Introduction to 4th Density from “The Ra Material”/“Law of One”
This is a test post to gauge the interest in “The Ra Material” or “Law of One”. My first attempt to share is a long post, so this may or may not be the best way to present the material, however I’m not sure a PDF file that requires a download to open is any better. Because AscentionWorksTV is still in “beta testing”, I’ll think of this as a test. Because we are transitioning to 4th Density I thought some members here might like to know a little more about it.
Fourth (4th) Density Characteristics from the Law of One
As a reader and someone studying the Law of One material, (The Ra Material), I’ve created this page to combine the majority of comments in one location regarding this topic. Feel free to let me know of any typos, etc. on the main page and I will make correction asap. The wording used by Ra takes some time to get used to, and reading and re-reading often creates more clarity.
Note: B=book#, S=Session#
There are times when the term “green=ray” is used to describe the conditions surrounding fourth density.
*In some comments, the correct assumption of the questioner is quoted below as if given by RA. ( Ra has confirmed the assumption is the correct one)
The fourth density is, by choice, not visible to third density. It is possible for fourth density to be visible. However, it is not the choice of the fourth-density entity to be visible due to the necessity for concentration upon a rather difficult vibrational complex which is the third density you experience. (B1,S12)
There is one harvest. Those able to enter fourth density through vibrational complex levels may choose the manner of their further seeking of the One Creator. (B1, S16)
It is not necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One to go from third to fourth density. (B1, S16)
We ask you to consider as we speak that there are not words for positively describing fourth density. We can only explain what is not and approximate what is. That which is fourth density is not: it is not of words, unless chosen. It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities. It is not of disharmony within self. It is not of disharmony within peoples. It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way. Approximations of positive statements: it is a plane of type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life; it is a plane wherein one is aware of vibrations of other-selves; it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density; it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light; it is a plane wherein individual differences pronounced although automatically harmonizes by group consensus. (B1, S16)
The fourth density is a vibrational spectrum. Your time/space continuum has spiraled your planetary sphere and your, what we would call galaxy, what you call star, into this vibration. This will cause the planetary sphere itself to electromagnetically realign its vortices of reception of the in-streaming of cosmic forces (intelligent energy) expressing themselves as vibrational webs so that the Earth thus be fourth-density magnetized, as you may call it. Those who remain in fourth density upon this plane will be of the so-called positive orientation. (B1, S17)
Those who heal may be of any density which has the consciousness of the spirit. This includes third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh. (B1, S17)
The fourth density is the only density besides your own which, lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle. (B1, S25)
The sincere belief of fourth-density negative that to love self is to love all. Each other-self which is thus either taught or enslaved thus has a teacher which teaches love of self. Exposed to this teaching, it is intended that there be brought to fruition an harvest of fourth-density negative or self-serving mind/body/spirit complexes. (B1, S26)
The green-ray activation is always vulnerable to the yellow or orange ray of possession, this being largely yellow ray but often coming into orange ray. Fear of possession, desire for possession, fear of being possessed, desire to be possessed: these are the distortions which will cause the deactivation of green-ray energy transfer. Once the green ray has been achieved, the ability of the entity to enter blue ray is immediate and is only awaiting the efforts of the individual. The indigo ray is opened only through considerable discipline and practice largely having to do with acceptance of self, not only as the polarized and balanced self but as the Creator, as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray. (B2. S32)
The violet ray of the positive fourth-density will be tinged with the green, blue, indigo triad of energies. This tinge may be seen as a portion of a rainbow or prism, as you know it, the rays being quite distinct. The violet ray of fourth-density negative has in its aura, shall we say, the tinge of red, orange, yellow, these three rays being muddied rather than distinct. (B2, S33)
The impulse to protect the loved other-self is one which persists through the fourth density, a density abounding in compassion. (B2, S 33)
