Dream Share: Grandchild

I actually dreamed about 5 of my 9 grandkids before they were born. One granddaughter came in dreams all night long. I would wake up, remember what I was dreaming, and then go back to sleep and dream some more. She had a guide names Victor who ask me if I wanted to meet my granddaughter. Of course I said yes! He showed me scenes from one of her past lives in which she had been a nurse during a war in the early USA history. He also showed me that she would be born prematurely, as she was presented in a shoe box, and of course he introduced me to her. The name he called her isn’t the one her parents chose, but when they had a gender reveal party, I had no trouble saying she was a girl and I was right!

With another granddaughter I dreamed about her 3 months in a row. In the last dream I was carrying her around on my hip and looking down at her curly hair. I asked my daughter if she was pregnant and she said no. A couple of weeks later she called to say “guess what?’. Of course I said “you are pregnant and it’s a girl!”.
Her father was in total denial and said his intuition was good and it was a boy. I flew to the east coast when she went in for her ultrasound to determine the sex. First thing the doctor saw was that it was a girl. She looks just like I saw her in the dream!

This granddaughter from the first story was indeed born a month early and weighed only 5 pounds. As a young child, she got a toy medical kit for a gift, and pretended to saw off limbs, which of course was the practice in early American history.

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