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No Solar Flash ?
Posted by shaun huffman on March 20, 2022 at 9:04 amdid anyone see Davids W. latest saying we are not gonna have a solar Flash anymore ????
do you believe him ?
earthsong_lovecraft replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 23 Members · 44 Replies -
44 Replies
The info I got that resonates with me is that Humans wanted to take the body with them trough ascension , so there is not going to be a big solar flash but instead many small ones until ascension is complete. Take this info with your own discernment.
What feels right to me at this time is that our body belongs to the Earth and Ascending is done once the body expires or loses it’s capacity to breathe. Maybe our bodies can take the force of a major solar energetic discharge but seems that one would need to have at least 50% Sacred Light, or positive orientation towards service to others, freedom and prosperity for all, etc…
thats the most stupid thing i ever heard ! why in the world…
well i now wonder why everyone not saying the same thing but yet i still hearing of the Solar Flash….
I did not hear Corey mention that news as well….?
So guessing things of some sort will still happen soon just not Ascension yet…?
To be honest, anything David W says I would take with a pinch of salt. For a number of years now he has been overwhelmed by his own ego.
If you want to know about solar activity then there are plenty of websites which actually monitor the sun in real time and are pretty accurate at making predictions about the suns behaviour.
Bottom line is that if – or when – the sun flares to the extent that its going to cause major damage to Terra there’s nothing you can do about it. The planet is going through some really weird stuff right now and and she will do what she needs to do whether we like it or not.
Ascension seems to mean different things to different people. To be honest I don’t think anybody really knows what it is, how it will happen, when it will happen. I don’t know what it really is. What I find disturbing is that there appears to be an elitist mentality with some that some will be “saved” while others will not.
Funny what you said about David W. Hahaha… I fully agree. He has gotten carried away. Good on him, he’s on a natural high. But, yes you are right, the world seems to adamantly revolve around him. I feel for his wife. Like it or not. For better or worse. There she be. 🙂
I replied to a couple comments above that reflects what you said or was questioning.
Hello Friend. I know you don’t know me, but don’t worry, what we see is not always what’s inside. I am glad that you are speaking HERE. Of course, I agree with your state of consciousness. Contemporary people want the so-called 5D, but they cannot harmonize themselves internally [I say this to those who are constantly looking for the way to the Truth and cannot find – like a widow in Saul’s letters]. Ascension, parousia, rapture, ascension etc. are empty words if the Being does not know what he wants. The Sun is like the Creator [Whom people want to subjugate to themselves], it is UN DESCRIBED, UNKNOWN, it cannot be controlled because it is one of the emitters connected to the Source plans. In my opinion, the Sun will be revealed when all the darkness on this planet will reveal itself and crawl out into the light of day. When the oppression becomes unbearable then the power of the sun will [again] be revealed. If we assume that the Creator is not indifferent to the fate of this species of ISTOT, he will provide them with support at the appropriate time. Yeshua said that day would come like a thief at night – unexpectedly. IT WORTH BEING CONTINUOUSLY READY AS IT HAPPENS NOW 🙂
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Angela Dors.
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Angela Dors. Reason: duplication of content
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Ascension is a constant ongoing process many achieved with no solar flash, it will happen regardless. The solar flash seems designed to do it en masse. Considering our recent year discovery that many so called natural land features are really melted cities and petrified lifeforms, cataclysms have happened repeatedly here.
That being said, we are Divine, and do have a part in how things happen. If we were to reach a point where no solar flash is required, it might be altered, but achieving that anytime soon en masse doesn’t look very realistic at this point.
The Great Solar Flash is on target and Scheduled to happen 2023/2024
NO I Do Not Agree With You! If no Solar Flash Event Happens we will be leaving in a AI Negative Time Line. The Solar Flash Destroys the AI. It will be impossible to expand our consciousness and Ascend with the AI Poison around our solar system.
The sun needs to breath every 12000 years!
EXACTLY! Correcto Mundo. Lol….
And, WE HUMANS do NOT want to be connected to AI anymore than we are.
