Questions for Corey (Old Thread)

  • Luba Mar

    January 31, 2023 at 9:27 pm

    You talked a lot about the Angelic Whites who worked with the Orion group to enslave humanity. Kindly ask you to talk more about them, maybe specific examples of where they are currently working.

    I am Russian and many Russians are in active awakening now, we have Allatra TV (from Ukraine) known for having a girl who does shapeshifting with her eyes.

    If you have heard, what do you think of them?

    And also the idea of ​​the Venus Project (from Florida) with their Futuristic Cities, is attractive to many.

    I’m worried that many people so influenced by that, but I really wanted to know your opinion.

    • Marc

      February 1, 2023 at 11:30 am

      They must be working on adjusting the propaganda for when they reveal themselves. Working with our own crime syndicates on Earth on how to achieve that, probably?

      • Luba Mar

        February 2, 2023 at 8:21 am

        Exactly, so all this AI agenda with beautiful futuristic cities that “good” for us, where everyone is happy, no crime (because AI), no poor, no sickness… That what they do?

  • Yhosua David

    January 31, 2023 at 9:32 pm

    can we expect the supervolcanos to uncap on “judgement day”?

    • Debbie

      February 1, 2023 at 10:54 am

      What do you mean by “judgment day?”

      • Yhosua David

        February 1, 2023 at 11:52 am

        Just how I refer to the micronova event. From a theistic perspective that’s really what it is.

        • Debbie

          February 1, 2023 at 12:29 pm

          Ah, ok, that’s what I thought but just wanted to be sure it’s what you meant. 👍

  • Layla Starling

    February 1, 2023 at 7:13 am

    OHMYGOSH – I just stumbled onto this – you just made my day!!!

    Please be gentle, I am new here. I am on about hour 70 of the a m a z I n g interviews with David and Corey. If these questions have already been answered please give me the actual link to them. I know how frustrating it is to answer the same questions, over and over and over again =)

    My questions…

    Re: Car’ee and Mica (sp?)

    Do you have personal pets?

    What are the 3 favorite parts of your world/life? If you could change some things what would you change?

    Do you need time for your ‘body’ to regenerate/Is sleep necessary? I really waste a lot of time sleeping… is there a quicker way to regenerate?

    Do you have a caste system or any ranking system that would make anyone would feel inferior perceived or unperceived?

    How do you prevent misinformation from being spread online etc? Do you need/have a legal system/courts? If so, what is the process for finding out who is lying/nefarious to prevent the time, expense, pain, and energy loss for going to “court”. If not, during our transition, how can we streamline this process?

    How far have you let AI control your environment/world/life? How do you control AI?

    Do all the people with “authority “ have a post-conventional morality level? Sigma? Both? Or something similar? How do you “test” before people are placed it authority positions that they cannot or will not be compromised? What is the process of removing sociopaths & psychopaths etc from positions of authority?

    Do you have/use replicators? For what? Are replicators safe for food/ingestion?

    Are parasites, fungi, yeast and mold the source of all illnesses? If no, what is? Do you have “medbeds”? If yes, are they a frequency-based healing modality? If not, what is the best healing modality for people topside? What is your healing modality? How do I learn it? How do I protect myself after I learn it?

    Do you have “plans” (plot plan, systems needed, home plans, garden plans (permaculture?), frequency raising water systems, educational plans etc… for raising the health/vibrations of inhabitants) for creating sustainable micro-communities? Is there/What is the max number of people to live harmoniously/safely? What is the schooling system for kids/people that want to learn about architecture or agriculture, for example? What do I not know? I have already created one on paper (with my limited knowledge and skills) but instead of making mistakes that have already been made, I would like to jump ahead in the game. Can I have an immediate download AND physical book(s) on those topics and resources to obtain the necessary components? – crystals, minerals, closed system, water? And Free energy too while I am asking 😉 and offer those resources free for all who request them?

    Do you have a program/website for a local barter/exchange system that is fair and free for all? Can I have it? I have started to create one but instead of making mistakes that have already been made, I would like to jump ahead in the game and use an existing fine-tuned one. Can an AI manage it – how do I prevent an AI from taking it over? How do I anonymously market it and protect it?

    I would like to ‘download, understand, retain, and be able to regurgitate it in easily understandable language/terms in 1-second while in all states of consciousness all the accurate information in your library and the galaxy. How can I make that happen?

    What are the powers of a stellated dodecahedron?

    Are rose quartz with copper the most powerful connection amplifier to the divine on the surface of the earth? What don’t I know?

