel dis uh, sort of dissonance from that.
And as soon as you recognize it
and you recognize you're outta balance, you are immediately
reunited within your own awareness
to this clear light of of the guardian.
So some of the themes
that are coming up in the moon coming like in in this 28
days, starting from the 26th of July,
would be around leadership.
So individually
and collectively it would just be about
how you move forward in your life.
How do you step into your purpose? Are you on your purpose?
Are you running away from your purpose?
You know, uh, feeling connected to source.
So every day using what I talked about in the introduction
p power, how power our prayer info where we sort of
discussed alter practice, prayer, writing prayers,
using creative practice as a way of maintaining a grounded
uh, connection to this clear light and your guides
and all of these teams that work in and amongst
and beyond the veil of our perception.
So there are also things like separation, like
not necessarily recognizing or feeling lost
or out of balance governance.
So things around governance
or how things are unfolding for us.
Is this person that we're looking at
or are we in balance, are we in tune
or are they in tune with something that is higher
or are they thinking that they know better
and they're operating from a sort of a lower expression
of being so fragmentation, toxic authority,
feeling alone, secrets.
So things that create obscurations in our field.
Things that we might not realize that are under the surface.
Um, and all we have to do is say great spirit,
whatever's under the surface, please clear and
and reveal the way through these things.
But also if there are things that are relative that I need
to be aware of, please bring them
before me so I can start to recognize where I've been out
of balance in this area or this area of my life.
So clear light, recognizing
that the clear light exists whether we have an obscuration
or not, it's always present.
Overseeing ob overseeing our realities
and our kingdoms, uh, taking responsibility for what it is
that we've created in our lives.
Observation and the blueprint, God, great spirit law of one.
So all of these aspects are embodied in this first 28 days,
starting from the 26th of July.
Some of the things that we might have to overcome
as more shadow aspects are ne negative self-image.
So feeling disconnected from spirit.
Therefore we can't see who we truly are as source
and we feel separate, you know, uh, imagination issues.
So feeling blocked
or not being able to express one's imagination
or creativity through our own self-awareness.
So it's just coming back
to keeping a creative practice doing these things.
So, you know, for example, if you went out
to nature every single day
and collected one item that nature had gifted you
and that keeps your imagination sort
of taking little sets forward.
It doesn't matter how hard your day has been,
it's a simple activity
that actually realigns you to that clear light.
Other energies around that we need to clear our shame,
self-denial, guilt, all of the stuff that
becomes suppressed in our being
and the areas that need to be brought directly to spirit.
And you can do that. You can absolutely say great spirit,
I think I have guilt like stored within my being.
I would like to bring this to you.
I'd like to lift this up to you and transform this guilt
because I don't know if I need to carry this anymore.
It's not necessary in my life.
And therefore you start to have a dialogue with these,
this guardian, but also the guardian that manages all
of the cosmic kingdoms with all of these guardians as
refractions of the one light, um, of great spirit
and conflict with reality.
So not necessarily being able
to tell reality being an illusion.
That's a common theme for this first moon
because we're starting a whole new energy,
we might actually find it difficult to recognize
what is true and what is not.
The most important thing is
finding out where you're imbalanced.
As soon as you bring your awareness,
you become more balanced and therefore you can move forward.
So some of the things that we can look forward to
and we can really try to bring
through in this first 28 days is creative imagination.
So bringing ourselves into that creativity,
keeping ourselves active in a process will keep us connected
and having a very dynamic relationship with great spirit
power of transformation.
So the, the ability
and the power to recognize that you are source working
through a human experience.
And as soon as you realize that so many things
that you believed to be true about yourself, uh, you know,
from a lower perspective sort of you bring it back to spirit
sense of wonderment.
So opening ourselves up to being like a child,
opening ourselves and our views up to life in a new way.
I talked about in the introduction power our prayer about
how abstract is a word that describes many different forms
of communication that we just might not be fully
aware of at this time.
So it's about recognizing, hey wait, wait a second,
maybe I don't understand this language
and maybe I just need to stretch myself a little bit more
or maybe I need to do some prayer to open myself up
to what this energy is.