The upcoming 2023/24 Solar Flash will throw us far away from those Motha F’n Human Killing Pricks!
Earth will be on a heavenly time line after that for 2500 glorious zodiac Aquarian Era years is the consciousness dominating that zodiacal domain in our solar system..
Can I get a YEE HAW Y’ALL!!! 🙂 lol
Corey gave some clarification on the 23 and 24 time frame in CD Season 10 Episode 6 in March of 2018. David: Okay. Then we do need to make some kind of public statement, because some of the things that you said to me before had put emphasis on the year 2023. And I had been led to believe that that was when you had been told the Solar Flash would happen, somewhere around 2023 or 24. So could you clarify the difference between this window of 27 to 28 and the window of 23 to 24?
Corey: I think there is some confusion because the ’23, ’24 has to do with a timeframe that all of the Disclosure information would most likely occur.
David: This is more of a Full Disclosure?
Corey: It’s more of a Full Disclosure and more of an Event. It’s focused around there being a Solar Flash. It is not a Solar Flash. There are flashes and events that lead up to the crescendo event. So uh . . .
David: Are you saying those flashes might even take place over the course of years?
Corey: Yes.
David: Really?
Corey: They’ve already started.
Hi, Steve. The 11 year period thar Corey mentioned is likely referring to the cycle of solar maxima and minima, which is approximately elwven years in length. We will be just coming into solar maximum soon. Assuming we were in solar minimum in 2018 ( I am not sure about that, but it seems reasonable.) . . . then five and a half years from 2018 would put the date at 2023 to 2024, which corresponds to date you referenced above. When I get home I can did up some information about this solar cycle, but even astronomers don’t know whe we are in solar maximum until after we are already in solar maximum. Good thread!
I agree with you as you wish a Solar flash to wipe all anomaly including the AI agenda. Even without Solar Flash or AI Agenda, the negative rulers Empires will rise and fall endlessly irregardless of Armageddon. I am 100% agree with RA assessment on civilisations end with negative polarities majority irregardless of any cycle and I believe it is not the last. COBRA hope a flash to wipe all anomalies is also a wild wish which I do not think it will create a perfect universe with a flash and perfection is subjective. All anomalies or negative polarities are created whenever an action is make, an equal and opposite forces will be created receive by living beings or non sentient beings.
Even if this timeline is gone, you can always reincarnate to other civilisations in other timeline in a multiverse. Following majority will as majority are negative self serving, AI agenda will play for next few hundred years as Micca suggest and Billions of people need this few hundred years to learn and those who do not need such negative timeline will end their life sooner or natural aging and reincarnate elsewhere.
Someone is giving David Misinformation for him to pass around so that we do not prepare for it!
the solar flash is a cosmic thing, its happening if we like it or not, its happened many times before us, it will happen many times after us, so yes, there will be a solar flash. but that is a good thing, because we need the AI signal removed from our system, and it will be the needed system wide reset of our civilization. Also remember to not be as fearful about the event, given that our cosmic cousins will be coming down to render aid. but as CG has said, it will not be fun when it happens, but that beats being enslaved by the AI Signal and it’s current slaves
I agree with everything you said 100%.
In the new interview with Corey, he mentions a little bit of this and a whole lot of other interesting things.
Watch the video on YouTube.
Truth Quest w/Aaron Moriarty – Corey Goode Latest Updates on WTF is going on – Amazing Interview!
Mar 10, 2022 @SphereBeing Alliance
As one of the god brothers said, the Solar Singularity will come when darkness in all its glory reveals its personality on this planet. When all the naive agree to microchip and all the wicked reveal their intentions, then the sun will punish its cleansing power 🙂 We need patience and self-control. Let’s focus on the way to the goal and goal 🙂 It’s best to keep the goal in us constantly, this way nothing will surprise us 🙂
People have been biased since I can remember trying to convince that the Creator – Source is to act according to their whim. Trust MU, the Source has a plan and will do it its own way. 🙂
The Great Solar Flash is scheduled to occur 2023/2024. Shortly thereafter, beautiful, loving ETs will appear to all humanity.