The violet ray of the positive fourth-density will be tinged with the green, blue, indigo triad of energies. This tinge may be seen as a portion of a rainbow or prism, as you know it, the rays being quite distinct. The violet ray of fourth-density negative has in its aura, shall we say, the tinge of red, orange, yellow, these three rays being muddied rather than distinct. (B2, S33)
This violet ray is the only consideration for fourth-density positive. In assessing the harvestable fourth-density negative, the intensity of the red as well as the orange and the yellow rays is looked upon quite carefully as a great deal of stamina and energy of this type is necessary for the negative progression, it being extremely difficult to open the gateway to intelligent infinity from the solar plexus center. This is necessary for harvest in fourth-density negative. (B2, S34)
The graduation into fourth-density negative is achieved by those beings who have consciously contacted intelligent infinity through the use of red, orange, and yellow rays of energy. Therefore, the planetary conditions of fourth-density negative include the constant alignment and realignment of entities in efforts to form the dominant patterns of combined energy. The early fourth density is one of the most intensive struggle. When the order of authority has been established and all have fought until convinced that each is in the proper placement for power structure, the social memory complex begins. Always the fourth-density effects of telepathy and the transparency of thought are attempted to be used for the sake of those at the apex of the power structure. This, as you may see, is often quite damaging to the further polarization of fourth-density negative entities, for the further negative polarization can only come about through group effort. (B2, S38)
The fourth density is one of revealed information. Selves are not hidden to self or other-selves. The imbalances or distortions which are of a destructive nature show, therefore, in more obvious ways, the vehicle of the mind/body/spirit complex thus acting as a teaching resource for self revelation. These illnesses such as cancer are correspondingly very amenable to self-healing once the mechanism of the destructive influence has been grasped by the individual. (B2, S40)
The catalysts of mental and spiritual pain are used in fourth density. The space/time incarnation typical of harmonious fourth density is approximately 90,000 of your years as you measure time. The cycle of experience is approximately 30 million of your years if the entities are not capable of being harvested sooner. There is in this density a harvest which is completely the function of the readiness of the social memory complex. It is not structured as is your own, for it deals with a more transparent distortion of the One Infinite Creator. (B2, S43)
* the physical vehicle in fourth density that is used during space/time, I am assuming, is quite similar to the one that we now use in third density. Ra: The chemical elements used are not the same. However, the appearance is similar.
It is necessary to eat food in fourth density. Ra: The fourth-density being desires to serve and the preparation of foodstuffs is extremely simple due to increased communion between entity and living foodstuff. Therefore, this is not a significant catalyst but rather a simple precondition of the space/time experience. The catalyst involved is the necessity for the ingestion of foodstuffs. This is not considered to be of importance by fourth-density entities and it, therefore, aids in the teach/learning of patience. To stop the functioning of service-to-others long enough to ingest food is to invoke patience(B2, S43)
It is true that as fourth-density beings progress they have more and more need for other density teachings. Experience in fourth density is emphatically not the same as third-density experience. However, it is correct that the same mechanism of calling predisposes the information received in a way consonant with free will. (B2, S43)
A large percentage of fourth-density negative entities continue the path from fourth to fifth-density experience, for without wisdom the compassion and desire to aid other-self is not extremely well informed. Thus though one loses approximately two percent moving from negative to positive during fourth-density experience we find approximately eight percent of graduations into fifth-density those of the negative.(B2, S47)
* With regard to vibratory rate of better than 50% service to others for fourth-density positive and better than 95% service to self for fourth-density negative social memory complexes. Do these two values correspond to the same rate, shall I say, of vibration?
Ra: “The vibratory rates are not to be understood as the same in positive and negative orientations. They are to be understood as having the power to accept and work with intelligent infinity to a certain degree or intensity. Due to the fact that the primary color, shall we say, or energy blue is missing from the negatively oriented system of power, the green/blue vibratory energies are not seen in the vibratory schedules or patterns of negative fourth and fifth rates of vibration.
