A Mountain Hike & Personal Updates with Corey & Stacy

Corey Goode

We went on a small hike the day before Easter. 🙂


  1. I am sorry to say but right now might not be the best time to be creating video games. We are in crunch time Ascension Armageddon and we should be focused on things besides video games. Maybe these wonderful people that are creating them with you are actually purposely sidetracking you

    1. Why are you sorry? You obviously mean what you say so dont be sorry. So, what do you think would be the most effective way to tap half the population of earth? I dont think these people working with Corey are sidetracking anything, hes obviously already done much of his personal work and so has his family. Also, he has many higher beings with much more wisdom than all of us together giving him the best advice he can get, so i truly hope he smashes it out of the ball park after all the crap he’s had to eat.

    2. I agree with Will and if you have followed Corey closely, you would know what he’s been through with previous business partners and that he has learned a lot from those experiences. He is now in a position where he may proceed because he’s set up the infrastructure (IP, etc.) where he can protect his story and have personal control of the various projects in development. This is exactly in accordance with the mission from the Blue Avians and has the potential to reach billions of people to seed the consciousness of humanity without the need for anyone to believe. It’s brilliant, especially since we’ve seen what people “in the community” have done in an attempt to destroy and discredit him. Now is exactly the right time, as literally billions of gamers are using games to escape all the madness in the world.

  2. Please create mobile games as well.
    In developing and third world countries, kids and teens having a gaming pc will be rare but almost every teenager will be having a mobile phone.
    That’s why PUBG mobile and Counter Stike mobile games become so popular in country like India

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