It will be a Spectacular, Welcomed Event. They will teach us lots. They do not judge, unlike humans with their egos.
Namaste 🙂
I think Corey mentioned this date once – would be interesting to see
In Cosmic Disclosure Season 10 Episode 13… May of 2018 Corey made this statement in a Q&A session:Corey:”Well, part of this process is that when a series of Solar Flashes occur after the Sun comes out of what it’s in now, Solar Minimum – which is about 11 years it stays in Solar Minimum – they expect when it pops out, it’s going to do so in a spectacular fashion, that there are going to be a number . . . And while it’s in minimum, they expect some flashes as well. Some have already occurred. And this series of Solar Flashes is going to be basically like an EMP to the Artificial Intelligence. All of the technology that it inhabits will be destroyed, and the AI signal will not be able to permeate our region of space because of this energy that is emanated from the Sun as feedback from the Cosmic Web.
David: How do we avoid being destroyed by the loss of our technology if that is to happen?
Corey: It will be a rough time. People will be . . . There will be a loss of life. There will be some bad things that occur, but that’s going to be the point to where a lot of these breakaway civilizations that break positive for us, after all this happens, they’re going to see that as an opportunity to bring down all of these advanced technologies to everyone on the planet at the same time and not just give it to a few elite countries and let it filter down to the rest.”
Then again
In Cosmic Disclosure Season 11 Episode 4…. June of 2018 Corey made the following comment: Corey: “Basically, they have stated that that is when they plan on bringing a lot of these hidden technologies forward. They expect that . . . And more recently, I was told at the end of this Solar Minimum, which is like 10 or 11 years away, is when they expect this series of solar flashes. And when this series of solar flashes occur, it is going to be basically like an EMP that’s going to destroy all the technology that the AI uses as kind of like a fish in water. It’s going to remove all of that technology. It’s going to clean all the bioelectrical fields of the planet and the other planets because this AI signal can reside in the electrical field of a planet for thousands, millions of years until technology comes by for it to piggyback on. So basically, this AI signal and all of the technology that the AI is utilizing is going to be wiped out. And at that point, they’re going to bring forth all of these technologies that we’ve been able to see in the background.”
That would put it at 2028/2029 time frame +/-.
thank you everyone for your thoughts and i agree, david seems to now be more interested in being the father of anti gravity that i guessing has caused him to vear off the road but i will say that it is thanks to him that i got re interested in things and striving to be a better man which i am very thankful ! but when i saw 1 of his latest videos, my mouth just dropped, confused me greatly… but
I just watched something kinda interesting called ” hacking our 3d reality” on prime…
I am very pleased to see so many aware of things around us and i pray we all make it to the Finish line helping all possible along the way….!!
Thank you again & GOD BLESS
I Been led to believe that our Solar Flash could cause our Earth to have a pole shift partly due to the Terrific graventational pull our Sun….
not sure, just what i have learned and i will never say anything IS NOT POSSIBLE…
I believe we been lied to and manipulated a very very long time ….
David wish that majority manifestation of “no Solar flash” will change course for the timeline. Without Solar flash, the cycle will also end with conflicts accumulated by powerful negative beings who are engineering maximum negative loosh with Armageddon. Corey remote viewing through glasspads or personal “third eyes” might change if different timeline is created. Based on the incoming collapse and growing negative karma back to WEF, we might see the same outcome like Micca where these beings are building spaceship to escape as they will be hunted down with high technologies from Zulu the elders to see their Dark Light. Most if not all are like kids can only differentiate from Leaders who tell them who is “good” and who is “bad” but unable to tell it themselves. Only ascendants have intuitive see a evil Dark Beings instantly without needs of “scientific evidence” or criminal records. Kids and even adults will need such capabilities and stay far away or for those warriors to terminate these Beings for the safety of others like killing off virus.
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Hing Long Seet.
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
All im sure of is that so far, David is the only one who is saying there will now be No solar Flash… i dont belive him though, someone must be instructing him what to say…
Anyhow, i am tring to raise my vibrations best i can & and as fast as possible !