The positive, upon the other hand, shall we say, has the full spectrum of true-color time/space vibratory patterns and thus contains a variant vibratory pattern or schedule. Each is capable of doing fourth-density work. This is the criterion for harvest. The percentage of service-to-others of positively oriented entities will harmoniously approach 98% in intention. The qualifications for fifth density, however, involve understanding. This then, becomes the primary qualification for graduation from fourth to fifth density.(B2, S47)
The work that is accomplished in positive 4th density is that work whereby the positive social memory complex, having through slow stages, harmoniously integrated itself, goes forth to aid those of less positive orientation which seek their aid. Greater and greater intensities of understanding or compassion are attained. This intensity continues until the appropriate intensity of the light may be welcomed. This is 4th density harvest. (B2, S48)
There is very little work in consciousness in fourth and in fifth densities compared to the work done in third density. The work that is accomplished in positive fourth is that work whereby the positive social memory complex, having, through slow stages harmoniously integrated itself, goes forth to aid those of less positive orientation which seek their aid. Thus their service is their work and through this dynamic between the societal self and the other-self, which is the object of love, greater and greater intensities of understanding or compassion are attained. This intensity continues until the appropriate intensity of the light may be welcomed. This is fourth-density harvest. Within fourth-density positive there are minor amounts of catalyst of a spiritual and mental complex distortion. This occurs during the process of harmonizing to the extent of forming the social memory complex. This causes some small catalyst and work to occur, but the great work of fourth density lies in the contact betwixt the societal self and less polarized other-self. In fourth-density negative much work is accomplished during the fighting for position which precedes the period of the social memory complex. There are opportunities to polarize negatively by control of other-selves. During the social memory complex period of fourth-density negative the situation is the same. The work takes place through the societal reaching out to less polarized otherself in order to aid in negative polarization.(B2, S48)
In time/space and in the true color green density, the hands of all are open to the eye. The thoughts, the feelings, the troubles, all these may be seen. There is no deception and no desire for deception. Thus much may be accomplished in harmony but the mind/body/spirit gains little polarity from this interaction. (B2, S50)
(Discussion of travel in the Solar System)
One is the type which, coming from fourth, fifth, or sixth density in your own galaxy,(solar system) has access to a type of energy system which uses the speed of light as a slingshot and thus arrives where it wishes without any perceptible time elapsed in your view. The other type of experience is that of fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies (Solar Systems) and some within your own galaxy which have learned the necessary disciplines of personality to view the universe as one being and, therefore, are able to proceed from locus to locus by thought alone, materializing the necessary craft, if you will, to enclose the light body of the entity. (B3, S51)
CORRECTION: Ra: I am Ra. We have once again used a meaning for this term, galaxy, that does not lie within your vocabulary at this time, if you will call it so. We referred to your star system (solar system). It is incorrect to assume that other star systems are more able to manipulate the dimensions than your own. It is merely that there are many other systems besides your own. (B3, S52)
The third and fourth, combination, density’s body will die according to the necessity of third-density mind/body/spirit complex distortions. (B3, S63)
This transitional body is one which will be, shall we say, able to appreciate fourth-density vibratory complexes as the in-streaming increases without the accompanying disruption of the third-density body. If a third-density entity were, shall we say, electrically aware of fourth-density in full, the third-density electrical fields would fail due to incompatibility. The third and fourth, combination, density’s body will die according to the necessity of third-density mind/body/spirit complex distortions. (B3, S63)
Fourth-density experience may be begun with the added attraction, to an entity oriented towards service to others, of dwelling in a troubled third-density environment and offering its love and compassion. These entities are not Wanderers in the sense that this planetary sphere is their fourth-density home planet. However, the experience of this service is earned only by those harvested third-density entities which have demonstrated a great deal of orientation towards service to others. It is a privilege to be allowed this early an incarnation as there is much experiential catalyst in service to other-selves at this harvesting. (B3, S63)
The creation of green-ray density bodily complexes. This creation will be gradual and will take place beginning with your third-density type of physical vehicle and, through the means of bisexual reproduction, become by evolutionary processes, the fourth-density body complexes.The influxes of true-color green energy complexes will more and more create the conditions in which the atomic structure of cells of bodily complexes is that of the density of love. The mind/body/spirit complexes inhabiting these physical vehicles will be, and to some extent, are, those of whom you spoke and, as harvest is completed, the harvested entities of this planetary influence. (B3, S63)
The necessity for graduation to 4th density is an ability to use, welcome and enjoy a certain intensity of the white light of the One Infinite Creator. (B4, S82)
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I’m reading this in October 4th 2023 and it seems obsolete. The preparations for us to move to the 5/6/7th dimension have long been completed.
It is amazing that someone take such of task at the service of others, making this info more easily ingested. In grateful, thanks.
Thx for investing your energy in this !!!!!
It is so wonderful when someone takes the time to put the Law of One info together as you have here. Thank you so much! I’d love to read more.
WOW! Alot to ponder, but very interested and would like to read more. Thanks
Wow, Steve! Thanks so much for putting this information together.