And also the first moon is the beginning.
Therefore it also, it's an important time to recognize
what is your completion?
What are you working towards,
what are you wanting to achieve?
You know, it's, it's a beautiful thing
to start something new, but you need to have some sort
of aim or purpose in
where you're leading or where you're going.
So some affirmations, two affirmations came
through for you guys.
If you wanna write them down or you can um, just say it
after I say it now and just repeat it.
Um, in the safety of your own homes, I am
the light of great spirit's will working within
and through me as pure perfected clarity.
We'll do it again. I am the light of great spirit's will
working within and through me as pure
perfect clarity.
The next one was, I am the balanced
expression of the archetypal presence
of the cosmic guardian in the here and now.
I am the balanced expression of the archetypal presence
of the cosmic guardian in the here and now.
Lemme just check time. Cool.
So I have been guided to create a soundscape
for you guys to have a meditation.
It'll be about 11 to 12 minutes.
So if you wanna get comfortable, put your headphones on
'cause it'll be a lot easier to connect in with the sounds
and I will just get organized to play that.
I will take myself off video
so you guys can just tune into yourselves
and I will then just start with the closing prayer as a way
of closing the this space off when this song has finished.
So get comfy, open your, oh, close your eyes,
open your heart and enjoy.
Everyone enjoyed that. So we'll go into
the closing prayer now.
Everyone hear me? Okay,
all good.
Okay, good,
great spirit.
We are so blessed and thankful
to have co-created this sacred space with you
and all of your wondrous messengers.
We feel so nourished to have been supported so deeply
and will continue to be supported over the coming days,
weeks, months, and years.
Moving through this process together in shared prayer
for a beautiful and bright future together on earth,
please ensure we are protected
as we transition into our daily lives
with this presence within our hearts and minds.
Guide us in perfect synchronicity in time
and space in the here and now.
We ask that any messages that you may have
for us from spirit, please ensure that we are able
to receive fully in heart
and soul at the most appropriate time
and space over the coming days, weeks, months, and years.
Thank you to all of our guides
and guardians who have watched over us, our loved ones,
our brothers and sisters within this earth realm and beyond.
We welcome you into our lives
and we commit to work with our creative practices as a way
to build a deeper space of resonance
and communication with you, great spirit.
And we are ready to walk our path with a sense
of joy and fulfillment.
Great spirit, please send all
of these prayers deep into the center of earth.
Make sure this beautiful being Earth knows
how much we appreciate this sacred living land
and living waters.
Thank you for the miracles that we have received,
the miracles unfolding in the now
and the ones we are yet to experience.
We open our heart to these divine miracles
and continue to walk in faith through our lives, moving
and sharing our amazing gifts
and healing presence of our sole purpose with the world.
We ask that our beloved animal angels are cared for
in this realm and others, and that they come in
and visit us in our dreams to continue
to support our missions here on earth.
Thank you to the beautiful
and divine elders that light the way for us here.
Thank you for the futuristic advanced star children
who show up new and show up.
Show us new and advanced ways of being
and co-creating here on earth.
Thank you for all of our incredibly talented brothers
and sisters who share great spirits light
through genuine acts of service and love.
Thank you to the ascended masters
who have walked the way ahead of us
and continue to walk in front
of us revealing the way to you.
Great spirit. Thank you to the infinite
and radiant orders of angels with their powerful might
and divine presence in all realms connected
to this earthly realm.
We thank all beings who serve the light
and heal us through love, wisdom, and power.
And we thank you great again, great spirit for loving us
as your children and giving us the abundance
to be here together and share your light as one on earth
and in all the spaces and places we exist in form.
And no form in the here and now. We love you. Great spirit.
Thank you. So I wanna thank
everyone for attending today.
It's been such a pleasure
to co-create this sacred space with you guys.
And I hope that you have a beautiful, beautiful day.
Whatever time it is, I know in the US it's late at night in
uh Australia, it's in the day.
So have an amazing and amazing day
and I'll see you next time on Power Hour Prayer.
So much love.
Thank you Natasha. I felt the energy very strongly. I will revisit this session many times.