    Assuming they want to level up. How do you remove the control programming and teach people critical thinking skills, how to raise their emotional quotient and raise their state of consciousness in the shortest amount of time possible?

    What additional knowledge would benefit humanity? How can I best anonymously help and support humanity topside? I don’t believe I have made enough progress thus far and I need some guidance.

    On a personal note, I would like to immediately level up, be the best of the best, on my Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizant, Clairalience, Clairgustance, Clairtangency (is there anything else?)… What is the quickest way, other than meditating, eating whole foods, exercising, being positive and grateful and around positive and grateful people…? I am clearly missing a component.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    • Todd Van-Swearingen

      February 1, 2023 at 8:45 am

      It has been recommended if you would like a question answered, unless you are open to other folks input, under the Video Updates Corey and Mike does.. you can pose simple questions there also recommend joining so you can be be a part of the chat.

  • Alejandro Rodriguez

    February 1, 2023 at 9:53 am


    Trying to respond to a comment in Ascension Works to (in my opinion) one of the fondamental issues I thought I would share my dilemma:) :

    Comment: How many of us keep thinking it’s our mission to wake up our loved ones? Why is it such an uphill battle? […]. The best thing we can do for them is to keep doing our own inner work. When we do, we’re then shining our light and inspiring others so they can see there’s another way to BE. Maybe understanding this can help us relax and be more compassionate and in the moment with them, and just be alert for opportunities to plant seeds. All happens in its own good time, and what will be, will be.

    Dilemma: I also feel the work is personal and individual:) To wake up others or help others is a tricky business, we can take the example of the beings from the Love of One who allegedlly got carmically involved by trying to help us…. however we are in service to others, so that implies there is a goal towards helping others….tricky business that I still have difficulty to get my head around…The safe path seems in deed to work in itself for the good of others but regardless of others (if that make sense)…

    • Debbie

      February 1, 2023 at 11:28 am

      Yes, I think I would agree that it is “a tricky business,” and that is my comment you’re addressing so thank you for mentioning the dilemma. Indeed, perhaps we should be cautious because we can create new karmic entanglements — the very thing we may be trying to free ourselves from. As I observe how others react, it does seem more important, at least from my perspective, to keep working on myself to become more loving and compassionate, truthful and forgiving. When others are ready they’ll bring it up, in my experience. As we continue to work on who we are being, we have a more positive effect on those around us.

      I think it does take time to get our heads around this idea. My concern, for example, would be that I may try too hard and inadvertently push them farther away; it may be easy for us to justify this to ourselves because we care so much. Yet then are we responsible for hindering another’s progress because we tried to force our own sense of urgency upon them perhaps against the calling of their own soul’s evolution in their own timing? That does appear to be the dilemma. I know I’ve made mistakes along the way, and so I then must forgive myself and just do better as I learn better. 🙏❤

    • Robert James

      May 31, 2023 at 12:13 pm

      I also have tried and failed. J. Edgar Hoover quote: (He was head of the FBI for many years)

      “The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

      That is what I have encountered with friends and family.


    February 1, 2023 at 12:01 pm

    Corey can you please have discussion about the Role the Global Galactic League Of Nations will play during and after the Solar Event in our next Chat on the 19th February. Can you please explain how the GGLN will assist us after the Solar Micro Nova Event. Besides our Cosmic Cousins the GGLN will be our first point of contact during this Solar Event!

  • Todd Van-Swearingen

    February 1, 2023 at 6:54 pm

    Just a quick Question about Ammo… after Solar flash will how will ammo hold up? Not that it has a flashpoint but… not fully understanding the effects.. if pennies melted in the Carrington Event makes me wonder

    • Billymu .

      February 2, 2023 at 5:51 pm

      ‘No metal, no plastics, no anything on or in your body that will heat up enough to make you move or burn. Once you move, you die’, … is what I read somewhere sometime a long while ago, not that that is supposed to be bad as your next co-existing reality will spawn into a new mind framework supposedly. I like the sound of it all actually.

    • Robert James

      May 31, 2023 at 12:01 pm

      I’ve got lots of ammo. I’ve heard of telegraph lines burning due to high current but they’re in a circuit. I cannot imagine how a penny could be made to burn electrically that’s not in any sort of circuit. At any rate, instead of being annihilated like in the past 25,000 year cycles, we can expect ascension so relax. We hit the jackpot! 5th/maybe 6th or 7th Dimension here we come!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by  Robert James. Reason: Add humor
  • Patrice Wolff

    May 20, 2023 at 9:00 pm

    Question for Corey, Mike, regarding “real” workplace settings these days:);

    How does someone (positive ) either embrace or counter ( or somewhere in-between ) a smart, effective, manipulative, and negative personality who holds a high-level, supervisory manager position ?