Does anyone have any advise for someone trying to do so but living with one who had a stroke and always upset and complaining and rude, ect ???
i know to do my best to stay possative and happy as best i can, but sometimes i end up a little angry…
Thank you all !!!
Hello, guys🙋 David is not sure in anything, i think, he is researching for himself… And Corey said in one of the latest interviews smth like “…2033 to 2036 – just before the Solar Event” i myself would rather have it earlier than later – but it also implies tectonic shifts – so it might take time for preparation – ascension and social processes, natural elements and our chemistry mutation… Anyways, remaining calm and positive, concentrated on energy flows – is the best advice for anyone of us🌪️🏯🗽🌵🌍🌈🙋💪
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Maxim Galetsky.
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Regarding the Solar Flash or Mini Nova event, It will in fact DESTROY Civilisation as we know it because it will produce both CME impacts and EMP bursts thereby neutralising anything remotely related to Electrical Systems…If the Sun goes dark before the event then a Mini Ice age will ensue, If the Sun goes dark after the event then a longer Mini Ice age will ensue All of which denotes massive death of all biological species leaving rotting bodies generating disease for the Survivors to endure. History shows that to avoid such a scenario we all need to move underground and store seeds and living livestock inclusive of marine life. The only way to do that is to form Co-operatives and work towards a plan as a Group with many groups scattered around the world. Pooling resources is some thing to think about as remaining Top Side is fraught with survivability problems, Worst case scenario.
Ascension is a personal matter depending on the actual work you do, “God only helps those who help themselves” is something to bear in mind. Imagination is your friend.
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Billymu ..
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
I think Corey said he is expecting the Solar flash around 2026.
Has anyone calculated the odds of being incarnated and present for this upcoming solar event…I know one thing, I wouldn’t want to be the pre-adamites! They got scooped up by the blue-orb paddy-wagon and held in a hi-tech jail of sorts. Their cosmic trials have probably concluded by now. Wonder what type of sentence was handed down for those royal long skulls.
There is no point in thinking about the date of the solar event. However, just as the darkness sends the sun’s delay energies to the sun, we can send the energy of love to dissolve their darkness. It depends entirely on the individual approach to the cause of freedom. Do people enjoy living as LOOSH batteries or do they prefer independence and independence?
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Angela Dors. Reason: duplicate text
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Really No Solar Flash! Do you not Remember The White Draco Royal who demanded a meeting with Corey and then Terrorised him and his team because he wanted safe passage through the Solar Barrier and was willing to sacrifice everyone bellow him just to get out of our solar system! David Wilcock his aware about this he even mentioned in is talks!
Hi Shaun..Yes I watched the whole thing. I think DW is wrong about this. Our Sun goes through a cycle. It has from its’ beginning. There are 3,000year events, 6,000year events and so on, leading up to 24,000year event. The Earth and our Moon shows the impact of these events. It is part of the cycle of our Solar system..that’s why we have the remnants of multiple ancient advanced civilizations all over the planet. There are many great videos about it. “The Electric Universe” is one, I also watch a daily video on YouTube “suspicious observers” that monitors the Sun and our magnetic field. It will happen and there will be survivors. We should have gotten hit in the summer 2012 (3 CMEs were heading directly at Earth) but “something” (I believe it was Sphere Beings) bumped them and they went between us and the Moon. David Adair discusses it on Cosmic Disclosure. If they had hit us our civilization would have collapsed by December 2012! The Guardians were giving us time to increase our vibration. That’s why I think Corey (among others) keep telling us to work on our vibration and prepare. Namaste
Hello, Grace!
Thank you for this information. It made me do some investigating into CMEs and Solar Activity. According to this article at the latest data suggests that we will be in Solar Maximum in November 2024.
Things are about to get wild and wooly here on Earth. To paraphrase Bette Davis in ‘All About Eve’ Fasten Your Seatbelts. It’s going to be a Bumpy Ride!
Oh, about David W.
Yes, he has gotten a tad bit full of himself. When I saw him make comments about him being known to future generations as the “Father of Anti-Gravity” while he was standing in a huge empty zeppelin hanger, the factory for his new hovercar venture, was a complete cringe moment for me, but I take it with a grain of salt. David gets a pass. I think he’s earned it. Lol!
