2: What is Spirituality with Rebecca

Spirituality, What?

What does Spirituality mean to yours truly, me? This simple question is going to play a pivotal role in the interviews we feature on this podcast so I thought I started off by giving you my own personal musing.

We’ll look at the definitions of spirituality and religion in the Miriam Webster dictionary as well as urban dictionary.

Consider some time for self reflection and let me know your thoughts by heading over to Instagram @spirituality.what or check it all out on www.spiritualitywhat.com.

See you next week!

Welcome to the Spirituality, What? podcast, where we explore the mysteries, joys and challenges of being spiritual beings navigating our unpredictable Human experience we call life, here on planet earth.

Intro music by Forestial.

Podcast not sponsored by Miriam Webster dictionary, Urban dictionary, chat GPT 3.5.

Next Episode: 6: Psychedelics (Mushrooms) and Spirituality with Andrew Part 2


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