    Their predatorial behavior and nature is propogating fear, anger, and negativity in those who don’t want to risk losing their jobs ?

    AscensionWorks TV is authentic truth. Love this forum… Been with you the whole way Corey. Thanks Mike !!

    • Michael Waskosky

      May 21, 2023 at 12:40 am

      This is what first came to me, I am not sure if it is the most appropriate advice: see them as an extension of yourself that needs healing, like a leg that has fallen asleep that must be gently exercised so that more weight can be put on it until it is useful again to serve the whole body. Listen closely, day by day, for instructions. If you are being called to service, and listening closely, each day’s lessons will come into view without needing to plan ahead.

    • Debbie

      May 21, 2023 at 9:20 am

      I like Mike’s response, and it immediately made me think of the ho’opono’pono method to resolving these types of relationship issues, whether workplace or family. We look within as we say to ourselves, “I’m sorry” [for whatever in me is showing up as this in you], etc. Dr. Ileakala Hew Lin taught that “there is no ‘out there'” and so conflicts can be resolved from within. Many people have used this method to address conflicts they have with others and reported that with consistent attention and focus, they often would notice a change in the other person which led to the problem resolving itself, or a change in circumstances that might be that person leaving.

      Another practice that may be helpful would be to develop your own method to dissolve the part of your connection (cord) to that person that is not beneficial to you both (negative). This would apply to a relationship that you are choosing to remain in, and that may often be a work relationship.

    • Raylene

      May 21, 2023 at 9:04 pm

      Some people that I know who have worked in situations like that, with really difficult supervisors and bosses, have had success in documenting the maltreatment, and then eventually going to superiors over their heads, and making the formal complaints – with great success! These difficult supervisors have been talked to, and when they’ve given their lies about how they are really good and it’s the lower workers that are just complaining because they are lazy, etc., they were able to continue on for a little while longer, while being scrutinized. These supervisors have known they’ve been watched and scrutinized, so they go to their best behaviors for a while. Then they start slipping back into their negative ways, and usually lose their positions within the companies. It’s like the battle Corey and David are going through – they have to document the mal treatments, make proper complaints at the appropriate times to the appropriate people, and eventually things are righted. Even the top bosses don’t want to lose their positions and/or money because they have ignored issues by people under them, so they will get rid of them. They just have to have the proof and enough pressure, to feel they are making the best move.

  • Robert James

    May 21, 2023 at 9:56 am

    Find another Job would be ideal to get away from such a person.

  • Evelyn undefined

    May 21, 2023 at 5:00 pm

    Do you have information on what is currently going on in the universe? Like the Independent Greys, Draconians, Blue avians?

    Can we expect a reveal of all the ET’s in the upcoming future?

    How’s your day been?

  • Luba Mar

    May 21, 2023 at 8:15 pm

    Question for Corey :
    When it comes to choosing a positive timeline, is it a moral, ethical choice?
    Should people return to the standard male-female relationship. One wife, one husband. Or are there other moral codes in the positive timeline?

  • Patrice Wolff

    May 21, 2023 at 8:53 pm

    Mike, and Debbie you are each spot on for me 👌 So accurate, very helpful, and intuitive. Thanks Mike for following your initial instinct to post your immediate insight after reading it. I’ll say it’s way more appropriate than maybe you or some think.

    Debbie, that is all very helpful too. Someone suggested that to me recently as well! I am starting tonight.

  • Patrice Wolff

    May 21, 2023 at 8:55 pm

    Robert, thank you for your insight.

    • Robert James

      May 31, 2023 at 11:42 am

      You’re welcome, I try to be careful with what I say.

  • Raylene

    May 21, 2023 at 8:55 pm

    Since Corey talks about the Anshar as being our future selves, I think we might see that as the example of what you’re asking. They don’t pair up in marriages, and he said for most other planets in the cosmos marriage is not done at all, but seen here on earth in this 3rd/4th density as something strange we are doing. He said the Anshar are with whom they want to be with, and only have a few children in the community, which they all help raise together. (This may be in part due to the vax many humans received at this time which greatly reduces or stops human population inertia.) He said the entire community joins together for meals in one large room, the meals consisting of raw veges and fruits and some small, bland cake or bread like little things. He said everyone is very emotionally healthy, and they live in peace and positivity toward each other. He said many people go around nude, such as when he went up to a yoga class and saw many participants nude. There didn’t appear to be any conditioning of the mind to be distracted by or moved in any way by nudity, like we’ve been conditioned in our present lives here to be.

