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  • Update on Reciprocal System Physics research

    Posted by redfox56  on January 26, 2025 at 2:45 pm

    Update on Reciprocal System Research–Since the 1990’s I’ve been involved with research of Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal System of Theories. First with ISUS (International Society of Unified Science) Then with RSRS (Reciprocal System Research Society) lead by the Late Bruce Peret- and to the present day. The big breakthrough came when the geometric structure of time and space was determined and an extensive computer program was able to model permutations of this in high resolution. With high resolution and sampling rate we have discovered the basic reciprocal space time relation is directly related to the harmonic series and it’s reciprocal relation to the counting numbers.. That is we have found the basic geometric expression of the reciprocal system and it’s relation to fundamental energetic field structures. An introduction to this with extensive diagrams can be seen here.

    I’m working on educational content modules and have submitted a video to collaborate as a content provider/producer. I will be starting a discussion group soon.

    redfox56 replied 1 month, 1 week ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Kritischer Punkt

    January 27, 2025 at 10:42 am

    I intend to investigate what you’re doing as soon as time permits

  • redfox56

    January 27, 2025 at 6:03 pm

    <div>Hello Kritischer,</div><div>


    I clicked on your page and noticed a detailed geometric diagram and am intrigued by this and would like to know more about it. At your convenience I’d be glad to have an exchange. Here are comments you can peruse through in the mean time:


    Thanks for your interest. Since the bi-radial matrix website addresses a broad audience I’ve made every effort to show the basic relationships visually. The basic reciprocal relation between space and time realized and adopted by Larson as a postulate to base his Reciprocal System of Theories on is something we all can grasp. And the numerical expression is as simple as the counting numbers: 1,2,3… and the harmonic series- 1/1, 1/2, 1/3….

    So much of this basic simplicity in nature has been obscured for one reason or another that most people do not believe they can understand it. I’m tirelessly working to bring this out in the open. In the end it appears the science of ET technology has long since expanded upon developed this understanding developing it into advanced applications.

    With all the talk of UAP and ET contact my personal goal is to gain as much understanding as I can that I might be able to fully appreciate the scope and depth of such an advanced being I may some day encounter.


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