You know, I’m quite excited to discover this growing online Community and am super grateful to Corey Goode and his Team for building it.
Raising Consciousness and Increasing our Vibration is HUGE at this pivotal moment.
We know Graduation is here. We know that the Big Bath aka the Solar Flash is coming. It’s imminent. And that’s a good thing, because it’s necessary to exterminate all the bloodsucking ticks of the Satanic AI GOD from this solar system. Now, how severe the Flash will be is, and I’m just guessing here, I believe might be up to us folks here on Earth. Who knows?
Thanks Again, Grace!
Thanks every one and i not exactly sure what but i feel End Days are very near and i just hope and pray more than 300,000 are able to move forward !
I would like to know more of the Akoshic records and access them as i would like to know how many times i have lived and been re born again.
also finding out how old i really am since 1st density.
So i guess ill stop watching David as since i saw his latest i feel were being played so he can persue being a founder of Anti-gravity or something as all that was said of things to come and then change his tune w not much explanation and have videos of him doing household chores…???? Ill pass !!!
does anyone else have any info on Alpha Cent. taking our solar event causing thigs to be prolonged ?
Or anyone think he could be forced to change his tune as such ?
Hi, Shaun. The solar events near Alpha Centauri actually occured on a smaller nearby star designated as Proxima Centauri, our nearest stellar neighbor. A series of solar flares occured over the course of several years. (Proxima Centauri is known to be unstable.) The largest flares recorded from that star were studied by a team of researchers at CU Boulder in Colorado. Their research was published in the online journal, “The Astrophysical Journal Letters.” The study is titled “Discovery of an Extremely Short Duration Flare from Proxima Centauri Using Millimeter through Far-ultraviolet Observations.” Astronomers still consider the region “habitable.” As for our own solar system, there is excellent published research into the terrestrial evidence of past solar events and the impact to life here on earth. I will post some references in a follow-up post. In the meantime, some key words are solar proton events, coronal mass ejections, younger dryas, and the Carrington event. For me it is worth doing some investigation into the original research rather that just taking the synopsis offered in a video presentation. Just a quick spoiler…the catastrophic mass extinctions 12,000 years ago were probably provoked by SPEs that impacted the Earth. Obviouly humans survived, but there was a tremendous cultural loss and many societal groups vanished. This is not to instill fear, just a direction for some scientific curiosity.
No …? when was this video posted?
I saw the update from David Wilcock in march, but he didn’t say “the solarflash is canselled” or anything like that.
Anyways, the Ascension; the rise in energy frequency, is something very different from a solarflash/flare.
It is an ongoing prosess, an energy- ‘thing’, and the outbursts from the Sun (sunflares) is because of this new energy – that is here now.
Or more like: our planet is in the region of space that have this higher energy, and it comes in waves ..
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Nina S Grøtting.
Hi, wanted to say I feel ya, but all have and are saying a POLAR SHIFT is approaching being the result’s of a SOLAR FLASH (not solar flare)….
After our planet’s Axis changes and all settles, things will be better than before as I feel this all is necessary being that our sun, planet and all therein are In Accention Right Now !
But I HATE to say that i Believe that MANY WILL PERISH when all I Wish for is a PEACEFUL ASSENTION!!
David was telling of all going to happen, said some would as send but most be reincarnated, kept saying if we’re jus 51 % or more to the good, we would be ok, so so much !
But now , he is saying it will be a peaceful assention that all will as send, won’t be a mass extension event….???
Be nice if he would explain for the new predictions..
Anyway. Love Everyone
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Alpha Centauri … If you are looking for info on the solar flash there, you might have to search in the scientific and astronomy area. Don’t know what type of sites, but maybe: university xyz, Nasa, Hubble telescope …? The nerdiest of them?
What does your intuition tell you? Always go within for the best information.
Someone’s intuition might not be the same as another’s. It depends on how we define intuition per se… or more on how we don’t, actually, to get so many diverse interpretations.
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