    • Luba Mar

      May 22, 2023 at 5:47 pm

      <pre data-placeholder=”Translation”>Yes, when we enter a heightened state of awareness, we will stop depending on each other at the level of feelings and become self-sufficient.
      But in order to reach this level, we need a base, the right foundation.
      In our world there are rules, following which, we can maintain the purity of perception. If leaves them ahead of time, then decomposition and degradation begin.

  • Elma

    June 29, 2023 at 5:51 am

    I have a question about karma and relationships. I feel i need to be careful not to get karmicly entangeled with ppl and mindfull of not upsetting ppl. It was one of my life lessons. But sometimes respecting and nurturing yourself is the bigger lesson. I have to find a balance.

    Long story short, i’ve had a close friend for 20 years, female-male friendship, him being gay. I’m certain we’ve been deeply involved before this incarnation. Though he has followed me in my footsteps and we could discuss most things, he stumble much with little will to live – as have i struggled with alot aswell. He’s got all the borderline personality symptoms and our friendship has been extremely emotional and chaotic for me. I’ve told myself many times to cool of and handle him as he is with his constant changing behaviour, plans, ideas and morals. Lately though it went too far, i had enough. I told him politely i need space and to take care of myself too, i told him to reflect over his behaviour towards others and that i wish him the best always. Then my oldest daughter comes telling me she didnt feel comfortable with him anymore and that she kept a secret that she felt he had touched her inappropriately when we wore in bathing clothes in a water park several years ago. I hope she was mistaken but i want to take her serious. I feel theres no way back this time though he is now messaging me and want us to talk. First he got aggressive and pointed it at me, but now he want us to make up and be friends again. Its hard for me to let him go and think about him being hurt, but i know he has other ppl for support. How do i know its not me over-reacting? I feel he is sort of a soul mate, my little brother, and i always thought he’d awaken and we will find our purpose, but now it feels like i need to let go. How do we step carefully not making more of a karmic mess? Is it sometimes the right thing to do to cut someone out of your life and refuse to make up with them?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  Elma Jakobsen.
    • Debbie

      June 29, 2023 at 7:55 am

      These are volatile times, and even long-standing relationships can be affected. Based on what you’ve said, especially the part that concerns your daughter, ask yourself why you think you may be over-reacting (did your friend say that to you or are you second-guessing yourself?). Only you know the bigger picture and people involved, and you’ll need to dig deep inside for answers and insights that honor and respect yourself and your daughter. Setting and maintaining appropriate boundaries are essential for your well being. Suzanne Cunningham made a post just a couple of hours ago that seems quite fitting for this situation. We have to know when to let go. “As the Conscious Leader of your own life, be beautiful if you can, wise if you want to, but to be respected is essential.” — Suzanne Cunningham

      You may also want to check out Dr. Ramani’s YT channel for tips in difficult relationships like this. While her specialty is dealing with narcissistic personalities and you may not think that applies to your friend, her videos will give you valuable insight into setting your own boundaries and learning how to navigate these challenges you face in this relationship.

  • Elma

    June 30, 2023 at 1:06 am

    Thank you 🙏💓

  • Alejandro Rodriguez

    July 8, 2023 at 2:59 pm

    Dear Corey, friends,

    I hope you are all well. I have a question regarding the timeline you mentioned:

    Some of the information I am studying and my personal work suggest that the change will be personal and will come as suggested by the LoO after living this body (death most probably for one event or another) and the frequency/vibration of our Ajna Chakra will align with the frequency/light to choose our next experience.

    My question comes when looking at all the preparations people are doing on the outside, including moving your family to the mountains ;), making preparations to somehow “hold on” to their possesions, live or perception of their current live…what is the purpose or reason behind this? I have difficulty to understand it from people aware of the law of one and higher conciousness.

    • Debbie

      July 8, 2023 at 5:14 pm

      I think you ask a really good question and you may get many different answers. From my own perspective, it seems that each will make preparations to the best of their ability in accordance with their own inner guidance. Perhaps that can range from going full survivalist, off-the-grid mode, for others it could be minimal, if any, preparation, and I suspect that many of us are doing what we can and trusting that when the time comes, we’ll be exactly where we need to be for whatever may come. The things is, none of us can know for sure just when or how extensive this event may be.

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